Gout: medication, effective drugs


  • 1Medications for the treatment of gout
    • 1.1Treatment of gout
    • 1.2Means of external action from gout
  • 2Tablets from gout on legs are effective and inexpensive, the price
    • 2.1Features of treatment of gout with medicines
    • 2.2Drugs for basic gout therapy
    • 2.3Urikozuric preparations
    • 2.4Inhibitors of uricosynthesis
    • 2.5Painkillers for gout
    • 2.6Anti-inflammatory drugs
    • 2.7New drugs for treating gout
    • 2.8Prices of tablets from gout
    • 2.9How to make a choice?
  • 3Tablets from gout on legs - anesthetizing at this disease
    • 3.1Treatment of gout with medicines
    • 3.2Urikozuric preparations
    • 3.3Inhibitors of uricosynthesis
    • 3.4Painkillers for gout
    • 3.5How to choose tablets for gout on the legs
  • 4Causes and symptoms of gout, treatment with medications and prevention of exacerbations
    • 4.1Causes of the disease
    • 4.2Symptoms
    • 4.3Treatment of an exacerbation
    • 4.4Anti-arthritis drugs
    • 4.5Prevention of exacerbations
  • 5Drugs for gout
    • 5.1Description of the disease
    • 5.2Medication Therapy
    • 5.3Uricodepressive drugs
    • instagram viewer
    • 5.4Urikozuric preparations
    • 5.5Preparations of mixed action
    • 5.6You should know
  • 6Medications for gout: an overview of the best pills and remedies
    • 6.1Features in the treatment of gout
    • 6.2Drugs used to treat gouty arthritis
    • 6.3The most effective drugs for gout

Medications for the treatment of gout

With a disease such as gout, treatment is medically directed to relieving symptoms, prolonging the period of remission, reducing the number of exacerbations. The means of both systemic and local action are applied. How to treat gout on legs?

Treatment of gout

Continuous intake of minimal doses of colchicine helps to reduce the frequency of seizures, the greatest effectiveness is in subnitrifying and polyarticular forms of the disease.

Continuous treatment is not conducive to addiction, and the drug retains its effect in the occurrence of acute types of gout.

Colchicine can cause leukopenia and anemia, so a general blood test is recommended at least once every 6 months.

From gout drugs gipoukikeemiruyuschego group relieve quickly, which is due to the effect is not on the symptoms, and the cause of the disease. There are 2 types of such tools:

  • outputting an increased amount of uric acid through the kidneys;
  • inhibiting the production of this substance.

The first prevent the absorption of urea into the blood, they are ineffective in the presence of kidney failure. Urikozuric tablets are most often used to treat chronic gout.

Probenecid blocks the processes of tubular absorption of urate and increases the amount of uric acid secreted by the kidneys. Tablets are taken in minimal doses 2 times a day, after a week the dosage is increased 2 times.

The drug has no serious side effects, it is easily tolerated by the body. In rare cases, there may be increased sweating, allergic reactions and lowering of blood pressure.

Continuous monitoring of the excretory system is necessary. When the first signs of renal failure appear, Probenecid is replaced with Allopurin.

Etobenecid has a similar effect, many experts believe that it gives fewer side effects.

Allopurinol refers to drugs that inhibit the production of uric acid. The dose is selected by the attending physician. Beginning is recommended with a minimum, gradually increasing it.

Tablets are taken 2-3 times a day, gout treatment on the legs lasts 3-4 weeks. Allopurinol can be used in combination with colchicine.

The first drug is well tolerated, in rare cases there are allergic reactions, skin rashes, neuritis.

The therapeutic effect of Allopurinol is due to the effect on the enzyme that converts hypoxanthine to uric acid.

The use of this agent does not lead to the formation of salts, so it can cure gout without the risk of nephrolithiasis.

Allopurinol has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. It relieves pain and swelling, eliminates redness of the skin.

Indications for the use of the drug are:

  • presence of large salt deposits;
  • an acute attack of gout that can not be quenched with standard uricosuric drugs;
  • intolerance to Probenecid;
  • production of an increased amount of uric acid;
  • uric acid nephrolithiasis;
  • chronic and acute renal failure.

Some experts believe that these tablets can cause xanthine lithiasis.

Complex medical treatment of gout can save the patient from attacks for a long time, however it does not eliminate disturbances in metabolic processes, so the therapeutic course can last several years, and even for life. The abolition of drugs contributes to a rapid increase in the level of uric acid in the body, and pain may reappear.

A smaller number of side effects have NSAIDs, which eliminate pain in acute gouty attacks. The most effective drugs are pyrazolone series.

During an exacerbation of a tablet take everyone 6 hours in the maximal doses. However, even in this case, NSAIDs cause less severe side effects than Kolchicin.

If there are undesirable consequences, one remedy can be replaced by others, which increases the effectiveness of treatment.

If the tablets described above prove ineffective, the attending physician may decide to prescribe hormonal drugs that quickly eliminate the symptoms of the disease. Cure gout can be with a single injection or a short-term therapeutic course. Hormones relieve arthritic manifestations and pain.

Means of external action from gout

Ointments and solutions can eliminate pain and inflammation, relieve swelling and restore joint mobility. The cream based on butadion is applied to the affected area 3-4 times a day.

The agent treats the skin without rubbing it. There is no need to apply a warming bandage. However, you need to protect your feet from direct sunlight. No less effective is the ointment Diclofenac.

1 g of this drug contains 10 mg of active substance. A small amount of ointment is evenly distributed over the skin of the affected area. Her rub with light massage movements.

If you press hard or perform sharp actions, the pain may intensify.

During the day, the ointment is applied 2-3 times, the total amount should not exceed 8 g. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory substances can penetrate the blood, which leads to side effects.

More safe and effective medicines for gout are produced on the basis of natural plant extracts. These include Fullfleks. It can be used in the presence of allergic reactions to chemicals.

Ointment has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect.

Preparations of systemic and external action should be selected by the attending physician.

A source: https://OrtoCure.ru/kosti-i-sustavy/podagra/lekarstva.html

Tablets from gout on legs are effective and inexpensive, the price

Gout is a metabolic disease caused by impaired purine metabolism (excess decay proteins), an increase in uric acid (MC) in the blood (hyperuricemia) and the deposition of its salts in tissues organism.

Clinical signs are relapses of arthritis and the formation of tofus.

Features of treatment of gout with medicines

Patients with gout at primary revealing of a pathology or during its exacerbation should be in specialized rheumatological branches.

During the remission, they should be observed with a rheumatologist and nephrologist.

The method of treatment depends on the etiology of the disease. Two main causes of gout:

  • Excess formation of MC (increased decay of purines).
  • Reduced excretion of acid from the body by the kidneys.

Modern pharmacology can not provide a universal medicine for this disease. Therefore, tablets from gout on the legs should be used in a complex manner. They have different purposes:

  1. Coping with an attack.
  2. Prevention of relapse of acute gouty arthritis.
  3. Prevention and regression of complications of the disease.
  4. Symptomatic treatment: elimination of obesity, hypertension, pain, etc.
  5. Prevention of the formation of kidney stones from urates. Its basis is a change in nutrition.

Drugs for basic gout therapy

To stop an acute attack of the disease, you can take:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): indomethacin, diclofenac, ketoprofen, tolmetine, naproxen, celecoxib and rofecoxib.
  • Colchicine. Suppress the process of inflammation.
  • Glucocorticoids: prednisolone, metipred. Applied with intolerance of the above drugs.

To prevent recurrence of gout, the following groups of agents are prescribed:

  1. Urikozuric drugs. Promote the excretion of urate from the body.
  2. Inhibitors of uricosynthesis. Brake synthesis of MC.
  3. Painkillers.
  4. Anti-inflammatory.

Table. 1. Frequently used and most effective pills for gout.

A drug Pharmacological group Act Contraindications
Oxycamox NSAIDs Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, lowering of temperature. Lactose intolerance, bronchial asthma, nasal polyposis, erosion, gastric or duodenal ulcers (JJC), bleeding or suspicion of them, inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract, liver disease, renal or cardiac failure.
Arthropr Herbal preparation Relieves pain, suppresses inflammation, improves the rheological properties of blood, strengthens the vascular wall, stimulates the trophic of the affected joint. No special features.
Khondrovite Biologically active additive (BAA) Anesthesia, removal of inflammation, helps to restore cartilaginous tissue (chondroprotective action) Only general.
Urodan Supplements Diuretic, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant. Diabetes mellitus, diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Rumakar NSAIDs Anti-rheumatic, anti-inflammatory. IJD, bleeding, inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract, heart failure (CH), renal or hepatic insufficiency (PPN).
Adenurik, Purinol, Zilorik Antifungal agent (inhibitor of xanoxidase) Deceleration of MK synthesis. Intolerance of lactose or galactose, CH, PPN, coronary heart disease, thyroid disease, condition after organ transplantation.
Colchicum-Dyspert Anti-hypertensive. Analgesic, anti-inflammatory. PPN, oppression hemopoiesis in the bone marrow.
Derivatives of Allopurinol: Allupol, Alopron, Allomaron Antidotal agent (hypo-uricemic) Inhibits synthesis of MC. Are common.
Fullflex Supplements Anti-edema, provovospalitelnoe. Are common.
Diklobru, Fanigan, Dicloberte NSAIDs Suppresses inflammation. Anesthetic, antipyretic. YaNC, renal and hepatic dysfunction.
The Texman NSAIDs Analgesic, anti-inflammatory. Erosive-ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, bleeding.
Colchicine Means affecting the metabolism of MC. Antidepressant, analgesic. Diseases of the bone marrow, neutropenia, PPN, pathology of the cardiovascular system, purulent infections, alcoholism, old age. Gastrointestinal disorders.
Reopyrin Non-narcotic analgesics, including NSAIDs. Anti-inflammatory, analgesic. Lowers the temperature. Violation of the heart rate, cardiomyopathy, kidney or liver disease, gastrointestinal ulcers, swelling, oppression hemopoiesis, epilepsy (or suspicion of it).
Indomethacin NSAIDs Anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, elimination of pain. Erosions and ulcers of the digestive tract, hematopoiesis, liver and kidney dysfunction, chronic heart failure, arterial hypertension, pancreatitis.
Urisan Supplements Diuretic, uricosuric. Are common.
Cyston Antiseptics and disinfectants. Drugs that interfere with formation and promote the dissolution of calculi. Diuretic, spasmolytic, nephrolytic. Antiseptic and antimicrobial. Anti-inflammatory. Individual intolerance.

Urikozuric preparations

It is easily removed from the body with urine.

The most common uricosuric medicines:

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One of the effective drugs. Increases the excretion of MC from the body and in parallel has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Pronounced uricosuric, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

Used to stop a gout attack.

  • Zoxazolamine (flexin).
  • "Urodan."

Shifts the pH of the urine to the side of the alkali, as a result, the urate passes into a readily soluble form and is eliminated from the body.

Inhibitors of uricosynthesis

The effect of these drugs is directed at disturbances in the formation of salt crystals.

They inhibit xanthine oxidase, an enzyme involved in the synthesis of MC. As a result, the rate of formation of new urates decreases.

Among this group, the most well-known tablets are gout - Allopurinol. Its analogs are: Allpol, Alopron.

Painkillers for gout

Most drugs that affect the metabolism of MC, and have analgesic effect. However, a doctor may prescribe a separate pain medication for severe pain:

  1. Ibuprofen. Starts to act quickly. In addition to eliminating pain, it helps to stop the inflammatory process.
  2. Voltaren. The development of the effect after 2 hours, so most often applied at night.
  3. Ketorol. Powerful pain medication. It should be drunk once a day.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

NSAIDs very aggressively affect the mucous membranes of the digestive tract.Therefore, the medicine for gout in the form of a pill is washed down with a glass of water.

The most effective medicine. It is recommended in case of an acute attack of gout and in chronic course.

Additionally it can: remove swelling and lower cholesterol.

The main substance of NSAIDs used to treat gout.

New drugs for treating gout

Tofuses tend to form in the joints. Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and constant pain disrupt the normal life activity of a person.

The newest medication is safe:

They can be treated with symptoms. At observance of dosages (no more than 120 mg a day) there are no undesirable effects.

Feature: it first increases the level of uric acid, and later it is reduced. Therefore, the drug can not be used to stop an attack of the disease.

Prices of tablets from gout

The spectrum of drugs for the treatment of metabolic disorders is wide. Even more price range:

  • Analgesic (Ibuprofen): from 30 to 100 rubles.
  • Anti-inflammatory:
  1. Allopurinol. Inexpensive: 100-150 rubles.
  2. Fullflex. From 350 rubles.
  3. Colchicine. From 1200 rubles.

Complex treatment of gout includes tablets, gels and compresses. The doctor prescribes several medications at once, given their mechanism of action, side effects and compatibility. The less unwanted effects the drug has, the higher its price.

Gout is a chronic disease that causes long-term or permanent therapy. The body eventually develops resistance (resistance) to the prescribed remedies, so they need to be replaced.

All this leads to the fact that the cost of drugs for treating gout reaches several thousand rubles a month.

How to make a choice?

If you have any suspicions of gout, you should immediately call your doctor. Only a qualified specialist can appoint a competent algorithm of therapy.

The doctor selects a list of medications, given their combinations for more effective therapy. You can not mix drugs on your own without knowing all the nuances of the mechanisms of action at the molecular level.

A source: http://NogiNashi.ru/sustavy-i-kosti/podagra/lekarstvennye-preparaty-ot-podagry.html

Tablets from gout on legs - anesthetizing at this disease

If the legs swell, there is a temperature and hypersensitivity in the joints, perhaps it's gout.

The disease, which is characterized by the deposition of a large number of salts of uric acid, is infrequent. Basically, it is passed on from generation to generation.

Successful treatment depends on dieting and taking pills.

Treatment of gout with medicines

There is a limited number of tablets from gout on the legs. They are classified into temporary and long-term drugs. The first group is used to treat during an attack, the second - during remission. Their features:

  1. Short-term medications for gout on the legs effectively, in a short time eliminate pain, help prevent a second attack. This group includes: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids, colchicine.
  2. Long-acting drugs reduce the amount of uric acid in the body, have an anti-inflammatory effect, reduce the frequency of attacks, slow the progression of the disease. Preparations for the treatment of gout with remission: Colchicine, Allopurinol, Probenecid.

To quickly reduce inflammation in the legs, reduce the painful symptoms of non-steroid tablets are used.

Unlike hormonal, they have fewer side effects, but can have a negative effect on the mucous membranes.

For this reason, it is recommended to take the tablets with plenty of water. Effective anti-inflammatory drugs:

  • Colchicine. The best medicine that exists to combat urea deposits on the legs. The drug is recommended for use during acute attacks to eliminate pain, neutralize the formation of salt deposits. The main component of the medication is autumn autumnal. Efficiency in many respects depends on the correct intake - in the first day it should be drunk in an hour, but not more than 10 pieces per day.
  • Fullflex. After taking the analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic effect. The composition of the drug - plant substances that do not harm the body (fragrant martinia, birch bark, horse chestnut, essential juniper oil, sage, etc.). After receiving Fullfleks pains are eliminated, edema, inflammation, cholesterol level is reduced, uric acid is naturally eliminated.
  • Diclofenac. Inexpensive, but effective tablets with an enteric coating. The active substance of the drug is diclofenac sodium. Admission Diclofenac is recommended for the removal of inflammation, pain, lowering of temperature.

Urikozuric preparations

With gout in the blood, urea and other metabolic products that cause poisoning of the body accumulate, which violate the acid-base balance. With the purpose of removing surplus acids through urine, uricosuric tablets are prescribed:

  1. Probenecid. Effectively suppresses the reabsorption of uric acid and increases its excretion by 50%. In addition, Probenecid promotes better absorption of other drugs, which makes it possible to use it as an additional medicine for antibiotic therapy.
  2. Sulfinpyrazone. Antifungal drug, which is used in cases when Probenecid did not help in due measure. Like the previous medicine, it helps to remove excess acid, reduces its concentration in the blood plasma. The daily dose is not more than 600 mg. Tablets are prescribed for the treatment of chronic and recurrent gout on the legs.

Inhibitors of uricosynthesis

This group includes tablets from gout, which reduce the production of uric acid in the human body. Often used:

  • Allopurinol. The medicine for gout is a wide range of effects, prescribed by doctors. With regular intake of Allopurinol stops the synthesis of uric acid, helps to prevent complications of gout on the legs. Treatment begins with 50 mg per day, after a while, gradually go to a dosage of up to 400 mg per day.
  • Orotic acid. Has less expressed hypouricemic properties, than Allopurinol, but all the same helps or assists to lower quantity or amount of produced uric acid. Orotic acid is effective in long-term admission. For the day should be taken from 250 to 500 mg of the drug.

Painkillers for gout

With exacerbation of gouty arthritis, a person almost always has pain, and seizures can last for several days. Pain relief is used to relieve the symptoms of the disease:

  1. Ibuprofen. An effective tool that helps to relieve inflammation and significantly ease the pain in the leg. You can use film-coated tablets and effervescent option. Dosage depends on the patient's condition, gout form. Anesthetizes immediately, for a quick effect, you can take 2 tablets 3 times a day.
  2. Voltaren. Tablets are released with an enteric-coated membrane, their administration does not affect the progression of gout on the legs. To quickly eliminate pain, dosages of 25 or 50 mg are prescribed. Tablets of prolonged action are issued on 100 mg. After 2 hours after the reception begin to have an effect. The daily dose is from 75 mg to 150 mg. With severe pain at night, you can put candles with the same name.

Learn how to choose pain relieving tablets for joint pain.

Tablets from gout on the legs are sold in private, state-owned pharmacies, in addition, they can be bought at an online store. Inexpensive pain medications are available, for example, the price of Ibuprofen varies between 15 and 70 rubles.

The cost of anti-inflammatory tablets for legs is different: for example, Colchicine costs not less than 1200 rubles per package, and Fullflex costs 350 rubles. Affordable price for an effective inhibitor of uricosynthesis - Allopurinol.

It can be purchased for about 90-100 rubles.

How to choose tablets for gout on the legs

Recommendations for selection:

  • For complex treatment, use simultaneously different dosage forms. For example, when the disease worsens to eliminate pain, you can use tablets and Voltaren suppositories.
  • Give preference to tested tablets. Regardless of which stage of gout, you can use a reliable drug Colchicine.
  • Be sure to study the contraindications to tablets. Many of them can not be taken concomitantly with aspirin, most are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.

A source: http://sovets.net/7100-tabletki-ot-podagryi-na-nogah.html

Causes and symptoms of gout, treatment with medications and prevention of exacerbations

Gout is a disease caused by a chronic pathology of metabolism associated with impaired metabolism of purine bases.

It is characterized by attacks of acute arthritis and internal organs.

Proper treatment of gout with medicines, as well as the prevention of seizures, are one of the most urgent topics when discussing gouty kidney and joint damage.

Excess concentration of uric acid in the blood - the cause of pain with gout

Causes of the disease

Pathology can be primary (arises as an independent disease) and secondary (arises against the background of another pathology).

  • The reason for the appearance of the primary form is a congenital defect of the enzyme, whose task is the regulation of the synthesis of nucleic acids. As a result of this defect, there is an accumulation of free uric acid in the body. A very important role in the development of the disease is played by hereditary predisposition, as well as the correct choice of effective medicines for gout.
  • The secondary form is associated with the breakdown of nucleotide proteins and cell nuclei. It develops against a background of hemolytic anemia, true polycythemia, Addison-Birmer disease, with some forms of leukemia, psoriasis.
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Because of the impossibility of influencing the causes of the disease, medical treatment of gout during the period of exacerbation is symptomatic, that is, drugs are directed to the removal of inflammation and pain syndrome.

As a result of a constant increase in uric acid in the blood, the disease begins to progress with kidney damage. There is a decompensation, a decrease in excretion, which leads to the deposition of urates (salts) in the tissues of the body. The joints, vessels of the heart and kidneys are most affected.

That is why people suffering from gout are prone to developing kidney failure, osteochondrosis, arthritis, rheumatism, vascular injury and, as a result, arterial hypertension and other diseases heart.

Treatment of these disorders is carried out with drugs that reduce the synthesis of uric acid, blood pressure and the development of enzymes that destroy the walls of blood vessels, since the universal cure for gout, alas, is not created.


Symptoms of the disease are different, so treatment and use of certain drugs for gout depends on the stage of development and course of the disease. An attack of acute arthritis occurs after:

  1. hypothermia;
  2. physical overstrain;
  3. severe stress;
  4. rich food intake, rich in purine compounds;
  5. reception of alcohol.

Often before the attack, nervousness develops, depression develops. Some patients experience abdominal pain, dyspepsia, flatulence.

Often there is a headache, noise in the ears, possible cramps, shortness of breath and increased blood pressure.

Sometimes there is a separation of stones with urolithiasis or there are conjunctivitis, pustular eruptions, itching.

An acute attack of arthritis of the lower extremities is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • swelling of joints and edema of periarticular tissues due to accumulation of synovial effusion and development of inflammation;
  • redness, local fever and the development of sharp soreness in the joint;
  • increase in temperature to febrile (38-39);
  • development of excessive sweating, chills;
  • shortness of breath, tachycardia, increased pressure;
  • pains in the heart that stop when taking anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • manifestations of urticaria, which are quickly prevented by taking the drug Colchicine.

Some patients with severe disease in the cartilaginous tissues of the joints and the ear can detect tofusi (inflammatory infiltrates), around which an inflammatory reaction is observed. Often they break out in the form of a curdled body with the formation of ulcers.

Treatment of an exacerbation

The choice of medicine for gout is aimed at preventing and removing attacks of acute arthritis, a decrease hyperuricemia and maintenance of it at a normal level, treatment of inflammatory and sclerotic effects ailment.

For relief of the exacerbations prescribe drugs that have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and uricosuric effects.

  1. Tablets from gout "Colchicine" have anti-gout and anti-inflammatory effect by reducing the production of enzymes that are mediators of inflammation. It also inhibits the formation of lactic acid, which prevents the pH shift and the crystallization of urates in the tissues.
  2. "Ketorol" ("Ketanov") - a drug from a group of non-narcotic analgesics. Applied intramuscularly in the form of injection with acute articular pain.
  3. Butadion, Clofezon, Indomethacin, Naproxen, Nimesulide are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for gout. They are used to relieve inflammation and pain.

In the case of massive inflammation, the joint is sometimes used as a cure for gout injection of corticosteroids by injecting it into the joint itself. For these purposes, you can use "Prednisolone selecting the dosage according to the size of the joint.

With the correct prescription of drugs taking into account the stage of the disease and its course, the attack stops within 2 days, and the reverse development of inflammatory changes occurs.

Anti-arthritis drugs

To reduce the frequency of attacks and to ease the patient's condition during the interictal period, uricodepressant medications are used for gout: "Allopurinol "Phoebusostat".

They reduce the production of uric acid and - with the correct selection of doses - maintain its normal level. It is necessary to take them for a long time, necessarily in the absence of exacerbations.

At the same time, Indomethacin ("Methindol") is prescribed as an anti-inflammatory drug, as well as a diet.

There is also a drug with a combined action that reduces the production of uric acid, and also contributes to its increased excretion, - Allomaron (Allopurinol and Benzbromarone).

In addition, for complex therapy prescribe drugs for gout, which perform the function of alkalinization, reduce the risk of developing renal changes and urolithiasis ("Blamaren "Uralit").

Prevention of exacerbations

Preventing attacks of the disease should be aimed at reducing the provoking factors, treating gout with drugs that reduce the synthesis of uric acid, and compliance with the diet with the consumption of products that do not contain purine bases (meat, including liver, kidneys and others, chocolate, legumes, fish dishes) with restriction salt.

A source: http://FeetInfo.ru/disease/lechenie-podagry-medikamentami.html

Drugs for gout

Choosing the optimal therapy regimen for gout, it is important to consider the need for a different focus of treatment.

Sometimes several medicines are required at once to quickly eliminate pain, prevent repeated attacks of the disease and avoid possible complications.

Refusal to use complex therapy from gout entails a threat of immobility of the joints and kidney damage.

With timely treatment and compliance with all the recommendations of the doctor can not only achieve full control of the disease, but also to consolidate the result, after which unpleasant symptoms no longer will return.

Description of the disease

The pledge of the correct choice of the regimen for the treatment of gout is the precise identification of the causes that provoked its development.

The basis for the development of the pathological process is the increase in blood levels of uric acid and the accumulation of its salts (urates) in the body (hyperuricemia). It is more common among middle-aged men.

In women before menopause, the disease is rare, as estrogens increase the excretion of urate by the kidneys.

The cause of hyperuricemia is an increase in the synthesis of purines, which is hereditary in nature or is a consequence of other diseases. They include:

  • lymphoma;
  • leukemia;
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • psoriasis.

To increase the level often leads to excessive consumption of meat products, mushrooms, caviar, legumes and coffee. Significant consumption of alcohol, nicotinic acid and diuretics can also trigger the onset of gout.

As a result of accumulation in the body of urates, their gradual deposition in the form of needle crystals begins. "Favorite" places are tissues in which there are no vessels or they are few:

  • small joints of the fingers and toes;
  • cartilage;
  • tendons;
  • ligaments and even the auricle.

With a long course of the disease, the deposition of salts begins in the large joints and kidneys.

The main manifestation of the disease is gouty arthritis, which, depending on the duration symptoms can be acute (not more than 3 weeks), protracted (3-12 weeks) and chronic (more than 12 weeks). An acute attack of arthritis in most cases occurs among the overall health and absolutely suddenly.

The attack of gouty arthritis is characterized by the lesion of one joint, a sharp growing pain and often begins at night or early morning hours.

Most often, the pathological process involves thumbs or metatarsophalangeal joints on the soles, less often - shoulder and elbow joints.

The affected area quickly turns red, becomes tense and hot to the touch. Difficulty of movement is observed.

To delay with treatment it is not necessary, as a gout is a chronic disease and progresses always. The fact that the seizures are on their own does not mean that the disease has disappeared.

Over time, they will become more frequent, new joints will begin to be involved, stiffness will appear. In a few years in the field of joints, ear shells, in the legs and other places will appear gouty nodules - "tofuses."

Dangerous complications are complete immobility of the affected joints and kidney damage. Therefore, timely treatment is of great importance.

Medication Therapy

The use of medicinal drugs plays a leading role in the treatment of gout.

As an auxiliary therapy you can use the methods of traditional medicine, physiotherapy and sanatorium treatment.

A competent selection of medicines should be carried out exclusively by a rheumatologist, who takes into account not only the phase of the disease, but all contraindications.

The main goals that need to be achieved through ongoing therapy:

  • to correct the exchange of uric acid;
  • eliminate gouty arthritis;
  • get rid of tofus;
  • to prevent renal failure.

Initially, it is necessary to stop an attack of acute gouty arthritis. This requires complete rest, especially for the patient's joint.

If the inflammatory process is located in the leg region, then it should be elevated. For this purpose, you can put a pillow under it.

You also need a copious drink.

As an anesthetic, you can use "Colchicine". It alleviates pain well, but its use is not allowed for more than one day.

Also, this drug can cause diarrhea. To relieve pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can be used: Indomethacin, Diclofenac.

In extreme cases, the use of glucocorticoids is possible.

Only after the pain, swelling and inflammation have been eliminated can one begin to use drugs that will help reduce the level of uric acid, and also remove it from the body.

They are used to treat gout, manifested as gouty arthritis in a relapsing form. They are divided into three main groups: uricodepressive, uricosuric and mixed action.

Each group has its own purposeful action and is prescribed with some form of gout.

Uricodepressive drugs

Admission of drugs of this group helps reduce the synthesis of uric acid.

These include:

  1. Allopurinol. As a result of its effect, uric acid in the blood is synthesized in small amounts. Therefore, its content in urine gradually decreases, which at times reduces the risk of formation of kidney stones. The drug is approved for use in renal disease, but only in cases where renal failure is not significantly expressed. Uricemia begins to decline as early as the second or third day after the start of admission and reaches normal values ​​after ten days. Then the dosage is gradually reduced. In the interval from four to six months, there is a steady normalization, after which maintenance therapy is prescribed with this drug. Gouty attacks with continuous treatment gradually become more rare and less intense. Throughout the year there is a gradual resolution of tofus. For the complete disappearance of joint manifestations, therapy should continue for almost life, with short breaks of two or three weeks. "Allopurinol" is well tolerated by patients, side effects are rare and manifested as allergic reactions, fever and nausea. Contraindications are significant violations of liver function, child age and pregnancy.
  2. "Thiopurinol." It is a derivative of "Allopurinol it has the same basic properties, but the patients are much better tolerated.
  3. "Orotic acid". Appointed with poor tolerability of "Allopurinol". Additionally has the ability to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the body.
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Each drug should be prescribed by a doctor who can evaluate all indications and risks of side effects.

Urikozuric preparations

All medicines from this group refer to salicylates and reduce absorption of urate by the kidneys, in parallel increasing their excretion.

A number of these drugs include:

  • "The Benedict." It is a derivative of benzoic acid. For greater effectiveness, you need to take the medication for several years. It is well tolerated, in rare cases, allergic reactions and nausea are noted. Its use is not recommended for frequent exacerbations of gout. Contraindications are chronic renal failure, pregnancy.
  • "Ketason". The drug, which is a derivative of phenylbutazone. It not only increases the excretion of urate from the body, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Improvement of the condition is noted three or four weeks after the start of use.

To this group belongs the well-known "Aspirin".

If the dosage is small, then the risk of developing the opposite effect is possible, as a result of which there will be an increase in the content of purine compounds in the blood and urine, aggravating the course disease.

Preparations of mixed action

Combine both immediately the actions of the above groups, thereby reducing the synthesis of uric acid and increasing its excretion from the body.

The most common and popular to date is Allomaron. It is a combined preparation, which contains allopurinol and benzobromarone.

Reduces the risk of kidney stones.

Used for any origin of hyperuricemia as a means of preventing relapses of arthritis, the formation of tofus and kidney damage with gout. Well tolerated, in rare cases can cause:

  • allergy;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • as well as a decrease in the number of platelets and blood leukocytes.

Contraindications for use: pregnancy, breast-feeding, age up to fourteen years, chronic renal failure.

You should know

To effectively carry out drug therapy with uricosuric and uricodepressant drugs, there are a number of rules that help to achieve the effectiveness of the therapy.

These include the following recommendations:

  1. Before the beginning of the treatment course, it is necessary to identify the type of violation of purine metabolism.
  2. Take at least a gallon of liquid per day to maintain optimal daily diuresis.
  3. Carry out treatment only between bouts of the disease.
  4. Take medications for gout for many years, pausing for two to four weeks during the normalization period in the blood of indicators of the amount of uric acid.

It is very important to increase the pH of urine for better excretion of acid and its salts by the kidneys. For this, sodium bicarbonate can be used.

Good help is "Magurlit" or "Soluran".

In the first days of the therapy for the prevention of joint crises, "Colchicine" or "Indomethacin" proved to be a good candidate.

It is also important to take into account the fact that when choosing an NSAID to relieve an attack of gouty arthritis in an acute form, give preference to the drug "Butadion which, in addition to the analgesic effect, has a uricosuric action. But the use of derivatives of acetylsalicylic acid should be excluded, since they interfere with the excretion of urate and may aggravate the situation.

Do not forget that every cure for gout has its own indications and contraindications, dosages and side effects.

This should be taken into account in the treatment of each patient.

It is also important to identify all possible concomitant diseases, to which the drug may have a certain, not always favorable effect.

That is why the treatment of gout should be handled exclusively by a rheumatologist who can most competently to diagnose and optimally choose the right course of therapy to completely get rid of unpleasant symptoms of the disease on long term.

A source: https://vseonogah.ru/sustav/podagra/lekarstvennye-preparaty.html

Medications for gout: an overview of the best pills and remedies

Gout or gouty arthritis - this disease is mentioned by ancient medical folios.

To effectively combat the disease, doctors use both proven and completely new anti-inflammatory drugs.

Treatment of gouty arthritis takes place in two stages:

  1. First, in the legs remove pain, remove puffiness and redness. In other words, first of all eliminate the symptoms of gout.
  2. The second stage of treatment is to prescribe medications that reduce the concentration of uric acid in the body, that is, affect the cause of gouty arthritis. This measure is necessary to reduce the frequency of gouty attacks.

Medicines for gout should be taken for a long time - up to several weeks after the next attack. The duration of the therapeutic course depends directly on the concentration of uric acid in the body.

Features in the treatment of gout

Like the best remedy, and the drugs for gout should be prescribed in the complex.

If a short-term therapeutic course is assumed, the doctor prescribes to the patient anti-inflammatory medications that directly affect the focus of inflammation and pain. Most often these are drugs of a nonsteroid group.

The use of conventional aspirin can only strengthen the symptoms of the disease. In this case, the best tablets for gout are Colchicine. In addition, diuretics and activated charcoal are prescribed. Preparations of the group of corticosteroids by injection are injected directly into the diseased joint.

Tablets with gout, containing hormones, are shown in those situations when treatment with non-hormonal drugs did not bring results or the patient has certain contraindications to NSAIDs.

Contraindicated anti-inflammatory non-steroid ointments, drugs and some diuretics, if in a patient's history chronic kidney failure or various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by bleeding.

With long-term treatment of gout on the legs, not only are preparations prescribed for the synthesis of urinary acids, but also those drugs for gout that contribute to its rapid elimination from the body (diuretics).

Allopurinol is used to reduce the production of purines. A colchicine is needed to reduce the frequency of gouty attacks. This is a relatively new and effective medicine that is used for preventive purposes.

With timely treatment, a patient can feel relief within a day. The doctor appoints the patient a one-time intake of the maximum dose of the drug. After removing acute pain, the dosage of the medicine is gradually reduced.

Any diuretics have certain contraindications. Therefore at their appointment the doctor should not doubt that the diagnosis is put correctly.

Drugs used to treat gouty arthritis

To combat attacks of gouty arthritis, pharmaceutical companies around the world are constantly working on creating new effective drugs, trying to create the perfect cure for gout. Today, there are many such medicines.

Doctors recommend the following medicines to their patients:

  • Fenofibrate. The medicine helps to remove uric acid from the body and affects some fats in the blood.
  • Losartan. The medication is also used to treat hypertensive disease.
  • Phoebusostat (Y-700). Reduces the concentration of uric acid in the blood and urine.
  • Uratoxidase is an analogue of Fenofibrate.

These medications are prescribed if the doctor can not prescribe the patient Allopurinol.

The most effective drugs for gout

  1. Fullflex.
  2. Allopurinol.
  3. Colchicine.

They should be described in more detail.

Fullflex from gout is a drug that quickly removes uric acid from the blood. At least, this is indicated by the opinions of the majority of doctors. Fullflex, as a cure for gout, is also used to treat other diseases:

  • rheumatism;
  • symptoms of myalgia;
  • different types of arthritis;
  • osteochondrosis.

This is due to the fact that the drug has an anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effect. The form of the preparation is capsules or tablets for oral use, a cream for topical use.

The course of treatment with Fullflex tablets lasts one month (1 tablet a day). The cream needs to be rubbed twice a day. The drug is contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation.

Allopurinol effectively reduces the level of uric acid in the blood. The medicine is available in the form of tablets. The daily dosage is 1-2 tablets.

If the gout is in a state of moderate severity, the dose can be increased (3-4 tablets a day).

Allopurinol has no analgesic effect, but directly affects the cause of pain.

Unfortunately, allopurinol has contraindications and side effects:

  1. depression, general weakness;
  2. headache and dizziness;
  3. nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  4. hematuria;
  5. bradycardia;
  6. stomatitis;
  7. arterial hypertension.

In case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug, the patient should consult a doctor who will replace the drug with another.

Another effective tool for treating gout is Colchicine. The medication has a powerful analgesic effect and is prescribed to eliminate the acute symptoms of a gout attack.

Colchicine is absolutely safe for the body, because it has a vegetable origin. Form release - a tablet of 1 mg. After taking the first pill, the patient should drink a second after two hours. Such a scheme will eliminate intense pain in the legs with gouty attack.

Complete anesthesia will occur three hours after taking the first pill. The drug lasts approximately 12 hours. Colchicine can be used not only to treat seizures, but also for their prevention.

Side effects of colchicine:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • burning of the skin;
  • muscular dystrophy.

In pregnancy, the use of the drug should be strictly controlled by a gynecologist. In the treatment of colchicine in men, there may be a decrease in the number and mobility of spermatozoa. The appearance of this phenomenon requires the refusal to take the drug.

The scheme of treatment of gout, especially in the period of exacerbation, should make up a doctor. Self-medication in this situation is very dangerous, as it can provoke serious complications and significantly delay the onset of remission.

A source: http://sustav.info/bolezni/podagra/lekarstvo-ot-podagry.html