Osteochondrosis, and 3 degrees of cervical and lumbar spine


  • 1Degrees of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine
    • 1.1Why there is an osteochondrosis of a cervical department?
    • 1.2Characteristics of the first stage
    • 1.3What happens in the second stage of the disease?
    • 1.4How does the third stage manifest itself?
    • 1.5Syndromes of the disease
    • 1.6What is the osteochondrosis of the thoracic region?
    • 1.7Clinical picture and causes
    • 1.8Therapeutic events
  • 2Osteochondrosis of the cervical region 1, 2, 3 degrees of lumbar region
    • 2.1Phases of disease development
    • 2.2The causes of the appearance of pathology
    • 2.3Characteristic symptoms of the disease
    • 2.4Clinical and morphological changes
    • 2.5Methods of treatment of the disease
  • 3Classification of pathologies of the cervical spine of 1 and 2 degrees
    • 3.1Factors affecting the occurrence of osteochondrosis
    • 3.2How does the ailment manifest itself?
    • 3.3Degrees and periods of development
    • 3.4Pain in osteochondrosis of the cervical region
    • 3.5Treatment and prevention of 1-2 stages
  • 4Causes of osteochondrosis of the 2nd degree of the cervical region: symptoms of progression of pathology and effective methods of treatment
    instagram viewer
    • 4.1general information
    • 4.2Causes of pathology development
    • 4.3Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis
    • 4.4Diagnostics
    • 4.5Effective directions of therapy
    • 4.6Medications
    • 4.7Other treatments
    • 4.8Possible complications
  • 5Degrees of cervical osteochondrosis and their features
    • 5.1Classification
    • 5.2The first stage
    • 5.3The second stage
    • 5.4The third stage
    • 5.5Denial of responsibility

Degrees of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Osteochondrosis of the 2nd degree of the cervical department requires professional treatment. With the development of this pathology, the integrity of the intervertebral discs is disrupted, and the clearance between them also decreases.

Of all forms of osteochondrosis, the cervical is the most common. The neck is mobile, in this regard, it is regularly subjected to stress. The initial stage of osteochondrosis is normal.

Launched - are a great threat to health.

Why there is an osteochondrosis of a cervical department?

The causes of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine are numerous. Pathology can develop in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Through the vertebrae of the cervical region pass the veins that supply blood to the vessels of the brain. Osteochondrosis of the CVD often occurs due to increased strain on the neck.

Osteochondrosis of the spine of 1 degree occurs in young and elderly people. An important role is played not by age, but by way of life and by the characteristics of the organism.

Cervical osteochondrosis of the 2nd degree is common among adolescents. In medicine there is the concept of "adolescent osteochondrosis". The common cause of osteochondrosis 1, 2 degrees - the wrong position of the head. When this disease develops, the pulp ruptures.

Types of osteochondrosis depend on how pronounced the rupture of the pulp. Untimely treatment of osteochondrosis of the first degree leads to the progression of the pathological process.

At the third stage of the disease degenerative-dystrophic processes are pronounced: the patient is more often concerned with pain in the back and neck.

Characteristics of the first stage

With osteochondrosis of the cervical department of the 1st degree, the pathological process extends to the muscles. The initial stage is characterized by the formation of cracks in the fibrous ring. It consists of collagen fibers.

Osteochondrosis of the 1st degree of the cervical part leads to the appearance of uncomfortable symptoms:

  1. The first stage of osteochondrosis is manifested by pain in the occiput. Some people develop swelling. With cervical osteochondrosis of the 1st degree, intense cramping pain can appear.
  2. If a person has an osteochondrosis of the cervical region, he needs to visit an ophthalmologist. Pupils can be enlarged.
  3. Cervical osteochondrosis 1 degree often leads to Wright's syndrome. If the patient pulls his hand behind his head, the pain intensifies.
  4. Cervicalgia syndrome, as a rule, develops at the onset of the disease. Inflammation in this case affects the muscles. Progression of cervicalgia syndrome is associated with an abscess. The person begins to feel pain in the neck, limited mobility of the joints.
  5. At the first stage, the syndrome of the anterior staircase can manifest itself, in the case with it the subclavian artery is exposed.

How is treatment carried out? The goal of the therapy is to restore bursts of pulp, to prevent unpleasant symptoms. Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is performed surgically. The duration of the postoperative period is 7 days.

In a month or two, the sutures gradually fuse. To ensure the prevention of the disease, you need to wear a special collar, he is put on the neck. The doctor recommends using a solution with calcium gluconate. It helps to heal wounds.

What happens in the second stage of the disease?

Osteochondrosis of the cervical department of the second degree develops when the therapy is ineffective at an early stage. Inflammatory reactions become pronounced, intervertebral openings decrease.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical department of the 2nd degree leads to the formation of osteophytes. These are bone processes that form against the background of dehydration.

Cervical osteochondrosis of stage 2 can last 4-5 years. The disease recedes periodically and worsens. A characteristic sign of the ailment is the syndrome of the falling head.

Treatment involves manual therapy. The goal is to provide the cervical muscles with a normal fixation. Depending on the situation, orthopedic treatment (vertebral connection) can be prescribed.


Medical therapy is necessary. To eliminate pain, calcium chloride is prescribed. Recommended therapeutic gymnastics: it should be given 30 minutes a day. The main load should go to the joints.


How does the third stage manifest itself?

Treatment of osteochondrosis of the third degree is difficult. With this disease, the structure of the intervertebral disc changes. In the pathological process, tissues and joints are involved:

  1. The vertebral body is torn, there are signs of an intervertebral hernia. A person begins to feel pain in the back, neck and limbs. Degenerative-dystrophic reactions affect the vast part of the neck.
  2. Osteochondrosis of the 3rd degree of the cervical region is characterized by vestibular disorders. Periodically, a person experiences pain in the temples. Some patients may partially lose consciousness.
  3. The danger of the disease in the third stage is that it leads to endocrine pathology. Therapy involves surgery and the use of manual techniques. At the third stage of cervical osteochondrosis, no medication is prescribed.
  4. The patient can be diagnosed with a polysegmental osteochondrosis. With this disease, segments of the cervical region are affected, mobility of the shoulder is impaired, pains appear in the elbows.

To restore the functioning of the spine, you need to wear a cervical corset. Manual therapy gives good results. In addition to this treatment, medications are prescribed to improve blood circulation.

Syndromes of the disease

Cervical osteochondrosis is accompanied by syndromes:

  1. The vertebral arises when the cartilaginous and bony tissues are involved in the pathological process. The mobility of the neck is impaired. If a person tries to turn his head to the side, there are pains in the occipital region of the neck. The vertebrae undergo morphological changes, which are visible on the roentgenogram. Symptoms of one syndrome are interrelated. An important sign of vertebral syndrome is morphological changes in the tissues and bone structures of the cartilaginous division. This syndrome is difficult to diagnose. A similar symptom complex is present in myositis.
  2. Syndrome of the vertebral artery is another manifestation, it can arise regardless of the degree of cervical osteochondrosis. The pathological process affects the arteries that feed the brain. Periodically, there is a feeling of stunning. The sign of spinal artery syndrome is dizziness. Arterial pressure can jump, periodically there is a nausea, vomiting. Nerve endings are irritated, for this reason there is a headache. Syncope of the vertebral artery may lead to syncope, oxygen starvation. The disease is accompanied by the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of the vessels.
  3. Cardiac syndrome is manifested by pain in the sternum. There is a rapid fatigue, reduced efficiency. Palpitation becomes rapid. Diagnosis involves angiography and functional tests. Radicular syndrome is associated with lesion of the spinal nerves. It is one-sided. With radicular syndrome there are pains in the neck, combined with paralysis.

What is the osteochondrosis of the thoracic region?

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine is revealed in young and elderly people: age does not play a role.

Pathology leads to degenerative-dystrophic changes in cartilage and bone structures. Untimely treatment leads to a violation of the structure of ligaments, joints, intervertebral discs.

At the advanced stage of chest osteochondrosis leads to the destruction of intervertebral discs.

Complications of the disease can be:

  • pneumosclerosis;
  • infertility;
  • malignant formations.

Clinical picture and causes

  1. With the development of this pathology, there are pains in the chest. They arise in a calm position and during movement. Unpleasant sensations amplify after lifting weights, sharp turns.
  2. The disease manifests itself by squeezing in the back.

    As a result of this problem, breathing is disturbed.

  3. A chill may occur.
  4. Some people complain of skin peeling, thinning of the nail plate.

The disease is associated with pathological reactions in the intervertebral discs.

It can be transmitted by inheritance. The predisposing factor is the damage to the intervertebral discs. In some people, the disease is diagnosed against the background of osteophytes.

The cause may be underloaded physical activity or, on the contrary, hypodynamia.

Therapeutic events

If there are no neurological symptoms, complex treatment is still required. Therapy can not be postponed, otherwise the intervertebral disc will be destroyed.

Before the beginning of treatment it is necessary to carry out diagnostics. If a person has identified at least one of the above symptoms, he needs to consult a neurologist. The doctor will collect the anamnesis, will probe the thoracic region.

Palpation reveals the intervertebral hernia. If the doctor discovers these, he will prescribe an additional examination. Requires radiography.

The procedure of MRI allows to study the musculoskeletal system, to reveal neoplasms.

Treatment depends on the degree of breast osteochondrosis, it begins after confirmation of the diagnosis.

The doctor prescribes medications that help to stop the pain syndrome and restore the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

To treat this pathology, injections, physiotherapy, physiotherapy exercises are needed. Additional procedures - magnetotherapy, vacuum therapy, physiotherapy exercises.


Daily exercises complex effect on the body, improve the functioning of the musculoskeletal system and respiratory system.


Massage reduces the severity of pain, improves muscle tone, relieves fatigue, improves blood circulation in tissues.

The procedure is carried out by an experienced specialist.

How many years can I live with osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic parts? Pathology is not life threatening, but its symptoms are very uncomfortable. The clinical picture of the diseases can vary: it all depends on the effectiveness of the therapy.

A source: https://OrtoCure.ru/pozvonochnik/osteohondroz/shejnyj-1-2-3-stepeni.html

Osteochondrosis of the cervical region 1, 2, 3 degrees of lumbar region

Among pathologies of the spine, the most frequently diagnosed disease is osteochondrosis of the cervical department of the 2nd degree.Osteochondrosis is a widespread disease characterized by pathological deformation of the structures of the spinal column.

Phases of disease development

In the development of osteochondrosis, 3 main degrees are distinguished, with characteristic clinical manifestations:

  1. 1 Osteochondrosis of the cervical department of the 1st degree often goes unnoticed. Pain in the neck and shoulder girdle is easily removed by taking analgesics. Easy stiffness of movements passes after rest. Therefore, rare patients are examined at this stage of the disease.
  2. 2 Osteochondrosis of the second degree is characterized by increased damage and increased symptoms. At this phase, analgesics cease to effectively remove pain, as its nature changes.
  3. 3 Osteochondrosis of the third degree is a chronic disease in which there are persistent damages of vertebral structures, the formation of hernias, infringement of nerve endings, and the syndrome of the vertebral artery of the cervical region.

If the patient can ignore osteochondrosis of the first degree by writing off the pain sensations for fatigue, the discomfort of the posture, then the pain at the second degree is made to consult a doctor. Therefore, statistics and notes a large number of first-time patients just at this stage of the disease.

The causes of the appearance of pathology

The causes of osteochondrosis are as follows:

  • features of the anatomical structure of the cervical spine (SHOP);
  • genetically determined pathologies of the development of the musculoskeletal system (ODS);
  • excess weight;
  • hypodynamia;
  • excessive physical exertion;
  • spinal injury due to injuries;
  • psychological discomfort (stress, emotional stress, etc.);
  • long-term presence in a fixed non-physiological position;
  • age processes of bone tissue degeneration;
  • infection and intoxication, etc.

Increasingly, osteochondrosis of SHOP occurs in patients with normal physical activity. The disease has significantly rejuvenated, and if earlier pathology was more common in age patients, now it is noted in 18-20 year olds.

Characteristic symptoms of the disease

Each of these degrees of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine has its own characteristic symptoms. The second stage is followed by:

  • pain in the cervical region;
  • pain in the thoracic and lumbar region;
  • tension of cervical and dorsal muscles;
  • a sense of weakness;
  • a violation of the sensitivity of the limbs;
  • fatigue during physical work;
  • stiffness of movements.

The second stage is accompanied by painful sensations in the same way as in the first and third. However, pain has a different character. Pain at the second stage of osteochondrosis is shooting, intensifying with movements of the head.

The pain extends to the muscles of the shoulders, causing a feeling of fatigue, heaviness, sometimes accompanied by a sensation of tingling and burning.

Sometimes it hurts from the left side of the chest and gives to the left hand, which is taken for heartaches.

Muscles, trying to provide comfortable immobilization of the cervical region, are in tension, so the pain extends to the muscles of the back.

Because of a disruption in the structure of the joints of the spine, its vertical position changes, as a result of which scoliosis develops.

The whole spine function is disrupted, therefore cervical osteochondrosis is often accompanied by osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. The displacement of the spine relative to the vertical axis of the body results in the displacement of the internal organs.

You can hear complaints from patients for dyspnea, pain behind the sternum, in the side. Cervical osteochondrosis and osteochondrosis of the lumbar region significantly reduce mobility, reduce the quality of life.

Osteochondrosis of 2 degrees without adequate treatment is gradually burdened and passes into a more severe phase - osteochondrosis of the 3rd degree.

Clinical and morphological changes

Involution processes in the tissues and structures of the cervical spine with osteochondrosis show up differently at different stages of the disease.

Due to the vertical position of the human body, the distance between the vertebrae with age and under the influence of various damaging factors gradually decreases, which leads to a gradual increase in pathological changes.

The first stage is not accompanied by a noticeable damage to the vertebral bodies. Loss of elastic properties of intervertebral discs, a change in their density leads to subsidence of the vertebrae.


The internal pulpous nucleus, which ensures greater mobility of the vertebrae, also undergoes a number of destructive changes. There is a squeezing of the nerve endings, which is accompanied by pain.


The constant irritation of the nerve roots causes an inflammatory process, in which soft tissues surrounding the spine are also involved.

The more flattened the intervertebral disc, the greater the pressure of the vertebrae on the fibrous ring between them.

There is a destruction of the ring and protrusion of it beyond the vertebra.

The protrusion irritates the nerve-rich ligament that passes inside the vertebral canal. There is a focus of pain.

The protrusion disrupts the integrity (perforates) of the ligament, which weakens the joint stability, subluxations and displacement of the vertebrae (protrusion or sinking) are observed.

The anterior ligament of the spine becomes impregnated with salts and protrudes forward, which disrupts the vertical stability of the spine. The disease goes to the second stage.

The irritation of the spinal root triggers the inflammatory process, which leads to edema, aggravates the squeezing of the blood vessels, nerve endings.

Even a slight physical strain can lead to the destruction of the intervertebral ring and the surfaces of the vertebral appendages.


To immobilize the vertebrae on its processes appear beak-shaped outgrowths (osteophytes), which do not allow vertebrae to move relative to each other.


The pathology of the cervical department of the third degree, in addition to strong pain and limited mobility, is dangerous in that the deformed vertebral joints are squeezed not only the spinal roots, but also the vertebral artery of the cervical region, which can lead to a disruption in the nutrition of the brain regions and the disturbance of their functions.

Methods of treatment of the disease

Only the timely begun, comprehensive treatment of cervical osteochondrosis will reduce the risk of complications and the transition of the disease to a more severe stage. Treatment of pathology of the 2-nd degree provides:

  • medicamentous treatment: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; analgesics; chondroprotectors;
  • physiotherapeutic treatment: massage; osteopathy; acupuncture; hardware procedures; Exercise therapy;
  • folk methods of treatment;
  • normalization of diet and lifestyle;
  • dosed physical activity.

All physiotherapeutic procedures are carried out outside the period of exacerbation. Manual therapy and massage is done only by experienced professionals, very sparing.

All appointments, including physical procedures, are only under the supervision of a doctor. The doctor develops a scheme of metered exercise and exercise.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis does not include surgical treatment at the second stage of development.

Most often the doctor advises wearing a special cervical bandage that relieves strained muscles, holds the vertebrae in a physiological position, relieves pain and speeds up recovery.

Complete recovery is possible only at the initial stages of the disease.

Absence of pain does not mean complete recovery, as changes in the structure of the vertebrae remain, but treatment will help improve the quality of life and avoid disability of the patient.

A source: http://LechenieGryzhi.ru/osteoxondroz-shejnogo-otdela-2-stepeni/

Classification of pathologies of the cervical spine of 1 and 2 degrees

A disease associated with degenerative-dystrophic changes in the vertebrae, intervertebral discs and cartilage tissues is called osteochondrosis. Function of the spine - support of the whole body and internal organs. If the trunk is hit, therefore, concomitant diseases are not overlooked.

The pathology of the cervical spine is a fairly common disease. The disease is getting younger every year, and now people who have reached the age of 25 often complain of pain in the neck, shoulder blades and shoulders.

This type of osteochondrosis is the most common, since the neck is subject to frequent stress, constant movement. There are arteries that feed the brain and nerve connections. The causes of the disease can be very different.

This occurs as from an unbearable load on the vertebral trunk in this place, and from the wrong position of the head during sleep or work.

Pathogenesis is a change that occurs in the body at the physiological, molecular and biological levels.


The pathogenesis of the cervical region develops for a number of reasons, among them such as: infectious diseases, uncomfortable position of the body during sleep or work, and so on.


Symptoms of the disease have a common pathogenesis - this is a strong pain syndrome, affecting the general condition of a person, t for the whole body.

Factors affecting the occurrence of osteochondrosis

Degenerative deflections of the cervical region mainly arise due to excessive loads on the neck, muscle spasms and circulatory disorders in this zone. The changes that arise in the intervertebral discs contribute to the growth of bone formations and the jamming of the nerve roots. All this does not happen by itself:

  • crooked posture and scoliosis;
  • the presence of extra pounds;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • trauma to the back and spine;
  • poor metabolism;
  • excessive physical exertion;
  • predisposition, poor heredity;
  • wrong position of the body during sleep;
  • strained back muscles in view of the specifics of the work;
  • incorrect development of the cervical spine;
  • hypothermia, dampness;
  • the presence of bad habits (alcohol abuse).

How does the ailment manifest itself?

As the disease develops, it is possible to observe a root-borne syndrome, that is, which of the vertebrae is most affected by the change. Problems with such an osteochondrosis are quite noticeable.

The patient may notice that his tongue becomes numb and speech problems begin, painful sensations appear in the shoulders, collarbone and heart.

Happens, that the pain gives under a scapula, in an arm or a hand, there can be a loss of sensitivity in the amazed zone. In rare cases, the little fingers of the hands may dumb.

Common symptoms:

  • painful sensations, which are amplified by turning the head, noticeable dizziness and migraines;
  • lumbago in the arm and back;
  • pains like cardiac;
  • numbness of the neck after sleep, limitation of muscle mobility;
  • a feeling of throbbing in the back of the head;
  • noise in the ears, decreased vision, rare fainting.

Degrees and periods of development

What are the differences in degree from the stage of osteochondrosis? At the first stage of the development of the disease, changes in the vertebral column are minimal. The patient does not feel them at all, therefore clinically it is not diagnosed.

But osteochondrosis 1 degree is quite palpable. There are changes in muscle tissue due to rupture of the capsule in the intervertebral disc. Also, the fibrous ring is prone to cracks.

A person can complain of acute pain in the neck, in the area where the vertebra is subject to changes. There may be swelling and numbness in the tongue.

Painful sensations are rather sharp, reminiscent of electrical discharges. There is a decline in vision, dilated pupils.

Because of sedentary and sedentary lifestyle, blood circulation of cartilage, and bone tissue is disrupted.

It is premature aging of the vertebrae from the fact that nutrients with blood do not enter all parts of the body.

The disease of this department can easily progress from 1 degree to 4, if not apply the proper treatment.


The cervical spine has 7 vertebrae, in a healthy state, they provide the trunk with flexibility, elasticity and strength.


Thanks to them, a person is able to move his neck, turn his head and do many other things.

If the muscles are not tight enough to the vertebrae due to illness, the functionality of the spinal column will be weakened.

Pain in osteochondrosis of the cervical region

At the 1 stage of the disease, you can notice changes and discomfort, it will be vividly expressed:

  1. Painful sensations are observed in the shoulders, neck and shoulder joints. Possible restriction in the movement due to compression of nerve endings and roots. Blood enters the joints and muscles badly, periarthritis begins.
  2. The emergence of radiculitis due to compression of the nerves of the spinal cord. Turning his head becomes more painful, so as not to feel pain, a person tries not to move his neck.
  3. The sensation of tingling and burning in the heart muscle. Clinical examination does not confirm failure in the heart.
  4. Dizziness and nausea. The appearance of "flies" before the eyes.

If any symptoms are found from the above, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Osteochondrosis of the 2nd degree of the cervical region is characterized by a change between the vertebral disks, the height between them decreases.

The fibrous ring continues to break down, the roots are entangled. Pain is of a pinpoint character, intensified by turning the head.

A man complains of weakness, fatigue and a decline in efficiency.

With the development of pathological processes of the 2nd degree of the cervical region, disc hernias are formed. The general weakness of the body increases.

Painful symptoms:

  • tension of cervical and dorsal muscles;
  • Painful sensations include the shoulder girdle and back;
  • Shooting pains after turning the head;
  • sleep disturbance due to severe pain syndrome.

Treatment and prevention of 1-2 stages

Treatment of pathological changes of the spine in cases of osteochondrosis of 1 and 2 degrees is aimed at removal of cervicalgia, removal of spasm in muscles, and normalization of metabolic processes in intervertebral discs.

Anesthetics are taken in different forms, a specialist can be prescribed pills, injections, ointments or compresses.

In addition to them, drugs are prescribed to restore the affected cartilage tissue.

Tension in the muscles can help remove and physiotherapy procedures. They will reduce pain, relieve inflammation and improve blood circulation. However, during the period of exacerbation of the disease, such procedures are prohibited.

Massage is designed to help the patient relax the tense muscles. It is carried out strictly by a specialist, while the person is in a horizontal position on his side, or sits.

Therapeutic physical training will strengthen the muscle tone. Correctly chosen set of exercises is designed for stretching the spine.

In order to 1 and 2 stages are not moved to 3, you need to comply with some simple rules, namely:

  • to live an active lifestyle;
  • eat right;
  • protect yourself and your back from hypothermia;
  • try to keep the correct posture when sitting;
  • until the end to cure infectious diseases;
  • temper the body and play sports
  • promptly consult a doctor.

1 degree2 degreeb Diagnosis pathology stadiaphysiology

A source: http://PozvonochnikPro.ru/osteohondroz/shejnyj/1-2-stepeni.html

Causes of osteochondrosis of the 2nd degree of the cervical region: symptoms of progression of pathology and effective methods of treatment

Osteochondrosis of the 2nd degree of the cervical spine is a pathology that people of different ages face. Many ignore the symptoms of the initial phase of the disease, degenerative and dystrophic processes are more active, pain syndrome appears.

Doctors advise paying attention to the signs of osteochondrosis in the cervical zone.

Do not wait until the cartilaginous lining between the discs is destroyed, which will doom the patient to constant pain, impaired mobility of the neck.

It is important to know: with a severe degree of discogenic pathology, brain hypoxia develops, dangerous cerebral disorders appear, and the risk of developing ischemic stroke increases.

general information

The first degree of the disease is almost asymptomatic: sometimes there is a slight pain in the neck, with palpation you can feel a slight muscle strain.

If you start treatment in time: gymnastics, taking analgesics, chondroprotectors, vitamins, massage, then it is enough just to stop the beginning process of degeneration.

In the absence of adequate treatment, the disease progresses. The second degree of cervical osteochondrosis of the spine is often diagnosed in patients with complaints of headaches pain, discomfort with tilting and turning the head, stiffness of the movements, tension of the neck muscles and shoulders.

Important points with grade 2 osteochondrosis in the cervical region:

  • there is a fissure of the fibrous ring, instability of the cervical spine develops;
  • failures in the process of diffusion, providing full nutrition of intervertebral discs, adversely affect the state of cartilaginous tissue, the destruction of an important element begins. Violation of the structure of the shock absorber leads to a decrease in the height of the disc, vertebrae approach each other, head and neck movements cause soreness;
  • the pressure on the nerve roots increases, periodic pains appear. They can be eliminated with analgesics, but discomforts return quickly after the expiration of the drugs;
  • At the second stage of the disease there is no active compression of the vertebral artery, but patients experience other signs of development of pathology: lethargy, sleep disturbance, increased fatigue, lowering of the level working capacity;
  • with cervical osteochondrosis, the pain is localized not only in the problem area, but also extends to the nape, upper back, shoulders. Progression of the disease on the background of a violation of the innervation of the adjacent departments causes cerebral complications;
  • in the absence of treatment, preservation of the effect of negative factors, pathology passes into the third degree with active lesion of the fibrous ring and hyaline liner. Consequence - protrusions and intervertebral hernia, constant pain in vertebra friction, problems with mobility of the cervical region, pronounced neurological disorders.

Causes of pathology development

Osteochondrosis in the cervical region develops against the background of the following factors:

  • supercooling;
  • violation of posture;
  • deficiency of calcium and vitamins;
  • the habit of sitting, hunched, bending his head low;
  • long work at the computer;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • injuries of the cervical department;
  • excessive stress on the neck area, too active head movement;
  • wrong mineral metabolism on the background of various pathologies;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • in the process of performing professional duties the head is often thrown back.

Osteochondrosis of the 2nd degree of the cervical department. The code for the ICD is 10 M42.

Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis

On the progression of osteochondrosis of the neck indicates an increase in pain syndrome, worsening of health, discomfort in the upper back, especially after loads or prolonged stay in one position. The closer you move the vertebrae to each other, the more the ligaments sag more actively, there is an overstrain of the muscles to maintain the optimal position of the support column.

Subluxation of the vertebrae in combination with a decrease in the influence of the muscular skeleton increases discomfort in the affected department. Displacement of the elastic pad provokes increased pain during bends, flexion and extension of the neck.

The protrusion of the disc changes the correct position of the adjacent bone structures, there is a violation of posture. If you do not start treatment, continue to take uncontrolled analgesia, then you can soon encounter negative symptoms of grade 3 cervical osteochondrosis.


Treatment is carried out by a vertebrologist. You can also contact a neurologist.

To make the diagnosis, the specialized specialist specifies the clinical picture and anamnesis, prescribes the x-ray of the cervical and MRT. With a strong muscle spasm, electromyography is needed, if the patient complains of pronounced cerebral disorders, then dopplerography of the vessels is needed.

On a note!After the diagnosis, doctors often note that the patient develops a third degree disease, but the active progression of the process so far can be recognized with the help of instrumental research. If you do not urgently begin treatment, then the symptoms of compression of the vertebral artery with subsequent violation of cerebral circulation, the development of hypoxia of an important organ, will soon manifest in full force.

Effective directions of therapy

After diagnosis, the doctor recommends that the factors against which the disease progresses are eliminated.

If the degenerative - dystrophic changes in the cartilaginous lining are not stopped, the pathological process will soon affect the bone structures and vessels, a complex of negative signs will appear.

With a severe degree of pathology, it is difficult to stop the process of destruction of the cartilaginous lining, the fibrotic ring is damaged, the doctors detect protrusions and disc herniations.


The doctor selects several groups of medicines:

  • Chondroprotectors. The compositions stop the destruction of the hyaline liner, activate the process of regeneration of the cartilaginous tissue. Course - from 3 months. Structum, Arthron Complex, Teraflex Advance, Elbona, Triaktiv Complex, Arthra, Chondroxide, Chondroitin - Glucosamine, Moveks, Chondroxide with a sponge-shower.
  • NSAIDs. Eliminate inflammation in the nerve roots, reduce pain and swelling, improve the mobility of the problem area. Dosage forms: transdermal patches, capsules, suspensions, tablets, gels, ointments. Diclofenac, Voltaren Retard and Voltaren-emulgel, Diclobene, Ketoprofen, Naproxen, Nimesulid, Dolobien, Fastum-gel, Naise, Xefokam.
  • Muscle relaxants. Help with painful muscle spasms, facilitate movement, relax the muscle fibers. Sirdalud, Midokalm, Tizanidin, Baclofen.
  • Vitamins of group B. Neurotropic substances are indispensable for restoring the transmission of nerve impulses when the sensitive structures are clamped against the background of the progression of osteochondrosis. Neuromultivitis, Neurobex Neo, Neurovitan, Kombilipen Tubs, Complligam B, Milgamma, Neovitam, Neurorubin.
  • Analgesics. With headaches, discomfort on the background of muscle tension, lesions of intervertebral discs, you need to take regular analgesics. To eliminate discomfort, the doctor appoints Tempalgin, Paracetamol, Baralgin.It is necessary to remember:painkillers only reduce discomfort, but without treatment of osteochondrosis, unpleasant sensations in the cervical zone, shoulders, headaches, cerebral disorders will increase with the progression of orthopedic pathology.
  • Sedatives. Sleep disorders, headaches, discomfort during head movements adversely affect the state of the nervous system. Patients become irritable, insomnia appears more often. Helps vegetative compounds and synthetic drugs: tincture of motherwort, soothing phytospora, valerian in tablets and tincture based on roots, decoction of mint, lemon balm, Phytosed, Novopassit, Persen.

Corticosteroids and drug blockages of the spine with 2 degrees of discogenic pathology in most cases are not needed: dystrophic and degenerative processes in intervertebral discs, adjacent tissues are not so active as to provoke excruciating pains. To facilitate the condition, a complex of the listed drugs is sufficient.It is impossible without using a doctor to use powerful analgesics:At 2 degrees of disease, moderate-strength drugs are sufficient.

Other treatments

The patient should remember:Only drugs can not stop the progression of cervical osteochondrosis.

Complex therapy is an indispensable condition for restoring the structure of the amortization pads, reducing the pain syndrome, eliminating muscle spasm, and normalizing the mobility of the neck.

Effective methods:

Possible complications

Without timely, complex therapy, osteochondrosis progresses, there are disturbances in the work of the brain against the background of compression of the vertebral artery, pinching of the nerve roots. The longer a patient postpones a visit to a neurologist or vertebrologist, the more intervertebral discs are destroyed, the risk of severe cerebral disorders increases.

Progression of cervical osteochondrosis often provokes various pathologies and dangerous conditions:

  • dizziness in cervical osteochondrosis in combination with nausea and syncope;
  • ischemic stroke;
  • scoliotic changes;
  • development of a little aesthetic lump on the neck, which is popularly called "widow's hump
  • pain syndrome in the neck, occiput. Discomfort is enhanced by changing weather conditions, moving the head;
  • blood pressure jumps;
  • protrusion and a more dangerous form of pathology with a rupture of the fibrous ring, a bright pain syndrome - a herniated intervertebral disc;
  • severe headaches, including migraine-like symptoms;
  • numbness of the cervical region, shoulders, unpleasant tingling, pain and decreased sensitivity of the hands.

For the prevention of cervical osteochondrosis, preventing the transition of pathology to a more severe grade 3, the patient must perform assignments doctor, take drugs, do gymnastics for the neck, attend massage sessions, influence the problem area with the use of transdermal plaster. It is important to stop smoking, eat right, do not hump, change the position of the head more often during the working day, but avoid sudden movements. Reluctance to be treated, irregular procedures, a reduction in the rate of chondroprotectors, frequent stress, hypothermia, hypodynamia - factors that increase the risk of cervical progression osteochondrosis.

- a fragment from the TV show "Live healthy!" About how cervical osteochondrosis develops and how to treat the second stage of the disease:

A source: http://vse-o-spine.com/bolezni/osteohondroz/vtoroj-stepeni-shejnogo-otdela.html

Degrees of cervical osteochondrosis and their features

Osteochondrosis refers to degenerative diseases, the course of which eventually leads to a decrease in the height of the intervertebral lumen and progressive destruction of the intervertebral disc. Most often, this pathology develops in the cervical spine, which is due to its mobility and high loads.

The provoking factors are quite diverse, but when a pathology occurs, it is gradual progression, which in the end can lead to an incorrect location of the vertebrae, which is accompanied by or disks.


Basically, when classifying the course of the disease, they are based on disturbances in metabolic processes in the pulp, the consequence of which are the degenerative processes in it.

With too late definition of this pathology, a pronounced physical load can provoke, which leads to rupture of the pulp. When the pulp is destroyed, a complicated course of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine develops.

The clinical course of the disease depends on the severity of degenerative-destructive processes and conditionally it can be divided into 3 degrees. Each has its own distinctive features.

The first stage

Osteochondrosis of the cervical department of the 1st degree begins with the moment of rupture of the capsule of the intervertebral joint and triggering pathological changes from the muscular tissue of the neck. In this case, the formation of cracks in the outer part of the intervertebral disc - the fibrous ring, which is formed by collagen fibers.

This entails a violation of the attachment of the nucleus - the central part of the disc, which consists of a jelly-like cartilaginous tissue.

The main clinical manifestation of cervical osteochondrosis of the 1st degree is localized acute soreness, the appearance of edema is rarely noted. At this clinical stage, patients observe the development of pain resembling an electrical discharge.


There is also an expansion of pupils in the patient. For this reason, during physical examination the doctor pays special attention to the eyes.


This stage is characterized by the development of the following syndromes:

  • Wright's syndrome - the presence of pain paresthesias, numbness, tingling in the region of the small pectoral muscle, if the patient pulls his hand behind his head in a prone position.
  • Cervicalgia - inflammation in the muscles, the formation of abscess and meningitis. In this case, the pain in the neck causes the restriction of active movements. Increased pain is noted when performing palpation of the neck muscles during a physical examination of the patient.
  • The Nuffziger syndrome, or the anterior staircase, unites the symptoms that appear when the lower roots of the brachial plexus and the subclavian artery are infringed.

Treatment consists in restoring the integrity of the ruptured capsule with the introduction of pulp. This is possible only in the course of surgical intervention. The patient is in the hospital for 10 days - it is this period is necessary for splicing of superimposed sutures.

After discharge, it is recommended to wear and administer a calcium gluconate solution - it positively affects the healing of the postoperative wound.

The second stage

Osteochondrosis of the cervical department of the 2nd degree follows for the following reasons:

  • untimely treatment;
  • incorrectly conducted therapy.

This clinical stage is characterized by a gradual disruption of connections in the intervertebral space, which leads to a decrease in its height and the drying of the fibrous ring. This causes the appearance of additional ruptures of the joint capsule and the formation of new foci of inflammation.

With the narrowing of the lumen between the vertebrae, pressure on the roots grows, which leads to the appearance of their irritation.

After the pathological process begins, accompanied by the formation of osteophytes.

Osteophytes are specific bone processes, the formation of which begins with dehydration of the intervertebral disc and narrowing of the intervertebral space.

Cervical osteochondrosis of the 2nd degree is able to last for several years with short periods.

At the same time, all the symptoms of the disease are present in combination with the "falling head" syndrome.

It is characterized by the appearance of the need to constantly hold the head with your hands to reduce the severity of the pain syndrome.


When treatment requires additional fixation of the vertebrae of the cervical spine, in rare Clinical cases require a neuro-orthopedic operation, during which vertebrae.


implies the appointment, vascular drugs and tools that improve metabolic processes. After the acute inflammation subsides, regular execution is recommended.

The course of 1 and 2 degrees of osteochondrosis of the cervical region can be stabilized by ongoing medical measures and significantly slow the progression of pathology.

The third stage

It is the most complicated, because there already exist pronounced destructive changes in intervertebral discs and tissues that form intervertebral joints. 3 degree is characterized by a complete rupture of the joint capsule and loss of the gelatinous nucleus, which causes the appearance of a hernia.

At grade 3, the following symptoms are noted:

  • acute pain in the neck,
  • partially lost control of the upper limbs,
  • the appearance of, fainting.

Treatment consists in carrying out an operative intervention, as drug therapy is ineffective.

At any stage it is appointed to strengthen the muscles of the neck and unload the spine, because at this time the muscles are always strained and also suffer.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is intended only for general reading and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes.

This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist).

Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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A source: http://osteohondrosy.net/stepeni-techeniya-shejjnogo-osteokhondroza-i-ikh-osobennosti.html