Is it possible to put a mantle with a cold

Mantoux with a cold: possible reactions of the body

To put or not to put a mantle in the cold is a question that worries many parents. This is a rather controversial issue, because many experts are sure that mantu and runny nose - are incompatible concepts, but others argue that this is not an inoculation, but a study of the body's response to the introduction tuberculin.

It is known that snot can cause some complications after certain vaccinations, however The great importance is given to the characteristics of the child's organism, its immunity and hereditary predisposition. Therefore, whether it is possible to do a mantu reaction during a runny nose - the pediatrician can respond after a careful examination of the baby.

What is a tuberculin test?

All children of preschool and school age make a mantle - a study, with which you can evaluate the reaction of the organism to the causative agent of tuberculosis. However, whether it is possible to make a child a mantu for a cold, not all parents know, which is very important for the health of the baby.
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The principle of the tuberculin test is the subcutaneous administration of a minimal dose of tuberculin-an antigen obtained from the microbacterium tuberculosis. The reaction is observed within 72 hours after the introduction of the substance into the child's body.

Until the analysis of the response to injected tuberculin, it is important not to comb the injection site, and completely eliminate the ingress of liquid onto this skin area.

It is forbidden to treat the injection site with green, peroxide or stick it with adhesive tape, since such actions can affect the results of the sample. The size of the papule is the place of introduction of tuberculin, it enables specialists to assess the presence or absence of immunity to the tuberculin rod.

The test itself does not pose a danger to children's health, but only if all precautions are strictly observed by the child's specialists and parents. To protect the baby from unpleasant consequences, the mantoux should not be tested with a cold.

Contraindications to the reaction

In fact, mantle and snot with their combination can lead to the most dangerous consequences, because discharge from the nose is often the cause of serious diseases.

Categorically contraindicated mantle when coughing, because this symptom inevitably indicates the flow in the child's body inflammatory process. Therefore, if the question of whether it is possible to put a mantu for a runny nose, experts give an ambiguous answer, then when coughing such actions of medical workers are under strict prohibition.

Probably, many understand that one should not interfere with an unhealthy child's organism, since a manthas made with a cold can only aggravate the child's health.It should be remembered that such an injection is not an inoculation, most pediatricians insist on even if the child is released from carrying out preventive vaccinations for certain reasons.

They are one of the main contraindications to the mantle reaction, runny nose and cough, because in the presence of these symptoms indicates the penetration into an organism of a viral or bacterial infection, therefore during this period all protective forces are directed on struggle against pathogenic microorganisms. The sample can significantly weaken the immunity, not only complicating the process of treating the child, but also causing complications that are dangerous to his health. In this case, the introduction of tuberculin is better to postpone until the full recovery of the baby.

Possible complications

Tuberculin test often causes complications in the form of allergic reactions in children. Despite the fact that the sample is not considered a vaccine, still the injection can cause some side effects - from a stool disorder to a change in the behavior of the baby. Also, parents call such side effects, which are observed in children after tuberculin test:

  • nausea;
  • formation of a runny nose after a mantle;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • vomiting;
  • increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees;
  • itching in the area of ​​injection;
  • the appearance of a cough after a mantle;
  • skin rashes of an allergic nature.

The appearance of snot after mantle is considered the most common reaction of the body. As a rule, the discharge from the nose passes by themselves, but sometimes this phenomenon becomes a serious cause for concern. Parents should understand that careful monitoring of the health and behavior of their baby is mandatory after the tuberculin test.

Is it possible to make a mantle to a child if it only has a cold?


Irina Kobzar

The Mantoux test is harmless both for healthy children and adolescents, and for children with various physical illnesses. Tuberculin does not contain living microorganisms, and in the applied dosage 2 TE (ml) does not affect either the body's immune system or the whole organism. Contraindications to the tuberculin test are:
skin diseases,
acute and chronic infectious and somatic diseases in the stage of exacerbation (the Mantoux test is put in 1 month after disappearance of all clinical symptoms or immediately after quarantining);
allergic conditions,
Runny nose is a sign of acute respiratory disease. Therefore, it is worthwhile to wait with a sample


it is undesirable.


No, the child must be healthy
Be sure to check the child's temperature in the morning




depends on the doctor, but it is better not to do it: the rhinitis is treated relatively quickly - 2-3 days and the baby is healthy.


Doctors in most cases say that a runny nose is not a contraindication to Mantoux, but I personally did not drive in this condition for trial.

Maria Pakhomova

You can not

Natalya Utkina

a runny nose (if there is no temperature) is really not a contraindication for Mantoux. so if they did, do not be scared.


I would not do it, I can spread my hand and then go to prove that it is not tuberculosis. And any manipulations with immunity are made with a healthy child.

Irina the violin

If a child has a runny nose, then there is (though the slightest) inflammation. Therefore, cure the spout and place the mantle. We went through it

Ekaterina Mironova

Mantoux is done only to a healthy child.
Runny nose is often a harbinger of SARS, ARD, sinusitis. Mantoux is checked for 3 days and on the 3rd day the beginning of the disease can manifest itself, as a result - the distortion of the result.
Therefore, treat the runny nose, then keep a week after the recovery of the child, so as not to get sick and do Mantoux.


do not rush, snot will pass and do it.

Diane Bourdeinaya

Vaccination should be given only to healthy children (!)
The weakened state can provoke a complication.

How to answer the question whether one can make a mantle with a cold

Most parents are wondering - is it possible to do Mantoux with a cold? Pediatricians are of the opinion that Mantoux vaccination is not considered, and moreover, they insist on carrying out injections, even in the case when the child for some reason, preventive vaccinations completely are contraindicated.

The Mantoux test is not dangerous for the child's organism, provided that it is perfectly healthy.Rhinitis is considered one of the signs of a cold, and may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the body. And with inflammation it is extremely undesirable to make a Mantoux test. Whether it is worthwhile to conduct a Mantoux test with a runny nose, the pediatrician should decide according to the individual characteristics of the organism of their child. But we should not forget that intervention in a weakened body after an illness can lead to poor health and complications.

Why do Mantoux

Unfortunately, modern medicine can not yet cope effectively with this dangerous infection called tuberculosis. BCG vaccination is mandatory for everyone, it is done in the maternity home during the first days of a child's life. BCG is an antituberculous vaccine in a weakened form. It does not guarantee that a person will not get tuberculosis, but is able to prevent the development of particularly serious forms of the disease. The introduction of the vaccine into the children's body leads to the development of antibodies to bacteria of tuberculosis.

The Mantoux test is not an inoculation, it does not contribute to the development of immunity, but is intended to determine the degree of susceptibility of the organism to tuberculosis bacteria. It is carried out by inserting a tuberculin under the skin (extract from tuberculosis bacteria), and is of a diagnostic nature. If the body develops immunity to the disease, the cells will react, and a characteristic seal will appear at the site of the injection. This allergic reaction helps to conclude that the body is able to resist infection.

Pediatricians consider Mantoux absolutely safe for health. This is a kind of test that allows to identify people who have a pathogen of tuberculosis infection in the body, or a disease at the initial stage, when the symptoms are not yet manifest.

Mantou is held by the child every year until the age of 17 years. If the child has a negative reaction, this means that antibodies to tuberculosis are not produced, and it is recommended to repeat the BCG vaccine at the age of seven.

Mantoux should be placed only after a doctor's examination. The drug is administered subcutaneously with a special tuberculin syringe. The nurse must warn the child and parents that it is not recommended to wet the injection site for three days. After this period of time, the sample is subject to verification. The place where the sample was conducted can not be scratched, rubbed, bandaged and sealed with adhesive tape, smeared with peroxide, iodine, zelenka.

Reaction of the body

In most children, after the introduction of tuberculin, no reaction is usually observed: the temperature does not rise, the state of health does not change. There may be only a local reaction at the injection site. This is normal, because the test is done.

When an organism is infected, a positive reaction is observed, and in the absence of bacteria in the body, it is negative. The result of the test is determined by measuring the infiltrate (reddened seal at the site of the injection) and has several options:
  1. A negative test is when the compaction does not exceed one millimeter.
  2. Doubtful - if the seal has a size of 2-4 millimeters.
  3. Positive - if the infiltrate has a diameter of 5 millimeters.
  4. Strongly expressed sample - if the seal is more than 16 millimeters. In this case, an additional examination is necessary.

A positive reaction is not a 100% proof of infection of the body. In order to obtain a correct estimate, it is necessary to completely exclude all the causes that can cause a reaction. The result can also be affected by several factors:

  • improper storage or transportation of the drug;
  • poor-quality medical instrument.

Therefore, before making a diagnosis, it is recommended to do a number of procedures and studies.

There are cases when in the presence of microbacteria in the body, the sample shows a negative result.

There are several reasons for this:
  • Immunity is weakened, there is no reaction to the stimulus;
  • recent infectious disease (within the last two months);
  • too early age (up to six months the body can not adequately respond).

And it can be the other way around: the child is not infected, but the result of the test is positive. There are also reasons for this:

  • presence of infection in the body;
  • infection of the body with other bacteria;
  • an allergic phenomenon.

Allergy is the most common complication after the test. The drug consists of inactive bacteria of tuberculosis and additional additives and preservatives that contribute to its preservation. It is these substances that cause an allergic reaction. If the child is found to be intolerant to some of the components, you should look for other alternative methods for testing.


It is desirable to make Mantoux a perfectly healthy child. Previously transferred diseases can significantly enhance or weaken the response to the drug, which will lead to a distortion of the test results.

In addition, there are a number of other contraindications:
  • presence of acute somatic or infectious, as well as exacerbation of a chronic disease;
  • the presence of skin diseases and allergies;
  • presence of bronchial asthma, epilepsy or rheumatism;
  • vaccination within the last two months.

In case of epilepsy, the neurologist and phthisiatrician should give permission for Mantoux, after a thorough examination. If you did another inoculation, then Mantou can be put only after 4-6 weeks. For a cold, a tuberculin test is recommended to be done one month after complete recovery. If the Mantoux test has already been done, the procedure can be repeated no earlier than three months later.

Some pediatricians advise a week before the test to give the child allergy medications. They do not have any effect on the result, but they can neutralize an extraneous reaction.

Mantoux for colds

The presence of a cold in the child at the time when it is necessary to do Mantou is a serious obstacle to the sample.

During the course of the process, unwanted symptoms appear: cough, runny nose, headache.

Cough indicates the penetration of infection in the body, so put a sample at this time is strictly prohibited. In this issue, the opinions of the doctors are one.


Runny nose can be both a major symptom and a residual phenomenon after a cold. In official medicine, this symptom is not a contraindication, but depending on the nature of the ailment and the form of its course, the decision should be taken by the parents together with the treating pediatrician. Most doctors believe that a slight runny nose can not interfere with the sample and insist on testing.

On the other hand, it must be remembered that in case of acute disease, the result of Mantoux test may be uninformative and is questioned. In addition, it is difficult to predict the reaction from the interaction of tuberculin and drugs that treat a child for colds. Mantoux with a cold is not recommended and in the case when the secret is yellow or greenish. This runny nose requires complex treatment, so it is better to wait until complete recovery with a breakdown.

The Mantoux vaccine is a mandatory annual test for children and adolescents. With the help of this study, it is easiest to assess how the causative agent of tuberculosis infection affects the body.


Rhinitis is the most common symptom in children, so it may happen that it is during this period that it will be necessary to carry out a Mantoux test. Do not panic and listen to the opposite advice. Parents know best about the characteristics of the organism of their child. If the baby is rarely sick, he has good immunity, and the runny nose has only a subsiding remnant character, you can safely do a trial. Mantoux in this case will not bring any complications. If the child is painful, the immunity is weakened, then the Mantoux reaction should be better after complete recovery.

Is it possible to put a vaccination against a child with a cold and cough?



no it is impossible the organism at the time of vaccination should be healthy

Mila C

it is impossible.

Contraindications to Mantoux test

It should be specially emphasized that the Mantoux test is harmless both for healthy children and adolescents, and for children with various physical illnesses. Tuberculin does not contain living microorganisms, and in the applied dosage 2 TE (ml) does not affect either the body's immune system or the whole organism.
The setting of the sample does not make sense in children under 12 months, because the result of the sample will be unreliable or inaccurate, due to the age-related features of the development of the immune system - the reaction may be false negative. Children under 6 months are not able to respond adequately to the Mantoux test.
Contraindications to the tuberculin test are:

1. skin diseases,
2. acute and chronic infectious and somatic diseases in the stage of exacerbation (the Mantoux test is put in 1 month after disappearance of all clinical symptoms or immediately after quarantining);
3. allergic conditions,
4. epilepsy.

It is not allowed to conduct a sample in those collectives where there is a quarantine for children's infections. The Mantoux test is made 1 month after all clinical symptoms have disappeared or immediately after quarantining.
Immunity after preventive vaccinations can affect the sensitivity to tuberculin. Therefore, the Mantoux test should be planned before any vaccinations are made. In this case, vaccinations are carried out immediately after evaluating the results of the sample. If the Mantoux test is not done before, but after the vaccination, tuberculin diagnostics should be carried out no earlier than 4 weeks after the vaccination, as well as the introduction of immunoglobulins (serums).
Thus, there are practically no absolute contraindications for setting a tuberculin test.


Go to school and REFUSE, if necessary, write an WRONG rejection!


No. A nurse should also be in the school. If she does not know this (you can hardly buy a diploma yesterday), then she should be told that at the temperature, no vaccination is given !!!

Natalia Žilina

Mantoux is not vaccinated, in principle, doctors are not dismissed in such cases But I would have delayed

= Angelica Marquise =

Write a refusal of vaccination, and then complications are possible!!! better then do it.

Running on the waves

it is undesirable if you do not trust the school nurse - go to the pediatrician, and anyway, what does your child do with the snot and cough in the school, infect other children?

Elena the beautiful

They have a planned raid on schools. It's up to you whether you need it right now or not. You have the right to refuse the Mantoux test.

Is it possible to do Mantoux with a cold if there are no more symptoms of the disease?

Currently, there are active disputes over the benefits and harms of various vaccinations. Some parents are not afraid and agree to vaccinate children from the very first days of their lives. Others categorically refuse such manipulations for many years. Who is right? Most doctors say that vaccinations must be done. However, you need to take into account the state of the baby and his state of health. In this article, we will answer the question of whether it is possible to make Mantoux with a cold. You will learn the main opinions of specialists and experienced parents about this. It is also worth mentioning how the Mantoux reaction is evaluated in the runny nose and whether any inaccuracies can arise.

What is a Mantoux vaccine?

This test is carried out for each kid, who was already introduced BCG vaccine in the first days of his life. This vaccine is given to all children for 3-5 days after birth. However, the mother has the right to refuse such manipulation. That is why the medical staff of the maternity hospital always asks permission from the mother in childbirth.

After the introduction of the BCG vaccine, a sample is tested every year for its response. So, the child is injected with a substance called tuberculin into the arm area, somewhat below the elbow fold. After a few days, the result is estimated. Such diagnostics are performed by children until they reach 16-17 years of age. After that, alternative methods are used, for example, fluorography.

Can I make Mantoux with a cold?

This question is asked by every sane parent. It often happens that you come to another appointment with a pediatrician with a child, and the doctor sends you for a tuberculin test. In this case, your doctor does not pay any attention to your comments about the recent illness of the baby. What is it? Irresponsibility of doctors? Or if the child has a cold, can Mantou do it? Let's try to consider the main views on this and draw an independent conclusion.

A tuberculin test can be performed during a cold

Can I make Mantoux with a cold? Most pediatricians give a positive answer to this question. All this has a fairly simple explanation.

The Mantoux reaction is not a regular vaccination. During the procedure, the laboratory assistant does not deliver the vaccine to the baby's body. By injection, the so-called reagent is introduced. Tuberculin has no effect on the immune system of the crumbs and does not cause an easy form of the disease, like some inoculations. This substance simply detects the antibodies that were produced after BCG. Tuberculin causes a certain reaction of the body, which after a few days and fix the doctors.

Doctors say that the runny nose is not a contraindication to the sample. Manipulation can be carried out even during catarrhal and viral diseases, which are accompanied by reddening of the throat, fever and coughing.

The study is not conducted for colds

Does Mantoux have a cold? Some doctors say that the separation of mucus from the nasal passages is a direct contraindication to the introduction of tuberculin. However, this rule applies only in the case of bacterial infection.

So, if the baby has green or yellow snot, then it is worthwhile to postpone the sampling for an indefinite time. Most often, the procedure is then performed immediately after the child's recovery. In this case, there is no need to wait two or three weeks, as before the usual vaccination.

Parents' opinion (erroneous)

Can I make Mantoux with a cold? What do moms and dads think about this? Most parents say that it is not worthwhile to make such an intervention in the body of a child during a cold. They explain their opinion very simply.

Parents believe that tuberculin contains some viruses in a lightened form, which can adversely affect the reduced immunity of crumbs. Of course, every mother has the right to refuse to conduct a Mantoux reaction for an indefinite period. However, doctors consider this decision to be stupid and irresponsible.

Why is it not worth doing a tuberculin test during a runny nose?

Mantou can be vaccinated with a runny nose without any fear. However, not every medical institution does this. Why?

During the rhinitis in the child's body there is an inflammatory process. It is often caused by viruses and bacteria. If you carry out the introduction of tuberculin in this period, then the reaction of the organism may not be quite right. So, inflammation often increases the redness of the papule. Also, the tubercle can swell more than usual. In this case, the evaluation of the result will be incorrect. Perhaps the baby would have a normal reaction to the introduction of tuberculin, but because of the inflammatory process in the body, she was somewhat distorted. Only for this reason, many doctors advise to postpone the diagnosis.

What can I say about allergic rhinitis?

In some cases, the cause of a cold is not a disease or a cold, but an allergy. In this case, the child is allocated mucus from the nasal passages and there is congestion accompanied by swelling. Is it possible to mantle with a cold in this case?

Doctors say that such a condition is not a contraindication to the study. Causes of allergies, like her symptoms, can accompany a person throughout life. This does not mean that it is worth giving up any medical manipulations. The Mantoux reaction in this pathology is usually not distorted. However, doctors strongly recommend stopping the use of antihistamines several days before the manipulation.

What conclusion can be drawn?

After all of the above, the conclusion suggests itself. Conducting Mantoux test is possible with a cold. In this case, the disease itself or the cold of the child are not contraindications to manipulation. However, in some cases the result may be somewhat distorted. That's why doctors recommend refraining from introducing tuberculin during viral or bacterial pathologies.

If you decide to opt out on your own because of the fear of complications, then this is completely unreasonable. The Mantoux reaction is not a vaccine containing viruses. It does not affect the immunity of the child and does not cause complications. That's why you should not take such decisions on your own. Consult an experienced pediatrician whom you trust and find out from him whether it is possible to do Mantoux with a cold. Health to your children and good research results!

Is it possible to put a mantle in a cold?


Guest from the Future

You can, Mantoux is just a test of the body.
Browse this site, read about the Mantoux reaction
Contraindications to Mantoux test:

skin diseases
acute and chronic infectious and somatic diseases in the stage of exacerbation (Mantoux test is made 1 month after the disappearance of all clinical symptoms or immediately after quarantining)
allergic conditions


Mantoux is generally better not to put even in the absence of a cold.


It is possible, but it is not necessary. The reaction may not be correct

Zina Zeta

at this time, the immunity is weakened and Mantu will show the presence of the causative agent of tuberculosis, you will be prescribed drugs and put the liver to the baby, and with it the remains of immunity. Do you want it?


All doctors unanimously assert that the runny nose is not a hindrance, but personally I never drive a sick child to Mantu (a healthy person does not have a cold).

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