One of the meanings of the word "pathology" is a deviation from the norm, but a deviation is not always a disease. Sometimes it is almost asymptomatic and does not cause any trouble. One of the types of such pathological conditions of the eye is pingvecula.
1Definition of disease
4Possible complications
5.1Medication Therapy
5.3Folk remedies
Definition of disease
In some people, most often in old age, small neoplasms of yellowish color may appear, which gradually become more intense in the course of time.Pingvecula is located in most cases in the limbal zone (the area of the conjunctiva's transition to the cornea) from the side of the nose and, as a rule, appears in both eyes immediately.
This is what pingvecula looks like
Pingvecula - the deposition of proteins and fats in the subconjunctival cavity, which has a benign character and slightly protrudes above the surface of the conjunctiva.
The neoplasm never acquires a malignant character and does not affect the overall health condition, therefore in In most cases, if pingvecula does not cause any discomfort, then people with this pathology do not turn to the doctor.
Among the main reasons for the appearance of pingvecula include aging of the conjunctiva, with the development of pathological processes in it due to age-related changes.Exchange reactions slow down with age, as a person starts to move less and, consequently, tissue does not nutrients are obtained in the right amount, and unnecessary elements can be retained and deposited in cells. There are several provoking factors contributing to the emergence of a neoplasm:
Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light;
Constant irritation with natural factors: wind, dust, smoke;
Hot and dry climate;
Long stay in the street.
The pathological condition is diagnosed most often in people who spend a lot of time outdoors, exposing the eyes to the constant effects of sunlight.
But the view that the appearance of pingvecula is facilitated by the wearing of contact lenses is categorically denied by the doctors, since there is no scientifically substantiated confirmation for this.
More often pingvecula does not deliver to its owner any inconveniences.The only symptom of pathology in this case is the presence of a yellowish tumor on the conjunctiva.
However, sometimes, under the influence of internal or external factors, inflammation of the pinguecula can develop. In this case, painful symptoms appear:
Redness of the conjunctiva in the place where the neoplasm is located;
Irritation and a feeling of "sand" in the eyes;
When you blink, you get a scratch;
Syndrome of a "dry" eye.
Although neoplasm and benign, with the first signs of discomfort should be turned to the ophthalmologist, as ignoring the painful symptoms can cause complications. And then the treatment will not be so harmless and relatively short-lived.
Possible complications
The development of complications in the presence of pingvecula can be triggered by a decrease in the level of total or local immunity, deterioration of environmental conditions, the development of eye or systemic diseases. Among the main negative consequences of the pathological condition are:
Inflammation of pinguecula- can occur both under the influence of infectious agents, and as a result of exacerbation of diseases of a general nature. Symptoms of inflammation are redness of the conjunctiva, increased lacrimation, a feeling of discomfort;
Syndrome of a "dry" eye- occurs as a consequence of unfavorable external conditions as a result of a violation of the production of eye moisture or a change in its chemical composition;
Pterygium (pterygium)- abnormal growth of pingvecula. Since this happens most often in the direction of the iris and the pupil, it requires immediate surgical intervention.Pterygium as a possible complication of pingvecula
Any complicated condition in the presence of pingvecula requires medical attention, in order to avoid more serious consequences.
Diagnosis of pathology, as a rule, does not cause special difficulties -sufficient visual examination and routine examinations: visual acuity checks, and slit lamp inspection. After that, the ophthalmologist can assess the degree of lesions, the threat of possible complications and make a correct treatment regimen.
Medication Therapy
The usual treatment for pingvecula has one goal: the removal of unpleasant symptoms.Therefore, in the absence of complicated conditions, the main group of drugs used are moisturizing drops.It can be:
Defislez- an inexpensive preparation that increases the viscosity of the mucosa and promotes its softening, as well as removing irritation;
Bestoxol- active component of taurine, the drug increases resistance to external influences and stimulates tissue repair;
Teardrop- its composition is as close as possible to human secrets. The drug is used to moisturize the conjunctiva and the cornea;
Restasis- has a specific composition, used in the emergence of the syndrome of "dry" eyes during the treatment of pathologies of the ocular membranes;
Ottagel- Available in the form of drops and gel. The presence in the carbomer (non-toxic acrylic polymer) contributes to the effective restoration of the mucinous layer of tears.
With the development of infectious and inflammatory processes, it is possible to use drugs from other groups: antibiotics, corticosteroids, NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).
For the duration of treatment, to avoid symptoms and prevent deterioration, it is recommended that you do not wear contact lenses.
Removal of pingvecula is often of a cosmetic nature and is initiated by the patient.Sometimes such an operation is the only way out in the pathological proliferation of the pterygium and the threat of vision loss.
The removal is carried out in two ways:
Laser operationIt is the most popular because it provides a more safe and quick elimination of tumors.It is conducted as follows:
The patient is placed in the immediate vicinity of the device and the position of the eye is fixed with special holders;
Anesthetize the eye by instillation of drops;
With the help of the device, the epithelium of the conjunctiva is cut over the pinguecula;
A laser beam is sent to the open neoplasm and the pathological site is evaporated with it. The process lasts, depending on the size of the defect, from a few seconds to several minutes and passes under the control of the computer;
Disinfect the treated area with the appropriate preparation;
Return the removed epithelium to the site and fix it with a special gel;
A bandage is applied to the patient's eye, after which the patient should stay in the clinic for another 2 hours.Laser operation to remove pinguecula
The average duration of laser surgery is 10-15 minutes. and almost painless. It is the most optimal option for the threat of complications or the desire to improve the appearance.
Folk remedies
Prescriptions for treatment specifically pingvecula, unfortunately, traditional medicine does not offer. However, it has enough funds to help normalize metabolic processes, and in fact, neoplasm is a consequence of metabolic disorders due to age-related changes.
For the treatment of pingvecula use the following recipes:
Pharmacy algae"Fucus" (3 tbsp. l. ) is poured in a conventional thermos with boiling water and insists overnight. After this, the obtained infusion is poured into molds and frozen. The resulting cubes are used to rub the eyes around the circumference. If some part of the solution gets into the eyes, do not rush to rinse them. The course of treatment is 7-14 days;
Healing clayalso get in a drugstore and mix from it small cakes (by the size of eyes) approximately 3 cm thick. To form them best on linen cloth, clay should not be liquid and not dry. The compress is applied to the closed eyes for about 3 hours. When the cake dries and becomes easier, it means it's time to take it off. After that, the eyes are thoroughly washed with clean water;
Morning dew- proven folk remedy. To improve the work of the eyes, the eyes are washed with dew in the morning for 1-2 weeks. If there is an opportunity, it will take longer, since there will be no harm from it.
The use of any folk remedy can begin only after consulting a doctor, as some foods and herbs have an allergic effect and can worsen the condition.
The main ways to prevent the development of pathology are:
The use of sunglasses,which protect the eyes not only from ultraviolet radiation, but also harmful irritating effects;
In the summer - wearing hats with wide margins, preventing the penetration of sunlight.
Since the main triggering factor in the occurrence of pingvecula - age changes, it is necessary to monitor the overall condition of the eyes:Do not overstrain them, saturate the diet with vitamins "for the eyes and protect them from adverse effects. Of particular importance is the general level of immunity, since his condition will certainly affect the health of the eye structures.
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Pingvecula is a fairly innocuous neoplasm of yellowish color on the conjunctiva of the eye, it usually does not cause any unpleasant sensations and does not require medical intervention. The exception is when the pingvecula begins to grow or, if the patient wishes, remove it for cosmetic purposes.
When forming a yellowish patch, try to limit the effect of unfavorable external factors, as well as pay increased attention to strengthening local and general immunity in order to prevent the development of pathological state.
Also read about what the yellowing of the sclera is talking about, and what is the episcleritis of the eye.