Eyelash: causes and treatment problems

Like any other hair covering on the human body, the eyelashes are designed to protect against external influences, only in this case the eyes. On average, the rate of renewal of the ciliary layer of the eyelids is 4-5 eyelashes a day. This is usually considered the norm. If a person observes a significant dropout, then this can be considered an alarming symptom for seeking advice from a dermatologist. If the cause lies in the inflammatory process of the eyes, the doctor will refer to the ophthalmologist.


  • 1Definition of a symptom
  • 2Causes
  • 3Possible diseases
  • 4Diagnostic Methods
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Medication
    • 5.2Folk remedies
  • 6Food
  • 7Prevention
  • 8Video
  • 9conclusions

Definition of a symptom

Excessive loss of eyelashes, especially for women, causes aesthetic discomfort, because from time immemorial this element of appearance was the key to women's attractiveness.It is worth noting that the consultation of a dermatologist is initially necessary, but only after additional symptoms the patient can be sent to an ophthalmologist.

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Complete loss of eyelashes is an extremely rare phenomenon. Most often this is observed in people who have undergone chemotherapy or radiation therapy, or who have received eye burns of a thermal or chemical nature. Treatment in this case is the transplantation of hair follicles from the head.

After chemotherapy, as well as radiotherapy, the eyelash growth resumes over time.

Among the accompanying signs of ophthalmic disease, there are:

  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • hyperemia of the conjunctiva;
  • burning and itching in the eyes;
  • excretion or peeling in the ciliary region.

The norm of loss of eyelashes is 4-5 hairs per day. If there is an abundance of eyelashes with accompanying symptoms, then it is worthwhile to see a doctor for advice.


The reasons for the loss of eyelashes are in fact many, but among the most common are:

  1. Poor hygiene of the organs of vision.
  2. Cheap or overdue cosmetics.
  3. Avitaminosis.As a rule, eyelashes fall out because of a lack of such vitamins, as A, B, E and microelements.
  4. Poor nutrition, bad habits, long-term stresses - these factors are more related to systemic disruption of work body, where the loss of eyelashes is complete with hair loss on the eyebrows with hair loss on the head. Treatment in this case does not depend on the trichiologist, dermatologist and cosmetologist.

If you do not comply with the hygiene of the eyes, eyelashes will begin to fall out with a high probability. Hygiene refers not only to the timely removal of make-up, but also the mandatory morning and evening procedures for washing the face and skin around the eyes. Irregular removal of decorative cosmetry leads to clogging of the pores and can lead to the appearance of miloons, and they will provoke the development of acne.

Cosmetics contain parabens: they clog the skin, disrupt the functioning of the hair follicles. These substances prevent the flow of oxygen into the follicles of the eyelashes.

Possible diseases

In addition to lack of hygiene, such systemic and local diseases lead to the loss of eyelashes:

  • Hypothyroidism- a disease characterized by a lack of secretion of the thyroid hormone TTG by the thyroid gland. Hair loss is observed not only on the eyelids, but also on the whole body.
  • Demodectic eyelids- a pathology that develops against the background of the activity of the demodex causative agent. It belongs to the group of subcutaneous mites and is activated by a general and local decrease in immunity. Symptom demodecosis is the formation of crusts in the ciliary layer and redness of the eyelids.
  • BlepharitisIs an infectious inflammation of the eyelids, often provoked by golden Staphylococcus aureus. Isolate posterior marginal and anterior marginal. In the posterior lesion, the meibomian glands are affected, and the conjunctiva is affected with the cornea, with the anterior marginal blepharitis affected exclusively by the ciliary edge of the eyelids.

Hypoteriosis is a systemic disease that disrupts the hormonal background of the body when blepharitis is an exclusively local disease, usually a chronic type. Demodekoz also refers to blepharitis.

Diagnostic Methods

Diagnosis of loss of eyelashes is carried out initially from a cosmetologist or dermatologist, depending on who was seen by the problem. Naturally, women often pay attention to this symptom, and often turn to cosmetology centers. It is common for men to consult a dermatologist.

Both doctors, as a rule, send first to the therapist, where a comprehensive examination for hormones, the state of the immune system, the presence of ophthalmic diseases is prescribed.



If the loss of eyelashes is triggered by poor hygiene or poor-quality makeup, then to restore growth use essential oils with a high concentration of vitamin E.Also the usual home-made vegetable oil is suitable. For these purposes, the oil is applied to a cotton swab and rubbed into the line of eyelash growth.

Its effectiveness has been proved by specialized vitamin complexes for the eyes, as well as preparations based on lutein.For oral administration, complexes with a content of vitamin A, of the whole group B are used. As cosmetic care for the skin of eyelids and eyelashes, it is best to use chemist's cosmetics by the type of Blepharogel.

Blepharogel is used for eyelash loss

Folk remedies

  1. Decoctions and compresses from pharmacy herbs.Make a mixture of chamomile, marigold and cornflower. It will take 1 tbsp. l. collection of 200 ml of boiling water. When the broth cools down, you need to wait another 30 minutes, then apply to a cotton pad and attach to the eyelids. Allow to stand for 15 minutes. Do not forget to strain the medicine!
  2. Essential oils.The drug is applied alone or combined with vitamins. Buy in the pharmacy retinol and tocopherol (sold in ampoules), mix with warmed-up castor oil. Take 2 tbsp. l. oil, 5 ml of retinol and 5 ml of tocopherol. Apply 2 times a week.
  3. Tools based on green tea are useful.The product is rich in antioxidants and flavonoids, which nourish the ciliary follicles. Take 70 ml of burdock oil and mix with the same amount of green tea. Periodicity of application - 1 time in 2 days.


With vitamin deficiency, you need to eat right.In the diet should be food with a lot of useful substances. Eat a salad, cereals, carrots, apricots. Provitamin A is contained in the beef liver.

To have eyelashes healthy and strong, you need to eat food with vitamin C. It is found in berries of wild rose, in currants, cabbage. To strengthen hair, nails and eyelashes are necessary tocopherols: vitamin E is contained in vegetable oil.


  1. Enriched with vitamins nutrition.
  2. Eye hygiene.
  3. Timely removal of cosmetics.
  4. Use of quality cosmetics.
  5. Professional treatment of diseases.



Loss of eyelashes, with rare exception, is an alarming symptom, which speaks of a systemic disorder in the body. Even ophthalmic diseases of the eyelids mostly arise against the background of a general lowered immunity, but with a comprehensive approach to treatment, the probability of restoring the previous growth of eyelashes is high.