The backbone hurts in the middle of a back: the reasons and treatment


  • 1Why does my spine hurt in the middle of my back?
    • 1.1Causes of pain
    • 1.2A little bit about ointments
    • 1.3Back corset
    • 1.4When should I go to the doctor?
    • 1.5Prevention
    • 1.6Psychoemotional syndrome
    • 1.7Diagnostics
    • 1.8Back massage
  • 2Why does the back and spine ache?
    • 2.1Classification and nature of back pain
    • 2.2What diseases of the musculoskeletal system cause pain in the spine in the center of the back?
    • 2.3Other causes of pain in the spine
    • 2.4Treatment of pain in the spine
    • 2.5Preparations
    • 2.6Surgery
    • 2.7Exercises, exercise therapy, massage
    • 2.8Massage
    • 2.9Treatment at home or folk remedies
    • 2.10Prevention
    • 2.11Conclusion
  • 3The backbone hurts in the middle of the back: symptoms, causes and treatment
    • 3.1Causes of pain
    • 3.2Psycho-emotional state
    • 3.3Characteristics of pain
    • 3.4Methods of treatment
    • 3.5Medication methods
    • 3.6Non-medicamentous methods
  • 4Pain in the middle of the back: causes, diagnosis, treatment
  • 5Pain in the spine in the middle of the back: causes and treatment
    instagram viewer
    • 5.1Symptoms
    • 5.2Treatment
    • 5.3Physiotherapy
    • 5.4Therapeutic exercises and massage
    • 5.5Operation
  • 6The backbone hurts in the middle of the back - reasons and methods of treatment
    • 6.1Causes of pain in the middle of the back
    • 6.2Symptoms accompanying back pain
    • 6.3Medicamentous and non-medicinal ways of treatment
    • 6.4Prevention

Why does my spine hurt in the middle of my back?

Pain in the middle of the spine is a fairly common phenomenon, which affects people of different age groups.

The most common pain between the shoulder blades or lower in the back are those who spend a lot of time sitting at the computer.

Also, this trouble can overtake people whose physical exertion is excessive, and in some cases because of nervous type experiences.

Almost every modern person knows what is the pain in the middle of the back, because he faced such a nuisance. But, far from everyone knows the reasons, because of which there can be pain in the back, and what to do in case of its unexpected occurrence.

Causes of pain

The most frequent reasons for which the spine hurts in the middle of the back are damage, both mechanical and non-mechanical. To such reasons it is possible to carry:

  1. Defeat of vertebrae of a dystrophic nature. Most often occur with osteochondrosis, which can provoke degeneration processes, leading to deformation of the spine. Also, the causes of pain may be scoliosis or arthritis of the spine.
  2. A rupture of the fibrous ring, or in other words a hernia of the spine, which arises from excessive physical exertion or after trauma.
  3. This indicates the presence of diseases of an internal organ. For example, pain can give the kidney, pancreas, heart or lungs.
  4. Often, pain occurs after physical exertion or when lifting heavy objects.
  5. Trauma or even an awkward movement can trigger the displacement of the joint of the spine, which leads to pain.
  6. Acute pain in the middle of the back can be provoked by radiculitis.
  7. Congenital pathologies, such as missing or vice versa, can cause discomfort and pain.
  8. Psychosomatic factors that arise in stressful situations or in protracted depression.

Severe pain in the back area may indicate a serious illness. Therefore, do not delay the treatment, so that later you do not have to do the surgery. It is better to immediately consult a doctor and solve the problem at an early stage.

A little bit about ointments

Recently, a huge number of people turn to doctors because they have a backache in the middle. Temporarily get rid of the pain of various ointments and poultices, but do not get rid of the problem at all.

Some of the ointments can be purchased at the pharmacy without a doctor's prescription, and some are available only with a "paper" from the doctor. Never be delayed with a problem and at the first sign of pain in the middle of the back immediately consult a doctor.

Identify the cause of any pain can only a doctor, and even then not always. Sometimes additional diagnosis is required to identify the cause. In such cases, the ointment just does help to relieve the pain and carry out all the necessary examinations.

Back corset

Wearing a corset does not cure a sick part of the body at all. When a patient can not immediately seek medical help, using a corset will relieve the pain in the back and improve the overall condition of the person.

Bear in mind that the belt is only allowed to be worn temporarily.

Not observing this rule, with prolonged wearing of the belt, the pain in the middle of the spine can acquire a protracted character, which will lead to more severe consequences.

When should I go to the doctor?

As already mentioned, when in the middle of the back the spinal column hurts is not uncommon. Most patients are drawn with time, thinking that the pain will subside, and after that it will pass.

In fact, it's true! Many reasons for the appearance of pain are not complex and absolutely do not require professional intervention of doctors.

But there are cases when professional intervention is simply a vital need!

The cause of the appearance of an uncomfortable condition can be an infection or, worse, a tumor.

Treatment - immediate medical attention is required if:

  • pain is chronic, permanent, and you are less than 50 years old;
  • feelings of pain manifested after the trauma;
  • pain intensifies every day;
  • pain accompanied by high fever, heat of man;
  • A sharp pain occurs when you turn, walk, or change your body.


Avoid excessive and regular physical activity. Even if your lifestyle is sedentary, try to move sometimes, do not be lazy to walk for a couple of minutes on the street.

Of course, it is desirable to do sports and do gymnastics in the mornings, sign up for swimming. Use an elevator less, go more on foot and use public transport less if you only need to pass a couple of stops.

Even if your spine does not hurt, you still go through regular check-ups, at least once a year. If any disease occurs, it is much easier to cure it in the initial stages.


If possible, register for a prophylactic massage, which is no less useful than other types of prevention. Know that the massage should be done exclusively by a specialist.


From a variety of painful sensations always determine the cause of its appearance.

Painful sensations are:

  • blunt and pulling;
  • sharp and sharp;
  • pulsating.

Dull pain of the spine appears due to prolonged, significant for the body, physical exertion. Such pain refers to mechanical damage.

Unpleasant feelings appear after lifting a heavy object. This type of pain is also often experienced by pregnant women or those who have recently borne the fetus.

The pulling pain of a pregnant woman appears from the dorsal load of having a fetus. After giving birth, the load is also present - from the baby she carries in her arms.

Lifting any kind of severity can provoke pain in the spine, and with curvature - a scoliosis.

Scoliosis - a certain movement of the spinal vertebrae from the place they need. Displacement occurs due to improper planting.

For the detection of such diseases, it is necessary to visit such physicians as: a surgeon, a neurologist and a therapist.

A strong pain sensation, with the disease, can be caused by the lifting of a large weight from what, vertebrae from the usual condition come out instantly. The rise of significant weight leads to the disease with osteochondrosis.


This disease is almost not curable, and the disease itself acquires a permanent, chronic character.


With this type of disease, no moving person, for several hours, always suffers from chronic pain in the back.

Dull and dragging pain can disappear for a time if a person is engaged in special therapeutic gymnastics designed to get rid of an unpleasant sensation. While doing gymnastics, the patient does not feel pain, but only some kind of lightness in his body.

Psychoemotional syndrome

In addition to daily physical effects on the human body, a number of psychological pressures also affect.

If the middle of the spine hurts, then this does not mean that the occurrence occurred precisely because of the influence of the physical factor.

All sorts of stressful and nervous situations also lead to discomfort.

The first signs of the possibility of the disease:

  1. An uncomfortable sensation between your shoulder blades.
  2. The appearance of unpleasant sensations in the spine.

The presence of restless nerves leads to disease lumbulgia or osteochondrosis. The simplest, but effective method of this kind of disease is to take soothing teas. You can use the grass of the motherwort to make tea.

Always remember that your nerves are your health. Do not be discouraged and do not worry about unimportant or unfulfilled events.

Determine why the back does not hurt. Without special intervention, the doctor will not be able to detect the disease.


  • The back in which the patient feels uncomfortable should be diagnosed;
  • the patient must have a blood and urine test;
  • undergo a radiographic examination;
  • to make a computer tomography and MRI.

Based on all the results of the tests listed above, treatment is appointed by a professional physician.

Back massage

One of the most effective methods of treating a patient with a back, the problem of which was provoked constant loads, a sedentary way of life of a person or frequent driving a car, is a campaign to the masseur. It is better to enroll in a full course of therapeutic massage, during which your pain will gradually subside, and then disappear altogether.

Never postpone the treatment of a particular problem, because the sooner you start fighting it, the more chance it will be to win it - to achieve full recovery! Better, pay attention to a personal way of life, which may need to be changed slightly, so that treatment is not required at all. Take care of yourself!

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Why does the back and spine ache?

With pain in the back, almost all are familiar, and 15-20% have to regularly face this symptom during the year.

The problem is not only medical, but also socio-economic in nature, since for the period of illness the patient, depending on the causes that cause the problem, is no longer functional.

In most cases, it is possible to get rid of the disease in a month, after which the patient again can start a normal life.

Despite such results, in 70% of patients the pain returns again, treatment is rendered useless due to the fact that the therapy was incorrect or incomplete.

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It is worth noting that the painis a sign of degenerative processes in the spine, which in turn are considered a sign of pathological conditions.

Classification and nature of back pain

Varieties of pain in the back:

  • nonspecific(benign) - dorsopathy, "obsolete" osteochondrosis, the cause is most often dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system, conducting an additional survey is most often useless;
  • specific(dangerous) pain, requiring additional diagnostics already at the first treatment, which allows to exclude the presence of a fracture of the spine, tuberculosis, tumor, metastasis, etc .;
  • radicular pain(radiculopathy) - are associated with irritation / compression of the nerve root of the disc herniation (precipitated).

One of the most severe pain in the back and spine is the so-called radicular pain - damage to the nerve endings in the spine

What diseases of the musculoskeletal system cause pain in the spine in the center of the back?

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system that cause pain:

  • osteoarthritis- the patient can be bent from pain, attempts to straighten his back, breathe in full breast promote an increase in negative feelings, when squeezing the vertebrae, the load on the elastic shock absorber is increased, as a result of the damaged element it becomes thinner;
  • The causes of pain in the back can be various diseases of the spine and intervertebral disc chondrosis, osteochondrosis of the thoracic region- develops against obesity, hypodynamia, unbalanced nutrition, disorders of mineral metabolism, in the process of age-related changes, elasticity and height decrease intervertebral discs, their structure changes, pinching of nerve fibers contributes to the occurrence of sudden, severe pains or a moderate increase in movement discomfort;
  • scoliosis, strengthened / decreased lordosis, kyphosis- lead to a deterioration of posture and appearance, as a result there is a pinched nerve in the spinal column;
  • backstop injuries;
  • neurological causes(radiculitis);
  • congenital pathologies- (superfluous / missing vertebrae in the spine lead to painful discomfort);
  • myositis- Weakening and intensifying pain develops against the backdrop of inflammations of skeletal muscles, discomfort increases with palpation of the back.

Other causes of pain in the spine

Other reasons:

  • kidney inflammation- Discomfort is often accompanied by high fever, edema of the lower extremities, hypertension;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system, vascular pathologies - accompanied by pulsating pain in the back and increased blood pressure;
  • chronic stress;
  • diseases of the digestive system- pain localized in the middle or on the left side of the back, after eating the pain intensifies against the background of pancreatitis or diseases of the gastric mucosa;
  • disturbance of psychoemotional state.

Serious diseases of organs located in the abdominal cavity and under the chest can also be responded with pain in the spine. To establish the nature of pain to the patient is often very difficult, it is recommended to follow the symptoms, to inform the doctor in a timely manner.

: "Causes of pain in the spine"

Treatment of pain in the spine

Before starting treatment, the doctor should diagnose, examine the patient's history, listen to complaints, conduct visual examination and palpation, and examine the results of laboratory and diagnostic studies. After this, the necessary drugs are selected, the action of which is aimed at correcting the problem.


During the period of exacerbation, therapy is aimed at arresting the pain signal.


  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs- their action is aimed at stopping mediators of inflammatory processes before they enter the tissues surrounding the spine. It helps to get rid of inflammation, temperature, puffiness, spasm, soreness. With intense pain, injectable drugs are prescribed, they are characterized by rapid exposure (15-20 min.), Safety for the gastrointestinal tract, all components are delivered in the initial dosage. To get rid of moderate and weak pains, external drugs or medications are given in oral form.
  2. Analgesics- are appointed, when the anesthetic properties of NSAIDs are not enough, drugs affect the transmission of nerve impulses to the brain, which prevents the occurrence of a response. Combination of 2 groups is recommended to be conducted carefully, the peculiarities of the organism, compatibility of drugs and other features of the body, the choice of dosage is carried out in an individual mode.
  3. Muscle relaxants- Diseases of the spine are often accompanied by muscle spasms that cause the patient to freeze in one pose, all movements lead to sharp pains. Relaxing the muscle corset will help injecting muscle relaxants, the effect of their intake continues for 12 hours. Tablets are used less often, since they begin to function only after the accumulation of the required amount of substance.
  4. Chondroprotectors- problems with the spine appear against the background of degenerative processes in articular and cartilaginous tissues, in such cases, drugs containing chondroitin or glucosamine are prescribed. Substances are the basis for the restoration of tendons, joints, ligaments, etc. These components are not produced in the body, so during illness the cells must be as saturated as possible listed substances, they are usually prescribed in oral form, medicines should be taken long courses.

As an additional therapycan be prescribed vitamin complexes, diuretics, antispasmodics, as well as funds aimed at improving trophic and circulatory recovery, antioxidants, antihistamines, and others.


A selection of interesting facts:

And did you know that ...

In the absence of the effect of drug treatment, surgical treatment is shown, modern methods allow achieving great results.

In osteochondrosis, trauma and hernia, removal of part of the vertebra or intervertebral disc, aortic aneurysm shows plastic.

Surgical treatment is used in advanced stages of osteochondrosis and hernia of the spine

In diseases of the spine, the cause of the origin of the painful sensations must be established, quite often the source of unpleasant symptoms is internal organs. Only a doctor can diagnose the disease and prescribe a treatment.

Exercises, exercise therapy, massage

If the patient's condition and the nature of the course of the underlying illness permit, moderate physical activity is necessary.

Doctors also recommend regular morning exercises, the complex includes the following exercises:

  1. Pose of the child. Sit on your knees with your head tilted to the floor, stretch your arms forward, stay in this position for 20 seconds, extend your hands back also for 20 seconds, repeat the exercise twice.
  2. Flexion of the head.Sit on the floor with an even back, put your hands behind your head, slowly pull your head forward, tilt it until your chin touches your neck, stay for 10-15 seconds, repeat 8-10 times.
  3. Turns with a stick. In the standing position, place the gymnastic stick in a horizontal position on the neck behind the head, pull the arms out and hold the ends of the stick. With the stick behind the head, slowly turn left, stay for 25-30 seconds, repeat in the opposite direction, the number of repetitions is 10-12 times.
  4. Body slopes forward. With legs set shoulder width apart and hands clasped behind in the lock, climb up, tilting body forward, legs slightly bend at the knees, stay in this position for 15-20 seconds., repeat to 4-5 times.
  5. Body slopes forward with the touch of the toes. Sitting on the floor to close their legs, put them in front of themselves, in the slope forward to reach with their hands toes. Exercise should be performed without sudden movements, gradually, slowly, stay in position for a few seconds.

During exacerbations, exercise therapy and other types of physical activity are strictly contraindicated.

: "What to do with pain in the back?"


Hand massage also shows effectiveness in back pain caused by diseases of the spine.

Techniques allow you to achieve muscle relaxation, while they are carried out warming up soft tissues, which helps improve blood circulation.

This massage is recommended for patients with pathology of respiratory organs accompanied by sputum discharge.

Treatment at home or folk remedies

In the presence of constant back pain, it is recommended to consult the folk recipes, before using them, consult a doctor. Despite the seeming security, many tools can not only be useless, but also bring harm.

To relieve pain, it is recommended thatto prepare a grinding aid.

To do this, take a mixture of pure alcohol or cologne, a small amount of hot pepper, tincture valerian root, a bottle of 5% iodine solution, mix thoroughly rub the affected area, to wrap up.


The procedure is recommended to be carried out at night, leave in the warmth until the morning. It is very important not to start the disease, promptly identify the cause of the pathology and follow all the recommendations of doctors.


Facilitate the condition at home will help the following measures:

  • avoid prolonged stay in bed - physically active patients suffer less from the pain syndrome;
  • engage in light sports - is best suited for moderate physical activity;
  • maintain proper posture;
  • increase the flexibility of the spine;
  • wear corsets and belts for the spine;
  • affect heat and cold on the affected area;
  • get rid of smoking - nicotine causes a spasm of small vessels, which leads to a violation of microcirculation and stopping the delivery of oxygen to the tissues;
  • relaxing exercises.

Simple basic exercises for pain relief in the back


The patient can prevent the development of back diseases independently, he must correctly learn to sleep, sit and stand, and also to transfer weights with minimal damage to himself. To stand and sit is recommended with a straight back, the head should not hang forward, do not bend over and bend the body without resting on your hands.

If you need a long stay on your feet, you should find a point to support the head and limbs, you can lean against the cabinet, wall and other surfaces. Excluded walking on his heels for more than 2 hours in a row, the legs should periodically rest, for this they should be raised for a couple of minutes up.

Preventive measures:

  • unload the neck and waist with special rollers or cushions, "bones avoid sitting on stools or with a bent back, every 15 minutes. it is necessary to change the posture, stretch and bend back, every hour of sitting should take breaks;
  • To sleep it is necessary on rigid mattresses without high pillows, under a head it is possible to put orthopedic platens;
  • when carrying goods, certain rules must be observed, do not transfer more than 3 kg of goods to women and more than 5 kg to men, dangerous lifting of weights bending or jerking, bags should be lifted with an even back, heavy loads carried in several receptions.


  • Backache- a relatively common pathology, with the onset of pain syndrome, you should seek medical help.
  • Causes of pathology are very different, the doctor makes a diagnosis based on anamnesis, examinations, patient complaints.
  • In the treatmentused drugs(primarily pain medications), it is recommended to perform massage, exercise therapy.
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The backbone hurts in the middle of the back: symptoms, causes and treatment

The spine is the support of the whole organism and the most complex communication system. His healthy state allows a person to engage in daily activities, and any uncomfortable sensations in this area make you think about the reason for their origin.

All physical and psychological loads directly affect the state of the back. At the same time, an enormous mistake is the desire to soften the situation when the spine is aching, with the help of medications.

But pain is, first of all, a signal about the malfunctions in the body.

Causes of pain

The most common causes explaining back pain are mechanical and non-mechanical spinal injuries, which include:

  • dystrophic lesions of vertebrae or connective elements - are most often represented by intervertebral osteochondrosis caused by occurring degenerative processes, and leading to deformation of the vertebrae and ligaments, as well as scoliosis or arthritis the spine;
  • herniated intervertebral disc - which is a rupture of the fibrous ring, resulting from a load or injury, and leading to a bulging pulposus core;
  • diseases of internal organs - in which painful sensations are localized in front of the spine, in a place the location of internal organs, such as the kidneys, heart, gall bladder, lungs and pancreas;
  • pain in the spine is often associated with physical exertion or weight lifting - due to situations where an increased load on the ligaments is created;
  • trauma or unsuccessful movements - which lead to the displacement of the intervertebral joints, which explains the occurrence of pain;
  • neurological causes such as radiculitis - manifested as an acute painful disorder that occurs in the work of nerve endings, or "lumbago" - that occurs when the weight is heavily lifted;
  • congenital pathologies - for example, superfluous or missing vertebrae in the spinal column, lead to a feeling of painful discomfort of the spine in the middle of the back;
  • psychosomatic factors - appearing as a reaction of an organism to stressful situations, prolonged neuroses or depressive states.

Therefore, when severe back pain occurs, a specialist consultation is needed to determine the further treatment. This will prevent the development of the disease in the early stages, without resorting to surgical intervention.

Psycho-emotional state

The constant presence of a person in a stressful state can be the reason for the occurrence of back pain. These situations affect the involuntary contraction of the muscles, which are compressed into a "ball" and there is a spasm.

At the same time, the muscle contracts some part of the back. During spasm, a person begins to stoop involuntarily, which leads to the appearance of an angle in the spine with a vertex in the middle section, where the epicenter of pain is localized.

It is here that muscular and static pressure is concentrated, which causes the displacement of the joints. There is an effect, called the medical terminology "block of the spine."

He is the cause of the pain, different in nature.

There are two types of pain caused by psychoemotional overstrain:

  • sharp, intolerant and sharp pain that occurs between the shoulder blades;
  • aching persistent discomfort that spreads all over the back, rather than concentrating only in the middle of the back.

Characteristics of pain

In order to determine the causes of pain, one should know the symptomatology inherent in various diseases. Painful sensations can be sharp or pulling, "shooting" and blunt, without the ability to straighten back or be tolerant.

So, with problems with the spine, pain often from the middle department radiates to the lower extremities. At a radiculitis or an osteochondrosis the pain usually amplifies during movement and weakens in rest.

Methods of treatment

Before the final diagnosis is made, the patient is required to take tests, undergo an X-ray or computed tomography, with the help of which the cause of the pain is identified. If the pathology of the internal organs has not been detected, doctors often use conservative methods of treatment, which are used in the form of complex therapy.

If the cause of back pains lies in the problems of the internal organs, then the doctors apply the directed treatment of the source of pain.

Medication methods

The use of medicines is aimed at anesthesia, the removal of inflammation and edema, as well as the treatment of emergency conditions. So, with pain in osteochondrosis, rubbing anti-inflammatory and soothing ointments contribute to reducing pain in the back.

Non-medicamentous methods

In addition to drug treatment, doctors prescribe non-drug therapy:

  • manual therapy;
  • massage (hardware and manual);
  • exercises of physical therapy;
  • reflexology;
  • acupuncture;
  • helps to eliminate muscle clamping and the consequences arising from the displacement of the vertebrae, the method of traction.

The effectiveness of the measures applied directly depends on the quality and strict compliance with all prescriptions of the doctor. Doing self-medication and dulling pain with pain medication can only exacerbate the situation and lead to complications of the disease.

An effective remedy for back pain exists. Follow the link and find out what the doctor of medical sciences Sergey Mikhailovich Bubnovsky recommends.

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»More information on the topic:

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Pain in the middle of the back: causes, diagnosis, treatment

Pain. as an indicator of problems in the body, is given to man by nature not in vain. It signals that somewhere in the body there was a failure, that you need to take action.

With the development of civilization, medicine and, in particular - pharmaceuticals, a person, unfortunately, forgot about the true purpose of the pain syndrome. Therefore, if something hurts. we are anxious to take an anesthetic as soon as possible.

But these rash actions can erase or change the symptoms of some serious disease. Let us not go against nature, ignoring the pain.

but let's take it as an ally and try to understand: the signal of what pathological process it has become. Of course, only a doctor should diagnose the disease.

But we, his potential patients, need at least a little guidance in the topic. Consider a specific example: pain in the middle of the back. We will try to answer the questions: "Why does it hurt and what to do?".

Pain sensations in the middle of the spine are conventionally divided for reasons of their occurrence: mechanical and non-mechanical damage.

  • Mechanical changes can be caused by:

- overstrain of the muscles of the back or sprain of the ligaments due to excessive physical exertion;

- Scoliosis (curvature of the spine after trauma or for other reasons);

- arthritis (which could be caused by injuries, heavy loads, infections, etc.);

- osteochondrosis, which causes degenerative changes in vertebrae and intervertebral discs;

- intervertebral hernia, which is formed by rupture or destruction of the fibrous ring of the disc;

- injuries (which could trigger the displacement of the vertebrae);

- Neurological causes, for example - radiculitis, which is caused by violations of the functioning of nerve endings;

- congenital pathologies (superfluous or missing vertebrae in the spine).

  • Non-mechanical causes are divided into psychosomatic problems and diseases of internal organs:

- psychosomatic. Strong uncontrolled spasms of the back muscles due to stress or emotional distress can cause intense pain.

The spine, due to muscle imbalance, loses the correct anatomical position, the vertebrae are shifted, the nerve roots are jammed, the back hurts, an effect called the "spine block" occurs;

- Diseases of internal organs located in the appropriate location, too, can cause pain syndrome in the middle of the back. Pain from the affected organ can irradiate into the back area.

Diseases of internal organs that can create pain in the middle part of the spine

- exfoliating aortic aneurysm produces pain in the middle of the back, resembling a sharp colic;

- ischemic disease;

Myocardial infarction.

  • Diseases of the gallbladder are characterized by intense sharp pain. So, cholelithiasis, in addition to back pain, is accompanied by pain in the right upper abdomen, nausea and vomiting.
  • Problems in the urinary system:

- urolithiasis disease,

- renal colic.

Why does it hurt in the middle of the back and what to do.

Only a certified doctor can perform an accurate diagnosis, identify the disease and prescribe the right treatment after a series of studies:

  • blood and urine tests;
  • X-ray examination;
  • CT scan;
  • MRI.

Treatment is appointed depending on what disease was detected during the survey. If it's heart disease - then the treatment will appoint a cardiologist, if problems with the gastrointestinal tract - then the gastroenterologist.

When identifying the source of problems in diseases of internal organs, all efforts are directed to treat a particular disease.

The pain in the middle of the back, having a mechanical origin, is treated according to the schemes provided for the corresponding diseases. All schemes provide for a complex effect on the existing pathological process.

General methods of treatment:

  • drug treatment consists in the appointment of analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs. It is aimed at the removal of inflammation, pain and swelling;
  • auxiliary methods:

- manual therapy,

- according to indications - traction (spinal column extension).

One simple truth should be remembered: self-medication with pain in the spine can lead to serious consequences. Only the doctor will prescribe adequate treatment and follow the progress of the recovery process. Take care of your health!

The symptom of which diseases is the pain in the middle part of the spine

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Pain in the spine in the middle of the back: causes and treatment

Pathology of the spinal column is a widespread problem among people of different ages.

This circumstance is associated with increased load on the skeletal system in conditions of low motor activity.

It's no secret that the life of many people is associated with monotonous and "sedentary" work, and recreation is rarely active.

Many people have a backache in the middle of the spine. This can be a real test for the patient, as it interferes with the habitual business and reduces the quality of life. In the search for an answer, why this happens and how to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, people turn to the doctor.

To identify the cause of the pain syndrome, you need to consider the most common conditions that lead to its appearance.

And we must remember that not always this situation develops in response to the defeat of the spine itself. There are cases when the pain in the middle of the back arises as a symptom of diseases of internal organs.

Thus, the problem has a wide representation in medical practice, combining many diseases. Among them are the following:

  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Herniated disc.
  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Bechterew's disease.
  • Injuries.
  • Tumors.
  • Diseases of the digestive system (peptic ulcer, pancreatitis).
  • Vascular pathology (aortic aneurysm).
  • Kidney disease (pyelonephritis, urolithiasis).
  • Diseases of the respiratory system (pleurisy, pneumonia).
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As we see, the cause of back pain can be completely unrelated to each other diseases. This symptom has different mechanisms of occurrence.


When it comes to pain in the back, you should carefully evaluate the characteristics of this symptom.

Even a primary analysis of the clinical picture will provide valuable information about the origin of the disease. First you need to understand the peculiarities of the pain itself.

Depending on various conditions, it can be:

  1. In appearance: stitching, shooting, pulsating, aching.
  2. Localization: in the middle, in the upper or lower parts of the spine.
  3. In duration: short or long.
  4. Frequency: constant or periodic.

Important is the connection of pain syndrome with external factors. So, with the pathology of the spine, the symptoms are aggravated by sudden movements (slopes, turns), coughing or straining.

If it is a case of peptic ulcer or pancreatitis, then there is a clear connection with the intake of food, and in case of urolithiasis - with running or jolting the ride.

When a vascular option of pain is suggested in the middle of the back, it will be of a pulsating nature and can be amplified by psychoemotional stress and increased blood pressure.

With the pathology of the spine, there may be other symptoms:

  • Tingling, numbness, decreased surface sensitivity.
  • Weakness in certain muscle groups, revitalization or suppression of tendon reflexes.
  • Pale skin, dryness or excessive sweating.

When pressure is applied to the exit points of the spinal nerves, a characteristic soreness appears, there is also a spasm of the near-vertebral muscles.

And when there is a pathology of internal organs, it hurts not only the back, but also the stomach or chest.

And pressure at certain points can lead to the spreading of unpleasant sensations in the spine.


After the diagnosis is established, it is necessary to begin treatment of pathology immediately.

The use of certain methods is due to the clinical situation and the characteristics of the patient's body.

Most often limited to conservative activities. But there are cases when it is rather difficult to do without an operation.

To treat pain in the back area must be approached strictly differentiated, which depends on its origin.

Drugs just have to work on the causes and mechanism of the disease, and not just eliminate the symptoms.

Given the diagnosis, you can use the following drugs:

  • Anti-inflammatory and analgesic (Movalis).
  • Muscle relaxants (Midokalm).
  • Vitamins of group B (Milgamma).
  • Vascular (Actovegin).
  • Chondroprotectors (Teraflex).
  • Spasmolytics (No-shpa).
  • Antiulcer (Nolpaz).
  • Antibiotics (Amoxiclav).


In the treatment of the pathology of the spine and certain diseases of the internal organs, physioprocedures can also be used. They help to relieve muscle spasm, reduce inflammation and improve blood circulation in the affected area. You can use the following methods:

  1. Electrophoresis.
  2. Laser treatment.
  3. UHF-therapy.
  4. Reflexology.
  5. Wave treatment.
  6. Balneotherapy.

Therapeutic exercises and massage

Treatment of diseases of the spine can not do without exercises of physical therapy.

They should be used only during the period of remission, when the pain syndrome is eliminated.

There are special sets of exercises for any department of the spine. Classes should be performed daily, avoiding sudden movements.

If the back hurts, massage and manual therapy become an integral part of the treatment. In this case, the specialist uses various techniques to achieve the optimal result: grinding, kneading, stretching, spinning, flexing and extension of the spine.


If the disease does not give in to conservative treatment, then you need to think about the operation. Depending on the pathology, various techniques of surgical intervention can be used:

  • Discectomy (removal of part of the disc) - with intervertebral hernias.
  • Laminectomy (removal of an arch of a vertebra) - at traumas and the expressed osteochondrosis.
  • Vascular plasty - with aneurysm of the aorta.
  • Lithotripsy (crushing and removal of stones) - with urolithiasis.

When worried about back pain, you first need to establish their cause, which only a doctor can do. This will determine the success of further treatment.

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The backbone hurts in the middle of the back - reasons and methods of treatment

Quite often, patients come to doctors who complain that they have pain from their backs of unknown origin.

This phenomenon remains very common because of the characteristics of human life and a number of additional factors.

It is necessary to be able to correctly recognize the causes of pain and start an adequate treatment of such a pathological condition in time.

Causes of pain in the middle of the back

The middle of the back is considered to be the area between the shoulder blades and slightly below this site. Factors that provoke the occurrence of pain in this place, there are a lot. They can be divided into several main groups.

The most common are the mechanical causes of what causes the spine to hurt in the middle of the back.

Very often pain in the spinal column occurs after a traumatic injury with simultaneous damage to any part of the back.


This can be a banal blow, and a serious fracture with the inclusion of the spine in the process.


It often hurts the middle of the back with the progression of chest osteochondrosis with the development of intervertebral hernia.

This situation can be attributed simultaneously to mechanical and non-mechanical causes of pain, since there is a disc displacement effect with compression of the roots of the spinal nerves.

A similar pathology occurs against the background of degenerative-dystrophic processes in the spine.

Non-mechanical causes of pain in the middle of the spine are diseases of the internal organs, which are accompanied by unpleasant sensations in a particular area. An example may be angina pectoris, stomach diseases, metastasis of a malignant neoplasm and other similar diseases.

Separately, you need to isolate the pain after lifting heavy loads. It is typical for men engaged in physical work at a construction site, felling in similar activities. With a sharp rise in heavy loads, severe back pain often occurs.

As for the infectious causes of pain in the middle of the spine, they rarely appear on their own.

This means that the main cause of the pathology is in another organ or part of the body, and the pain that arises in the back is a secondary manifestation of this cause.

This situation is often accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

Nervous experiences, stress and anxiety can also cause pain in the middle of the spine, as they cause muscle spasm.


If such situations occur more and more often, a stoop and an improper distribution of weight on the spine appear in a person.


Then there is a mechanical pressure and displacement of the joints. As a result - pain in the back.

Symptoms accompanying back pain

In addition to the standard symptom, which many patients describe as pain in the middle of the back below the scapula, there are other signs of the problem that require special attention. They include:

  • Stiffness of movements. Against the background of pain, a person tries to spare the affected area and less to move and bend.
  • "Crawling crawly." This symptom indicates violations of the sensitive function of nerve fibers in the affected area.
  • Relationship of pain with movements. Increased pain with tilting can be evidence of additional retraction in the process of muscles in a particular area. Most often, this is a reflex response to the tension of the squeezed roots of the spinal nerves.
  • Compensatory scoliosis or kyphosis. The pain in the middle of the back causes the person to stoop, which leads to a curvature of the spine.

Against the backdrop of all these symptoms, the main thing left is the pain in the back, because of which the patients turn to the doctor.

Medicamentous and non-medicinal ways of treatment

Timely diagnosis of pain in the back and the correct definition of the main cause of the pathology is a guarantee of successful recovery of the patient and normalization of the quality of his life. At the moment, there are two approaches to the treatment of back pain of different origin - drug and non-drug.

With the drug it is about the use of specialized pharmacological drugs that affect the pain, reducing its severity. The list of modern drugs that are used for this purpose is quite large.

Most often, ointments and creams with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used. They contribute to local anesthesia of the affected area, reduce edema and increase the amplitude of movements.

When the main symptom is expressed, when there are pains during inhalation or even at rest, doctors can conduct special blockages with anesthesia of a particular place of the spine.

Nevertheless, such treatment is difficult to apply on an ongoing basis, so it is justified only when the patient is in hospital.

Non-drug treatment of pain in the middle of the back should be done only under the supervision of a doctor to prevent the situation from becoming worse and causing side reactions.

As for non-drug treatment, then there is a wide enough choice of different methods of reducing the severity of pain.

A traditional non-medicament way to eliminate almost any type of pain is massage.


Properly performed manual intervention significantly normalizes the patient's condition.


In addition, various types of physiotherapy have been widely used.

Elimination of pain is done by using electric current, ultrasound, magnetic field and other methods of influence on the affected area.

But we must remember that this reduction in pain is contraindicated in pregnancy, blood diseases, oncological pathologies and acute infectious processes.


It is much easier to prevent the disease than to fight it. In order to prevent back pain of different genesis, it is necessary:

  • to limit excessive physical exertion;
  • Avoid the wrong sitting at the table and a sedentary lifestyle;
  • fully nourished;
  • to conduct timely treatment of any pathology of the body;
  • regularly monitored by a doctor.

One way or another, but human health in most cases directly depends on the way of his life. If you take care of your own body, then no pain in the middle of the spine will appear at all.

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