Voice of the hoist at the child: what to do, treatment, how and how to treat

Let's talk about the hoarse voice of a child, about what to do, than to treat a hoarse voice at home in children.

The hushed voice of , however, like other voice changes, depends on the state of the vocal cords. Under the influence of viruses, bacteria, allergens, other damaging factors( dust, screaming, loud speech, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tumor neoplasms), the vocal cords change the structure( irregularities appear on them, thickenings), dysphonia appears, and one of the components of such dysfunction is hoarseness.

The hushed voice of a child is the reason for going to a doctor for a pediatrician, to pinpoint the cause, which will show how to get rid of this symptom. It should be noted that in general, the husky voice of special treatment does not require and is restored within two to three days.

But any person, and even more so a parent, should keep in mind that there are some diseases and conditions in which a hoarse voice is a very disturbing symptom.

If the problem concerns an adult, see the page: "The voice behind the adult: what to do, the reasons and the treatment."

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. The hollow voice: the reasons for the appearance of

Allergens .Parents sometimes notice that the child has a hoarse voice without other signs of a cold, there are complaints of shortness of breath. This condition threatens the appearance of stenosis of the larynx, in which the child turns blue, suffocates, loses consciousness. This is Edema Quincke .An allergic reaction of this nature sometimes proceeds very quickly, so with the slightest violation of breathing, call "an emergency first aid."

Viruses and bacteria .With infectious and inflammatory diseases, the ligaments are less closely connected. This is due to swelling of the respiratory tract. In addition to the fact that the child has an osseous voice, cough, runny nose, sore throat, perspiration, headache and other symptoms of respiratory infections are also observed.

Congenital cysts of the larynx, polyps, tumor processes .

Hormonal restructuring of .In the adolescent period( 12-15 years), the voice mutation occurs in male children, resulting in hoarseness, hoarseness and other changes in the reproduction of sounds. Such a period lasts approximately 6 months, if the voice is not normalized, a consultation of the otolaryngologist and endocrinologist will be required.

Dehydration of the body .Due to insufficient water intake, the mucous throats and larynxes tend to dry out and thin out. As a result, the child appears perspiration, tickling in the throat, parents notice that the voice is very hoarse. First of all, it is necessary to restore the normal drinking regime and show the child to the children's otolaryngologist.

Burn lesions of .When acids get into the baby's mouth, for example, acetic acid, scars can form on the ligaments, which help to change the voice timbre.

Overvoltage of voice .Children often like to scream, squeak, and therefore it is not surprising that there is a slight hoarse, which recovers in a couple of days without much treatment.

Traumatism of ligaments .Again, due to the fact that children are all dragged into their mouths, foreign bodies can get into the vocal cords, which become the cause of hoarseness. Also after some surgical interventions, a similar symptom is observed.

Chemical lesions of the mucous throat. Children are very inquisitive, and, as a rule, there are no barriers for them. They get to household chemicals, perfumes, building materials, etc. The child certainly wants to taste everything, as a result of which chemical poisoning takes place. A very dangerous chemical is chlorine. In children and adults it causes hoarseness, coughing, sharp puffiness, up to attacks of suffocation.

Chronic laryngitis .It happens, after having been ill once in childhood, a person lives with a hoarse voice all his life. At the same time, he does not present any discomfort, sore throat or other complaints.

Watch the child, and if you notice that his voice is hoarse, and after a few days did not return to normal, this is the reason to apply for a full-time appointment to Laura.

Absolute voice in a child: what to do, how to treat

A saggy voice without other symptoms happens only when it is overexerted. In other cases, the companions of the hoarse voice in the child are general weakness, dry barking cough, runny nose, loss of voice, fever, lacrimation, sore throat, or other associated symptoms. That is why the diagnosis is so important for adequate treatment.

So what to treat a child's hoarse voice - what to do?

To eliminate the hoarseness, pharmacy products and traditional medicine are used, we will consider them.

All medications are prescribed by an otolaryngologist or pediatrician! Self-treatment is unacceptable! !!

Drugs for the treatment of hoarseness

Therapy depends entirely on the root cause of the disease. Therefore, in each case, the doctor will select the appropriate treatment regimen. If the hoarse voice is not restored for a long time, sometimes it is necessary to consult a phoniatrist, a specialist in voice problems.

The simplest problem is voice overexcitation. Older children are easily forced to keep silent , but with kids this problem is difficult to solve. Here parents should go to all tricks, distracting the child from negative and stormy emotions. The main task is to eliminate screaming and crying in children.

If the child has caught a cold, "picked up" a virus or a bacterial infection, the treatment will most likely include anti-histamine, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antibacterial agents .

One of the popular methods for inflammation of the larynx and hoarseness of the voice is irrigation with solution of ascorbic .Also widely used are tableted antiseptics:

  1. Adjicept,
  2. Sepptelet,
  3. Lizak,
  4. Efizol,
  5. Falimint,
  6. Laripront.

Lollipops - doctor mong or bronchicum .

Inhalation-free inexpensive aerosols - inhalipt and are used as .

For treatment of the throat, iodine-containing agents - iodinol, Lugol, yox , are suitable. Eliminate sore throat, pershenia, hoarseness, rinse and lubricate with chlorophyllipt .This drug has a plant composition and is quite popular in pediatrics with ENT diseases.

As vegetable rinse products recommend to use infusions chamomile, calendula and sage .They are prepared based on 10 grams of herbs for 250 ml of boiling water. Insist the grass before cooling and filter. Rinses are carried out up to 6-8 times a day.

Good results for the treatment of infection in the throat are provided by chlorine-containing drugs such as corsodil, miramistin, eludril .

Antihistamines will help to remove puffiness, hoarseness, irritation and tickling in the throat: ketotifen ( perfectly eliminates bronchospasm), claritin, zirtek, loratadine, acrivistine, erius ( instruction for children) and others.

With pronounced bacterial processes, antibiotics of local and systemic action can not be avoided. These include bioparox ( instruction) and systemic preparations of various groups: penicillins, macrolides, cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones .The list of antibacterial drugs is large enough, and they are selected only by a pediatrician or another child's specialist.

Absolute voice in a child without temperature is observed not only after overstrain of ligaments, but also against the background of a fungal infection of the pharynx, which often becomes the result of antibacterial therapy. Therefore, when joining a fungal infection( candidiasis), antifungal agents will be needed, for example, dekamine, levorin, nystatin .Therapy is carried out for two weeks, clearly following the dosage according to the instructions to the drug.

Folk methods of treatment of osseous hoarseness in children

When a child has a hoarse voice and snot, but the temperature remains normal, one should not resort to drugs at once. Most likely, gentle voice mode and grandmother's methods will help to eliminate these symptoms in a few days.

Milk with burgers .Twice a day, let the child drink this compound. The dosage is as follows: boiled milk and Borjomi take 50 ml, and add an incomplete teaspoon of honey. The temperature of the drink should be 35-40 degrees, drink slowly in small sips. This product perfectly softens the throat, eliminates pain, hoarseness, relieves inflammation from diseased ligaments.

Vitamin teas and compotes .For all diseases of the throat, teas with kalina, raspberry, sea-buckthorn, currant, and dog rose are used. Prepare the child compotes and fruit drinks with forest and garden berries. In winter, steaming dried fruits, this drink should be on the table at least three times a week, even if the baby is completely healthy.

Gogol-mogol .Who does not know about the gogol-mogol, proven by years the remedy for the sick and hoarse neck. For its preparation you need to take: two yolks( preferably if it's fresh homemade eggs from under the chicken) and a teaspoon of sugar. Carefully mix the mixture. Then add a teaspoon of soft butter, and again shake all the ingredients in a homogeneous mass. Take the mixture slowly, swallow 0.25-0.5 tsp.between meals.

Warm compresses .The child does not need to rub the area of ​​the larynx with vodka and other warming ointments - this is dangerous. Children's tender skin can respond with a violent allergic reaction. Therefore, dry heat is best. Attach the baby's neck with cotton wool and fix with a bandage. Over the bandages tie a scarf. You can put on a sweater that will fix the cotton bandage.

Romantic Lavender Inhalation .Ingredients: chamomile - 10 grams;lavender - 5 grams;boiling water - 200 ml. A mixture of herbs pour boiling water, let stand, strain, when the infusion will cool to a temperature of 50 degrees. You can perform inhalations with the help of special devices( nebulizers), previously placing the prepared infusion into the container of the device. If the house is not a nebulizer, we breathe in the usual way over a saucepan. The procedure time is 5-7 minutes.

False groats in children: you need to know

A drowning voice in children can become a harbinger of such a dangerous complication as false croup( acute narrowing of the laryngeal lumen or stenosis of the larynx).Up to 10% of children with stenosis of the larynx require endotracheal intubation, and this indicates that this complication is very serious.

Inflammatory process and swelling in the throat are the cause of hoarseness, becauseligaments are located in the larynx. Sometimes the voice disappears altogether and a breath comes in. Disappearance of the voice should already alert the parents, most likely, these are the first harbingers of the beginning false croup.

This complication is mainly observed in children from 3 months to 3 years, usually occurs in the evening or at night. The attack begins with dysphonia, hoarseness, barking cough, wheezing at inspiration.

The child is restless, starts to pull his arms around the neck, trying to free himself from the tightness of the respiratory tract. In this case, the child is recommended to wrap in a blanket and take out to fresh air( in the yard or on the balcony).

Important! Do not wait for the moment when the baby starts to suffocate, - urgently call the ambulance team!

Provision of first aid in case of spurious croup

Prior to the arrival of "ambulance", parents must follow the following rules:

  1. Give to the baby the elevated position of the in the crib at a 45-degree angle, and try to distract the child with anything, since overexcitation leads to an increase in all symptoms.
  2. Provide with fresh air , turn on the humidifier or hang wet towels on the batteries.
  3. Give the baby a drink milk , adding pinch of soda , and at best to offer mineral alkaline water, for example, Borjomi .Under the influence of alkaline drinks, the condition of mucous membranes is normalized and sputum and thickened mucus are diluted.
  4. If possible, carry out inhalation with saline solution or any alkaline mineral water( ideally use nebulizer).
  5. It is compulsory to give the baby an antihistamine drug( edem, loratadin or other remedy), only read the instructions carefully, where age doses are given.
  6. Drip vasoconstrictive drops into the nose, for example, tizin .
  7. To relieve spasms of the larynx, use the no-spindle .

At elevated body temperature, it is recommended to give the baby Panadol or Nurofen .

Try not to give the baby products that could cause allergies before the arrival of "ambulance".Do not feed the baby with citrus juices, honey water, a drink made of raspberry jam. Do not rub the baby with ointments and do not put mustard plasters. Also exclude irritating smells in the room( tobacco smoke, perfume, a pair of household chemicals).All this can aggravate and accelerate the attack.

How to treat cereal and laryngitis in children

What are the current methods of treating hoarseness in children?

To date, the following methods are popular to improve the condition of vocal cords and to eliminate hoarseness, they are the following:

  1. Mineralotherapy with the aid of the apparatus "Vulcan".With the help of a spraying device, medicinal minerals( salts and herbs) enter deeply along the respiratory tract. Under the influence of medicinal vapors, the mucosa is normalized, the work of the respiratory system is improved, the pathogenic microflora is destroyed, and the voice is restored.
  2. Ozone-ultraviolet sanitation .The essence of the method is to illuminate the larynx with ultraviolet light and then saturate it with ozone. As a result of sanitation, bacteria are destroyed, hoarseness disappears and other symptoms of laryngeal involvement.
  3. Capillary and lymphotropic therapy .With these methods, medicinal substances enter directly into the lymph or capillaries. If the patient has hoarseness caused by vascular pathology, then these methods will be the first choice therapy.
  4. Apitherapy .Special applications of bee products are carried out.
  5. Laser therapy .The procedure is performed using a photosensitive gel.

The sonorous voice of the child: Dr. Komarovsky

Modern young parents watch Dr. Komarovsky's programs, where many problems of childhood are well explained. Not an exception is the problem of the appearance of hoarseness. Parents of babies sometimes confuse two concepts - laryngitis and false cereal, in which one of the symptoms is hoarseness.

So naturally in one of the programs the young mother asked the following question: "Dr. Komarovsky, what to do if the child has a hoarse voice?"Is it dangerous? ".

On this question, the doctor gave his explanations. Laryngitis in most cases( 99.9%) is a consequence of a viral infection. The main therapy should be aimed at suppressing viruses. The child needs a copious drink, fresh air( frequent room ventilation), and antiviral drugs are shown only in case of complicated disease course.

At high body temperature, it is necessary to knock down the temperature, but it is better to do with ibuprofen or paracetamol .With laryngitis, there is no stenosis of the larynx, but there is only an inflammatory process.

As for the therapy of false cereal, everything is more complicated here, and there is no special tactic, because the cause of stenosis of the larynx can be different. Sometimes the laryngeal lumen is filled with a lot of thick mucus that does not cough, and accumulates. In this case, inhalations that will dilute thick masses and bring them out will be useful.

If stenosis develops under the influence of allergens, inhalations can play a cruel joke and exacerbate a shortness of breath. Therefore, self-treatment of false croup has a high probability of complications.

Doctor Komarovsky about a hoarse voice in children: video

With many diseases in childhood, the symptomatology has a more vivid picture than in adults. Children tend to fever, wheeze, snot, cough, suffer from diathesis. Children can not tell what hurts them, so there are delays with diagnosis, and hence untimely treatment.

Doctor Komarovsky on this occasion says that you should not panic in any case, but you do not need to watch out for vigilance. In this article, we examined the problem of hoarseness in children, where they saw that this symptom can be the usual "hardness" of the vocal cords, or signal the possibility of developing a false croup.

In order not to guess on the coffee grounds and not to prolong the suffering of the child, you should contact the pediatrician in due time, and if you are having trouble breathing, especially with a heavy inhalation, immediately call "ambulance"!Addressing a doctor will not only quickly get rid of the problem, but in some cases, save the life of a small patient. Take care of children!

Source: redaction of the article of the site http: //lechimsopli.ru/ lechenie-gorla / osipshij-golos-u-rebenka-chto-delat-chem-lechit