Pneumonia is contagious or not

Pneumonia is a contagious disease?



It depends on what it appeared - there is simply a catarrhal-weakened variant, but there is a nasty-viral-viral. Ask your colleague, explain your fears, I think she does not want to harm your children, let them say for sure, contagious or not. Although once at home, and not in a hospital, most likely, for others is not dangerous.

Oksana Gerasimova

No, not contagious ....

Free Sweeper

Yes. And transmitted by airborne droplets. In the common people, pneumonia.

Personal Cabinet Removed

YES it is unreal!

Evgenia Loginova

No. Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs. It is not transmitted in any way! Quietly visit!

Dmitriy Sergeevich

not, infectious is the inflammation of the lungs to another

Personal Cabinet Removed

No (if it's exactly pneuma)

Vovchik I

Pneumonia, it is in the people pneumonia. I was sick. For a long time, and my husband took care of me, he would at least have something!

Uncle Vitya

it's an elementary inflammation of the lungs!
there is little good, but there is no infectiousness ...

instagram viewer

kissing, however - I do not recommend... this is another charge of bacteria for the patient.


Pneumonia. Pneumonia, or pneumonia, is a group of diseases that is characterized by inflammation of the lung tissue. This diagnosis means that the inflammatory process in some area has struck the finest, most tender pulmonary vesicles-alveoli, complicated their work - to saturate the blood with oxygen and to release it from carbon dioxide. The urgency of the problem of pneumonia lies in the persisting high incidence. There remains high hospital lethality.
Predisposing factors to the disease of bronchitis or pneumonia are chronic inflammatory and suppuration in the lungs, chronic foci of infection in the upper respiratory tract, decreased immunity, hereditary factors. The main mechanisms of development of chronic bronchitis include hypertrophy and hyperfunction of bronchial glands with increased secretion of mucus, which increases the viscosity of phlegm. Under these conditions, the ciliated epithelium does not provide emptying of the bronchial tree, the drainage of the bronchi occurs only with coughing. Disturbance of the drainage function of the bronchi promotes the emergence of an infection whose activity and relapses are largely dependent on local bronchial immunity.
no ot sebja dobavlu-mozet byt parazitarnaja gforma

Munzwir Barkashev

If you do not kiss then there is no


No pleurmonia is not a contagious disease, it's just a cold. This is not a disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets.


No, it's not contagious. just a man caught cold, then froze, started. This is a lung disease that is not transmitted. Visit your colleague.

MARGO 1234

there is not contagious unless it becomes tuberculosis. but this process is lengthy.

Katya Katya

No, it's not contagious. My friend was ill with pneumonia, I have nothing, I'm not sick.

Is pneumonia contagious? Transmitted by airborne droplets?


alexander nikolaevich

only specific pneumonia-caseous, mycoplasmal, chlamydial idr are contagious.

Oli Birichevskaya

No is not transmitted, t. To this bacterial disease, not viral. Only tuberculosis is transmitted if it is an open form.


no it is not transmitted by airborne droplets! I was sick, I know.



Joey # 1

This is called inflammation of the lungs in a simple way. In fact, there may be different pathogens.
As far as I can remember, if you are warm, shod and fed, the probability of getting infected is low enough. But if you live in a damp bomber, you'll get a spit.
I'll add. Here's what they write on Wikipedia:
The incidence of pneumonia depends on many factors: the standard of living, social and marital status, working conditions, contact with animals, travel, the presence of bad habits, contact with sick people, individual characteristics of a person, the geographical spread of one or another causative agent.
Pneumonia remains one of the most common causes of death of children and elderly people in our time, especially in social institutions (children. houses, boarding schools). The frequency of pneumonia in elderly patients is sharply increased at the time when they are treated in hospital facilities for another disease. There are also sharp differences in the etiology of hospital and community-acquired pneumonia.


yes, pneumonia is not infected, it's a fact. And now the question to Olga (sorry that the comment can not be written) - in the first place there are also viral pneumonia (they are also non-contagious), and secondly - what, are bacterial infections not contagious at all? But what about the plague, for example?


No, it's not contagious!! ! but you need to properly treat if you get sick, be sure to have a doctor. if you do singing or respiratory ginastika (under the supervision of a specialist) you will be less likely to get sick.


Pneumonia is a large group of diseases characterized by an inflammatory process in the lungs. The cause of pneumonia, most often a bacterial, fungal or viral infection, but it can cause and chemicals that enter the lungs with inhaled air. Pneumonia can also be a complication of other diseases and trams, or the result of prolonged bed rest. The disease can affect part of one of the lungs or affect all lung tissue. Fluid and other mucus secretions accumulate in the alveoli and air-conducting pathways, creating stagnation blood and tissue compaction, which adversely affects the gas exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Transmission of pneumonia by airborne droplets is not known.


Why does everyone think is not contagious. It all depends on who surrounds you with what immunity, and which pathogen triggered your pneumonia. A doctor comes to you who collects an anamnesis (concerns children) asks if there are patients in the environment. Who works in the hospital has the concept of intra-hospital infection (including pneumonia)

OnE liTTle mySteRY

definitely not sure.. . but when I was sick twice, none of my relatives got sick after =)


only it is transferred to them

Anna Nazarova

The most competent answer is for Alex.

Inflammation of the lungs is contagious?



Inflammation of the lungs can be caused by bacteria and viruses (herpes virus, atypical pneumonia). Infection with bacterial pneumonia is unlikely, but what about interstitial viral pneumonia... remember the epidemic atypical in China a few years ago.


no, this is not a viral disease



Zoryana Alyabyeva

Of course not




No, it's not contagious! This is not a viral disease! It sits inside the human body, and it's bad for him!

Plut 163

This disease is not transmitted by airborne droplets, but also by some other measure.

Artemiy Lipilin

Currently, this is a great rarity, but even at the end of the nineteenth century there were epidemics of pneumonia. So, you can get infected theoretically.


Pneumonia is an acute inflammatory disease of the lung tissue caused by microorganisms. By classification, they are divided into staphylococcal, streptococcal, fungal, viral (most severe), mycoplasmal (AIDS markers), etc. Therefore, they are considered infectious in an acute period.

Pneumonia. Is this pathology invasive?

Many are concerned with the question: "Inflammation of the lungs, or pneumonia, is contagious or not this pathology?" Unfortunately, even a highly qualified pulmonologist can not give an unambiguous answer to this question. Here opinions are divided. And there are quite good reasons for this.

Because of what there is an ailment?

There are several reasons for the pathology. The main one is hypothermia. Long stay in the cold provokes a delay in sweating. This, in turn, causes the capillaries to close. Blood as a result of this process flows to the lungs, overloading them. Such phenomena occur when a person is for a long time in the piercing wind at a low temperature of the air, as well as when drinking cold drinks in an excited state.

pneumonia is contagious or notThe cause of pneumonia may be neuropsychic or physical overwork. It significantly weakens the protective capacity of the body. Inflammation of the lungs are often sick and those people who have a general weakness of immunity. Pathology also arises as a complication caused by ARVI.

Pathogens of the disease

Pneumonia, as a rule, develops against the background of existing ARI. Its pathogens may be:

- Pathogenic fungi - Viruses - Chlamydia - Bacteria - Protozoa - Mycoplasma.

Is contagious pneumonia for othersAfter penetrating the respiratory tract, the infection spreads into the lungs and disrupts the protective capacity of the epithelium. Disease-causing organisms multiply rapidly and cause foci of inflammation.

How pneumonia spreads

Is it pathological, which is popularly called inflammation of the lungs? Yes, this ailment can be picked up in the hospital. In this case, such pneumonia is the most dangerous. This is because the pathogens in the medical institutions are already resistant to antibiotics. A patient with pneumonia can infect a healthy person by air-dropping a haemophilic rod or Gram-negative bacilli, pneumohlamidiosis or staphylococcus, pneumococcus or other microbes. Reanimation infections are a big danger. They are caused by pyogenic flora, which is almost impossible to cope with.

pneumoniaIf pneumonia is an out-of-hospital illness, is pneumonia contagious to others in this case? No, this pathology is considered absolutely safe for people. A healthy person should have strong immunity and observe personal hygiene rules. Such people do not even think about whether pneumonia is contagious or not. A community-acquired pathogen is usually pneumococcus, rarely - a stick of influenza. Such diseases usually have a positive prognosis.

Pneumonia is contagious or not for newborns? Unfortunately, there are cases in medical practice, indicating intrauterine, as well as nosocomial infection of children. The causative agent of the disease can be streptococcus or herpes virus, cytomegalovirus or E. coli. A kid who has recently been born can easily become infected in a hospital.

As a result of all of the above, we can make the assumption that pathology in itself is not dangerous to others. Transmission can be pathogenic microbes, which, hitting the lungs, can cause disease.

Can a person get pneumonia from another person?? for example when communicating? for example when communicating?


Alexander Mylnikov

Can not. Pneumonia is not a contagious disease.

Lilia Pichuzhina


Elliott J-Di

can, and if it is a viral pneumonia, then the probability is even higher.


forms of pneumonia are many.. there are among them and infectious.. for example, nosocomial pneumonia ...


Very unlikely!

Yulia Yegorovskaya

It is possible, but as a rule this rarely happens.
Pneumonia is not very contagious.

cyril borodin

Most pneumonias are bacterial in nature, and bacteria are not transmitted by air, infection requires close contact, for example sputum particles have fallen into the cough of a sick person on your mucous membranes, but this is not enough, you still need to have some problems with immunity, since staphylococcus, pneumococcus, morocell, or hemophilic rod to a healthy person is not so easy to get infected.
Pneumonia, which is caused by hospital strains of bactriae, is easier to get infected, since infection with such bacteria does not much depend from your immunity and they can even get a completely healthy person, but again you need close contact for infection.
Viral pneumonia is a great rarity, but it is very easy to catch them, as many viruses are easily transmitted through the air and close contact is not needed for infection.
So, in principle, pneumonia infection is possible, but the likelihood of this is very low and depends on which pneumonia the people lying next to you were suffering from and the state of your immune system.

Lydia Alexandrovna

If close contact and weak immunity... -and this is unlikely.. . otherwise all pulmonologists and therapists would be ill ...


pneumonia is not contagious. This is pneumonia. That's only in China in a certain year was atypical pneumonia, it was contagious. But, they say, it was a biological weapon. To believe in it or not is a private matter for everyone


can, if it is viral, or if a person is weakened. So the mask mode is relevant

galina russian (churkin) GALJ

all sores are contagious, from viruses and germs. and it is especially dangerous for someone with weak immunity.

Elena Filatova

Can not. Pneumonia is not a contagious disease.
As for viral pneumonia. then their name indicates only the affected organ, and not the etiologic factor that caused the infection.
The most common causes of viral pneumonia are:
Influenza virus subtype A and B
The respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
Paragrippus (in children)
Also, viral pneumonia is caused by more rare viruses:
The SARS virus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), also known as "SARS"
Other varieties of viruses can only in some cases cause pneumonia:
Herpes simplex virus (HSV), more often leads to the development of pneumonia in newborns
Chicken pox virus
Cytomegalovirus, often causes pneumonia in people with reduced immunity

Lyudmila Stroganova

Pneumonia as a disease is an inflammation of the lungs, it is almost impossible to catch it, but you can pick up an ARI that can go into pneumonia ...

Yana Belyaeva


Tell me, is pneumonia contagious or not?



As a rule, pneumonia is the result of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory infections, influenza, and by the time the pneumonia-human develops, it can no longer be contagious.



Elena Borisova


Maxim Doroshenko

Inflammation of the lungs

stas ogurtsov


tatqna grigorova

no, not contagious

Personal Cabinet Removed

Watching what you want from her ...


no! =)) is the same inflammation of the lungs as it can be contagious)


It depends on the nature of the pathogen. If we are talking about the typical forms of pneumonia (for example, pneumococcal, mycoplasmic, etc.), then of course not. But the inflammatory process in the lungs can cause and various infectious diseases-for example, to take the pulmonary form of the plague- is naturally an infectious and very dangerous disease.

Personal Cabinet Removed

Fortunately, it is not contagious.

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