A bruise, a dislocation and a fracture of a finger on his arm: what to do?


  • 1Finger joint bruise on the arm: symptoms, first aid and treatment
    • 1.1Causes
    • 1.2Symptoms: how to distinguish a bruise from a dislocation or fracture
    • 1.3Classification of trauma
    • 1.4First aid
    • 1.5Diagnostics
    • 1.6Method of treatment
    • 1.7Medications
    • 1.8Physiotherapeutic procedures
    • 1.9Surgical intervention
    • 1.10Folk remedies
    • 1.11What should I avoid if I get a bruise?
    • 1.12Possible complications
  • 2Injury of the joint of the finger: what to do, treatment of thumb injury
    • 2.1How does a mechanical damage, called a bruise, occur?
    • 2.2Symptoms caused by a finger injury
    • 2.3What to do before going to the hospital?
    • 2.4Complex treatment of bruises
    • 2.5Treatment with folk remedies
    • 2.6Complications with injuries and their prevention
  • 3Dislocation of a finger on the arm: what to do, symptoms of a thumb dislocation on the arm, treatment
    • 3.1Types of dislocations
    • 3.2Symptoms of a finger dislocation
    • 3.3What to do with a finger dislocation: first aid
    • 3.4Treatment with a dislocation of the finger on the arm
    • 3.5Rehabilitation period
  • instagram viewer
  • 4Fracture, dislocation or bruise, stretching: how to distinguish how to provide first aid
    • 4.1What is a bruise?
    • 4.2Signs of injury
    • 4.3First aid
    • 4.4Health care
    • 4.5What is stretching?
    • 4.6Signs of dislocation
    • 4.7Treatment of dislocations
    • 4.8Health care
    • 4.9What is a fracture?
    • 4.10Types of fractures:
    • 4.11Signs of a fracture
    • 4.12Treatment of fractures
    • 4.13First aid:
    • 4.14Health care
    • 4.15Subluxation of the head of the radius
    • 4.16Subperiosteal fractures
    • 4.17How to distinguish injuries from each other?

Finger joint bruise on the arm: symptoms, first aid and treatment

In everyday life, we often injure fingers or toes, because of what we experience painful feelings and can not work or rest.

Damage can be as a bruise, or stretching or fracture, so it is very important immediately diagnose the injury, otherwise you can delay the treatment and reduce the chances of returning the former of the mobility of the finger.

Therefore, today we will discuss a strong bruise of the finger on the hand, what to do in the first hours after receiving the injury and what method of treatment to apply in the future.


The cause of any bruise (not just the finger of the hand) is a fall, a blow about a dull object or some hard surface.

A bruise can only be called a damage in which the functioning of organs and bones is preserved, without a visible violation of their integrity.

That is, the rupture of a ligament, a crack or a discrepancy of a bone can not be called a bruise.

Symptoms: how to distinguish a bruise from a dislocation or fracture

If you do not have a medical education, then you can hardly distinguish between easy finger damage and serious injury. Therefore, let's talk about how to find out if you have fractured, dislocated or bruised your finger in order to realize the severity of the damage.

Symptoms of injury:

  • swelling or swelling;
  • pain when feeling or moving;
  • pain increases over several hours or days (depending on the strength of the blow);
  • violation of the function of motion;
  • the appearance of a bruise (bruise).

Symptoms of dislocation:

  • damage to the skin, muscles and ligaments;
  • the finger can not be bent, it is difficult for them to move;
  • The skin blushes at the point of impact, and the finger itself turns white;
  • deformation of the finger.

To the above, several symptoms are added, which occur with the usual damage to the finger (pain, edema, the appearance of a hematoma).

Symptoms of a fracture of the finger:

  • a crunch of bones;
  • severe pain when attempting to flex or flex;
  • deformation;
  • Increased pain when feeling a damaged finger along the axis.

Summarizing all the above, we can conclude that the fracture and dislocation are characterized by a visible deformation of the finger, and not only pain sensations or redness.

Therefore, if you notice that the finger lost its motor activity, it shifted slightly, or when it felt there is a shock pain, then you should immediately contact a traumatologist to provide the fastest possible assistance.

Classification of trauma

Let's talk about the classification of bruises of the joint of the finger of the hand in terms of severity:

  • First category. This includes such bruises, after which a slight damage to the skin is diagnosed. In the place of a bruise, redness occurs, there may be scratches and abrasions. Such damage does not require treatment and it takes 3-4 days.
  • Second category. To damage to the skin, muscle damage is added, and edema and hematoma are also formed. This bruise hurts both when you press, and during any other actions that involve the finger.
  • Third category. There is damage to the muscles or tendons. A distinctive feature of this category is that in particularly difficult cases, a dislocation of the finger is possible.
  • The fourth category (extreme). The fourth category includes injuries that occur as a result of severe injuries. The hematoma in the place of impact is colored dark-bard or even black. There is a sharp sharp pain, a rupture of tendons.

First aid

Before treating the bruise of the finger on the arm, you need to provide first aid, which is aimed at reducing pain and removing edema. Need to do:

  • A cold compress is used to relieve pain and swelling. Prewrap the bandage or gauze with a damaged limb and apply an ice bag or some heavily chilled metal object. You need to keep it until pain is reduced.
  • Next, make an iodine grid on the damaged finger, so that the time does not show a strong puffiness.

The above actions will not help if you have a muscle / ligament rupture or bone fracture.

Therefore, if the pain does not pass, and the edema of the limb, regardless of your actions, becomes stronger, then you need to accurately diagnose the degree of damage and go to the hospital.


Diagnosis is carried out using an X-ray. Such actions are necessary in order to accurately answer the question: a bruise, a dislocation or a fracture.

All doctors, in the first place, prescribe an x-ray, after which they analyze the picture and look at the finger. Without an X-ray, an accurate diagnosis is almost impossible.

Seek help from the nearest injury center. Diagnosis and treatment of mild injuries, dislocations, sprains and fractures is performed by either a traumatologist or a surgeon.

Method of treatment

Treatment is not limited to applying ice and applying iodine mesh, especially if the bruise is serious enough and there is a suspicion of rupture of ligaments or fracture. Therefore, let's talk about different methods of treatment.


Drug treatment is aimed both at the removal of pain, and on the removal of inflammation and resorption of the hematoma:

  • Elimination of pain. For this, analgesics are used (paracetamol, diclofenac, ibuprofen and derivatives, ketones). The action of the listed medicines is directed both on the removal of painful sensations, and on the treatment of the inflammatory process and the lowering of the temperature.
  • Removal of inflammation.Here we will use any anti-inflammatory ointments for external use that do not cause you allergic reactions. Each ointment has its own instructions for use, so we will not describe the application rules.
  • Elimination of the hematoma.For this purpose, enzyme preparations are prescribed that not only stimulate resorption of the hematoma, but also reduce pain, relieve puffiness.

All of the above medicines can be used both individually and in pairs. Before buying, it is worth consulting with the attending physician, since the medicine purchased may not be useful in your case.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

Physiotherapy treatment involves the use of the following procedures:

  1. ultrahigh-frequency therapy;
  2. electrophoresis;
  3. ultraviolet irradiation;
  4. ozokerite (in rare cases);
  5. applying compresses with the active substance.

It is worthwhile to understand that a slight damage to the finger is not a reason to demand a full course of treatment, since your body and itself will perfectly cope with the restoration.

Surgical intervention

Surgical intervention is required only if you have a clear bone fracture, open fracture or a serious dislocation of the joint, which must be put in place, otherwise it is wrong srastetsya.
Also, the operation can be assigned in the event that during the impact you "drove" into the finger of a foreign object of large dimensions, which you can not get without cutting.

Operation on the finger is carried out only after studying the X-ray, since without special reasons the doctor will not cut the finger.

Folk remedies

After considering traditional methods of treating a finger injury on the arm, we will discuss the treatment with folk remedies.

  1. Treatment with a mixturevegetable oil, boiled water and vinegar.We take 1 tbsp. l. of each component, we mix, we moisten any fabric (it is better to take a bandage or gauze) and apply it to the damaged place. Next, the fabric should be wrapped in a food film and a warm kerchief over it.
  2. Treatment with a mixturesoap, alcohol and camphor. Take 30 g of each component and mix (soap should be finely chopped). Then add 300 ml of lamp oil and a glass of white turpentine to the mixture. All thoroughly mix and lubricate the damaged area as if you are using a regular ointment.
  3. Infusionmother-and-stepmother and oreganoon the vodka. Take 500 ml of vodka, add 20 g of each herb and insist for three days. Before adding the grass you need to grind. Ready-made infusion should be filtered and applied in the form of compresses at night. Course of treatment - 15 days.

It is worth saying that folk remedies are only applicable if you have a light bruise without rupturing the muscles, ligaments, fracture or bone fracture. In any other case, you need to go to the hospital,since no infusion will put your joint in place and heal a broken bone.

Do not engage in self-medication if you are not sure of the severity of the damage.

What should I avoid if I get a bruise?

In addition to the first pre-hospital care, when getting a bruise, you must follow a number of rules that will help avoid pain and shock and not exacerbate the situation:

  1. It is forbidden to massage or rub the place of injury. Consequences of such actions can be thrombophlebitis (blockage of veins).
  2. In the first 24 hours after getting a bruise, you can not warm or steam out a bruise in a hot bath.
  3. Do any movements of the injured fingers, try to insert it in the event of a dislocation. Such actions will definitely lead to pain and additional problems.
  4. Use serious medication without prescribing. These include any tablets that are intended for oral use.
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Observing the above rules, you will facilitate the task of the treating doctor and can reduce the pain.

Possible complications

We discussed the treatment of a finger injury on the arm, and what to do at home to reduce pain and relieve edema.

Now we will discuss possible complications that may arise in the event that proper medical care is not provided (refers to bruises 2, 3 and 4 degrees of severity).

  1. Suppurationin the place of damage. Occurs if there is no treatment for hematoma.
  2. Hemarthrosis. Serious complication, which leads to the accumulation of blood in the joint. Treatment involves surgical intervention.
  3. Infection. Disturbance of the skin, which was not handled in time by disinfectants, leads to the appearance of infection and suppuration.

Now you know how to provide first aid with a bruise,than you can grind the damaged finger and what drugs will help you cope with the pain. We strongly do not recommend treatment at home if there is a variant of complications development.

The video tells you what you need to do if your finger is swollen after a stroke.

A source: http://prosustav.ru/travmasustava/ushibiperelom/chto-delat-pri-ushibe-palca-na-ruke.html

Injury of the joint of the finger: what to do, treatment of thumb injury

Fingers on the hands have three phalanges: proximal, middle and extreme (distal).

The phalanges are interconnected by small interphalangeal joints.

Only the thumb has one difference, it has one phalanx less than the other fingers. It has only the proximal and distal parts.

By opposing the thumb to the other four, which are arranged in a row, a person is able to perform various actions with the help of hands:

  • flexion and extension of fingers;
  • keeping objects of different severity and shape;
  • ability to write.

How does a mechanical damage, called a bruise, occur?

A bruised joint of the finger or toe joint may be formed due to a fall from a small height or impact against an obtuse object. Such a trauma as a bruise is characterized by a pain syndrome in the area of ​​impact without disrupting the integrity of the skin of the skin.

To get such damage is easy, enough to drop something heavy on your finger, fall on your hand or hit against the doorpost. The severity of injury is determined by the strength of the impact and the area to which it fell.

A bruise is essentially a closed soft tissue injury that provokes the appearance of a hematoma (a violation of small blood vessels). In severe cases, a bone fracture may occur.

Classify bruises in the area of ​​their localization and severity of injury. Medicine identifies four degrees of severity of bruises:

  1. First degree bruise is a slight damage to the skin in the form of abrasions or scratches. With such a trauma, special medical treatment is not required, since all the symptoms will pass by themselves in 3-4 days.
  2. The second degree of injury is characterized by the presence of pain in the area of ​​impact, swelling and bruising, as muscle tissue is damaged.
  3. In the third stage, not only the muscles, but also the tendons are damaged. In difficult cases, a dislocation of the big toe or arm is observed.
  4. The last stage is the most difficult - the fourth. Its symptoms are pronounced and manifest due to a strong impact. The patient has an acute pain syndrome, the appearance of a dark or black hematoma and a rupture of tendons. In such circumstances, treatment of the trauma should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

More bruises are distinguished by localization:

  • A bruise of the phalanx of the thumb or leg, accompanied by damage to the joint. Such a trauma can be single or multiple.
  • Articular bruise of the thumb in the area of ​​the connection of the brush with phalanges.

From this article you can find out why it is necessary to distinguish between a fracture of the big toe or a hand from a bruise.

What to do to properly provide first aid in case of bruises, and what is the main treatment for trauma. At the same time, the symptoms of fracture of the toes and various injuries will be described.

Symptoms caused by a finger injury

Treatment of bruises of the joint of the fingers of the hand or foot directly depends on the complexity of the injury (light or heavy). Naturally, the brightness of symptoms in severe situations is most pronounced.

Signs of a bruised finger:

  1. the appearance of pain syndrome when touching a damaged area or when trying to move a finger is a consequence of increased blood flow to injury;
  2. swelling in the place of impact;
  3. change in skin color at the site of injury (redness or blueing);
  4. Subcutaneous hemorrhage (hematoma), depending on the strength of the impact can be blue or black.

With a strong injury, the symptoms can be:

  • acute pain in a damaged area;
  • lack of ability to move a wounded finger;
  • the appearance of abnormal (pathological) mobility of the bruised finger;
  • visual deformation of the finger (displacement, swelling);
  • presence of a wound and bleeding;
  • appearance of bone fracture.

What to do before going to the hospital?

What should be the first steps after getting injured? How to avoid additional harm to health?

First of all, it is necessary to correctly diagnose the degree of complexity of the injury in accordance with the symptoms present. Secondly, it is necessary to carry out a number of mandatory manipulations:

Cold compress, attached to the site of impact, will significantly relieve the pain syndrome, because it helps to narrow the blood vessels and reduce the flow of blood. If there is no ice, you can substitute a bruised place under a stream of cold running water.

There are a few more recommendations:

  1. if there is a wound, the bandage should be urgently applied, thereby excluding the possibility of bleeding;
  2. iodine mesh at the site of impact will significantly relieve puffiness and protect against infection that can penetrate the body, even if there is no damage to the skin;
  3. in acute pain syndrome, you need to drink an anesthetic pill, for example, paracetamol or ibuprofen;
  4. It is superfluous to apply a bandage to the bruised toe or hand. This measure is needed to reduce discomfort and pain. It is important that the dressing is not tight, because it is impossible to allow the blood flow to overlap to the injured finger.

Treatment will be rational if the patient provides a complete resting state to the injured finger.

Complex treatment of bruises

Adequate treatment for serious bruises can be prescribed only by a doctor. After examination and consultation, he will recommend:

  1. taking pain medications for pain in the joints, if the place of the bruise is very sore;
  2. physiotherapeutic procedures;
  3. the use of special resorptive hematomas and anti-inflammatory gels or ointments. For example, Voltaren, Fastum-gel, Diclofenac, Heparin ointment, which are widely used in such diseases.

With serious injuries, treatment and restoration of functionality can be protracted (about six months).

In any case, only the doctor can answer the question "what to do?" And "how to treat?"

Treatment with folk remedies

Years of proven folk medicine can help get rid of the consequences of bruises.

They are good because they are more affordable in price than imported drugs. The effect of "grandmother's recipes" is no worse, and in some cases even better.

Here are some traditional medicine:

  1. Potato Compress. Cooked potatoes in a uniform knead, mix with a spoonful of soda or honey. The resulting mixture is put on a bandage and make bandages in the form of a compress to the bruised place. These manipulations will reduce the hematoma and perfectly anesthetize.
  2. Prepare a mixture of oil, honey and vinegar in equal parts. Imbue it with a piece of gauze or tissue and fix the place of the bruise bandage.
  3. Shredded onion in a blender, in the form of gruel, it is to be wound with a bandage to the injured finger. Change the compress should be twice a day.
  4. Another effective tool is a bandage with a powder of the body sponge, diluted to a consistency. It is changed 2 times a day.
  5. One of the best remedies is the treatment with Vishnevsky ointment. It is applied to the site of the injury and covered with a bandage. This ointment is indispensable for resorption of hematomas.

Complications with injuries and their prevention

Not right or begun late treatment of a bruised toe or leg, can provoke various complications.

If you refuse from anti-inflammatory and resorptive hematoma funds, the patient's condition can deteriorate significantly, which will lead to a longer recovery process.

Therefore, you need to do all the prescribed procedures, track the symptoms of the disease and report everything to the treating doctor. Do not let the disease run its course.

Of course, the best cure for any injuries can only be their prevention. To do this, in all situations, you must be careful and careful in your actions.

To avoid injury, it is necessary to adhere to the elementary rules: to bypass unsafe parts of the road, look under your feet and do not swing chaotic hands. No less important is the observance of safety at work.

A source: http://sustav.info/travmy/ushiby/ushib-sustava-palca-na-ruke.html

Dislocation of a finger on the arm: what to do, symptoms of a thumb dislocation on the arm, treatment

A finger dislocation is a very common injury. It can be obtained in everyday life, at work or in the practice of certain sports.

This damage does not represent the slightest threat to the life of the victim, but significantly limits his actions.

In the hands there are a lot of nerve endings, so the dislocation can cause very severe pain.

Types of dislocation Symptoms of a finger dislocation on the hand What to do if the finger is dislocated on the arm: first aid Treatment after the dislocation of the finger on the arm Rehabilitation period


When falling, the thumb is most often injured due to the peculiarities of its anatomical position.

Types of dislocations

A dislocation of the finger is a pathological displacement of the articular surfaces of the bones that form the metacarpophalangeal or interphalangeal articulation.

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This damage is often accompanied by rupture of the ligamentous apparatus and the joint capsule, which can subsequently lead to serious complications if qualified medical care is not provided in a timely manner.

It is not excluded and damage to the skin, which, with insufficiently thorough antiseptic treatment, can cause an infectious process.

Depending on the degree of displacement, the dislocations are divided into complete dislocations (there is no contact between the joint surfaces) and incomplete (subluxation).

In the direction of bone displacement, injuries are divided into rear (most common), palmar and lateral.

Varieties of displacements:

  • dislocation of the main phalanx (with respect to the metacarpal bone);
  • dislocation of the middle phalanx;
  • dislocation of the nail phalanx.

Symptoms of a finger dislocation


It is practically impossible to differentiate the dislocation of the finger from a fracture. In both cases a noticeable change in the appearance of the limb takes place. To clarify whether there is a violation of the integrity of bone tissue, it is possible only in the course of X-ray study.

Among the leading symptoms of a finger dislocation are:

  • sharp pain (intensity increases when trying to move);
  • hyperemia of the skin;
  • local increase in the temperature of soft tissues;
  • severe swelling;
  • change the shape of the finger;
  • blushing of the finger above the dislocation;
  • impossibility of performing usual movements in the joint.

When the palmar dislocation of the first finger, it is displaced towards the palm. During the examination, it is possible to palpate the head of the metacarpal bone. The sign of the rear dislocation is the shortening of the thumb and its extension in the interphalangeal articulation.

The articular surface of the main phalanx is palpated on the back surface, and the head of the metacarpal bone is palpated. The tendon of the muscle of the long flexor may be clamped between the displaced surfaces, which significantly complicates the reposition process.

Dislocation of the main phalanges of the remaining fingers occurs mainly in the rear direction.At a passing traffic, there is a sharp pain and resistance to a springing character.

Dislocations of middle and nail phalanges of II-V fingers are most often rear and lateraland.

A characteristic feature is complete immobility.

Among the most serious complications is the rupture of the tendon of the extensor muscle (in some cases - together with a small fragment of the bone).

What to do with a finger dislocation: first aid

At the slightest suspicion of a dislocation or fracture of the finger, it is necessary to go to the nearest trauma station.

The injured person will need an X-ray examination and qualified medical care.

Ruptures of tendons and joint capsules may require hospitalization in the profile department of the hospital. For the time of transportation, it is advisable to immobilize the patient's hand.

First of all, one must ensure complete rest and immobility of the injured limb.To reduce the severity of edema and the intensity of pain syndrome to the injured area, it is advisable to attach ice or a packet of cold water.


Ice should be cleaned every 10-15 minutes to avoid frostbite.

The injured hand should be immediately released from jewelry and clothing, which can disrupt the blood flow on the background of increasing puffiness.

For a better outflow of blood and lymph it is advisable to keep the diseased limb in a raised position.

Inside, you can take an analgesic pill or a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.

Means that help reduce pain with a finger dislocation:

Open wounds (even small ones) must be thoroughly rinsed, treated with antiseptic solution (5% iodine, potassium permanganate, furacilin, brilliant green) and close antiseptic the bandage. About damage to the skin should be reported to the doctor;in some cases it is an indication for the introduction of tetanus toxoid.

To prevent the deterioration of the dislocation, it is necessary to gently, by your own efforts, immobilize the diseased finger, pribintovav it to a nearby healthy.

It should be ensured that the bandage is not overly tight, as this will prevent normal microcirculation in the area of ​​injury.

From fixation it is necessary to refuse if the finger is seriously deformed or swelling rapidly increases.


In no case should you yourself try to fix a dislocated finger. This can cause complications such as rupture of the joint capsule and pain shock!

Treatment with a dislocation of the finger on the arm

The patient can be taken to a medical institution on his own or called an ambulance.

Immediately in the emergency room the doctor collects an anamnesis, i.e., conducts a survey and examines the injured hand.

Then, to clarify the nature of the damage, he directs to radiography.

If there are reasons to assume an infringement of the tendon, resort to additional methods of hardware diagnostics - computer or magnetic resonance imaging.

In uncomplicated dislocation, ordinary joints are consulted. If bones or soft tissues are damaged, surgical intervention is necessary.

Closed direction is performed under local or general anesthesia (anesthesia). When local anesthesia may require additional muscle relaxants to reduce muscle tone.

The limb is fixed for some time or asked to hold in a raised position to slightly reduce swelling. In most cases, to restore the anatomical relationship of articular surfaces, it is enough to pull your finger sideways and pull the tip (in the axial direction).

When the joint returns to its normal position, a characteristic click will be heard.

When a dislocated tendon is dislocated during a dislocation of the finger, then it is rotated to the elbow with parallel bending of the nail phalanx.

After the end of the procedure, a longet is placed on the finger and part of the brush for immobilization. It should be worn for at least 3 weeks.

In the absence of complications after closed re-entry for a full recovery of work capacity, an average of 4-5 weeks is required.

Open repositioning is a surgical intervention, which is used in the rear dislocation of the thumb of the wrist with the infringement of the tendonand the impossibility of comparing surfaces in a closed way. The operation is carried out under conductive or local anesthesia. The injured capsule is dissected by rear-beam access, after which the tendon returns to its normal position by means of a special tool-elevator. The final stage of surgical manipulation is layer-by-layer suturing and drainage. The stitches are removed after 10 days, and the patient providing the motionless bandage should wear 3 weeks.

The operation is also necessary in cases when the dislocations of II-V fingers are complicated by the extensor tendon tendons.

During the intervention, it is sutured to the bone with special sutures.

Then a fragment is repositioned (in the presence of a fracture) and a comparison of articular surfaces. The bandage is worn for 3 weeks.

Indication for surgical intervention is a chronic dislocation, in which more than a week has elapsed since the trauma, and spontaneous repositioning has not occurred.

A possible complication in such situations is the formation of a false joint, which requires the removal of plastic ligaments and articular surfaces.

A rigid immobilizing bandage is imposed for a period of 2 weeks to 1 month.

Rehabilitation period

After the bandage has been removed from the injured hand, it is recommended that the exercises for the hands be performed in order to restore its functions in full. Also shown is training with a rubber expander and performing actions that ensure the restoration of fine motor skills of the fingers.

In parallel, it is recommended to perform lymphodrainage massage, passive warm-up and visit the physiotherapy room (UHF is recommended, and with pain - electrophoresis with novocaine).

To reduce signs of inflammation (incl. pain and swelling) it is advisable 2-4 times a day to apply locally ointments and gels containing NSAIDs (c. h. Diclofenac, Fastum-gel, Voltaren-emklgel, etc.).

For several weeks, the wearing of an elastic bandage can be shown.

Traditional medicine recommends making baths with broths and infusions of leaves of walnut and pine needles. To edematic tissues it is useful to apply fresh leaves of plantain or white cabbage.

A source: http://OkeyDoc.ru/vyvix-palca-na-ruke-simptomy-vyvixa-chto-delat-pri-vyvixe/

Fracture, dislocation or bruise, stretching: how to distinguish how to provide first aid

Any trauma, resulting in pain, bruising and mobility restriction - is, at least, unpleasant.

But often behind a banal bruise are more serious consequences: stretching, dislocations and fractures. And some bruises can lead to complications for health.

Therefore, it is important to be able to distinguish these conditions and to consult a doctor in time.

What is a bruise?

A bruise is called closed tissue or organ damage as a result of mechanical action.

Depending on the location, volume and depth of the location of damaged tissues, impact strength, bruises can have different manifestations.

For example, all known bruising is a hemorrhage due to vascular damage. The rest of the symptoms are also familiar to many.

Signs of injury

  • Pain after mechanical exposure
  • Tumescence (due to edema and hemorrhage)
  • Hemorrhage in damaged tissues (hematomas)
  • Increased skin temperature and redness over the injured area
  • Limitation of the function of a particular organ or part of the body

Painful sensations occur at the time of injury, then somewhat dulled. But with the growth of hematoma and edema of the tissues, pain may appear again with a doubled force. Especially unpleasant sensations arise in places without a fatty layer, on a forward surface of a shin, for example. Sometimes the pain and puffiness are so strong, it is difficult to distinguish the fracture and bruise.

First aid

  • Peace for the affected part of the body, its elevated position (raise the limb, lie on the opposite side, etc.)
  • Imposition of a pressure bandage
  • In the first day - the application of cold (for the prevention of hematoma). Bleaches with ice should be periodically cleaned, so as not to cause damage to blood vessels at low temperatures. It is best to put a bubble with ice immediately on the pressure bandage for 25-30 minutes, then every 2-3 hours, apply for 10-15 minutes.
  • In case of severe pain, swelling, large bruises, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Observation of a specialist may be necessary even with head injuries, internal organs and other dangerous localizations.
  • Do not rub the place of bruise and warm it in the first two days (after 48 hours you can warm)
  • It is important to remember that first aid for fractures and bruises, dislocations and sprains is absolutely identical: rest, cold, anesthesia.

Health care

  • In the medical institution can appoint physioprocedures and novocain blockades for analgesia
  • Surgical treatment for severe injuries: piercing the skin and pumping blood from large hematomas, cleaning the joint cavity from the fluid, the introduction of antibiotics.
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What is stretching?

Damage caused by traction, and not accompanied by a violation of the integrity of tissues, is called stretching. Suffer tendons, ligaments and muscles - that is, the elastic parts of the body. Usually, tissues are damaged in the area of ​​the joints.

  • Pain in the place of injury (especially when moving, repeating the mechanism of injury)
  • Swelling
  • Sometimes - a small hemorrhage (bruise, ointment from bruises)
  • Limitation of the function of the damaged part of the body
  • Peace and elevated limb position
  • Cold to the site of damage (as with bruises)
  • Fixing bandage on the joint (elastic bandage)
  • With severe pain, swelling and deterioration of the condition - contact a doctor. Similar symptoms also have more serious injuries - ligament rupture, for example, often requiring surgical treatment. In addition, it can be difficult to understand, stretching or fracture caused such dynamics.
  • Do not rub and warm the place of damage for the first 2 days.
  • Anesthesia if necessary
  • Physiotherapy after pain subsides
  • Gentle mode for the damaged part of the body
  • Recovery of work capacity usually occurs in 1-4 weeks

A dislocation is a persistent disconnection of the joint surfaces, normally adjacent to each other.

Usually occurs as a result of mechanical stress (more often in middle-aged men).

If the articular surfaces are not completely disconnected, then this phenomenon is called subluxation. Its signs are similar to a complete dislocation.

Signs of dislocation

  • Severe pain in joint
  • Impossibility of active movement in the joint
  • Forced limb position (least painful)
  • Often - the external deformation of the joint, the relative shortening of the limb

Treatment of dislocations

An attempt to cure the dislocation of the house by poultices, lotions, compresses is a very dangerous undertaking. Fresh dislocation (up to three days) the doctor will be able to fix much easier than the old one, so every minute after the injury is expensive.

To direct dislocation independently in any case it is impossible, as it is possible to aggravate a situation, having broken ligaments, muscles, and even having broken a bone.

The only thing that can be done is to provide maximum rest to the injured person, apply cold and call an ambulance, or quickly reach the emergency room yourself.

Health care

  • Anesthesia (often with narcotic drugs)
  • The direction of the dislocated limb (for each kind of dislocation there are special techniques)
  • Imposition on a set limb of a bandage to limit movements
  • Restorative period: physiotherapy, therapeutic gymnastics.
  • Surgical treatment with habitual dislocations (when the slightest injury the joint "pops up" again and again).

What is a fracture?

A fracture is a violation of the integrity of the bone, which is caused by mechanical action or pathological process in the body. In connection with the huge variety of bone species in the human body, there are many types of their fractures (see Fig. rib break).

Types of fractures:

  • Closed (without compromising the integrity of soft tissues)
  • Open (with soft tissue damage and penetration of bone fragments outwards)
  • Without the displacement of fragments (parts of the bone do not change their position)
  • With displacement (fragments are displaced relative to each other in different planes)
  • Traumatic
  • Pathological (due to tumor, osteoporosis, genetic fragility of bones with minimal effects)

Signs of a fracture

  • Pain
  • Unnatural limb position
  • Abnormal mobility (the limb can be slightly bent in the area where there is no joint)
  • Visible bone fragments in the wound with an open fracture
  • The crepitation (crunching) of small fragments when pressing a sore spot (this symptom distinguishes fractures from stretching or bruising)
  • Puffiness in the area of ​​trauma
  • Hemorrhage and bruising
  • A symptom of the axial load (increased pain at the site of the fracture when pokolachivanii along the axis of the limb - for example, pain along the heel with a fracture of the shin bones)

Treatment of fractures

Fractures are often accompanied by other injuries, wounds of the skin and bleeding. Therefore, the most important thing is to provide first aid before the arrival of doctors. In this case, there is no point in thinking, fracture or dislocation has caused pain. First aid will be the same.

First aid:

  • If there is bleeding - stop it by one of the methods:
    • press the vessel visible in the wound
    • apply a pressure bandage
    • apply a tourniquet in case of severe bleeding (specify the time in the note, hold no more than 1 hours)
  • Close the wound clean, or better - with a sterile material
  • To introduce painkillers
  • Ensure the immobility of the broken part of the body (using tires, fixing the joints, located next to the site of the fracture)
  • Put cold on the place of injury
  • If the fracture is closed, then it is necessary to begin with anesthesia

Health care

  • Anesthesia (often - novocain blockades)
  • Comparison of bone fragments and their fixation
    • conservative (plaster dressings, skeletal traction)
    • surgically (manually or with the help of special apparatus, internal or external osteosynthesis)
  • Antibiotic therapy (with open fractures and after operations)
  • Physiotherapy procedures during recovery
  • Physiotherapy

Children, due to their mobility and unformed musculoskeletal system, often get bruises, ligament injuries and even fractures. To distinguish them at home is even more difficult than for adults. The child is difficult to describe the pain, he is frightened by a trauma or the prospect of getting a doctor. There are the most frequent injuries in toddlers, which can be suspected at home. But for the diagnosis is often required to inspect a specialist.

Subluxation of the head of the radius

Little children, especially girls up to 3-4 years of age, often get such a subluxation when sipping their hands. For example, parents or a nanny pulls the baby by the arms to avoid falling.

This trauma even became known as the "elbow of a nanny". The main sign is a click (not always) and a sharp pain in the elbow with any movements of the forearm. The kid does not let the sick hand move.

If you create a limb rest, then the pain is noticeably weakened. The doctor in the emergency room usually immediately determines such a typical trauma on the position of the limb, produces correction and releases the child home.

Additional treatment is not required.

Subperiosteal fractures

The bone of a small child has a number of structural features, so they often have subperiosteal fractures, when the bone is broken, and the periosteum is intact. It looks like a green branch of a bush when you try to break it.

Such fractures are more difficult to diagnose even with X-ray examination. How to distinguish a fracture from a bruise in this case, only a specialist knows.

But also the bones of children grow together three times faster than in adults, which significantly speeds up the recovery period.

How to distinguish injuries from each other?

In some cases, anyone can diagnose.

For example, the appearance of a bruise after kicking a corner, accompanied by mild pain, is surely a bruise.

And the gaping of bone fragments through the wound is an open fracture. There are still signs that allow you to put a presumptive diagnosis.

Pain At the time of injury, then weaken and become dull. When the edema builds up, At the time of injury, acute, intense, with time can increase Intensive at the time of injury, increases when trying to move Intensive at the time of injury, increases with movement and touch
Edema Often Sometimes Often Often, strong
Changing limb length No No Yes Often
Pathological mobility outside the joint No No No Often
Creation of bone fragments No No No Often
Deformation of the damaged part of the body No No Often Often
Increased pain when pressing the injury site Often Often Often Often
Symptom of axial load No No No Positive (increased soreness)
Deformation of the joint No No Often When intra-articular fractures, with a capsule rupture
Blood in the joint Sometimes, when blood is poured from the hematoma into the joint Sometimes Often With intraarticular fractures
Changing the limb axis No No Often Occurs (with a strong displacement of fragments)
Active (independent) movements Saved Limited due to increased pain Impossible Impossible or extremely painful and limited
Passive movements Saved Saved Limited due to increased pain Extremely painful and limited

The final diagnosis can only be made by a specialist trauma specialist. First aid for dislocations and fractures is only a way to ease the condition before an ambulance arrives.

Therefore, for all types of damage, which causes inconvenience, it is better to contact a specialist in the emergency room. Sometimes one look at the damage and a couple of questions is enough to determine the type of injury.

But more often it is necessary to use X-ray diagnostics, and sometimes MRT, CT and other methods.

All of the above signs are more relevant to the injuries of the limbs. But there are separate parts of the body that react quite differently. With head injuries, the symptoms may not correspond at all to the nature of the lesion.

So, a bruise of the brain can not be seen on an X-ray. But it can manifest itself as a poor state of health and loss of consciousness. Fracture of the skull bones can be accompanied only by a mild headache, and complicated by a severe hemorrhage.

Therefore, there are cases when you need to see a doctor even without obvious complaints about your health.

You need to see a doctor if:

  • Injured head, thorax, spine, abdomen
  • Injury is associated with a child's fall from a height (especially in the head)
  • At the time of injury, there was a crackling sound
  • The pain that arose at the time of injury does not subside, but intensifies
  • In the place of injury there is a significant wound, bleeding
  • Swelling is aggravated
  • The bruise does not bloom with time (that is, it does not turn yellow), but turns red, and the skin becomes hot.
  • There are no active or passive movements in the injured limb
  • There is a decrease or total disappearance of sensitivity in the limb
  • There is a worsening of the condition (loss of consciousness, decrease or increase in pressure, dyspnea, delay in urination).

A source: http://zdravotvet.ru/perelom-vyvix-ili-ushib-rastyazhenie-kak-otlichit-kak-okazat-pervuyu-pomoshh/