Arthritis: treatment for various forms of the disease


  • 1Chronic arthritis
    • 1.1Causes of Chronic Arthritis
    • 1.2Rheumatoid arthritis
    • 1.3Chronic arthritic arthritis
    • 1.4Chronic psoriatic arthritis
    • 1.5Treatment and prognosis of chronic arthritis
  • 2Inflammatory diseases of the joints (Arthritis): species, features
    • 2.1Arthritis of joints: types, causes, symptoms
    • 2.2Osteoarthritis
    • 2.3Systemic arthritis
    • 2.4Types of Arthritis
    • 2.5Arthritis cause
    • 2.6Primary and secondary arthritis of joints
    • 2.7Rheumatoid arthritis
    • 2.8Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
    • 2.9Reactive arthritis
    • 2.10Clinical symptoms
    • 2.11Diagnosis and treatment of reactive arthritis
    • 2.12Prophylaxis of reactive arthritis
    • 2.13Gout
    • 2.14Symptoms of gout
    • 2.15Diagnostics
    • 2.16Treatment of gout
    • 2.17Which doctor should be treated for arthritis
  • 3Disease of arthritis - symptoms and treatment
    • 3.1Types of arthritis - how to protect yourself from ailment
    • 3.2Causes of the disease
    • 3.3Symptoms of arthritis - what you need to know
    • 3.4How to diagnose arthritis correctly
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.5Timely treatment - a pledge of health and longevity
    • 3.6Prevention of arthritis - how to protect yourself from disease
  • 4Clinic and treatment options for psoriatic arthritis
    • 4.1Features of the disease
    • 4.2Causes
    • 4.3Symptomatology
    • 4.4Diagnosis and treatment
  • 5Wandering Arthritis: Diagnosis and Treatment of Disease
    • 5.1Wandering and migratory arthritis: what's the difference?
    • 5.2Clinical symptoms
    • 5.3Causes of wandering arthritis
    • 5.4Diagnostics
    • 5.5Complex treatment of vagus arthritis
    • 5.6Medication Therapy
    • 5.7Surgery
    • 5.8Treatment with folk remedies
    • 5.9Is it possible to prevent the development of the disease?

Chronic arthritis

Chronic arthritis is a form of arthritis, in which signs of inflammatory joint damage persist for more than 3 months.

According to the type of chronic arthritis, inflammatory diseases of the joints of various etiologies can occur: rheumatoid arthritis, gouty arthritis, infectious arthritis (gonorrhea, tuberculosis, fungal), psoriatic arthritis and other

Due to the peculiarities of the clinical course, juvenile chronic arthritis and chronic arthritis of the TMJ are isolated into independent nosological forms.

The variety of variants of chronic arthritis causes interest in the disease from rheumatology, pediatrics, dentistry and other disciplines. Chronic arthritis can occur in the outcome of acute articular inflammation or as a primary chronic process. The incidence of various forms of chronic arthritis is affected by both adults and children.

Causes of Chronic Arthritis

The group of diseases, united by the concept of "chronic arthritis is heterogeneous, so their etiology is also complex and diverse.

The course of infectious arthritis can be supported by a persistent infection in the body: nonspecific (tonsillitis, sinusitis, pyelonephritis, viral hepatitis C, etc.) or specific (tuberculosis, gonorrhea, syphilis).

Arthritis in gout is caused by infiltration of articular tissues with urates followed by an inflammatory reaction.

The etiology of such severe inflammatory joint diseases as rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and others has been less studied.

The involvement of infectious agents in the origin of these types of arthritis remains unproven, but generally accepted pathogenetic factors are changes in general and tissue reactivity, the development of allergies and immunocomplex reactions.

Chronic arthritis can accompany the course of various diseases, for example, - psoriasis, systemic lupus erythematosus, Reiter's syndrome, sarcoidosis, Behcet's disease, recurrent polychondritis, and a number of others.

Factors contributing to the development of primary chronic arthritis are a sedentary lifestyle, hypothermia, hyperinsurance, prolonged exposure to the same joint, endocrine changes (puberty, pregnancy, menopause, etc.), diseases (thyroid disease, diabetes mellitus), vaccination and other


This term denotes various forms of arthritis lasting more than 12 weeks that occur in children. Juvenile chronic arthritis occurs with a frequency, of a case per thousand. children.


Peaks of incidence fall on the age of 2-6 years and pubertal period; girls are sick about 3 times more often. A part of the children traces the relationship of juvenile chronic arthritis with anterior ARVI, trauma, inoculations (DTP, etc.)

), the introduction of drugs (gammaglobulin). Close relatives of young patients often suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, collagenoses.

Clinical signs of juvenile chronic arthritis are composed of arthralgias, changes in the configuration, and impaired function of the affected joints.

When monoarticular or oligoarticular juvenile chronic arthritis affects from 1 to 4 joints (usually the ankle, knee, individual fingers on the hands).

Oligomonoarthritis often occurs with the phenomena of chronic uveitis, leading to blindness.

In the case of a polyarticular variant of chronic arthritis, more than 4 joints are involved in the inflammatory process - usually small joints of the hands, joints of the legs, sometimes - cervical spine, temporomandibular joint. The interest of the joints of the lower limbs leads to difficulties in movement; upper extremities - to problems with the implementation of domestic activities and writing; TMJ - to underdevelopment of the lower jaw ("bird's jaw "). The disease tends to progressively flow with the formation of persistent deformations and contractures, atrophy of periarticular muscles; possible delay in physical development, shortening extremities.

Characterized by systemic juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is fever, the presence of spotted, itchy rash, lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly. Articular syndrome is accompanied by arthralgia, synovitis. This form is often complicated by pleurisy, myocarditis, pericarditis, pulmonitis.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis proceeds according to the type of chronic polyarthritis, leading to the development of deformities and ankylosis of the joints.

Typical signs of rheumatoid arthritis is the involvement in the pathological process of 3 or more small joints of the hand and stop, symmetry of defeat, morning stiffness of movements in the affected joints, gradually passing during day.


There are variable fever, weight loss, sweating, fatigue. Extra-articular manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis include subcutaneous nodules, exudative pleurisy, vasculitis, peripheral neuropathy.


A prolonged, chronic course of rheumatoid arthritis leads to characteristic deformations (ulnar deviation of the hands, S-shaped deformation of the fingers), pronounced functional impairment - stiffness or complete immobility joints.

Chronic arthritic arthritis

The course of the chronic form of arthritis is characterized by the occurrence of frequent, more prolonged, but less acute gout attacks.

Periodically, there may be a so-called gouty condition - prolonged seizures of mono- or polyarthritis lasting up to several weeks.

Affected I metatarsophalangeal joint, joints of the hand, knee, ankle, wrist, etc.

3-5 years after the manifestation of gout, severe deformations of the joints, contractures, persistent movement restrictions develop.

A typical manifestation of chronic gouty arthritis is the formation of tofusov - tissue aggregations of urates in the form of whitish-yellow nodules.

Tofusy can be localized on the inner surface of the auricles, in the joint region, less often on the sclera and the cornea.

With prolonged gout, the internal organs develop, mainly the kidneys (urolithiasis, urate nephropathy, renal failure). Chronic arthritic arthritis leads to the development of secondary osteoarthritis, fibrous or bone ankylosis and can cause loss of ability to work and motor activity of patients.

Chronic psoriatic arthritis

The joint syndrome associated with psoriasis develops in about a third of patients, mainly in severe form of the disease.

Skin manifestations of psoriasis include rashes (psoriatic plaques) localized on the hairy parts of the head and in the area of ​​the extensor surfaces of large joints, peeling, itching, a feeling of tightness skin.

In most cases, skin lesions precede arthritis, sometimes they occur simultaneously or the articular syndrome occurs earlier than skin manifestations.

For joint damage, asymmetry, dactylitis with involvement of distal interphalangeal joints is typical.

In chronic dactylitis, pain and congestion are usually absent, but there is a thickening of the fingers, the formation of flexion contractures and the restriction of the mobility of the hands and feet.

Quite often, patients with chronic psoriatic arthritis develop spondylitis, sacroiliitis, enthesopathy.


In the recognition of various forms of chronic arthritis, physicians-therapists, pediatricians, dermatologists, rheumatologists, etc., can participate.


The fact of the presence of arthritis is confirmed by the data of anamnesis, objective examination and the results of instrumental studies (joint ultrasound, radiography, arthrography, CT of the joint, MRI).

Informative puncture of the affected joint, diagnostic arthroscopy, biopsy of the synovial membrane.

The most typical radiographic signs of chronic arthritis include near-articular osteoporosis, narrowing of interarticular cracks, erosion of articular surfaces, periarticular cysts, periostitis.

To determine the clinical variant of chronic arthritis, laboratory tests are of paramount importance: OAB, immunological and biochemical blood tests, ELISA, synovial fluid research.

So, the main marker of rheumatoid arthritis is the detection of RF in the serum of patients; juvenile oligonoarthritis - detection of the antinuclear factor, etc.

Treatment and prognosis of chronic arthritis

Carrying out etiotropic therapy is possible only with some forms of chronic arthritis (infectious, gouty).

In other cases, with an exacerbation of the inflammatory process, non-steroidal (NSAIDs) and steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, which can be used systemically and locally.

Perhaps intra-articular injection of glucocorticosteroids. With rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis, basic anti-inflammatory therapy is performed.


At the height of the exacerbation, short-term immobilization of the joint is shown, and later - the use of orthopedic devices that facilitate movement (walkers, walking sticks, etc.).


In order to increase the overall mobility of joints, regular exercises of exercise therapy and massage are necessary.

To reduce residual inflammatory reactions, prevent the development of fibrosis, maintain and prolong remission of chronic arthritis it is recommended to conduct courses of physiotherapy, balneotherapy, sanatorium-and-spa treatment.

Surgical treatment of chronic arthritis may be required in cases of destructive joint damage and severe functional disorders. In this case, endoprosthetics of joints, arthroplasty, arthroscopic synovectomy, etc. can be performed.

Chronic arthritis can not be cured completely, however, correctly selected therapy and regular observation rheumatologist can achieve long-term remission and a satisfactory quality of life, both in the household and in professional plan. Frequent relapses of chronic arthritis, as well as systemic manifestations of the disease weigh down the forecast: in these early disability, limiting physical activity, self-care and self-realization.

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Inflammatory diseases of the joints (Arthritis): species, features

In addition to the degenerative dystrophic process - arthrosis, which destroys the cartilaginous tissue, joints are also susceptible to inflammatory pathologies.

All joint diseases associated with inflammation are combined into one large group - arthritis.

Inflammatory diseases related to the soft tissues of the joint have a broader classification.

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Arthritis of joints: types, causes, symptoms

Diseases can be different, but they are all united by such symptoms:

  • Loss of joint pain
  • Difficult movement in the affected joint
  • Deformations of the joint itself and nearby tissues
  • Systemic damage to the whole organism


Between arthrosis and arthritis is a very thin, sometimes indistinguishable facet:

  • Osteoarthritis can also be accompanied by inflammation, for example, synovitis (inflammation of the synovium)
  • Chronic arthritis leads to deformation of the joint:
    • formation of growths
    • crooked limb

Because of this, arthrosis and arthritis are often treated in medicine in one section, and between the diseases themselves an equal sign is put. Nevertheless, these are different diseases.

A common symptom arises only with a mixed form of the disease.

Systemic arthritis

The systemic disease is that "black" mark on which it can be judged that the disease is not local, but goes beyond its focus:

  • It is rarely mono-arthritis, except when it develops on the basis of trauma or surgical intervention
  • Most often there is polyarthritis, gradually affecting all the joints
  • Systemic arthritis can cause serious complications:
    • Diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous and respiratory systems
    • Formations on the skin
    • Changes in blood
    • Kidney Disease
    • The defeat of the organs of vision (conjunctivitis, scleritis, keratopathy)

Types of Arthritis

Depending on the cause of their cause, arthritis can be:

  • rheumatoid
  • reactive
  • gouty
  • psoriatic
  • infectious and other.

To arthritis it is possible to carry also:

  • joint fusion (ankylosis), known as Bekhterev's disease
  • bone spurs (outgrowths)

In the classification, which considers the mixed form - arthrosis-arthritis, there is also the term "osteoarthritis which is synonymous with deforming arthrosis or osteoarthritis.

Arthritis cause

  • Inherited autoimmune disorders
  • Diseases of internal organs and metabolism
  • Infectious diseases
  • Degenerative processes
  • Traumatic injury
  • Frequent hypothermia, etc.

Primary and secondary arthritis of joints

Why is autoimmune factors among the first reasons?

The fact is that the primary (true) is rheumatoid arthritis. All other types can be attributed to secondary diseases.

The exception is again a mixed form, when arthrosis and arthritis go in parallel, and the deforming process is exacerbated by inflammation:

Arthrosis can be considered primary.

Consider some common types of arthritis.

Rheumatoid arthritis

This is the most difficult and difficult to cure disease with unknown reasons so far:

The trigger for rheumatoid disease may be hypothermia, intoxication, stress and other causes.

Rheumatoid arthritis is manifested by symptoms:

  • Pain and swelling in the joints
  • Influenza state with increased temperature, leukocytes and ESR in the blood
  • In the later stages
    • compaction of periarticular tissues
    • defeat of bones and cartilage
    • deformation of joints
    • impairment of motor functions
    • dystrophy of muscles and tendons
    • weight loss

The disease begins with a symmetrical lesion of small joints.

On the photo - rheumatoid lesion of hands:

Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

  • Initially, a medical diagnosis is carried out:
    • A blood test is common and a test for the presence of specific antibodies (rheumaproba)
  • If an infection is found in the blood, which manifests itself in a febrile state, the doctor prescribes antibacterial drugs
  • In the presence of only joint symptoms are appointed NSAIDs
  • Plasmophoresis is very effective
  • Usually treatment for rheumatism is long:
    • may require basic antirheumatic drugs, which can be prescribed only by the attending physician
  • In the subacute stage, physiotherapy is performed:
    • electrophoresis with medical preparations
    • compresses with dimexide, etc.

The rheumatic patient should also rebuild his life by including in it:

  • exercise therapy
  • complete nutrition with calcium-containing foods
  • Spa treatment

Treat the disease you need a doctor-rheumatologist.

Reactive arthritis

In medicine, reactive arthritis is considered as a seronegative spondylitis.

The first signs appear about a month after the disease.

Clinical symptoms

  • The defeat of large joints and tendons of the limbs and sacroiliac joint
  • The defeat of the mucous membranes of the organs, which is manifested in conjunctivitis, urethritis, etc.
  • Lesion of skin and nails
  • Symptoms of pericarditis, enlarged lymph nodes and other systemic manifestations

In the photo - clinical manifestations of the syndrome of Reuters:

Diagnosis and treatment of reactive arthritis

Diagnosis of the disease is complex:

  • It is necessary to accurately determine the infection that caused the reaction - this is done by:
    • General blood and urine tests
    • Biological analyzes: planting on chlamydia, mycoplasma, enterobacteria, etc.:
      • The doctor determines the symptoms of the disease, which analysis should be submitted
    • It is also necessary to differentiate the disease by eliminating another type - infectious arthritis, which can develop as a distant consequence of diseases such as gonorrhea, syphilis, Lyme disease, etc.

Treatment is mainly antibacterial:

Based on the results of biological analysis, the correct antibiotic is selected.

Reactive arthritis, especially caused by chlamydia, has to be treated for a very long time, mainly because of the complexity of the treatment for chlamydia.

Prophylaxis of reactive arthritis

Prevention is important for preventing such types of arthritis:

  • Be sure to completely end up with atypical respiratory infections
  • Observe hygiene:
    • Wash your hands, vegetables and fruits before eating
  • Carry out antiparasitic prophylaxis if the house has animals
  • Do not eat dried half-baked meat and fish products
  • Eliminate casual unprotected sex


In the photo - the feet of a patient with gout:

Lead to gout can:

  • Renal insufficiency
  • Some types of diabetes
  • Abuse of red meat and alcohol
  • Hereditary dispositions

Symptoms of gout

At the first stage there is an asymptomatic course.

The following picture is observed:

  • exacerbation of arthritis with high fever, pain and redness in the joint
  • alternation of exacerbations with remission periods
  • formation of one-sided tolf knots
  • complications in the form of pyelonephritis, nephrosclerosis and other kidney diseases


The main diagnostic criteria are:

  • High levels of uric acid in the blood
  • The presence of urate crystals in the synovial fluid of other tissues
  • Painful swelling of the joints (very often in the area of ​​the big toe)

Treatment of gout

Treatment, mainly, anti-inflammatory. The main drug for gout is colchicine, but other anti-inflammatory drugs are also appropriate:

  • Indomethacin, naproxen, phenylbutazone, and others.

Important in gout is a diet that limits use:

  • Purines contained in meat and fish
  • Carbohydrates (there are a lot of them in flour and sweet foods)

Which doctor should be treated for arthritis

It is often not clear which doctor should be treated for arthritis, if it is caused by very different diseases.

Remember the important rule:

The first appointment and diagnosis should be at this doctor. Further treatment can be carried out with the participation of other specialists.

  • Arthrosis in the limb of mobility can be observed and treated by a doctor orthopedic
  • Arthritis, which arose on the basis of trauma - in traumatologist-orthopedist
  • All cases of arthritis requiring surgical intervention - from an orthopedic surgeon

: Reactive arthritis:


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Disease of arthritis - symptoms and treatment

Arthritis is an inflammatory disease that affects the joints of a person and is nascent in their synovial membrane.

With the formation and development of the inflammatory process, joints form exudate - the lymphatic fluid, and the ailment spreads and on other articular surfaces, such as capsules of cartilaginous joints, epiphyses of bones and some periarticular tissues - ligaments, bags and tendons.

As a rule, rheumatoid arthritis, however, like other types of ailment, first of all affects those joints that experience the maximum load in everyday life.

Types of arthritis - how to protect yourself from ailment

Types of Arthritis

To date, arthritis joints are classified based on various factors. So, for example, depending on damage to the joint tissue, these types of arthritis are distinguished:

  • Arthritis is infectious - the cause for its appearance is a variety of infections;
  • Arthritis dystrophic - occurs due to various negative factors, for example, problems with metabolism substances, the lack of a balanced diet, periodic supercoolings, the wrong way life;
  • Arthritis is traumatic - its formation occurs against the background of external or internal influences, which in their type are divided into single and multiple.

In addition, joint arthritis is divided according to its type of exposure:

  • Degenerative arthritis;
  • Inflammatory arthritis.

Do not forget about those types of arthritis that develop under the influence of various diseases - from influenza and complications caused to them, and ending with blood diseases and certain categories of tumors, including malignant.

In terms of prevalence, these groups of diseases are classified:

  • Monoarthritis - an inflammatory process occurs in one joint;
  • Oligoarthritis - inflammation does not spread more than two or three joints;
  • Polyarthritis - more than three joints are affected by inflammation. In this case, the disease can spread as gradually, successively hitting the joint behind the joint, and simultaneously, with simultaneous damage to a whole group of joints.

Depending on the beginning and course of the disease, arthritis is divided into the following groups:

  • Acute arthritis - in which the ailment occurs suddenly, accompanied by strong pain and inflammation;
  • Chronic arthritis - in which the symptoms are mild, and the course of the disease is sluggish and unhurried.

Causes of the disease

Causes of the disease

The causes that cause joint arthritis are quite diverse and numerous. Among all the factors that provoke the appearance of arthritis is to distinguish such:

  • Overweight;
  • Harmful habits - alcohol and nicotine;
  • Poor heredity and predisposition to rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Injuries and joint damage;
  • Allergy;
  • Passive lifestyle;
  • Problems with immunity and metabolism;
  • Excessive loads;
  • Unbalanced nutrition and lack of vitamins in the body.

Symptoms of arthritis - what you need to know

Symptoms of Arthritis

Regardless of the type of arthritis that develops in a person, the symptoms are similar in many respects, and they are based on metabolic problems. Among the symptoms it is worth highlighting such manifestations:

  • Periodic pain in the joints, especially during movement;
  • Tumor of the joint and changes in its shape;
  • Light reddening of the skin over the problem joint;
  • Some stiffness of movements, especially in the morning;
  • Increased temperature, trembling, chills;
  • General fatigue of the body.

How to diagnose arthritis correctly

How to diagnose arthritis

To correctly diagnose knee arthritis, as well as other forms of it, you can on the basis of a general examination of the patient and his detailed interview. It will not be superfluous to conduct laboratory blood tests, the results of which will allow to determine those changes that occur in the body.

Among the instrumental methods that help to conduct an accurate diagnosis of the disease, it is necessary to distinguish X-ray examination, ultrasound, CT and MRI.

In some cases, when it is necessary to determine the exact amount of fluid in the joint cavity and its composition, perform the procedure of puncture - pierce the joint with a special needle.

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Timely treatment - a pledge of health and longevity

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To defeat arthritis, treatment should be done in a complex, considering everything, even the smallest details. An important role is played also by timely access to specialists, which makes it possible not only to facilitate the treatment process, but also significantly reduces the risk of disability.

The treatment process should include:

  • The removal of the inflammatory process is one of the most important components of a successful and effective treatment. To do this, use a special ointment, cream, and in some cases, prescribing antibiotics;
  • An important role is played by measures aimed at regeneration of cartilage tissue, or, at the most extreme, localization of the disease and its further non-proliferation;
  • According to the decision of the attending physician, mud therapy, warming procedures or ultrasound treatment can be prescribed. But it is worth remembering that the application of these methods is purely individual and can not be used universally;
  • Useful and therapeutic exercise, which can be carried out as if lying on a regular, hard surface, and in the pool;
  • And, of course - a strict diet. You should bring as much food as possible in your diet, containing vitamin E and antioxidants, for example, vegetables, fruits, fish, walnuts, which will slow the spread of the disease around the body

If the disease is in a neglected stage and its treatment is inappropriate, it is necessary to resort without delay to surgical intervention, which, as a rule, consists in the installation of prosthesis on the damaged joint or limb.

Prevention of arthritis - how to protect yourself from disease

Prevention is extremely important for the prevention of arthritis, however, like any other disease. Among the main measures that can save from this disease, it is worth noting:

  • Correct and healthy way of life;
  • Balanced diet;
  • Absence of excessive body overload;
  • Periodic examinations with a specialist.

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Clinic and treatment options for psoriatic arthritis


  • Features of the disease
  • Causes
  • Symptomatology
  • Diagnosis and treatment

Psoriasis is considered a dangerous disease, negatively affecting the quality of life. The main symptom of the disease is skin changes and the appearance of psoriatic plaques on the body.

Pathology threatens the development of a number of complications, the most common of which is psoriatic polyarthritis or arthritis.

In addition to skin and joints, as the patient's medical history shows, internal organs also suffer, and each person has a different picture.


In psoriasis involving the involvement of bones and joints in the process, inflammation of the cartilaginous and bony tissues on the joint surfaces develops, in addition, the inflammation affects the apparatus of ligaments and tendons.


If we consider separately arthritis, more often psoriasis inflammation in the structure of the musculoskeletal system causes only rheumatism.

Symptoms of psoriatic arthritis occur on average in 10-15% of cases of psoriasis, while people are affected, ranging from 25 years to 55 years, although there are exceptions.

Features of the disease

The exact causes of the disease have not been studied so far, since psoriasis often occurs within a certain period of time before the onset of arthritis. Often, several years pass after the appearance of skin lesions, and only after that the joints begin to suffer.

Often, patients do not associate complaints with psoriasis, so the diagnosis is not performed in time.

Only when the doctor carefully scrutinizes the history of the disease and other factors leading to arthritis are not identified, then the diagnosis is psoriatic polyarthritis.

The disease is characterized by stages of remission (inactive process) and activation of symptoms. Symptoms of the disease can manifest themselves in different ways, starting from the minimal manifestations limiting the life of the patient, and ending with a moderate course.

Depending on the manifestations of the disease, a person can be assigned a disability, when the working capacity is lost or the care of strangers is required for the patient. Isolate also the form of the disease, when the symptoms do not limit the function of working capacity.

Psoriasis itself is manifested by skin changes, with the disease on the skin, the presence of plaques, in which dense sections of the cornified skin are recorded.

The patient experiences both symptoms of soreness and discomfort, and psychological influence due to inferiority.

Psoriatic polyarthritis, as a complication, is manifested by the presence of tenderness in the joints, which eventually become chained.

Diseases are inherent in autoimmune origin, that is, against hereditary deviations or infectious diseases, the immune system after the destruction of foreign agents continues to attack its organism. From this, the tissues of the skin, joints and organs are affected, which ends in inflammation.


The causes of the disease with psoriatic arthritis speak for themselves, based on the name. If the parents were ill with arthritis in due time, then the child also has a higher risk of joint damage during life. Therefore, the main cause of arthritis is heredity.

In addition, there are risk factors:

  1. Previous injuries with psoriasis.
  2. Increased stress on the joints, that is, work related to physical labor.
  3. Postponed infections - influenza, tuberculosis, brucellosis, genitourinary diseases.
  4. Stressful factors.

As experts note, psoriasis causes mental instability associated with a change in the habitual way of life, the presence of permanent symptoms of the disease. These factors, plus strong shocks, stresses affect the occurrence of psoriatic arthritis.

The causes of the psoriasis itself are associated with genetic abnormalities, in which mutations of antigens occur that affect the tissues of the body, including the skin, organs, joints.

Allergies, diseases, depressing the nervous system (inflammations, infections), lead to the formation of an immune factor, in which immune complexes affect their body.

It is dangerous for HIV infection, getting into the body of streptococci.


The patient's medical history is formed on the basis of clinical picture and disease, psoriatic arthritis is characterized by a chronic course with lesion of a group of joints.

This condition is characterized by periods of exacerbation, when symptoms are manifested vividly, and remissions, during which the person does not suffer from joint pain.


As diagnostics reveals, when the onset of remission occurs, the symptoms of skin and joint damage often subside at the same time.


Arthritis is characterized by a feeling of pain in the joints. The second sign of the disease is the constrained movement. When probing the area of ​​the lesion, there is a local increase in temperature.

Depending on the course of the disease, several types of arthritis are distinguished:

  1. Symptoms of soreness affect one side of the body. This condition is called asymmetric arthritis, in which either one side of the trunk suffers, or when the joints are affected on one side, and the healthy ones on the other. According to statistics, more than five joints suffer, which begin to ache much, the skin around them is hyperemic. Often, the process involves ligaments, tendons, which modifies the shape of the fingers, which become thicker in size.
  2. Symmetrical manifestation of the disease, that is, suffer the same group of joints on both sides of the trunk. The form is more often characterized by women.
  3. Arthritis of small joints. With this form, small joints are affected - fingers, hands, feet. In men, the form is more common. A characteristic feature is the changes in the color of the nails and their thickening.
  4. Psoriatic spondylitis - a condition when the joints of the spine become inflamed. There are bouts of pain and stiffness of movement more often in the neck and lower back. Back movements become difficult due to increased pain.
  5. Destructive form. A dangerous complication of psoriasis, when there is destruction of small bones of the hand, fingers, which leads to disability rights.

In addition to joints, diseases tend to affect other organs. Often suffer heart, liver, GIT, genitourinary system of man. When the diagnosis of psoriasis is carried out, all body systems are studied to prevent complications.

Diagnosis and treatment

How to treat psoriatic arthritis correctly, will determine only the doctor after the examination.

Diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis begins with the appointment of X-rays to study the condition of the joints and the degree of their damage.

On the x-ray, in most cases, it is possible to identify periarticular osteoporosis, ankylosis, narrowing of the joint slits.

Also, the diagnosis requires a blood test for the presence of an inflammatory process. In patients with psoriasis, anemia, an increased level of sialic acid, globulins are noted on the basis of analyzes and medical history.

In arthritis, rheumatism should be ruled out, therefore, blood tests for rheumatic tests are prescribed.

If the equipment allows and there is a specialist in the medical institution, then the synovial fluid taken from the joint is examined.

The history of the disease not only of the patient, but also of his close relatives is studied to trace the hereditary relationship. Treatment of psoriatic arthritis involves taking a group of drugs that reduce inflammation and affect the immune system.


In the first place are drugs of the NSAID group, which not only reduce inflammation, but also eliminate puffiness, soreness in the joints.


The appointment of Ibuprofen, Diclofenac or Movalis should be controlled by a doctor, since the drugs have many contraindications and side effects.

If there is stiffness in the joints with a lesion of muscles and ligaments, then the use of drugs from the group of muscle relaxants - Midokalm, Sirdalud. Admission of these funds is allowed at home, if the dosage and directions of the doctor are observed.

Treatment of psoriatic arthritis involves the use of hormones, glucocorticoids are prescribed.

If the condition of the disease is neglected and severe pain is present, hormones can be administered intra-articularly.

If the drugs are taken orally at home, then their abrupt withdrawal and omission of the drug is contraindicated.

Basic therapy of psoriasis includes the use of Methotrexate, Sulfasalazine, Leflunomide, which prevent the damage of other joints. Sometimes you need a group of drugs to suppress the immune system - immunosuppressors.

Diet in psoriatic arthritis is important for treatment, since to achieve recovery, taking only medications, will not be easy.

Alcohol is excluded, food with a high content of allergens (citrus, coffee). Recommended use of dairy products, beans, vegetables.

Caloric content of food should not exceed the limits of acceptable daily average norms.

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If the diet is performed at home, then such procedures as physiotherapy, massage, you need to entrust to doctors-specialists.

It is also necessary to perform exercises of physiotherapy exercises.


How to effectively treat psoriatic arthritis, only the doctor will tell after the examination and the establishment of the stage of the disease.


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Wandering Arthritis: Diagnosis and Treatment of Disease

Wandering arthritis is an inflammatory disease characterized by intermittent pain that occurs in different joints. In this case, soreness does not have a clear sequence and a definite place of appearance.

In children, this disease is also called transient, due to a sudden onset, and also a sudden fading of symptoms.

Like other types of rheumatic diseases, wandering arthritis leads to impairment of motor functions and disability.

Wandering and migratory arthritis: what's the difference?

Form of the disease acute chronic
Features of the symptomatology Morning stiffness, inflammatory, pronounced, process, worsening of general condition Less pronounced symptoms of inflammation, successive lesions of several joints
Sequence in joint damage Pain appears in different joint groups without a clear sequence The pains arise and move from one joint to the other in sequence
Reversibility of the process If the doctor's appointments are observed, complete recovery is possible The process is irreversible, incurable
Forecast Favorable, with proper diagnostics and timely treatment Unfavorable, due to the chronic and irreversible process in the joints

With neglected condition, late diagnosis and early treatment, wandering arthritis can pass into rheumatoid arthritis and migratory arthritis.

Clinical symptoms

Symptoms of wandering arthritis:

  • Intermittent pain (can be localized throughout the body).
  • Intense sharp pain first in large, then in middle and small joints.
  • Signs of the inflammatory process (swelling, crimson color, local increase in temperature above the surface of the joint).
  • Common manifestations of arthritic diseases: deterioration of well-being, weakness, sleep disorders, sharp weight loss, fever, swelling, morning sickness.
  • Feeling of stiffness in the morning and, as a consequence, restriction of motor activity.
  • The onset of inflammation is 2-4 days after the onset of pain, lasts for hours or several days, and then passes without a trace.

If you find yourself experiencing some symptoms of wandering arthritis, you should immediately consult a doctor. After all, timely competent diagnostics will reveal the disease at the initial stages, and the ailment can have a positive outcome.

Causes of wandering arthritis

There are many reasons that can cause this disease. The main ones are:

  • Infections of different etiology
  • Frequent prolonged hypothermia
  • Disturbance of hormonal background and metabolic processes
  • Injuries

Also to the causes of the disease can be attributed excess weight, a violation of diet, hereditary predisposition and connective tissue dysplasia.


With wandering arthritis, the feature is the moving character of the pain. If you find the initial symptoms (morning stiffness, tenderness in joints, deterioration of the body), you need to consult a therapist or rheumatologist.

The specialists will conduct a general examination, collect anamnesis of life, prescribe laboratory and instrumental examinations, diagnose and prescribe competent treatment of symptoms depending on the stage disease.

Diagnostics usually includes the following steps:

Laboratory research:

  • General blood analysis. With rheumatoid and other arthritis, ESR increases, the number of leukocytes increases, which indicates an inflammatory acute process.
  • Blood chemistry. In arthritic and other rheumatological diseases, a C-reactive protein is found in the blood.

Instrumental research:

  • The scintigraphic method is the scanning of bones with radioisotopes, the purpose of which is to detect the inflammatory process by changing the temperature in the tissues.
  • X-ray method that allows to determine the nature and severity of damage to bones and cartilage, as well as the stage, additional formations and deformations in the joints.
  • Computer (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) tomography are additional methods of investigation, used in case of doubtful cases, as well as for differential diagnosis with other rheumatological diseases.
  • Investigation of the intraarticular fluid by puncture of the affected joint is carried out according to strictly defined indications. The synovial fluid is often sampled for histological examination.

Often arthritis affects besides joints, other systems and organs. Therefore, in the study and diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo examination of the cardiovascular, renal, and hepatic systems.

Complex treatment of vagus arthritis

With wandering arthritis, to achieve better results, it is advisable to carry out complex multicomponent treatment.

Therapy includes: medical therapy, physiotherapy, health-improving physical training, optimal sleep and wakefulness, control over nutrition.

At the advanced stages, when conservative methods of treatment are already ineffective, surgical treatment is prescribed.

Let us consider in more detail the ways of treating wandering arthritis:

Medication Therapy

This method contributes to the removal of inflammatory, painful and painful process, also puffiness, stiffness. Usually, these are the following groups of drugs:

  • Chondroprotectors (Chondroitin sulfate, Teraflex, Dona, Rumalon, etc.) improve microcirculation in the damaged joint, make their mobility and extensibility, restore cartilaginous tissue. In addition, they stop the degenerative process in the cartilage;
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs reduce pain, relieve inflammation;
  • Hormonal corticosteroids (prednisolone, hydrocortisone, dexamethasone, betamethasone);
  • Anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal agents (ibuprofen, meloxicam);
  • Myomexantes reduce the tension of spasmodic muscles against the background of pain in the joints (midokalm, sirdalud, baclofen);
  • Multivitamin complexes to improve the general condition of the patient;
  • Antibacterial therapy (AB) is prescribed for initial symptoms of a disease of infectious etiology;
  • Physiotherapy treatment. Apply therapy with lasers, magnets, and also electropulse during the remission of the disease. Also popular massage. These methods help to reduce pain and improve regeneration in the joints and, in practice, have no contraindications;
  • Health-improving physical training.

For patients, special programs are designed to reduce the pressure on articulation, relaxation and stretching of the muscles. Currently, yoga, fitness, and pilates are popular.

Also useful are swimming, daily exercises, breathing exercises under the guidance of specialists.

Dosed physical exercises contribute to the restoration of mobility in joints, strengthen muscles, relieve pain.

Just as important role belongs to the improvement of the general condition: the establishment of sleep and wakefulness, proper nutrition. The diet for arthrosis includes a reduction in salt intake, fast carbohydrates, caffeine. Smoking and alcohol use should be avoided.

In addition to drug therapy in the treatment of wandering arthritis, an important role is played competently matched physical activity, physiotherapy procedures, as well as a diet with a low salt content, caffeine, carbohydrates.


Surgical treatment of wandering arthritis is indicated in the ineffectiveness of conservative methods, frequent exacerbations, pronounced joint degeneration and impaired function. Operative methods include:

  • Arthroscopy is performed to remove inflammation products (cartilage fragments, liquid) and to introduce medications directly into the joint bag (painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs).
  • Endoprosthetics, i.e. The procedure for replacing the joint with a sterile intact implant is carried out in neglected cases. In this case there must be irreversible changes and deformations.

Treatment with folk remedies

The treatment of wandering arthritis with folk remedies has found wide popularity among patients. The main feature of folk remedies is their accessibility, vegetable origin, low price.

In the majority of medical baths, compresses on the basis of vegetative agents render anti-inflammatory, soothing, warming effect, which positively affects people, suffering from arthritis.

  • A leaf of cabbage reduces puffiness and reduces pain. To do this, apply one layer of honey on the sheet, then cover them with a sick joint, tie up with a film and wrap it up with a warm scarf or blanket. The compress warms well and reduces pain. It is recommended to carry out the procedure at night.
  • Numerous ointments for treatment have warming properties. For example, ointment with red pepper warms, relieves swelling and pain. For cooking, we need: 1-2 h. l. ground red pepper, 1 tsp. glycerin, a solution of propolis, 3-4 drops of a clove solution. The above stir in the bowl and heat, stirring, until a uniform consistency. Ointment rubbed sore spots, better at night. After this, be sure to wash your hands.
  • Compresses have a good warming effect. So, to prepare an acetic compress we need a half liter of water at room temperature, 1 tsp. acetic essence, mix it, moisten the resulting solution with a towel and apply it to the affected joint. From above you can wrap it with a woolen cloth or blanket. It is recommended to do a compress at night.

Despite the numerous recipes, convenience and effectiveness of traditional medicine, first of all, examination and consultation of the doctor-specialist is necessary.

Is it possible to prevent the development of the disease?

For the prevention of arthritis, you need:

  • Diet, with the optimal content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Restriction of easily assimilated carbohydrates (sugar, sweet foods, sweets, white bread), consumption of vitamins and microelements. It is also necessary to periodically weigh and calculate your BMI. After all, excess weight exerts great pressure on the joints, leading to their overstrain and slow destruction.
  • Refusal from bad habits (alcoholism, tobacco smoking, drug addiction).
  • Active lifestyle and metered exercise (swimming, jogging, Nordic walking, walking outdoors, aerobics and yoga). However, sports should not overload or overstrain joints.
  • Timely treatment of concomitant diseases (ARVI, Diabetes mellitus, hypertension, coronary heart disease, infectious diseases)

It is possible and necessary to prevent the development of such a widespread and serious ailment, as wandering arthritis.

After all, prevention will not only help strengthen the bones and increase the extensibility of joints, but it will also help maintain the tone of the whole body, as well as adjust the mode of work and rest.

Treatment of the disease must begin with the first symptoms of the disease, because neglect and chronization of the process lead to permanent disability.

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