Types of arthrosis of the foot, symptoms and treatment

Arthrosis of the foot, or, in the language of the medical profession - degenerative dystrophic destruction, is a chronic disease caused by some pathological changes in the joints and soft tissues, surrounding them.

Such changes usually occur because of a sharp decrease or increase in the intensity of blood microcirculation, as well as metabolism.


  • 1Arthrosis of the foot: primary symptoms
  • 2Provoking factors and risk groups
  • 3Types of arthrosis
  • 4Factors that can serve as the causes of arthrosis of the foot
  • 5How to provide first aid
  • 6Prevention

Arthrosis of the foot: primary symptoms

The fact that a person has this disease, can testify:

  • sudden arising when walking pain, persisting even in a state of complete rest;
  • characteristic gait (when the lower limb is tilted in such a way that the load moves from the body to only one foot, namely its outer edge);
  • decreased ability to work and active movement.

Provoking factors and risk groups

Most often this disease is found in women over 40, hitting the big toe. Deforming arthrosis of the foot can be affected by people who are intensely engaged in sports such as gymnastics or boxing, they also include wrestling and jumping.

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This problem may be faced by pregnant women due to a sharp increase in weight, swelling of the legs or inflammation of the foot joints.

Even young children can get sick. The fact is that in the process of learning to make their first steps, the baby legs experience a very heavy load.

As a result of this pressure on the ankle, it can be deformed, and the joint - crooked.

The clinical picture of symptoms indicative of arthrosis varies. Everything depends on the degree of the processes that are taking place at the moment, and the stage at which the disease is located. In general, they are very similar to arthritic ones.

This factor can be provoked by the following factors:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • abrupt termination of training (from which the muscles are weakened, and the joints become loose;
  • malnutrition or lifestyle in general;
  • Dancing (especially in ballet), boxing or other similar sports;
  • walking in shoes with too high a heel and a narrow shoe;
  • overload in the support area (the reason may be in high growth).
Flat-valgus type of foot in a child or adolescent is the main reason for the further development of arthrosis and even curvature of the spine.

Types of arthrosis

Known in the people convex bone on the leg (or rather on the thumb) is actually an arthrosis and can arise because of flat feet. The stiffness of the joint, as well as the characteristic redness in the area of ​​the affected joint or its edema and deformity, testifies to it. The disease can progress.

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If the feet and hands are affected, then the patient has arthrosis of small joints. The main symptoms indicative of the problem may be reddening of the caulinian skin and Geberden's nodules (seals appearing near the fingers), gradual painless deformation joints.

The greatest danger is represented by the affected joints of the thumb and forefinger, since this can make them immobile and crooked.

Osteoarthritis of the metatarsal bone is capable of hitting any joint and is accompanied by bouts of pain, complete or partial immobility. The initial stage is characterized by the formation of a "soft" (and late - solid) clump in the deformed region.

A very common modern disease is the affected phalanges of the fingers. This type of arthrosis is characteristic for both male and female sex and usually affects 2 joints at once: spot-phalanx and interphalangeal.

For this type of arthrosis is characterized by rhythmic mechanical pain, pain with the load of the hand, increased syndrome, characteristic of inflammatory processes.

Patients who have an arthrosis affected by the middle stop department, usually complain of pain, swelling and deformation of the affected area, as well as the difficulties arising from walking.

Factors that can serve as the causes of arthrosis of the foot

The modern life rhythm and impaired blood supply to the affected organ often cause degenerative changes.

Among the main reasons are the most common:

  • incorrectly formed stop joints;
  • flat feet or shortness of one of the limbs;
  • irregular shin form or deformation of the toes on the foot;
  • curved thumb or its hammer-shaped form;
  • congestion of moving middle or large joints;
  • the foot freezes or is supercooled;
  • stretching and injuring cartilage;
  • The metabolic process is disturbed, and the inflammation has a chronic character;
  • unhealthy endocrine system or degenerative changes.

Sometimes the cause can be biochemical disorders.A hollow or high-set foot, for which stiffness and partial or complete immobility of the joints are characteristic, can provoke their tight clamping, and, of course, arthrosis.

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How to provide first aid

The first step is to remove the pain syndrome, then reduce it or completely eliminate the inflammatory reaction that has arisen in the joint, then restore its mobility and trophic exchange.

The best solution for detecting the first uncomfortable sensations in the foot area will be an appeal to a specialist. This will help a faster and more effective recovery.

The main methods used to treat foot arthrosis are:

  • manual therapy (makes it possible to restore joint mobility);
  • Physical rehabilitation (properly selected mode of exercise, physiotherapy);
  • gymnastics or massage;
  • reception of non-steroid drugs that can relieve pain and inflammation;
  • drug intervention (taking steroid drugs, injected directly into the joint);
  • surgery.
The last one is appointed only in the case when no other nonoperative methods proved to be effective or did not lead to any positive results.

Medications that can be prescribed for treatment: Piroxicam, Orthofen, Indomethacin and Ibuprofen may improve metabolism in cartilage tissues.

As a physiotherapy, UHF is used (if the pain is frequent), electro- and phonophoresis (when the painful symptoms are vividly expressed), microwaves (usually assigned to cores), a laser (if it is necessary to act only on a certain part of the joint, without affecting others). Thermal procedures can prevent the destruction of cartilage of the joints of the foot, while simultaneously removing inflammation.

The most effective drugs are rightly considered glycosaminoglycans. Their use can restore the operability of the joint.

With the following exercises, you can achieve amazing results. First you need to lie on your back, at the same time stretching your legs, then, slowly, turn them in the direction of yourself. Rotations are worth repeating several times, the main thing is not the quantity, but the quality of the performed movements. The second option: the same position, but the rotation is carried out in different directions. There are other equally effective exercises.

The laser can relieve pain only at stages 1 and 2 and benefit only after a few courses.

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It is forbidden to use the laser independently.

It is best to combine this type of treatment with others, for example, with gymnastics.

Magnetotherapy blocks all nerve endings, thus preventing the pain signal from entering the brain. As a result, blood circulation increases, and the joint begins to receive nutrition and recover.

Surgical intervention can mean the replacement of only some of the damaged parts of the joint (more often metal, less often - ceramic or plastic prostheses), can also completely remove the ankle (after which the bones coalesce, and the functions of the cut joint are taken over others).


To prevent the development of this disease, you should more carefully choose shoes (it is mandatory should be appropriate in size, have good cushioning, have a flexible sole and low climb). Women are recommended to completely or at least partially discard shoes with a high unstable heel and narrow nose.

An obligatory measure to prevent arthrosis is proper nutrition. This will help to avoid the deposition of salts and get better (if the weight is insufficient).

It is also desirable to periodically walk along the sand or grass without shoes, give legs rest and take relaxation measures. It is important not to run arthrosis and protect the leg vessels.

It is better to take care of your legs now, than to deal with their treatment in the future.