Certificate of vaccination against influenza

Do I need a flu vaccine?

Vaccination against influenza, prevention of the disease - this is a very important point. Warnings are always more important than healing later. To date, there is no panacea for influenza, there is not a single miracle drug that guarantees a quick and complete cure, so vaccinations against influenza act as prevention of the disease. It is very important to prevent the disease by vaccinating on time. Every year more and more people are grafted from this dangerous disease.

Vaccination against influenza for prevention

However, there are both opponents and supporters of this procedure. There is no clear, concrete answer about the benefits or harm of vaccination against influenza. Vaccination should be carried out after studies and individually.

This vaccination is not included in the vaccination calendar and is paid for the adult, but for children it is still free of charge.

Vaccination against influenza in Russia takes place voluntarily, every person has the right to make a choice - either for or against, but for kids the choice of parents do.

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The word "flu" came from the French "grab", "catch". The definition speaks of the suddenness and rapidity of the virus's entry into the body. Influenza is a dangerous infectious disease that is acute and usually affects the respiratory system and is expressed by the following symptoms:

  • heat;
  • severe weakness;
  • general deterioration of the condition;
  • pain in the head;
  • pain in the muscles;
  • nausea, vomiting.

Dangerous influenza viruses, what is the danger, the testimony

Seasonal influenzaThe flu can get sick at any time of the year. But usually people get sick all the same in the autumn and in the winter, because at this time the body lacks vitamins, the premises are not ventilated and temperature drops occur. In the autumn-winter period, the epidemic of the disease usually occurs. Small children, whose age is more than half a year, can get sick, as the antibodies transmitted by the mother cease to have a protective function. The disease is caused by influenza viruses A, B, C. The flu virus mutates easily, so the flu vaccine for children and adults should be given annually. Once the virus enters the upper respiratory tract, it immediately captures the mucosa and destroys its cells.

Cells are rejected and during coughing, sneezing, breathing enter the external environment, infecting others. Such infection is called in medicine "air-drop path". You can get into and through personal hygiene items, underwear. Once the virus has entered the body, the symptoms of the disease begin to manifest, there is a sharp weakness, up to 40 degrees the body temperature rises, the head turns, even convulsions may develop, the mucus, the throat pershit, are released from the nose. When a person has been ill with the flu, it acquires a kind of immunity to the disease, but the problem is that the virus mutates and the antibodies that are produced will not have any protection in the fight against the mutated virus.

Influenza is very dangerous, because it completely suppresses the human immune system. In addition, the flu provokes an aggravation of other diseases.

Complications after infection can be as follows:

  • acute inflammation of the lungs;
  • otitis media;
  • changes in the work of the central nervous system;
  • altered processes in the work of the heart and blood vessels.
Warnings of the Ministry of Health about vaccinationsThe Ministry of Health recommends vaccination as the only way to avoid infection and create immunity to a terrible disease. WHO (World Health Organization) identified the at-risk groups to whom the flu vaccine is indicated, these are people:
  • including children who are often ill with different infections;
  • with the diagnosis "bronchial asthma";
  • suffering from CNS diseases;
  • with heart disease or vascular problems;
  • with kidney disease;
  • with blood diseases;
  • who have diabetes mellitus;
  • with deficiency of the body's defense system;
  • who go to kindergartens and schools.

An effective influenza vaccine is improved every year, as the virus is constantly mutating. The experience of scientists allows creating an effective and safe vaccine. The vaccination with the drug that was made this year will be ineffective next year, and therefore the vaccination against the flu with the improved drug is carried out annually. As the statistics showed, the vaccine works, but can not guarantee 100% that the person will not get sick, however even in the case of infection, the disease will proceed in a lighter manner and severe consequences will not occur.

Best vaccine against influenza, vaccination scheme, when should be vaccinated against influenza

Vaccination with VaxgrippusLive and inactivated vaccines are now used for inoculation. Live vaccines are now used very rarely, as the development of live vaccines of the newest generation is underway. But the inactivated vaccine practically does not give serious consequences. This vaccine can be:
  • whole cell;
  • split-vaccine;
  • subunit.

The difference between drugs is that they differently split the virus into component particles. The whole cell vaccine causes complications, has contraindications, but at the same time creates a stable immunity to influenza. The most dangerous to date are the second and third type of vaccine. They practically do not give complications. These drugs do not harm even a child, actively stimulate the immune system and do not cause adverse reactions. Today, 11 influenza vaccines are used and allowed in Russia. Most often do vaccination with drugs:

  • "Flight-arix";
  • "Vaxigripp";
  • "Begrivac";
  • "Influvac";
  • "Grippol".

How does the vaccine work?

Low temperature after flu vaccineAfter the drug is administered to a person, the process of producing antibodies occurs. This creates a layered protection. 14 days after vaccination, the body accumulates a sufficient number of antibodies, and the body does not perceive the disease. Protective protein immediately recognizes the virus and eliminates it.

Immunity persists up to six months or throughout the year. The effectiveness of immunization reaches 90%. This means that the probability of catching the flu is, but it is negligible compared to if the vaccination was not done in time. Today there is a standard vaccination scheme. Vaccination begins in September or October, due to which by the winter the body develops immunity to influenza. It is very important to get vaccinated before the epidemic. Babies can be vaccinated after the age of six months. Babies who have not yet been vaccinated against influenza, it is recommended to vaccinate twice in half the dosage for an adult with an interval of 30 days. The inoculation is done intramuscularly or very deep under the skin.

Modern vaccines against influenza practically do not give a negative reaction after administration, occasionally vaccinated people may have a fever or a puffiness around the site of the injection. You can not vaccinate people who are allergic to a particular component of the drug, such as a protein or preservative. Do not administer the vaccine during the period of illness. You can only be vaccinated a month after the illness has passed. You can not get a flu shot if there were complications during the previous vaccination.

The vaccine must be taken in a licensed medical facility. Vaccination should be carried out by an experienced doctor. After the drug has been introduced, the doctor must issue a certificate, which will include all the data on the drug. You can not buy the vaccine alone. Science today has proven the high efficacy of anti-influenza drugs, especially for toddlers at risk. One should or should not be vaccinated - this should be discussed with the pediatrician and individually.

Implications after vaccination, vaccination rules

Otitis after vaccinationAfter vaccination, the following complications can not often occur:
  1. Inflammation of lungs bacterial type. If the temperature does not drop more than five days - this is a sign of pneumonia.
  2. Reduced immunity.
  3. Sinusitis.
  4. Otitis of acute form.
  5. False groats.
  6. Myositis.
  7. Meningitis.
  8. Exacerbation of chronic respiratory diseases.

Vaccination can be free, paid and passive immunization. Schools, kindergartens and a polyclinic purchase the vaccine at the expense of money allocated by the municipality. This vaccine is issued in Russia. Some employers also provide free vaccination. Fee paid for vaccination in private clinics, and the price depends on the drug and on the cost of the service itself.

Attention! Acquired vaccines against influenza should be stored according to the rules prescribed in the instructions, otherwise the drug will lose its valuable properties. It is strictly forbidden to vaccinate independently.


Is vaccination against influenza mandatory?



On the one hand, the federal law "On immunization of infectious diseases" says that preventive vaccinations are carried out with the consent of citizens. Here is the law http://www.magichild.ru/vaccine/law_17_06_1998.html. But there is still "a list of works that are associated with a high risk of infectious diseases and requires compulsory prophylactic vaccination "(http://www.privivki.ru/law/fed/150799.htm). This list indicates the work "in all types and types of educational institutions". So this is a controversial issue, if the case comes to court. You have already been given good advice - honey. for health reasons.

Svetlana Elovikova

No, this is a voluntary event.

Maria Vladlenovna

of course, good-natured.


I do not know for sure, but I do not really need to take an inoculation. Still it can not be done when you have a cold or have recently been sick. t. To. You can fall ill again because of the weakened or easied immunity.


Inoculation against influenza is not necessary. they can also protect and can not protect.


Now for those who work with children, they want to make the vaccine mandatory! I myself work with children, they told us the same thing!

Gently stepping forward

This is voluntary, but if very "insist" at work, try to take honey. withdrawal (it is guaranteed that "in the near future I plan pregnancy")


No medical procedure in the Russian Federation is mandatory, if there is no court decision in this regard!


guys! you are all mistaken! there is a law "On the Basics of Vaccine Prevention" where it is written that a citizen can refuse vaccination, but below there is an article where it is written that there is a list of professions where vaccinations are mandatory. Read it!


I was so vaccinated against measles. They also said that they would fire him, I work in the school. At work some sort of check had to come from the department. Here's the boss and fussed. For some reason, it seemed to them that I should immediately get a measles vaccine at age 30. I went to the polyclinic, and they looked at me like a fool. They showed me with a certificate that I do not need to do anything, since in my childhood everything was already done to me, as everyone at an early age is immunized against measles. And in general, the doctors sat and snapped because they required me to get a measles vaccine. They said that I have lifelong immunity. They were in shock from my superiors. Probably they did not have such things in practice yet. I alone, like a fool, came to demand a measles vaccine in 30 years. I hate it all. In general, in our school, none of the parents agrees to a flu shot. And the meaning is then for teachers to do it, if the children are infected from each other, and not from teachers.

How to write an application for refusing to vaccinate a flu?


Personal Cabinet Removed

Approximately so: to the Director of the Municipal Department of Higher Education No.
Full name
Parents of the student ----- class
Full name
I, Surname, declare the refusal of the vaccination against the flu to my child Name, who is studying at the secondary school No., on the basis of:
1. Fundamentals of the RF legislation on the protection of public health of July 22, 1993. № 5487-1, Article 32 (Consent to medical intervention) and 33 (Refusal of medical intervention);
2. Federal Law of September 17, 1998 No. 157-FZ "On immunization of infectious diseases", Article 5 (Rights and duties of citizens in the implementation of immunoprophylaxis) and Article 11 (On vaccination with the consent of parents of minors)
"-----" month year. Signature


I'm Natallia Dubetzkaya. I refuse to vaccinate against the flu for my daughter (name). signature number

Mouse Norushka

Ask the daughter, she was not given a standard form in school? To the son in an elementary school before each inoculation distributed such form, the general or common sense - it is possible or not to do an inoculation? Without the parents' completed form, they were not vaccinated until they found out with their parents.

How to write a certificate of disagreement on the flu vaccine! teacher asks to bring


Katyusha Stepaniuc

ty.. as? as?
I'm there (Tatyana Ivanovna) Mama Ivanova Iry, I do not agree with the fact that my child would be vaccinated. .
With Uv. Tatyana Ivanovna. .
painting, date ..

Sergey Vasilevich

And if you do not bring that, you will be expelled from school?

Olga Filippova

I, Ivanova Marya Petrovna, do not agree to the flu vaccination of my son-daughter such-and-such then, a student of the 5th grade. Number and signature.


I, (Ms), Mom... I refuse vaccination (Flu, ODS.... ) of his little girl.
By this statement and the signature I confirm: name, date, signature


I remember on a simple sheet of paper my mother wrote to the class teacher "what is this, I refuse to inculcate my child. "below signed and the number. dipped in a diary. still gave a special ready-made sheet where they wrote agree the number and the signature do not agree.


I, a citizen of the Russian Federation, consider this vaccination procedure the introduction of alien bodies into the body. in connection with this, I declare my protest and categorically refuse the vaccination. I justify my refusal with a sincere desire to preserve the human face on our home planet.
I do it in my right mind and clear mind.
further number, signature.

Vaccination against influenza - contraindications

Vaccination against flu contraindications

The flu epidemic has become habitual for a long time, and preparation for it has turned into something self-evident. Even children know how important prevention is. It is also well known that one of the best means for preventing influenza is vaccination. And only those who directly faced the problem know that the flu vaccine is not universal - it has contraindications. That is, not everyone can protect themselves from the disease with the help of a vaccine. More details about the negative aspects of vaccination against influenza will be described in the article.

Side effects of vaccination against influenza

Vaccines against influenza are of different types:

  1. Injection is more popular. There are no live viruses, but it gets into the body thanks to a shot.
  2. The second type of vaccine is aerosol. This means contains live viruses. Weakened, they do not pose a threat to the body, but contribute to the development of strong immunity.

Like any other vaccine, a flu shot can cause side effects. Different organisms perceive vaccination in their own way. The most frequent negative manifestations of vaccination are the following:

  1. Immediately after vaccination a person can feel weakness, fatigue, drowsiness. Sometimes the patient is tormented by fever and fever.
  2. Many people get a headache after the vaccination.
  3. One of the most unpleasant consequences of vaccination is a runny nose or a pharyngitis.
  4. The most serious and harmful complication of vaccination against influenza is anaphylactic shock. Fortunately, this side effect is extremely rare.
  5. A fairly frequent unpleasant consequence of vaccination is pain, swelling and redness at the injection site.

Most of the side effects the patient forgets about a couple of days after the vaccination. And in order to avoid more serious and complex consequences, it is necessary to get acquainted with the list of contraindications before vaccination.

Who is against the flu vaccine?

Despite the large number of benefits, some groups of patients may not be vaccinated against influenza. An alternative method of protection against a disease is recommended in the following cases:

  1. First, it is strictly forbidden to get a flu shot from people suffering from colds or ARVI. Vaccination is allowed at least a month after recovery.
  2. Secondly, an inoculation against influenza is contraindicated to people with an allergy to chicken protein.
  3. Specialists are in no hurry to vaccinate patients who did not have a good previous vaccination.
  4. This method of preventing influenza is not recommended for people with diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems.
  5. Additionally, patients suffering from kidney and adrenal problems should consult.
  6. Vaccination against influenza Grippol and its analogs are contraindicated for chronic diseases of the lungs, bronchi and upper respiratory tract.
  7. You can not vaccinate babies.
  8. Asthma, anemia, hypertension and general cardiacHarm to vaccine against influenzaInsufficiency can also serve as a contraindication to vaccination.

As you can see, there are a lot of contraindications to vaccination against influenza for adults. Therefore, in order to really benefit the vaccination, the procedure must necessarily be consulted with specialists and with understanding to treat their detailed inquiries about the state of health and the transferred diseases.

Do not forget that the vaccine is not a panacea. To completely protect yourself against the flu, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, for the time of the epidemic, to supplement your diet with nutritious foods, fruits and vegetables.


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