
Spray from sinusitis sinoforte

Cure for sinusitis SinuforthSinuphorte is one of the most popular medicines used for various diseases of the nasal cavity, such as sinusitis, frontal sinusitis or sinusitis.The medicine is created on the basis of plant raw materials - the juice of the therapeutic cyclamen plant, which has long been used to treat colds and colds. With the help of modern technologies, the therapeutic properties of cyclamen were strengthened, the drug quickly penetrates into the mucous membrane shell of the nose...

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Jammed neck: what to do?

Content 1Jammed neck: what to do and what to treat? 1.1Symptoms of cervical lumbago 1.2Because of what there is a cervical lumbago 1.3Has jammed a neck: to what doctor to go? 1.4Jammed neck: what to do? General recommendations 1.5Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - first aid for lumbago 1.6Modern diagnostics 1.7Sharp pain in the neck caused by a cold 1.8Osteochondrosis 1.9Intervertebral hernia 1.10Folk remedies 1.11Prevention of lumbago 2What to do if the neck is stuck (p...

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Cure for sinusitis sinuporte price

Substitutes and analog "Sinuforte" - what is cheaper and more effective?One of the most common and seemingly innocuous diseases is a runny nose. Many people treat him lightly, do not always go to the doctor. But this is dangerous, because an untreated rhinitis can lead to inflammation of the paranasal regions - sinusitis. If you start this disease, the infection can penetrate into the maxillary sinuses and even into other cavities of the facial part of the skull. The most "harmless" and often...

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Pilates gymnastics for the back

Content 1The best exercises of pilates for the back and spine 1.1A set of Pilates exercises for the back and spine 1.2Pilates exercises for neck and cervical osteochondrosis 1.3A set of Pilates exercises for the waist 1.4Whether it is possible to be engaged in pilates at a hernia of a backbone? 1.5A set of Pilates exercises with a hernia of the spine 2Pilates exercises for the back - 10+ techniques [2018] 2.1What is Pilates? 2.2The system is based on five central principles: 2....

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Arthroscopy of the knee joint: surgery and its consequences

Content 1Arthroscopy of the knee joint: types, indications and contraindications, stages of surgery and rehabilitation, complications + photos, videos and reviews 1.1Arthroscopy of the knee joint: features and principles of the procedure 1.2Arthroscopy of the Knee - video 1.3Disadvantages and advantages 1.4Indications for diagnostic and sanative arthroscopy 1.5Contraindications to the procedure 1.6Operation 1.7Preparation 1.8Choosing the method of anesthesia 1.9Implementation of ...

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Rhinitis in child 1

Features of the common cold in a child aged 1 yearRhinitis in the baby 1 year - a fairly common problem, exciting many young parents. Rid of a year-old baby from discomfort in the upper respiratory tract is quite simple.But before treatment it is necessary to determine the cause of rhinitis.Rhinitis and its causesRhinitis or just a common cold is a common disease that often appears in young children from one year of life and older. Since the child at this age is still quite dependent, his par...

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Spondylarthrosis of the lumbar spine: symptoms and treatment

Spondylarthrosis of the lumbar spine is called chronic spinal column disease, the development of which is associated with thinning and displacement of intervertebral discs. Due to changes in the discs, there is an increase in pressure on the facet joints, hyaline cartilage ceases to be elastic, as a result of which bone formations appear on articular processes - osteophytes. Such outgrowths can significantly limit the mobility of the vertebral column. When the disease is at a neglected stage...

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Drops with genyantritis in children

Drops from sinusitis - the best cure for the common cold. The use of drops in the nose from sinusitisIf it's frivolous to treat a cold and do not start treatment, then you can get serious problems: sinusitis, sinusitis. Diseases are accompanied by headaches, shortness of breath, temperature. With genyantritis - inflammation of the maxillary sinuses - the disease is helped by drops. Only use them should be as prescribed by the doctor.Scheme of treatment of sinusitisAssign a medicine for sinusi...

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Lumbar Section

The backbone hurts in the middle of a back: the reasons and treatment

Content 1Why does my spine hurt in the middle of my back? 1.1Causes of pain 1.2A little bit about ointments 1.3Back corset 1.4When should I go to the doctor? 1.5Prevention 1.6Psychoemotional syndrome 1.7Diagnostics 1.8Back massage 2Why does the back and spine ache? 2.1Classification and nature of back pain 2.2What diseases of the musculoskeletal system cause pain in the spine in the center of the back? 2.3Other causes of pain in the spine 2.4Treatment of pain in the spine ...

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Is there pneumonia without fever in adults

Pneumonia without feverPneumonia is an acute infectious disease that proceeds with focal inflammation of the respiratory tissue of the lung and sweats the inflammatory fluid into the pulmonary vesicles. Different types of pneumonia may differ somewhat in the types of pathogens, mechanisms of development and external manifestations.Pneumonia has known classic symptoms: Fever - increase in body temperature> + 38 ° C. Pain in the chest from the side of the inflammation, intensifying with a de...

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