Cataract of the eye: modern methods of non-surgical treatment

Cataract of the eye is a serious disease, due to which partially or completely lost sight of more than 20 million people.The most common method of treating this ailment is a surgical operation to replace the lens. It can not be said that this is a bad method, since in most cases the operation produces successful results.However, many are interested in the question of whether cataracts can be cured in a less radical way. We will try to answer this question together. To do this, let's look at the symptoms and treatment of cataracts.


  • 1What is cataract?
  • 2Causes of appearance and symptoms
  • 3Treatment of cataracts
    • 3.1Medication Therapy
    • 3.2Physiotherapy
    • 3.3Alternative methods of non-surgical cataract treatment
    • 3.4Non-traditional ways of fighting cataracts
      • 3.4.1Diet and Exercise
    • 3.5Surgical method
  • 4Video
  • 5conclusions

What is cataract?

Cataract (lat. cataracts - waterfall) is a clouding of the lens or its capsules. This disease is accompanied by a decrease in vision or loss of vision.

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Cataract overtakes mostly people in old age, but it can also occur in youth.There are several types of this disease:

  • traumatic;
  • congenital;
  • complicated;
  • radiation cataract.

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There are about 1, 0, 00 people in the world who suffer from cataracts.And most of them are over 60 years old. At 75 years of age, cataracts occur in 26% of men and 46% of women. And those over 80 face cataracts in 90% of cases.

Causes of appearance and symptoms

There are many reasons that contribute to the development of cataracts:

  • age (over the years, the body's ability to resist toxins from the external environment decreases, and the level of natural antioxidants decreases);
  • diabetes mellitus (leads to the development of diabetic cataracts);
  • smoking;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • trauma to the eye;
  • reception of drugs belonging to the group of corticosteroids;
  • prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays on the eyeball;
  • severe infections (typhus, malaria, smallpox);
  • anemia;
  • poisoning the body with toxic substances;
  • eye diseases;
  • Some skin diseases (eczema, scleroderma, neurodermatitis);
  • eye burns;
  • myopia of high degree.

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The cause of cataracts can also be a hereditary factor.

The most common symptom of the disease is a decrease in visual acuity. But such a symptom does not always appear: at the initial stage of cataract vision can remain high. It depends on where the clouding of the lens occurred - on the periphery or in the center.

If the cataract develops on the periphery, the visual acuity remains unchanged and only the ophthalmologist is able to detect the disease.But if the clouding of the lens occurs in the center, the patient himself will notice problems with vision.

How to wear night lenses for the restoration of vision read here.

Other symptoms of cataract:

  • fuzzy vision of objects, blurriness of their contours;
  • bifurcation of images;
  • change in the color of the pupil (yellowish, grayish and even white hue);
  • decrease or increase of photosensitivity;
  • strabismus, "white pupil lack of response to movement (with congenital cataracts).

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Treatment of cataracts

Cataract is a progressive disease, it can not be started.The earlier a person begins treatment, the less complications the disease will bring to the eye.The main task with therapeutic therapy is to slow its spread. Today, doctors achieve this by different methods, each of which has its pros and cons.

Medication Therapy

Worldwide, cataracts are considered a disease of the century: after 40 years this diagnosis is established for every fifth inhabitant of the earth, and after 60 years for every second inhabitant.That is why in different countries doctors are looking for alternative ways to combat this disease.

The main achievement of medicine in this channel is the invention of drops for the eyes. The use of droplets can slow down the processes of turbidity in the lens of the eye.

Drug treatment is aimed at the following effects:

  • increased blood circulation;
  • improvement of metabolic processes affecting the transparency of the lens;
  • saturation of the eye with vitamins and other missing substances.

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The composition of the drops should include the following beneficial substances: nicotinic acid, K, Mg, Ca, C, B2, and PP. The most common of domestic drugs are Taufon and Emoxipine.The minus of these drops is that in the open form they have a short shelf life - only a week.In this regard, the advantage over foreign drugs, such as:

  • Quinax (Belgium);
  • Katalin (Japan);
  • Katachrom (Finland);
  • Senkatalin (India);
  • Vicine and Vitayodourol (France).

Patients who wish to cure cataract without surgery can also be prescribed tablets that include vitamin complexes.Such drugs are designed to enhance the effect of drops.

With all the merits of drug therapy, it is important to note: cataracts can be cured with drops and tablets only at its early stage. At a late stage, medications will only help slow the progression of the disease, but without surgery, the disease can not be cured.

The conservative method of treatment still has significant disadvantages: prolonged use of drops and tablets may adversely affect the health of the eyes.That is why ophthalmologists are advised to take breaks between the courses of taking medications.In addition, they are worth a lot, given that they only give a temporary effect.

However, for people of advanced age who are not allowed by the concomitant diseases to perform the operation, cataract treatment with drops is the only way out.


Physiotherapeutic procedures have a positive effect on the eyes as a whole.Such procedures involve the use of various instruments, for example, glasses Pankov or Sidorenko. Now they have gained considerable popularity.Some adaptations affect the sick eyes through color therapy and reaction to light.

Pupils contract and expand, which means that the circulation of blood and intraocular fluid improves in the vitreous.Other devices are aimed at pneumomassage around the eyes, improve their blood supply.

But physiotherapy does not guarantee the full recovery of the eye from cataracts. It gives only a temporary effect. Usually, physical procedures are prescribed in combination with medication to achieve the maximum result.

Alternative methods of non-surgical cataract treatment

Older people are reluctant to agree to a radical cataract treatment, so some experts are developing their own methods to combat the progressive clouding of the lens.Some of them are aimed at self-hypnosis, others are based on specially designed sets of exercises for the eyes. Such methods, of course, deserve attention, but practice shows that they are not as effective as the ways of fighting the disease presented above.Information on these cataract treatment techniques can be easily found on the Internet. But is it worth to believe the promises of the authors about cataract treatment with the help of alternative, non-surgical techniques? A single answer to this question does not exist yet.

Non-traditional ways of fighting cataracts

Folk recipes are aimed at reducing the degree of development of the disease.They were used more than once in practice and received recognition among the elderly.Traditional methods of treatment have many advantages:

  • are safe in application (if they do not help, then at least they will not harm);
  • easy to prepare;
  • inexpensive for the cost.

All national recipes can be conditionally divided into four varieties:

  1. Herbal decoctions and infusions(burdock, sage, calendula, aloe, hawthorn, marjin root, currant leaves, nettle, etc.).
  2. Lotions, compresses, mixtures for ingestion, made from food(honey, potatoes, blueberries, onions, garlic, etc.).
  3. Procedures based on the use of household chemicals(for example, washing the patient's eye with soap).
  4. Other non-traditional treatments(urinotherapy, infusion of earthworms, etc.).

In some cases, even ophthalmologists can recommend the use of folk remedies along with traditional treatment.Complex treatment gives good results at the initial stages of cataract development and for its prevention.

Diet and Exercise

The right way of life has not harmed anyone, on the contrary, it only helps with any disease to improve the whole organism.Many ophthalmologists advise patients with cataracts to eat as much as possible useful vegetables and vitamins, which charity affect the vitreous.Fish, carrots, parsley juice, blueberries and mulberries should be included in the daily diet of a person suffering from cataracts. In addition, the patient must consume a lot of fluid to avoid dry eyes.To say unequivocally that this will help cure cataracts is not possible, however a healthy lifestyle, together with other methods of treatment, can give a very effective result.

For the prevention of cataracts and the first symptoms it is recommended to perform the following exercises:

  • Blink rapidly for 10 seconds.
  • Sit down. Move the view to the right and left (up and down) to the stop, delaying for 2 seconds.
  • Look at the diagonals, delaying in each direction for 2 seconds.
  • Translate your eyes as if you "draw" through the eyes of a rhombus (2 seconds).

Regular performance of these exercises will help restore the movement of the lens, blood circulation and slow down the progression of cataracts.

Surgical method

Always remember that cataracts are a progressive and irreversible process.

Drug treatment and other techniques can only alleviate the condition of the patient, slow the progression of the disease. The initial transparency of the lens is not restored. It is important to turn to a specialist in time, which will help to keep your eyesight.

If, in spite of medical therapy, vision continues to worsen, and the symptoms of the disease manifest themselves even more, the only correct solution will be surgical intervention to remove cataracts.It is necessary that the patient can lead a full life and continue working.

For the rapid removal of cataracts, the stage of maturity of the disease does not matter. Only surgery with total loss of vision is considered unpromising.

Medication can not cure a secondary cataract after replacing the lens.




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So, cataracts are a serious and dangerous disease.It is important not to miss the moment and treat the disease medically in the early stages.But if the disease continues to progress, then the operation to remove cataracts will help to avoid further vision problems.