Barley on the child's eye: causes and methods of treatment

The child's eyes are constantly exposed to negative mechanical factors - dirt, dust, low air temperatures and so on.As a result, barley can develop - an acute inflammation of the hair bulb of the eyelash, which is purulent.What kind of disease is this, how does it manifest what you need to know about the causes of the appearance of barley and possible complications, you will learn from this article. Pay attention that people's ways, despite their high efficiency, should be used carefully, so as not to increase the inflammatory process.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Types and Classifications
  • 3Causes
  • 4Symptoms
  • 5Possible complications
  • 6Diagnostics
  • 7Treatment
    • 7.1Medications
    • 7.2Operation
    • 7.3Folk remedies
  • 8Prevention
  • 9Video
  • 10conclusions

Definition of disease

Barley - a disease of the eyelids, which is accompanied by purulent inflammation of the ciliary hair bulb or lobules of the so-called meibomian gland.The main symptoms are redness, swelling, tenderness in palpation, and less often with blinking. The cause of the development of pathology is a bacterial infection.

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In 90% of cases barley appears as a result of infection with golden staphylococcus.

Most often barley appears with a weakening of immunity, against a background of hypothermia, a lack of vitamins in the body and the presence of digestive tract diseases, the endocrine system.From a sick person to a healthy barley is not transmitted.

Types and Classifications

In modern medicine, there are two types of barley, depending on its location - internal and external.Their features:

  1. Internal barley is formed from the inside of the wall of the eyelid as a result of inflammatory processes in the meibomian gland (it is in the middle of the century right next to the hair follicle). Meibomian gland secretes a secret that does not allow eyes to dry out. If the inflammatory process begins, then the outflowing ducts close, and barley is formed. In the absence of adequate treatment of this form of pathology, halal seizures will occur over time.
  2. External barley is formed after infection in the ciliated hair follicles, the causative agent can also affect the sebaceous glands. This form is most often found, in the absence of treatment, the disease progresses, affecting nearby tissues.

If the infection spreads to the hair follicles of the eyelashes, the barley appears outside the eyelid.


Barley is an inflammation that develops as a result of getting a bacterial infection.The main cause of the appearance of the disease is an activated bacterial infection - Staphylococcus aureus.It can be activated for the following reasons:

  1. Poor hygiene - the baby does not wash his hands after the toilet, the streets and rub their eyes.
  2. Weakened immunity, hypothermia.
  3. Contact with foreign body.
  4. Strongly soaking shoes, long walks in bad weather.
  5. Unbalanced nutrition, beriberi.
  6. Taking some medications (especially antibiotics).
  7. The unfavorable effect of environmental factors - gassing, smoke, dust, chemicals.
The causes of the appearance of barley

The presence of severe chronic pathologies like caries, dysbiosis, blepharitis and so on also play a role.

Avoid fatigue - excessive load on the body is fraught with a drop in immunity, which means that the chances of barley appear to increase.


Not every purulent inflammation is barley, so make sure that you have correctly diagnosed before starting treatment (especially at home).The main symptoms of pathology:

  • burning and itching;
  • edema, redness (chemosis);
  • changes in behavior (moods, bad dreams);
  • swelling (first around the edges of the eyelid, and then all over the eye).
Symptoms of barley

The abscess is usually opened 4-5 days after the appearance, and sometimes it simply resolves. When the characteristic "ball" disappears, redness and swelling begin to subside.

The abscess inside the eyelid should be monitored very carefully, as it can break through the conjunctiva.

Sometimes (though rarely) the abscess does not pass for a long time.If a dense lump-seed does not disappear longer than 7-10 days, be sure to consult a doctor.

Possible complications

If the barley is not treated, it will go into a chronic form. Chronic education can be permanent or progressing - that is, causing more serious complications on the part of the visual system, which is extremely undesirable.The main symptoms of chronic pathology are inflammation of the lymph nodes, lethargy, weakness, fast fatigue, general malaise, fever, thrombophlebitis, inflammation of the membranes of the head the brain.

Chronic manifestation of barley

The most dangerous consequences like septicemia develop as a result of a person's attempts to squeeze out purulent production by pressing on the capsule.


The main way to diagnose barley is to examine it. To identify systemic diseases, a doctor can refer a child to blood tests, urine tests.


In childhood, barley is most often treated with the use of special medications and folk remedies.To surgical intervention resorted only in the most extreme cases.


For the treatment of barley in children, drops and ointments are used. Drops are digested three times a day in a conjunctival sac.The basic preparations:

  1. Ophthalmoferon- can be used for newborns.
  2. Albucid- a universal, but very "bake" means.
  3. Levometsetin- cheap and effective, true, "nasty" drug.
  4. Tobrex- the optimal option for children, because these droplets do not cause a burning sensation.
Ophthalmoferon is a complex ophthalmologic preparation of antiviral action, is indicated for topical application.

Ointments are placed under the lower eyelid. Mucous they almost do not irritate, they are convenient to use. The main drugs are Floxal (suitable for infants), Erythromycin, Tetracycline (tetracycline can be used over the age of 8 years), Tobrex (appointed from two months).


Surgical treatment of barley involves opening its cavity with subsequent drainage.The incision is made small in the zone of maximum thinning, after which the eye cavity is washed with the use of antiseptic agents.

Surgical removal of barley

Folk remedies

Many parents actively use folk remedies to treat barley.It:

  • Vitaminotherapy is the best way to strengthen immunity;
  • sunbathing;
  • lotions with herbs - chamomile, string, calendula or plantain;
  • dry heat - it is recommended to apply a pouch with hot salt to the abscess or a warm (but not hot) egg.

With thermal techniques, be careful - if you overheat the eye, then do not accelerate the maturation of barley, but cause an abscess rupture and infection of the body.


If your baby has barley, a problem in reducing the body's defenses. Consult with a pediatrician.

Preventive measures:

  • Observance of personal hygiene (wash hands after the street, before eating on the street, wipe them with wet napkins, each member of the family to allocate a personal towel, regularly cut nails).
  • Timely treatment of ophthalmic diseases and chronic infectious foci.
  • Balanced diet.
  • Hardening, regular intake of vitamin complexes in spring and autumn.

Immunostimulating drugs are used only as prescribed by the doctor.



The appearance of barley is a consequence of the activation of Staphylococcus aureus, which occurs as a result of hypothermia, decreased immunity and the influence of other factors.On the localization zone, education can be external or internal. You can treat the disease with special medications or folk remedies, surgical intervention is carried out in emergency cases. Watch your child's personal hygiene - dirty hands cause many health problems.

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