Swelling of the leg below the knee: causes


  • 1Swelling of the legs below the knees: causes and treatment
    • 1.1Right ventricular failure
    • 1.2Left ventricular failure
    • 1.3Diagnosis of left ventricular failure
    • 1.4Treatment
    • 1.5Renal edema
    • 1.6Diagnosis of renal edema
    • 1.7General principles of treatment
    • 1.8Lesion of the liver
    • 1.9Diagnosis of liver damage
    • 1.10Varicose disease
    • 1.11Treatment of varicose veins
    • 1.12Phlebothrombosis
    • 1.13Venous insufficiency
    • 1.14Arthritis and systemic diseases
    • 1.15Hemorrhagic vasculitis of Shenlaine - Genocha
    • 1.16Hemophilia
    • 1.17The onset of edema on the legs, not associated with the presence of pathologies
  • 2What causes the swelling of the leg below the knee?
  • 3Edema of the foot below the knee joint: causes and treatment of the disease
    • 3.1Symptoms
    • 3.2Heart failure
    • 3.3Diseases of the veins
    • 3.4Kidney pathology
    • 3.5Lymphatic edema
    • 3.6Allergic reactions
    • 3.7Diagnostics
    • 3.8Treatment
    • 3.9Medication Therapy
    • 3.10Physiotherapy
    • 3.11Massage and exercise therapy
    • 3.12Operation
  • 4Swelling of the legs below the knees and ankle
    instagram viewer
    • 4.1Possible causes of appearance
    • 4.2Renal edema
    • 4.3Edema of the legs with heart failure
    • 4.4Hemorrhagic vasculitis
    • 4.5Arthritis
    • 4.6Physiological causes of swelling of the feet
    • 4.7Diagnosis and treatment
    • 4.8Folk methods in the fight against edema

Swelling of the legs below the knees: causes and treatment

There is a stereotype that swelling of the lower limbs is associated only with excessive fluid intake and a sedentary lifestyle. If you have swollen legs below the knees, the reasons for this can be more alarming.

In fact, the presence of this symptom can be a formidable harbinger of cardiovascular disease, diseases kidney, liver, inflammatory lesions of blood vessels, squeezing of the tumor with iliac veins and other serious diseases.

Correctly performed diagnostics allows to reveal the main disease in time and to select effective timely therapy.

Right ventricular failure

Swelling of the legs can be a consequence of right ventricular failure. Wherein:

  • Appears shortness of breath, reduces the ability to perform the usual physical activity (climbing the stairs, walking). Weakness and rapid fatigue are caused by oxygen starvation of tissues due to inferior blood supply.
  • There are swelling of the legs.

Let's consider more in detail, for what reason the legs below the knees swell with right ventricular failure.

Due to the deterioration of the contractility of the ventricles, adequate blood supply to organs and tissues is impaired, activation of the sympathoadrenal system occurs and the lumen of the venules and arterioles narrows, the number of cardiac abbreviations. In response to vasoconstriction, blood pressure rises, the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system is activated, decreases renal blood flow, there is a delay of sodium and water, increases blood vessel filling, hydrostatic pressure in the veins.

If the legs swell below the knees, the reasons for this may be that the permeability of the vessels has been increased, in reducing the synthesis of protein and excretion of it in the urine due to the affection of the kidneys.

Cardiogenic swelling develops gradually, maximum expressed by the end of the day. Distribute from the bottom up.

The first swelling of the feet, there are complaints of crowdedness, inconvenience of shoes. Then the calf drips. The skin is cold to the touch, pale cyanotic. There are marks from socks, rubber bands, shoes fasteners. When pressing on the skin, the pits are permanently retained.

Symmetry of edema is characteristic. With prolonged sitting, there may be an edema of the lumbar region.

When decompensating right ventricular failure, edema becomes widespread. Ascites appear (filling the abdominal cavity with liquid). Perhaps the development of anasarca (extensive swelling of the skin and subcutaneous fat).

Left ventricular failure

For left ventricular failure is more typical manifestations of cardiac asthma:

  1. Orthopnea (the patient can not be in a horizontal position, due to increased blood filling of the pulmonary capillaries and the development of severe dyspnoea).
  2. Paroxysmal nocturnal breathing (severe dyspnoea, appearing during sleep, accompanied by wheezing, wheezing, pronounced cough, cyanosis of the face).
  3. The wheezing in the lungs.
  4. Profuse cold sweat.

Diagnosis of left ventricular failure

  1. Electrocardiography (the disturbances of rhythm and conduction, the presence of pathological teeth are assessed).
  2. Echocardiography (the fraction of cardiac output, the thickness of the walls of the atria and ventricles, the presence damage to valves or stenoses, structural changes in the pericardium), 24-hour ECG monitoring (Holter).
  3. Chest X-ray.
  4. Test under load to determine the functional class of heart failure.
  5. Urine test for protein content.
  6. The analysis of blood with the definition of markers of myocardial damage.
  7. Immunoglobulins M and G to cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus.
  8. Assessment of the level of natriuretic peptides.


Therapy consists of the following measures:

  • diet with salt restriction in accordance with the degree of heart failure;
  • dosed physical exercise, daily walking;
  • drug therapy (diuretics, cardiac glycosides, angiotensin-converting enzyme blockers, beta-adrenoblockers, antiaggregants, antiarrhythmics).

With left ventricular failure, the legs swell below the knees? The reasons and recommendations for treatment are examined.

Renal edema

Unlike cardiac edema, the kidneys are most pronounced in the morning, develop from the top down. Initially, the eyelids and face swell.

Closer to the second half of the day swelling of the legs (lower legs and ankles), puffiness of the face is less pronounced. The skin is soft, warm, the fossa quickly disappears after pressing with a finger.

The presence of cyanosis is not typical.

The ability of edema to "migrate" is an important diagnostic sign in the pathology of the kidneys.

There is a tendency for increased pressure.

If you have a leg under the knee with a swollen leg, you will find the reasons, treatment, and other useful recommendations below.

Edema is associated with toxic-immune damage to the glomeruli of the kidneys, a decrease in the rate of their filtration, fluid retention, an increase in the blood volume, plasma components of blood in the tissue due to increased vascular permeability and decreased oncotic blood pressure due to the pronounced protein loss with urine.


And yet, why swell the legs below the knees? The causes and symptoms of these unpleasant sensations are interrelated.


With the development of edema due to glomerulonephritis, there is a connection with a transmitted infection, for example, angina.

With nephritic syndrome, edema is less pronounced, characterized by a hematuric syndrome (urine acquires the color of meat slops).

Nephrotic syndrome is accompanied by a massive loss of protein in the urine and marked swelling up to the anasarca.

Diagnosis of renal edema

  • Protein in urine.
  • Urine for sterility.
  • Determination of streptococcal and staphylococcal antibodies to serum.
  • Ultrasound examination of the kidneys.
  • Control of blood pressure.
  • Blood test.

General principles of treatment

Therapies use:

  • diet with restriction of salt, protein and liquid;
  • bed rest;
  • systemic antibiotic therapy;
  • the appointment of diuretics;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • antihistamine therapy;
  • use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • anticoagulants and antiaggregants (for the prevention of microthrombogenesis and further damage to the glomeruli);
  • glucocorticosteroids and cytostatics in the treatment of nephrotic syndrome.

Lesion of the liver

Why do swollen legs below the knees? The causes and symptoms of these unpleasant sensations can talk about liver diseases.

Decrease in protein synthesis in the liver due to severe damage to its tissue (terminal stage of hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty degeneration, hepatocellular carcinoma) is accompanied by severe widespread edema, up to anasarki. Hepatic edema is accompanied by a pronounced itch of the skin, combs, vascular asterisks, fragility of the capillaries, jaundice of the skin and visible mucous membranes.

Diagnosis of liver damage

  1. Examination of urine.
  2. Study feces.
  3. A blood test, determination of the level of total protein, liver samples (ALAT, ACAT, GGT, bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase), the thymol test, the level of urea and creatinine are investigated.
  4. Ultrasound.
  5. Markers of viral hepatitis, immunoglobulins M and G to cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus.
  6. Blood for HIV.

Varicose disease

What else has such a phenomenon as swelling of the legs below the knee, causes? Redness and flaking of the skin is characterized by varicose veins, which is accompanied by dull aching pain, rapid fatigue, heaviness in the legs.

With severe lesions, trophic skin changes are possible: dermatitis, ulcers, hyperpigmentation.

Visually visible contour venous patterns, pronounced edema, enlargement and swelling of the veins, trophic skin changes.

Edema is asymmetrical, of varying severity, depending on the degree of venous damage.

The presence of edema on the legs is isolated and does not combine with other clinical symptoms (dyspnea, cough, swelling on the face and trunk, fever, etc.).

If you are concerned about varicose edema of the leg below the knee, reasons, photos and other useful information are available in this article. Perhaps this will help you.

Treatment of varicose veins

In severe lesions, surgical treatment (phlebosclerosis) is used.

Drug treatment includes the use of venotonic and antiaggregants.


What is the reason for swelling of the legs below the knees, in addition to the above diseases? Swelling of the legs can occur, including with phlebothrombosis. In deep vein thrombosis, the initial stages proceed without signs of inflammation of the vein wall.

Redness of the skin swelling is rare. The skin is glossy, the venous pattern is clearly contoured. Appears edema only the affected leg. Characteristic of the spread of pain on the inner surface of the thigh. Pain sharply increases with walking.

Venous insufficiency

Let's consider more in detail, for what reason the legs below the knees swell with chronic venous insufficiency.

The constantly progressive lesion of the venous system is accompanied by symmetrical edema, disappearing by morning and appearing in the evening.

There is reddening of the skin of the lower legs (on the background of pronounced puffiness). Very rarely there is a one-sided defeat.

Arthritis and systemic diseases

Pain and swelling in arthritis are associated with an effusion in the joint cavity. The joint is enlarged in size. The redness of the skin is characteristic.

The debut of juvenile arthritis (up to 16 years) is accompanied by a sharp onset, fever, a rash on the skin of the face, trunk, buttocks, over the joints. Affected internal organs. Rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by morning stiffness in movements.

Hemorrhagic vasculitis of Shenlaine - Genocha

If you have a Henoch-Henoch hemorrhagic vasculitis, and you are worried about why the right leg is lowered below the knee, the reasons will be examined further.

Typical connection with the transferred infection, the intake of antibiotics, the presence of severe allergic reactions.

With articular form characterized by: swelling, swelling of the knee joints, muscle pains, hemorrhagic rash on the extremities, hips and buttocks.


Due to a violation of coagulation, there may be bleeding in the muscles, joints associated with minor trauma. The affected joint is edematous, sharply painful during movement and palpation, the skin is hyperemic, hot to the touch.

The onset of edema on the legs, not associated with the presence of pathologies

If the legs swell below the knees, the reasons for this are not always associated with pathology. The onset of edema can be a consequence:

  • alcohol abuse;
  • excessive consumption of salty foods that cause fluid retention;
  • protective reaction to the overheating of the body;
  • increased stress on the foot and spine associated with wearing uncomfortable shoes, too high heels;
  • stagnant phenomena and increased pressure in the veins due to a sedentary lifestyle;
  • physiological edemas with prolonged physical labor;
  • excess weight;
  • edema during pregnancy (only massive, rapidly increasing edema accompanied by nausea, increased blood pressure and headache - the threat of eclampsia);
  • edema in the premenstrual syndrome.
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So, you need to worry if your legs often swell below your knees. The causes and types of edema can be different.

In prophylactic purposes it is recommended: to normalize the body weight and balance the diet, to stop using alcohol, regularly undergo preventive examinations with the therapist, include in the daily regimen the metered and regular physical load. In the absence of pathology on the part of the kidneys and the cardiovascular system, yoga (inverted asanas), therapeutic exercises (exercise "birch") are effective for normalizing venous outflow.

What should I do if my legs swell below my knees? The reasons, than to treat, how to get rid of this - all this is of interest to those who have encountered a problem. Our article answers all these questions.

A source: http://.ru/article/296781/otekayut-nogi-nije-kolen-prichinyi-i-lechenie

What causes the swelling of the leg below the knee?

The clinical picture can be observed in the following age groups:

  • middle-aged people;
  • old men;
  • young people.

But the most typical appearance of swelling of the ankle after 50 years. Under the edema is commonly understood the accumulation of fluid in soft tissues, which can be provoked by various factors. But most people do not seek a cause, but try to eliminate the swelling of their feet or ankle.

Do not do this, because the swollen legs syndrome may indicate the presence of serious pathologies in the body.

Therefore, people should go to the hospital, so that the attending physician appoints a comprehensive examination.


This helps to establish why this or that limb swells, hurts and causes discomfort.


It is important to determine the causes correctly. Legs swell due to the fact that there is a violation of blood flow in the limbs. Causes of leg edema below the knee joint may be as follows:

  1. 1. Capillaries become more permeable.
  2. 2. Violation of the relationship between the fluid and proteins in the blood.
  3. 3. In the vessels, the hydrostatic pressure rises, as a result of which the plasma begins to enter the tissues and interstitial space, where it gradually accumulates, forming an edema.
  4. 4. The reaction of the body to taking hormonal and antihypertensive drugs. A tumor can provoke and antidepressants.
  5. 5. Allergy.
  6. 6. Starvation.
  7. 7. Problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  8. 8. Infiltration of the body.
  9. 9. Dysfunction in the circulation of lymph, resulting in the development of lymphostasis (violation of the outflow of lymph from the capillaries and vessels).
  10. 10. Mechanical damage to the limbs.
  11. 11. Arthritis and arthrosis that affect one or another type of joint.
  12. 12. Heart failure and other diseases associated with the heart.
  13. 13. Diseases of veins.
  14. 14. Kidney pathology.

The tumor of the legs below the knees is provoked by a whole complex of causes, which become the basis for the development of edema. This condition should be treated as early as possible.

The following symptoms become manifestations of diseases:

  1. 1. In the ankle and shin area, pastovness appears (at the point of pressing a trace is formed in the form of a pit). Similar prints can remain in the form of footprints from the rubber bands of socks.
  2. 2. There is edematous local character, it manifests itself on one or both legs in the ankle or ankle.
  3. 3. Edema of the feet, one or both tibia, which rises to the knee, and then goes higher. If you press on the skin at any place, a large depression will appear that does not align for a long time.
  4. 4. There is a trophic skin disorder, which is associated with the appearance of edema. As a result of puffiness, the skin stretches, it does not appear cracks, turning into wounds, dermatitis, erosion, trophic ulcers.

Symptoms are little or intense.

Symptoms can be stable, which means the physiological nature of the edema, or progress is evidence of pathology.

From those or other signs depends on the composition of the clinical picture, on the basis of which the diagnosis and subsequent therapy.

How is the examination and treatment performed? Swollen feet often hurt. The use of drugs can eliminate pain only for a while, so people are forced to go to the hospital for help. The diagnosis is staged:

  1. 1. Clinical examination.
  2. 2. Delivery of laboratory tests.
  3. 3. Passage of additional examination.

It is the latter technique that allows you to accurately determine the cause of such a leg condition, adjust further study of the edema, or prescribe a course of drug treatment. Clinical tests include the delivery of a general blood and urine test, a biochemical blood test, and an allergy test.

More detailed diagnosis involves radiography of joints and bones, angiography, electrocardiography, ultrasound examination of blood vessels, kidneys, and heart.

Depending on the results obtained, a method for controlling swelling of extremities is selected. Therapy should be aimed at preventing the development of a primary pathology or deepening an existing pathology. Therefore, treatment includes the following activities:

  1. 1. Taking medications.
  2. 2. Passage of physiotherapy procedures.
  3. 3. Massage.
  4. 4. Physiotherapy.
  5. 5. Operation.

It is important to follow a diet. The daily ration of food intake is built:

  • on the restriction of the use of table salt or its complete exclusion;
  • refusal of sharp, fatty and smoked dishes;
  • on the use of food rich in proteins.

It is important to reduce the physical stress on the legs, to hold, if necessary, the immobilization of the foot. In some cases, a knee or ankle puncture is prescribed to remove fluid from the tissues.

Any treatment, especially medication, can be prescribed only by a doctor. Precisely the right course of medication becomes the basis for treatment.

If during the diagnosis, funds can be prescribed to eliminate the manifestation of symptoms, then the therapy is complex.

It is based on taking etiotropic drugs that are aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease. Among such medicines can be:

  1. 1. Diuretics.
  2. 2. Antiallergic (Suprastin, Tavegil).
  3. 3. Anti-inflammatory (Diclofenac).
  4. 4. Preparations that eliminate puffiness and improve lymphatic flow.

If the swelling is provoked by an infection, then antibiotics are prescribed for fighting microbes and bacteria, eliminating inflammation foci.

When a chronic glomerulonephritis is diagnosed, cytostatics and corticosteroids are prescribed.

In other diseases, hormonal drugs, anticoagulants, antiaggregants are prescribed to influence the symptoms and causes at the hormonal and other levels, penetrating deeply into the tissues.

Physiotherapy is great for treating:

  1. 1. Mechanical damage.
  2. 2. Pathology of the joints.
  3. 3. Lymphedema.
  4. 4. Insufficiency of veins, which passed into a chronic stage.

Physiotherapeutic methods are aimed at stimulating the flow of biochemical processes in the tissues, increasing the vascular tone and normalizing their permeability, and improving blood circulation. To this end, doctors prescribe electrophoresis and phonophoresis with drugs, magnetotherapy, laser treatment, mud therapy, paraffin application, UHF treatment.

But such procedures are categorically contraindicated for those who suffer from heart diseases, infectious pathologies, and have tumors.


In such cases, massage and therapeutic gymnastics are prescribed, designed to eliminate pathologies and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Exercises help to restore mobility to joints, the volume of movements, to carry out prevention.


It is important that patients do not miss classes, as gymnastics is a great chance to get rid of soreness.

Massage is effective in the pathology of veins and the disturbance of the current of lymph, bones and muscles associated with swelling of the tissues.

The operation is appointed in the case when it is necessary to eliminate thrombosis or thromboembolism with which conventional techniques can not cope.

A source: http://spina-health.ru/otek-nogi-nizhe-kolena-prichiny/

Edema of the foot below the knee joint: causes and treatment of the disease

Quite often when referring to a doctor, patients complain about edema of the lower extremities. This is common among middle-aged and elderly people, and in some cases, young people.

Edema is an accumulation of fluid in soft tissues, which develops as a result of various causes. This is just a symptom that indicates certain problems in the body.

Many people, paying attention to the increase in the shin and foot in volume, want to return the legs to their previous appearance, often forgetting that puffiness can talk about serious health problems.

The main mechanisms of edema development are violation of venous and lymphatic outflow, increase in capillary permeability or disruption of fluid binding to blood proteins.

Due to the increased hydrostatic pressure in the vessels, the plasma enters the interstitial space.

With difficulty in reabsorbing the fluid, it gradually accumulates in the tissues with increasing volume.

Swelling of the leg below the knee can be triggered by both general and local causes that trigger the mechanism of edema formation. There are a large number of diseases and conditions that are manifested by such a symptom. The most significant are:

  • Heart failure.
  • Diseases of veins (thrombosis and thrombophlebitis, varicose veins).
  • Pathology of the kidneys (glomerulonephritis, nephropathy).
  • Diseases of the joints (arthritis and arthrosis).
  • Injuries (sprains and ruptures of ligaments, bruises, fractures).
  • Impaired circulation of lymph (lymphostasis).
  • Infectious diseases (erysipelas).
  • Pathology of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism).
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Taking certain medications (hormones, antihypertensives, antidepressants).
  • Starvation.


Since edema can be a symptom of many diseases, an important point in diagnosis is the determination of its origin.

Given the various mechanisms of occurrence and accompanying manifestations, it is necessary to clearly differentiate this state in clinical practice.

Although at first glance it seems that all edema is the same, but in fact there are characteristic signs by which you can determine the likely cause of their occurrence. For this, it is necessary to consider the most important diseases accompanied by a similar symptom.

Heart failure

Long-term course of cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, especially with inadequate treatment, leads to the progression of functional changes, which is manifested by chronic cardiac insufficiency. It is a complication of the underlying pathology and can occur under such conditions:

  1. Ischemic heart disease.
  2. Hypertension.
  3. Myocarditis, endocarditis, cardiomyopathy.
  4. Arrhythmias.
  5. Defects of the heart.
  6. Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases.
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At the same time, signs of an insufficient contractile function of the heart are superimposed on the symptoms of the underlying disease, when blood stagnation occurs in the venous system. Depending on which parts of the heart are most difficult to work with, in addition to edema, the following symptoms may appear:

  • Dyspnea.
  • Heartache.
  • Enlarged liver.
  • Violation of the heart rate.
  • Chryps in the lungs, hydrothorax (fluid in the pleura).

Insufficiency of blood circulation leads to the formation of bilateral edema in the region of the shins and feet. As a rule, they are soft, after pressing on the skin remains a fossa, which gradually disappears.

Initially, the disease is characterized by the appearance of puffiness by the evening, and as the process develops, it becomes constant, moving ever higher - to the hips and abdomen.

Soft tissues are densified, the skin is pinkish in color.

Diseases of the veins

The pathology of the venous system can proceed according to the type of acute thrombosis or chronic venous insufficiency with thrombophlebitis or varicose leg disease. This will determine the characteristics of edema and the rest of the symptomatology.

If there was a blockage of deep veins with a blood clot, then as a rule, one leg swells sharply - from the ankle and to the inguinal region - which is determined by the localization of the obstruction to blood flow.

In this case, the limb is dense, cyanotic in color, painful on palpation. Subcutaneous fat does not contain liquid, so the depression is not formed when pressed. Characterized by severe pain in the affected leg.

The size of the limb does not change during the day.

Chronic venous insufficiency is characterized by the appearance of soft edema, which disappear in morning time - at night, when the body is in a horizontal position, the outflow of blood is improved veins.


Basically, the lower third of the tibia is involved in the process from both sides, and the feet are practically unchanged. Skin covers have a usual coloration or are somewhat cyanotic, varicose veins and trophic disorders (spots, ulcers) are noticeable.


Patients feel heaviness in the legs, periodic aching pain.

Kidney pathology

Ocular syndrome is a frequent component of the clinical picture of diseases in which the excretory and filtration function of the kidneys suffers.

This is mainly observed in chronic glomerulonephritis and nephropathy.

In this case, two mechanisms are involved - increasing the pressure of the fluid in the vessels and reducing the protein concentration.

As a rule, edema occurs with a pronounced degree of pathological process. They are located below the knee with the involvement of the back of the foot and extend to both legs.

Fabrics have a soft consistency and a pale skin tone.

When the nephrotic syndrome fluid can accumulate in other areas - on the face, abdomen, hands, in the body cavities, up to the general edema (anasarca).

In renal pathology, the clinical picture will necessarily contain other symptoms of the underlying disease:

  1. There are pains in the lower back.
  2. In the urine appears blood (hematuria), protein (proteinuria), its relative density decreases.
  3. Increases blood pressure.
  4. Anemia is possible.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the appearance of nephropathy is possible - a form of toxicosis that occurs with edema of the lower limbs, proteinuria and arterial hypertension. In this case, all the symptoms after childbirth disappear.

Lymphatic edema

One of the common causes of edema is lymphatic stasis. It can have a primary character (lymphedema), and also arise after removal of lymph nodes and radiation therapy of tumors, with infectious diseases (erysipelas), vascular injuries.

With lymphostasis, swelling of the lower extremities is observed - from the foot and up, including the thigh.


The primary process is characterized by bilateral localization, and secondary lymphedema, as a rule, affects one limb.


First, the swollen leg is soft and pale, and subsequently there is a tightening of the tissues and darkening of the skin. The limb can reach a considerable size, which gives patients a lot of inconvenience.

Allergic reactions

The effects of various allergens can provoke an acute reaction of the body with the development of edema.

This is due to an increase in the permeability of the capillaries to the blood plasma, which leaves the tissue.

Basically, the areas with loose subcutaneous tissue are affected, but legs can also swell.

The location of the edema is determined by the site of exposure to the allergen. On the skin appear itchy blisters of pink color, which can merge with each other.

Subsequently, the underlying tissue swells, burning and bursting may occur in this area.

In addition, there may be other manifestations of an allergic reaction:

  • Sneezing.
  • Lachrymation.
  • Cough and shortness of breath.
  • Dizziness.


To determine the cause of edematous syndrome, one clinical examination is not enough.

Then it is necessary to do an additional examination, which will indicate the defeat of a particular organ or system.

The necessity of using these or other methods is determined by the direction of the diagnostic search and the preliminary medical conclusion. The examination complex for edematous syndrome may include:

  1. Clinical and biochemical analysis of blood.
  2. Clinical analysis of urine.
  3. Allergens.
  4. Ultrasound of blood vessels, kidneys, heart.
  5. ECG.
  6. Angiography.
  7. Radiography of joints, bones.


Treatment of edema must be differentiated, taking into account the cause and mechanism of occurrence.

Since they are only a manifestation of the underlying disease, all efforts should be aimed at eliminating the key moments of the development of the primary pathology. In the arsenal of medical activities are:

  • Drug therapy.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Massage and exercise therapy.
  • Operative treatment.

In many cases, with edematous syndrome, it is recommended to adhere to a diet: to limit table salt, liquid, avoid the use of sharp and fatty foods, ensure sufficient protein content in diet.

If this symptom appears after an injury, it may be necessary to reduce the load on the leg or immobilize the limb. Sometimes it is necessary to puncture the knee or ankle to remove fluid.

Medication Therapy

The admission of medications is the basis for the treatment of many diseases that occur with the phenomena of swelling of the legs. Contrary to the conventional wisdom, symptomatic drugs do not treat the disease, but only eliminate its visible manifestations.

Therefore, therapy should not be limited to one group of medicines, but must necessarily include an etiotropic (causative) component.

A wide variety of causes of edematous syndrome dictates the need for various medications, among which it is necessary to distinguish:

  1. Diuretics (furosemide, indapamide).
  2. Antiedematous (L-lysine escinate).
  3. Improving lymphatic drainage (lymphomyositis).
  4. Anti-inflammatory (meloxicam, diclofenac).
  5. Anti-allergic (tavegil, suprastin).

Some diseases require specific treatment: with infectious arthritis and erysipelas, antibiotics are prescribed; treatment of chronic glomerulonephritis is not without corticosteroids and cytostatics; In the case of hypothyroidism, thyroid hormones need to be taken, and acute thromboses are treated with anticoagulants and antiaggregants.


Methods of physical treatment can be used for injuries, articular pathology, chronic venous insufficiency and lymphedema. This will stimulate biochemical processes in the tissues, improve blood circulation, normalize the tone and permeability of blood vessels. Recommend such physiotherapy:

  • Electro- and phonophoresis of medicines.
  • Magnetotherapy.
  • Laser treatment.
  • UHF-therapy.
  • Paraffin and mud cure.

Massage and exercise therapy

Therapeutic gymnastics is an obligatory component of the treatment of the pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

Doing exercises with injuries and osteoarthritis is necessary for a more rapid recovery of lost volume of movements, prevention of contractures.

Classes should be held regularly and do not allow the initiation of painful sensations.

Special massage techniques are of great importance for lymphostasis, venous insufficiency. Vacuum, lymphatic drainage techniques are very popular. To pass a massage course is also recommended for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, which are accompanied by temporary swelling of the tissues.


Surgical treatment is necessary for thrombosis and thromboembolism of a severe degree, when conservative techniques fail to restore the patency of vessels.

In this case, blood clots are removed through vascular access.

In varicose veins, pathologically altered areas of the veins are excised, and in the case of lymphostasis, the patency of the vessels for lymph is restored.

If the patient has suffered a trauma to the limb with a violation of the integrity of the tissues, then they perform their stitching, and in fractures - osteosynthesis by metal structures. In severe osteoatrosis, joint replacement may be required.

A source: http://MedOtvet.com/neraspredelennoe/otyok-nogi-nizhe-kolennogo-sustava-prichiny-i-lechenie-bolezni.html

Swelling of the legs below the knees and ankle

Back and joint health »Diagnosis

This symptom, like swelling of the lower extremities, is very common among men and women of different ages.

Edema of the feet is often not given much importance, linking it with fatigue, heat or a long stay in an uncomfortable position.

Indeed, a healthy person can be affected by some kind of edema-provoking factor, but if legs swell regularly and for a long time - this may already be a consequence of pathological process.

Possible causes of appearance

The accumulation of fluid in the muscle tissues occurs usually in areas below the knees, since it is here that the main load on the legs is concentrated. Shins and feet are most vulnerable to edema, which can cause a lot of inconvenience - discomfort, difficulty with putting on shoes and heaviness in the legs.

Legs swell due to a violation of venous and lymphatic drainage of the blood, which increases the patency of capillaries.

It is the accumulation of lymph often causes a tumor.

Another reason may be a large weight of the patient - excessive fat deposits and stagnation of blood contribute to an increase in the volume of connective tissue.

The initial stages of varicose veins are amenable to drug treatment, in advanced cases, surgical intervention

What should I do if my legs swell below my knees? Such a symptom can not be ignored, and a doctor's consultation is necessary. Swelling of the extremities can cause the following diseases:

  1. Phlebeurysm. The main symptoms are heaviness in the legs, fatigue and aching pain after walking. In later stages, the skin changes - there is hyperpigmentation, dermatitis, trophic ulcers. The veins expand and protrude, forming a venous pattern, edema is asymmetric. On the general condition, the disease is practically not affected, there is no swelling in other parts of the body.
  2. Phlebotrombosis of deep veins. Disease, which is characterized by the accumulation of thrombotic layers in the lumen of venous vessels. The developed thrombus can clog the vessel completely (obturating thrombus) - under certain conditions it leads to a rapid development of gangrene of the lower limb. Especially dangerous phlebothrombosis of the femoral, tibia and popliteal vein, because it is in them most often appear floating thrombi. This blood clot can at any time come off and provoke thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery - a life-threatening condition. Puffiness and venous pattern with phlebothrombosis occur on one of the legs, the skin does not turn red, the pain dramatically increases during movements and extends to the inner surface of the thigh.
  3. Venous insufficiency. Chronic lesions of the venous system accompany edema on both legs, which intensify toward evening. In the morning everything comes back to normal. Sometimes patients notice that their legs are not only swollen, but also reddened.
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Renal edema

With problems with the kidneys, edema is strongly pronounced in the morning and spreads from the top down.

First, the face and eyelids swell, later, in the evening, the legs swell below the knee.

Such migration is characteristic of renal edema and is a determining feature in diagnosis. The immediate causes of edema:

  • increased filtration of the blood protein;
  • low protein content in the blood;
  • insufficient filtration by the kidneys. It occurs more often with low blood pressure;
  • a significant concentration of sodium ions - is observed with excessive consumption of table salt in food;
  • high permeability of capillaries;
  • consumption of water and liquids in large quantities.

Another read: what to do if the leg hurts from the knee to the foot

Kidney swelling, which is accompanied by swollen face and legs, are observed in the following diseases:

  • glomerulonephritis;
  • amyloidosis;
  • connective tissue diseases - systemic lupus erythematosus and systemic scleroderma;
  • intoxication with heavy metals;
  • kidney failure;
  • oncological processes.

Diagnosis of renal edema is of no particular complexity, but it is necessary to exclude diseases that have similar symptoms.

Differentiation is carried out with cardiac and inflammatory edema, thrombosis, obesity and lymphedema.

Assign analyzes, the results of which determine the severity and nature of the violations, and a curative scheme is drawn up. For this we need the following studies:

  • general and biochemical analysis of blood, urine;
  • functional renal tests;
  • blood test for determination of rheumatoid factor;
  • UZDG kidney vessels, or doppler kidney.

At the basis of the treatment of renal edema is diuretics, so-called diuretics, which help to remove excess fluid from the body. Some types of diuretics have a beneficial effect on blood composition, regulating the amount of fluid in the intercellular space and the vascular bed.

The first step to getting rid of swelling is a doctor's examination

Edema of the legs with heart failure

Puffy legs as a manifestation of heart failure indicate the severity of the disease, which is the cause. Characteristic symptoms of edema of cardiac origin are:

  • the left and right legs increase symmetrically;
  • edema appear or increase in the afternoon and decrease by morning;
  • sometimes the skin can acquire a bluish tinge;
  • when pressing, the fingerprint remains for a long time;
  • becoming a frequent companion becomes shortness of breath, especially with physical exertion.

Heart failure is the trigger mechanism for blood stagnation and the development of edema. Diseases that can trigger swelling of the legs include the following:

  • Cardiosclerosis. Myocardial cells are replaced by a connective tissue with the formation of scarring, so that the elasticity of the heart muscle is reduced. Because of slowing the work of the heart, stagnation of blood occurs, which leads to swelling of the legs. With cardiosclerosis, the legs swell often and strongly enough.
  • Cardiomyopathy causes a change in the volume of the cardiac divisions and interruptions in myocardial contraction. To the organs and tissues an insufficient amount of blood is delivered, and its stagnation occurs. Swelling occurs periodically, but tends to progress;
  • Rheumatism. For this pathology is characterized by the formation of aggressive cells that destroy their own, that is, the immune system attacks not only alien, but normal blood cells. From this more than other organs the heart suffers.
  • Congenital malformations. Can manifest at any age, in particular, swelling of the legs.
  • Arrhythmia. Failures of the heart rhythm have a negative effect on blood circulation, causing prolonged stagnation.
  • Hypertrophy of the right ventricle. Diseases of the lungs lead to disruption of normal circulation of blood in a small circle and pressure on the pulmonary artery. As a result, the right ventricle works more intensively and increases in size. But he can not work at such a rhythm for a long time, and stagnation is formed. Swollen legs with a "pulmonary heart" - the main sign of pathology.
  • Pericarditis. Inflammation of the heart bag dramatically reduces the mobility of the walls of the heart muscle, as a result - blood stasis and swelling.
  • Amyloidosis - in the heart muscle is formed protein complex amyloid, which affects the function of the heart is extremely negative. Heart failure occurs and progresses almost asymptomatically, and sometimes it can be recognized only by regularly appearing edema.

It should be noted that swollen feet in heart disease is an alarming symptom that requires medical intervention. Treatment of cardiac edema is aimed at eliminating the underlying disease and restoring normal cardiac activity.

The skin can not be restored for a long time after pressing the finger - a characteristic symptom with cardiac edema

Hemorrhagic vasculitis

Hemorrhagic vasculitis is a disease that is characterized by increased formation of immune complexes and an increase in the permeability of capillary walls.

Pathology can develop 2-3 weeks after an acute infectious process, such as influenza, angina or scarlet fever.

The cause may also be a drug and food allergy, hypothermia, hereditary predisposition, and vaccination.


About 70% of patients suffer from the so-called articular syndrome, in which the joints are affected.


Painful sensations can be of varying severity - some patients have mild discomfort, others have both large and small joints.

One manifestation of the disease is swelling of the knee and ankle, and the shape of the joint surface also changes. Despite unpleasant symptoms, hemorrhagic vasculitis does not cause deformity of the joints and is successfully treated.


Arthritis is an inflammatory disease of the joints, which is accompanied by pain and swelling in the damaged areas. Soft tissues around the joint become inflamed and hurt.

Serious inconvenience delivers arthritis of the ankle joint when the ankle swells.

A person can not normally wear shoes, as the leg does not fit into the usual shoes, has difficulty walking, caused by joint stiffness - all this prompts to consult a doctor without delay.

Why arthritis? There are several reasons - a malfunction of the immune system, metabolic processes and constant stress on the joint. Complex injuries of the ankle joint lead, albeit in rare cases, to purulent arthritis.

Physiological causes of swelling of the feet

Swollen feet are not always a sign of any pathology, and can be a consequence:

  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • excess weight;
  • prolonged physical activity;
  • pregnancy;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • overheating of the body;
  • abuse of salty foods;
  • wearing uncomfortable, tight shoes, high-heeled shoes.

High-heeled shoes - one of the reasons for edema and leg injuries

Diagnosis and treatment

In order to determine the cause of swelling of the legs, one medical examination is not enough, and it is necessary to undergo a survey:

  • hand over blood, including samples for allergic reactions;
  • Urinalysis;
  • to undergo ultrasound examination or X-ray of the heart and blood vessels, kidneys;
  • to make an electrocardiogram.

How to treat swelling, and what drugs to use, the doctor decides on the basis of the results of the survey and depending on the cause. Medication therapy includes:

  • decongestants and anti-inflammatory agents;
  • antihistamine (anti-allergy) drugs;
  • diuretics;
  • drugs that improve blood circulation;
  • antibiotics;
  • hormonal means.

With swelling, the following methods are effective:

  • mud treatment;
  • ultrasound;
  • electrophoresis;
  • magnetic and UHF-therapy.

The type of physiotherapy is selected individually, taking into account contraindications. These include tumors and infectious lesions, as well as some cardiovascular problems.

With violations of the musculoskeletal system - mechanical injuries or arthrosis, therapeutic physical training and massage are prescribed.


With the help of exercise therapy, mobility of the joints is restored, the muscular corset is strengthened and the pain sensations are relaxed.


Special massage techniques help with insufficient venous blood flow and lymphostasis.

Physical exercises need to be performed carefully, under the supervision of a medical officer

Folk methods in the fight against edema

Reduce tumors on the legs, and eliminate discomfort will help people's recipes. It is recommended to apply them, having consulted a doctor beforehand. If there are no contraindications, you can use the following tools:

  • Decoction of flaxseed. 2 tablespoons dry mixture pour 1 liter of water and boil for 10-15 minutes. Then cover with a towel and leave for an hour. Cooked broth for a day, the course of treatment - 2 weeks.
  • Birch leaves, preferably young, put in long and loose knee socks, or in special bags. Wear on legs so that the leaves fit snugly to the skin, for about 4 hours. After the foot begins to sweat, the leaves are replaced with fresh ones. During the session, it is better to lie or sit, so that your legs are at rest. The procedure can be performed several times, until the edema is eliminated.
  • Therapeutic baths with sea salt, pine extract and the addition of ice. Legs should be lowered into a container with cool water for a few minutes, and massage the feet from the bottom up using a massage brush. Ice cubes can simply wipe swollen feet.
  • Some products are good for removing excess liquid from the body - these are sour-milk products, watermelon, parsley, garlic and grapes. Decoctions of herbs, which are sold at the pharmacy, are also very effective.
  • Juice onions is an excellent remedy for swelling. Prepare it this way: two small onions cut into thin strips, sprinkle with sugar and leave for several hours. Then squeeze the juice from the sugar-impregnated onion and drink it before eating, 1 time per day will be enough.

If you are faced with the problem of edema on the legs, which often appear and do not go away for a long time, be sure to consult a doctor. In case the diagnosis is already made, follow all the recommendations of the treating doctor and watch for your well-being.

A source: http://MoyaSpina.ru/lechenie/opuhol-nog-nizhe-kolen-golenostopa

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