
Hyperextension: what is it?

Content 1Hyperextension for the back 1.1Effectiveness of exercise 1.2Who should hyperextension? 1.3Types of hyperextension 2Hyperextension: technique of implementation 2.1Hyperextension - what is it? 2.2The main muscles involved 2.3Description of the simulator 2.4Who can (need) to perform hyperextension 2.5When to perform hyperextension? 2.6Implementation Techniques 2.7Hyperextension at an angle 2.8When the torso is parallel to the floor 2.9Reverse hyperextension 2.10Lady'...

  • 07-Aug-2018
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Knee Inflammation: Symptoms and Treatment at Home

Content 1Than to treat an inflammation of a knee joint? 1.1Causes 1.2Clinical picture 1.3Medication 1.4Folk remedies 1.5These materials will be of interest to you: 2Symptoms and Treatment of Knee Inflammation: Top 6 Techniques 2.1Causes and Symptoms of Knee Inflammations 2.2Education in the knee joint 2.3How to relieve inflammation? 2.4Conservative methods of treatment 2.5Home Treatment 2.6Compress 2.7Home ointment 2.8Broth from bay leaves 2.9Infusion of medicinal plants ...

  • 12-Aug-2018
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Inflammation of the ankle causes, symptoms and treatment

Content 1Inflammation of the ankle: symptoms, causes and treatment of the ankle 1.1The structure of the arch of the foot and ankle 1.2Why does inflammation occur? 1.3Manifestations of arthritis 1.4Diagnostic methods 1.5Treatment 1.6Prevention 2Causes and treatment of ankle inflammation 2.1Signs of the disease and diagnosis 2.2Complex of therapeutic measures 2.3Complex of therapeutic measures 2.4Folk remedies and prevention 3How to treat ankle inflammation at home? 3.1Caus...

  • 01-Aug-2018
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Myopathy dushenna: causes, symptoms, treatment

Content 1Causes, symptoms and treatment of various forms of myopathy 1.1Causes of development of the disorder 1.2Inflammatory disorders 1.3Manifestations of a dangerous disease 1.4Diagnostic criteria and methods 1.5Treatment of the disease depending on its shape 1.6Prognosis and prevention 2Features of the development and treatment of Duchenne myopathy 2.1Why there is a pathology? 2.2How does the disease manifest itself? 2.3What is the danger of pathology? 2.4What are the met...

  • 18-Aug-2018
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Arthroscopy of the knee joint: surgery and its consequences

Content 1Arthroscopy of the knee joint: types, indications and contraindications, stages of surgery and rehabilitation, complications + photos, videos and reviews 1.1Arthroscopy of the knee joint: features and principles of the procedure 1.2Arthroscopy of the Knee - video 1.3Disadvantages and advantages 1.4Indications for diagnostic and sanative arthroscopy 1.5Contraindications to the procedure 1.6Operation 1.7Preparation 1.8Choosing the method of anesthesia 1.9Implementation of ...

  • 26-Aug-2018
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Calcium preparations

Content 1Which calcium preparation is better absorbed by the body 1.1How to take calcium preparations? 1.2Modern preparations of calcium 1.3Conclusion 2Review of calcium preparations 2.1When you need to take calcium preparations 2.2Indications for use 2.3Monopreparations 2.4Combined 2.5Mode of application 2.6Contraindications to the use of calcium preparations 2.7Side effects 3Calcium and calcium preparations in tablets 3.1The role of calcium in the body and the symptoms ...

  • 31-Jul-2018
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A bruise, a dislocation and a fracture of a finger on his arm: what to do?

Content 1Finger joint bruise on the arm: symptoms, first aid and treatment 1.1Causes 1.2Symptoms: how to distinguish a bruise from a dislocation or fracture 1.3Classification of trauma 1.4First aid 1.5Diagnostics 1.6Method of treatment 1.7Medications 1.8Physiotherapeutic procedures 1.9Surgical intervention 1.10Folk remedies 1.11What should I avoid if I get a bruise? 1.12Possible complications 2Injury of the joint of the finger: what to do, treatment of thumb injury 2.1How ...

  • 06-Aug-2018
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Swelling of the leg below the knee: causes

Content 1Swelling of the legs below the knees: causes and treatment 1.1Right ventricular failure 1.2Left ventricular failure 1.3Diagnosis of left ventricular failure 1.4Treatment 1.5Renal edema 1.6Diagnosis of renal edema 1.7General principles of treatment 1.8Lesion of the liver 1.9Diagnosis of liver damage 1.10Varicose disease 1.11Treatment of varicose veins 1.12Phlebothrombosis 1.13Venous insufficiency 1.14Arthritis and systemic diseases 1.15Hemorrhagic vasculitis of Shen...

  • 08-Aug-2018
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Osteochondrosis, and 3 degrees of cervical and lumbar spine

Content 1Degrees of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine 1.1Why there is an osteochondrosis of a cervical department? 1.2Characteristics of the first stage 1.3What happens in the second stage of the disease? 1.4How does the third stage manifest itself? 1.5Syndromes of the disease 1.6What is the osteochondrosis of the thoracic region? 1.7Clinical picture and causes 1.8Therapeutic events 2Osteochondrosis of the cervical region 1, 2, 3 degrees of lumbar region 2.1Phases of disea...

  • 24-Aug-2018
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Rehabilitation after fracture of the radius with displacement

Content 1Rehabilitation after a fracture of a radius with displacement: the basic stages and ways of restoration 1.1Treatment of various fractures of the radius 1.2General methods of rehabilitation 1.3Immobilization 1.4Removable orthosis 1.5Period without fixation 1.6Shock Wave Therapy 1.7Complications of fractures 2Restoration after fracture of the radius of the hand 2.1Consequences of fracture 2.2Fracture of the arm: how to prevent complications after fracture of the radius ...

  • 27-Jul-2018
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