Arthroscopy of the knee joint: surgery and its consequences


  • 1Arthroscopy of the knee joint: types, indications and contraindications, stages of surgery and rehabilitation, complications + photos, videos and reviews
    • 1.1Arthroscopy of the knee joint: features and principles of the procedure
    • 1.2Arthroscopy of the Knee - video
    • 1.3Disadvantages and advantages
    • 1.4Indications for diagnostic and sanative arthroscopy
    • 1.5Contraindications to the procedure
    • 1.6Operation
    • 1.7Preparation
    • 1.8Choosing the method of anesthesia
    • 1.9Implementation of the intervention
    • 1.10Recovery period
    • 1.11Principles of Rehabilitation
    • 1.12Restoring functions with exercise therapy
    • 1.13Massage and physiotherapy
    • 1.14Possible complications and consequences after surgery
    • 1.15Patient Reviews
  • 2Consequences after knee arthroscopy: swelling and knee pain
    • 2.1Arthroscopy: what is it and in what cases is it used?
    • 2.2What complications arise after arthroscopy?
    • 2.3Rehabilitation after arthroscopy
  • 3Complications after arthroscopy of the knee joint: methods of treatment
    instagram viewer
    • 3.1Common consequences
    • 3.2Rare consequences
    • 3.3Other complications
    • 3.4What to do
    • 3.5Passage of exercise therapy
    • 3.6The initial set of exercises
    • 3.7What to do if the condition worsens
    • 3.8Intermediate Exercises
    • 3.9Elimination of puffiness
    • 3.10Prevention of complications
    • 3.11Conclusion
  • 4Arthroscopy of the knee joint: recovery after surgery, reviews
    • 4.1General description of the operation
    • 4.2Cases when operative intervention is shown
    • 4.3Contraindications to arthroscopy
    • 4.4Procedure
    • 4.5Recovery period
    • 4.6Physiotherapy
    • 4.7Complications and probable consequences
    • 4.8Average rates
  • 5Arthroscopy of the knee joint: types, indications and contraindications, stages of operation and rehabilitation, complications with photos, videos and reviews
    • 5.1Operation description
    • 5.2about arthroscopy of the knee joint
    • 5.3Advantages
    • 5.4Indications and contraindications for the operation
    • 5.5Performing arthroscopy of the knee joint
    • 5.6Recovery period and rehabilitation
    • 5.7Possible consequences and complications
    • 5.8Patient Reviews

Arthroscopy of the knee joint: types, indications and contraindications, stages of surgery and rehabilitation, complications + photos, videos and reviews

The knee joint of a person undergoes great loads, so the condition of the tissues gradually worsens, inflammation occurs.

Timely identification of the problem is an important task of medicine.

For this purpose, arthroscopy is used, aimed at detecting pathology and eliminating a painful condition.

Arthroscopy of the knee joint: features and principles of the procedure

Arthroscopy refers to the methods of diagnosis and treatment.The process is carried out using an arthroscope - a special device with a camera.

Intervention occurs without opening the knee - a small enough incision not more than 1 cm.

All the information the doctor receives by displaying the image on the screen.

Arthroscopy of the knee joint - minimally invasive intervention, performed through small incisions

Arthroscopy of the knee joint can be:

  1. Diagnostic. Used to detect knee joint lesions and determine signs of inflammation.
  2. Sanitation. It is used to improve joint mobility and eliminate discomfort.

Arthroscopy of the Knee - video

Disadvantages and advantages

The positive aspects of the methodology are the following:

  • minimal risk of complications after surgery;
  • high information and effectiveness;
  • short recovery period;
  • the possibility of conducting diagnostics.


  • a doctor must have a high level of skill;
  • equipment for arthroscopy refers to expensive devices.

Indications for diagnostic and sanative arthroscopy

For the use of arthroscopy as a diagnostic method, the following indications exist:

  • deforming arthrosis;
  • fractures of the joints;
  • rupture of tendons and ligaments;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • dislocation of the patella;
  • inflammatory process in the synovium;
  • a meniscus injury.

The use of sanation arthroscopy occurs in the following cases:

  • presence in the knee and tissues of foreign bodies - fragments of cartilage, bones;
  • inflammations of a chronic nature;
  • rupture of ligaments of the knee joint;
  • damage to cartilage and meniscus.

Contraindications to the procedure

Absolute contraindications:

  • ankylosis (fibrous and bony) - overgrowth of joint joint with connective or bone tissue;
  • inflammation with the formation of pus;
  • a serious condition of the patient.

The doctor can admit the patient before surgery with relative contraindications. They are:

  • hemorrhage in the joint;
  • severe damage with a violation of joint tightness and integrity of a number of existing tissues.



Before intervention, prepare.First of all, the patient's condition is assessed using diagnostic methods:

  • analysis of urine and blood;
  • coagulograms - blood coagulability studies;
  • electrocardiograms;
  • ray.

Before operation it is recommended:

  1. Finding suitable crutches - will be required after the procedure.
  2. Refuse 12 hours before the intervention:
    • from the intake of food and liquids;
    • use of drugs that affect blood clotting (Naproxen, Aspirin);
    • smoking and drinking.
  3. Obtain drugs according to prescription.

Crutches are required after the operation, so the choice of devices must take care in advance

Choosing the method of anesthesia

For anesthesia use:

  • general anesthesia;
  • spinal anesthesia (Markain);
  • conductor anesthesia (1% lidocaine solution);
  • local anesthesia - is rarely prescribed, since it has a short duration.

Lidocaine is used for conductive anesthesia

Implementation of the intervention

The flow of the operation is represented by the following features:

  1. The application of a tourniquet to the hip reduces the flow of blood to the joint.
  2. Anesthesia of the knee with the help of the chosen technique.
  3. Performing 3 small incisions.
  4. Introduction of tools:
    • arthroscope;
    • a hollow tube through which a sterile liquid is applied to rinse and fill the diseased joint;
    • a video camera and a light source.
  5. Removing tools and pumping out the liquid. If necessary - the introduction of solutions with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  6. Applying to incisions and knee sterile and pressing dressings.

Recovery period

Principles of Rehabilitation

The first stage of the recovery period lasts 1-2 days.At this time the patient is in the hospital, his task is to follow the recommendations of the doctor. Perform the following activities:

  • take painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs (Analgin, Baralgin, Ibuprofen), and also injections with injections with hyaluronic acid (Ostenil, Suplazin, Fermatron);
  • eliminate the burden on the knee;
  • apply elastic bandage - to immobilize the joint;
  • Use an ice pack - to reduce pain and reduce swelling;
  • impose an aseptic bandage - to prevent infection.

Compress with ice reduces edema and reduces painful sensations

Restoring functions with exercise therapy

The task of exercise therapy is to achieve normal joint performance.To its development begin already in a hospital. Gradually, the load increases, due to which the knee is restored, and the risk of injury or inflammation decreases.

  1. Day 1-2 - complete peace for the feet.
  2. 3-7 days - allowed to get up, load is minimal:
    • passive movements in the knee joint;
    • muscle tension of the thigh;
    • load with crutch support.
  3. From the 7th day - the beginning of the gymnastics:
    • lifting of the leg in the lying position;
    • half-sided with support;
    • keeping the foot on the weight.
  4. From 4 to 6 week of recovery:
    • walking in the orthosis - full support to the operated leg (with or without a crutch, depending on the severity of the condition);
    • swimming pool;
    • slow sit-ups;
    • use of an exercise bike - the load is minimal.
  5. From 6 to 8 weeks:
    • walking in functional orthosis;
    • slow sit-ups;
    • flexion of the leg in the knee joint without sudden movements.
  6. From the 8th week:
    • walking without restrictions;
    • swimming;
    • bicycle riding;
    • jogging on level surfaces.

When there are painful sensations and edema in any period of recovery, they turn to the doctor.

Half-sided with the support - one of the elements of the complex for restoring the efficiency of the knee joint

Massage and physiotherapy

Massage promotes tissue repair.The following elements are used:

  • circular stroking;
  • rubbing the knee and a number of located areas;
  • acupressure with one or more fingers.

Massage of the knee joint improves the condition of tissues and reduces muscle tension

To influence the tissues and accelerate the rate of recovery, physiotherapy methods are used:

  • laser therapy;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • electrophoresis;
  • cryotherapy.

During the recovery period, they refrain from hot baths and stay in the sun.

Possible complications and consequences after surgery

If the patient does not follow the recommendations of the doctor, the risk of complications increases:

  • swelling of tissues;
  • hemorrhage into the joint cavity;
  • formation of adhesions;
  • inflammation of the scars;
  • wound infection:
  • development of thrombophlebitis.

Patient Reviews

Arthroscopy of the knee joint allows you to assess the condition of the tissues and perform manipulations to eliminate pathology. The technique is convenient, since the surgeon's intervention is minimal, and the patient's recovery occurs in a short period.

  • Dmitry Sheiko
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Consequences after knee arthroscopy: swelling and knee pain

A variety of joint diseases often appear in those who professionally engage in sports and lead a too active lifestyle.

But for each person, physical activity should be selected individually, so sometimes a person can get tired of intense walking, which makes him feel pain in the knee joint area.

The knee is one of the most vulnerable articulations, as its structure is quite complicated. Because of its biochemical and anatomical features, it is more prone to injury than other joints.

The knee joint has a specific structure, so the pathology associated with this joint is not easy to investigate. In some cases, if the knee is damaged, it is impossible to resume its functionality on its own, therefore it is necessary to perform a surgical intervention.

In order to determine the pathology or assess the extent of damage to the joint doctor appoints modern methods of research. So, in certain cases arthroscopy of the knee joint is performed.

Arthroscopy: what is it and in what cases is it used?

This procedure is a surgical method of investigation, during which an endoscopic instrument is introduced into the knee, the shape of which resembles a thin tube. Such a tool is called an arthroscope, it can be used to diagnose and even treat.

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Arthroscopy was developed in the 60s of the last century. To date, it is considered a standard diagnostic measure used during joint examinations.

Such a study is carried out within one day, after the patient can go home and carry out further therapy in an outpatient setting. Postoperative recovery requires time, medications are occasionally prescribed.

Inspection with an endoscopic instrument is as follows: a small incision is made on the skin, then an arthroscope is inserted into the joint cavity. The apparatus is equipped with lenses and optical fibers, through which the knee joint is inspected from the inside.


The instrument is equipped with a video camera, which transmits the video image to the monitor. When examining the joints, a tool with a diameter of 5-7 mm is used.


Arthroscopy allows you to clearly establish the type of pathology or determine the intensity of the lesion. Plus of such diagnostics is that, in case of need after diagnostics, it is possible to start the operation without delay.

This surgery injures the knee minimally, and you can even recover at home after the procedure.

Advantages of arthroscopy:

  • minimum time of stay in the hospital;
  • small incisions;
  • quick rehabilitation;
  • surgical intervention is performed on an outpatient basis;
  • there is no need to impose a cast.

It is worth noting that often the reason for the operation is arthritis. Knee arthroscopy is performed with arthritis, including infectious, inflammatory and degenerative diseases and with various knee joint injuries.

This method of investigation makes it possible to see the changes occurring in the inner surface of the joint. In addition, arthroscopy can detect damaged and worn cartilage tissue due to osteoarthritis or arthritis.

Arthroscopy is done in the case of the appearance of cracks that occur when the cartilage is damaged. Cracks are filled with a special liquid or paste made from the patient's cartilage cells grown in the laboratory.

In addition, arthroscopic intervention is performed with inflammatory arthritis, when the joint is very sore. In addition, it may be necessary to remove the inflamed tissue site or synovectomy.

What complications arise after arthroscopy?

Arthroscopy is a fairly safe and simple procedure. Due to the fact that the dimensions of the notch are small, the consequences become minimal. But in many cases, pain or swelling may appear, and sometimes a crunch is heard in the aching knee.

Serious complications of arthroscopy are caused by infection, that is, suppuration, sepsis or persecution. Intraarticular injuries involve nerves, cartilage, ligament or meniscus.

It is worth noting that pain and swelling after surgery is necessary and common. However, if the knee is aching and there is swelling, then such symptoms that appear after the operation do not always indicate infection and other adverse events.

If, after arthroscopy in the knee joint, there is swelling and pain, then immediately seek medical help. The doctor will confirm or deny the fact of a possible complication.

In some cases, if an operation was performed on the meniscus, edema appears due to an excessive load on the diseased limb.

In this case, it is necessary to immobilize the knee, and when moving you need to use a cane or crutches.


To start walking should be slow, first you need to go through small distances, and in the course of recovery, the load should be increased.


If there was swelling of the joint, then it is necessary to apply a cold compress to it. Cold should be kept about 15 minutes a day, and this procedure is conducted no more than 4 times a day.

In addition, you can eliminate swelling if you place your foot in the correct position on the bed. To this end, the limb should be placed on the pillow and maintained in this position for a while.

In addition, you can apply a tight bandage. So, using an elastic bandage, the limb from the foot to the third of the thigh must be wrapped. Even to get rid of puffiness after the operation, the patient is prescribed lymph drainage massage or lymphatic drainage.

Sometimes patients after arthroscopy hear a crunch in the knee.

However, if the person does not experience pain and is not disturbed by other unpleasant symptoms (local increase temperature, swelling, dysfunction of the joint), then crunching is a normal phenomenon that does not require additional treatment.

Rehabilitation after arthroscopy

Recovery after surgery consists of:

  1. massage;
  2. change of dressings, on the first, third and ninth days;
  3. Exercise therapy;
  4. taking analgesic drugs in case of pain;
  5. electrostimulation of muscles.

Therapeutic physical training after arthroscopy consists of simple exercises that can be performed at home. They consist in the following: in the prone position, you need to raise and lower the straightened limb 15 times. Such charging is done every 2 hours.

The next exercise is that the person lies on his side and lifts his foot, holding it up for 10 seconds. In doing so, you can do a massage, moving the kneecap.

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Complications after arthroscopy of the knee joint: methods of treatment

Sometimes after surgery serious complications develop

Even ultramodern technologies are not able to completely restore the affected surface of the articular cartilage.

The consequences that have developed against the background of surgical intervention can be quite serious.

In this article we will consider the main complications after arthroscopy of the knee joint and methods of their treatment.

Common consequences

Pain after arthroscopy of the knee joint is a natural reaction to the surgical intervention. Over time, they subsided. But if the painful sensations, accompanied by swelling, are present for a long time and become stronger, this indicates the development of complications.

The main consequences are shown on the plate.

Table 1. Common complications.

Cause Diseases
Infection The arthroscopic wound is suppressed. Develops chases. In the worst case, sepsis is formed.
Iatrogenic joint damage The meniks, ligaments, and also the cartilage are affected.
The defeat of nerves The common peroneal nerve is damaged. The subclinical branch of the subcutaneous nerve is also affected.

Infectious complications develop due to violation of antiseptic and aseptic rules. Iatrogenic lesions are caused by the rough application of an arthroscope.

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Rare consequences

Less common are the following complications:

  • osteomyelitis;
  • fat embolism;
  • hip fracture;
  • defeat of the artery under the knee;
  • fistula located near the joint cavity;
  • damage to the semimembrane bag;
  • gas embolism.

Other complications

Also after the operation, development can occur:

  • casein syndrome;
  • turnstile syndrome;
  • intra-articular adhesions;
  • hemarthrosis;
  • synovitis.

What to do

If pain and swelling do not pass, a person must seek medical help.

The doctor diagnoses the type of complication and directs the patient to the passage:

  • massage manipulations;
  • therapeutic physical training;
  • electrostimulation of muscles.

Painful sensations are removed with analgesic medications. On the 1st, 3rd and 9th day, bandages are changed. Treatment after arthroscopy of the knee joint lasts from several weeks to 2-3 months.

Passage of exercise therapy

Therapeutic physical training after arthroscopy of the knee joint is appointed in order to restore its mobility. The whole complex of exercise exercises allowed to exercise at home.

The duration of the gymnastics depends on the condition of the patient. On average, it varies from 20 minutes to half an hour.

The initial set of exercises

The table shows a set of exercises that are assigned to the patient on the 3rd-7th day after surgery.

Table 2. The initial set of exercises:

An exercise How to perform
Training of the hind femoris Take a horizontal position, bend the limbs in the knees. Press the heels to the floor. Gently strain the muscles of the posterior femoral surface. Hold in this position for 5-6 seconds, then relax the muscles. Make 10 approaches.
Training of anterior femoral muscles Place the cushion under the feet, turn over the belly downwards. Straightening the limb, press the stop roller on the cushion. Hold in this position for 5-6 seconds. Make 10 approaches.
Raising a straightened limb Take a horizontal position, bend a healthy limb in the knee. Straighten the operated leg, gently straining the anterior group of femoral muscles. The distance from the surface is 25-30 centimeters. Keep the weight on the limb need 5-6 seconds. Then the leg should be slowly lowered and relaxed. Make 10 approaches.
Lie with your belly up, bend both limbs in your knees, lean your feet against the surface. Strain the muscles of the buttocks, hold in this position for 5-6 seconds, then relax. Make 10 approaches.
Raising a straight limb Stand at the wall, turn to the outside. Straighten the limb in the knee by 45 degrees. Adhering to the wall, keep your foot on the weight for 5-6 seconds. Make 10 approaches.

What to do if the condition worsens

If the knee joint swells, and its skin is warm, you can not do gymnastics.

To reduce pain and stop puffiness the following instruction will help:

  1. To provide the foot with complete peace. To do this, apply a pressure bandage.
  2. Most of the time spend lying. The injured leg should be in an elevated position.
  3. Apply an icy compress to the sore spot. Keep it should not more than 5 minutes.

Continue to perform exercises after arthroscopy of the knee joint can be after relieving pain and stopping swelling. If this does not happen in 48-72 hours, you need to see the operating doctor.

Intermediate Exercises

The table shows a set of exercises assigned to the patient on the 14-20th day after the operation.

Table 3. Intermediate exercises.

An exercise How to perform
Take a horizontal position, turn the chair back to itself. The distance should be 25-30 centimeters. Adhering to the back, sit down, stay for about 12 seconds. Slowly straighten up. Make 10 approaches.
The photo shows how steps are taken on the step ahead and to the side The development of the knee joint after arthroscopy is as follows: put in front of a bench about 20 centimeters high. To stand on her operated limb. Move her to her weight, straighten up. Make 10 approaches.
Begin to twist the pedals you need with "light" resistance. The training time is 10 minutes. After about 7 days, the duration can be increased by 1 minute every day. More than 20 minutes can not be practiced. Gradually, the resistance of the pedals should become "heavy".
The duration of training for the first 14 days is 10 minutes. Then the duration and speed can be increased. Pain and increased swelling after this exercise should not be.
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Elimination of puffiness

Treatment of edema depends on its cause

Eliminate edema after arthroscopy of the knee joint with the help of the following diuretics:

  • Torasemide;
  • Lasix;
  • Furosemide;
  • Lingon leaves.

Massage manipulations are also prescribed. If the puffiness is very strong and causes serious discomfort to the patient, it is sent for duplex scanning. This method of diagnosis helps to exclude thrombosis.

Prevention of complications

The consequences of arthroscopy of the knee joint can be prevented.

For this, the doctor must:

  • choose the right tool;
  • Carefully move tools in the joint cavity;
  • Carefully change the position of the joint while the instruments are there;
  • strictly monitor the function of the washing system.

To stop edema on the surgical wound, the surgeon applies seams. Then the doctor bandages the joint with a sterile bandage. The bandage is made of elastic bandage. The price of non-compliance with these recommendations can be very high.


After surgery, a person agrees to adhere to a diet that excludes salt, smoked foods and pickled products. Categorically prohibited alcohol. More on the treatment of the effects of arthroscopy of the knee joint will tell the video in this article.

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Arthroscopy of the knee joint: recovery after surgery, reviews

Arthroscopy of the knee joint, as a procedure is necessary in those cases when it is required to conduct deep diagnostics (especially at the biological, cellular level) or perform an operation to correct the position of the meniscus (for example, direction).

But there are also contraindications to the passage of this procedure. A special medical device, the arthroscope, is used here.

After the operation, it is necessary to specially undergo a recovery period with the help of certain medications and physiotherapy.

General description of the operation

Structurally and anatomically, the knee has one feature - it is not protected by muscle mass as the calf region of the foot, for example.

Therefore, part of the flexion-extensor mechanism of the human musculoskeletal system can be subjected to external traumatic effects more often.


From long or excessive loads, or in general a sedentary way of life, the meniscus can fall out of its place, sometimes even rub it, which leads to its rupture.


In patients with bursitis, in the synovial bag from time to time accumulates fluid (exudate), which is eliminated with arthroscopy.

To arthroscopy carry - an invasive surgical procedure, a mini-operation that gives the chance complete and accurate diagnosis in the occurrence of pathology of the knee-joint part of the locomotor system apparatus.

From the very beginning, when this method was invented, it was aimed exclusively at diagnosing various types of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. This is necessary in order to be able to monitor the dynamics of joint pathologies in real time.

But today to do arthroscopy of the knee joint - it can mean not only his research, but also treatment.

What does such an operation give? Her conduct in medical practice leads to the following:

  1. Diagnosis of bone and soft, nearby tissues.
  2. Treatment of diseases associated with fluid accumulation.
  3. Insertion, repositioning the meniscus.
  4. Biopsy of the capsular substrate and other elements.
  5. Restorative procedures for the functions of the joints, when surgical intervention is necessary.
  6. Examination in the real mode of the intraarticular part.
  7. Sanitation - when you need to pump out pus, blood clots, serous fluid.
  8. Entering therapeutic liquid preparations in a special way.

All these possibilities give such manipulation when it is necessary to see the cause of knee dysfunction, its dynamics of development in real time.

Cases when operative intervention is shown

The operation can be prescribed only by qualified specialists - orthopedic surgeons, orthopedic traumatologists.

If the bone was broken after the fracture, which was clearly visible from ordinary radiography, then it is possible to extract the debris also with the help of this operation.

The same applies to situations where a foreign body has got into the knee, which must be urgently removed so that suppuration and gangrene does not form.

Indications for the connection of such a procedure are the following painful cases:

  1. Injuries, fractures and diagnosis of damage states.
  2. Dislocation of the knee joint.
  3. Arthroscopy of the knee joint meniscus.
  4. Removal of areas of cartilaginous tissue, which can not already be restored.
  5. Biopsy of biological material.
  6. Torn ligaments.
  7. Rheumatoid arthritis.
  8. Inflammatory processes of the joint bag (including chronic stages).
  9. Oncological conditions, tumors of different nature.
  10. Necrosis of structures avascular.
  11. Appearances by the type of osteophytes.
  12. Limited movement in the joints.
  13. Difficulties with the diagnosis.

When knee injuries occur, the integrity of the ligaments, the meniscus, can be broken. This especially applies to the anterior tendons and posterior cruciate.

Observed osteoarthritis, leading to deformation of bones, cartilage and other parts, as well as arthritis - also serves as a reason to conduct such a procedure. A biopsy is always performed in the laboratory, it helps to identify or exclude the possibility of infection with an osteoarticular infection.

In addition, histological examination of the obtained material of the organ tissues allows one to draw conclusions whether there are any violations at the microcellular level.

Contraindications to arthroscopy

Arthroscopy of the knee joint is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • cartilages and bones that have grown together and led to a complete immobility of the limb;
  • diabetes;
  • chronic heart failure;
  • failures in the cardiovascular system - exacerbations of hypertension, for example;
  • infection through open wounds;
  • hemorrhages in the joint cavity;
  • purulent foci in the soft tissues of the knee.

Diabetic patients should not undergo arthroscopy when the condition is at a decompensated stage.


The procedure is carried out using the main device - an arthroscope, which is one type of endoscope.

The tip of such a device is a microscopic video camera, which allows you to see the inside of the body from the inside through the image fed to the monitor.

The patient will have to go through the whole route of the operation step by step. A step-by-step procedure is presented in a separate table.

Table 1. Technique for performing arthroscopy of the knee joint

Stage Procedures Events
Preparatory stage. Analyzes are being given. The patient passes the specialized specialists. Refusal to eat and drink 12 hours before surgery.
  • visit to an anesthesiologist or therapist (if required);
  • delivery of urine and blood for analysis;
  • coagulogram passage on blood coagulability;
  • electrocardiography;
  • Other diagnostic procedures that the doctor will appoint;
  • selection of crutches and preliminary training for training them correctly to use;
  • purchase of necessary analgesics.
Carrying out the technique of the operation itself. Anesthesia:
  • epidural;
  • local;
  • common.
    1. A tourniquet to reduce blood flow is superimposed on the patient's thigh.
    2. Antiseptic treatment of the insertion point of the endoscope.
    3. At the point, three sections of 4-7 mm are made.
    4. Tools are introduced into the notches.

Used to enter into the notches toolkit:

      • lighting optics;
      • a video camera;
      • a hollow tube through which saline is supplied;
      • arthroscope.
    1. The tools are extracted.
    2. The saline is pumped out.
    3. If necessary, antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs are administered.
    4. Micronadhes are covered with special sterile bandages.
    5. Packages of ice are laid on the knee to remove the risks of severe swelling or bleeding.

When the saline is fed through a hollow tube, it helps to fill the joint, which greatly improves the quality of visibility, as well as the conduct of medical manipulations.

In total, the process takes place within 1 hour, in rare cases it is noticeable from, up to 2 hours.


To the penultimate stage include the methods associated with difficult physical education, and with special physical exertion.


First of all, the doctor should appoint a patient to the patient - LFK (medical-physical culture). Without these exercises it will be difficult to bring ligaments, joints, cartilage and other elements of the system into a proper elastic and flexible state.

Recovery period

After 3-4 days after the procedure, sterile bandages can be removed. Plasters are applied instead of them, and the knee is stretched by a pressing bandage.

At the knee joint, in comparison with other organs, there is a decreased ability to complete recovery in an independent way.

That's why in order to get back to the knees, they need help through special rehabilitation procedures.

The curative program is made up individually, depending on what the procedure was used for. How recovery occurs after arthroscopy of the knee joint, can be seen from the following order of manipulation and medical appointments, reflected in the table below.

Peculiarities of the restoring period Explanations about the need
Antibacterial therapy. The procedure is necessary in order to eliminate bacteria that accidentally fell during surgery.
Staying in a hospital after surgery 2 days. Antibiotics are dripped through droppers.
Massages Conducted by a specialist.
Magnetotherapy Removes puffiness.
Electrophoresis To force blood to apply to all organs in the place where the operation was performed.
Balneological procedures Salt or herbal baths at a water temperature of no higher than 30-40 degrees.
Compresses for cooling and treating They are put several times a day for a month or more.
Correct leg position When lying down, the patient should keep his foot so that his knee is above his chest.
Rehabilitation period 2-3 months


When a patient can stand on his foot completely, but it is still inadequate to walk, then knee stimulation is required by external influences.

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Assign exercises that help to recover from surgery, almost the next day, if the patient feels relatively good, and there were no complications.

Sometimes the procedure will need to walk only 2-3 days after the operation. Periods of rest and load on the knee should be agreed with the attending physician or physiotherapist, rehabilitator.

Complications and probable consequences

Risks of serious damage or complications after such procedures are minimal. In general, the following side effects can be noted, which eventually pass:

  1. Increased body temperature.
  2. Articular discomfort, and sometimes - painful sensations.
  3. Hyperemia.
  4. Puffiness.
  5. Bursitis.
  6. Arthritis is infectious.
  7. Hemarthrosis.
  8. Inflammation and decay of postoperative scars.
  9. Numbness caused by violation of nervous branches.
  10. Thromboembolism of vessels.

Painful postoperative syndrome can be periodic, permanent, fading, pulsating.

In some cases, patients complain that pain is observed in the lower leg, in others - pain is given to the hip part of the limbs.

Independently serious side effects are not eliminated, only the intervention of doctors is required.

Complications can be caused by:

  • incorrectly conducted antiseptic procedures;
  • punctures, accidental incisions of veins, arteries;
  • sprain;
  • breakdown of the instrument during the operation.

When the parts of the instrument are chipped, small pieces and details can go unnoticed and be left inside the joint structure. This leads to suppuration and repeated surgical procedures.

Until all the consequences are eliminated, physical rehabilitation should not be performed after arthroscopy of the knee joint. This precautionary measure will help to reduce the undesirable effect on the sore spot.

Average rates

Prices quoted on official websites of medical clinics can denote different services - from the diagnostic procedure to arthroscopic surgery. The cost includes consumables, disinfection, anesthesia and doctors' work.

Table 1. How much does arthroscopy of the knee joint cost in the Russian cities

Name of clinics, stools Location Phone for consultation and recording The price of services, ub.
СМ-Clinic in St. Petersburg, Prospect Dunaisky, 477. Stm. "Kupchino." 8 (812) 243-18-208 (812) 618-99-31 25000
SR RI Vreden Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics in St. Petersburg, st. Academician Baikov, d.8.St.m. "Academic" 8 (812) 670-86-70 9900
Them. Peter the Great in St. Petersburg, Pr. Piskarevsky, 477. Stm. "Ladoga". 8 (812) 303-50-60 15000
Miracle Doctor in Moscow, School, d. 11.St.m. "The Square of Ilyich." 8 (495) 967-19-788 (495) 638-70-708 (495) 671-03-498 (495) 671-06-20 13200
HE Clinic in Moscow, Vorontsovskaya, 8, str.6. St.m. Taganskaya. 8 (495) 927-02-858 (495) 223-22-798 (495) 266-08-04 38000
СМ-Clinic in Moscow, Yaroslavskaya, 4, building 2. St.m. "Alekseevskaya". 8 (495) 519-38-828 (495) 241-99-188 (495) 401-75-55 20000
City Hospital No. 1 in Novosibirsk, Zalessky, 6. St.m. «Zaeltsovskaya». 8 (383) 225-07-198 (383) 226-36-56 34700
NIITO in Novosibirsk, Frunze, d.99.St.m. "Marshal Pokryshkin." 8 (383) 363-31-318 (383) 363-32-46 6000
Good in Krasnodar, Mr. Shkolny, per. Scheduled, d.24. 8 (861) 238-86-82 17500 (diagnostic) 40000
Costantha in Vologda, K. Marx, 7.

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Arthroscopy of the knee joint: types, indications and contraindications, stages of operation and rehabilitation, complications with photos, videos and reviews

Problems with joints are not only exposed to older people, but even children, since outdoor games and sports can lead to knee injury.

If earlier there were traumatic operations, in which it was necessary to open the entire joint completely, then with With the development of technology, it became possible to perform a surgical intervention limited to three small cuts.

Operation description

Damage to the joints is a very common problem, especially in people actively engaged in sports and engaged in heavy physical labor.

In percentage terms, the knee joint is the most traumatic, since it has a very heavy load and it has a very complex structure.

Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive operation to examine the internal condition of the joint and, if necessary, treat it.

When carrying out manipulations, an arthroscope is used - a special optical device that is inserted through a small incision.

Thanks to a high-tech camera, this operation allows you to fully appreciate and cure possible deviations in the knee joint. Every year around four million arthroscopes are carried out in the world.

There are two types of arthroscopy:

  • Diagnostic, in which the operation is performed for the purpose of examining the knee;
  • sanation for the purpose of examination and further treatment.

Arthroscopy is now beginning to replace the outdated method of arthrotomy.

about arthroscopy of the knee joint


A major advantage of this type of operation is:

  • The minimum opening of the joint, in which only two small holes are made in the knee, through which the arthroscope and instruments are inserted. This allows you to significantly reduce the recovery period, reduce damage to surrounding tissues, and the remaining scars will be poorly visible due to small size.
  • it is possible to perform an outpatient surgery;
  • there is no need for gypsum application;
  • time in the hospital is significantly reduced.

Indications and contraindications for the operation

There are a number of diseases in which arthroscopy is indicated:

  • trauma to the meniscus;
  • destruction of cartilage;
  • rupture of cruciate ligaments;
  • arthritis;
  • impaired mobility of the joint;
  • softening, thinning cartilage;
  • knee injury;
  • dislocations;
  • inflammation and other diseases of the synovium.

Arthroscopy has very few contraindications, but among them there are the following reasons:

  • bone and fibrotic ankylosis;
  • purulent and infectious wounds;
  • breaks that break the tightness of the joint capsule;
  • hemarthroses;
  • intraarticular fractures of condyles.

Performing arthroscopy of the knee joint

Before the operation, no special preparatory methods are required, except for assessing the general physical condition of the patient. Assigns a general and biochemical blood test, EEG, X-ray, studies the presence of allergies to anesthesia.

Before the operation, the patient should purchase crutches, which will be needed first time after the intervention. Also, you should immediately buy the recommended painkillers, which will be needed when the anesthesia ceases to function.

Based on the collected data and sometimes the patient's wishes, the physician chooses the method of anesthesia:

  • local anesthesia is usually recommended for short-term examinations;
  • conductive anesthesia with 1% lidocaine solution;
  • epidural anesthesia allows the patient to be conscious, recommended for prolonged operation;
  • General anesthesia is prescribed in rare cases according to the indications.

At the beginning of the operation, the doctor applies a tourniquet to the patient's thigh to reduce blood circulation in the operated limb. Then the surgeon performs 3 incisions, not more than seven millimeters wide.

The first one is illuminated with an arthroscope, in the second one - a small tube through which a sterile liquid is supplied to increase the volume joint, which makes it easier to manipulate, and the third one introduces an arthroscopic instrument, with which it is possible to carry out treatment.

Minimally invasive method of operation using three sections

With the thinning of the cartilaginous plate and cracks in them, a special gel is introduced from the cartilaginous cells, which fills the irregularities.


With infectious arthritis, it is possible to conduct a biopsy to determine the cause of inflammation, remove the affected area and introduce special medications. In some cases, you may need to clean and grind the joint.


Often restoration of ligaments and elimination of dislocations are carried out. Operation of the operation on the knee joint.

Operation on the knee joint

Depending on the necessary manipulations, the operation lasts from 30 to 60 minutes.

After the termination in a cavity can enter anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agents, on cuts sterile bandages are applied, and the joint itself is fixed with the help of tight compressive bandages, limiting mobility.

Recovery period and rehabilitation

It is very important to follow the recommendations of the doctor after the operation, as their non-compliance can lead to repeated damage.In different situations, rehabilitation takes from 3 to 8 weeks and most patients return to full-fledged life.

There are general recommendations:

  • To exclude sharp loads on the knee joint, the use of crutches, although it is necessary to move with full support on the leg;
  • dressings every 2-3 days;
  • taking pain medication;
  • physiological procedures: electrophoresis, lymphatic drainage massage;
  • the application of ice to the knee;
  • the periodic placement of the operated leg above the body level for the outflow of fluid;
  • you should not squat and bend your knee badly;
  • return to driving the car maybe in a couple of weeks after the operation;
  • it is necessary to carry out certain exercises aimed at developing the joint and strengthening the adjacent muscles;
  • sometimes appointed fermatron, chondroprotektor, helping to restore the cartilage.

Possible consequences and complications

Despite the safety and very rare complications, in some cases the following unpleasant phenomena are detected:

  • Since during the operation the surgeon introduces a special irrigation fluid into the articular cavity, edemas and hemorrhages may occur if it seeps into the adjacent tissue.
  • A frequent complication is fever, chills and general weakness, severe pain.
  • There may be blood clots and the formation of thrombi in the joint.
  • Infectious lesion of the joint.

Patient Reviews

Arthroscopy is a unique operation that will help restore mobility of the knee joint.

However, it is worth remembering that the result of the operation largely depends on how the patient will spend the rehabilitation period.

Constant and correct performance of therapeutic physical training contributes to a speedy recovery.

  • Ekaterina Sergeevna
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