Hyperextension: what is it?


  • 1Hyperextension for the back
    • 1.1Effectiveness of exercise
    • 1.2Who should hyperextension?
    • 1.3Types of hyperextension
  • 2Hyperextension: technique of implementation
    • 2.1Hyperextension - what is it?
    • 2.2The main muscles involved
    • 2.3Description of the simulator
    • 2.4Who can (need) to perform hyperextension
    • 2.5When to perform hyperextension?
    • 2.6Implementation Techniques
    • 2.7Hyperextension at an angle
    • 2.8When the torso is parallel to the floor
    • 2.9Reverse hyperextension
    • 2.10Lady's version - exercise on fitbole
    • 2.11Benefits
    • 2.12disadvantages
    • 2.13Tips for use
  • 3All you wanted to know about hyperextension - sorting out different options!
    • 3.1Benefits of Exercise
    • 3.2We do hyperextension in the hall
    • 3.3Using the goat
    • 3.4On the simulator and the Roman chair
    • 3.5Home Hyperextension
    • 3.6Fitbol
    • 3.7We do hyperextension in the yard
    • 3.8Performing on the couch
    • 3.9Recommendations for implementation
    • 3.10Errors
    • 3.11Option for buttocks
    • 3.12Different training schemes
    • 3.13As a warm-up before a heavier exercise
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.14If your back hurts
    • 3.15If you decide to work with weighting
  • 4Hyperextension. Strengthening the Muscular Back Corset
    • 4.1Exercise hyperextension. What, why and why?
    • 4.2Hyperextension: Technique of Implementation, Variants and Errors
    • 4.3Afterword
  • 5Hyperextension: Technique of Execution, Types and Features of Exercise
    • 5.1Benefits of Exercise
    • 5.2Recovery after injury
    • 5.3The correct technique of doing the exercise
    • 5.4Initial position
    • 5.5Incline
    • 5.6Climb
    • 5.7Types of hyperextensions
    • 5.8Hyperextension with additional weights
    • 5.9Reverse hyperextension
    • 5.10Direct hyperextension
    • 5.11What can replace hyperextension?
    • 5.12Deadlift
    • 5.13Static traction on straight legs (Romanian traction)
    • 5.14Good morning bumps
    • 5.15Extension of the waist in the simulator
    • 5.16Crossfit complexes

Hyperextension for the back

Simple at first glance, but quite complex in the technique of performing the exercise - hyperextension for the back. It will accurately work the lower back, gluteus muscles and hamstrings.

First of all, this is the basic exercise on the back, but you can approach it from different angles. In this case, you can pay more attention to pumping the buttocks, or thighs.

But, in fact, very few people know how to correctly implement the development of the lower body.

The spine is a very important part of the skeleton, which is responsible for many functions. It protects the spinal cord from damage, and is the main support of the whole organism.

Thanks to the spine, a person can do most of the movements, so the back muscles must always be healthy and developed. If there is a problem in the development of the spinal muscles, the functions of the spine can no longer be fully fulfilled, or not at all.

Hyperextension helps develop back muscles for full-fledged operation of the human musculoskeletal system.

Effectiveness of exercise

The exercise has many different forms and ways of doing it.

Therefore, before you tackle it, you need to determine the result that you expect from the exercise.

Since it is not exclusively forceful, it also performs a number of accompanying functions in addition to pumping certain muscle groups:

  • Supports different muscle groups in tonus;
  • Aligns the posture;
  • Normalizes blood circulation;
  • Strengthens bones, joints, tendons, and most importantly, the vertebral column;
  • Promotes saturation of the body with oxygen;
  • Accelerates the metabolism in the body.

Who should hyperextension?

Since the effect can be different, depending on the desired result, it can be performed by different groups of people. The main thing is correct execution. Hyperextension should be performed:

  • For beginners. The most relevant, the task is for beginners in the sport. Serious exercises can harm the spine, because it is not yet surrounded by strong muscles, and the load is always high. To strengthen the spine is a compulsory point for performance, before serious exercise in power sports. With this design, the main goal is the extensor muscles. The whole effect should be focused on them;
  • Athletes. Hyperextension for the back is advised to perform as a warm-up. Thanks to the above-mentioned attendant functions, the occupation will warm up the body before serious loads, will lead the muscles into vigor (tones), reduce the risk of injury, especially the back;
  • People with back problems. Hyperextension is not only a preventive exercise, but also a curative exercise. People with pathologies of the back, it's just necessary. But it is possible to take up exercise only after consulting a doctor after a full examination, in order to avoid complications from performing. Osteochondrosis, scoliosis, hernia, protrusion and other diseases, will help cure hyperextension. Systematic execution of the exercise will make it possible not only to make the back healthy, but stronger and stronger;
  • People who have a low-active lifestyle. In our time, more and more people have a low-activity and sedentary lifestyle. This also makes it possible to progress to various diseases. Office people are stooped, tired and have back pain. Because of immobility, the muscles atrophy. Regular exercise will protect the body from disease and give a beautiful posture.

You can do it in several ways. Each is designed to produce some result that differs from other forms. It's about the technique and the group of muscles involved.

Also, the forms are different for professional athletes, beginners.

Hyperextension for the treatment of the spine is not much different from the strength exercise for pumping certain muscles.

Types of hyperextension

Horizontal hyperextension.The legs are fixed parallel to the floor. A versatile way to perform both in the gym and at home. The amplitude is less than usual. Well suited for working with extra weight.

Inclined hyperextension.Type of exercise for the simulator. The angle is adjustable, depending on the calculation of the load.

The legs are fixed to the platform. From the distance of the legs to the platform depends on the amplitude. Straightening of the sacrum of the back and thigh works well.

This view is performed in two versions:

  1. The bent back. The back bends back for more tension on the muscles. Emphasis on pumping.
  2. Round back. The arms are crossed on the chest. Exercise is performed with a half-bent back to form a circle. Stretches the spine, loins the knee. Does not allow the spine to compress.

Reverse hyperextension.The body is fixed, swings are made by feet. On the back, the exercise affects less than the hips, buttocks and press. An additional exercise for general development.

Lateral hyperextension.It is best to remove the sides of this kind. The back is resting, the oblique muscles of the press and the intercostals are working. The legs during the training are constantly strained.

Hyperextension on the fitball.Since the body is not fixed, due to the softness of the fitball, it is necessary to adjust the alignment. At the same time, muscle stabilizers are especially developed.

  • Be sure to read: exercises on the fitball for the back

Weightlifters often train precisely this hyperextension, as it has a good effect on coordination.

  • Learn: how to make a simulator for the back with your own hands

Hyperextension on the back is an obligatory exercise for every athlete. The spine should be permanently fixed by the muscles, and it is hyperextension that best strengthens the long back muscles.

For therapeutic use, there is a need for consultation with a doctor, since there may be negative effects from exercise.

Hyperextension is an additional exercise for general development, but it pumps well from the back, gluteus muscles and hamstrings.

by HyperComments

A source: https://pozvonochnik.guru/uprazhneniya/giperekstenziya-dlya-spiny.html

Hyperextension: technique of implementation

In sports training, everyone has their favorite kinds of exercise.

Men prefer to press more, but the representatives of the fair sex most often choose an extravagant kind of exercise - hyperextension.

Let's consider why it is necessary to do hyperexpression and the correct technique of implementation.

Technique of performing hyperextension with pancake

Hyperextension - what is it?

Hyperextension is an exercise that is considered useful for strengthening the natural corsets of the muscle mass of the back. This is the main exercise that is aimed at training and strengthening such parts as:

  • the lower part of the thigh;
  • buttocks;
  • muscular corsets back

This or that technique of performance of such exercise very positively influences working muscles. Many people prefer this exercise for pumping extensor muscles of the back and hamstrings.

Hyperextension helps to strengthen the natural corset of the trunk and at the same time creates a strain on the muscles of the lumbar part.

If you want to get an effective result, you need to correctly perform each element of the exercise.

The main muscles involved

Some mistakenly believe that during this exercise, the main load falls on the buttocks. During the hyperextension, the back of the hips and the lower back are trained.

In addition, here are used the shortest muscles of the spine, which can not be any other method of training.

When hyperextension is mainly involved the following muscles:

  • calf;
  • double-headed;
  • Gluteal gland;
  • semitendinous;
  • semimembranous.

Description of the simulator

Such an exercise should be performed using a special simulator. Thanks to the simulator, the lumbar part is perfectly strengthened. All this is carried out as comfortably and painlessly as possible.

Classes on the simulator are important for beginning athletes and for those who are contraindicated in too much stress on the spine.

A convenient system of simulator construction in one exercise combines unloading, and decompression of the lumbar spine.

Externally, these simulators resemble an inclined bench with a special foot restraint. The simulators have a height and angle adjustment, due to which different muscle groups are trained. Complete safety and convenience is achieved through the isolation of movement.

Who can (need) to perform hyperextension

Performing hyperextension is necessary for all those who have problems with corsets of the dorsal muscles.

As already noted, this exercise strengthens and aligns the back, that's why not only young athletes, but also adults prefer hyperextension.

Anyone who wants to introduce a healthy lifestyle can do sports training.

Athletes know that if you do not practice for a long time, then everything that has been worked on for many years is lost. The human body constantly needs progress, which is why it is necessary to regularly deal with hyperextension.

When to perform hyperextension?

Hyperextension has a simple technique of execution. To begin with, you should correctly adjust the simulator for your own growth. Exercise should be done with constant repetitions and with short rest.

It is desirable to combine training with squats with a barbell or gak squats, but it is strictly forbidden to do an exercise before performing a deadlift. Training with hyperextension is not necessary for every training session.

To get a good result, train three or four weeks.

Implementation Techniques

Hyperextension is divided into the main species. It can be horizontal and inclined. Most athletes prefer the classic version of the exercise.

There is a reverse hyperextension, which is the simplest option. Performing reverse look is much easier and it is recommended for young athletes.

Hyperextension at an angle

Exercise hyperextension at an angle

To perform the exercise at an angle, you must take the right position. It is necessary to make stops under the bottom roller and straighten in a string.

Hands should be placed in front of him on the chest or behind the head. Now you have to strain the buttocks, and at the output, slowly lower the body down.

Buttocks lower the angle of ninety degrees between the legs and the trunk.

When the torso is parallel to the floor

Exercise hyperextension in which the body is parallel to the floor

Hyperextension, when the torso is parallel to the floor, changes the position of the body of the athlete. This form is called horizontal hyperextension, since the body of the athlete takes this position.

Reverse hyperextension

Exercise Reverse Hyperextension

One of the base versions of extension is reverse hyperextension. This species is distinguished by the fact that a special torso is fixed instead of legs.

The reverse variant is easier to perform and at the same time the joints of the knees are not loaded. Reverse hyperextension is an excellent option for those who suffer from problems or back problems.

This kind helps to completely get rid of back pain.

Lady's version - exercise on fitbole

Hyperextension on fitball

Reverse hyperextension on fitball

There is a ladies version of this exercise. In this case, the exercise should be done using the fitball. To do this, it is necessary to rest with your feet in the fixed part, as a support, and with your hips to lie on the fitball.


Hyperextension has many advantages. Exercise helps to strengthen the back, reduce the possibility of injuries to the spine and tendons.

Hyperextension will become an ideal prevention of osteochondrosis and other similar diseases. It increases the working capacity, well-being of athletes and maintains them in good physical condition.

With the help of a cycle of stretching and compression of the spine, hyperextension puts all its fragments in the right places.


One of the main disadvantages of this exercise is that it does not help to increase muscle mass.

It leaves a large enough load on the lumbar spine, so hyperextension is contraindicated for those athletes who have traumas in the sacral and lumbar region.

You will be interested in:Ilio-lumbar muscle of back: anatomy and pathology

Tips for use

If you have problems with your back or spine, consult your doctor before starting the exercises.

Exercise is easy to do at home, but you should follow all the rules of implementation. Keep your feet and arms in the right shape at all times.

If you can not do the exercise correctly, it is better to work with the coach.

Exercise hyperextension on the floor


Regular training with the use of a simulator will help cope with various defects of the dorsal corsets and spine. Only a professional approach to training and compliance with all instructions will help achieve a good result.


Before you start training, you should consult both a doctor and a professional trainer. If you do the exercises correctly and on time, then you will once and for all get rid of back problems and spine.

A source: http://muskul.pro/training/hyperextension

All you wanted to know about hyperextension - sorting out different options!

The most common exercise for the development of the musculature of the back is hyperextension.
The variety of options for execution and the versatility of the exercise allows you to strengthen not only the lower back, but also the muscle, straightening the spine, buttocks and the back of the thigh.

Benefits of Exercise

In addition to the obvious use of exercise to work out the muscles of the back of the body, hyperextension will be useful in the following situations:

  1. When you have a low backache. In this case, it is recommended to do without weight in combination with training the muscles of the abdominal press.
  2. As a point warm-up just before heavy exercises on the back, for example, deadlift.
  3. Also, the exercise can be used to prepare the back muscles for heavier loads in beginners. The best option is a month of training in the hyperextension simulator. Then you can proceed with the deadlift.
  4. Home version of training the loin: in the apartment, or on any sports ground, where there is a condition for this.

The main load in this exercise is assumed by the extensors of the back (long muscles running along the spine), large gluteal muscles, and also hamstrings.

Below we will consider the main types of hyperextensions, variations for home and gym. Help us in this classic simulator for hyperextensions, a Roman chair, a goat, a Swedish wall and an ordinary sofa.

We do hyperextension in the hall

The gym is good because it has special equipment that allows you to work out muscles as efficiently and safely as possible. The correct technique for performing hyperextension is the guarantee of your back health.

Using the goat

One of the oldest ways to pump your lower back is through the goat. We will need an ordinary sport goat (not an animal!) And a Swedish wall. If there is no wall - you can ask to help a partner.

Let's analyze the variant with the wall:

  1. We put the goat so that, if you lie on it, your legs reach the crossbar of the Swedish wall.
  2. We lay down with our pelvis on the goat face down. It is desirable that the pelvis fully fit on the sports equipment.
  3. We put the heels under the crossbar of the wall. Option two: or the legs are at the same level as the head, or lower. Focus on your feelings, what height of the feet will be more comfortable. In the case of the help of a partner, ask him to take you by the legs and not to allow the body to swing.
  4. We fix the hands on the chest, or behind the head. When the arms on the chest - this is an easier option than the hands behind the head. The initial position of the body is a straight line so that the spine is straightened. To arched a back an arch, as well as to do or make exercise with stooped round back it is not necessary. We lift the head upwards (we fix it in this position). We start to go down, bending only in the lower back.
  5. We reach the angle of 90 degrees (perpendicular to the floor, if the legs were on the same level with the body, and slightly higher if the legs were below the trunk). In the case of problems with the spine, the angle may be smaller.
  6. Go back and unbend so that the body is one line with the legs. We stay at the upper point for 1-2 seconds. Do the desired number of repetitions.

If you are insured by a partner, show him how to hold you. It will be convenient if he fixes your feet between your elbow and your torso (armpits). The goat is a tall shell, so it's possible. At a lower shell it is recommended to put the insurer on the bench.

On the simulator and the Roman chair

Today each gym is equipped with special simulators for hyperextension. And this is very good. In them you can rock not only the back, but also the lateral muscles of the abdomen and even the press.

If for some reason in the hall there is no such simulator, you can use the Roman chair. The foot rest moves and it can be adjusted to its height.

Technique for performing exercises on the hyperextension simulator:

  1. Adjust the treadmill so that your pelvis snugly lies on its cushion. The edge of the pillow is where your body is bent.
  2. The back part of the feet rest against the rollers. It is necessary to lie down so that the rollers rest against the Achilles tendon, and not in the eggs - the girls and they can earn bruises.
  3. Cross the arms behind your head or on your chest. The hull is absolutely straight line.
  4. Do the same movements as in the previous case through the goat. Do not over-bend your back and jerks.

In the Roman chair exercise is exactly the same.

In some cases, after the exercise, the girls may have bruises on their hips. However, usually as a simulator for hyperextension, so the Roman chair is lined with soft materials, so no one gets bruises when the bruises are properly executed.

Home Hyperextension

At home, this exercise can be used to improve the back and stabilize the spine.


The fitness ball is an excellent option for working with the press and the loin at home. Still it is a good option for pregnant women or people experiencing back pain.

The fact is that the spine does not get that pressure from gravity, that while practicing in the simulator. Because your body is on a cushioning ball.

Consider how correctly hyperextension is done on fitball:

  1. We put the ball in the middle of the room, we lay down on it with our backs up so that our feet are on the floor, the pelvis on the ball, and the trunk is in front of the ball.
  2. We recommend that you straighten your arms in front of you, in case you go down. This will be insurance. Muscles of the feet keep the feet near the floor (with the heels rest against it).
  3. We start to lower the trunk downwards, while the ball allows it to do. That way, you can lean 45-60 degrees.
  4. Do not forget about the posture - the waist in the lower back, shoulders straightened.
  5. Do the right number of times - usually 15-20 in two approaches. We pull the muscles after exercise.

We do hyperextension in the yard

Note whether there are two parallel pipes (each horizontal tube) of different heights in the schoolyard, or on the nearest sports ground. If there is - we go there to train the muscles of the back.

  1. We put the heels under the lower tube, and with our legs or hips we go up with our backs onto a taller pipe.
  2. We recommend to place a towel under the upper tube to avoid the formation of bruises on the legs.

This option is inconvenient because the distance between the pipes can not be changed, and very often the pipes rest against the hips. From such a pinpoint load, girls can form bruises. And the weather does not always allow you to go into the yard.

Of course, this is not a special simulator or even a Roman chair, but sometimes it helps.

Performing on the couch

Here everything is simple - lie down on the couch so that the hips and legs are on it. Lay face down.

A partner (or partner) sits down on the knee area, pulling his hands back and leaning on your heels. Thus, your knees and heels are fixed on the couch.

And you can make slopes with a comfortable position for you. Good and useful entertainment.

One minus - the partner can be not heavy enough, and you will outweigh it. So be ready to put your hands in front of you. With this version of the exercise, the same muscles work as in the chair or in the simulator.

Recommendations for implementation

As in any exercise, there are moments that you should pay special attention to during the hyperextension.

Here they are:

  • Posture. The loin is always and in any position bent so that the pelvis goes back, and should not be round.
  • If you want to pump the muscles that straighten the spine (pass along it), along the entire length - maximally bend the back (lower the body as far as possible). In this case, the waist also bends, but already back. This option loads the spine and is not recommended as a working one. Many coaches correct the practitioners when they see such a performance.
  • If you leave the pelvis hanging in the air (the cushion of the simulator rests against the middle of the thigh), the load will go more from the back to the buttocks and the back of the legs.
  • We go down on inspiration, rise on exhalation. And in the upper point we linger for 1-2 seconds.
  • Remember how to properly do hyperextension before working with weight.


Try to avoid the mistakes that most beginners make:

  1. Large amplitude of motion. You strongly go up. And the body is bent by 15-25 degrees. This is acceptable if you did the last repetition and want to stretch. Or you pull after training the muscles of the press. In working approaches, this is not necessary - why create extra stress for the spine.
  2. Fast jerky movements. We do the exercise slowly.
  3. We keep weight near the forehead, behind the back of the head, or, generally, in front of the head. If you hold weight behind your head - the load on the spine increases. And if you lead away from your head - also on your hands. It turns out that you are doing some new base, where almost all the muscles of the body work.
  4. Very often beginners begin the exercise in the first few times with burdening. First you need to practice the technique. Do 3 sets of 15-20 times. Believe me, you will not find it very hard.

Option for buttocks

To shift the emphasis of the load from the back to the gluteal muscles, the exercise is performed with a rounded back. However, it should be performed only if you have mastered the technique of classical hyperextension and do not have problems with the spine. Buttocks during movement should be as much as possible strained.

It should also be said that the exercise hyperextension can be performed in the opposite location of the body (the body on the support, and the legs in the air). This is the so-called reverse hyperextension for the buttocks. This option is preferable.

To make it more comfortable, there will be a Roman chair or a horizontal bench.

The technique is as follows:

  1. We get to the bench, we lie down on it so that the whole lower part of the body remains in the air. We rely on the lower part of the abdomen.
  2. Hands take hold of the foot rest.
  3. We bend in the lower back and start lifting our legs as far as possible. Here we raise it as much as possible to best load the buttocks. As a weigher, you can use weighting agents for the feet. We do 3 approaches 10-12 times.

Thanks to this variant of the exercise, your buttocks will become round and appetizing (for girls).

Different training schemes

How to use this exercise, depending on your goals.

As a warm-up before a heavier exercise

We recommend doing 2 warm-up approaches without weight by 15 times. It is possible right after kardionagruzki. Then you can start, for example, to the deadlift.

If your back hurts

The best option for you is hyperextension on fitball. Do 2-3 approaches 15 times. And the first training should include only 2 approaches. You can train 2-3 times a week. The use is guaranteed.

If you decide to work with weighting

The first approach is always done without weight. Then we begin to gradually increase the weights in increments of, for example, 5 kg. If you have a working weight of 30 kg, then do 10 reps with 5 kg, 7 with 10, 5 with 20 and then take the working weight. You will need a Roman chair or special simulator.

It is important to prepare the muscles for exercise. Remember - this is a generalized version, but each organism is individual. Someone can start immediately to the working weight and not get injured. And someone will quickly break down.

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A source: https://FitNavigator.ru/baza-uprazhnenij/giperjekstenzija.html

Hyperextension. Strengthening the Muscular Back Corset

Glad to greet, my dear kachata and phytonashes!

It so happened that in fitness and bodybuilding, the representatives of the opposite sex have their favorite exercises.

In men, this is most often a bench press, but women can often be found behind a very extravagant exercise - hyperextension. That's about it, we'll talk today.

You will learn all about its correct technique, various subtleties, nuances and execution options, also we will analyze the mistakes and many more.

So, there is no end of work, let's go.

Exercise hyperextension. What, why and why?

I very often in the gym have to observe the same picture, which is as follows.

A girl-novice comes to the hall, she still practically does not know anything about the types of simulators, nor about the technique of performing exercises, however this does not prevent her from finding in all the diversity of zalot gums necessary to her, and more often than not it is a simulator for performing hyperextensions. I thought, well, maybe this is an isolated case, and we need to observe more to make a more complete picture. And what do you think? I, as a real spy, began to watch the ladies, guys and brought out interesting figures: according to the statistics of the ten newcomers who just arrived in the hall, six choose this exercise. And I ask you to note, the fair sex is more like to the representatives of the fair sex.

I do not know where this went, but you can not argue with numbers. Actually, let's understand why things are that way.

What does a woman want? Love, affection, protection - this is understandable, we are now talking about more mundane figurative purposes. And to them, first of all, they are - decorated (tightened) buttocks and an aspen waist, i.e.

flat belly and the absence of denim ears (sides).

These tasks are laid as a program in the brain, and the latter tries to help them in every way possible, and therefore he looks for the right piece of iron from all the riotous variety of machines.


In addition, the brain does not look for any complicated ways (read simulators), it needs to find something simpler in design, something effective and understandable. And the choice falls on the Roman chair, the bench for the press - for women and the bench for the presses - for men.


Well, let's take a look, what is the design for hyperextensions, called the Roman chair (or the simulator for back extensions)? Most often it looks like this (see picture).

As you can see, everything is quite primitive: an iron frame, rollers for the front surface of the thigh and foot rollers.

The structure is cast, and the only element that can be adjusted is the axis itself, which adjusts the simulator to the height of the athlete. We can say that this is a variable simulator, because

depending on his savvy and handy materials, the athlete can perform various types of hyperextensions and lateral twists.

Now let's look at the anatomical atlas, i.e. a set of those muscles, due to which the movement is carried out. So, the main load is received (see. picture):

and in the alphabetical version ...

To be more clearly visible, I will give (in steps) what muscles receive the load and at what stage of implementation (see. picture). Why is it so important? It's very simple, many beginners think that they pump one muscle (the buttocks, the press), but in fact the work involved completely different.

This exercise can be called unique for the spine. The work involves the muscles of small dimensions connected to the vertebral column, and their "reach" by no other movements is simply not it turns out.

So we sorted it out, go further.


If we evaluate hyperextension from the position of such ratio as efficiency / difficulty of implementation, then the percentage ratio can be written as follows.


Now let's learn the technical points.

Hyperextension: Technique of Implementation, Variants and Errors

To begin with, hyperextension is one of the most effective exercises for strengthening and developing the muscles of the back of the lumbar spine.

Having a strong back, you can progress in such an exercise as a deadlift, because there the initial phase - the separation of the rod from the floor, occurs at the expense of the bottom of the back.

Very often in the halls this exercise is performed out of the ordinary: badly round the back, working at high amplitude and much more.

However, there is the only true technique of implementation, with which we now get acquainted.

We will consider the most common option - when the work takes place on a special simulator - the Roman chair, at an angle. A step-by-step sequence of actions is as follows.

Starting position

Approach the simulator, adjust its height to its height, namely: the front rollers should be located exactly in the place of the fold of the waist and hips (the edge of the upper thighs), the lower ridges should be just above the Achilles tendons. As soon as you adjust the simulator in this way, get your feet under the lower support roll. The back is at the same level with the line of legs. Starting from this position starts.


Powerfully strain gluteal muscles and "break" in the belt through the simulator. Slightly tilt the casing down, about to the corner in60degrees and (attention!) slightly round your back.


At the bottom of the path, cross your arms over your chest and gently (without jerking), lift the body up to a straight line with your legs. Fix for a second in this position (feel the peak contraction) and again repeat the movement.


Technique of breathing: on lowering the breath, on the rise - exhalation.

Visually, all this disgrace is as follows (cf. picture).

There is also a more sparing implementation, which is more suitable for beginners. Its phases of motion look like this.

The work is carried out only in the safest zone (green), and the hip and butt muscles get the shock load.

Despite the apparent simplicity, more than half perform this exercise incorrectly and commit ...

Errors when performing hyperextension

These include:

  • Lowering the housing too low;

This option (the angle of the body and legs is90degrees) is possible only if you have a strong healthy back and there are no "curvatures" such as scoliosis and TP.

  • large deflection of the body at the top point (lifting phase);

Very often people take their top too far, bending backwards.

  • work in full amplitude;

This is the combination of the first and second points, when the athlete begins to make pendulum movements by the body, swinging back and forth.

Very often, when performing bending at the knee joint - this should not be done. You must be stretched like a string.

  • incorrect position of hands;

Very often, many do not know where to put their playful little hands :). They should be bent at the elbow joints and pinned to the chest or be behind the head, the angle180gr. (but not rigidly consolidated into a "castle").

Many people want to "pumping" their backs in one sitting and take additional weights at the first lessons. So do not do it, first work idle, you can always get your back off.

Remember, and never make these mistakes, and then your back will say thank you!

We go further and now consider ...

Types of hyperextensions

We examined the classics of the genre - hyperextensions at an angle, but there is also a variant when the torso is parallel to the floor. This view is as follows.

It differs from the first option only by the position of the body of the athlete in the simulator itself.

Another variation, which can also be categorized as body lifts, is the extension with an emphasis on the middle of the thighs. This option perfectly isolates and processes the hamstrings and buttocks.

A small cheat code: if you want even more to load the biceps of the hips and buttocks, then pull one leg out of the lower support roller - new sensations are guaranteed to you.

Another type of extension is reverse hyperextension. It differs in that it is torso, not legs. In general, the "reverse" is easier to perform and does not burden the knee joints. Well suited for those with back problems.


The feminine option can be called performing an exercise on fitbole. All that is needed for this is to rest your feet in a fixed support (wall), and your hips to lie on the top of the ball.


So, you have mastered the correct technique of execution, took into account all the mistakes and now you can easily execute3approach to15repetitions with own weight? If this is so, then it's time to think about going to a more advanced level - the use of additional weights. As "burdensome" can act: dumbbells, pancakes (not food :)), etc. Let's see how it looks in nature.

We have almost come to the logical conclusion of the article, and at last I want to pamper the lovely ladies.

As you probably remember, at the beginning of the article I said that this is their favorite (your) exercise.

In addition to all of the above, this is also due to the fact that in the Roman chair (simulator for hyperextensions), you can perform lateral twisting.

For this, you just have to turn sideways. Many young ladies (and not only they) believe that this exercise is designed to remove the hated "popin ears" (sides).

Called something, called, but the effect of removing from it is very small.

It is best to perform side twists on the rug and follow the food, however this is a completely different story.

I also mentioned that this is an extravagant exercise. Yes, it really is, and that's why.

You just imagine this picture: You just went to the gym, turned your head to the side, and here you are! The girl does hyperextension and you see her... mmm-m, how would I say it? And most of the more such infections - they know what they will do and dress to suit the occasion.


Therefore, men, remember that if you see a girl behind the implementation of hyperextension, then this automatically means: minus50%to your strength and as much to concentration.


Well, perhaps, and all for today, it turned out as always voluminously, but they took everything to the shelves and did not forget anything.


Well, how do you like the article? In my opinion, it turned out very much. Actually, who forgot, I recall, today we discussed such an exercise as hyperextension. I am sure that if you find it worthy of use, your back will certainly say "thank you, master."

I have everything, to new meetings, my brothers!

PS.Still have questions? Then, please, everyone will be able to comment.

PPS.Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network - plus100points to karma, guaranteed :).

With respect and gratitude, Protasov Dmitry.

A source: http://ferrum-body.ru/giperekstenziya.html

Hyperextension: Technique of Execution, Types and Features of Exercise

Hyperextension is one of the basic exercises for strengthening the muscles of the back. Variations and techniques for performing this exercise exist quite a lot. In addition, it is also actively used in cross-training. We will tell you in detail how to properly do hyperextension today.

In the pursuit of maximum weights in basic exercises and increasing intensity in cross-complex, many athletes forget that, first of all, we go to the gym in order to improve (or at least preserve) our health. Therefore, trauma in the spine, especially the lumbar region, is common for most visitors. This disease affects almost every second athlete, although he himself may not even know about it, often symptoms are manifested much later. In this article, we will tell you how to avoid this, how correctly hyperextension is performed, and how it will help us in our hard work.

Hyperextension is an exercise performed in a special machine with special platforms for fixing the feet and the body, the bulk of the load in which lies on the extensors of the spine.

Such a simulator is, probably, in each gym, so this exercise is carried out everywhere.

It is used for completely different purposes: as a warm-up before heavy squats or deadlifts; as a separate exercise aimed at working out lower back; as an additional "injection" of the blood of the injured area in the rehabilitation of injuries; as a prophylaxis against hernias and protrusions in the lumbar region the spine. And, of course, within the framework of cross-media complexes, which we will certainly consider and give examples.

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So, today we will consider:

  1. What is the benefit of performing hyperextension?
  2. How to properly do hyperextension;
  3. Types of exercise;
  4. What can replace hyperextension?
  5. Crossfit complexes containing this exercise.

Benefits of Exercise

Hyperextension - perhaps the only exercise that allows you to load extensors of the spine with a minimum axial load, therefore it is recommended for the absolute majority of visitors to gyms, if there are no serious contraindications. Thanks to this exercise, not one thousand athletes from all corners of the planet were able to heal old, non-healing and restless micro-traumas in the lumbar region.

The main working muscle groups: extensors of the spine and hamstrings.

The vector load varies depending on the position of the support on which the athlete is located: the higher it is, the more the extensors of the spine are loaded, the lower it is - the more the bicep stretches and contracts hips. In this case, the biomechanics of the movement will resemble the deadlift on straight legs or the slopes with the barbell on the shoulders.

All athletes, siloviki, in whose training process is allocated not a little time for doing squats with rod and deadlift, do not bypass the side and hyperextension.

Recovery after injury

If you are suffering from microtrauma of the back, it is recommended to "puncture" the extensors of the spine at least once a week.

This locally stimulates blood circulation in the damaged areas, due to which more microelements are delivered there, which contribute to early healing and recovery.

It is recommended to perform several approaches of hyperextensions in a large number of repetitions (from 20 and above) to obtain a positive result.

Most of the symptoms will very soon come to naught: pain subsides, muscle motor and motility improve, the waist ceases to become numb after a long sedentary work.

There is also a theory that performing hyperextensions improves posture, reduces hyper-lordosis or kyphosis of the spine.

For this reason, hyperextensions are performed not only by athletes, but also by ordinary people who have suffered spinal trauma, in within the framework of medical and recreational physical education, and any qualified therapist will confirm to you the undoubted benefits of this exercises.

Advice to fitness and bodybuilding enthusiasts: a large hypertrophied back looks "empty" without elaborated extensors of the spine.

So do not forget about doing this exercise in back exercises, so you'll emphasize the V-shaped back silhouette and, of course, feel the full benefit of this exercise described above.

In addition to the deadlift and squats, all the horizontal thrusts on the latissimus muscles of the back (traction of the T-neck, draft dumbbells in slope, rod rod in slope, etc.) also give an axial load and load our lower back.

The correct technique of doing the exercise

Below we will talk about the performance of the classical version of hyperextension on a standard simulator with an emphasis on extensors of the spine.

There are several varieties of this exercise, but in all of them it is recommended to follow the same principles and features that are given below.

But do not forget that the personal trainer is responsible for your health and sports progress, so if you have a note, expert, and the technique is given to you with difficulty, contact him for help, so you will save a lot of time, and, perhaps, health.

Initial position

Conveniently located on the simulator, the upper part of the roller should be located at the level of the hips.Straighten the lower back, the level of the torso should be just above the level of the legs.

Statically stretch the extensors of the spine and gluteal muscles. The back should be completely straight, the look is directed in front of you, arms cross on the chest.

We firmly support the heels on the platform at the bottom of the simulator.


Gradually descend down to the sensation of stretching in the muscles of the waist and hamstrings, while breathing in.The movement should be smooth and controlled, do not sharply "fall" down.It is important to keep the back straight, observing the natural lordosis in the lumbar region.

Do not go too low, our priority in this exercise is to "pump in" the lower back, and not stretch it. Do stretching separately after training, so you will not only increase your mobility, but also help your muscles recover in a shorter time.


Without delay at the bottom point, straighten up to the level of the starting position while exhaling. For a moment, linger at the top and repeat the motion. Do at least 10-15 reps per approach, so you will ensure a good flow of blood into the working muscle groups.

The progression of loads is the right path to progress in all exercises, and hyperextension is no exception. As the movement will be given to you all easier and easier, try to gradually increase the load. You can do this in three ways:

  • performing more repetitions in one approach;
  • less resting between waste;
  • using additional weights.

as much as possible demonstrates the technique of performing hyperextensions:

Types of hyperextensions

With the help of different types of hyperextensions, it is possible to vary the load in different ways and to load these or other muscles more heavily. Below are the most common varieties of this exercise.

Hyperextension with additional weights

We perform a classical hyperextension, but we keep a pancake or dumbbell in front of us, pressing it to the chest.Helps to increase the load on the lower part of the extensors of the spine.

It is important to adequately approach the weight with which you perform this exercise, force records do not interest us here.

If you can not perform this exercise with a weight technically correct, round the lower back, or the weight outweighs you, and you lurk forward, reduce burdening. Do not forget to keep the center of gravity on the heels, so you will better control the movement.

There is also a kind of exercise with a neck on the neck, so the load shifts more to the middle part of the extensors of the spine.


Refer to your training partner to properly position the neck (its position should be like squats with a bar).


But do not forget to look forward and do not bend your neck, so you risk injuring the cervical spine.

Reverse hyperextension

Performed on a specialized machine, where the body is parallel to the floor, and the legs rise from the bottom up, clinging to a special roller.

This version of the exercise more utilizes the gluteal muscles.

Do not rush to reverse reverse hyperextensions, hanging additional weights on the simulators, for unprepared athletes this will create additional axial load on the lower back and sacrum.

roller about how you can do reverse hyperextension without a special simulator:

Direct hyperextension

Performed on a special machine, where the platform is parallel to the floor.

The advantage of direct hyperextension is the increased amplitude of movement, which makes it possible to work out the entire array of extensors of the spine.

I believe that this variation of the exercise is suitable for people who are confident in their health. Direct hyperextension creates a powerful stretch on the lower part of the waist at the lowest point, which can exacerbate microtrauma in this department.

What can replace hyperextension?

So, we figured out how to properly do hyperextensions.

But it's no secret that everyone has a unique anatomical structure, and some exercises by virtue of this can be for him inconvenient - the athlete at the same time poorly controls movement, feels discomfort in the joints or ligaments and does not feel working muscle.

Therefore, below, we will discuss exercises whose biomechanics are similar to hyperextensions. Take note if you for one reason or another can not or do not want to perform this exercise.


Classical deadlift is an excellent tool for strengthening extensor spine and cortical muscles.

If you keep the right technique and do not chase the maximum weights, from this exercise you will only benefit.

All the talk about the fact that deadlift increases waist and belly - myths, stomach and waist, increase the malnutrition and lack of physical activity.

In individual cases - an individual predisposition to hypertrophic oblique and rectus abdominal muscles. In addition to developing the muscle groups of interest to us, carrying out the deadlift (as well as other heavy Basic exercises) has a positive effect on the secretion of testosterone, which is very useful for male organism.

Static traction on straight legs (Romanian traction)

If you can not catch the contraction of the hamstrings when performing hyperextensions with a low setting of the platform, you can replace this exercise with Romanian draft.

The biomechanics of these two exercises is similar, our main task here is to find the right amplitude of motion for which the hamstrings are under constant load.

Therefore, do not lower the bar completely down and do not fully extend your back at the top point and try to take the pelvis back as far as possible in order to use also the gluteal muscles.

In addition to the bar, you can perform this exercise with dumbbells, so you will additionally load forearms and trapezius muscles, and improve the grip strength.

Try to draw traction on the straight legs in this version, in the morning you will feel completely new feeling, unprepared athlete, every step or movement in the knee joint will be given with a strong with a crepe.

Good morning bumps

The incline with the barbell is an excellent auxiliary exercise for squats, as well as a tool for working out the extensors of the spine and hamstrings.

The technique here is similar to the Romanian traction - we work in a limited amplitude, keeping the muscles in constant tension, and the pelvis is taken back. Do not forget that the back should be kept straight throughout the whole approach.

If you feel an unpleasant tension in the area of ​​the hamstrings, reduce the working weight or change this exercise to where you can work smoothly and without discomfort.

Extension of the waist in the simulator

Some modern fitness clubs are equipped with a special simulator for working out the lower part of the extensors of the spine. Rest your back on the platform and smoothly straighten your back, no sharp movements here are unacceptable. Excellent warm-up before squats or deadlifts.

To better understand what it's about, take a look at this small video:

It is important to understand that these exercises heavily burden our musculoskeletal system, and there is an axial load on the spine.

Therefore, if you experience back problems and the axial load is contraindicated to you, it is better to choose hyperextensions.

Refer to the instructor to get the right technique, so you will protect your lower back, and can properly strengthen the necessary muscle groups.

Crossfit complexes

The table below contains several complexes, including hyperextension.

You can start the implementation of the complex you like, if you are sure of the health and functional preparation of your musculoskeletal system.

The intensity of these complexes is not the highest, but it will be excessive for untrained athletes.


In addition, you can compose the complexes of those exercises, the technique of which you have honed to mastery, everything depends only on your imagination and creativity.


Hyperextensions are perfectly combined with various kinds of pull-ups, push-ups and exercises on the press, while the axial load on the spine will be minimal.

Light thirty Perform 30 shocks of the bar, 30 hyperextensions, 30 pull-ups, 30 push-ups, 30 jumps in length.
Bulldog 2 Run a ladder from 1 to 10 repetitions and reverse the ladder from 10 to 1 repetition of hyperextensions with a barbell on the shoulders and push-ups with a narrow setting of the hands on the ball.
Buck Perform 100 jumps with a rope, 22 deadlifts of sumo, 22 hyperextensions, 22 push-ups on the uneven bars, 11 jerks of dumbbells with each hand. Only 4 rounds.
Without blisters Run 15 flyweight pairs with two hands, 15 jumps per box and 15 hyperextensions. Only 5 rounds.
Filthy fifty Run 50 jumps per box, 50 pull-ups, 50 flyweight dumbbells, 50 attacks, 50 bouncing schwangs, 50 hyperextensions, 50 ball throws on the floor.

A source: https://cross.expert/uprazhneniya/giperekstenziya.html