Help to drug addicts

A drug dependent person is extremely rarely self-seeking help from a drug addiction center. They even ignore the anonymous psychological help available at his place of residence for free. After all, you need to recognize the fact of your illness for the patient!

Unfortunately, drugs, including alcohol, so usurp the gray nerve cells of the brain that a person does not realize that he is sick. The level of his intelligence is reduced, and criticism of himself is absent. And if neither a good intellectual development, nor the makings of self-consciousness from a person was laid from the very beginning, then what? All - write - gone!

All drug addicts and alcoholics, without exception, are in dire need of third-party psychological, social and medical help! Help is also important to all of their children, adolescents, parents, relatives. And only the first fast social, psychological and medical assistance from any social service and medical organization in the region of the patient's residence is able to provide positive assistance not only to the drug addict and alcoholic, but to his entire family.

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On the issue of rehabilitation in Moscow, Russia and beyond, call
8 499-343-67-82 24 HOURLY, ANONYMOUS
For medical questions of narcology in Moscow and Russia call
8 964-646-51-28 24 HOURLY, ANONYMOUS


Psychological help to drug addicts

Dependence on alcohol develops in a person who drinks alcohol for several years, subject to regular abuse of alcohol. Gradually, alcohol becomes an indispensable life attribute for a drinking person, he does not notice his alcoholic illness, for that all the people around him are all perfectly aware and understand. The social environment of a drug addict can provide psychological help in the sense that he will score an alarm in a timely manner, point out to a person who abused narcotic drugs, threatening the danger that is approaching him and support him at the beginning of treatment.

True addiction ills that unlike alcohol addiction, narcotic is formed incredibly quickly - from several drug uses to 20 - 30 cases of abuse. It all depends on the type of drug. At the same time, people close to the drug addict do not even have time to notice how dependence on drugs has already been formed. To suspect in anesthesia it is possible on used syringes, needles, traces from nyxes on a body of the addict. But this applies to taking intravenous drugs. To recognize others is more difficult.

Identifying the main causes of drug addiction

The main causes of drug dependence are self-assertion attempts, curiosity, problems in personal life and work, unrealized talents, excessive compliance to the external social environment. Psychological help for drug addicts is based on the most accurate identification of the cause of the problem and actively searching for options for getting out of the drug crisis.

The fight against drug addiction involves several levels:

  1. Preventative measures.
  2. Regulation by legislation.
  3. Psychological and social assistance.
  4. Medical assistance.

The spread of drug addiction will contain exactly the application of all these levels. Do not consider drug addicts as a scum of society. Because then we will lose the valuable qualities inherent in man. Of course, it is difficult. You convince, convince, but you do not perceive a drug-dependent person in any way. And sometimes my hands drop, I want to wave my hand and say that everything rolls like a rolled road. But the future of our country - Russia and the rest of the world - will largely depend on how the drug addicts will be helped.

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Drug Abuse and Rehabilitation

Usually, a person tries the drug himself for the first time, of his own free will, he can even notice his fatal mistake, but one can not independently commit a drug refusal. Well, if close people will help him. Restoring trust with close people, most drug addicts can still recognize their illness and start overcoming it.

Involvement of state structures: free treatment and social rehabilitation

Of course, assistance to drug addicts should also be provided by the state in the form of free treatment and social rehabilitation. Lack of funds should not be an excuse for refusing assistance to a sick person. Therefore, along with the existence of fee-based narcological clinics, free places for the treatment of drug addiction in public medical institutions should be preserved. Medical assistance to drug addicts should be available not only in terms of price policy, but also in the quality and accessibility of the place of residence.

To help any suffering drug addiction is the motto of a civilized state caring for its individual citizens who stumbled and got into trouble.

Center for Social and Psychological Aid to them. Marina Guterman. Address: 115A, Dukhovskoi pereulok, Moscow, 115191
Tel:( 495) 9527211

Contribution of rehabilitation centers

A large contribution is made by rehabilitation centers for drug addicts by providing social, psychological and socio-psychological assistance. The patient is helped: to understand his personal motives, which led to the illness;to develop a steady motivational incentive to cure drug addiction;to replace the former antisocial environment and harmoniously blend in with the new social relations with healthy people and people, as well as the addict himself, who overcome the negative consequences of attachment to drugs.

A powerful supplement is made by professional medical care, which purposefully cuts down the chemical component of the nature of the addiction syndrome.

Help: professional or home, what to choose?

At home, at home, do not even try to overcome addiction! The stakes are too high!

Professional first aid for people who depend on drugs and alcohol is needed continuously throughout the long treatment period, consisting of several stages - from the point of awareness of the causes of the problem, the technological treatment period and the rehabilitation period to achieve a stable positive dynamics of the remission process.

To whom, where and when to seek help from a drug addict? The patient, if he decided on a complete cure for drugs, goes there and is trusted. Someone appeals to religious organizations, the other - to psychics or folk healers - healers, sorcerers, parapsychologists. But it is always better to start with professional specialists - narcologists from specialist narcological clinics or in an outpatient clinic at your place of residence. Because here they will assist drug addicts in a comprehensive way - at once with all available methods.

In any drug treatment center, overcoming drug dependence is a lengthy process. In all cases of drug treatment, the patient's consent and desire for healing - final and unconditional - are necessary. In the narcological centers and clinics, special courses of creative programs for the treatment and rehabilitation of the patient are applied to the addict.

Central to the treatment of drug addiction, an integral part - the provision of medical assistance to the patient. Detoxication therapy - will purify the body, balance the body's activity through the correction of the functions of its internal organs with the help of medications. A general restorative treatment will give strength to the patient, and coding from addiction will put out a psychological and physiological ban on taking drugs. Rehabilitation programs with psychological support and help will comfortably fit into the harmony of the social sphere, that is, to adapt socially.

The one-sided use of drug treatment alone without a social rehabilitation program will not allow the patient to be effectively healed.Ши Cши Cши д C Cши C Cшиши C C Cши C C Cшиши C C C д C C C C д C C C C C C C C C C C Cши C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C CIn the treatment of a patient, it is important not only to remove the break-up, but also to carry out a polonium program for getting rid of the dependence on drugs. After all, narcotic substances cause in man not only physical dependence, but also change its essence - personality. And the complete abandonment of drugs is just the beginning for a serious test for any drug addict.

Any narcotic compounds ruin the entire mineral balance of the complete metabolism in the body, the lack of essential microelements, amino acids and vitamins affects the functions of the central nervous system and internal organs. Therefore, under the guidance of the attending physician it is necessary to undergo a complete restoration of the body, it is necessary to expel all deposits of toxic substances in the adipose tissue of the diseased organism. And it will have a very positive effect on the duration of remission of drug addiction, when the patient will be injected with vitamins and microelements after the withdrawal of narcotic withdrawal.Ши C C д C C C C C C C C Cши Cши C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Cши Cши C C C C C Cши Cши C Cши C C C C Cши Cши C Cши C C C C Cши Cши C Cши C C C C Cши C C C C C C Cши C CAnd of those who applied for it, few are really ready to help themselves in getting rid of drug addiction. They say that there are no former drug addicts. Is it so? Still, drug addiction can and must be won. Let not everyone, but there are people really capable of this. And establishing contacts with others and close people will help greatly in this.

Remember, you need a complete rejection of drugs! Not a month or two.Ши Cшиши Cшиши Cшиши Cшиши Cши д C Cши Cшиши Cшиши C C C C д C C C C C C C C C C C Cши Cши Cши C д C Cши C Cши C Cши C Cши C Cши C Cши C Cши C C C C Cшиши C C C C Cши д C C C C Cши C C C C C CYou need to forget, forget that you were once a drug addict and the point! Sometimes, it is positively affected by the unsuccessful use of narcotic drugs, severe loss experiences, overdose, but without a fatal outcome. This can prevent a person from being attracted to drugs.

And yet: do not cringe, do not expect, do not delay - apply for treatment to those people who, according to their professional activities, deal daily with the withdrawal of narcotic lobsters and the treatment of drug addiction. You will always be helped.