
Arthritis: treatment for various forms of the disease

Content 1Chronic arthritis 1.1Causes of Chronic Arthritis 1.2Rheumatoid arthritis 1.3Chronic arthritic arthritis 1.4Chronic psoriatic arthritis 1.5Treatment and prognosis of chronic arthritis 2Inflammatory diseases of the joints (Arthritis): species, features 2.1Arthritis of joints: types, causes, symptoms 2.2Osteoarthritis 2.3Systemic arthritis 2.4Types of Arthritis 2.5Arthritis cause 2.6Primary and secondary arthritis of joints 2.7Rheumatoid arthritis 2.8Treatment of rhe...

  • 30-Jul-2018
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Arthritis: treatment with folk remedies

Content 1How to treat arthritis with folk remedies? 1.1Principles of treatment of the disease 1.2Application of medicinal plants 1.3Some proven means 1.4Recommended folk techniques 1.5Application of apple cider vinegar 1.6Vegetable broths 1.7Treatment of specific types of arthritis 2Arthritis: treatment with folk remedies 2.1Rheumatoid arthritis - treatment with folk remedies 2.2Psoriatic arthritis - treatment with folk remedies 2.3Treatment of knee arthritis with folk remedi...

  • 11-Aug-2018
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Polyarthritis of the fingers - symptoms and treatment

A common multiple inflammatory disease of the joints of the hands, in which interphalangeal and metatarsophalangeal joints are affected, is called polyarthritis of the fingers. As a result, the hand can not fully function and perform the function specified by nature. Predisposing factors to the onset of the disease are due to the peculiarities of the anatomical location and structure of the hand brushes. The small size of the brush is devoid of large muscle massifs and is distal (distant) fr...

  • 20-Aug-2018
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Gout: medication, effective drugs

Content 1Medications for the treatment of gout 1.1Treatment of gout 1.2Means of external action from gout 2Tablets from gout on legs are effective and inexpensive, the price 2.1Features of treatment of gout with medicines 2.2Drugs for basic gout therapy 2.3Urikozuric preparations 2.4Inhibitors of uricosynthesis 2.5Painkillers for gout 2.6Anti-inflammatory drugs 2.7New drugs for treating gout 2.8Prices of tablets from gout 2.9How to make a choice? 3Tablets from gout on leg...

  • 07-Aug-2018
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Rehabilitation after an operation to remove the intervertebral hernia

Content 1Recovery and rehabilitation after an operation to remove the intervertebral hernia 1.1Rehabilitation Objective 1.2Principles of Rehabilitation 1.3Stages of rehabilitation 1.4The main limitations that are relevant for the recovery period 1.5Necessary actions immediately after the operation to remove the intervertebral hernia 1.6Physiotherapeutic treatment measures 1.7Use of heat and cold 1.8Key exercises for recovery after surgery 1.9Exercises for every day 1.10Gymnastic...

  • 13-Aug-2018
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Rehabilitation after knee arthroplasty at home

Content 1Rehabilitation after knee replacement: exercises, timing 1.1Rehabilitation after knee arthroplasty 1.2What determines the success of rehabilitation 1.3Is it possible to self-rehabilitation at home 1.4Exercises of the early operational period 1.5The first two days after surgery 1.6Two to seven days after surgery 1.7Ninth day after surgery 1.8Rehabilitation at home 1.9Late recovery period 1.10Late rehabilitation period 1.11How long it takes to recover 2Recovery period...

  • 06-Aug-2018
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Arthritis: high temperature, treatment methods

Content 1Is high fever in rheumatoid arthritis dangerous? 1.1Additional symptoms of the disease 1.2Laboratory and instrumental data 1.3Dependence of the clinical and laboratory picture on the severity of fever 1.4Treatment 2arthritis high temperature 2.1What happens to a person? 2.21. Shortness of breath or chest pain 3Arthritis: treatment methods, symptoms (temperature, photo), causes 3.1The main causes of arthritis 3.2Main symptoms 3.3Symptoms of Infectious Arthritis 3.4...

  • 17-Aug-2018
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Stretch of the ligament of the hand: symptoms and treatment

Content 1Stretch of the ligament of the hand - symptoms and treatment 1.1Signs and symptoms of stretching the hand 1.2How to treat sprain 1.3Ointments 1.4Using a bandage on the arm 1.5People's means 1.6Physiotherapy 2Stretch of the ligaments of the hand: what to do? Symptoms and Treatment 2.1Causes 2.2Symptoms 2.3Damage to the ligaments of the wrist 2.4Faulty ligament 2.5Damage to the ligaments of the thumb 2.6Treatment of trauma 2.7Urgent care 2.8Medication 2.9Physiothe...

  • 19-Aug-2018
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Arthritis of hands and fingers: what is it? Methods of treatment

Arthritis is a different kind of inflammation of the joints, accompanied by the defeat of the synovial membrane (snowball), capsule or articular cartilage, other elements. The most common forms of arthritis are rheumatoid, ankylosing spondylitis and gouty. This disease can be acute, subacute and chronic. Content 1Arthritis of the hands: what is it? 2Methods of treatment 3Arthritis of the fingers: causes and symptoms 4How to treat arthritis of fingers: traditional methods and folk remed...

  • 27-Aug-2018
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Allergic arthritis: causes, symptoms, treatment in children and adults

Content 1Allergic Arthritis: Symptoms and Treatment 1.1Etiology 1.2Symptoms 1.3Diagnostics 1.4Treatment 2Allergic Arthritis: Symptoms and Treatment 2.1Symptomatology of the disease 2.2Infectious-allergic arthritis 2.3Infectious-allergic arthritis in children 2.4Diagnostic measures 2.5Course of the disease 2.6Allergic arthritis: treatment 3Infectious allergic arthritis in children: causes, diagnosis and treatment 3.1Etiology of allergy and arthritis 3.2Comparison of clini...

  • 08-Aug-2018
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