Pilates gymnastics for the back


  • 1The best exercises of pilates for the back and spine
    • 1.1A set of Pilates exercises for the back and spine
    • 1.2Pilates exercises for neck and cervical osteochondrosis
    • 1.3A set of Pilates exercises for the waist
    • 1.4Whether it is possible to be engaged in pilates at a hernia of a backbone?
    • 1.5A set of Pilates exercises with a hernia of the spine
  • 2Pilates exercises for the back - 10+ techniques [2018]
    • 2.1What is Pilates?
    • 2.2The system is based on five central principles:
    • 2.3Who can use the Pilates exercises for the back?
    • 2.4Let's see who is useful in this system:
    • 2.5What do I need to know before I do pilates exercises for the back and neck?
    • 2.6Pilates: a set of exercises "Back-legs-buttocks"
    • 2.7Pilates exercises with a focus on the back
    • 2.8Pilates: we make strong and elastic buttocks
    • 2.9Thigh rotation
    • 2.10"Saw"
    • 2.11Rise of legs on the side
    • 2.12Pilates exercises to strengthen the muscles of the legs
    • 2.13"Corkscrew"
    • 2.14"Swimming"
  • 3Pilates exercises to strengthen the back muscles at home
    instagram viewer
    • 3.1Pilates exercises for the back
    • 3.2Exercise "Saw"
    • 3.3Swimming
    • 3.4Mahi Two-legged
    • 3.5Lateral bending
    • 3.6Pumping
  • 4Pilates gymnastics for beginners, exercises for the spine
    • 4.1Pilates Features
    • 4.2Pros of the lessons
    • 4.3Basic exercises
    • 4.4Recommendations
  • 5What is the use of the Pilates technique for back problems?
    • 5.1The Pilates Principles
    • 5.2What is the use of pilates for the back and spine?
    • 5.3Pilates with intervertebral hernias
    • 5.4Assisting the technique in scoliosis

The best exercises of pilates for the back and spine

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The name Pilates corresponds to the name of the creator of these exercises - Joseph Pilates.

The system, which he developed, is aimed at strengthening the spine and internal organs of man.

Pilates exercises for the back are available to people, regardless of age and gender. With their help you will be able to restore your body.

Perhaps you think that this system allows you to lose weight. No! A hundred years ago, wounded soldiers were needed for their rehabilitation. They managed to strengthen their muscles-stabilizers. They play the role of a corset.

Pilates exercises are the best way to restore the injured spine to its normal position. Those who have suffered a trauma to the spine or she is, it is necessary to perform a set of exercises.

It is designed individually for each part of the spine.

All Pilates exercises for the spine should be performed at a slow pace without stopping. This will force several muscles to work at once.

Gradually they become flexible, elastic and elastic.

The Pilates system provides for three types of training:

  • on the floor without additional items;
  • on simulators;
  • on the floor with the object.

There must be a coherence of the brain and muscles.

The eight principles of Pilates

Complete relaxation, proper breathing, concentration, smooth movements, visualization, muscle control, and regularity.

Before the beginning of the main part of the exercises,warm-up, consisting of 6 exercises.

  1. Legs shoulder width apart. Deeply inhale and exhale. Breathing is complete and even.
  2. To warm up, try to make a full circle in one, then in the other direction.
  3. The chin is pressed to the chest. Then throw your head back. Slowly twist your head first into one, then to the other side.
  4. Work through the joints of the hands, placing them on the shoulders. Starting to rotate the shoulders back and forth.
  5. Hands on the belt Circular movements of the body. Then one way, then the other.
  6. Legs on the toe. Then again on the heel.

A set of Pilates exercises for the back and spine

Now go directly to the Pilates exercise complex for the spine and back. Health back needs to do, without waiting for serious problems with it.

This will certainly help this system. There are few people with correct posture. The back can hurt for various reasons. The result is the acquisition of such a disease as osteochondrosis.

Unfortunately, it is not completely cured.

With pain, the Pilates exercises for back can help. They are developed a great variety. Their function in eliminating back pain.

Doctors recommend people who have suffered a trauma, be sure to exercise, including using pilates for the spine. Only thanks to daily exercises, the muscles of the abdomen and back will begin to quickly strengthen. The movements will exclude the tension of the muscular apparatus.

If you decide to use Pilates for the back, you should contact the instructor to avoid injuring yourself.

He will explain how to improve muscle tone, well-being and correct posture.

Gymnastics Pilates for the spine sparing system of exercises, which allows to significantly improve the state of the back and posture.

A set of Pilates exercises for the waist

Nuisance to the lower back is due to lack of motor activity. The appearance of pain in the lower back is a sign that you need to take better care of your health.

  • Sit on the floor. The legs are spread apart. With pleasure, pull your hands forward. At the same time, turn the feet to 90 degrees. Inhale, round the spine, stretching your arms forward. Exhalation. When extending the spine should begin, from the lumbar link to the cervical spine.
  • Sitting on the floor, start pulling your legs to the chest in turn. At the same time one leg should bend, and the other should be stretched along the floor.
  • Lying on the rug, make movement with your hands, as if swimming. In this case, the legs should be detached from the floor.
  • Lying on your back, bend your knees. Exhale, strain the press. The muscles of the neck are relaxed. Slowly start lifting the buttock up. At the maximum height of the pelvis, take a deep breath and, on exhalation, lower the spine to the floor.

Pilates exercises for neck and cervical osteochondrosis

The age of a person is often determined by his movement and gait. In advanced years, the movements become slow and constrained.

Joseph Pilates claimed that the back of a person is an indicator of his age.

Many people who have been sitting at the computer for a long time start to start compensatory mechanisms.

A strong pain is felt on the shoulder girdle.

  1. Stand up straight. Put your hands on your shoulders. Try to pull your neck up. Put your hands on your shoulders. Breathe, count to 15. Exhalation. Relax your muscles.
  2. The back is straight. Roll your head in one direction or the other. Then back and forth. First inhale, and then exhale.
  3. The legs are wider than the shoulders. The back is straight. Tilt your head on all four sides as quickly as possible.

Carrying out the exercises is necessary, concentrating your attention on their implementation. The main thing is not to forget about even breathing and smooth movement. Muscles should be included in the work. It is necessary to imagine how the navel was pulled to the waist, well retaining the abdominal muscles.

A set of Pilates exercises for the waist

The loin is often injured, especially the hernia of the lumbar spine. Pilates with a hernia of the lumbar spine not only helps with it to cope completely, but also to soften the unpleasant sensations and pains of a person.

  • On the floor, take the pose of the animal. Put the buttocks on the heels of the legs, arms extended forward. Strain the entire body, stretching the spine. Do it slowly.
  • Lie on the floor. Arms bent at the elbow. Start lifting your head, feeling the kink in the lower back.
  • Lie on your back. The legs are bent. Raise the pelvis from the floor as high as possible. Feel the stretch in the lower back.
  • Lying on his back with knees bent at the knees. Begin moving both legs from one side to the other. Pay attention to the feeling in the lower back.

Whether it is possible to be engaged in pilates at a hernia of a backbone?

To the question: "Is it possible to engage in pilates with a herniated spine? You can answer unequivocally and you can and should. They will help to significantly reduce the voltage in the damaged disk, and will include the process of their self-healing.

A set of Pilates exercises with a hernia of the spine

Before the start of the complex, it is necessary to perform the warm-up exercises from the six exercises described at the beginning of the article.

  1. Legs shoulder width apart. Deeply inhale and exhale. Breathing is complete and even.
  2. To warm up, try to make a full circle in one, then in the other direction.
  3. The chin is pressed to the chest. Then throw your head back. Slowly twist your head first into one, then to the other side.
  4. Work through the joints of the hands, placing them on the shoulders. Starting to rotate the shoulders back and forth.
  5. Legs on the toe. Then again on the heel.

All classes on this system are recommended, as therapeutic gymnastics. It can not be done to those people who have become aggravated by the disease.

The system is good, there is no power and vertical load. Since many exercises are recommended to perform prone.

In this position, the load will be distributed evenly.

The very first training is necessary, to start under the guidance of a competent specialist. All exercises will be provided to the intervertebral hernia relaxing and soft effect. Noticeably strengthened muscle corset.

A source: http://clever-lady.ru/health/sport/luchshie-uprazhneniya-pilates-dlya-spiny-i-pozvonochnika.html

Pilates exercises for the back - 10+ techniques [2018]

Pilates exercises for the back are a simple and effective way to regain good health and strengthen the muscles.

The new article Life Reactor will tell about the most popular exercises.

The system of exercises created by John Pilates, which allows to strengthen muscles, get rid of pains in the back and neck area and even correct posture, has existed for more than 100 years.

He was invented for rehabilitation after severe spinal injuries. For the time of its existence, millions of people have managed to evaluate its effectiveness, and today the popularity of Pilates is growing.

What is the reason for the success of this system? Let's understand!

What is Pilates?

As already mentioned, Pilates is primarily a rehabilitation system, which means that it does not imply any shock loads or aspirations for record figures.

When correctly performing Pilates exercises for the back, unlike usual exercises, to dislocate an arm or a leg, to pull muscles or to receive any other traumas it is simply impossible.

Pilates with confidence can be called one of the most effective methods for strengthening the muscles

The key goal of pilates is careful stretching and gradual strengthening of muscles.

The system is based on five central principles:

  • Concentration. This principle implies that during the sessions you mentally focus on specific muscle groups. All your thoughts should be directed to the part of the body that is working at the moment.

During the classes you should understand which muscles are working and how it happens. The higher the degree of concentration, the better will be the final result.

  • Relaxation.

This principle assumes that you will not begin to exercise, being in a bad mood or in a state of stress.

Before embarking on a lesson, be it an independent practice or doing Pilates exercises for the back to video, mentally "release" the problems and fussy thoughts accumulated for the day, calm down and tune in to calmness.

  • Alignment.

The preparatory principle, which states that each joint during training should be in its place. Care should be taken to avoid even the slightest bias, since this can lead to unpleasant consequences - from painful sensations during training sessions and to traumas (sprains or dislocations).

  • Coordination. This principle emphasizes the need for constant monitoring of the correctness of the implementation of each movement. Over time, the need to do this deliberately disappears - a dynamic stereotype is developed, allowing you to do all the exercises "on the machine" with exceptional accuracy.
  • Centering. Everyone knows that not only the abdominal muscles, but also the press, are involved in maintaining the spine. Therefore, the correct and safe performance of Pilates exercises for the back and neck is possible only with the stabilization of the muscles of the abdomen (in particular, the transverse muscle of the press).
  • Right breathing. The importance of proper breathing in Pilates can not be overemphasized. This brings the system closer to the eastern practices (yoga, qigong, etc.). It is important to remember that during the execution of movements, the main part of the air must pass and stay in the lower parts of the lungs. Thus, you can ensure the most complete saturation of blood with oxygen, and as a result, avoid dyspnea and pain under the ribs, often arising from shallow breathing during any physical exercises.
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These exercises are so universal that they have virtually no contraindications

Who can use the Pilates exercises for the back?

As you can see, the basic principles of Pilates are quite simple.

Let's see who is useful in this system:

  1. First of all, classes are shown to people after injuries of the musculoskeletal system (ligaments, muscles and bones).
  2. People suffering from diseases of the spinal column (such as osteochondrosis) and problems associated with diseases of this kind.
  3. Pregnant women and mothers during the postpartum recovery.
  4. Patients with varicose veins.
  5. People who have problems with joints because of excess weight.
  6. Elderly people suffering from age-related stiffness of movements.
  7. To all who lead a sedentary, sedentary lifestyle, just like people whose physical activity is excessive. The effectiveness of pilates in both cases is possible due to the fact that in this system there are exercises not only for strengthening the muscles, but also for their stretching and relaxation.
  8. Unprepared people. That is, those who have never before been involved in sports and not subjected to serious physical stress. In this case, pilates exercises for the back and neck can be an effective "bridge" to more intense and active sports.

Your back will thank you

What do I need to know before I do pilates exercises for the back and neck?

After reading the information above, many probably already prepared fitness mats and began to plan how to fit the pilates classes into their daily schedule.

But do not rush to "rush into battle". First, study the information on the possible problems associated with studying on this system.

It would seem that what harm can be done by the exercises aimed at rehabilitation after injuries?

No wonder that Pilates is recognized as one of the safest forms of physical activity in the world.

All this is true, however, if you have serious illnesses or diseases occurring in a chronic form, do not neglect the need to consult with specialists - primarily your doctor.

Pilates exercises a mildly, but incorrectly composed complex can cause a relapse or remission.

Carefully study the technique of performing each exercise

Contraindications to the Pilates system are:

  1. Acute or chronic infections, especially those accompanied by fever
  2. Severe pain of uncertain cause
  3. Presence of abscesses or phlegmon
  4. Risk of bleeding (after surgery or trauma)
  5. Severe condition of the patient during illnesses
  6. The presence of an alien body in the body (after trauma)

If your health can be called strong, the advice of a professional trainer will not be superfluous either.

Pilates movements are effective due to proper performance and gradual increase in load.

In the process of training, many start to feel that everything is too easy, and they are trying to speed up the pace or intensity of movements.

As a result, the body begins to work for a rapid increase in the load, the result of which can be pain, and in rare cases, injuries.

Especially important is the supervision and advice of the coach at the initial stage.

The specialist will be able to trace the correctness and accuracy of all the movements, and if necessary, tell what exactly you are doing wrong.

As a result, classes become more effective and bring maximum benefit.

Pilates: a set of exercises "Back-legs-buttocks"

Complexes of exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back and lower body are very important, contribute to the formation of a "power center" - a group of muscles whose health and endurance directly affects the organism.

The first point of any training is always warm-up, and Pilates is no exception.

The main load in it will be on the muscles of the press.

A great effect of pilates exercises are also on the muscles of the legs

Let's start:

  • Stand straight by placing your feet on the width of your shoulders. A few minutes breathe deeply and smoothly, inhaling and exhaling of equal intensity and duration.
  • Then lay down on the floor, pulling your knees to your chest and holding your legs with your hands.
  • Pull in your stomach, while trying to feel the work of each muscle of the press. Lock this position.
  • Pull your arms in front of your body at shoulder level.
  • With the strength of the press muscles, smoothly bring your legs back to the floor. Then slowly turn your knees to the right, fixing them together.
  • Draw in the belly, feel the work of the muscles of the press and legs, make 3 cycles of deep breathing (inhale-exhale).
  • Again, pull your knees to your chest, straining your stomach, hold and make 3 breathing cycles.
  • Lower your feet to the floor and gently turn your knees to the left, holding them together. Watch your muscles and breathing. Inhalation and exhalation should be deep, smooth and even.

Pilates exercises with a focus on the back

Pilates exercises for the back and neck include the following movements:

  1. Lay down on the floor, pulling your stomach, and pull the socks of straight legs to yourself. Taking a deep breath, begin to gradually lift the spine over the floor, while the main load goes to the abdominal muscles. Try to feel every vertebra.
  2. After you have reached the "sitting" position, continue gently to reach the feet. Go to the "point of the limit after which unpleasant feelings begin, but do not cross this line. Movements should not cause discomfort. Hold in a bent position for a couple of seconds and start just as smoothly back to the "lying" position.
  3. "Lay" the body on the floor gradually, trying to feel the movement of each vertebra. The abdomen is retracted, the breathing is even and deep.
  4. After the body is on the floor, bend the knees, placing the feet parallel to each other on the floor.
  5. Begin slowly to lift the pelvis upward, tearing the spine from the floor in the direction from the sacrum to the thoracic region and neck. Hold in position above the floor for a couple of seconds and again lie down on the floor, moving in the opposite direction - from the neck to the coccyx. Watch your breathing, do not forget to draw your belly.
  6. Lie on your back, arms and legs straight, without tension. The navel is pulled to the spine. Gently pull the socks to yourself, without lifting the heels off the floor. At the same time, start tilting your head forward, trying to reach your chest with your chin. Hold in this position for a couple of seconds. Keep breathing even and do not allow discomfort or pain
  7. Turn over on your stomach, placing your hands on each other under your chin. Keeping the position of the hands, try to lift them up as you exhale, and also the head and chest above the floor. Hold the lower part of the body at the same time.

Initially, this type of load was intended to help the patient back

Pilates: we make strong and elastic buttocks

Pilates training for the muscles of the buttocks should begin with the basic exercises that develop the strength and elasticity of the muscles in this zone.

Thigh rotation

Lie down on the floor, lifting your legs up above the floor (perpendicular to the surface). The legs should be straight, the feet slightly apart.

Circular movements point the feet up and down through the sides.

Watch your muscles work and keep your breathing steady.

Systematic execution of exercises ensures a quick result


Sit down, stretching your straight legs forward, hands to the sides.

With the little finger of your left hand, gently stretch towards the little finger of your right foot. The back should remain straight, the breathing is deep and smooth.

Then repeat the exercise in a mirror image (right arm and left foot).

Rise of legs on the side

Lay down on your side, stretching the lower arm over your head, and the upper bend at the elbow and lay emphasis on the floor in front of the chest.

Smoothly lift a straight leg, located on top of 45⁰ above the floor.

Slowly pull her second leg to her, stay in position for a couple of seconds and just smoothly alternately return your legs to the floor.

Makhi feet and circular movements.

The mahi should be performed while standing, moving along the arc from the most accessible point in front of your chest to the furthest point behind your back.

Circular movements are carried out lying on the side, the leg is located on top, along a small circle.

In the initial stages, you will not need any additional equipment

Pilates exercises to strengthen the muscles of the legs

Exercises for the legs are performed lying down. Like other movements, they should be done smoothly:


Raise your legs at a right angle to the floor, tightly pressing them against each other.

Do rotational movements for a few seconds. Watch your muscles work and keep your breathing even.


Straight legs stretch alternately to the maximum position available to you.

Then make a simultaneous and alternate stretching of the bent legs. The abdomen is tightened, and as always, you strictly control the breathing and work of the muscles.

As you can see, nothing is complicated in Pilates exercises.

You can do them in any conditions, special simulators or sporting equipment will not be needed (at least at the initial stage).

A source: http://life-reactor.com/uprazhneniya-pilates-dlya-spiny/

Pilates exercises to strengthen the back muscles at home

Lay a mat and try these Pilates exercises to strengthen the back muscles at home.

Pilates is probably the most recognizable for his ability to build powerful muscle presses, but he can also keep in a tone every part of the body, including the back. Try these seven Pilates exercises to strengthen the muscles of your back and people will begin to ask you to tell the secret of your strong and embossed back.

Pilates exercises for the back

Exercise "Saw"

Sit with your back straight and your waist stretched out. Dilute your arms wide apart at shoulder level and draw the shoulder blades, "split the nut" between them. Spread your legs slightly wider than your shoulders, stretch your feet from your ankles and do not tear your buttocks off the rug (A).

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Inhale while turning the body to the left and turn over your left knee, pressing your right arm opposite the outer edge of the left leg, while lifting your back hand as high as possible, the palm should be facing downwards (AT).

Exhale and slide your right hand along the outer leg with three "sawing" movements forward, feeding back your right thigh, to engage the oblique muscles of the press (you need to keep the lower body on the rug, despite what the top does) (FROM).

Inhale and return to the beginning. Repeat in the same sequence, curling to the right.

Do this exercise in three sets.

Lie down on the floor, press the pubic bone to the rug and squeeze together the inner surfaces of the thighs. Place your hands under your shoulders and spread your elbows to the sides.

Inhale and lift the head and chest, trying to stretch the body from the pubic bones to the chest and your chin (A). Hold on to one account.

Then raise your hands up and to the sides with your hands toward your view, then start to swing back and forth on your stomach (B).

When swinging forward, "squeeze out" the air from the lungs, as when exhaling, and when swinging back your chest is more dilated (C). Perform the swinging six times.


Lie on your stomach and lower your forehead, press your frontal bones against the rug and squeeze together the inner surfaces of the thighs. Pull your hands with your hands and pull down your socks. Raise your hands, feet, chest and head to one count, hold this position (A).

Inhale and exhale alternating lifts of the legs and hands, lifting the right arm / left leg (B) and the left arm / right leg (C) without touching the rug. Slowly count from 1 to 10, as if you are swimming, climbing higher and holding out longer with each following count.

If necessary, sit back on the heels for a back stretch of the waist.

Lay down straight and tense your legs, tighten your socks and firmly press your hands on the sides (the backs of your hands, palms and shoulders should be pressed against the rug) (A).

Inhale and at the same time lift your legs over your head, roll on the spine until you You can support the lower back of the hands (your palms should be under your hips, as if supporting folding knife) (B).

Evenly distribute the balance on the back of your shoulders and breathe in when you expose your right foot from the diagonal position to the horizontal position and the left foot from the diagonal to the vertical.

Pull your legs as far as possible while keeping the hips lifted (do not allow your body's weight to fall on your wrists) (C). Exhale, changing the position of the legs, keeping your legs tense, and your hips lifted. Perform an alternate foot shift six times.

Mahi Two-legged

Lie down face down, squinting one of the cheek rug and keep your hands behind your back, connecting the fingers of one hand to the other. Your hands should lie on your back so high that it would be convenient for your elbows to lie on the rug (A).

Slowly inhale by lifting both feet 2 inches from the rug, joining the inner thighs together, then "hit" your buttocks 3 times with heels, while exhaling (B).

Inhale, pulling your legs back and lift your chest up, straightening your hands (which still need be connected by fingers) back to the heels and leaving them "soar" a few centimeters from your buttocks (FROM).

Exhale, turning the head and the bed opposite the cheek on the mat. The elbows should be bent, the hands will return to the back, and the knees are still raised above the rug. Make 2 sets.

Lateral bending

Sit on one hip and support yourself with one hand, and the legs should be almost straight (slightly bent) to the side and lie one on the second ankle. The palm of the upper arm presses on the outside of the thigh (A).

Inhale, lifting the hips from the rug and straighten the arm on the head, giving the appearance of a high raised arch to your torso (B). Bring your arm from the position on the head back to the outside of the thigh and turn the chin to the shoulder of the same arm (C). Slowly exhale and lower the calves onto the rug.

Slowly inhale, returning to the high arc position. Repeat three cycles.


Lie on your stomach and lower your forehead against the rug, the frontal bones should be pressed against it, the inner surfaces of the hips should be pressed against each other. Bend your knees and pull both hands back, taking each leg with the appropriate hand and holding your heels to the buttocks, stretching your knees (A).

Inhale, lifting your hips and chest high over the rug (as you did with "Swan Imitation" and "Swimming").

Slowly exhale push your feet in the opposite direction from your hands to create a muscle tension from the tips toes, around the front of the body, through the crown of your head, and back to your fingertips, supporting the energy a circle.

Hold this muscular "lock during the swaying movements (B). Slowly inhale, rolling back on the hips, massaging the front of the body (C). Pumped back and forth 5 times.

A source: https://WomanShape.ru/fitness/uprazhneniya-pilates-dlya-spiny

Pilates gymnastics for beginners, exercises for the spine

Female representatives consider it their duty to constantly try to lose weight. Some of them go in for sports and adhere to strict diets to achieve their goal.

This approach is correct, but there are girls who think that pills and wraps without training and proper nutrition will help them.

Experts advise people from this group who do not want to overexert themselves, pay attention to other sports. For example, Pilates gymnastics for beginners is perfect for them.

Its essence lies in the smooth execution of movements, rather than in heavy and intensive exercises, so this training is virtually unlimited.

Pilates Features

The Pilates charge got its name in honor of Joseph Hubert Pilates. This man was not born an athlete and was an ordinary painful child.

The gymnastic complex of physiotherapy exercises invented by Joseph saved him from diseases of joints and back, and also strengthened immunity and tightened weak muscles. At the age of 14, the boy fully recovered and reached an athletic build.

Pilates gymnastics for the spine helped him change his life, so the exercises from this complex are popular today.

Gymnastic pilates exercises are useful not only for the spine, but also for other muscle groups, for example, legs, arms and chest. The result is achieved through an integrated approach to the formulation of exercises. They include elements of yoga, body-ballet and aerobic movements.

The main advantage of Pilates gymnastics is the possibility of using it by beginning sportsmen, elderly people, children, etc.

After all, to perform the exercises does not require special physical preparation. All movements are made smoothly, to teach a person to feel every part of his body.

Training allows you to achieve physical and spiritual harmony, which helps to get the desired relief faster.

For this time interval, beginning sports fans and even experienced athletes will feel the pumping of all the muscles and will notice an improvement in the general condition.

The sports complex Pilates will help to strengthen the body and spirit of the athlete, if you follow such rules:

  • Control of breathing;
  • Concentration of attention on the training process;
  • Maintaining the tension of the press throughout the entire workout;
  • Smoothness of movements and diligent execution of them;
  • Regular classes.

Even beginners are able to correct the figure, get rid of the pain in the head and muscles, cure the back, stabilize the psycho-emotional background, observing the listed rules.

A special benefit of gymnastics pilates brings people who survived the operation and women after childbirth.

Regular exercise can not only lose weight, but also increase muscle tone, improve skin condition and stay young for longer.

Pros of the lessons

The only thing that can prevent you from achieving the desired goal is laziness. After all, Pilates bears fruit only after numerous trainings.

For most people, time is too important a criterion, so they are constantly in search of ways to quickly get the desired relief and burn excess fat. Sometimes you even have to abuse drugs that are bad for your health.

Pilates may not be the fastest way to get rid of illnesses and get into shape, but it does not destroy the body and has such advantages:

  • Exercises can be done even without leaving home, and from this their effectiveness does not decrease;
  • Constant training allows you to put your body in order. After all, people, making such simple and smooth movements, gradually receive an athletic build;
  • Pilates gives the opportunity for novice sports fans to become more flexible, strong and resistant to physical stress;
  • During training, all muscle groups are studied and brought to tone;
  • People who spend a long time on Pilates improve their posture;
  • At observance of all rules of gymnastics Pilates at the beginning sportsman metabolic processes are improved, the respiratory and circulatory system are stimulated and immunity strengthens;
  • Gradually Pilates allows you to achieve spiritual harmony and cuts down negative emotions;
  • After training, even beginning athletes do not feel fatigue and other negative effects from playing sports.

Basic exercises

For beginners who have not previously heard about Pilates gymnastics, basic training programs have been created. They include fairly simple exercises, namely:

  • A boat. You should sit on the floor and bend your lower limbs, resting on the feet. Hands then need to hug your legs under your knees. After taking the necessary position, you should stretch your head up, stretching your spine. At the same time, the ankles are raised parallel to the floor. The movement is made on inhalation, and on the exhalation the spine is rounded and the stomach is drawn. Then you need to return to the original position;
  • Planck. In the supine position you need to lean on your elbows and knees. Next, you should take the lower extremities back one by one, putting them on the toe and pulling the body into a string. On exhalation, the hips stretch upward, and at the same time the head goes down, and on inhalation it is necessary to return to the starting position;
  • Mermaid. First you need to sit on your right hip, bending the lower limbs in your knees. The right hand should be turned aside and leaned against the floor. The left extremity lies on the knee. When inhaling, you need to push yourself by the hand, which rests on the floor, and rise from the ground so that the thighs are in the air. The other limb should be stretched to the side. The body forms the letter "T". On exhalation, you should return to the original position.
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Look at the exercises for the spine and other body parts from the Pilates gymnastics for beginners on this video:


During training, you need to follow certain rules to achieve results. You can see their list below:

  • Doing exercises for the spine, you need to pay special attention to the amplitude of traction. It should be as much as possible to make the back more flexible;
  • The basis of pilates is breathing. This fragment should be given special attention;
  • When performing exercises, you must always keep the muscles of the press in suspense, since it is from them that all the movements go;
  • To make movements from gymnastics pilates it is necessary with the maximum return.

Gymnastics pilates will suit even beginners, and it's quite easy to do it. Despite the ease and uncomplicated movements, during the training all groups of muscles are worked out, so the person will always be in a tonus.

A source: http://NashiMyshcy.ru/fitness/gimnasticheskie-uprazhneniya-pilates-dlya-nachinayushhix.html

What is the use of the Pilates technique for back problems?

Pilates is a unique method that allows accelerating rehabilitation after trauma. But one more advantage is effective help in diseases of the spine. It effectively smoothes the unpleasant symptoms of ailments, thereby forcing you to forget about the diagnosis.

Pilates has long gained recognition not only among people who are fond of sports, but also received approval from the official medicine.

Such popularity of the method can be explained by its high coefficient of profit and excellent performance. How useful is Pilates? The fact that even with the weakest load on the muscles, it helps to solve a lot of problems.

Pilates is especially effective for the back and all parts of the spine, hip area, and also for the musculoskeletal system.

Gymnastics Pilates promotes rehabilitation after severe injuries (especially the neck), complex diseases, more Moreover, it is believed that even those who are banned from almost any species fiznagruzok.

The Pilates Principles

Gymnastics Pilates and her exercises are aimed at soft stretching and muscle strengthening without the use of shock loads.

The method is designed so thoroughly that during any exercise from the complex it is impossible to get injured, for example, to dislocate the leg or arm, pull the tendon or muscle.

Gymnastics Pilates is a set of exercises based on certain principles.

  1. Relaxation. Exercises can be performed only after getting rid of the fatigue and stress that have been accumulated for the day.
  2. Concentration. This is the basis of everything. It is very important to be able to maintain mental concentration on a certain group of muscles. The higher the concentration level, the stronger the effect of the exercise.
  3. Alignment. This is a preparatory principle, which implies that any joint is obliged to stay in its place, otherwise you can get injured with a slight bias.
  4. Breath. Pilates can be practiced only by adhering to the method of correct breathing, that is, keeping a significant part of the air in the lower part of the lungs, which will save you from possible shortness of breath.
  5. Centering. Correct exercise can be done only with the full stabilization of the transverse abdominal muscle, because it supports the spine.
  6. Coordination. The habit of controlling movement during exercise, afterwards leads to an exceptional accuracy of their recurrence.

What is the use of pilates for the back and spine?

Relatively recently, it was believed that the disease of the spine is a problem of the elderly.

Nevertheless, it can now be stated with certainty that the ailments of the back are much younger and this is not surprising, given the lack of exercise, which has become a real scourge of modern times.

In these conditions Pilates for the spine has turned into a wonderful alternative. Moreover, its effectiveness has long been confirmed by doctors.

How useful is Pilates? A beneficial effect of this technique was noted in diseases such as osteochondrosis of the cervical and lumbar spine, intervertebral hernia, the first two degrees of such a disease as scoliosis, and also this is a wonderful prophylaxis osteoporosis.

The uniqueness of the technique lies in the fact that during this or that exercise of the complex it is possible to work out groups of muscles that remain unactivated during the usual rhythm of life (for example, the neck zone at osteochondrosis).

In addition, an interesting point is that it does not matter how much power a person puts in exercise, it matters only how much he is concentrated on his own musculature and sensitive to her movements.

The effect of the exercises is to improve the overall blood flow in the body, toning the muscles and freeing the nerve endings from clamping.

Pilates for the back and neck is absolutely safe and useful, for the following reasons:

  • the main part of the exercises is performed in a sitting or lying position, which leads to unloading of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine;
  • the technique is aimed at strengthening the muscular framework of the spine, and, therefore, the developed back muscles counteract the load on the vertebrae and discs, which is especially important for the neck;
  • Pilates for the spine is the basis for the formation of a correct posture, and since it promotes uniform load on the spine, then such an ailment as scoliosis in its original degree;
  • With this technique, you can adjust the body weight, which will also relieve the spine;
  • a set of exercises in Pilates is directed against muscle spasm, which accompanies various ailments (for example, osteochondrosis of the cervical region) or is a consequence of hypodynamia;
  • the correct performance of exercises gives the effect of normalizing blood circulation in both the dorsal muscles and in the intervertebral discs.

Also it should be noted that for all exercises of the complex there is a single rule - the smoothness of movements without stops and pauses.

Any exercise gradually goes on to the next, in addition, there is a warming up of the muscles and their stretching, so that during exercise and after they become more elastic.

Pilates with osteochondrosis, scoliosis, hernia and other ailments has practically no contraindications. In particularly complex cases, exercise complexes are simply adjusted for a specific case or the exercises are canceled for a while.

Complexes of exercises, which offers pilates, give an incomparable effect with serious diseases of the spine.

Pilates with osteochondrosis, scoliosis of the first and second degree, intervertebral gambling (especially the cervical spine) is an opportunity for patients to return to a full life.

In addition, this technique has a general strengthening effect on the entire musculoskeletal system, which makes Pilates an excellent prevention of osteoporosis.

Pilates with intervertebral hernias

Such a diagnosis is rather unpleasant news, which implies that a person after his announcement will inevitably have to change his habitual way of life.

However, Pilates helps to make the changes not so painful.

This technique is offered practically to all patients who have a diagnosis of an intervertebral hernia (especially in neck), because its complexes completely exclude force exercises and vertical load on the spine.

To begin the Pilates classes, you should first discuss this idea with the attending physician and if he does not mind, you can start.

Most likely, the doctor will offer to go through certain studies to assess the general condition of the patient, and then, on based on information about the location of the hernia and the degree of its development, the necessary complex will be selected, which will give the expected Effect.

Special attention should be paid to the hernia in the neck, as this is the most vulnerable part of the spine. Probably need to purchase for the neck of the collar of Shants, which fixes the problem vertebrae.

Although today practically in any fitness center there are groups of pilates, however if this technique is used as a medical therapy, it is appropriate at the beginning to resort to the help of an individual instructor.

He will not only track the correctness of the exercises, but also adjust them in accordance with the individual characteristics of the person. If the practitioner is hurting something during the execution of the complex, then the instructor should be notified immediately.

It is these moments that help to identify the need for a shantz collar for the neck or a supporting corset.

Assisting the technique in scoliosis

Exercises for scoliosis of the initial degree suggest the subsequent strengthening of the muscular corset, improving blood flow in the spine and further elimination of subluxations of the vertebrae.

Especially effective exercises for scoliosis of the initial degree, if the back is hurting.

The complex of exercises against pain in the lumbar region is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the zone, thereby preventing their stretching when tilting and walking.

Pain sensations in the lumbar zone with initial grade scoliosis often arise for the following reasons:

  1. pinching of nerve endings;
  2. sprains or muscles;
  3. inflammation in the intervertebral segments.

Complexes of exercises effectively cope with these problems and help relieve pain, not only at the very beginning of the disease, but also in scoliosis in a more severe form. It should be noted that any set of exercises for diseases of the spine can be performed on the floor, with the use of equipment or simulators.

If we talk about the use of equipment, then a special popularity was acquired by Pilates with a ring.

This ring is also called isotonic, and it is made of a special material that allows it to be compressed, but it is tough enough to provide resistance to the muscles.

Pilates with a ring suggests a variety of exercises, because the shell works on compression, stretching and it can act as a fulcrum.

Complexes of exercises with the ring are more productive, as they increase the load on the muscles. Pilates withringallows not changing the basic complex of exercises, to receive from them greater return.

Pilates is a universal technique in which each person can find the optimal load for himself and solve the problems that arise.

However, do not wait for a serious ailment to get acquainted with this technique.

After all, due to prevention, there is often no need for subsequent therapeutic therapy.

A source: http://drpozvonkov.ru/lechenie/yoga/pilates-dlya-spinyi.html