Barley on the eye: medicines for treatment

Barley on the eye is very unpleasant: it does not look aesthetically pleasing, it is characterized by inflammation, painful sensations and swelling. Many are waiting for the inflammation to pass by itself or use any folk remedies to get rid of this ailment as soon as possible. Meanwhile, barley is effectively treated with medication.What drugs are used to treat barley on the eye? This will be discussed later in the article.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Possible complications
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Antibacterial drops
    • 5.2Ointments
    • 5.3Other assets
      • 5.3.1Cauterization
      • 5.3.2Echinacea
      • 5.3.3Propolis
    • 5.4Surgical methods
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of disease

Barley is a purulent inflammation of the sebaceous gland of the century as a result of infection. Most often, the infectious agent becomes yellow staphylococcus aureus.Symptoms of inflammation on the eye are felt before the onset of development of purulent manifestation: a person observes discomfort, swelling, and mild pain.

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If you do not immediately pay attention to such manifestations at the edge of the century, the inflammation begins to appear externally: a compaction with a festering head appears on the eyelid. Pus ripens and comes out.


Many people think that barley is due to hypothermia. In fact, the causes of the appearance of barley on the eye are caused by a bacterial infection that is put into the eye with dirt.

Barley often occurs in women when applying makeup, so before this procedure, it is recommended to thoroughly wash and disinfect hands.

There are other prerequisites for the appearance of barley.For example, hereditary predisposition (such barley often suffer from relatives).

Another important factor is the reduction of the body's defenses.People who rarely visit the open air are at greater risk, as well as those who lack vitamins. Frequent stresses also lead to a decrease in the body's defenses.

Barley on the eye often appears repeatedly, so in order to avoid relapses and complications it must be timely and properly treated.


On the first day of inflammation in the ciliary age, a feeling of discomfort appears. There is a feeling that something is interfering.

On the second day on the eyelid, edema appears red. If he is big, then the person experiences pain.

Gradually, a white dot appears on the pouched out pouch, then pus begins to come out.

Possible complications

In most cases, barley passes on its own for several days. But with reduced immunity, concomitant diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus, as well as experiments with self-medication, barley can cause more serious problems, such as:

  • Multiple abscesses, when the infection spreads to adjacent tissues.As a rule, the reason for this is either very low immunity or illiterate treatment.
  • Halyazion:compaction of pus and formation on a century of a dense "nodule". This complication occurs with deep barley and is not always amenable to conservative treatment.
  • Chronic infection:result of untreated barley. Symptom can be both frequent relapses, and general weakness, colds.
  • Phlegmon of the orbit:transfer of infection to the orbit of the eye. The main cause is either lingering barley, which has not been treated, or an attempt to open the abscess. This complication of the disease can lead to vision problems due to disruption of the corneal nutrition and optic nerve damage, up to the loss of the eye.
  • Sepsis of blood and meningitis:Serious complications that require immediate hospitalization. Symptoms of these pathologies are high body temperature, severe headache, severe weakness. Developed as a result of chronic barley and getting pus in the orbit, where from the blood stream the infection spreads throughout the body.

Never squeeze out pus from ripe barley. In this case, it is possible to get the infection into the subcutaneous veins of the face, and on them - into the deep veins of the orbit. In the future, the abovementioned complications may develop, but a lethal outcome is not excluded.


With timely access to the ophthalmologist barley is treated quite simply.At an early stage, abscess development can be avoided. Unfortunately, medical care is usually treated when the disease has already gone far or develops with complications. The treatment regimen depends on the stage of the disease.

Antibacterial drops

This disease is contagious, so medication involves the use of drugs with antibiotics. The main among them - drops from barley, such as:

  • Albucid 30%(Sulfacil sodium) - one of the most effective drugs against barley.
  • Levomycetin solution, 5%- very burning sensations, and this must be borne in mind;
  • ointment Erythromycin 1%;
  • Penicillin 1%;
  • Gentamicin;
  • Ciprofloxacin;
  • Tsiprolet;
  • Tobrex (allowed even for pregnant women and children).

To ensure that the drops are the most useful, they need to be able to correctly input. Next - the rules of instillation of eyes with drugs:

  1. Never bury eye drops cold.Before the procedure, 5-10 minutes, you must warm the bottle in your hands.
  2. Bury the medicine sitting or lying, as you like.The main thing is to throw your head back. In this position, pull the lower eyelid back with your finger. Thus the sight should be directed upwards.
  3. Bury the agent in the inner corner of each eye:so it evenly spreads over the surface of the entire mucosa.
  4. Bury the healing solution in both eyes, even in a healthy one, 3 to 5 times a day, depending on the severity of the abscess on the eyelid and its nature.

In addition to eye drops, the treatment of barley with medicines involves the use of ointments for external use.


A doctor can prescribe antibacterial ointments such as:

  • Tetracycline;
  • Erythromycin;
  • Hydrocortisone.

Eye ointment antibiotics accelerate the maturation of barley on the eye and promote a speedy recovery. Rules for the application of ointments:

  1. In a small amount ointment is pawned 2-3 times a day.It should be borne in mind that after their application, the appearance of the surrounding world resembles a frosted glass for half an hour, or even more. Therefore, it is better to do it right after work, when you can lie down, relax at home, and before going to bed.
  2. Before using the ointment, wash your hands thoroughly, preferably with antibacterial soap.
  3. On the index finger of the right hand, squeeze a small amount of ointment.
  4. With your left hand, pull the lower eyelid, and leave the ointment in the conjunctival sac.

It is recommended to use ointments-antibiotics in parallel with drops against barley, but between them there should be a time interval of at least 1 hour. Working people are best from the morning and at work to use drops, and at home and before bedtime - ointment.

Ointments have a very thick consistency, which makes visibility worse, but today ointments have been replaced by transparent gels with a more liquid consistency, which are excellent distributed throughout the eyeball, and the excess quickly washed away secretions of tear ducts, resulting in a picture of visibility is improved after 10-15 minutes.For example, one can use one of such novelties as Blepharogel, which contains hyaluronic acid, tissue cleansing, aloe juice, which has a disinfecting effect.

Many advise you to use ointment from barley Acyclovir, but do not do this, since this ointment will not help get rid quickly of inflammation.

Other assets

In the event that the local treatment of barley does not give the desired effect, the doctor prescribes medicines against the infection and to strengthen the immunity, used inside:

  • Antibiotics: Ofloxacin, Amoxil;
  • Echinacea preparations;
  • Propolis;
  • Multivitamins.


Very often, patients self-cauterize barley with medical alcohol, greens or iodine.If everything is done professionally, carefully, the patient will not burn the mucous membrane of the eye. However, this happens rarely, so cauterization is best entrusted to a specialist.

The ophthalmologist decides whether barley should be moxibusted. He will also perform this procedure in the laboratory, observing all the rules of hygiene and sterilization. Only in this case the infection will not spread further and the disease will not leave after itself any consequences and complications.


Echinacea is also able to effectively treat barley on the eye. Produced drugs with echinacea in different forms:

  • Solution for external lotions on edemas;
  • Tablets are taken orally (absorbed in the mouth).

The medicine for barley on the eye helps to accelerate recovery at home, reduces the symptoms of inflammation: pain, swelling. The therapeutic course of tablets is a week, it is released without a doctor's prescription. Contraindications include:

  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Diseases of connective tissue;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Leukemia;
  • Multiple sclerosis;
  • AIDS;
  • Children under the age of 12 years.


It is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent of natural origin against barley on the eye. Promotes the maturation of abscesses, which accelerates the process of recovery. If propolis is used in the early stages of barley development, then the likelihood of complete resorption is high.

That the medicine on the basis of propolis brought maximum benefit, it is important to be able to properly prepare it at home. Cooking method:

  1. Propolis grind with a knife or grater.
  2. Observe the following proportions: 100 g propolis powder - per 1 liter of 96% alcohol.
  3. Shredded propolis in a dark container and pour alcohol.
  4. Leave the solution for an infusion of a couple of weeks, shaking the mixture every day.
  5. For internal use, propolis tincture (20 drops) is diluted with 200 ml of water or milk. Use the mixture once a day.

Propolis can not be used for people suffering from diabetes, pollinosis, bronchial asthma, urticaria, allergic rhinitis, dermatitis, eczema, diathesis.

Surgical methods

In some cases (with a large abscess, the absence of the expected effect of the treatment), the surgeon performs the opening of barley in an ophthalmological room.In the future, the daily postoperative treatment of the eyelids, local or systemic antibiotic therapy. With chronic inflammation of the eyelids, they resort to epilation of the eyelashes.

Carrying out of surgical manipulations at a barley is possible only by the doctor-ophthalmologist and at all can not be carried out independently in house conditions.

In the case of frequent relapses of barley, activities such as:

  • Autohaemotherapy;
  • UFO;
  • Vitaminotherapy;
  • Common restorative measures.

In the formation of barley halasia of the lower eyelid, its removal by injection or by surgery is indicated.


In order to prevent the appearance of barley, it is necessary to improve immunity, exercise regularly, eat right and avoid stress. In addition, the following rules must be observed:

  • Do not touch your eyes with dirty hands, do not wipe your face with a stale towel;
  • Women - use only their own cosmetics, regularly wash brushes, brushes and applicators for applying makeup;
  • Avoid hypothermia;
  • Do not run chronic diseases;
  • Use protective goggles when working in dusty rooms;
  • When using contact lenses, remove and put on only with clean hands or with a pair of special tweezers.

Contact lenses for 3 months

This article describes the preparation Phenylephrine with instructions for use.

Trauma eye code according to ICD-10 with treatment methods




As you can see, it is possible to eliminate barley without consequences for the body with the help of medications that allow quickly and effectively to remove inflammation. With the right approach and timely treatment, you can suppress this ailment at the stage of its appearance. In no case should you engage in self-medication. This can lead to serious consequences.

Read also about whether the conjunctivitis is infectious or not, and at what disturbances of vision night contact lenses are used.

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