Inflammation of the ankle causes, symptoms and treatment


  • 1Inflammation of the ankle: symptoms, causes and treatment of the ankle
    • 1.1The structure of the arch of the foot and ankle
    • 1.2Why does inflammation occur?
    • 1.3Manifestations of arthritis
    • 1.4Diagnostic methods
    • 1.5Treatment
    • 1.6Prevention
  • 2Causes and treatment of ankle inflammation
    • 2.1Signs of the disease and diagnosis
    • 2.2Complex of therapeutic measures
    • 2.3Complex of therapeutic measures
    • 2.4Folk remedies and prevention
  • 3How to treat ankle inflammation at home?
    • 3.1Causes
    • 3.2Concomitant symptoms
    • 3.3Diagnostics
    • 3.4Methods of treatment
    • 3.5Medicines
    • 3.6Physiotherapy
    • 3.7Orthopedic aids
    • 3.8Operation
    • 3.9ethnoscience
    • 3.10"Treatment of arthritis"
  • 4Manifestation of inflammation of the ankle and its treatment
    • 4.1Features of inflammation
    • 4.2Causes
    • 4.3As manifested
    • 4.4Different forms
    • 4.5Methods of examination
    • 4.6Therapeutic tactics
  • 5Arthritis of the ankle
    • 5.1The causes of arthritis of the ankle
    • 5.2Symptoms of arthritis in the lower leg, how to manifest?
    • instagram viewer
    • 5.3Types of arthritis of the ankle
    • 5.4How to treat arthritis of the ankle, all ways of treatment
    • 5.5Diet
    • 5.6Gymnastics
    • 5.7Massage, Ointments
    • 5.8How to cure people's methods?
    • 5.9What forecast?

Inflammation of the ankle: symptoms, causes and treatment of the ankle

The joints of the foot are connected with each other by the blood supply, so in the absence of treatment the inflammation passes to the ankle from the fingers. The drumstick and the talus are very firmly connected, and are supported from the inside and outside by lateral ligaments.

The joint always plays a key role in various movements, for example, running, driving or walking. The joint takes out all the weight of a person. Often such a load becomes too big and tedious.

Inflammation of the ankle or arthritis appears on both sides symmetrically or only on one side. The reasons for this can be very different.

The structure of the arch of the foot and ankle

On the foot there are 3 types of joints between:

  • heel and tarsus,
  • tarsus and metatarsal bones,
  • fibular, epigastric and tibial bones of the lower leg.

The first two joints form the arch of the foot. The last joint forms an ankle joint with ankles on the sides, as seen in the photo. The joint is provided by the venous and arterial network.

Nutrients for cartilage come inside the joint bag with blood, but this way gets the infection from the organs if there is a chronic or acute disease that needs to be treated. Inflammation passes over the common blood vessels to the ankle.

The Achilles tendon of the gastrocnemius muscle approaches the heel bone at the back, which allows a person to climb the "socks".

Achilles tendon is the most powerful in the whole body. It can withstand loads of up to 400 kg.

The number of deviation movements in all directions from 90 to 60 degrees, this depends on the ligament sprain and fitness.

Why does inflammation occur?

The inflammatory process of the joints of the foot begins under the influence of:

  1. increased traumatization of cartilage and ligaments due to increased load (weight gain, prolonged walking, heavy lifting), as well as fractures, bumps and bruises of the limbs,
  2. flat feet, which is expressed by the violation of the arch, changes in the center of gravity on the foot, an increase in the compensatory load on the ankle,
  3. viral or bacterial infection in the body,
  4. excessive allergic mood, which leads to autoimmune processes and tissue deformation, which is manifested in the appearance of rheumatoid arthritis or systemic lupus erythematosus,
  5. psoriasis and gout, which cause violations of internal metabolic processes.

Manifestations of arthritis

Patients can complain about different symptoms, and their intensity. The pain and discomfort of each person perceives differently, only a violation of the functionality of the joint allows you to draw conclusions about the diagnosis.

The main symptoms are:

  1. Pain in one and both affected joints. By its nature, this aching pain, which becomes more intense when moving,
  2. Difficulty walking due to disrupted ankle flexion and flexion,
  3. General fatigue, lethargy, chills with a slight increase in temperature.

A medical examination shows:

  • redness of the skin around the ankles,
  • swelling of tissues,
  • swelling and ankle enlargement of the diseased limb,
  • with palpation - a feeling of hot skin in the inflamed area.

In acute form, inflammation of the joints of the foot demonstrates more pronounced symptoms:

  1. temperature jumps,
  2. limitation of motor activity,
  3. sudden chills.

In chronic form, the disease slowly begins and proceeds, but there are significant lesions of the joints.

The use of ultrasound makes it possible to improve the penetration of the drug inside, and also relieves swelling of the tissues, and prevents the deformation of the cartilage.

Inflammation can be prolonged or intense, but in any case, it leads to destruction of the cartilage, high abrasion of bone surfaces, the appearance of arthrosoarthritis, accompanied by the destruction of bone components.

Diagnostic methods

To test all joint disorders, the same diagnostic methods are used. In diseases of the ankle, the following methods should be used:

  1. X-ray in different projections: deformation of joint surfaces, cartilage; presence of pus inside the capsule, changes in bone tissue,
  2. Ultrasound gives an opportunity to see the deformation of the soft tissues that surround the joint, as well as swelling and ligamentous lesions,
  3. Magnetic resonance imaging is the most informative and sensitive diagnostic method.

To identify the pathogen it is necessary to make a puncture with sowing on the synovial fluid medium.


Treatment of an acute form of arthritis requires an obligatory period of rest for the joint. It is important to limit the movement of the patient to complete bed rest. If this can not be done, then use of supporting bandages and support on the cane is prescribed.

Infectious arthritis is treated with antibiotics. The maximum effect is achieved by determining the sensitivity of the flora, but this is a long-term method, while the patient requires urgent help. Thus, antibiotics, oral or injection use are prescribed.

In the pharmacy you can buy special warming and supporting bandages for the ankles and ligaments or ankle brace.


We should not forget about local remedies (gels, ointments), they take off puffiness and warm. Means do not need to be used from the first days, at this time the application of cold is recommended. From the second day, thermal procedures are used.


You can not independently decide on the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, because they have side effects. According to the indications they are appointed by the doctor in the form of ointments, intramuscular injection or insertion inside the joint.

The action of any ointment becomes stronger if the foot is soothed in a bath or compress is done.

To cure arthritis, it is necessary to completely eliminate the disease that caused it.

If the disease has entered a chronic stage, then the treatment of the ankle joint suggests:

  1. normalization of body weight to relieve the condition of ligaments and joints,
  2. strengthening of the general immunity or reception of preparations-depressors when the inflammation is caused by an allergy,
  3. the use of chondroprotectors for the restoration of cartilage and ligaments,
  4. courses of vitamin therapy.

In the elderly, the causes of the appearance of arthritis are, first of all, lack of mobility and disturbed nutrition on the arteries, which are affected by atherosclerosis. In such cases, it is necessary to take statins, drugs that dilate the vessels of the shin.

The best results in treatment are given by a combination of medicines with physiotherapy, for example, massage and mud applications. In addition, sanatorium treatment removes residual symptoms of the disease.


That there were no violations of the ankle and ligaments, it is necessary to follow certain recommendations. The first rule is the development of a healthy lifestyle. The correct diet helps maintain a normal weight, preventing the appearance of salts and slags, and maintaining an optimal balance of substances.

Alcohol and smoking have an extremely negative impact on the overall health of the person, in addition, this is the cause of weakening of the joints, and ankles as well.

Regular physical exertion on the joints is necessary, but it is important not to overload so that the ankle is not injured. It is useful to walk, but only with the right shoes, a safe pace and a suitable road surface.


Water exercises are one of the best types of exercise. The ankle joint is provided with the required volume of movements, but there is no need to support the weight of its own body.


An important role in prevention is played by competent selection of shoes.

It is necessary that the shoes securely fix the legs, and also have a hard back and a thick sole.

Wearing heels is detrimental to ligaments and joints, since the foot is always in the wrong position, and this can cause an ankle injury.

The ankle has a heavy load during walking. Even the slightest damage and disruption of the function can lead to serious difficulties. Inflammation of the joints can be an indicator:

  • infectious processes,
  • autoimmune diseases,
  • endocrine disorders,
  • diseases of the genitourinary and other systems.

Of course, to treat arthritis is much more effective when the symptoms are slightly expressed and not so painful. The later stages, as a rule, are characterized by the destruction of the ligaments and the joint.

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Causes and treatment of ankle inflammation

Ankle joint is one of the most difficult joints of the lower extremities.

It consists of tibia, tibia and talus, which are connected with the help of tendons and ligaments.

Thanks to the talus bone that connects the peroneal and tibia, the ankles can withstand a heavy load. The joint is very mobile due to the large number of ligaments and muscles.

Inflammation of the ankles arises for many reasons and in most cases can be treated.

Injuries of the ankle are mainly associated with dislocations, bruises and ankle sprains, rupture of the tendon and ligaments.

Sometimes inflammation and pain in the ankle are symptoms of a more serious illness.

Physicians diagnose "arthritis when joints have inflamed, is the general name of the disease. In the arthritis of the ankle, hyaline cartilage, with which the talus and tibia are covered, is inflamed.

Arthritis is common in people after 40. Inflammation of the joint is a painful disease, it has pronounced external and internal symptoms. Often, arthritis affects very young people.

The reasons can be very different: immunodeficiency, infectious and rheumatic diseases, connective tissue disorders and many others.

For the correct diagnosis, you need to see a doctor, treat joints as soon as possible. Self-medication can lead to even more unpleasant consequences.

Signs of the disease and diagnosis

Can I diagnose inflammation on my own? Yes, he has pronounced symptoms, the first of which is a pain syndrome, together with what appear:

  • edema and redness of the skin throughout the ankle and surrounding areas;
  • local increase in temperature;
  • soreness in the area of ​​inflammation;
  • difficulty walking and footing on the foot;
  • hyperthermia of the affected area.
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If the cause of inflammation is arthritis or arthrosis, symptoms do not appear immediately. With such symptoms, the patient, as a rule, comes to the doctor for further diagnosis. Then follows the appointment of treatment.

Inflammation of the joints can be caused by various factors.

Physicians identify the main causes: injuries of the joint and tendons, which lead to a violation of the production of synovial fluid, diabetes mellitus, endocrine system disorders, synovitis, arthrosis, hyaline cartilage inflammation, gout, cardiac failure. When swelling of the ankles, they are affected by soft tissues, tendons and epithelium.

Complex of therapeutic measures

After revealing the cause, the doctor prescribes treatment. Treatment of ankle inflammation should be comprehensive. Complex treatment combines:

  • drug treatment;
  • physiotherapy;
  • surgery;
  • treatment with folk remedies.

It is important to start treatment as early as possible. The sooner you begin to treat the inflammation of the joint, the faster it will be able to cure it and avoid complications. The complex of drugs that the doctor prescribes for treatment depends on the cause of the inflammation.

If the ankle tumor is caused by leg ailments - arthritis, arthrosis, gout, synovitis - one needs to treat a primary disease. Arthritis has joints and tendons.

The most common form of arthritis, which affects the ankle joint - osteoarthritis, resulting from wear of cartilage. The disease develops gradually and it does not start immediately.

Rheumatoid arthritis is the result of infection of the joint.

Complex of therapeutic measures

Very often, sprains of the ankle and foot are encountered, the symptom of which is: ankle inflammation, redness and severe pain. Symptoms develop very quickly, self-medication can not be done in any case.

Before providing medical help to reduce the edema, you can put ice. In this case, the doctor fixes the ankle joint to restore the integrity of the ligaments. The fixation is also shown with a slight rupture of the tendon.

Be sure to prescribe drugs that relieve pain, improve blood circulation, antibiotics.

With synovitis - the accumulation of periarticular fluid in the joint - a tumor is formed in the ankle region, burning sensation, raspiranie, movement in the ankle is difficult. When palpation, liquid is felt in the foot.

Treatment of non-synovitis synovitis medication. The doctor immobilizes the injured leg part with a tight bandage to drain the fluid. With excess fluid, a puncture of the skin is made.

To fix the leg with a purulent synovitis, use a plaster bandage.


Physiotherapy has a positive effect on tendons and damaged joints. Assign warming, magnetotherapy, electrophoresis, mud therapy. Together with physiotherapy, massage and exercise therapy are prescribed to strengthen ligaments and tendons.


Surgical treatment is indicated for purulent synovitis, severe injuries of the ankle, strong rupture of the tendon, ligaments, fractures, severe forms of arthritis or arthrosis, in which the joints deformed.

Folk remedies and prevention

In an acute condition it is important to immobilize a limb, observe bed rest. To remove the post-traumatic edema, apply an ice compress. To speed up the healing process, you can treat with home remedies.

Method Preparation and use
Salt baths help well. For a liter of hot water, 150 grams of table salt, hold for 20 minutes. Salt draws out excess liquid.
When arthritis helps decoction of the leaves of cranberries, as well as birch leaves, black currant, corn stigmas. For 250 ml of boiling water take 2 teaspoons of dried leaves, warm in a water bath for 15 minutes. Drink during the day in small sips.
To treat deforming arthritis, you can prepare an ointment based on turpentine. For one teaspoon of turpentine, take one egg yolk, one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, mix everything.
In the treatment of deforming arthritis, compresses made of fir oil will also help. For this, the joint is preheated with hot sand or sea salt. Then it is actively rubbed with fir oil, wrapped with a natural cloth.
Give up black tea, replacing it with herbal medicine. In equal proportions (on a teaspoonful), take birch buds, nettles, dry violet. Pour a glass of boiling water. Preheat in a water bath for 10 minutes. Take small meals four times a day.

To prevent inflammation of the ankle, it is important to adjust the nutrition.

Limit the use of salt, exclude alcohol and caffeinated drinks, fried, smoked, meat broths, dairy products, sorrel. All these products adversely affect the joints.

The excess of salt can greatly swollen legs. Proper nutrition helps to remove toxic substances and purines from the body.

Exercises that you can do yourself help to relieve pain symptoms and accelerate recovery after an ankle injury. Normalize physical activity. In case of pain and inflammation in the ankle, consult a doctor.

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How to treat ankle inflammation at home?

The ankle joint is considered one of the largest joints. Inflammatory process, occurring in the joint and manifested by edema, pain syndrome is called - arthritis of the ankle.

This disease is divided into two types: primary and secondary. The first kind manifests itself as an independent pathology that occurs in a healthy body.

The second - develops against the background of another disease, can be a characteristic symptom.

Inflammation of the foot is characterized by qualitative and quantitative changes in the fluid of the synovium. The joint bag surrounds the articulation, inside of which there is liquid.

It is designed to reduce friction between joints, acts as a lubricant. As you know, cartilage does not have blood vessels.

Therefore, the synovial fluid provides the bone tissue with useful nutrients and takes up the remnants of the metabolic process.

With arthritis, the fluid in the articular ankle bag can not perform the functions fully assigned to it. The affected shell (synovial) secretes a large amount of fluid, which provokes swelling, an increase in the affected area.

In addition to the disruption of functioning, there is a deformation of bone tissue, articular cartilage, connective tissue, tendons.

Each case is accompanied by different features of the inflammatory process.

At the same time, the immune system lends itself to a negative influence, because it fights against microbial toxins, thereby harming connective matter.


The most common reason why inflammation of the ankle occurs is joint trauma.

This happens through the stretching of the foot, resulting in severe pain, redness, swelling. There are often cases of fracture of the ankle, subluxation of the foot.

It is visually possible to notice that the articular area is enlarged in volume, with a slight movement there is a sharp pain.

In addition, arthritis in the ankle can develop for the following reasons:

  • Infection of the joint cavity;
  • Diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism);
  • Flat-footed;
  • Tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus;
  • Helminthiasis;
  • Sepsis, syphilis;
  • Gout;
  • The defeat of the respiratory system.

The swelling of the foot is caused by such factors:

  • Mechanical impairment of muscle;
  • Decreased vascular tone, veins;
  • Inadequate circulation of blood plasma;
  • Subcooling;
  • Weak immune system;
  • Prolonged physical activity.

Concomitant symptoms

The disease has similar symptoms, which are typical for any type of arthritis. This disease can lead to disability and even to a wheelchair.

Negligent attitude to their health condition, inattention to the manifested signs will lead to further destruction of bone cartilage and will cause deterioration of limb functionality.

The main symptoms of the disease:

  1. Deforming external articular view. The affected area is edematic, has an elevated temperature. This indicates the accumulation of synovial fluid.
  2. Pain. Inflammatory process is accompanied by aching, constant, acute painful sensations. It calms down during the relaxation, it resumes when you move. Depending on the time of day, the pain syndrome has a characteristic degree.
  3. Defective performance. There is a partial limitation of mobility of the ankle, difficulty in making movements, a sharp decrease in size.
  4. Symmetry. The ailment contributes to the defeat of both limbs at the same time. Demonstratively, it is expressed in the presence of rheumatoid, psoriatic arthritis.
  5. A crunch in the bony joint. It occurs as a result of insufficient lubrication of joints, when friction between surfaces is performed and a click is heard.
  6. Deterioration of the state of the biosystem. Arthritis can spread and damage not only bone tissue, but also other internal organs (heart, lungs, kidneys).
  7. Stiffness. The affected joint is limited in mobility, arises after a long muscular contracture.
  8. Skin defect. It is characterized by a rash of the skin, a lesion of the nail plate (with psoriasis). Gout is provoked by rheumatic tofus, a nodule.


Most patients, coming to the doctor for an appointment, complain of pain in the ankle. Determined with a diagnosis is not difficult, as the painful attack is the main criterion. It is much more difficult to discover the root cause and prescribe the right treatment.

The survey procedure includes:

  1. Clarifying the cause of the disease, collecting, analyzing the necessary data.
  2. Analysis of blood, fluid (consists of the total delivery of blood, urine).
  3. Detection of the peptide (with rheumatoid inflammation), uric acid (with gout).
  4. Radiography. The method allows to determine the index of severity and lesion of the foot.

Methods of treatment

Patients with a similar disease complain of discomfort, pain in the legs, feet.

In people, coordination of movements is disturbed, uncertain gait.

What to do when the ankle has inflamed? Treatment of arthritis is aimed at eliminating symptoms, eliminating the inflamed, resumption of motor function.


Excellent effect has warming ointments, such as Finalgon, Diklak, Fastum-gel. Corticosteroids are also used, if the pain is severe and it is impossible to tolerate it.

Chondroprotectors - chondroitin, chondroxide are used to restore the surface of the cartilage. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to influence the pathogenesis of ailments, stop the pain syndrome.

Assign in the form of injections Revmoxicam, Ibuprofen, Celecoxib.

To inject the injection into the joint cavity, steroid hormones (Dexamethasone, Kenalog) are used.


To improve the circulation of blood in the capillaries apply Curantil, Trental, Pentoxifylline. Remember, all of the above remedies are used for the doctor's prescription.


After diagnosis, the specialist is identified with the cause of the disease and intends therapy.


The session can be held together with gymnastic exercises. The load on the feet is minimal, the procedure is performed in the supine position. It is better to conduct an event after taking medications, so to say, during the period of inflammation fading.

Gradually, it is desirable for the patient to perform the exercise of rolling from heel to toe and vice versa, small and slow walking.

The specialist should perform massage manipulations, so as not to cause more unpleasant sensations. They are performed smoothly, without sharp jerks, without pressing a localized location.

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With gentle movements of the pads of the fingers, circular manipulations are performed, with a slight grinding and stroking.

Orthopedic aids

If arthritis has an acute phase of percolation, then you need to refrain from walking. That is, the patient can wear a plaster bandage for complete immobilization of the limb.

Next, to move around using a crutch, a cane. Shoes should be comfortable and free, do not squeeze the ankle. Special insoles, arch supports are used.


Surgical intervention is used as a last resort, when traditional medicine is powerless.

After all, pathology can manifest itself as a fusion of the surface of the joint, a pronounced deformation of the structure of the articulation.

In such a situation resort to the operation, which consists in endoprosthetics.


Often the problem with ligaments, tendons is associated with arthritis.

It happens from the presence of infection, excessive physical exertion, sports trauma.

Treatment of folk remedies at home includes various medications, a type of tinctures, ointments and trays. Consider the most popular recipes:

  • Broth from elder. It will take a fresh green elder, boil it in water with the addition (1 tbsp. l. baking soda). Do not filter, place a disturbing part of the body in a warm broth, take it as a bath. It helps a lot when stretching the tendons.
  • Compress of milk. Homemade dairy product to warm, in it to wet a clean cloth, a bandage and to impose on a sick joint. Top with a warm cloth or a scarf. As the compresses cool down, the procedure is repeated. Perform until the inflammation disappears.
  • Infusion of plantain. Take 2 tbsp. l. seeds of a plant, brew in a vessel. Strain and drink 1-2 tablespoons. three times a day.
  • Onion compress. Cut fresh vegetable into small pieces, mix with 100 gr. Sahara. Then put the mixture on cotton cloth and put it on the damaged place. The duration of the procedure is 7 days, daily fresh compress (for 5-6 hours to withstand).
  • Ointment from calendula. Mix the children's cream with a piece of dried flowers. Apply at night, on the affected area, fixing the bandage on top. Promotes the elimination of infection, inflammation of ligaments.
  • Clay compress. White clay (500 g) is mixed with water to a uniform consistency. Add here 4 tablespoons apple cider vinegar. Dipped in a solution napkin, put on the affected area, bandage. Stretching of the tendons will take place in 5-6 sessions.

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"Treatment of arthritis"

To look and see simple tips on how to treat inflammation of the ankle joint, you can in the video below.

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Manifestation of inflammation of the ankle and its treatment

The group of diseases of the musculoskeletal system includes inflammation of the ankle joint. Most often, this pathology is one-sided arthritis. In untimely treatment, the disease can cause motor dysfunction up to ankylosis (immobility of the joint).

Features of inflammation

The lower limbs of man consist of several bones. They are joined together by joints. The latter provide limb mobility. Ankle joint is formed by tibia, fibula and talus bones. It is paired and has the shape of a block.

This pathology is considered as an independent disease or syndrome. People of all ages face this problem. Young men are more often ill.

Often the symptoms of arthritis are observed in children and adolescents. There are inflammatory and destructive forms of this pathology.

In the latter case, we are talking about arthrosis (osteoarthritis).

Inflammation can be acute and chronic. Arthritis is divided into primary and secondary.


The defeat of the ankle joint can be isolated or combined. In the first case, monoarthritis develops.


Less commonly, 2 to 4 joints are involved in the process. In some people, polyarthritis is diagnosed.

Distinguish nonspecific, specific and aseptic inflammation. The most common types of arthritis of the ankle joint are:

  • rheumatoid;
  • gouty;
  • gonorrheal;
  • tubercular;
  • reactive;
  • psoriatic;
  • traumatic.

The defeat is one-sided and two-sided.


There are several causes of inflammation of the ankle joint. The main etiological factors are:

  • impaired uric acid metabolism;
  • Bechterew's disease;
  • malignant tumors;
  • psoriasis;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • dysentery;
  • salmonellosis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • chlamydial infection;
  • viral diseases;
  • injuries;
  • yersiniosis;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • pulmonary pathology;
  • Reiter's syndrome;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • mycosis.

Purulent form of inflammation is most often due to the penetration of bacteria. The cause of joint damage is gout.

With it, uric acid salts are deposited in the tissues. Reactive aseptic inflammation is associated with an increased response of immune cells.

There are a number of factors that increase the risk of an ankle injury.

These include:

  • smoking;
  • occupation of traumatic sports;
  • unprotected sex;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet;
  • overweight;
  • stress;
  • poor living conditions.

Sometimes the symptoms of inflammation occur against the background of a severe flu.

As manifested

Inflammation of the ankle symptoms are few. The clinical picture is determined by the main cause and form of arthritis. In acute inflammation, the following symptoms are observed:

  • pain;
  • redness of the skin;
  • swelling of tissues;
  • local hyperthermia;
  • limitation of the volume of movements;
  • soreness of the foot during palpation.

If the cause is infection, then possible symptoms of intoxication in the form of fever, chills, headache and weakness. The leading sign is arthralgia. The pain is mild or severe (intolerable), and also paroxysmal. It intensifies at night and in the morning.

A person complains of stiffness. In some cases, the ankle is deformed. Sometimes there is complete immobility.

Chronic inflammation develops slowly. In the early stages of anxiety stiffness in the morning. Pain occurs only during movements.

Edema is weak.

There is discomfort during the removal or putting on of shoes. In the late stages, patients need to move around with a tool (crutch, stick).

Pain becomes permanent. She worries both during exercise and at rest. There is deformation of the foot.

If you can not cure a person in a timely manner, then he can become disabled.

Different forms

One of the most dangerous types of arthritis of the ankle is rheumatoid. It can progress rapidly. Distinctive features of this pathology are:

  • symmetry of defeat;
  • the presence of a latent period;
  • exacerbation in the cold season;
  • permanent pain syndrome;
  • involvement in the process of ligaments and muscles;
  • the presence of extra-articular symptoms.

The ankle joint rarely inflames. The main symptoms of the disease can be preceded by muscle pain, weight loss, weakness and sweating. The reasons for the development of this pathology are not fully understood. The main symptoms are:

  • pain;
  • stiffness in the mornings lasting more than half an hour;
  • fever;
  • myalgia.

Stiffness is due to the accumulation of exudate per night.

To extraarticular manifestations of the disease include subcutaneous nodules, abdominal pain, flatulence, chest discomfort and enlarged lymph nodes.

With rheumatoid arthritis, pleurisy, endocarditis, myocarditis, glomerulonephritis, pericarditis, alveolitis, enterocolitis, amyloidosis and aortitis often develop.

It is often diagnosed reactive inflammation of the joint. It is aseptic and occurs against the background of infection.

The cause may be urogenital, gastrointestinal or nasopharyngeal pathologies.

The peculiarity of this form of arthritis is that it is preceded by signs of the underlying disease. An acute inflammation develops.

With Reiter's syndrome, signs of arthritis appear within 1-2 months after a previous urinary infection. Less common are acute intestinal diseases. Mostly young men are ill.

Arthritis in Reiter's syndrome is asymmetric and ascending.

Along with the signs of joint damage, symptoms such as lacrimation, discharge from the urethra, frequent urination, burning or pain during a micturition, redness of the urethral opening, pain in the eyes and their redness.


Inflammation of the ankle is possible against the background of gout. With this pathology, polyarthritis often develops. A specific feature is the presence of tofus (subcutaneous growth around the joint).


The attack can be caused by alcohol consumption, inaccuracies in the diet and hypothermia. With chronic inflammation, kidney damage is possible.

Every experienced doctor saw a photo of such patients.

Methods of examination

Before removing the inflammation, you need to put an accurate diagnosis. You will need:

  • a patient interview;
  • examination of the joint and surrounding tissues;
  • physical examination;
  • CT or MRI;
  • radiography;
  • general blood analysis;
  • analysis for rheumatoid factor;
  • linked immunosorbent assay;
  • sowing of blood;
  • arthroscopy;
  • puncture.

Therapeutic tactics

In the absence of complications, treatment at home is possible.

To eliminate pain, analgesics (Analgin, Baralgin) and NPVS (Indomethacin, Indovis EU, Metindol Retard, Arthrosan, Movalis, Nurofen Express Neo, Mig 400, Ibuprofen Hemofarm, Orthofen, Voltaren and Diclofenac Retard). These medications are prescribed orally, injectively or externally.

Patients need to wear special orthopedic inserts.

In the infectious form of inflammation, antimicrobial agents are prescribed (antibiotics, antiviral drugs). It is recommended to drink vitamins.

In severe cases, injections are made to the cavity of the ankle joint. The treatment regimen often includes systemic corticosteroids.

In the acute period you need to observe peace. A maximum gentle joint regimen should be provided. It requires its immobilization.

It is possible to apply dry heat to the affected area. After the pain is eliminated, physiotherapy (UHF therapy, diathermy, electrophoresis) is performed.

For normalization of the motor function, gymnastics and massage are shown.

Sometimes a therapeutic puncture is performed. Its purpose is to aspirate the contents. An antibiotic can be injected into the joint cavity.

The drugs of choice in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis are corticosteroids, cytostatics, immunosuppressants and inactivators of tumor necrosis factor.

With gout, you must abandon meat products. Allopurinol is prescribed.

Local treatment includes application and application of ointments.

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Arthritis of the ankle

Arthritis of the ankle- an inflammatory process, destructively affecting, leading to hyperemia, deformity or complete fusion of articular surfaces.

In the absence of treatment, the lesion will lead to irreversible consequences: the complete immobility of the joint and the disability of the victim.

The causes of arthritis of the ankle

The main cause of arthritis development is joint trauma with attachment of pathogenic bacterial flora caused by specific pathogens (gonococci, chlamydia spirochetes), or nonspecific (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, streptococci, viruses influenza).

A number of autoimmune diseases can lead to the destruction of articular tissue:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis, Bechterew's disease and psoriasis, when the development of antibodies destructive to the joint occurs;
  • Gout due to the deposition of salts in the urea in the projections of the articular surface, which destroy the articular tissue in places of its localization;
  • Infection of the intestine, urogenital system with subsequent spread to the joint;
  • Flattening due to a strong or uneven load on the foot, resulting in time to pain, difficulty walking, then - to the development of inflammation in the joint cavity;
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Lupus, against which the articular tissue undergoes degenerative-dystrophic changes due to a violation of blood supply, lack of nutrient intake.

On the inside of the articular cartilage there are cracks, the cartilaginous tissue is destroyed.

Symptoms of arthritis in the lower leg, how to manifest?

First the area of ​​the lesion begins to ache and swell, with palpation remains a prominent fossa.

Then the reddened areas become hot, which is associated with an increase in temperature against the background of the ongoing inflammatory process.

Due to painful joints, it becomes difficult for a patient to walk, it is painful to step on his leg.

It hurts the ankle joint.

The patient has weakness, a feeling of aches, increased pain when flexing, flexing the joint.


Symptomatics is completely dependent on the underlying pathology that led to the development of arthritis.


Symptoms are more pronounced in the acute course of the disease:

  • There is a strong aching pain, increases with walking in the area of ​​the connection of the foot with the shin;
  • The skin becomes swollen and inflamed, it becomes impossible to put on your feet your favorite boots;
  • Functional activity is disrupted, the patient begins to limp;
  • Gradually the ankle muscles atrophy, contractures develop, weakness, deterioration in general well-being, increase in temperature.

If you do not prevent the further development of inflammation, then arthritis will go to a chronic stage. In 2-3 years the articular cartilage will collapse completely.

When carrying out diagnostic measures, the images clearly show the thickening of the ankle in the lesion, the adoption of an unnatural foot position, atrophy of the ankle muscles, or dislocation of the joint, sprain of the ligaments due to weakening of the ligament apparatus under the influence of inflammatory process.

Signs of arthritis can be determined independently and visually.

Increases pain when flexing, flexing the joint. If you take the foot to the side of the lower leg and then unbend it back, there will just be a burning pain, and the swollen ankle will not allow you to put on your feet once comfortable shoes.

Types of arthritis of the ankle

There are 5 types of ankle arthritis: gouty, reactive, rheumatoid, purulent, posttraumatic.

1) Gouty Arthritisleads to the accumulation of products of disintegration of uric acid in the joint due to a violation of its metabolism.

Crystals of salts clog the articular cavity, the pathological process begins.

Articular cartilage is damaged, whitish growths around the joint or tofusi, characteristic of the gouty form of arthritis, are formed. The place of inflammation is hyperemic, deformed, constantly hurts. In case of damage to the skin of the skin, decay products are isolated in the form of white cheesy mass.

2) Reactive arthritisleads to the development of inflammation in the cartilaginous tissue, pathological changes in the entire body.

The reason - infection of the joint cavity by infection: salmonellosis, chlamydia.

In soft tissues pus accumulates, the region of the shin swells, osteomyelitis develops. Reactive arthritis leads to damage to the hyaline cartilage, the serous fluid accumulates in the cavity, the ankle in the ankle region swells and hurts.

Pain only increases with palpation and movement, the temperature rises. The joints need urgent fixation by applying a plaster bandage.

3) Rheumatoid arthritisis associated with autoimmune processes in the body.

The development of the disease contributes to a malfunction of immunity. Taking your cells for foreign ones, destruction and destruction of hyaline cartilage occurs. Often together, small joints on the legs and hands are affected.

4) Purulent arthritisdevelops due to infection in the joint cavity, where the suppuration occurs.

Gradually damaged healthy closely located joints. The disease can develop against the background of HIV infection, hemarthrosis. The feet and lower leg swell, the temperature rises, the articular cartilage begins to melt quickly, and finally it completely collapses.


5) Post-traumatic arthritisIs the result of degeneration of the cartilage tissue under the influence of the inflammatory process.


The cartilage is damaged, a fracture of the ankle bone is possible. The joint swells. When taking a puncture from the site of inflammation, oozing bloody fluid.

How to treat arthritis of the ankle, all ways of treatment

Treatment completely depends on the form of the disease, the stage of its course, symptoms and signs. It is important to suspend the inflammatory process, to eliminate the underlying cause that triggered the development of arthritis.

First of all, you need to give the joint a complete peace, minimize all the stresses on it. Doctors recommend walking with a cane to remove part of the load.

Recommended bed rest, immobilization of the joint application of an elastic bandage. Treatment of arthritis is complex with the appointment of medications, painkillers, chondroprotectors, physiotherapy procedures.

It shows a diet, gymnastics, massage, local treatment by rubbing ointments and gels into the joint, applying lotions to relieve pain and swelling. Attention! The purpose of treatment is only the doctor.

It is important to impose a plaster, a different fixing bandage in a timely manner, to reduce the load on the joint, in addition to the inflammatory process, flowing in it does not aggravate the situation by loading on the joint, only accompanying the appearance of cracks, accelerating the destruction of the joint cavity.

1) Medicinesappointed by the doctor only when the final diagnosis is made based on the results of the examinations: ultrasound, X-ray, MRI.

Anti-inflammatory, non-steroidal agents are used to relieve inflammation, pain and swelling: Ibuprofen, Ketaprofen, Aspirin.


Also non-hormonal drugs: Piridoxicam, Nimesulide, Diclofenac, Naproxen, Etodolac, Indomethacin, Celecoxib, Diflucinac, Flurbicin.


Anesthetics, antipyretic drugs are prescribed in tablets, injections and ointments.

To maintain immunity - vitamins, fortifying agents. Possible injection of injections into the joint cavity in order to remove unpleasant symptoms. Glucocorticoids, cytostatics for relief of pain in gouty or rheumatoid arthritis.

2) Hondoprotectorswith the appointment of Terraflex, Structum for the purpose of restoring cartilaginous tissue, normalizing the processes of nutrition in its structures.

3) Physiotherapyfor improvement of blood supply, regeneration of cartilages of articular tissues.

4) Compresses are useful: paraffin, ozocerite, therapeutic mud.

5) Endoprosthetics for posttraumatic arthritis, when conservative methods are no longer effective. In addition to physiotherapy, the chances of recovering the joint function are much higher.

6) Arthroscopy is a surgical method by inserting instruments into the joint cavity to remove purulent fluid, eliminate inflammatory foci, and stop bleeding.

7) Orthopedic footwear is advised to be worn by doctors with special inserts (insoles) to unload the foot, relax the muscles, reduce the load on the joint as a whole.

The main role in shoes is played by a stiff sole or convex shoes, which the doctor deals with in consideration of the symptoms and the stage of development of arthritis.


It is irreplaceable with such a disease as arthritis of the ankle.

Normalizes the trophism of the entire osseous-articular system, which is designed to support the supply of nutrients and trace elements to the cartilage and bone tissue.

Recommended for use are porcine cartilage, gelatin, poultry and fish with collagen content that can repair connective tissue.


Exercises are developed by the attending physician individually, taking into account the symptoms, the stage of the illness.

Of course, with acute course, severe pathology, the load (even insignificant) on the joint is unacceptable.

Exercises will not allow the formation of scarring and fusion in the joint cavity, but they are conducted only during the post-rehabilitation period, or when the inflammatory process goes to a decline.


  • Rolling, i.e. stepping from foot to toe and vice versa. So for 3-4 rolls, also from side to side. The process drives the knees;
  • Walking alternately on the heels, then on the inside of the feet, without bending at the same time with the knees;
  • Jumping by using gastrocnemius muscles to repel. Do up to 8-10 jumps, pulling the stop to the maximum when pushing away.

Massage, Ointments

Massage for the purpose of maintaining joint mobility. But it is carried out only by an experienced specialist. Any abnormal movements can aggravate the position of the joint.

Ointments. Turpentine (1-2 tsp) combine with egg yolk and apple cider vinegar (1 tablespoon), mix. Rub into sore spots. The remedy helps with lameness due to deformation of the joint.

Fir oil. Prepare the compress. First, rub the joint with sand, then with oil.


Then again apply a layer of sand or sea salt, fix a gauze bandage. To reduce the pain, the attachment to the joint of the magnesium poly-minerals Bischiffa helps.


Sanatorium treatment is indicated for arthritis of the ankle in order to prevent possible relapses in the future with the appointment of warming mud baths mud procedures.

If arthritis is started, the joint constantly hurts and all the above-described methods of treatment are ineffective, then surgical intervention is possible - surgery to repair or splice the ankle joint.

How to cure people's methods?

Today, they are applicable and approved by the doctors of dietary supplements.

For example, collagen ultra, has a number of advantages:

  • Has a beneficial effect on the joint;
  • Eliminates pain;
  • Removes inflammation;
  • Reduces swelling;
  • Accelerates regeneration in the joint cavity;
  • Restores the cartilage and all the bone structures, feeding them with amino acids and protein in the composition.

You can cook a decoction at home. Leaves of elderberry (3 tsp dry) pour boiling water (1 cup), stand on a water bath for 20 minutes, cool, drink sips up to 8 times a day.

It is also good to brew and take constantly corn stigmas, birch buds, black currant leaves.

What forecast?

The prognosis is quite favorable, if not delayed with treatment for such a disease as arthritis of the ankle joint.

On how correctly the doctor chooses the tactics of treatment, taking into account the available symptoms and indications after the methods of diagnosis carried out will determine the effectiveness and duration of the health process and the period rehabilitation.

With such a disease as arthritis, it is important to immobilize the joint in a timely manner, to reduce the load, to stop the inflammatory process, to stop its further development.

A large role in the treatment is played by wearing the right orthopedic shoes with tabs to reduce the load on the foot.

It is important to take care of the joint, strictly observe all the prescriptions of the doctor. After the symptoms are gone you can expect improvements, restoration of the cartilaginous cavity and mobility of the ankle joint.

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