Vitamins for the liver

Contents of
  • How do ingredients for synthesis and finished vitamins enter the liver?
  • What happens to the vitamins?
  • What is "antivitamins"?
  • What are the signs of a liver function disorder?
  • Is it possible to determine what kind of vitamin does the liver lack?
  • The most useful vitamins
  • What kind of vitamin preparations do nutritional specialists recommend?
  • Related Videos

An important organ, like the liver, works around the clock for a lifetime. In practice, it can rightfully be compared to a factory that synthesizes the necessary substances, which deposits a part of the materials for future use and neutralizes toxic products.

Vitamins for the liver serve as a material for support in disease, with overloads, protection from damaging factors, restoration of own tissue. Doctors often recommend vitamin complexes not only for liver disease, but also for prevention( cleaning).We will help you understand the names of modern drugs, we'll show you what to look for in the pharmacy.

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How do ingredients for synthesis and finished vitamins get into the liver?

Most of the vitamins the body receives from food. Before entering the cells, they undergo "control" and refinement in the hepatocytes. Absorption of necessary and toxic substances provides a small intestine. By flowing out into the portal vein, they enter the hepatic cells( hepatocytes), only after the changes are sent to the total blood flow.

The liver receives 80% of the blood through the portal vein. In composition it has a mixed character, since it contains both arterial and venous blood from the gastrointestinal tract. The capillary network is called "miraculous" because unlike other organs it is formed from two systems:

  • one, the usual one - forms a communication between arterioles of the hepatic artery and veins;
  • another - consists only of capillaries of the portal vein.

They are connected between themselves by anastomoses and, if necessary, "help" each other. Thus, nature decided the question of protecting the liver parenchyma from problems with the supply of oxygen and materials for biochemical transformations.

What happens to the vitamins?

All vitamins, except B12, a person can obtain in sufficient quantities from plant products. B12 is found only in food of animal origin. Incoming fat-soluble vitamins( D, A, K, E) are able to pass through the intestinal wall only if there is enough bile acids.

They are produced by the liver, sends to the gallbladder, and from it through the outflow ducts into the duodenum. The process is disturbed by diseases of the liver, pancreas, intestine, gallbladder.

Some vitamins are deposited in the body and "released" depending on the state of digestion, blood circulation, metabolic rate. They are: A, P, B1, E, PP, K. Both fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins are deposited in the reserve. But the "work" with fat-soluble substances takes much longer.

Biochemical processes involve C, K, group B( B1, B2, B5, B12).Some vitamins for activation need phosphorylation( addition to the structure of residues of phosphoric acid) - choline, B1, B2, B6.This confirms the view that a sufficient level of vitamins is more dependent on the state of the liver, rather than on the incoming quantity with food and medication.

In hepatocytes, the synthesis of nicotinic acid from tryptophan occurs, the structure of vitamin D( up to hydroxycalciferol) changes. To ensure the participation of vitamins in the metabolic processes of the liver:

  • supplies transport proteins that transfer active substances through the circulatory system;
  • synthesizes the basic coenzymes, extremely useful biochemicals with the properties of the reaction catalyst, without them, exchange( NAD, NADP, methylcobalamin, deoxyadenosyl cobalamin and others) stops.

Per second in the hepatocytes, up to 500 biochemical transformations occur.

Vitamins in the liver solve organ restoration problems. Parenchyma possesses at a young age a high capacity for regeneration. In young people, with the removal of up to 70% of the hepatic tissue in connection with wounds, injuries, the organ is abundantly restored after a few weeks. This property is not possessed by any other body.

Therefore, in the therapy of hepatitis and cirrhosis there is always a hope for improvement due to the appearance of healthy tissue areas. The older the person, the worse regenerative capacity, chronic diseases destroy the debugged mechanism of self-healing.

What is "antivitamins"?

If we are talking about the importance of vitamins, we must not forget about biochemical compounds that have the ability to destroy or destroy the effect of vitamins. They are called "antivitamins".Ascorbicilase - has a negative effect on ascorbic acid outside the body during cooking. It is found in vegetables and juices.

Causes oxidation of vitamin C, is significantly activated by heating. So three-minute boiling jam "eats" 100% ascorbic acid. The product, in addition to taste, has no useful properties. In 15 minutes, by oxidation, more than half of the ascorbic in beet juice is destroyed.

Tiaminase - is a part of raw fish and eggs, rice, berries( currants, blueberries, cherries), coffee, Brussels sprouts. If the diet uses only these foods, then the food will be devoid of vitamin B1.To similar consequences results their long storage.

What are the signs of a liver function disorder?

In the absence of liver pathology, nutrition, a large amount of alcohol consumed, the use of medicines, and the transferred stress affect the correct functioning.

The signs of "fatigue" of the liver are:

Treatment of the liver after antibiotics
  • feeling of heaviness in the hypochondrium right;
  • lack of mood, depression;
  • darkening of urine;
  • appearance of itching rashes on the skin, vascular "stars", pigment spots, pimples;
  • increased frequency of migraine headaches;
  • change the color of the face skin to a dull, earthy hue;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • decreased appetite, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth;
  • sometimes temporary nausea, belching;
  • unpleasant odor from sweat and mouth.
These signs in the absence of other diseases indicate a decrease in the functional state of the liver.

Will help to cheer up properly selected combinations of vitamins and diet

Can I determine which vitamin does not have enough liver?

Of course, the best option - to do a blood test and find out if it contains enough vitamin. But in connection with the laboriousness of carrying out such a study it is possible only in specialized centers. Doctors, dietitians, nutritionists, are guided by the known symptoms of hypovitaminosis.

For example, vitamin deficiency:

  • A - causes visual impairment, stops the growth of children;
  • D - softens the skeleton of the skeleton; in childhood forms rickets, underdevelopment of teeth;
  • K - reduces blood clotting, a person has bruises on the skin, there is a tendency to nosebleeds, bleeds and sore gums;
  • B2 - in people neurasthenicheskogo warehouse, contributes to hair loss, causes insomnia, disrupts the course of pregnancy;
  • B1 - reduces mental abilities, physical strength.

The most useful vitamins

It is difficult to identify the most useful vitamins. We give some of the information in the table. Vitamin A or Retinol - stimulates the production of bile acids, takes part in the process of processing glucose into glycogen and deposition of its stores( energy depot), regulates the synthesis of cholesterol. Sources: carotene of plant foods from citrus fruits, carrots, dried fruits, herbs and root crops, is found in meat, fish, eggs.

Refers to the chemical properties of fat soluble substances

Vitamin E or Tocopherol - provides antioxidant protection against free radicals, is needed for the synthesis of sex hormones, is responsible for the density of hepatocyte membranes, participates in the regulation of fat metabolism, the synthesis of amino acids. Sources: wheat sprouts, vegetable oils( linseed, soybean, carrot, pumpkin) without refining, cheese, cottage cheese.

Vitamin K or Filokhinon - is involved in the synthesis of prothrombin, improves blood clotting, activates bile secretion. Sources: leaves of nettle and lettuce, green plants, cabbage, spinach, potatoes, milk, corn, mint, hips, rose hips, grapes.

Vitamin C or L-ascorbate - helps reduce the level of low-density lipoproteins, reduces the risk of fatty degeneration in the liver cells, serves as an antioxidant, promotes the assimilation of vitamins A and E( should be assigned them together), iron. Supports immunity, strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Sources: rose hips, berries( cranberries, red and black currants, cranberries, mountain ash), citrus, parsley leaves, cabbage.

Vitamin B1 or Thiamin - is necessary for the removal of excess lipids from the liver, the synthesis of proteins, carbohydrates. Sources: wheat sprouts, barley cereals, buckwheat, brown rice, bread with bran( yeast), soy, all vegetables, meat products from the kidneys, sunflower seeds, nuts.

Vitamin B2 or Riboflavin - affects the production of bile, the formation of glycogen, the protection of the liver from oxidative processes. In nature, they are rich in nuts, eggs, dairy products, buckwheat, yeast.

Vitamin B4 or Choline - lowers the concentration of low density lipoproteins and triglycerides, protects the envelope of hepatocytes, improves fat metabolism. Contained in egg yolk, fatty cottage cheese and sour cream, dates.

Vitamin Sources Functions
B6 or Pyridoxine nuts, seafood, legumes, tomatoes, cabbage, yeast enhances the reduction of bile ducts, reduces triglyceride levels, improves nerve regulation
Vitamin B8 or Inositol oatmeal groats, raisins, wheat bran,peanuts, carrots, grapefruit, cabbage strengthens the membrane of hepatocytes, prevents the development of scar tissue with cirrhosis, stimulates bile excretion
N or lipoic acid unpolished rice, oatmeal,lentils, linseed oil, spinach normalizes fat metabolism, restores digestive enzyme activity, prevents fatty hepatosis
B9 or folic acid beans, fresh vegetables, yeast, kidney meat, grapes acts together with B12 on hematopoiesis, DNA synthesis in cells, stimulatesgrowth, prevents fat deposits
D or Calciferol grain sprouts, milk, eggs, fish oil regulates the exchange of calcium and phosphorus, fat metabolism

To improve the functions it is not enough to limit the usefuland vitamins, we need mineral substances that act as catalysts( magnesium, copper, zinc, selenium).

What kind of vitamin preparations do nutritional specialists recommend?

The most correct selection of vitamins for the liver in combination with the necessary minerals, herbal remedies and nutrition will help to make specialists in nutritional science. They conduct an advisory reception in private clinics.

Modern bioadditives are represented by optimal combinations. At appointment it is considered how much concrete vitamins can be accepted and in what way. It is believed that the most natural way of drug delivery with food.

But with active liver disease or lesions of the stomach and intestine, it is better to inject vitamins in injections. To do this, you need to know the compatibility of drugs, individual sensitivity. For prophylaxis and "cleaning" of the liver, it is recommended to take vitamin therapy courses at least twice a year.

Phytocomplex Liver active Nutrilite is used in the treatment of diseases of the hepatobiliary system. The composition includes: extracts of medicinal plants( milk thistle, acerola, dandelion), all vitamins of group B, flavonoids from lemon and grapefruit. Available in capsules.

American drug "Liver Optimizer" - causes the removal of intoxication, normalizes metabolic processes, stimulates the excretion of slag with bile. In the composition: extracts of milk thistle, patchwork, Japanese copse, vitamins B1, B6, B7, N, amino acid L-cysteine. Tablets are taken before meals.

The GMP icon indicates that the product is manufactured in accordance with the international requirements of

The combined preparation of the company Evalar "Gepatrin" - has a protective, antioxidant effect on hepatocytes, removes intoxication. It is based on known medicinal herbs( milk thistle and artichoke), phospholipid lecithin and vitamins E, from group B B1, B2, B6.Available in capsules. Take at least twice a day.

"Heparosis forte" - is especially recommended after the transferred hepatitis, for normalization of qualitative structure of bile at dyskinesias. Includes 6 plant extracts( including milk thistle, dandelion, dog rose, grape seed, corn stigmas), 11 essential vitamins and 7 kinds of minerals( manganese, zinc, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, potassium).Produced in capsules, it is recommended to drink while eating.

Complex "Hepaton-2" - is designed to enhance metabolism in the liver, the removal of toxic phenomena, the activation of the function of synthesis. Improves the activity of the endocrine glands. The components are: a large set of vitamins( A, the whole group of B, D3, E, N, PP, C,), extracts of medicinal plants, the necessary amino acids L-glutamine, methionine, glutathione, phospholipid lecithin).The drug is recommended for use before meals.

When choosing useful medications you need to remember that even the most expensive and best vitamins need to be taken for a long time, with repeated courses. In this case, observe the diet and diet. Otherwise, the expected effect will not be.

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