Itching of the skin when the body itches: causes and treatment of itching

Skin itch is a symptom of many as external diseases( for example, allergies, insect bites, inflammatory processes of the skin) and internal diseases( for example, diabetes mellitus, etc.).Skin itching is a subjective sensation-a complaint of a sick adult person or child, when for a number of reasons the body is very itchy and itchy: head, arms, legs.

Here we will consider the treatment of pruritus of the skin and what can be done at home if the skin is itchy and itchy.

In the second part of the publication you can view the video and read about some of the main causes of itching.


Treatment of the skin itch with folk remedies

For the removal of itching, folk medicine offers the following tools:

Nettle ordinary .Infusion and decoction of nettle( 1 tablespoon per glass of water).

Devyasil .50 grams of sliced ​​roots, pour 100 ml of water and cook for 20 minutes. Strain the broth with 50 g of fresh lard. Apply for lubrication.

Peppermint .Prepare the tincture( 1 tablespoon of dried leaves per 100 spirits or vodka).Insist 14 days, strain. Apply to lubricate the itching areas.

The burdock is used as a decoction. Apply compresses from 2 tablespoons of ground roots, cooked for half an hour in 0.5 liters of water.

Poplar black .Powder from bark or dry leaves mixed with an equal amount of unsalted pig fat or smaltz. Lubricate itching areas of the skin.

It removes the skin itch a decoction of a deaf of a nettle( clearing). 6 teaspoons pour 2 cups of water and boil 10 minutes. Use as an external remedy.

Dill .Powdered fruits take 1 g inside( at the tip of the knife).

Removes skin itching watercress. Within 2 weeks, eat salad from young leaves( 1-2 handfuls).

Marjoram .A good remedy for itchy skin.2 teaspoons of the crushed plant( aboveground part) pour 200 ml of boiling water. Apply externally.

Pansies .Infusion( 1 tablespoon of flowers per 300 ml of boiling water).Insist 1 hour, strain.

Baths from needles, needles and cones of coniferous trees .Make the broth and pour into the tub.

In anogenital itching, enemas are used from 5% decoction of peony roots.

Baths from the of the Juniper .3-4 tablespoons liquid juniper extract( or 2 tablets of dry extracts per bath).

Cleansing acrid. Apply in the form of infusion( 1 teaspoon per glass of boiling water).Infuse 1 hour of 50-70 ml 3 times a day inside. Do the same, make compresses.

Periwinkle small. To remove the itchy skin, use a decoction from the raw material of the plant( pour 1 tablespoon of green leaves with a glass of boiling water and cook for 20 minutes).Periwinkle is used in the form of lotions, rinses and washings.

Nightshade black. Decoction of leaves and fruits is used to treat skin itching, as well as inflammatory skin processes, psoriasis, eczema and anal itching. Apply externally-blown leaves and fruits in a slurry in a mixture with sunflower oil.

Nightshade is very toxic, therefore it requires careful handling.

Veronica officinalis in the form of infusion( tablespoon per 150 ml of boiling water).Insist 2 hours. It is used to treat skin itching( especially with diabetes).Decoction take inside 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. Outer veronica is used in the form of gruel from the aboveground part of the plant, mixing it with sunflower oil.

Treatment of pruritus with drugs, drugs

With common itching, you first need to establish the cause - the underlying disease - and treat it. This is a very difficult problem, because it requires a full-fledged qualified examination and in case of an etiological factor - its elimination. Unfortunately, this is not always possible, therefore, in such cases, as well as with all dermatoses accompanied by itching, symptomatic therapy is prescribed.

As symptomatic appoint sedative - soothing - funds( bromine, valerian, aminazine), intravenous infusions of calcium chloride, sodium bromide, sodium thiosulfate, novocaine, nicotinic acid.

Vitamins B1, B6, antihistamines( Dimedrol, Pipolphen) are shown.

Warm baths, showers, sulfur and radon baths, sea baths are useful. External apply menthol, salicylic and carbolic acids in aqueous or alcoholic solutions and suspensions.

A good effect is given by ointments with antihistamine drugs( diphenhydramine) and steroid hormones.

General therapy includes the use of sedatives and anxiolytics, antihistamines. Physiotherapy methods use electrosleep, adrenal inductothermy, contrast shower, sulfur and radon baths, sea bathing.

An important role in the treatment of pruritus is played by external means.

With universal itching, wipes are used with solutions of antipruritic drugs( 2% tincture of salicylic or carbolic acid, menthol or diphenhydramine, as well as diluted table vinegar three times).

In the treatment of local itching antipruritics are used in the form of powders, creams, ointments or pastes, which are applied after preliminary thorough wiping of the affected area with disinfectants. Dimedrol( 1-2%), anesthesin( 5%) and glucocorticosteroid external agents are used. In obstinate cases, local novocaine blockades of the corresponding nerves are carried out.

Special mention should be made of a group of antihistamines. Drugs against allergies have been used in this area for a long time. They are usually taken orally and used in conjunction with traditional itch treatment.

However, recently a new tool has appeared, the medicinal qualities of which are in many ways unique. This "Psilo-Balsam" is an anti-seizure antihistamine drug used externally. It is available in the form of a gel, which makes it very effective for treating skin itching of a variety of etiologies. The drug significantly increases the effectiveness of the drug. Gel as a form in itself has a certain pharmacological effect and reduces inflammation, and in combination with an active drug component this capacity increases many times.

The active substance of Psilo-Balsam is diphenhydramine, a blocker of histamine H1 receptors, which rapidly reduces itching and has a pronounced antiallergic effect: reduces the increased permeability of capillaries, tissue swelling and flushing.

The drug is indicated primarily for the treatment of itching allergic dermatoses, and is also used for itching of various genesis. It is very important that "Psilo-Balsam" practically does not cause any side effects and is very convenient to use( but the drug is contraindicated for use in newborns and premature babies).The simplicity and safety of using this drug allow us to recommend it in the treatment of a wide variety of itch forms.

Video on topic

Skin itch: causes and treatment

The doctor of the clinic of cosmetology and dermatovenereology tells in a video about the causes, symptoms and treatment of pruritus with medical preparations and products.

Skin itching: effective and rapid treatment

Even with a strong skin itch will help you tincture of bitter wormwood and burdock. To do this, take in equal parts burdock and bitter wormwood, pour vodka and insist a few days( week) and the medicine is ready. Lubricate with tincture those places that are strongly itchy and this not only removes the skin itch, but also provides real treatment.

Popular treatment: Dr. Popov's phone: +7( 495) 507-71-85.

Severe skin itching in adults: symptoms, causes and treatment

Itching, irritation and flaky skin is common. What to do with these symptoms? How to choose the right treatment and which specialists to go to. All about this will tell the candidate of medical sciences, dermatologist, cosmetologist Dombrovskaya Daria Konstantinovna.

Allergic skin itch in adults and children

Clinic "Moscow Doctor".Our clinic is a huge medical center equipped with the latest technology. An important advantage is that we save your time, because all your health issues can be solved in one place.

Medical Center in Butovo

Phones:( 495) 711-04-27,( 495) 711-98-52.Working hours: Round the clock. E-Mail: [email protected] Address: Koktebelskaya Street, Building 2, building.1. Subway stations: "Starokachalovskaya Street", "Dmitry Donskoy Boulevard".

Medical Center in Cherdanovo

Phones:( 495) 500-80-20,( 495) 318-55-73.Working hours: from 9:00 to 21:00.Address: rn "Chertanovo Severnoe", Balaklavsky Avenue, house 5( entrance from the yard).Metro station: "Chertanovskaya"( 50 meters from the metro).

Why the skin itches and itches: causes, treatment

Transfer "About the most important".Part 3 - Periodically and constantly itching the body. From the video you will learn about why sometimes it itchs and itchs the skin and what can be done to relieve the itching.

Red spots on the hands itch: Causes and treatment

Strong itching on the foot, red spots, eczema with varicose veins: the whole body itches

Angelova VA: Our mail often receives letters from our patients. I want you to read one of them.

"Good afternoon! My mother is 73 years old, has varicose veins for a long time. The legs are all blue, the veins are external, they do not go to doctors, they are afraid and do not intend to, but in the last week there was a strong itch on one leg, after which red spots appeared, similar to eczema, judging by the pictures. The itch has passed or has taken place - prompt, than it is possible to remove or take out these reddening. We tried "Depantol", but it does not work. "

So, yes, varicose veins, of course, can be complicated by venous eczema, but this is not the only disease that can manifest itself with such clinical symptoms. So, you need to get advice from a dermatologist and phlebologist - independent treatment never leads to good results. Well, if the diagnosis is confirmed, then those drugs that contain glucocorticoids are used. Come to us for a consultation!

Why does the whole body itch after the shower?

Why does the body itch after the shower? There are a number of diseases that cause severe itching.

  1. The first of these is a skin allergic reaction to cosmetic products for a bath. As part of their components can be flavors and dyes, as well as other substances that can cause allergies. Try to replace the usual funds for hypoallergenic.
  2. The second reason is an allergic reaction to water. High pH, ​​excessive chlorination, even water temperature can cause irritation. In this case, it is recommended that you refrain from bathing for some time, moreover, it is worth revising your diet and excluding products that can provoke allergic reactions. Renew bathing is better with the addition of herbal decoctions, which will remove skin irritation.
  3. Third. If a person has dermatitis, then bathing and rubbing the skin with a washcloth will provoke more itching.
  4. Fourth. Diseases of the kidneys, liver. Hepatitis, lymphogranulomatosis, diabetes mellitus. Skin itching can be a symptom of all these serious diseases.
  5. Fifth. Scabies mite, or scabies. The problem can be solved by visiting a dermatologist. The parasite provokes severe itching, penetrating under the skin, on which there are characteristic eruptions in the form of pimples. A visit to the soul increases irritation. After identifying the pathogen, the doctor will prescribe an effective treatment.
  6. Sixth. Anemia, or polycythemia. This disease is a benign variety of blood cancer. With anemia, the number of red blood cells sharply increases, which leads to an increase in the level of hemoglobin. One of the manifestations of this disease is itchy skin, worse after a shower visit or bathing.

Skin itching in diabetes mellitus: why does the skin itch?

Diabetes mellitus is a disease that disrupts all metabolic processes, especially carbohydrate metabolism, which gradually leads to severe contamination of the body with toxins and wastes,the natural ability to self-purify vessels is blocked. And against the background of this phenomenon, various complications that develop and worsen the general state of health begin to progress.

Violation of the metabolic metabolism causes a malfunction in the endocrine system and as a result - itching pruritus manifests itself - a very unpleasant sensation, which can be quite difficult to get rid of.

Mechanism of skin itching with diabetes mellitus

When the blood concentration of sugar increases, its smallest crystals begin to fill the smallest vessels and there is microangiopathy, then nephropathy occurs( when kidney failure occurs), followed by retinopathy( visual impairment).Skin, as one of the organs of man, also reacts to various negative processes in the body by reducing the elasticity of the skin, dryness, and appearance of peeling. The skin also violates all natural protection functions.

Rarely, but there is an appearance on the skin of a patient with diabetes mellitus, from which you can not just get rid of so long as the patient does not normalize blood sugar.

It is important to know: itching of the skin with diabetes leads to scratching of the epidermis, i.e.mechanical damage to the protection. As a result - infectious and viral, fungal diseases leading to even greater complications of diabetes!

When a small wound or crack appears on the skin, itching occurs, these formations can not naturally heal due to disruption of all metabolic processes in the body and as a result complex skin diseases develop. Today, there are more than 30 skin diseases, the causes of development of which has become diabetes.

Skin diseases that cause pruritus can be divided into three main groups:

  1. Primary diseases caused by angiopathy and problems with the removal of toxins from the body. Such primary skin diseases include diabetic xanthomatosis, diabetic dermatopathy and diabetic bladders;
  2. Secondary skin diseases appear due to scratching of the epidermis, which causes suppuration and inflammation of the skin, candidiasis;
  3. Diseases of the skin, provoked by taking medications, with the help of which the diabetes is treated. This group includes eczema, dermatoses, urticaria, and other allergic manifestations on the skin.

Source: Hegonich Nylogov. Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.

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