Inflammation of the elbow joint


  • 1Than to remove an inflammation of an elbow joint?
    • 1.1Emergency help for severe pain
    • 1.2Use of folk remedies in treatment
    • 1.3Means against bursitis of the elbow joint
    • 1.4Treatment of arthrosis of the elbow joint
    • 1.5Fighting arthritis
    • 1.6Deforming osteoarthritis
    • 1.7Recipes for fighting other diseases
    • 1.8These materials will be of interest to you:
  • 2Why did the elbow joint inflame and how to treat it?
    • 2.1How is the elbow joint?
    • 2.2What can be inflamed inside the elbow?
    • 2.3Why does inflammation begin?
    • 2.4What is the symptomatology of the disease?
    • 2.5Methods of treatment
    • 2.6Traditional methods of treatment
  • 3Causes of inflammation of the elbow joint
    • 3.1Causes of inflammation
    • 3.2Diseases and their symptoms
    • 3.3Bursitis
    • 3.4Epicondylitis
    • 3.5Arthritis
    • 3.6Diagnosis and treatment
  • 4Symptoms and treatment of inflammation of the joint and ligaments
  • 5Inflammation of the elbow joint: causes, symptoms, treatment of tendons and ligaments
    • 5.1Causes of inflammation
    • 5.2Symptoms of inflammation
    • 5.3Treatment
  • instagram viewer
  • 6Inflammation of the elbow joint bursitis, symptoms, treatment
    • 6.1Internal structure of the elbow joint and the causes of bursitis
    • 6.2Symptoms of bursitis and diagnosis of the disease
    • 6.3Treatment of bursitis - a complex of medicamental and physiotherapeutic effects on the joint
    • 6.4Prevention of bursitis
    • 6.5- inflammation of the elbow joint bursitis

Than to remove an inflammation of an elbow joint?

Inflammatory processes in the joints - this is not an age-related disease, but a consequence of various causes.

Often inflammatory diseases such as bursitis, arthritis and arthrosis develop in athletes and people, often in the cold. And the treatment of inflammation of the elbow joint at home sometimes becomes an urgently needed measure and an important part of complex therapy.

Inflammation in the joint can begin due to injury or injury, excessive physical exertion, hypothermia and destructive processes, the causes of which are difficult to establish.

As a result, in addition to arthritis, bursitis and arthrosis, pathologies such as hematoma, pinching of the nerve and epicondylitis (disruption of inflammatory ligaments) can be diagnosed. All of them lead to the development of the inflammatory process in different degrees.

It can be pulsating and aching with arthrosis or acute with arthritis and bursitis, but with pain and other inflammatory reactions, the pain becomes burning.

Crunch, numbness and limitations in mobility in combination with edema are a number of symptoms of the inflamed joint.

Emergency help for severe pain

If the inflammation appears due to a bruise or injury, it is important to immediately remove the conditions that can lead to the development of the inflammatory process and destruction:

  • it is necessary to limit mobility of the elbow, fix it with a pressure or bandage bandage, try not to lift the weight;
  • to remove inflammation with cold compresses or ice, it will also relieve swelling;
  • improve the outflow of excess fluid - after an impact in the synovial bag, pressure may increase, it is important to use the drugs that reduce it and stimulate the outflow of accumulated liquid. Suitable, for example, "Dimexide diluted 1 to 10 with water.

In the presence of pain that does not pass more than 3-5 days, you should consult a therapist or directly to an orthopedist.

Use of folk remedies in treatment

In the treatment of inflammation of the elbow joint folk remedies are sometimes more effective than in the use of medications. But they still need to be coordinated with the doctor, as the destructive processes in the connective tissues are a serious pathology, which is not treated on its own.

Bursitis, arthritis and arthrosis often use the same compresses and other folk remedies, but each recipe should still be agreed with the doctor.

Means against bursitis of the elbow joint

With bursitis to remove the inflammation and remove soreness will help:

  1. Seed and shell. Sour milk (curdled milk), mix so that the mass is thick enough - about a glass of each component. Before using the shell, remove the film from it and grind it well in a coffee grinder. The mixture is applied thickly on a handkerchief or gauze, applied to the elbow, wrapped in polyethylene and a warm kerchief. Compresses are done for 5 days with the same break and repeat of the course of treatment.The recipe helps to remove pain and inflammation, can be used for bruises and sprains.
  2. Compress based on vodka and propolis. For lotion take 60 ml of vodka and 10 g of natural propolis. Use of ready-made tincture is not suitable! Propolis is crushed and mixed with vodka, insist 5 days in a sealed container, not allowing the penetration of the sun. Use with a bandage or gauze, applying for 2-3 hours every day.
  3. Honey and aloe juice. Take 1 tbsp. l. fresh aloe juice and 2 tbsp. l. melted honey, distributed by bandage and applied to the affected joint. Keep the mixture 1-2 hours.
  4. Help with bursitis fresh lilac leaves, attached to the aching joint. They need a little stretch.
  5. Chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow and burdock. Take in equal proportions, and then 1 tbsp. l. mixtures are steamed 200 ml of boiling water. You need to insist for at least 2 hours. The solution is drunk inside the glass. The course of treatment is 21 days.

Treatment of arthrosis of the elbow joint

With arthrosis, it is necessary to increase blood circulation, as well as to remove inflammatory processes:

  • honey and vinegar. For cooking take 2 tablespoons. l. apple cider vinegar and liquid honey, insist 2 hours, then rub the skin before going to bed for 20 days. After rubbing it is necessary to wrap up the joint;
  • birch leaves- 2 handfuls pour boiling water and insist 5 hours. The leaves are extracted and covered with a diseased joint, wrapped with film and cloth. It must be kept all night;
  • buttercup- an interesting tool for the treatment of arthrosis. Take 4-5 plants, cut off the roots and pour a liter of boiling water. Insist 30 minutes. With a solution you need to make ulnar baths, and after cooling - to apply it in the form of a compress;
  • blue claywarms the joint with arthrosis - it is diluted 1 to 1 with warm water and applied to a bandage, fixed, hold for 1 hour. Repeat at least 2 times a day;
  • oil compress- will help to warm up the joint. Of 200 g of vegetable oil, mixed with 4 tbsp. l. crushed laurel leaves are prepared infusion for 6-7 days. Make compresses every day for 25 minutes. Use for the recipe you need rich in vitamins unrefined oil.

But with arthritis will help very different recipes. But the ingredients for them are also available in most cases.

Fighting arthritis

How to treat inflammation of the elbow joint with arthritis? The best ingredients are vegetable ingredients, useful herbs:

  1. Prepare an infusion of 50 grams of horse sorrel and 1 liter of vodka. Insist 2 weeks, take 1 spoonful in the morning and evening.
  2. The trunk of a dandelion without a flower is cut and brewed with a glass of boiling water(need 1 tbsp. l. raw materials). Insist an hour. Drink a day a quarter of a glass.
  3. For oral administration, prepareinfusion of 10 grams of primrose, diluted with a glass of boiling water. Insist 30 minutes, drink 3 times.
  4. Prepare the juice of a radish a glass. Add a glass of honey and a half glass of vodka, as well as 1 hour. l. salt. Do the rubbing for the night.

All herbs should be treated for a long time - their effectiveness is to accumulate the effect. The first results of treatment can be assessed no earlier than in 20-30 days.

Deforming osteoarthritis

The disease is very common and has an inflammatory and destructive character. Absence of treatment quickly leads to loss of ability to work. Here's how to treat this pathology:

  • the same number of birch leaves, willow bark, nettles and marigolds mix. Collection pour a liter of boiling water and insist 12 hours. Drink a glass 5 times a day;
  • dried leaves of lingonberryground to a powder state and poured, l boiling water, insist 30 minutes. You need to take half a glass 3 times a day. The solution will eliminate excess salt deposits, which often aggravate the inflammatory process;
  • packs of potatoes- for 7 pieces of medium potatoes cooked for mashed potatoes, take 25 ml of formic alcohol, 20 ml of decoction from potatoes, 30 ml of camphor oil and 2 tbsp. l. Unrefined vegetable oil with the same amount of honey. Make compresses with a bandage for 15 days. Leave it from the night until morning;
  • dry St. John's wort and hopsbrewed 1 to 1 for 30 minutes, and then ground and mixed with petroleum jelly. Rub the ointment from the inflammation of the elbow joint every day;
  • to relieve pain and eliminate salt depositsdo appliques from the soaked for 2 days rice;
  • ointment based on wormwood- dry grass is well rubbed with sunflower oil, add a little Vaseline and glycerin, warmed in a water bath. Hold for 2 days, and then rub in the affected joint.

Recipes for fighting other diseases

High efficiency with epicondylitis is a simple green tea. The brewed beverage is frozen, and then applied in the form of applications to the affected joints.

When the ulnar nerve is squeezed, orange peels and melissa will help, they are mixed by 1 tbsp. l. and steamed 250 ml of boiling water for 10 minutes. After filtration add to the broth 1 hour. l. Valerian and take 250 ml once a day for a month.

Juice chistotela - better than can be removed pain with inflammation of the elbow joint.

It does not need to be cooked, just moisten the cotton pad in the juice and hold for 30 minutes in a sore spot.

Then, to remove dryness, apply olive oil or sunflower oil. The course consists of 10 days.

Ointment from 50 g of propolis and 50 g of vegetable oil, cooked on steam, will help with pain and inflammation for various diseases. Use this tool is recommended every day at night until all symptoms of the disease have been eliminated.

A simple massage with honey for 15 minutes will help the joint to recover faster. After that, the hand should be wrapped in a warm cloth and go to bed, and in the morning - to wash off the sticky compound from the hand.

To the universal means for eliminating pain and inflammation in the joints include the following folk recipes:

  1. Vegetable Compress. You can use the juice of cabbage, beets or fresh potatoes in the form of compresses at night each night.
  2. Sugar. In a frying pan heated 150 grams of sugar, but so that it does not melt. Apply at night and wrap.
  3. Baths with pine needles. About 2 kg of pine needles soaked in water and boiled for 30 minutes. Insist 15 hours. The filtered broth is poured into a bath, the procedure is carried out for about 20 minutes.
  4. Oat flakes. It is necessary to boil the porridge without salt on the water. Then the mixture is cooled and put on the joint until the morning, wrapped in a warm thing.
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Prevent the re-development of inflammatory processes, as well as protect healthy joints will help the right way of life. First, you need to adjust your diet plan, removing excessive amounts of salt and fatty foods.

For people with joints prone to disease, salt is generally considered one of the most dangerous products.

It is important to protect yourself from excess weight, so plant foods and low-calorie fish, rich in fatty acids, should always be more than fatty meat and sweets.

Care must be taken to ensure that elbows and other joints are not injured. And in case of such a situation, you can not sit at home, you should immediately contact a doctor.

Due to this moment there should be a minimum of physical exercises, their character is easy. Ideal yoga, pilates, but excessive training with "iron" in the hall, aerobic training is better to exclude.


Baths and saunas - a wonderful tool for comprehensive prevention of all diseases. They stimulate the release of harmful substances through the pores, including affecting the salt deposits.


Treatment of inflammatory processes in the elbow joints should be based on an integrated approach. Sometimes the use of folk remedies does not allow to achieve the required results, and if the specialist is not involved in treatment in parallel, this threatens to completely destroy the cartilage tissue.

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Why did the elbow joint inflame and how to treat it?

Inflammation of the elbow joint leads to a sharp decline in the performance of a person. In general, young and middle-aged people face this problem. Inflammation in most cases develops in the right elbow, since the injuries are received by the right-hand workers' arm.

To understand what can be inflamed in the joint, you need to know its structure.

How is the elbow joint?

In comparison with other joints, the ulna is more complicated, because it immediately connects the 3 bone ends of the ulnar, radial and humerus bones. It can perform only flexion-extension, since it is limited by block-like contact surfaces.

From above the joint is protected by a thin capsule, which is supported by ligaments and tendons. Inside the articular bag, a special liquid is always produced to lubricate the moving parts (the heads of bones). In addition, it delivers nutrients.

Bones end with the periosteum. It protects and periodically renews tissues, through it occurs the passage of useful components from the synovial fluid. Photo of the elbow joint structure can be seen below.

What can be inflamed inside the elbow?

Depending on what part of the elbow joint is involved in the inflammatory process, distinguish such diseases:

  1. Bursitis - the tissues inside the joint become inflamed, and the joint bag is involved in the process, which generates synovial fluid in the cavity of the affected joint. The patient experiences severe pain from this.
  2. Epicondylitis is an external inflammation of the periosteum of the humerus and muscle tendons.

The ulnar arthritis has 3 different forms:

  1. Acute purulent arthritis. It is characterized by severe pain in the joint region and an increase in body temperature. In this case, the treatment will be directed to the extraction of pus that accumulates in the joint cavity. In exceptional situations, they resort to surgical intervention.
  2. Psoriatic arthritis.
  3. Gout arthritis.

Usually, the last 2 forms for a long time are asymptomatic, so the illness remains unnoticed for a long time. Gradually, patients begin to feel weak pulling pain, stiffness after a long stay in a state of rest.

For psoriatic arthritis are characterized by such signs: the formation of plaques and peeling of the skin around the elbow.

Why does inflammation begin?

Although there are common factors that provoke the development of inflammation:

  1. Consequences of the patient's professional activity. Inflammation of the elbow can after prolonged monotonous actions, which lead to serious stress on the joints.
  2. Injuries can also provoke inflammation. Often elbows suffer from bruises, sprains, strokes or dislocations.
  3. Too much stress on the joint of athletes, especially in weightlifters.
  4. Infectious factor. In the body, an infectious focus can originate and spread to the elbow zone.

A separate group consists of the causes that cause the disease. Tuberculosis, measles, gonorrhea and trauma can contribute to the development of arthritis of the elbow joint.

What is the symptomatology of the disease?

Symptoms of arthritis depend on the site of the lesion. Signs of bursitis:

  • sharply there is a sharp sharp pain in the elbow;
  • the skin around the elbow turns red, it becomes hot;
  • swelling and swelling appear;
  • the normal work of the tendons is hampered;
  • On the elbow a seal is formed, which remains movable when pressed;
  • the patient seems to be holding his arm in a bent position at an angle of 90 degrees.

When bursitis fluid is released and penetrates into the joint bag, and this makes it difficult for any hand movements. Also, the symptomatology refers to the resistance of muscles during movement, the tendons do not work well.

Epicondylitis is characterized by such symptoms:

  • pain occurs only with physical activity;
  • mild swelling of the joint;
  • crunching or crackling when performing movements.

Treatment is carried out after diagnosis. The surgeon or traumatologist diagnoses according to the results of the examination. The doctor can send for additional research: an x-ray, an analysis of intraarticular fluid, blood and biochemical tests for protein.

Methods of treatment

Treatment is always carried out in a complex manner. To begin with, the elbow is fixed with a bandage of kerchief, bandages, elbow pads. This ensures maximum rest in the affected areas.

If, after studying the articular fluid, a pathogenic microflora is found, antibiotics for oral administration or as intramuscular injections are used.

Effective for relief of pain attacks and for the removal of inflammation, swelling non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Such substances are included in ointments for external use, tablets for oral administration and injections for intramuscular injection.

Help to remove the inflammation of the application with bischofite, and at night you can impose on the joint area a compress with Vishnevsky ointment.

You can also use injections with hormones, they are injected directly into the joint. They will dull the pain well when other drugs and methods no longer work.

Treatment of inflammation is also carried out physiotherapy methods, massage. The exception is acute purulent processes.

Apply such methods:

  • electrophoresis with the addition of anti-inflammatory substances;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • shock wave therapy;
  • UHF;
  • applications with paraffin and ozocerite;
  • laser irradiation.

In the sanatorium complex, baths and wraps with biologically active components are recommended.

Traditional methods of treatment

Treatment at home by folk methods before visiting the doctor will help to mute the pain and reduce the size of the cone on the elbow. You can treat a patient's elbow in various ways:

  1. The most commonly used tincture of propolis. It is used for compresses.
  2. For the next method, you need to take an old sage (not less than 3 years), honey and alcohol 96%. Aloe leaves to grind in a meat grinder or blender, and then squeeze the juice from the gruel. Add honey in the proportions then 3 parts of alcohol. Pour all into a small bottle and shake well. Let it brew for 24 hours and apply also in the form of compresses. Preserve the tincture in the refrigerator. Warm up to room temperature before use.
  3. Warming with salt is very effective. It is necessary to boil the salt (1/2 cup) in a frying pan. Then pour into a canvas bag, wrap it well. In the evening, apply to the patient's joint, on top of bandaging something warm. This method should be used very carefully, because with purulent arthritis the condition may worsen, and the pain intensify.
  4. Bursitis elbow joint is effectively treated with a plant of golden mustache. It is necessary about 20 g of antennae to grind, place in an enameled container and pour 300 ml of water. Place the dishes on the fire, boil the liquid for 7 minutes, then cool and strain. Cotton cloth moistened in a decoction and attach to the diseased area. Overlay a plastic bag or food film and all are well wrapped in a woolen scarf. Do this procedure at night. The duration of treatment in this way is 20 days.
  5. At home, the root of burdock will help relieve pain. To prepare a decoction, you need 1 tbsp. l. dried roots boil in 500 ml of water, allow to stand and cool. Then filter the infusion. Dampen a clean cloth in the broth and attach to the sick elbow. Be sure to wrap a warm kerchief over it.
  6. An ancient and effective method for treating inflammation of the elbow joint is a cabbage leaf. It is washed, well dried, all veins are removed. Then beat off with a heavy hammer until the appearance of juice. Wet cabbage leaf is applied to the inflamed elbow, fix it with a bandage and warm it with a scarf.

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Causes of inflammation of the elbow joint

All detailed manipulation of the hands is performed by a small, but complex elbow joint.

It consists of the joint heads of three bones of the finiteness of the vertex - the diaphysis of the humerus and the epiphyses of the ulnar and radial, which are surrounded by an articular capsule and lined with a synovial membrane.

The cells of this tissue secrete a special liquid, for smoothing the movements in the joint, and damping during sudden movements and lifting weights.

Inflammation is classified by several parameters:

  1. By type of pathogen: specific (Koch's stick, gonococcus, treponema) and nonspecific (streptococcal and staphylococcal infection, viral defeat).
  2. According to the type of current: acute, which in turn is detailed according to the type of exudate accumulating in the inflammatory focus: serous, hemorrhagic and purulent; subacute and chronic - fibrous.
  3. By localization:
    • Arthritis - affecting all the elements of the joint without irreversible changes;
    • arthrosis - degeneration, partial or complete destruction of the articular complex;
    • the defeat of the capsule is called bursitis, from the Latin word "bursa" - a bag;
    • the pathological process in the muscles and tendons surrounding the elbow joint is called epicondylitis.

Causes of inflammation

There are no strictly specific reasons, there is a predisposition to the anatomy and physiology of the joint itself or factors leading to inflammation itself:

  • Diseases of connective tissue of an autoimmune nature - psoriasis, rheumatism, systemic lupus erythematosus.
  • Disruption of the exchange of nutrients - diabetes mellitus.
  • Water-salt imbalance is gout.
  • Diseases of a general nature, in which the joint is affected again - tuberculosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, sepsis.
  • Professional harm, because of the need for static tension of the elbow joint - accountants, chess players, scientists, writers, engineers, truck drivers, engravers and jewelers, dental techniques. Work related to physical labor - builders and agricultural workers.
  • The consequences of sports amateur or professional occupations, fraught with permanent regular microtraumas - tennis, volleyball, basketball, hockey.
  • Not treated or not diagnosed unnoticed trauma to the joint, which ended in a mini-scarring, but with a violation of the physiology of the tissues.
  • Infection from the body by contact, with open injuries; hematogenous way - with blood, with septic state; lymphogenous way - for chronic colds of viral diseases of the genitourinary or respiratory systems.
  • Intentional or domestic, acute or chronic trauma, resulting in hemarthrosis and secondary inflammation - dislocations, subluxations, fractures, damage to muscles and tendons.
  • Oncological diseases of malignant or benign character.
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Diseases and their symptoms

Symptoms usually are precisely localized in the joint region: pain of a different nature, edema, densification (infiltration), redness, dysfunction in a different range, redness of the elbow skin.


Bursitis manifests itself in various symptoms, depending on the aggression and severity of inflammation.

From a weakly noticeable edema and mild tenderness to extension, to a significant increase in the joint, redness, sharp pulsating and bursting pain, suffering of joint function.


With suppuration or sharp exacerbation, a general condition can be disturbed - subfebrile temperature, chills, weakness, headaches and loss of appetite.


In the case of purulent inflammation, there is a danger of the articular abscess passing into the phlegmon of the hand, and the defeat of the muscles and bones directly - myositis and osteomyelitis, with the appearance of fistulas and necrotic melting of tissues. Chronic bursitis is characterized by densification of tissues, formation of nodules and restriction of function during physical activity.


Epicondylitis is external and internal, and the symptoms will correspond to localization: a violation and tenderness when flexing and flexing. Often, the lesion is asymmetric - in accordance with the working arm, which is in constant continuous load.

Also distinguish: lateral and medial form. Lateral - is called the "tennis player's hand typical for the age after 30 years, arises with certain complex movements, is inherent in tennis players, loggers and painters.

The medial is called the "elbow of a golfer with active use of movements that strain the forearm.


Arthritis is characterized by an early impairment of function, all signs of inflammation. Depending on the stage, the entire palette of pain - sharp, cutting, blunt and aching.

Expressed stiffness and stiffness of the joint, until completely immobile and unable to move his arm at the elbow. Inflammatory painful contracture of the musculoskeletal system.

With suppuration, there is a fluctuation and cyanosis of the surrounding tissues.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis is carried out on the basis of objective examination and collection of anamnesis, laboratory tests of blood and urine to determine the causative factor.

Instrumental studies will help to understand the degree of inflammation and severity of joint damage: X-ray, and tomography (computer and magnetic resonance imaging).

Treatment is complex. Surgical or conservative according to indications. With an obligatory rehabilitation period and training in methods of preventing the secondary onset or exacerbation of the chronic process.

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Symptoms and treatment of inflammation of the joint and ligaments

Undifferentiated arthritis

Inflammatory diseases of the elbow joint - quite frequent pathology. They develop in people regardless of gender and age. Inflammation is accompanied by severe pain and impaired limb function. This greatly complicates the daily life of a person and violates his ability to work.

Treatment of inflammatory processes in the elbow joint is necessary in a complex manner, using various techniques. The absence of timely and proper treatment leads to the development of irreversible consequences.

Since the elbow joint is formed by different tissues and structures, several types of its inflammation are distinguished:

  • arthritis - inflammation of the whole joint;
  • epicondylitis - inflammation of the epicondyle of the humerus;
  • bursitis - defeat of the periarticular bag;
  • tendinitis - involvement of joint ligaments.

All these diseases have similar causes. There is a localization of the inflammatory process, and depending on this there is one or another symptomatology.

The manifestations of various inflammatory processes in the elbow joint have similarities and differences. Common symptoms of these diseases are:

  • pain in the elbow area;
  • difficulty in limb movements;
  • general malaise.

Distinctive features that allow to determine a particular disease are presented in the table below:

Symptom Arthritis Bursitis Tendonitis Epicondylitis
General state Weakness, body aches, mild fever General malaise, sometimes fever The general state of health suffers insignificantly General state of health does not suffer
Local Symptoms Elbow edematous, skin hyperemic, hot to the touch There is local edema in the area of ​​the elbow, hyperemia and local fever are rare There are no external changes, when you feel your elbow, there is a tension in the area of ​​the attached muscles and tendons Externally, the elbow is not changed, with palpation, there is local soreness in the supracondylar area
Pain Present during movements and at rest Moderate, increases with hand movements Intense, occurs periodically, there are nocturnal painful attacks Occurs periodically, worse with bending of the arm in the elbow, rotation of the wrist
Degree of impaired movement Expressed violation, each movement brings pain Moderate dysfunction of the limb Significant restriction of movements Moderate limitation of the volume of movements, the strength of the muscles of the hand decreases

Complications of inflammatory joint diseases that often occur after an injury include:

  • attachment of microbial flora, development of purulent inflammation;
  • the formation of adhesions within the joint, which leads to impaired motor function;
  • the transition of inflammation to muscles and bones.

Some complications can be irreversible and cause a person's disability.

Treat all inflammatory diseases of the elbow joint on general principles. There are some differences. Treatment is aimed at the following goals:

  • elimination of the cause of the disease;
  • removal of inflammation and swelling;
  • restoration of motor function;
  • prevention of complications.

For this, drug therapy, physiotherapy, and, if necessary, surgical intervention are used.

With any inflammation of the elbow joint, the same medicines will be required. They are used to eliminate the causative factor, inflammation and alleviation of the symptoms of the disease.

Drugs used to treat inflammation of the elbow joint:

Drug Group Purpose of appointment Mode of application
Antibacterial agents Since in most cases the inflammation is bacterial in nature, antibiotics are necessary for its treatment Assign for oral or intramuscular injection
Anti-inflammatory drugs Suppression of the inflammatory process, elimination of edema, pain relief Used for oral or external use
Painkillers Elimination of severe pain syndrome Assign for oral or injections
Diuretics Removal of inflammatory fluid from the joint cavity For oral administration
Corticosteroids Elimination of a pronounced inflammatory process, especially in the autoimmune nature of the disease For oral or intra-articular injection

To improve the effectiveness of treatment appoint vitamin and fortifying drugs. In arthritis and bursitis chondroprotectors are shown - to prevent damage to cartilaginous tissue. In the presence of fever, antipyretic agents are prescribed.

Additional methods of treatment are prescribed to enhance the basic therapy, to facilitate the overall well-being of the patient.

For the entire period of the disease it is recommended to limit physical activity. Appointed easily digestible diet with a high content of protein, vitamins, calcium.

When bursitis and tendonitis is recommended to limit movement in the hand. For this purpose, tight bandaging with an elastic bandage or wearing a special orthosis is used. In other inflammatory diseases, immobilization is used if a person is concerned about severe pain syndrome.

Physiotherapy begins after the elimination of acute inflammation. The purpose of their appointment is to finally cure the inflammation, to prevent the development of complications. The following types of physiotherapy are used:

  • magnetotherapy;
  • electrophoresis with hydrocortisone and lidase;
  • paraffin and ozocerite applications;
  • impulse currents.

The procedures help to improve microcirculation in the lesion, reduce edema of tissues, relieve pain. Physiotherapy is carried out by courses of 7-10 procedures.

Massage and therapeutic exercises are also shown after relief of acute inflammatory process. Massaging the elbow joint improves blood circulation, resorption of inflammation. Massage is performed with gentle stroking and kneading movements.

Medical gymnastics is prescribed to prevent complications that may arise due to the immobility of the joint. Begin it with cautious passive movements in the elbow, gradually the amount of exercise is expanded.


Apply and treatment by folk remedies - in consultation with the attending physician. The purpose of these drugs is to alleviate pain, remove swelling of the tissues. Use compresses, wraps, rubbing.

  1. 1. Compress from cabbage leaf helps to relieve pain. For its preparation take fresh cabbage leaves and lightly knead them to give juice. Then these leaves wrap the joint and fix it with a cloth. The compress is held for 2-3 hours.
  2. 2. Compress of fresh potatoes. Raw potatoes are rubbed on the grater, squeeze the juice lightly. Kashitsu is laid on a sick elbow, covered with a film and a warm cloth. Hold 30-60 minutes.

When you have an allergic reaction, you must stop treatment at home.

When a large accumulation of inflammatory fluid or pus in the joint cavity apply a therapeutic puncture. With a long needle, remove the liquid, then wash the cavity with an antiseptic solution. Several such procedures may be necessary for the course of treatment.

When there are adhesions in the joint cavity or its bag, an arthroscopic operation is performed. Dissect spikes and restore the volume of movements in the elbow joint.

Inflammation of the elbow joint is due to various reasons. The pathological process affects various articular structures - the capsule, ligaments, cartilage.

The main symptoms of inflammation are pain and limb movement in the elbow.

Treatment is carried out by various methods - drugs, physiotherapy procedures, surgical intervention.

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Inflammation of the elbow joint: causes, symptoms, treatment of tendons and ligaments


  • 1. Causes of inflammation
  • 2. Symptoms of inflammation
  • 3. Treatment

Inflammation of the elbow joint is a fairly common problem for the human musculoskeletal system. In this case, with respect to the elbow joint, inflammation occurs most often.

The problem is mostly related to a person's professional activity, with a lot of constant joint movements, as well as some diseases.

To understand how to treat the elbow joint, and what is happening in it, you need to know its anatomy.

The elbow joint is a complex construction that consists of:

  • Brachial,
  • The ulna,
  • The radius.

The cavity of the elbow joint is limited to a capsule. Another term capsules is an articular bag, often found. Movement of the joint is possible due to tendons and ligaments, which act as a strengthening element.

All the bones of the joint are covered by the periosteum, which allows the body to adequately feed all bone tissue.

The inflammatory process in the area of ​​ligaments and elbows can often begin with cartilage. At this point, at an early stage, you need to start treatment. Otherwise, the inflammatory process will not stop only on the cartilage, but spread to the rest of the elbow joint.

In medicine, it is common to separate two types of inflammation of the elbow joint:

  1. Bursitis - inflammation develops inside the joint.
  2. Epicondylitis - the inflammatory process affects the outer shell of the joint.

It should be noted that when it comes to bursitis, the arthritic bag (capsule) is drawn into the inflammation process, which begins to produce fluid into the area of ​​the affected joint. All this is accompanied by strong pain.

Causes of inflammation

For each case of the onset of the inflammatory process, the causes can be completely unique and different. However, it is possible to distinguish some features that are often inherent in the onset of inflammation of the elbow and tendons:

  1. In the first place - the consequences of the professional activities of the patient. Inflammation begins after a long involvement of the elbow joint in certain actions, which are accompanied by high loads.
  2. Another reason is trauma. As a rule, the elbow and tendons may suffer from bumps and bruises, dislocations, sprains.
  3. Too much load on the elbow joint. Most often this reason is found in professional athletes, especially in weightlifters.
  4. Infectious agent. It is enough to start the infection so that the problem spreads further and touches the area of ​​the elbow joint.
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Separately, we need to talk about a problem like arthritis. The causes of arthritis of the elbow joint may be concealed in tuberculosis, measles, gonorrhea or in trauma.

In the ulnar type of arthritis there are three forms:

  • Acute purulent arthritis develops against a background of sharp pain in the elbow area and an increase in body temperature. The treatment here is aimed at quickly removing the accumulation of pus from the joint cavity. Surgery is rarely used.
  • Psoriatic arthritis;
  • Gout arthritis.

Symptoms of the last two forms are not pronounced, which allows the problem to be undetected for a long time. You can pay attention to the appearance of light, but pulling pains in the elbow, plus there is stiffness in the movement of the arm after a long rest.

In psoriatic form, it is possible to observe external manifestations in the form of skin peeling and the formation of psoriatic plaques.

Symptoms of inflammation

Let us return to bursitis and epicondylitis, and describe the symptoms of these inflammatory processes

With bursitis the symptoms are as follows:

  • The appearance of sharp, shooting pain in the elbow.
  • Redness of the local type on the elbow.
  • There is puffiness of the elbow and difficulty in the work of the tendons.
  • Formation of a seal on the elbow, which remains movable when pressed.

However, we draw attention to the fact that with bursitis begins the production of fluid that penetrates into the joint bag, and as a result of this penetration there is a difficulty in the movements of the hand. Another symptom is muscle resistance during movement, the tendons do not work well.

Epicondylitis is characterized by bumps symptoms other than bursitis, here inflammation of the elbow joint is represented by:

  1. Crispy sounds when moving by hand and elbow.
  2. Pain is present, but it is aching and can become worse with movement. In a state of rest, there is practically no pain. This is also an important diagnostic sign of epicondylitis.
  3. Swelling of the elbow joint.


Before starting treatment, it will be necessary to accurately diagnose and differentiate inflammation from other diseases. Only knowing the true cause of the onset of inflammation, you can choose an appropriate treatment.

In principle, for analysis is enough:

  • Blood test.
  • X-ray image of the elbow.
  • Analysis of articular fluid.

Drug treatment is always complex. It consists of a complete rest for the elbow, this is one of the basic conditions. Further, anesthetics are prescribed for pain in the joints. As a rule, these are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

In rare cases, the doctor may resort to treatment with steroid preparations in the form of injections in the damaged joint.

The treatment also includes physiotherapy:

  1. electrophoresis,
  2. UHF,
  3. thermal therapy.

To relieve swelling and pain, you can use Orthofen, Movalis, Ibuprofen and many others.

It is used in a complex and treatment with ointments and gels. Local treatment is carried out by Fastum Gel, Riliff, Dimexide is used.

In extreme cases, surgery can be indicated if the suppuration process goes far, and drainage is ineffective.


There are options to treat inflammation with folk remedies, but non-traditional treatment should be considered solely as an additional measure that goes hand in hand with medication therapy.


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Inflammation of the elbow joint bursitis, symptoms, treatment

Pain in the elbow joint and its significant increase is a sign of bursitis

The most frequent complaints related to bursitis elbow joint, you can hear from athletes, miners, jewelers, etc.

This is due to the fact that the former have significant load on the joint, injuries, and in the second - frequent monotonous movements, and also by the fact that the elbow serves as a support for work.

Bursitis in representatives of certain professions even carries special names: "the elbow of a jeweler, a watchmaker etc.

What happens inside the elbow joint when the disease develops?

Internal structure of the elbow joint and the causes of bursitis

Increased synovium (bag)

The figure shows the structure of the hand and, in particular, the synovial bag, which serves for easy sliding of the joints, due to the synovial fluid it secures.

When various factors influence the bag (bursa), it can produce too much liquid, which ceases to circulate, stagnates, and exudates also - the accumulation of synovia in tissues.

The reasons for this malfunction in the operation of the joint membrane are several:

  • various injuries of the elbow joint;
  • permanent overload of the joint or its frequent location in one position;
  • infection of synovial fluid (direct hit, with blood or lymph);
  • transferred or present in the body of the disease (tuberculosis, gonorrhea, gout, as well as SARS, sore throat, etc.);
  • allergic reactions, intoxication and the consequences of a stressful situation;
  • a metabolic disorder that provokes the deposition of calcium salts in the joint bag (calcareous bursitis).

Depending on the cause, bursitis can be traumatic and allergic, and also have an infectious and aseptic nature.

It can be complicated by exudate serous, hemorrhagic (presence in the synovial fluid of the blood), as well as purulent (when pus is formed inside the bag).

The most simple in the treatment of serous bursitis, the most complex is purulent.

Symptoms of bursitis and diagnosis of the disease

The obvious signs of an inflamed synovial bag are pains of a different nature (depending on degree of disease), swelling, swelling in the joint area, local redness and an increase temperature.

When purulent bursitis pain is strong enough, shooting, and also there is general malaise and high body temperature. In such cases, you need to urgently go to the doctor, you may need to be hospitalized.

Diagnosis of inflammation of the elbow joint bursitis involves the collection of anamnesis and analysis. To begin with, the doctor will need to be excluded, or on the contrary, to identify, infectious, chronic diseases that could serve as an impetus for the development of the disease.

It is also necessary to clarify the lifestyle and motor activity of the patient. Inflammatory processes such as joint arthritis, trauma, prolonged treatment for allergies or nervous breakdown - all this must be indicated at the first appointment with a doctor.

The next stage is the collection of blood tests, puncture synovia, x-rays, ultrasound, and sometimes MRT.

A blood test will show the presence of inflammatory processes in the body

With the collection of clinical and biochemical blood analysis, each person faced, which can not be said about puncture. What is it? The procedure of puncture is the introduction into the synovial bag of a thin needle and a fence into the syringe of the lubricating articular fluid.

This is the most effective method of diagnosing the disease, because after having an example of a liquid, it is possible to determine with accuracy its character - aseptic, serous or purulent. But not only for the purpose of diagnosis apply puncture. It is also a method of treatment.


Excess synovia is pumped out with a syringe, and then an antibiotic is injected through the same needle to stop the inflammatory process. After this procedure, a tight bandage is applied to the joint, which requires rest for a week.


More on the treatment will talk later, but for now we will continue the topic of diagnosis.

The radiograph will indicate the condition of the joints: displacement, the presence of arthrosis. The ultrasound will show the amount of fluid in the joint. All the results of the tests are summarized in one diagnosis and only then can the treatment begin.

Treatment of bursitis - a complex of medicamental and physiotherapeutic effects on the joint

If the puncture was not enough and the joint continues to bother with painful sensations, the bursa's walls are still irritated, then the doctor prescribes the following medicines:

  • Non-steroidal or selective anti-inflammatory drugs for pain relief. These drugs have a number of contraindications, as well as irritate the gastric mucosa, so they should be used very carefully;
  • injections of corticosteroid hormones. They are used for severe pain and as an alternative to previous drugs;
  • inhibitors of proteolytic enzymes. These drugs are able to regenerate processes in the synovial membrane, and also have an anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect;
  • regulators of microcirculation;
  • chondroprotectors, if the roentgenogram showed destruction of the hyaline articular cartilage;
  • ointments and compresses with a cooling effect, to relieve inflammation and pain.

Ointments with a cooling effect are prescribed to relieve inflammation and joint pain

Traditional medicine offers its own recipes for ointments and tinctures, which have the same medicinal qualities as pharmacological.

Cabbage leaf, raw potatoes and beet are famous for their anti-inflammatory effects. They are applied alternately at night in the form of a compress.

Tincture of 10 g of propolis per one third of a glass of vodka, after a week of insisting, is applied in the form of lotions on the diseased joint.

Teas from herbs are also useful. But all this must be applied after consultation with the doctor.

Folk remedies are also effective in combating bursitis

Along with medication, physiotherapy is prescribed. This can be cryotherapy (exposure to the joint by cold), massage, magnetotherapy, laser therapy and others. All of them are aimed at restoring blood flow in the joint and nourishing the articular cartilage and bag.

Physiotherapy is used in conjunction with medicines

An important point of treatment is also exercise therapy, the exercises of which are developed directly by a doctor or trainer. It is necessary to develop joints every day.

Nutrition during treatment also requires close attention. It is important to have in the diet products that provide the body with all the necessary vitamins. In addition, you should monitor the amount of clean water consumed - at least, -2 liters per day.

Proper nutrition is necessary in the treatment of inflammation of the elbow joint

Prevention of bursitis

To prevent chronic bursitis, it is necessary to call the doctor for treatment in time. It is the chronic diseases that are most severe in treatment, sometimes the neglected form of the disease can be eliminated only through surgical intervention.

To prevent inflammation of the joint joint bag of the elbow joint, wounds should be treated with antiseptic means to prevent infection.

It is also necessary to refrain from traumatic activities, if this is not possible, then the joint should be secured by applying a bandage that will fix it.


It is necessary to engage in light sports, the most useful is swimming. During the exercises in the pool, all muscles and joints work.


It is important to monitor your diet and regime of the day. The body needs to be given time to rest and provide vitamins. It is better to get rid of bad habits that contribute to the deposition of salts and clogging of the body with slag.

- inflammation of the elbow joint bursitis

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