Flies before the eyes are a fairly frequent complaint, with which patients turn to an ophthalmologist. Doctors call this the symptom of the destruction of the vitreous body or the posterior detachment of the vitreous.
Flies can occur for various reasons regardless of the person's age. Especially they are noticeable when a person looks at a white flat surface or bright light. Often this symptom is manifested with myopia and in old age.
1Definition of a symptom
3Possible diseases
4Diagnostic Methods
Definition of a symptom
Flies in front of eyes or butterflies, ringlets, strings, spiders and so on - this is a common problem in ophthalmology. Many people do not pay attention to this symptom, but it still gives some inconvenience. For example, flies are observed when looking at bright objects, on white paper or on a blue sky.
although flies and irritate the eyes, but in most cases they do not damage the eyesight. Rarely, they can cause significant anxiety, which requires certain treatment.
Flies are also called destruction of the vitreous.The vitreous humor is a gel-like substance that fills the cavity between the retina and the lens. The substance is ninety-nine percent water and one percent of hyaluronic acid, collagen and other substances. Normally, the vitreous body is transparent due to the special composition and structure of the molecules of the substances entering into it.
The composition and volume of the vitreous can vary under the influence of a number of factors.As a result, particles that do not have optical transparency are formed in its structure. These particles are perceived by sight as flies.
Another name for flies is the detachment of the vitreous.The detachment occurs when the vitreous body departs from the posterior wall of the eye. Because of this shift, there are periodic flashes and flicker with flies. These images appear due to flow around the ring by the vitreous body of the optic nerve.
The cause of the appearance of flies in the eyes can be the appearance in the vitreous body of various opacities.The bulk of the flies are the particles (degenerative changes in the vitreous humor), which manifest themselves in myopia or after the traumas suffered.
Such flies are not dangerous and can disappear after some time.
When the vitreous body is destroyed, the molecules that make up its structure and ensure its transparency are destroyed.This often occurs in the elderly.
when a sudden appearance of flies is necessary to contact the ophthalmologist, since this may be a sign of detachment of the retina.
Other causes of flies:
Increase or decrease in blood pressure. Such a state can promote the formation of destruction. The reason for this is the inadequate filling of blood with blood vessels.
Internal bleeding. In this case, flies can be the only symptom of the problem.
Osteochondrosis. In this case, there are violations of blood pressure in the vessels of the spine, which nourish the brain.
Craniocerebral injury.
Poisoning. Toxins can affect the nervous system, as a result, the effect is on the optic nerve.
Pregnancy. Destruction can be a sign of eclampsia, which is dangerous for both the child and the pregnant woman.
The appearance of flies can be associated with the ingress of vitreous body blood or various medications. This symptom is especially pronounced in the elderly, which is associated with aging of the body, and the reception of a variety of medications only intensifies.
Possible diseases
If a person is healthy, flies can occur because of prolonged stays in the dark or after awakening.When the eyes are adapted, such a symptom disappears.
In the event that the flies occur frequently or are constantly present, this may indicate one of these diseases:
Detachment of the posterior part of the vitreous humor.
Destruction of the vitreous body.
Rupture of the retina.
Eye Migraine.
White flies usually appear when a person rises sharply. People who have low blood pressure can observe white flies even in the usual situation. This may be accompanied by weakness, dizziness, since little blood enters the brain.
if this symptom occurs often, you should consult a cardiologist or neurologist to check cerebral circulation and prevent a stroke.
Flies are black in the presence of excessive physical exertion, when the vessels of the retina are filled with blood.They may also indicate hypertension. If black flies appear in the usual situation, then it is necessary to go to the cardiologist, since there is a risk of developing a heart attack and a stroke.
A visit to a doctor can not be postponed in the following cases:
The number of flies increases with time, or they appear together with a flash of light.
There is obvious discomfort.
The number of flies increased after the injury.
Age over 50 years.
There is myopia, accompanied by the growth of flies.
Diagnostic Methods
When flies appear, you need to find out whether this problem is related to the eyes, or the cause is other diseases. To do this, an ophthalmoscopy is performed on the slit lamp and examination of the fundus.
If the vitreous body and retina are normal, and the person continues to be bothered by flies, then it is necessary to consult a therapist.It will help to determine the general state of health, the presence of diseases of internal organs, will send for consultation to other specialists.
When there is a headache in addition to flies, numbness of the limbs or face, a sensation of crawling, weakness, nausea and dizziness, it is necessary to consult a neurologist.
Slit lamp for ophthalmoscopy
Flies - this is often a symptom of a disease.Therefore, in the first place it is necessary to treat it.
Flies rarely disappear on their own. Usually when clouded, they move out of the visible zone, but do not disappear.
There are no special medicines that would eliminate existing flies or prevent the emergence of new ones.But there are means that activate metabolic processes, which leads to their resorption. This, for example, drops Emoksipin and enzyme preparation Wobenzym, as well as vitamin-mineral complexes for vision with lutein (Riboflavin, Taufon).
Emoksipin a drug for resorption of flies
With osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, special exercises, massage, physiotherapy, folk remedies are effective.With exacerbations, drug therapy is indicated. Iron deficiency anemia is treated with long-term courses of iron preparations.
When the cause of flies is damage to the retina, then laser removal or tissue freezing is used.The operation is performed under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis. By eliminating tears, detachment of the retina is prevented.
There are also other methods of surgical treatment:
The procedure is "vitreolysis."It is performed by a neodymium VAG laser. The process consists in targeting the opaque areas and crushing them into small particles that do not interfere with sight.
Vitrectomy(removal of the vitreous body or part thereof). Place a saline solution in the place of the vitreous humor. This procedure is a risky surgical intervention.Scheme of vitrectomy
Also, when flies appear, one can resort to simple methods of getting rid of them:
Sit on a chair, straighten your back, head straight, look forward.Sharp movement to look to the left and immediately to the right. Just move your eyes from top to bottom quickly. This gymnastics redistributes liquid in the eyeball, after which the flies are removed beyond the edges of the field of vision.
If something is in your eyes, you can not rub them.You just need to clean them with clean water.
To prevent the appearance of flies, you must take care of your own health and vision.It is necessary to get rid of bad habits, eat healthy food, rest in the fresh air. It is recommended to visit the doctor once a year and carry out the simplest diagnosis. This will allow you to see health problems at the very beginning and easily get rid of them.
When flies appear before the eyes, consult an ophthalmologist. This symptom may be a sign of a disease requiring immediate treatment, for example, vitreous hemorrhage, detachment and rupture of the retina.