We treat psoriasis independently at home with folk remedies

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Various folk remedies are used to treat psoriasis. The disease is long and such methods will not be cured of it, but it will help to significantly weaken the symptoms. Moreover, official medicine positively refers to different options for treating psoriasis with folk remedies at home.

  • Psoriasis causes
  • Children
  • Treatment of psoriasis by various methods
  • About home treatment and folk remedies
  • What herbs help to get rid of psoriasis
  • Medication
  • Methotrexate
  • Ointments
  • Homeopathy
  • Ultraviolet
  • Treatment of various forms of the disease
  • Vulgar psoriasis
  • Seborrheic Psoriasis
  • Teardrop psoriasis
  • At an exacerbation
  • In pregnancy
  • Treatment of psoriasis on the head
  • Psoriasis nail treatment at home
  • Psoriasis on the elbows
Related articles:
  • Psoriasis: treatment and photo of the initial stage
  • How to cure psoriasis forever at home: recipes
  • We find out whether psoriasis is contagious
  • Symptoms and treatment of psoriasis of the head
  • We select effective ointments from psoriasis

Psoriasis causes

There are several factors that can provoke the disease:

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  • heredity (the genetic predisposition is something to influence - chemical agents, mechanical damage, fungal diseases, dermatitis, allergic reaction, chronic diseases, stresses, experiences, viral and bacterial infections);
  • weakened immunity (which is reduced due to malnutrition, hypothermia, bad habits, stress);
  • neurogenic cause of development (mental trauma, emotional shock, psycho-emotional stress);
  • metabolic disorders (increased cholesterol, lack of vitamin A and B, zinc, copper and iron);
  • violation of the hormonal background (puberty, menopause, pregnancy).

Important!At the first signs of the onset of the disease, consult a doctor who treats psoriasis!


Often in children, psoriasis is caused by a genetic predisposition. But this does not mean that if someone from close psoriasis, the child will also have to get sick. Certain reasons for today do not exist. But there are also provoking factors:

  • infectious;
  • kidney disease;
  • impaired liver function;
  • mechanical damage to the skin.

Treatment of child psoriasis is based on the method:

  • calcium gluconate solution 5% and calcium chloride 10% (10-15 injections);
  • vitamins (ascorbic acid, pyridoxine solution, vitamin B12 and A);
  • Glucocorticoids in rare cases (Prednisolone).

For external use use:

  • if the palms and sole are affected - bandages with salicylic and sulfur-tar ointments;
  • on the sick areas of the hair cover - theophylline and papaverine ointment.

It is important to understand that among the set of folk recipes, it is necessary to look for those that are suitable for a particular person. A certain herb, compress or ointment will have an amazing effect in one situation, and in another it may be completely inactive.

Important!The results of the course of treatment with folk methods can be seen not earlier than in two weeks (in the absence of another, specified in the prescription period). So you need to complete the course, and not stop after three procedures. It is easier to reduce the manifestations of psoriasis in the initial stage.

Treatment of psoriasis by various methods

Before you start treating the disease, you need to find out whether or not psoriasis is contagious, read about this in detail in our article.

About home treatment and folk remedies

It is best to use several folk remedies for different purposes, so you can treat psoriasis at home. For example, along with infusions of herbs that are taken orally, apply external ointments. Complex treatment, like with other diseases, will help to get positive results faster.


There are various ways in which soda is used to treat psoriasis:

  • bath (to collect a hot bath with a volume of about 60-80 liters and dilute in it 900 g of soda, immerse the entire body, take half an hour, then do not wipe with a towel, only get wet skin). The procedure is performed every other day for two weeks before bedtime;
  • processing (2 h. l. soda dissolve in 200 ml of water, the solution obtained wipe the affected areas 3 times a day);
  • compresses (2 tbsp. l. soda pour water to obtain a homogeneous mass, using a tampon impose on the affected areas 2 times a day for two weeks);
  • hot compress (3 tbsp. l. soda dissolve in 500 ml of hot water, in the resulting mixture, moisten the bandage and attach to the sore spots, leave until completely cooled. Repeat the procedure for several weeks).


Baths with sea salt will have an effect after a few procedures. Treatment will not only be useful, but also enjoyable. If you need to get rid of psoriasis, it is advisable to use sea salt, but in its absence, you can use the usual kitchen (the action will be slightly weaker).

For the procedure, you need to collect a bathroom with warm water and pour out a pack of salt, lie down in it for 15 minutes. Then do not rinse, wipe, too, do not need, it is only to get wet slightly body soft towel. After this, you can make a salt compress on the affected areas and lubricate them with a therapeutic ointment or cream.


Chloride iodine is used in psoriasis with small plaques formed. It is recommended to cover the entire surface of the affected area. It should be borne in mind that the procedure is painful. You can adhere to a certain scheme using not only iodine, but also other means:

  • the first week - in the morning, lubricate the affected area with iodine, in the evening - with salt water;
  • The second week is treated once a day with a solidol.

Approximate course of treatment a month and a half. Without agreement with the doctor, these funds can not be used.

Flax seeds and oil

Excellent for treating psoriasis are flax seeds. It is enough to take them in the amount of a tablespoon, pour a glass of boiling water. Infuse the night, use the solution inside in the morning, immediately after awakening. You can drink several tablets of activated charcoal before bedtime, for better assimilation of flax seeds. This method will help get rid of the numerous rashes that arise from the accumulation of toxins.

As for ordinary linseed oil, they can lubricate affected areas several times a day. This is a popular folk remedy for the described disease, which will show the first results within a few weeks.


Psoriasis refers to such diseases, which can worsen against a background of stress. A person has severe rashes, and coping with them quickly is extremely difficult. In this situation, the usual birch tar, which is sold in the pharmacy. They need to lubricate the problem areas and leave for an hour. Then rinse the affected area and treat with infusion of celandine. Conduct 14 procedures. Remember, the minus of this folk way of treatment of psoriasis is a sharp and unpleasant smell of tar.

Ash with birch buds

If you want to quickly cope with rashes, it is recommended to add tar to the additional ingredients. In particular, for 0.75 part of tar, take 0.15 part of birch ash. Get an ointment that is suitable for lubricating the rashes. As for the decoction of birch buds, it should be taken inside (a large spoonful of kidneys is poured into a glass of boiling water, in a water bath keep half an hour). Drink birch buds for 50 ml before each meal. The broth can be used for compresses.


Celery is usually used only in the preparation of salads, but it has found application in folk medicine. The plant will help to cure psoriasis at home. It is necessary to take the root part and grind it (mixer, small grater). Compresses are applied to the affected areas of the body for two hours. Treatment is conducted 60 days in a row. Also help to improve the effect of celery juice: it is enough to drink two tablespoons three times a day.


Use in the treatment of psoriasis requires dry flowers of clover. They are taken in the amount of several tablespoons, wrapped in gauze, and boiled water. Insist the flowers should be a few minutes, then fry and attach to the sites of the rash for several hours. With regard to infusion, it can be drunk inside for the purification of blood vessels.

Pickle of cabbage

Sick places for the night are smeared with cabbage brine. Allow the skin to dry itself and try, if possible, cabbage brine do not wash off for several days. At a minimum, seven such procedures should be carried out.

Egg yolks

For treatment, it is recommended to use only domestic chicken eggs. You need to take a fertilized egg, boil it hard. Remove the yolk from the egg and grind it until it reaches the gruel. Then fry it in a dry hot frying pan until a red oily liquid appears (it will take about an hour to fry). Put the gruel in gauze and squeeze out the oil through it. Lubricate affected areas. Remember, 100 ml of butter can be obtained from two dozen eggs.

Hydrogen peroxide

Nothing is complicated in this way of treating psoriasis. Take the usual hydrogen peroxide, it is wetted cotton wool. Lubricate affected areas of the skin three times a day. Peroxide does not need to be diluted.

Activated carbon

Thanks to the adsorbing properties of activated carbon, it is safely used at home. It is necessary to crush the tablets (1 tablet per 10 kg of weight) into powder, pour water, shake and drink at a time 2 hours before eating. For forty days of treatment, it is required to follow a diet, exclude fatty, salty, spicy, smoked food and alcoholic beverages from the diet.


Of grated raw potatoes, which must be pink in color, you can make a gruel and apply as a compress. It is important that the compress touches the affected area for at least two hours.


This drug can be used alone and as a basis for various ointments. Often, instead of the oily base for ointments, in addition to the solidol, also use petroleum jelly. But in the treatment of psoriasis, it is the salt that produces a pronounced effect. Cooking ointment from the solidolone can be based on a half a kilogram of this product with the addition of several tablespoons of honey and half a tube of cream. Small rashes grease twice a day, but for large lesions there is enough and one-time use during the day.


If you can find a small spoonful of gunpowder, an effective remedy can be prepared on its basis. Gunpowder is diluted in 100 ml of Vaseline. Apply the mixture to affected areas every day for 6 months. The method refers to unsafe, not approved by doctors.

Milk Scale

Milk, it is better to take a homemade product, you should boil it in enamelware. Then drain into another dish, and on the walls in the pan should remain a white coating. They lubricate the affected areas of the body for ten days.


15 grams of propolis should be put in 100 grams of warm butter. Stir by adding three capsules of vitamin A. Apply to affected areas through gauze (simply soak it in this mixture).


On the basis of honey, ointments are often prepared for the treatment of psoriasis. If plaques appeared on the palms and soles, recommend a recipe for honey-glycerin ointment - 2 tbsp. l. glycerin mixed with 1 tbsp. l. honey. This ointment helps to soften the skin.

Good results were shown by an ointment based on honey, celandine and protein: mix 25 grams of flower honey, 50 g of egg white, 1.3 g of dry crushed celandine, 50 g of medical Vaseline, 10 g of baby cream. For 10 days, lubricate the affected areas 2 times a day.


Treatment with the use of leeches is called hirudotherapy. Therapy is 7-10 sessions, it is recommended to go through a second course in a month. Hirudotherapy has no side effects. Treatment is contraindicated:

  • with individual intolerance;
  • anemia;
  • hemophilia;
  • hypotension;
  • pregnancy.

What herbs help to get rid of psoriasis

Black elderberry

A large spoon of elderberry leaves should be poured into two glasses of boiling water. Leave to infuse for an hour, then drink after eating 100 ml three times for one day.Black elderberry from psoriasis


Purity in psoriasis is used in several ways:

  • bath (1 tbsp. l. Leaf plants pour 4 liters of water and boil, cover and let stand for 1 hour, cooked infusion add to the bath with water);
  • infusion (mix celandine, chopped walnuts, peppermint and blackberry leaves in a ratio of 2: 1: 1: 3 tablespoons, pour 1.5 liters of boiling water, put for 1 hour, brew, take 1 tbsp. l. 2 times a day for one week);
  • pure juice (1 drop of juice per 100 ml of water, daily increase by 1 drop until the twentieth day, take 1 time a day after eating);
  • ointment (2 h. l. celandine, 100 g of solidol, 15 g of Flucinar ointment mix thoroughly. cover and let it brew for 3 days, for five days, rub the ointment in the affected areas 2 times a day).

Field horsetail

In this popular recipe for psoriasis, you need to take two large spoons of chopped dry horsetail. Pour three glasses of hot water, boil the mixture for five minutes. Soak the towel in the decoction, which should be placed on the affected areas. You can take a bath once a week with this decoction.
Field horsetail from psoriasis

Sophora Japanese

It will take 50 grams of Sophora for treatment. It is rather difficult to get it, but if it does, the effectiveness of treatment will increase. Pour 0.5 liters of vodka and insist for two weeks. If you take fresh fruit, then 100 grams of product pour 200 ml of vodka. This tincture already in ready-made form can be bought at the pharmacy. Take half a small spoon three times a day, dissolve in water.
Sophora Japanese from psoriasis

Birch mushroom chaga

You need to find the mushroom in a clean place, with good ecology. Cut, wash and pour overnight with boiled water. Skip the mushroom through the meat grinder. The resulting mass of water to pour water 50 degrees Celsius. Infuse for two days and take 100 ml of tincture before eating.
We treat psoriasis at home


Medicamentous treatment of psoriasis includes the intake of various drugs inside, the use of ointments and other means. Orally take:

  • antihistamines (Diazolin, Suprastin);
  • hepatoprotectors (Essentiale, Karsil);
  • enzymes (Creon, Festal);
  • Enetrosorbents (Enterosgel, Polysorb);
  • antibiotics (from the group of penicillins, macrolides and cephalosporins);
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Nurofen, Nyz);
  • immunosuppressors (Alefaccept);
  • biopreparations.

Hormonal drugs are used for moderate and severe forms of the disease. Use only as directed by a doctor. In other cases it is recommended to do without them. Medications depress the work of the adrenal cortex, although they lead to a rapid effect, but for a short period. In addition, hormonal drugs have a lot of other side effects.


This drug is prescribed for patients with a moderate disease and with severe form. Indications:

  • the area of ​​damage is more than 20%;
  • pustular psoriasis;
  • psoriatic arthritis;
  • psoriatic erythroderma;
  • with complex forms of nail lesions;
  • atypical psoriasis.


Ointments for the treatment of psoriasis are divided into two groups: hormonal and non-hormonal. Hormonal ointments lead to addiction and have a sufficient number of side effects. Non-hormonal drugs are safer for the patient, but less effective. The most common effective ointments for psoriasis:

  • solidolovye (Kartalin, Magnipor);
  • Naftalan ointment, oil-based products (Naftaderm, Losterin);
  • Celestoderm;
  • Sulfur;
  • Elokom;
  • Likan Shuangju;
  • Thai.

Ointments for external use:

  • corticosteroids (Triderm, Uniderm);
  • keratolics (based on lactic and salicylic acid);
  • including synthetic analogues of vitamin D (Daivobet);
  • with the composition of wood and coal tar (Ditrial);
  • preparations of naftalan.


Homeopathic remedies for psoriasis are prescribed individually, based on the symptoms and stage of the disease. Often write:

  • parallel reception and use Psorinochel and Psoriaten;
  • At exacerbation in cold weather, recommend Acidum Formicicum;
  • from peeling Arsenicum album approaches;
  • patients of advanced age require Arsenicum iodate;
  • with symptoms of otrubrious peeling - Calcaria carbonica;
  • peeling with redness - hydrocolon;
  • with the disease of hands and nails - Petroleum;
  • if the joints are affected - Manganum.


The treatment of psoriasis contributes to vitamin D, which the patient receives when exposed to ultraviolet rays. The second positive factor is the improvement of the nervous state, getting rid of depression, which is also an advantage in fighting the disease. The skin gets sunburn and the affected areas become less expressive. Ultraviolet rays adversely affect patients with dry skin and with individual intolerance.

Treatment of various forms of the disease

Vulgar psoriasis

On inpatient treatment, vulgar psoriasis is treated with the following drugs:

  • the introduction of magnesium sulfate (at high pressure);
  • diuretics (with exudative form);
  • antihistamines (if the patient has a tendency to allergic reactions);
  • cytostatics and retinoids (in severe forms);
  • monoclonal antibodies;
  • hormonal ointments (for topical application).

If the patient is on an outpatient treatment, then the following means are attributed:

  • Warm baths with decoctions of herbs (chamomile, calendula);
  • observance of the regime of the day (full sleep, more rest);
  • correction of nutrition (refusal of salty, acute, highly allergenic, fatty foods);
  • the use of nonhormonal and hormonal drugs (depends on the stage of psoriasis).

Seborrheic Psoriasis

Treatment of seborrheic psoriasis should be complex:

  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • the intake of vitamins and drugs that strengthen the immune system;
  • sedatives;
  • laser therapy;
  • diet compliance;
  • monoclonal antibodies;
  • hormonal drugs (in difficult cases);
  • special skin care.

The appointment of certain funds should be handled by a dermatologist, in order not to aggravate the situation.

Teardrop psoriasis

Teardrop-shaped psoriasis is treated poorly, the therapy is lengthy, since the affected areas occupy a large area. Treatment is not enough to carry ointments, creams and lotions for external use, often prescribe phototherapy, plasmapheresis, immunomodulators.

At an exacerbation

First of all, when the disease worsens, it is necessary:

  • adhere to a rational diet;
  • to remove toxins (sorbents);
  • restore intestinal microflora and liver function;
  • moisturize and nourish the skin in the morning and evening.

To get rid of the external symptoms of the disease prescribed ointments based on salicylic acid, in advanced stages - corticosteroids. Also, during an exacerbation, ultraviolet irradiation helps. In some cases, the use of antidepressants is required. It is necessary to strengthen the body with vitamins.

In pregnancy

In pregnancy, psoriasis is treated with emollient and moisturizing creams and oils, cortisone, exfoliating agents based on salicylic acid.

A safe method for expectant mothers is phototherapy. In individual cases, Cyclosporin is prescribed. But it can negatively affect the health of a pregnant woman, cause premature birth.

Treatment of psoriasis on the head

More effective drugs for the treatment of psoriasis are corticosteroids, vitamins A, B1, B6, B12, ascorbic acid. Assign the use of shampoos, balms and sprays containing salicylic acid, tar, zinc, solidol, naphthalene.

Important!Read more about the symptoms and treatment of psoriasis on the head in our article.

Physiotherapy offers:

  • phototherapy;
  • laser irradiation;
  • ultraviolet irradiation.

An effective folk remedy: rub linseed oil into the scalp 3-5 times a day until significant improvement.

Psoriasis nail treatment at home

Treatment of psoriasis should begin with the intake of calcium. It can be purchased at a pharmacy, also do not forget about products containing calcium. If itching is troublesome, use antihistamines. Well-acting relaxing handbaths based on herbs. Take care of your hands, watch your hygiene. Before night sleep, cover the nail with olive, corn or sunflower oil. Enrich your body with vitamins A, B, C, E, R. Medicinal products (ointments, creams) should be used exclusively for their intended purpose.

Psoriasis on the elbows

Traditional medicine offers a comprehensive treatment of psoriasis on the elbows at home:

  • hormonal means (Advantan);
  • preparations for topical use containing activated zinc (Zinocap);
  • vitamin D, synthetic analog (Calcipotriol);
  • ointment for external use (Ichthyol, Salicylic);
  • antihistamine drugs (Suprastin, Tavegil);
  • sedatives (Persen, Phytosed);
  • immunostimulants and vitamins (Complivit).

From the means of alternative medicine recommend to use an effective ointment:

  1. 50 g of copper sulfate, 50 g of sulfur, 25 g of crushed chistel and birch tar, 150 g of pork fat mixed.
  2. Put in a water bath for 15 minutes, remove and periodically stir until the mixture cools.
  3. For three weeks, lubricate the affected areas of the elbows before bed.

When treating psoriasis, you need to remember the right diet. People suffering from this disease are advised to eat only plant foods, as well as sour-milk products, low-fat meat in small quantities. All products of animal origin, as well as sugar, flour and potatoes, try to minimize.