Photo of genital warts: causes and treatment

Papillomas of any kind always cause anxiety, because many consider such a neoplasm as a sign of oncological or parasitic pathologies. Genital warts cause much more anxiety - they cause discomfort, they can infect a sexual partner, a child, they are easily hooked on underwear. Why are papillomas formed? What methods of treatment exist?

  • Why do warts appear?
  • How is the disease manifested?
  • Genital warts: photos
  • How to treat genital warts
  • Treatment with folk remedies
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Why do warts appear?

How correctly are genital warts called? In medicine, such neoplasms are called genital warts, they appear when a human papillomavirus (HPV) virus enters the bloodstream. Pathology is widespread everywhere, it affects equally the representatives of both sexes.

Infection occurs from the carrier of the virus at sexual intimacy, by contact-household way, the child can become infected with HPV at birth. The virus gets on the mucous membranes, and through the wound gets into the blood - at the places of its penetration there are papillomas. For a long time the disease may not appear, but if there are favorable factors, the virus becomes active, the latent period can last several years.

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The provoking factors:

  • bacterial vaginosis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis;
  • weakening of the body's protective functions;
  • supercooling;
  • hormonal imbalance, pregnancy, menopause;
  • surgical interventions, abortions;
  • frequent use of intrauterine contraceptives.

But the main reason - promiscuous sexual contacts, frequent sexually transmitted diseases.

Important!Intimate neoplasms can cause cancer pathologies. Not all types of HPV have oncological activity, high degree of danger of viruses 16, 18.

Genital herpes and genital warts are closely related, since the papilloma virus refers to herpes infections. Pathology is characterized not only by damage to the mucous membranes, but also by disruption of the central nervous system.

Genital pubic warts are of different configurations - spiky, papillary, flat, condylomas with internal growth. They have a wide base or thin stem, often resemble cauliflower inflorescences, cock's comb.

How is the disease manifested?

Papillomas can be located on the mucous membrane of the genitals, in the inguinal and pubic regions. Genital warts in men appear in the anus, on the penis near or inside the foreskin, on the head, scrotum, inside the urethra. In women, papillomas are located on small and large labia, near the anus, in the urethra, the vagina, the cervix.

Pathology can proceed without special signs, discomfort can arise only during sexual intercourse. But sometimes there are more obvious symptoms.

Signs of genital warts:

  • itching, redness, swelling of the skin in the genital area;
  • abundant discharge with a sharp odor;
  • bleeding of incomprehensible etiology, pain.

Genital warts in women, combined with frequent changes in sexual partners, can cause cervical cancer. Against the background of excessive enthusiasm for alcoholic beverages and cigarettes, the immunity is greatly weakened, which can provoke the appearance of papillomas in intimate places.

Important!The condom does not give a 100% guarantee against HPV infection.

When warts are found in the genital area, it is necessary to visit the doctor urgently, to undergo a complete diagnosis.

Genital warts: photos

How to treat genital warts

After external examination, the doctor can establish a precise diagnosis, develop an effective treatment regimen. In addition to visual inspection, the mandatory diagnostic methods include PCR analysis, which allows you to determine the type and amount of the virus, the degree of oncogeneity. To exclude dysplasia and uterine cancer, a smear is taken for cytological examination. Additionally, a biopsy is performed, histological analysis to detect the presence of cancer cells.

Treatment of genital warts is a complex process, since universal drugs for the complete destruction of the virus have not yet been invented. Reduce the activity of the virus can be using some medications, but doctors suggest removing warts.

Important!The effectiveness of drug therapy is 70%, but the risk of relapse is very high.

Removal of neoplasms is carried out with the help of special medications, cauterization, methods of physical impact. During treatment, it is necessary to take immunomodulators based on interferon - Laferon, Cycloferon.

Effective medications:

  • Podofiloks, Condilox - ointments of gel consistency, which for several weeks should be applied to the papillomas;
  • Imiquimod - a means to enhance local immunity, has a low irritant effect, relapse after treatment appears in about 20% of patients;
  • Polyphenon E, Weregen - medicines based on the extract of green tea.

For physical removal use several methods. With a large accumulation of outgrowths, they are excised with a scalpel. If the warts are small, they are small in size, then they can be frozen with liquid nitrogen, cauterized by high-frequency current. To cauterize the papillomas in the urethra, rectum or vagina, laser removal is used - neoplasms are evaporated with a thin laser beam. Modern method of fighting with papillomas - radio wave destruction, non-contact influence on tumors with radio waves of high frequency.

Treatment with folk remedies

Get rid of a small papilloma can try it yourself. But folk remedies can not completely get rid of HPV.

Than you can burn warts:

  1. Juice celandine - the leader among home remedies for the treatment of various warts. It must be applied to problem sites three times a day.
  2. Oily mixture - in 5 ml of tea tree oil add 5-7 drops of olive oil. Apply a thin layer on the neoplasm, wash it off after a quarter of an hour.
  3. Treatment of affected areas with castor oil twice a day.
  4. Lubricate the papillomas with sour apple juice up to 6 times a day.

To enhance the effect of home remedies, the genitals must first be cleaned of accumulation of dirt, fat, dead cells with oatmeal - chop the oat flakes with a small amount of milk, rub into problem areas for 3-4 minutes.

Sexual condylomas are not just an unpleasant dermatological problem, but a serious disease that can cause cancer. Prevent infection simply - avoid accidental sexual relations, observe the rules of hygiene, abandon harmful addictions, strengthen the protective functions of the body, do not wear underwear made of synthetic materials. When warts appear in intimate places, you should see a doctor, self-medication can cause sepsis and severe bleeding.

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