Can color blindness be cured?

The term "color blindness" is familiar to almost everyone. And most people understand this disease, in which the correct perception of all colors is impossible. It is also believed that the disease is almost not amenable to treatment and correction. However, the common people know not all due to the rarity and complexity of the disease.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Possible complications
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Medication
    • 5.2Surgically
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of disease

In modern medicine color blindness is considered a pathology of color perception and a violation of the basic functions of color discrimination. Color blinds often can not find the difference between several shades. It is believed that the disease is directly related only to the male, but women can be carriers of the abnormal gene.In addition, it can have a hereditary or acquired character.

Mostly, color-blinds do not define green, red and blue-violet colors. However, there are cases when they can not distinguish several colors or are not able to identify any.

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Normally, a person has three pigments in the color receptors: erythrolab, rhodopsin and chlorolab. If at least one of them is missing or it is damaged, there is a deviation in distinguishing shades.

If a person identifies three colors, this type is called trichromasia. Distinguish between normal and abnormal trichromasia. At the first person sees normally the colors of the main three spectra, the second one observes minor deviations in one, two or three color beams.The absence of only one kind of cone of the retina causes dichromasia.Also, the disease can be classified directly by the lack of perception of colors:

  • Red- protanopia;
  • Green- deuteranopia;
  • Blue-violet- Tritanopia.

Since color blindness is also a hereditary disease, people with predispositions it is necessary to regularly visit and examine from an ophthalmologist for development of the disease.

It is impossible not to note factors and prerequisites for the development of acquired color blindness. These include:

  • Age-related changes in the organs of the visual apparatus;
  • Reception of specific chemical agents;
  • Injuries and mechanical damage to the eyeball (in particular the retina).

Also read about heterochromia and coloboma of the iris in this article.


Color blindness, as a rule, has only one symptom - a violation of the correct perception of colors.No patient experiences any unpleasant sensations, and visual acuity also does not change. It is especially difficult to diagnose a disease in children, because they have a developed understanding of the disease. a priory of colors of the environment, imposed by adults (grass - green, sky - blue and so on).

Possible complications

Without correction of vision, the disease can progress or remain at an early stage, if influence of any internal or external factors will not destroy the remaining cones retina.The risk of complications usually appears in the elderly due to age-related changes, and also because of continuation of reception of oppressive shades of means and absence of due treatment of traumas and damages eye.

In many cases (especially with regard to the congenital form of the disease), the orientation of the sick person in the surrounding world is made. For example, to determine that a red traffic light is on, it should pay attention to the topmost bulb, green - to the lowest light, and so on.


Effective and universal treatment of pathology has not been developed at the moment.Congenital pathology can not be adjusted, acquired can correct the elimination of specific drugs, recovery from trauma and surgical intervention.

The color perception test can be done in this article.


Injuries can be treated with medication.Medicines can also eliminate some age-related anomalies. Also, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed after surgery to prevent the development of infections.

Maxitrol Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drops:


Surgical operations are indicated for severe damage to the eyeball, cataracts and clouding of the lens, which can cause complete and partial color blindness.Moreover, without surgical intervention, the signs of this pathology may increase with time.

Laser iridectomy

In the elderly, it is especially important to monitor the condition of the visual apparatus. If these abnormalities occur, treatment should be carried out immediately.


It is practically impossible to prevent the hereditary form of pathology.However, you can track genetics and genetic predisposition when planning a future child. In order to prevent the emergence of acquired color blindness, you must avoid traumatic situations and monitor your overall health. It is also important to periodically visit the office of an ophthalmologist, especially in the elderly.



Color blindness can not be called a dangerous disease, but it can significantly affect the fate of a person, his orientation in the world around him and deprive some of the joys in life. Nevertheless, to adapt to reality when it occurs, you can, there are even cases in which the problem can be solved. And only timely medical help and support of relatives can restore a person to a normal life.

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