Bacterial conjunctivitis: classification, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

The conjunctiva has a high degree of resistance to infections.The natural tear fluid has a pronounced bacterial activity and reduces the number of bacteria in the eye. As a result of traumatic and other negative effects, macrophages and polymorphonuclear neutrophils are released from the conjunctival vessels into the lacrimal fluid. The result - the excitement of an acute inflammatory process. More details about this disease, its causes, symptoms and methods of treatment - more.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Types and Classifications
  • 3Causes
  • 4Symptoms
  • 5Possible complications
  • 6Diagnostics
  • 7Treatment
    • 7.1Antibiotics
    • 7.2Anti-inflammatory drugs
    • 7.3Antihistamines
    • 7.4Folk remedies
  • 8General strengthening of the body
  • 9Prevention
  • 10Video
  • 11conclusions

Definition of disease

Bacterial conjunctivitis is a common, usually self-limiting, inflammatory disease of the conjunctival membrane.It affects children more often, but this does not mean that it does not occur in adults. The cause of the pathology is a bacterial infection. The diagnosis should be made by a doctor, the treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis is the use of antibiotics.

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Children's bacterial conjunctivitis

Systemic antibiotic therapy in the treatment of conjunctivitis is used only in neglected cases.

Types and Classifications

In modern medicine, there are three types of conjunctivitis - bacterial, allergic and viral.Bacterial, which cause streptococci and staphylococci, is one of the most common, accompanied by edema of the conjunctiva, purulent secretions.

Types of conjunctivitis

The main forms of bacterial conjunctivitis are catarrhal (the easiest), filmy (quite rare), follicular (accompanied by the formation of vesicles).

Consider the main forms of bacterial conjunctivitis:

  • Lightning fast- in this case, the clinical symptoms are pronounced bright, progress much faster, that in acute form. The causative agent is Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Accompanying fulminant inflammation with pronounced edema and abundant purulent discharge. The incubation period for typical cases is up to three days. The sooner the treatment is started, the better it will help to avoid the defeat of the cornea.
  • Sharp- it is characterized by a purulent-mucous nature of the discharge, damage to the bulbar conjunctiva, a rapid increase in symptoms. In the absence of treatment, the symptoms go away after 10-14 days. The main danger of acute form - it can go into chronic. The main method of treatment - antibiotic therapy (eye drops or ointments locally).
Acute bacterial conjunctivitis
  • Chronic- in this case, bacterial conjunctivitis is caused by S. aureus. The role of S.epidermidis. The response to local antibiotic therapy is slow. To treat chronic conjunctivitis, ophthalmic ointment with bacitracin is usually used - it is applied before bedtime (once a day) until complete recovery. The average course of treatment is several months.


Infection with bacterial conjunctivitis occurs as a result of direct contact with an infected person or objects on which a purulent discharge is located.Pathogens - Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Haemophilus, less often Chlamydia and Neisseria gonorrhoeae. In newborns, conjunctivitis develops as a result of passage through the birth canal of an infected mother.


The main symptoms of bacterial conjunctivitis:

  • redness of the conjunctiva of the eye;
  • burning;
  • feeling of sand in the eye;
  • purulent discharge.

If there is a lot of pus, it is impossible to open the eyes in the morning after waking up - the eyelashes are completely glued together.

The process usually involves two eyes, although this does not always happen simultaneously.

Covered with a thin crust, the eyelids swell.On the first day, the discharge usually has a watery consistency, but then becomes purulent.The tarsal conjunctiva is red, velvety, with moderate papillae. Epitheliopathy, epithelial erosions are rare.

Bacterial conjunctivitis with purulent discharge

Conjunctiva of the eyelids, the eyeball is hyperemic and swollen.There are no petechial subconjunctival hemorrhages. With gonococcal bacterial conjunctivitis, symptoms develop 12-48 hours after infection, in newborns they appear 2-5 days after birth. Chlamydial infection manifests itself 5 to 14 days after infection.

Possible complications

The most dangerous complication of bacterial conjunctivitis is keratopathy.Do not start the process - in the early stages of treating the pathology is fairly simple. Acute conjunctivitis with time often turns into a chronic form and becomes the main cause of blepharitis. Rare complications include corneal ulceration, abscesses, perforations, panophthalmitis, blindness.

Bullous keratopathy is a complication of bacterial conjunctivitis


For accurate diagnosis, the doctor takes a smear and makes bacterial crops.Smears and scrapings are examined microscopically, stained by Gram for bacterial identification and by Giemsa for the identification of special bodies (they exist in the basophilic cytoplasm of epithelial cells in chlamydial infections).

Gram staining


Treatment of the disease should be comprehensive - it includes local and general therapy.The main means are antibiotics - they are selected individually, taking into account the type of pathogen. Locally instilled drops or ointments.


The main means of therapy for bacterial conjunctivitis is eye drops with antibiotics, which accelerate the process of removing purulent formations.The main drugs are levomycetin, gentamicin, zinc sulfate, potassium permanganate (solutions), norsulfazole (10%). At night, antibacterial ointments are laid for the eyelid: Albucid, Tsipromed, Vigamoks, Tobrex, Erythromycin, Tetracycline.

Levomycetin - antibacterial drops

A week after the start of antibiotic treatment, start using artificial tears - this is necessary to restore the normal functions of the lacrimal glands.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

To wash the eyes and remove the purulent discharge, solutions of furacilin and boric acid (2%) are used. Move in the direction from the outer corner of the eye to the inner part of the eye. For each eye, use a separate cotton pad or piece of gauze.

"Furacilin" is used in the suppuration of the eye


Antihistamines for bacterial conjunctivitis are used to eliminate such unpleasant symptoms as itching, itching, sensation of sand in the eyes. Take Citrine, Alerone or any other drug.

"Cetrin" is an antihistamine

Folk remedies

Folk remedies for bacterial conjunctivitis can be used for rinsing, as compresses and ointments for the eyes.Let's consider the main recipes:

  • Aloe juice- they are washed with eyes or make compresses.
  • Soda- for a glass of water, take half a teaspoon of baking soda and rinse with the resulting solution of the eye.
  • Decoction of the roots of barberry- half a teaspoon of tree root bark, boil in a glass of water for half an hour. The resulting solution has a pronounced antibacterial effect, can be used for eye washing and as compresses.

  • Boric acid- only not clean, and a solution at the rate of a tablespoon of a substance per liter of water. Use for rinsing. After applying boric acid, rinse the eyes with plain water (boiled).
  • Bread- cold bread slices are applied to closed eyes to reduce inflammation and eliminate itching.
  • Castor oil- it is digested three times a day (one drop will suffice).
  • Chamomile and other herbs- make a decoction, strain, cool and use for rinsing or as compresses.

You can wash your eyes with tea with elderberries, infusion from the flowers of this plant. Quickly remove the inflammation of the eye, fennel, yellow root.

Excellent natural antiseptic - colloidal silver. A couple drops drip into the eyes or dissolve in water and apply for rinsing.

Good for conjunctivitis, compresses with honey (in pure form or with a charm - honey dilute with water), milk, raw grated potatoes. Is there only tea or yogurt at hand? They are also useful to wash their eyes.

General strengthening of the body

The general strengthening of the body is the best protection against bacterial and viral infections.Go in for sports, eat well, take vitamins, and treat opportunistic diseases in a timely manner. In the winter, it is useful to take natural immunostimulants like Echinacea.


Prevention of bacterial conjunctivitis is the observance of personal hygiene.Caring for contact lenses in accordance with the instructions, try to avoid eye injuries, timely sanitize infectious foci of the nasopharynx and skin. If the children's team has an epidemic of conjunctivitis, antiseptic eye drops are used to prevent infection.



Competent therapy of acute and instant conjunctivitis gives a complete cure for inflammation and prevents its transition to a chronic form.With an unfavorable outcome, no treatment, the course of acute conjunctivitis can be complicated by keratitis, opacity of the cornea, a sharp decrease in vision, the development of ulceration of the cornea, orbital cellulite.In the therapy of bacterial conjunctivitis, antihistamine, antiseptic drugs, antibiotics, and folk remedies are used.

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