
Features of treatment of demodectic eyelids

If the eyes get tired all the time, the itch in the eyelids is felt, and after the night you find sticky crusts, then these symptoms point to a disease like demodectic eyelids.Its development is influenced by mites Demodex. These are conditionally pathogenic organisms that can live on the human body, or rather, on the face, while not giving him any unpleasant sensations. Content 1Definition of disease 2Types and Classifications 3Causes 4Symptoms 5Possible complications 6Diagnostics ...

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Symptoms of conjunctivitis in children and methods of treatment

In childhood, most children get sick very often, and this is due not to the child's morbidity, but to the adaptation of his organism to the external environment.After all, in the womb of the mother is all sterile, and maternal immunity protects the baby from harmful influences. And after hitting the outside world, the child has to fight with millions of microorganisms, and not always successfully. The first blow take over the skin and mucous membranes.And since the conjunctiva is the mucous ...

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Black flies before the eyes: causes, treatment

Flies before the eyes are a fairly frequent complaint, with which patients turn to an ophthalmologist. Doctors call this the symptom of the destruction of the vitreous body or the posterior detachment of the vitreous. Flies can occur for various reasons regardless of the person's age. Especially they are noticeable when a person looks at a white flat surface or bright light. Often this symptom is manifested with myopia and in old age. Content 1Definition of a symptom 2Causes 3Possible d...

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Can color blindness be cured?

The term "color blindness" is familiar to almost everyone. And most people understand this disease, in which the correct perception of all colors is impossible. It is also believed that the disease is almost not amenable to treatment and correction. However, the common people know not all due to the rarity and complexity of the disease. Content 1Definition of disease 2Causes 3Symptoms 4Possible complications 5Treatment 5.1Medication 5.2Surgically 6Prevention 7Video 8conclusions...

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Astigmatism: causes, symptoms, treatment

The optical system of the eye depends entirely on the properties of the cornea, the lens and the size of the eyeball.If there are any deviations in these structures, a person's visual quality is impaired, and he begins to see worse. Myopia and farsightedness are concepts known to all, but what astigmatism is for many is very vague and vague. Although this visual defect is much less common, it is one of the most complex and weakly treatable. Content 1Definition of disease 2Causes 3Sympto...

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Prophylaxis of myopia

Myopia or myopia is a pathology in which objects located far away are poorly perceived by the human visual apparatus due to the elongated eyeball.In the normally functioning optical system of the eye, the refracting rays fall on the macula, a special point on the back of the eye, and the image is normally interpreted by the analyzer. With myopia, the reflecting surface is in front of the macula, and this discrepancy between the optical power and the length of the eyeball leads to a distorted...

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Rhett syndrome in children: symptoms, treatment

Rett syndrome is a severe pathology of the nervous system with a genetic predisposition, which occurs mainly in girls. The disease has a steadily progressing course, eventually leading to severe mental retardation, loss of self-service skills and even immobility. The main manifestations of the disease are the reverse development of already acquired motor and speech skills at the age of from 1.5 to 3-4 years, repeated stereotyped and uncontrolled hand movements, mental retardation. The Rett s...

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Cataplexy (Levenfeld-Genneberg syndrome) is a state of sudden loss of muscle tone with complete preservation of consciousness. At a cataplexy the person is not capable to move in general, or the separate sites of its body appear to be immobilized. But the understanding of what is happening, hearing, sight, smell, that is, the perception of the environment, does not suffer in any way. The emergence of cataplexy science associates with a deficiency in the hypothalamus of a special substance of...

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Hemorrhagic stroke of the brain: causes, symptoms and treatment

Hemorrhagic stroke is a hemorrhage into the substance of the brain or under the membranes of the brain. This disease refers to acute disorders of cerebral circulation. Morbidity and mortality from acute disorders of cerebral circulation in Russia in most regions takes a leading position. Mortality with hemorrhagic stroke is 75-90%. Every one and a half minutes a Russian develops a stroke. These indicators speak for themselves: the urgency of the problem is beyond doubt. Let us examine in mor...

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Neurocysticercosis: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Neurocysticercosis is a parasitic disease of the nervous system caused by larvae of the pork chain. A person becomes infected when eggs of pork chopsticks get into the gastrointestinal tract. The first symptoms most often appear 5-7 years after infection. More often manifested by convulsions, increased intracranial pressure, a violation of intellectual functions, but can be asymptomatic. Characteristic wave-like flow with periods of exacerbation and relative improvement in the state. Diagno...

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