Rhinitis in child 1

Features of the common cold in a child aged 1 year

Rhinitis in the baby 1 year - a fairly common problem, exciting many young parents. Rid of a year-old baby from discomfort in the upper respiratory tract is quite simple.But before treatment it is necessary to determine the cause of rhinitis.

Rhinitis and its causes

Rhinitis or just a common cold is a common disease that often appears in young children from one year of life and older. Since the child at this age is still quite dependent, his parents are constantly helping him blow his nose. As a result, the baby begins to be capricious, his sleep is poor or completely absent. If earlier a karapuz was eating with appetite, now he does not want to eat at all.

Therefore, many young fathers and mothers, after encountering this problem, begin to get lost and have absolutely no idea how to cure a children's runny nose.

In this case, it is necessary to start the treatment process as soon as possible. which in the initial stages can not use medicines. Treatment will be directed to maintaining the protective power of a young child. Naturally, such a situation without a doctor's visit will not do, because this depends on the health of a small person.
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Among the most common causes of the appearance of rhinitis are the following:

  1. Non-infectious.
  2. Infectious.

Often a noninfectious runny nose occurs after injuries, foreign bodies enter nasal passages and when allergic to irritants from the environment. The most common allergens include animal hair, cold or hot air, dust, smoke.

As for the infectious cold in a one-year-old child, most often it is caused by dangerous viral agents that provoke diseases such as influenza and acute respiratory viral infections. But the main danger is that these agents are capable of breaking the integrity of the mucous membranes of the nose. They too can attach and various bacterial infections. Therefore, a runny nose in children can cause some complications.

Symptoms and treatment of rhinitis

There are several pronounced symptoms of the common cold in children older than one year.

These include severe nasal congestion, frequent sneezing and tearing. Often the common cold is accompanied by the release of mucus from the sinuses. If the baby has a fever, the body should be taken to the doctor immediately. Because rhinitis in this case is a symptom, not a disease.

There are three main approaches to the treatment of the common cold in children 1, year:

  1. Non-pharmacological.
  2. Application of traditional medicine.
  3. Treatment with strong drugs.

The first method of treatment, drug-free, requires the creation of the most comfortable conditions for children immediately after the discovery of the first signs of the disease. It must be ensured that the air in the room where most of the time is spent by the carapace is not dry and too hot. This will not allow the mucous membranes to dry up.

To indoors it was nice to be, you need to often ventilate it. If the time of year allows you to fully open the windows, then you must always use this. To humidify the air, it is necessary to put several containers of water in the room. This will help the baby breathe easier without irritating the sinuses. In addition, at elevated temperatures, you need to water your baby with plenty of warm water, tea, tinctures.

At the initial stage of rhinitis, folk remedies can help to get rid of the common cold. But it is worth remembering that a chronic rhinitis treated at home is strictly forbidden to children. After the first year of life, you can try to treat rhinitis with methods that have been tested for many generations.

Start treatment is with a few drops of fresh aloe juice, red beets, parsley and carrots. In addition, for the treatment of the common cold you can do inhalation with eucalyptus oil. For this, it is enough to drop a few drops of oil onto a napkin and put it in a crib to a one-year-old baby. Dry mixes of mint, lemon balm and chamomile can be poured into special pouches, which are also worth putting around the baby.

To release the respiratory tract of young children should be as often as possible to wash the nose with a solution of salt. Then the baby can be dripped into both nares with special pharmacological agents that the doctor will prescribe. But pediatricians strongly recommend that rhinitis be treated in the case of carapaces with the help of folk remedies that are as safe as possible in relation to the child's body.

Preventive measures

Since a one-year-old karapuz moves a lot, you need to pick up such clothes and shoes that would not restrict his movement. Update the wardrobe of the baby should be given the season, as well as the age of the child. In order to prevent the child from overheating and not freezing, it is necessary to dress it strictly in the weather outside the window. Pediatricians strongly recommend checking after walking the legs. In the event that they are frozen, you need to put them in a hot tub. And then give the child a warm tea.

In cold seasons, it is necessary to protect the baby from large concentrations of people, and even more so - to forbid him to communicate with sick children. To be calm for his health, it is necessary to strengthen the immunity of the karapuz by walking in the fresh air, physical exercises and balanced nutrition. Also it is necessary to introduce fresh fruits and vegetables into the diet of the child.

If the baby has the first signs of rhinitis, you need to give him a warm milk with honey. This warming drink will not only help his body to overcome the ailment, but will also calm him well before going to sleep. But if morning symptoms of a cold do not disappear, you should immediately show it to a specialist. Otherwise, the child may have chronic rhinitis.

You can not let a baby be too warmly dressed. Many layers of clothing contribute to hypothermia. Therefore, the baby should be dressed so that it was not too hot. Since a child of this age can not stay in one place, he will necessarily start to frolic. Naturally, this will sweat from it, and if in the street there is a weak but cold wind, the child can easily get sick.


Conclusion on the topic

Rhinitis in children is not a dangerous phenomenon, which strikes the noses of merry-goats. In order to facilitate the course of this disease, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician. He will help to establish the cause of this problem and completely get rid of it.


Rhinitis in the baby 1 year old

A severe runny nose in a one-year-old child is a common phenomenon, but, nevertheless, it can turn into a real problem for the whole family. The stuffy nose of the baby interferes with a calm sleep, leads to a refusal of food and endless whims. In addition, the child can not yet blow his nose and in order to cleanse the nose of the snot in a child in 1 year it is necessary to use various adaptations like aspirators that does not cause the kid special delight. And the very course of the disease is complicated by the fact that, having missed the first symptoms, it is extremely difficult determine the degree of neglect - the child can not yet speak and, therefore, complain about state of health.

Causes of a cold in a one-year-old child

  1. The social factor- is the cause of an infectious cold. If the child is in a children's collective or just in places of congestion during the season of activation Respiratory diseases, the probability of getting infected is quite high, since the baby's immunity is still only is formed.
  2. Subcooling- can be caused by long walks in the cold and damp and improperly selected clothes. Equally dangerous is to dress a child and not enough and too warm. So, the child dressed not by weather is easy enough to freeze quickly enough, and the warmed-up baby will first sweat, and then sub-cool under a cold wind. If the child has a habit of screaming and crying in the street, possible supercooling of the upper respiratory tract.
  3. Allergic reactions- the child has rhinitis when exposed to such irritants as dust, pet hair, pollen of plants, smoke and even cold or hot air.

Prophylaxis of a cold in a child 1 year old

Since the treatment of a cold in a one-year-old child is not an easy task, it is better to warn his appearance. Preventive measures are fairly simple.

  1. It is necessary to choose the right clothes and shoes for walking - so that the baby does not freeze, does not soak up the legs, and also does not sweat. When you come home, you should check your feet - if they are wet and / or cold, you should put them in hot water with mustard and drink hot tea.
  2. If possible, protect the baby from communicating with the colds, it is also desirable to avoid large concentrations of people in the cold season.
  3. Eliminate or minimize the contact of the child with obligate allergens.
  4. Strengthening the immunity of the baby nutrition, outdoor exercise, sufficient physical activity. During illnesses, you should not take antibiotics without the urgent need and advice of a doctor - they suppress the natural defense of the body.

How to cure a cold to a one-year-old child?

If the disease has not been avoided, do not get upset, it is better to pay attention to the study of information on how to treat a cold to a one-year-old child.

The first thing that is necessary is to release the respiratory tract from the mucus to allow the baby to breathe. To do this, flush the nozzle with saline solution and, if necessary, pull the snot with a special aspirator - manual, mechanical or electric. Then it is necessary to drip vasoconstrictive drops into the nose, which are also mandatory for the prevention of otitis and sinusitis. But we must remember that the drugs used must be soft enough and appropriate to age, so it is better not to engage in self-medication, and

consult a doctor.

Rhinitis in the child 1 year - folk remedies

For a child of 1 year, the treatment of the common cold with folk remedies is carried out by inhalation. If you do not have a nebulizer nebulizer at hand, then parents tend to act in the old way - they let the baby breathe on the pot with boiled potatoes or herbal decoction. This method is not safe, because hot steam can burn the delicate skin and mucous baby. For these purposes, it is better to use a conventional rubber heating pad - pour the liquid into it and gently give the baby for inhalation.


Than to treat a cold at the child, years


Gulyaeva Maria

It is best to use the following tools:
1) Aquamaris (to rinse the nose) - this you use
2) Prothorgol (it must be ordered at the pharmacy - to find out where they are doing it) - collodion silver. 2-3 drops 3 times a day. Very well dries.
3) Homeopathic spray - euphorbium compositum (the price is about 300-400 r, but it is worth it and will not harm the crumbs). 1-2 doses 3-4 times a day.
4) Still you can drip carrot or beet juice - but before that, dilute a little with water or oil and try first on yourself.. .
5) Apply an oksolin ointment to the nose.
Here are my recommendations and advice.
Health to the baby and happy childhood!

morgana 29

try nazol for children is very effective


so... you can moisten the wool turwoos in honey.. .
and in a spout for 15 min.
then... juice of beets, diluting a little olive oil or rast.
and yet... on the bridge of the nose leads an abrupt egg =)
you can sit over the steam - menthol.. eucalyptus.. ONLY small fuck!
and DO NOT HELP with drops !!!
recuperate =)

Anastasia Andreeva

At this age are allowed Prothorgol, Isofra, Albucid. Note that Isofra is an antibiotic of topical effect, it is prescribed only if it is detachable in yellow or green. If the allocation is abundant, but transparent - start with vasoconstrictor and 1-2 days use 3 times a day. Further, when the detachable becomes thicker, use Albutide or Prothorgol after preliminary cleansing (Marimer, Aquamaris, Salin).

Elena Ovcharova

Horsesh helps Tibetan star. She rubs the baby feet, especially the toes. Use fewer drops, they break all the mucous membranes.


We have now cured coryza (homeopathy)

Tatiana Pronoza

book "Conversations of the Children's Doctor" Timofeeva A. M. (a famous Moscow pediatrician with 50 years of experience). 4 th edition, revised and enlarged. Moscow 2006 year. page 25 section "how to soar the legs"
"Children older than 9 months with a cold are very good at soaring their legs. This procedure is done only with a slight increase in body temperature (up to 38 degrees). In the beginning, it is necessary to lower the legs into warm water, and then gradually add hot water, bringing the water temperature to 40-41 degrees. As soon as your feet turn red, it is very good to pour them with cold water, and then lower them again into the hot one. So repeat three times and after the third dousing with cold water, put on woolen socks and put the baby to bed. If he is afraid to soar his legs, you can also soar the handles. You can soar and handle and legs. "
The main thing to remember: cold cold feet can not pour cold water
It is better to find the book itself. There are a lot of very simple and sensible advice on many children's problems

Natalia Kiryukhina

It would be better to ask your doctor for treatment than for strangers without any medical education.


Order Complex droplets in the pharmacy, cleanse the nose with Saline, drip the aloe juice: with water, Vitaon-luxury oil, cream-gel Malavit (lubricate inside the spout. Drying Protorgol, Albucid (eye drops, but lor appoints and in the nose). If the green sopelki, then Dioxydin. Foot baths for the night until full recovery (exactly 5 minutes warm and no more), wipe, soles toe with warming foot cream or any kind of grinded toe, socks on legs and to sleep. Thyme oil is an excellent tool for activating local immunity in inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx. Of the essential oil of thyme, you can make a solution for instillation into the nose. To do this, take a half teaspoon of olive oil and mix with two drops of thyme oil.
Drip in the morning for lunch and evening. If there is no possibility or desire, then you can use a very simple method - apply a little oil Thyme on a fleece or cloth and breathe, you can breathe and straight from the bottle with butter, but it is faster exhales. If strong edema in the nose, then it is mandatory antiallergic drug (Suprastin, Diazolin or other. ) It would be nice to KUF child. A rhinitis two weeks and more than an occasion to run to the otolaryngologist. Get well!

mihail of denis

Try aromatherapy, namely the aroma lamp, light it. You can use lavender oil, tea tree, with caution eucalyptus (start with 1 drop). Coryza in children, "crying" for love.

How to properly treat a cold in a child 3 years old?

Three years of age in the child with his admission to the kindergarten. Acclimatization in a new place and with a new team is accompanied by catarrhal diseases. Often you can hear complaints from moms for a persistent cough and runny nose. Moreover, there are cases when a child is sick several times a month. And from rhinitis, he suffers most often. How to properly treat it at this age is told further.

Features of treatment

Basically, the runny nose does not require serious treatment, therefore, observing certain conditions for caring for the baby in the period of the disease and using known medicinal and folk remedies can be successfully eliminated him.

It is possible to alleviate the child's illness by creating the necessary conditions:

  • maintain the air temperature in his room in the range from 18 to 22 0С;
  • increase the level of humidity in the room to prevent dryness in the nasal passages;
  • Before sleeping, the pillow should be set so that its head and hangers are raised. Due to this, mucus will not accumulate and wake it during sleep;
  • from the age of two, it is necessary to teach the child to properly clean the nose, warning him to blow his nose in turn with one, and then with the second nostril.Cleansing the two nostrils can simultaneously lead to the development of acute otitis;
  • Tell the baby that you can not drag the slime into yourself so that the infection does not get deeper into the nasopharynx;
  • to change to him more often handkerchiefs, that he wiped the nose with dry handkerchiefs;
  • if the crumb himself can not clean the spout, then help him do it with an aspirator or a rubber pear;
  • Give him to drink as much warm water or other drinks as possible. If he does not want to eat, do not force him to do this forcibly;
  • Affectionately address to the kid, play and entertain him, so that he is distracted from the disease.

The video tells how to treat a cold in a child 3 years old:


To treat children at the age of three from the cold, pharmacists offer a variety of medications. And also there are alternative methods of treatment in the form of physiotherapy, inhalation and foot baths.

In a polyclinic can appoint or nominate to pass or take place a course of a physiotherapy:

  • ultrasound;
  • with the help of a laser;
  • a magnet;
  • UFO.

At home, they will be completely replaced by inhalations, which can be done in the old manner above the pot or with the help of a purchased nebulizer. Acquire it is necessary in accordance with the age of the child and the most frequent disease. on the link you can read how to choose an inhaler for a child. Better if it comes with two masks: for children and adults.Then you can use the whole family.

Devices for ultraviolet irradiation can eliminate for 4 procedures. They are also good at quartz room.


With the help of special apparatus, the drug is sprayed in the form of an aerosol and penetrates deeply into the nasopharynx. The duration and the desired treatment regimen are selected according to the instructions.The agent for infusion into the device is prescribed by the doctor based on the diagnosed disease.Nebulizer can be used even for newborns. And children of three years of age will enjoy using it more than drinking other medicines or using drops for the nose. Only before starting to use it is necessary to explain to the child how to use it correctly. On your example, demonstrate the baby putting on a mask. To use it you need certain solutions, various formulations.

Effective and affordable to use is,% saline. It can be replaced by high-alkaline water "Borjomi". But before pouring into the device, they must be heated to a temperature of 300 ° C. This tool will help the child get rid of accumulated crusts in the nose and eliminate the feeling of dryness.

To treat serious diseases accompanied by an acute cold, Lazolvan or Ambrobene is prescribed. With the help of them you can dilute sputum and take it out.One portion of the medicine is diluted with the same amount of saline and poured into the nebulizer.Such therapy should last no more than five days. Children 3 years at a time appoint 1 ml of the composition. The procedure is repeated twice a day. Under the link in detail it is described, with what to do inhalations at a cold a nebulizer.


To alleviate a severe runny nose, but it can not be cured by vasoconstrictive drugs. They, acting on the nasal mucosa, cause vasoconstriction, and after that the edema decreases, because of which the air could not freely enter the nasal passages. The mucus becomes less fluid and does not irritate the mucous. These include:

  • Nazivin- contains, 5 mg of oxymetazoline. Its capacity has a convenient pipette - dispenser, with which you can accurately dose the medicine. For toddlers of three years it is necessary to dig in 1 drop in each nostril three times a day. Here you can read the instruction on the use of Nazivin for children.
  • Vibrocil.Drops in the nose Vibrocil for children have anticongestive and anti-allergic effect. It is digested two drops in each nasal passage 4 times a day.
  • OtrivinXylometazoline. Children's drops Otrivin removes puffiness, improves breathing with nasal congestion and adnexal sinuses. Applied 2 times a day for 2 drops in one nasal passage.

The course of treatment of vasoconstrictive drops should not exceed a week.

To ensure that the mucous membrane does not dry out, moisturizers are used.Most of them contain sea water, so they carefully clean the mucus passages without irritating their walls. Popular are:

  • Aqua Mariscontains a large number of minerals and salts. A completely natural product that can be used even in infants. It is applied four times a day at the same intervals, two drops are injected into one nasal passage. Here you can read more about the application of nasal drops of Aqua Maris.
  • Salinhas a local effect, does not have a bactericidal effect. Most often it is used for complex treatment. Eliminates manifestations of inflammatory and infectious diseases of the nose. Its active substance is sodium chloride. It is used two or three times a day. Bury one time in each pass.
  • Aqualorcontains minerals and natural components. They need to do the lavage of the nose. The minimum amount of drug use per day is four times. If this is the initial stage of the disease, then you can do more washing. It can be used for nasal hygiene, so the duration of use is unlimited.

Moisturizers can be used as needed, these dosages may vary depending on the complexity of the disease.

On video - treatment of a cold in a child of 3 years:

Traditional methods of treatment

At home without medicines, the common cold is treated in all possible ways, which are known from grandmothers.

With a strong nasal congestion, the sap of a home flower often saves - the Kalanchoe. It is necessary to tear off a sheet from it and squeeze out a little juice. Then it must be diluted with water in the ratio:. Collect half a pipette and drip the baby. When instilled, the child will sneeze intensively, and at the same time all accumulated mucus will come out. Just do not bury too much medicine so as not to injure the mucous membranes. It is better to supply drugs in the nose a little, but often.

Runny nose in the initial stage will help eliminate honey. It is necessary to give a child a piece of honeycomb or zabrus. The kid should chew it for at least five minutes. If the moment of onset of rhinitis is missed, then you can drip a mixture of honey and beet juice in the proportion:. Each nasal passage is treated three times a day, digging in 1 - 2 drops.

Inhalations without a nebulizer can be carried out over hot potatoes.This recipe is familiar to everyone from childhood. How to breathe over a potato with a cold? For the procedure, the root should be boiled and letting the baby breathe it in pairs, covering the dishes and its head with a dense cloth. This tool can be replaced with ordinary hot water with the addition of essential oils - pine, eucalyptus or fir and breathe in their vapors. All these steam procedures the child should spend under the supervision of the parents, so that he does not burn himself.

For a final decision on the choice of funds, it is still worth asking for help from a pediatrician. Three years is a dangerous age in which any disease can turn into acute, and sometimes as a result of improper treatment, acquire chronic forms. And that this does not happen it is necessary to carry out preventive measures, one of which is the hardening of a growing organism. Also, read what to do if the child does not have a runny nose. Here you will find the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky, whether it is possible to walk a child with a cold. Perhaps you are also interested in whether the rhinitis is infectious without fever.


Treatment of a cold in children with folk remedies

With a cold, which manifests itself as a runny nose or stuffy nose, folk medicine will always come to the aid of the patient. Especially often the common cold is treated with folk remedies in children, since with proper use of this method is the most safe and effective. The advantage of this therapy is that it is not addictive. It is also important that the use of folk remedies in children with a cold usually has no contraindications and does not cause adverse reactions, and is characterized by low cost.

How is treatment carried out?

Runny nose can have many causes of onset, one of which is weakened childhood immunity. That is why therapy must necessarily consist of actions aimed at strengthening the immunity of the baby. Seeing that the general condition of the child has worsened, he needs to give a lot of warm drinks - tea with honey and lemon, infusion of medicinal herbs, such as:

  • mint;
  • chamomile;
  • thyme;
  • calendula;
  • St. John's wort;
  • echinacea.
In addition, what should be used from the common cold for children are folk remedies intended for digging into the nose. It is still important to provide conditions favorable for the recovery of the mucous membrane.To do this, it is necessary to maintain the optimum level of humidity in the room, and there should be no high temperature - no more than 22 degrees.In the winter season, you can increase the humidity in the house if you hang wet towels on the batteries or put a container of water.

In order to benefit, it is important to first determine the cause of increased secretions or nasal congestion. Among the basic folk methods of treatment of the common cold in children is the application of drops in the nose, inhalation, warming of the paranasal sinuses, massage of the nose, hot foot baths.The choice of how to eliminate the common cold should be carried out depending on the cause and severity of the disease, as well as on the age of the child and the individual characteristics of his organism.


If the child immediately begins to do inhalations immediately after the onset of cold symptoms, he will recover much faster. The high therapeutic effect of the procedure is achieved due to the fact that the microparticles of the medication act on the inflammatory focus - the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, without getting into the blood. Thus, using other folk remedies for a child's nose, intended for inhalation, other organs do not suffer, since the medicine does not affect them.

Most often at home for inhalations used decoctions of medicinal herbs - chamomile, calendula, eucalyptus, pine needles, lime-colored, juniper. You can choose several ingredients for cooking the broth, mix the grass, take a spoonful of mixture, pour a glass of boiling water. The more herbs are used, the higher the healing effect. Many parents use such a folk remedy for a cold in children after 2 years, like honey. It should be diluted with water and breathe in pairs of this curative product. A good effect and alkaline mineral water.

Runny nose in newborns

Unfortunately, the common cold occurs very often in newborn babies, since after birth their body is still weak and is especially susceptible to the penetration of viruses and infections. Colds are dangerous for a baby that the nasal congestion of his sleep, appetite worsens, often begins to lose weight rapidly.

The most dangerous is that shortness of breath causes increased intracranial pressure and irritation of the meninges. For this reason, the baby should be helped after finding the first signs of a cold.

The treatment of common cold in children of this age will be the safest if you use proven methods. The main task in rhinitis is not to let slimy mucus thicken and dry out in her nasal passages; for this, usually apply:

  • saline solution;
  • balm "The Golden Star
  • warming the sinuses of the nose with salt, boiled egg;
  • menthol, sea-buckthorn, fir oil.

These folk remedies for the common cold for children treating the disease make it safe and productive. To remove thick mucus from the nose, you can use the Kalanchoe juice, because the plant is endowed with sneezing action. During this period it is useful to decompose chopped onions and garlic around the house, so that the baby breathes their phytoncides, which have a harmful effect on pathogenic microorganisms.

For very young children, whose mucous nasal is tender, you can use the following medicine: in a water bath, heat 50 g of olive oil, add a clove of chopped garlic. Before adding garlic, the oil should boil for half an hour, after that the prepared medicine needs to be insisted for 24 hours. If there is a runny or stuffy nose, the nostrils should be lubricated three times a day with garlic butter. This folk remedy for the treatment of the common cold in children can also be used as a prophylaxis for the development of colds. If you lubricate the nasal mucosa during the epidemic of respiratory-viral infections, you can protect the child from the disease.

Folk recipes

Due to the presence of many ways to treat colds, it is not so difficult to learn how to cure a cold in a child by popular methods. Parents often use such methods:
  1. Beet-honey drops are effective from rhinitis, but the method can be applied only if there is no allergy to honey. It should be 1/3 h. l. honey in a spoonful of water, mix with a spoonful of beet juice. To drip a spout to a crumb every 2 hours for 5 drops. Beetroot and carrot freshly squeezed juice can also be mixed.
  2. Tampons of raw beet. From beets, cut thin strips and insert the baby in the nose for 20 minutes.
  3. It will help with a severe runny nose in children treatment of folk remedy, prepared on the basis of aloe and honey juice. These components are mixed in the same proportions, and the baby's nose is dripping for the night. Usually a cold passes the next day.
  4. Mix beetroot juice with sea-buckthorn oil in equal amounts, drip 4 drops three times a day.
  5. Fir and eucalyptus oil - good folk remedies for the common cold in children, they have a powerful bacterial effect, their mixture soothes mucous, reduces the amount of mucus.
  6. A tablespoon of carrot juice mixed with a spoonful of vegetable oil, boil on a water bath. In the mixture add 1-3 drops of garlic, drip 4 times a day. The medicine is prepared every day, as its components lose their medicinal properties.
It is useful to drink infusion with viburnum and lime blossom, mix, take 2 tablespoons of the mixture, pour two cups of boiling water, insist half an hour. To drink tea hot before a dream in quantity of 1-2 glasses. Get rid of rhinitis and other signs of cold will also help tea from elderberry, which is mixed with lime color, cook it in such a way, as well as infusion of viburnum. Many people who trust folk medicine, when asking how to cure a cold at home, recommend rubbing the baby's feet with balsam "Golden Star". You need to do this at night, wearing warm socks and putting him to sleep.

Very useful in the runny nose warming of the paranasal sinuses, because such procedures reduce the inflammatory process in the nasopharynx. The duration of therapy should be 10 minutes, 3 sessions per day. Such heating can be used for heating:

  • salt;
  • millet cereals;
  • boiled egg;
  • sand.
They need to be heated, wrapped in cloth and attached to the nozzle, it is important that the warmth was pleasant for the baby, and did not cause uncomfortable sensations. Reduce the amount of mucus secreted or eliminate nasal congestion with warming compresses on the chest. Usually for this, boiled potatoes are used, from which a cake is made and applied to the breast.

If you soar your legs with mustard, the sick child's well-being improves significantly. Mustard powder can also be covered in socks and go to bed so that in the morning the baby will feel much better. If parents know in advance how to cure a cold to the child with folk remedies, they will be able to conduct effective therapy in the early stages of the disease.


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