Allergic arthritis: causes, symptoms, treatment in children and adults


  • 1Allergic Arthritis: Symptoms and Treatment
    • 1.1Etiology
    • 1.2Symptoms
    • 1.3Diagnostics
    • 1.4Treatment
  • 2Allergic Arthritis: Symptoms and Treatment
    • 2.1Symptomatology of the disease
    • 2.2Infectious-allergic arthritis
    • 2.3Infectious-allergic arthritis in children
    • 2.4Diagnostic measures
    • 2.5Course of the disease
    • 2.6Allergic arthritis: treatment
  • 3Infectious allergic arthritis in children: causes, diagnosis and treatment
    • 3.1Etiology of allergy and arthritis
    • 3.2Comparison of clinical characteristics
  • 4Arthritis allergic: causes and symptoms
    • 4.1Description of dystrophic pathology
    • 4.2What are the causes of this condition?
    • 4.3Clinical manifestations of the disease
    • 4.4How is the diagnosis of pathology
    • 4.5Treatment of allergic arthritis
  • 5Provoking factors of development of allergic arthritis in adults and children: effective therapies and recovery prognosis
    • 5.1Clinical picture
    • 5.2Allergic arthritis in children
    • 5.3Distinguishing symptoms of pathology
    • 5.4Diagnostics
    • 5.5Effective methods of treatment
    • 5.6Medication Therapy
    • 5.7Physiotherapeutic procedures
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Allergic Arthritis: Symptoms and Treatment

Category: Joints, bones, muscles 9273

Allergic arthritis is an acute pathological condition characterized by joint changes.

This disease is often caused by the progression of the allergy to antigens of foreign origin.

It differs in that it has uncomplicated course, it is easy to treat and has favorable prognosis. Along with such a disease, infectious-allergic arthritis is often manifested.

It arises due to the fact that the body is too susceptible to the pathogens of infection in this period. These are two different disorders, with almost the same symptoms and flow.

Such a disease affects middle-aged people of both sexes, but it often occurs in female representatives. Often the disease progresses in children, because of the unformed immune system.

The causes are immunity disorders, as a result of which the individual immunity and sensitivity to certain foods, medicines, animal wool, pollen, etc.

Infectious-allergic type is manifested due to the development of the infectious process in the nasopharynx.

In children and adults, allergic arthritis is expressed by instant swelling of the joint, the emergence of pain when limbs move, the appearance of allergic rash and itchy skin. With the infectious-allergic type, there are almost similar signs, to which one can add stiffness of movements, increased heart rate and difficulty breathing.

Diagnosis of both disorders is complex and consists of a detailed questioning of the patient, elucidation of the causes of development ailment, examination of the patient, laboratory tests of blood tests, as well as instrumental examination - Ultrasound. Treatment consists of limiting contact with the allergen, taking medications that reduce the intensity of symptoms, compresses with ointments of analgesic action.


The appearance of allergic arthritis is directly related to the increased susceptibility of the organism to foreign proteins, as well as to any products with their content.

This means that it can be expressed with any kind of allergy or be part of a serum sickness, in which a similar immunity reaction occurs when serums are administered.

Allergic arthritis can occur if the individual has an allergy to:

  • food product;
  • medicament;
  • down and feathers;
  • animal hair;
  • various smells;
  • dust and pollen;
  • cosmetics or household chemicals.

If allergens repeatedly enter the body, then it produces antibodies to them, which can be collected in various tissues.

When such substances accumulate on the joints, then the development of the inflammatory process begins.

Often, the disease is diagnosed in children, because they are much more prone to allergies, because of unformed immunity. With a single entry pathogen disease will not be expressed.



Factors of progression of infectious-allergic arthritis are various infections caused by pathological microorganisms that move with the blood flow to the joints.


Very rarely, infection occurs after a medical operation. Children are often diagnosed with such a disease, caused by gonococcal infection, which is transmitted to the baby from the mother.

In addition, there are several groups that constitute an increased risk of developing such a disease:

  • persons who received injections or performed surgical interventions on the joints;
  • people who have symptoms of chronic arthritis, oncology, diabetes, gonorrhea, or HIV;
  • people with unconventional sexual preferences, as well as over-consuming alcoholic beverages and nicotine.


Allergic arthritis is also expressed as synovitis. The disease can develop immediately after the pathogen enters the human body, but often the expression of symptoms occurs a few days after penetration. Thus, the signs of this type of disease are:

  • general weakness of the body and malaise;
  • a rapid heart rate;
  • increased tear;
  • an increase in body temperature;
  • occurrence of a small rash of a reddish shade, which causes a feeling of itching and burning;
  • increase in the size of regional lymph nodes, depending on the location of the disease;
  • inflammation of large joints, their swelling and a sense of pain during movement.

Allergic arthritis in children is manifested by such signs as:

  • attacks of nausea, which often results in vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • bronchospasm;
  • heat;
  • swelling of the affected joints;
  • intense soreness in movement, and after a long rest.

Manifestations of infectious-allergic arthritis often resemble signs of normal arthritis, which is not related to infections or allergies. Symptoms of the disease are:

  • soreness and swelling of the skin in the area of ​​the affected joint;
  • purchase of a skin of red shade;
  • increase in temperature around the affected area;
  • respiratory insufficiency;
  • rapid pulse;
  • difficulty in mobility and joint stiffness.

Manifestation of allergic arthritis

In addition to the above features, infectious-allergic arthritis in children is expressed by the following symptoms:

  • decrease or total loss of appetite;
  • constant nervousness and capriciousness;
  • lameness;
  • when doing everyday things, try to use the upper limbs as little as possible;
  • constant complaints of pain in the hands and feet.

It takes about a month from the moment of manifestation of the first signs to full recovery. The sooner the treatment begins, the higher the probability of complete recovery.


Diagnostic measures for allergic arthritis include a detailed study of the patient's medical history, a detailed survey on the availability of allergies, which a person knows about, assessment of the presence and extent of manifestation symptoms. In addition, the doctor obligatorily conducts an examination for the presence of rashes, swelling and redness of the skin in the place of the affected joint. An important role is played by laboratory blood tests. With allergies, the concentration of eosinophils is increased and the ESR is accelerated. Defeat of the joint can be detected by ultrasound. If after this diagnosis is not approved, a biopsy is necessary. In case of infectious-allergic arthritis, the above procedures are also carried out.


Elimination of allergic arthritis in a patient, regardless of age, is complex, and consists of:

  • full fencing of a person from exposure to an allergen;
  • prescribing antihistamines. With their inactivity, hormones are needed;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - to relieve intense pain;
  • ensuring complete rest for the affected joints.

Often after the start of drug treatment, all the symptoms go away, so the need for physiotherapy is extremely rare. The prognosis of the disease is favorable in most cases. Prevention consists of preventing the ingress of an allergic pathogen into the body in the future.

Treatment of infectious-allergic polyarthritis involves the use of such drugs:

  • introduction of glucocorticoids directly into the joint;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • inhibiting the development of allergic reactions;
  • antimicrobial medicines;
  • antibiotics for not more than ten days.

In addition, it is necessary to ensure rest to the patient and it is important to strictly adhere to the individual diet. For the prevention of this type of disease, timely and complete treatment of infectious disorders is necessary.

Diseases with similar symptoms:

Intestinal infection (coinciding symptoms: 8 of 20)

Intestinal infection is a dangerous disease that affects everyone sooner or later.

The presented ailment includes a large number of pathological processes that adversely affect the gastrointestinal tract. There is a disease often due to the presence of viruses, toxins and bacteria in the body.

Symptoms of the disease are significantly different, taking into account the degree of its severity.

... Ascaridosis in children (coinciding symptoms: 8 of 20)

Ascaridosis in children is a pathology related to parasitic diseases, which is most often diagnosed in infants. In most cases, the disease is found in children who are under 5 years old.

The provocateur of the disease is helminth, namely ascaris human (lat. Ascaris lumbricoides).

The parasite can penetrate into the child's body in several ways, but the most frequent transmission mechanism is the contact one.

... Cholecystitis (concurrent symptoms: 7 of 20)

Cholecystitis is an inflammatory disease that occurs in the gallbladder and is accompanied by marked manifestations of symptoms.

Cholecystitis, the symptoms of which are found, as, indeed, the very disease itself, of the order of 20% of adults, can flow in acute or chronic form.

... Psoriatic arthritis (coinciding symptoms: 7 of 20)


Autoimmune diseases of joints that occur on the basis of skin lesions are called psoriatic arthritis.


The disease is characterized by a predominantly chronic or acute character of percolation.

Psoriatic arthritis occurs on an equal footing with both men and women in adulthood.

... Salpingitis (concurrent symptoms: 7 of 20)

Salpingitis is an infectious disease accompanied by unilateral or bilateral inflammation of the fallopian tubes (oviducts). In this case, only the mucous membrane of the fallopian tubes is affected first, but, with the development of the disease, other layers are also damaged in violation of their peristalsis.


  • In contact with

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Allergic Arthritis: Symptoms and Treatment

Allergic arthritis by its nature is one of the manifestations of the general allergic reaction of the body. Pathology is an inflammatory process that occurs in the joint tissue.

To the manifestation of this disease, as a rule, people are acutely responsive to all kinds of external allergens. Also, the disease is sufficiently exposed to children, because of the imperfection of the emerging immune system.

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The defeat of the joints with allergic arthritis is benign in nature and with timely diagnosis and qualified treatment the consequences of the disease are completely reversible.

Symptomatology of the disease

Allergic arthritis has a number of clinical signs that make it possible to distinguish it from arthritis of a different nature.

  • The appearance of the first signs of the disease 5-10 days after contact with the allergen
  • The defeat of large joint joints (knee, elbow joint)
  • Stiffness of motion of the inflamed joint
  • Redness of the skin and swelling of the tissue around the inflamed joint
  • Aching pain, aggravated by the load on the affected joint
  • The accumulation of fluid in the cavity of the joint.

In addition to specific symptoms, common allergic manifestations, such as itching, runny nose, hives, tearing, are possible. In addition, arthritis can be accompanied by a feeling of general malaise, weakness and weakness. There may be a slight increase in body temperature.

Infectious-allergic arthritis

One of the varieties of allergic arthritis is infectious-allergic arthritis.

With this form, inflammatory processes are caused not by an external stimulus, but by a transmitted infectious disease.

Inflammation with the same frequency can be caused by both intestinal or genitourinary infection, and nasopharyngeal diseases. The most common pathogens are streptococci.

There is sharp cutting pain, stiffness of movements, puffiness and reddening of the skin around the inflamed joint. There may be a local increase in temperature. This form may recur after normal supercooling.

Infectious-allergic arthritis in children

Infectious-allergic arthritis in children is more common than in adults. This feature is caused by the fact that children are more prone to infections, because their immune system is at the stage of formation and can not always resist external stimuli.

In addition to the above characteristic symptoms, the child can complain of headaches, weakness, malaise, drowsiness. Possible fever, chills, nausea, the child may refuse to eat.

The intensity and duration of treatment depend on the persistence of the symptoms and the general condition of the patient. In cases of acute and chronic form, antibiotics and hormonal drugs may be prescribed by a doctor.

The prognosis of this etiology is often favorable.


Timely and complex treatment allows avoiding pathological changes and deformations in the joint tissues.


Therefore, when suspicions of arthritis should not engage in self-treatment and at the first opportunity to seek help from a qualified doctor rheumatologist.

Diagnostic measures

The difficulty of diagnosing allergic arthritis is that its symptoms are very similar to the manifestation of arthritis of a different nature.

Therefore, it is very important for the doctor to establish whether the relationship between inflammation of the joints and the contact of the patient with the potential allergen is traceable.

To provoke inflammation of the joints can be an allergy of any kind: food, seasonal or allergic to medications.

The most complete picture is obtained by collecting a detailed anamnesis of the patient for the presence of allergic reactions to various pathogens.

A blood test can also be assigned to help determine the cause that caused the inflammation. So, with allergic arthritis, the results of analyzes often show an increase in the level of eosinophils and leukocytes.

Sufficiently effective is the method of examining the joint fluid, which is selected by puncture. After sowing the selected material, the rheumatologist can easily determine the type of pathogen that caused the inflammation.

The complex of diagnostic measures will eliminate diseases with similar manifestations and prescribe correct and timely treatment.

Course of the disease

Allergic arthritis occurs in two forms acute and chronic.

The acute form is characterized by pronounced symptomatology - pain, swelling of the joints, rashes. The liquid can accumulate in the joint cavity. The course of the disease is short-term. With the termination of contact with the allergen, the symptoms gradually come to naught.

Chronic form can last from 2 months to 6 months. It is accompanied by a constant aching pain. There are frequent relapses. In the absence of treatment, there is a risk of destruction of the surface of the joint tissue.

Allergic arthritis: treatment

Treatment of arthritis of an allergic nature should first of all be aimed at limiting contact with the allergen provoking the inflammatory process. For the removal of allergic reactions prescribe antihistamines, such as Diazolinum, Loratadin, Suprastin.

An inflamed joint needs rest, so if possible, restrict the movement of the joints with a soft bandage.

To reduce the intensity of pain, the joint can be warmed with dry heat. Medicamentally remove the pain syndrome will help with taking analgesics. Also widely used are all kinds of anti-inflammatory gels and ointments that relieve swelling and pain.


Before treatment, be sure to consult a doctor to choose an individual treatment, which will be most effective in this particular case and will help to avoid negative consequences.


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Infectious allergic arthritis in children: causes, diagnosis and treatment

There are two types of arthritis caused by an allergic reaction of the body: in fact, allergic arthritis and infectious-allergic arthritis, which should not be confused. Infectious-allergic and allergic arthritis have a similar course and symptoms. Consider both types.

Allergic arthritis

The cause of the development of allergic arthritis is a defect of the immune system, as a result of which a person develops an individual hypersensitivity or intolerance to certain foods, pollen, animal wool, certain medicines and so on.

P. With the secondary ingress of these allergens into the body, antibodies are produced in it, which combine with a foreign substance and are deposited in various tissues. When deposited in the articular tissue, an inflammatory process develops, accompanied by symptoms of arthritis.

At the first hit of an allergen in the body, allergic arthritis usually does not develop: after the first ingress of the allergen in the body, an immune response to this substance is formed. People who are prone to allergies are prone to allergic arthritis: that is why allergic arthritis is most often detected in childhood.

Symptoms of allergic arthritis include:

  • acute onset of the disease, manifested immediately after ingestion of an allergen;
  • large joints are affected: especially pain is aggravated during movement and after rest;
  • the affected joints swell, the temperature of the tissues above them is elevated;
  • there is an allergic skin rash and itching;
  • the disease can be accompanied by other symptoms of allergy: Quinck's edema, bronchospasm;
  • nausea and vomiting, fever, diarrhea, tachycardia.

Diagnosis of allergic arthritis usually does not cause difficulties, because a clear connection is made between the effect on the body of allergens and the emergence of acute symptoms of the disease. In a history of a patient with allergic arthritis, bronchial asthma, a food or drug allergy is quite common.

A general blood test shows a slight increase in ESR, the number of eosinophils and leukocytes. The X-ray does not show changes in the tissues of the joints.

With allergic arthritis, the tissues around the affected joints swell, an effusion and sediment appears in the joint fluid.

Allergic arthritis can take place in acute and subacute form.

In acute forms of allergic arthritis, the disease manifests itself by sharp swelling of the tissues around the affected joints and severe pain in them.

The acute form of the disease can be complicated by Quinck's edema, asthma attack, etc.

All the symptoms, characteristic of the acute form of allergic arthritis, quickly stop when the appropriate treatment.

The subacute form of allergic arthritis most often develops when medications are taken, for which a person develops an intolerance individually.

Treatment for this form of the disease requires the appointment of anesthetic drugs and hormones.


With a prolonged course of allergic arthritis, irreversible changes in the joints are possible - deformation of their surface, the appearance of foci of necrosis.


For the treatment of allergic arthritis:

1) it is necessary to urgently stop the exposure of the allergen to the patient's body;

2) give the patient antihistamines (with ineffectiveness of antihistamines, a doctor can be prescribed hormonal drugs);

3) with severe pain in the joints prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;

4) it is necessary to provide rest to the affected joints.

Usually, when you start treating allergic arthritis with medicines, all the symptoms go away quickly, so there is no need for the use of physiotherapeutic methods of treatment. The prognosis of the course of the disease is favorable.

Infectious-allergic arthritis

The causes of the infectious-allergic arthritis are not fully established. It is assumed that this type of arthritis most often is a reaction to an infection developing in the nasopharynx.

Infectious-allergic arthritis is also called post-argon polyarthritis and infectious rheumatism. Usually, infectious-allergic arthritis is manifested in people who are highly susceptible to the causative agent of a certain infectious disease.

This type of arthritis can occur 10-15 days after the transferred infectious disease.

When infectious-allergic arthritis in children develops acute or subacute inflammation of the synovial membrane, Exciting multiple joints (inflammation may involve both small joints and large). At the same time in the joints there are weak or moderate pain sensations.


On the roentgenogram, there is no deviation from the norm in the joints, there are no functional disorders (there is no deformation of the joints).


The synovial fluid in this disease has the usual composition and viscosity.

Inflammation of the joints passes after a while and disappears without a trace and residual phenomena, the defeat of internal organs by this disease is not provoked.

In acute onset of the disease, the patient raises the temperature, allergic rash may occur, violations in the general condition of the organism are noticeable.

The body has increased ESR, blood levels of neutrophilic granulocytes, titres of streptococcal antibodies and eosinophils have been increased.

The disease passes through 2-3 weeks.

In the subacute course of the disease, the pathological condition of the body is observed for 4-6 weeks. In the analysis of blood, deviations from normal are weakly expressed.

At the child at an infectious-allergic arthritis such symptoms are possible:

  • refusal of food;
  • the child is constantly nervous and capricious;
  • walks limp, tries not to use his hands;
  • complains of pain in the hands or feet.
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Infectious-allergic arthritis is not easy to differentiate with other forms of arthritis. Since the methods of diagnosing this pathology have not yet been developed.

Diagnosis of infectious-allergic arthritis is made after the exclusion of all similar diseases based on absence of changes in the organs (with the exception of inflammation in the joints themselves) and rapid reverse development. Infectious-allergic arthritis in rare cases can give relapses. The prognosis of the course of the disease is favorable.

In the treatment of this disease, the use of glucocorticoids or the introduction of drugs into the joint will be unnecessary.

For the treatment of infectious-allergic arthritis, anti-inflammatory (aspirin or brufen), antimicrobial and inhibiting the development of an allergic reaction (suprastin or diphenhydramine) preparations.

Antibiotics are prescribed penicillin or erythromycin (in case of intolerance to penicillin) for 7-10 days.

For the prevention of infectious-allergic arthritis it is necessary to carry out treatment of infectious diseases in time and in full, with mandatory sanation of foci of infection.

Especially with respiratory infections and infections of streptococcal or staphylococcal nature - these the pathogens are most often allergens, which also provoke the development of an infectious-allergic arthritis.


When differentiating allergic and infectious-allergic arthritis from other types of arthritis a great role is played by the presence in the history of allergy of any nature or infectious disease, respectively.


With proper diagnosis and timely treatment, these diseases do not lead to damage to the joints or internal organs of a person.

Therefore, it is extremely important to contact a qualified doctor at the slightest manifestation of the symptoms of joint damage.


The increased sensitivity of the body to individual foods, the effects of dust or chemicals is usually expressed in the form of rhinitis, coughing and tearing.

But if these symptoms are accompanied by discomfort and pain in the joints, then there is a clear link between allergies and arthritis.

This ailment can be independent, that is, develop against the backdrop of defects in the immune system, or infectious.

Etiology of allergy and arthritis

The main cause of allergic joint damage is associated with a malfunction in the immune system.

Substances perceived by the body as foreign are deposited in articular tissues, causing inflammation and characteristic symptoms for it.

Symbiosis of allergy and arthritis is often manifested in the background of the action of haptens - substances that cause pathological reactions when combined with other agents, for example, blood plasma proteins.

Children often have sensitivity to certain pathogens of infectious diseases, usually in the nasopharynx.

In this case, allergy and arthritis is a reaction to the effect of infection, and 90% of allergens are the causative agents of staphylococcal and streptococcal nature.

If there is insufficient sanation of inflammatory foci during treatment of nasopharyngeal diseases (sinusitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis), infectious-allergic arthritis will recur, especially among children.

Comparison of clinical characteristics

Despite a similar symptomatic picture of these diseases, the therapeutic regimen can vary significantly. If infectious-allergic arthritis requires the passage of a full course of antibiotics, the usual form involves the use of more sparing medications.

A special approach requires treatment of the disease in children with hypersensitivity to allergens. Some drugs may be agents that cause secondary pathological effects of haptens, which aggravates the course of the disease and complicates treatment.


Allergic arthritis - one of the types of inflammation of the joints, which arises from the reaction of the immune system to allergens that enter the body.


The most frequent causative agent of this disease are proteins, which are part of the medicinal preparations and obtained by drawing from organisms of animal origin or having a homologous nature origin.


Allergic arthritis is able to develop against the background of other manifestations in the defeat of other organs and systems of man. But, if timely diagnosed with allergic arthritis and begin treatment, then this disease is easy enough to cure and stop the pathological changes in the joints.

Allergic arthritis manifests itself already at the early stages of its development quite brightly. This disease is characterized by: edema and pain in the joints.

Most often, the disease affects at least two compounds at the same time, but there are more affected areas.

Almost fifty percent of joints are affected by inflammation in the acute form of serum allergy.

Allergic arthritis can be manifested by lameness, which arises from pain. And, despite the fact that joints are usually affected in a symmetrical sequence, the intensity of pain can be different in joints on different limbs.

What other symptoms are characterized by allergic arthritis? Very many, and, as a rule, all this symptomatology is called serum sickness.

So, allergic arthritis can be manifested in: the defeat of the skin around the eyes (there is a rash, sometimes it looks like eczema, and sometimes hives) with a characteristic itching sensation.


And in this case, without additional research and skin tests, it is practically impossible to establish an accurate diagnosis.


It happens that allergic arthritis affects the respiratory tract, and then its symptoms are rhinitis, frequent sneezing, increased mucus secretion, burning in the mucous part of the nose.

Symptoms of eye damage with allergic arthritis is manifested through conjunctivitis, blepharitis, which characterized by abundant lacrimation, acute reaction of the eyes to light, redness of the eyelids, itching around eye. Similarly, with arthritis allergic, bronchospasm may develop (in this case, the bronchial constriction narrows, breathing becomes difficult, since the respiratory clearance decreases).


To diagnose allergic arthritis, it is necessary, first of all, to determine the development of its characteristic features, or, in other words, draw a clinical picture that occurs after the introduction of serums or other drugs with allergens (protein components) in the body patient.

The second stage of diagnosis, after careful collection of anamnesis, it is necessary to exclude all other diseases with similar symptomatic manifestations.

It is also necessary to separate other types of arthritis from allergic (lameness may occur in any kind of arthritis, and not only after the introduction of protein allergens).

In case of doubt in the diagnosis of allergic arthritis, the doctor prescribes a trial treatment, in which the diagnosis is either confirmed or completely refuted.


The method of preventing allergic arthritis includes the use of biologics with high-quality cleaning of protein allergens of animal origin. And to prevent acute relapses of serum sickness, it is recommended to exclude sera from the course of treatment.

The main goal of therapeutic methods for arthritis is allergic elimination of symptoms and reduction of hypersensitivity of the organism to protein whey allergens.


In the beginning, to stop the manifestations, antihistamines are used, such as dimedrol, suprastin, pipolfen, and others.


With strong pain, the doctor prescribes epinephrine (adrenaline), corticosteroids, and drugs that eliminate dysfunction in the body systems that have arisen under the influence of allergic arthritis (cardiovascular system, respiratory system, etc.).

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Arthritis allergic: causes and symptoms

Arthritis is a condition characterized by inflammation of the joints, which can lead to serious complications of bone and surrounding tissues.

The disease is caused by various factors.

Arthritis allergic arises from the use of certain foods and medicines, to which the immune system responds in a very specific way.

Description of dystrophic pathology

What it is? The patient's body does not take certain foods, as a result, immunity begins to produce antibodies, raising body temperature to fight infection. However, similar immunological reactions can lead to various complications, including rheumatoid arthritis.

Infectious-allergic arthritis implies the course of the inflammatory process in the wrists, hands and feet, and the disease can affect the shoulder, knee and hip joint.

Millions of people around the world suffer from such a disease. A large number of patients are susceptible to this condition due to the autoimmune reaction of their body to certain types of food and drugs.

Infectious or allergic rheumatoid arthritis affects patients of any age and both sexes.

The disease can cause serious complications, including carpal tunnel syndrome, inflammatory processes in the eyes, lungs, blood vessels, heart, as well as an increased risk of stroke and heart attack.

Carpal tunnel syndrome involves pinching the nerve in the hand, which affects the nervous system responsible for monitoring movements and sensations in the hands.

What are the causes of this condition?

Allergic arthritis in children 2 years old occurs quite often, this is due to the ingestion of some types of food and medicine that provoke an autoimmune response to organisms that lead to inflammation joints. Some studies show that eating certain types of food is not the main cause of the disease, the cause is protein and other substances in foods, for example, in the following:

  • cow's milk;
  • chicken eggs;
  • pork;
  • cereals;
  • cod.

The child's digestive tract is the first to identify foods or medicines associated with allergens.

As in other cases of allergy, the human immune system mistakenly identifies proteins and other substances in the products listed above, for harmful invaders of the body.


She continues to produce immunoglobulin E (IgE antibody), which triggers a chain reaction involving inflammation in the joints.


Numerous studies also show that gluten can cause rheumatoid allergic arthritis of the knee joint and other articulations. In addition to food, the risk of disease can increase the following factors:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • gender studies confirm that women suffer more from pathology than men.
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Smokers are more likely to develop allergic rheumatoid arthritis than other patients.

Clinical manifestations of the disease

In the early stages and with mild forms of allergy associated with rheumatoid arthritis, small joints suffer first.

The patient often experiences pain in articulation of the fingers and toes.

In more severe cases, the symptoms spread to large joints, causing aching or sharp pain attacks, loss of movement.

Symptoms in adults and children can be as follows:

  • tenderness and warmth in the joint;
  • the skin of the affected joint is swollen and reddened;
  • stiffness in the joints, starting in the morning, and lasting up to several hours;
  • rheumatoid nodules;
  • fatigue;
  • weight loss;
  • fever to fever.

Unlike other types of rheumatoid arthritis, the symptoms of an allergic form are usually observed after the patient has swallowed food or medications that aggravate the condition.

With time and in the absence of treatment, the disease leads to deformation in the joints. More details about the symptoms of the disease can be found by watching a video with Dr. Komarovsky.

How is the diagnosis of pathology

After discovering the signs of allergic arthritis, the patient is recorded to see a doctor, they may have a therapist who will direct the victim to a rheumatologist and an allergist.

Diagnosis of the disease involves a blood test to measure the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation (ESR).

High rates of ESR mean that the patient has an increased level of inflammatory processes in the body.

The child and the adult will need to undergo an examination with the help of X-rays, if necessary, conduct magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography.

Treatment of allergic arthritis

Primary care for the disease is the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which are necessary to stop pain and inflammation.

Treatment, as a rule, is aimed at preventing pathology and reducing symptoms.

It consists of the cessation of contact with pathogens, and the use of certain medications that improve the condition of the victim.

Patients are prescribed drugs to suppress autoimmune reactions to allergens, these are antihistamines.

Also, doctors prescribe the use of chondroprotective drugs orally to prevent further damage to bones, cartilage, ligaments and tendons.

Chondroprotectors include such drugs as:

Do not exclude the treatment of traditional medicine. Various broths and tinctures, prepared from anti-inflammatory herbs, effectively cope with the disease. A positive result after the course of treatment will be, if strictly observe all the prescriptions of the attending physician.

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Provoking factors of development of allergic arthritis in adults and children: effective therapies and recovery prognosis

Allergic diseases have different forms and manifestations. Allergic arthritis is an inflammatory process in joints due to exposure to allergens. The disease usually occurs against a background of a systemic allergic reaction or symptoms of lesions of other organs and systems.

Most often, allergic arthritis is exposed to children, as well as people prone to allergies. The disease can proceed as acute or subacute inflammation of the joints.

If you make a timely diagnosis and take therapeutic measures, the pathological articular destruction can be stopped, recovery comes without serious consequences for the body.

The occurrence of allergic arthritis is associated with an increased sensitivity of the body to foreign proteins and the products of their decay.

The disease can be a consequence of any form of allergy and various allergens:

Penetrating into the body allergens interact with antibodies, forming immune complexes. With the bloodstream they penetrate and accumulate in the joints and cause inflammation.

Often the cause of allergic arthritis are transferred infectious diseases. The allergic mechanism of development has also arthritis, arising against the background of rubella virus, hepatitis B virus. This occurs under the condition of immune disorders, when the protective function of the body is weakened.

Clinical picture

At an early stage, allergic arthritis has all the signs of an allergic synovitis. Symptoms can be noticeable immediately after exposure to the antigen, but more often it occurs within a week of contact with it. First, the disease can be taken as a beginning catarrhal disease.

At the first stages of the development of the ailment of the patient are concerned:

  • malaise;
  • weakness;
  • tachycardia;
  • tear of the eye.

Suddenly, one or more large joints swell. The zone of inflammation becomes hyperemic. There is pain in the joints, their stiffness. After rest, pain increases with movement or with palpation. There is a local increase in temperature.

At the next stage, there are elements of an allergic rash, similar to urticaria, which are accompanied by pruritus. Lymph nodes may increase. With complicated forms of the disease, exudate accumulates in the joints, destructive processes occur.

Important!If you stop the action of the allergen on the joints, the symptoms can go away on their own for several days. This allergic arthritis can be distinguished from other inflammations of the joints. With repeated contact with the irritant, relapse of the disease is possible.

Rarely, the allergic form of arthritis is long-lived. Usually it is caused by medicinal allergens. In addition to strong pain and fluid accumulation in the affected joints, dying of the joint tissues can occur, and the surface of the joints may collapse.

There are cases of affecting the respiratory system in allergic arthritis:

  • rhinitis;
  • sneezing;
  • edema of the nasal mucosa;
  • bronchospasm.

Allergic arthritis in children

Arthritis is considered a disease of the elderly, it is often diagnosed in children. Even infants are affected.

The main cause of childhood arthritis is the defect of immunity, which leads to the development of individual intolerance to certain allergens (food, medicine, pollen).

When the foreign agent re-enters the body, they interact with the antibodies. Formed complexes are deposited in the joints, provoke the inflammatory process.


Manifestations of pathology in children are the same as in adults. But they are more pronounced. More often in childhood, diagnosed acute and subacute forms of the disease.


Acute arthritis begins lightning fast, the affected joints swell, the general condition of the patient worsens. In severe cases, the larynx swells, bronchospasm develops.

The subacute form may be the result of taking certain medicines for several days in a row.

As a consequence of the infectious process, infectious-allergic arthritis can occur in the child's body. The exact causes of it have not yet been fully studied.

The development of this form of arthritis depends on the sensitivity of the organism to the causative agent of this or that infectious disease.

The disease manifests 10-15 days after the infection.

Distinguishing symptoms of pathology

On a note:

  • As a rule, large joints are affected;
  • After a while, in addition to inflammation of the joints, systemic allergy symptoms appear;
  • The inflammatory process can pass itself after the cessation of exposure to the allergen;
  • relapses may occur after repeated exposure to an allergen or an infectious disease.


The complexity of setting the right diagnosis in the similarity of allergic arthritis with other diseases. Of great importance is the relationship between the development of joint damage and exposure to allergens.

The doctor should conduct an examination of the patient, fix the character of the symptoms. A general blood test is performed, in which attention is paid to ESR and the number of eosinophils.

Carrying out X-rays in allergic arthritis will not reveal pathological changes, since there is no destruction of bone tissue. Informative for the diagnosis of allergic arthritis is ultrasound of joints.


You can detect the expansion of the joint cavity, the presence of turbid sediment and effusion. For final diagnosis, joint puncture can be performed with examination of exudate.


If there is an allergic arthritis, the material reveals eosinophils and immune complexes.

Effective methods of treatment

It is necessary to treat allergic arthritis in a complex way. The scheme of therapy will depend on the causes of the disease, its shape and the severity of the symptoms.the task is to eliminate the provoking factor.

Medication Therapy

If the cause of acute inflammation is an infectious agent, specific antibiotic therapy is prescribed for 7 days:

  • Erythromycin;
  • Amoxyl;
  • Amoxiclav.

To stop the intensity of the inflammatory process, NSAIDs are used:

  • Diclofenac;
  • Nimesil;
  • Ibuprofen.

In parallel with anti-inflammatory therapy, antiallergic with antihistamines is performed:

  • Zirtek;
  • Erius;
  • Loratadine;
  • Cetrin.

For local treatment on the area of ​​inflamed joints, apply anti-inflammatory ointments:

  • Diklak;
  • Dolgit;
  • Ketonazole;
  • Cynepar.

In subacute allergic arthritis, it is preferable to use steroid agents:

  • Dexamethasone;
  • Hydrocortisone;
  • Prednisolone.

Corticosteroids are appropriate to use in the form of injections in the course of a severe course of the disease, a slow resolution of the exudate in the joint cavity. If the treatment is not started on time, irreversible changes can occur in the joints, including tissue necrosis and limb deformity.

The joints need rest. To ensure that they are in the right position, sometimes a soft bandage is applied.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

Physiotherapy will help to speed recovery:

  • paraffin therapy;
  • peat application;
  • diathermy;
  • treatment with ozocerite.

In most cases, allergic arthritis is favorably treated and does not cause irreversible joint damage. To avoid relapses, it is necessary to exclude as much as possible the ingestion of allergens that provoke inflammation.

If a history of allergic diseases, it is necessary to constantly monitor the allergist.

If it is necessary to use a particular drug, it is usually prescribed in parallel with antihistamines.

If you do not follow the precautions, then the new penetration of the allergen into the body will cause more severe manifestations of pathology.

Allergic arthritis is a reversible ailment if it is discovered in time and begins treatment.

The disease is not only experienced by adults, it is often diagnosed in children.

You need to be very attentive to the manifestations of allergic arthritis, with the slightest changes in the joints to consult a specialist.

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