Drug addiction: causes and consequences - social, psychopathic and other

The harm of drugs is reflected negatively not only on the human body, but also on his soul. The bad consequences of drug addiction are manifested in the change in the personality of a drug dependent person, the level of his vital energy is falling, mental processes are slowed down and impoverished, there is no lively emotional interest in life, no hobbies and hobbies."Kaif" absorbs everything.

First time at the beginning of systematic abuse of drugs beginners addicts suffer from affective disorders. It is emotional instability, heightened sensitivity to environmental influences, sudden transitions from causeless gaiety to explosions and explosions. With the continuation of the narcotic "experience", the personality traits of the addict are smoothed out and the patients with addiction become similar to each other.

The behavior of drug addicts is characterized by a lack of sense of duty, self-criticism, falsehood and pessimism. They really do not appreciate the dangerous consequences of drug addiction. Their personality acquires psychopathic traits, and the entire motivational sphere is aimed at satisfying the pathological passion for drugs.

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The Social Consequences of Addiction

An addict sometimes realizes that his pathological craving leads to a dead end. But when narcotic withdrawal comes, the thought remains only one - to find a drug. After taking the dose, the sense of danger disappears, worries and anxieties go far back, and a sense of narcotic satisfaction appears. For a short period of time a person loses a sense of reality. But soon the nightmare returns again, the phenomena of abstinence come. Depression, pain, cough, impotence and literal disintegration of the physical and spiritual body of a human being under the influence of toxic substances begin.

Socially, the addict has a full time job. His personal life is frustrated terribly, the family disintegrates, he can not work. Is it worth this drug? If he does not abandon him, then probably the cause of such suffering is personally for the addict.

Does the drug addict understand what kind of suffering and hardship he is exposing his loved ones? Does the addict realize that he is ill? The social consequences of drug addiction turn into thousands of destructed destinies, an increasing level of crime in the world. Not a drug addict chooses his own way of life, but dictates to him this drug.

Social consequences of drug addiction and alcoholism are reflected in our future, on subsequent generations.50 years ago nobody knew about drugs, but now it is very accessible! Think about the increased availability of narcotic drugs. Do the statesmen take this calmly enough? And why is the level of drug addiction lower in those countries where drugs are punished with the death penalty? Everything is easy to understand. We are all busy with more "important" things.

Medical consequences of addiction

In addition to the drug addiction itself, it is very disturbing to the accompanying illnesses - transmitted through the blood and sexually. These are hepatitis, AIDS, HIV infection. All addicts have liver problems, heart activity is disrupted, respiratory, endocrine, nervous function is upset. They die prematurely due to overdoses, sepsis( blood poisoning), accidents, violence and illnesses. The usual age of drug addicts with experience is 36 years.

Consequences of drug addiction and substance abuse

Mental disorders in drug addiction and substance abuse develop rapidly, especially when patients breathe in solvent vapors. This leads to dementia. One of the frequent and severe medical consequences of drug addiction and substance abuse is suicidal tendencies. It is self-harm, paresis, trauma. When there is no drug, the dependent person falls into depression, breaks down, he aspires to finish with them if he does not find a dose.

Derived cannabis

Drugs made on the basis of cannabis, lead first to mental dependence, and then to the withdrawal syndrome. The patient is irritable, his mood is suppressed, he is impatient, irritable, he has no appetite, sleep is disturbed, and he quickly grows thin. A patient who is used to smoking marijuana or hashish, shakes everything, his head hurts, he feels pressure in his chest and temples. These abstinence symptoms can last up to several weeks.

Single use of drugs from cannabis leads to loss of sensation of the passage of time and space, anomalous perception of visual and auditory impressions, the connection with the outside world is lost. Part of an intoxication psychosis with an overdose. The patient has illusions and hallucinations, delusions, states of unrestrained laughter or panic. A person can commit suicide.

In adolescents, the consequences of using marijuana are expressed in a state of apathy, interests and hobbies disappear, they do not care about studying and working. Marijuana disrupts brain activity, upsets sleep, causes headache and a severe cough. In addition, addicted people are reduced appetite, constipation, the body is depleted( dries).

Abuse cannabis suffers from bad memory, it loses its intelligence and the ability to concentrate consciousness on an arbitrary chosen activity. This becomes fertile ground for the development of schizophrenia.

Derived cannabis reduces immunity, in men - reduces sexual activity( a small number of sperm), and in women is developing infertility( ovulation is violated).

Opium derivatives

Opium drugs cause very strong physical dependence. Opioid substances inhibit the activity of the brain and spinal cord, develop encephalopathy with a decrease in mental abilities. In addition, very negative drug use affects the lungs, liver and heart.

Abstinence syndrome with opiate dependence is expressed in an irresistible desire to take a narcotic dose, loss of appetite, sleep disturbance, increased motor anxiety, chills, sweating, vomiting, severe pain in joints and muscles, stomach, blood pressure and body temperature, diarrhea and appearconvulsions.

Opioid addiction pushes the addict to crime, suicide. They have no interest in life, work, for society they are not able to benefit. That is, the person's personality is completely lost.

Opiates deplete the body, immunity. Therefore, at the injection site there are infiltrates, veins become inflamed. The liver, lungs, blood infection - sepsis and inflamed heart muscle - endocarditis. Intravenous drug administration is the main cause of the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS, HIV infection and liver diseases - hepatitis.

Cocaine and other psychotropic substances

Cocaine itself quickly causes acute psychic dependence, and the drug LSD in a single application can cause schizophrenic symptoms, which indicates its serious damaging factor for brain cells.

Amphetamine stimulates the activity of the nervous system, and already three to five injections are able to develop drug dependence. Ephedrine for several years of abuse causes paralysis of the lower extremities and dementia.

Toxic substances( LNVD - volatile drugs) - gasoline, glue, acetone, lacquer, etc., much faster destroy and wear out the body. Teenage drug addicts quickly degrade in mental and physical development.

Treatment of consequences of drug addiction

It is necessary from the very beginning to ask the question - is it worth the drug then painfully long and not always successfully eradicate its negative consequences of abuse. There are no harmless and minimally harmful drugs. Lighter types of narcotic substances inevitably attract stronger types of drugs. The heaviest is heroin. Addicts do not live long.

Therefore, treatment of drug addiction is a very difficult matter. Not in any case you can completely restore health. Drugs also trigger irreversible damage to the body. To treat drug addiction and its consequences it is necessary in the inpatient setting of a narcological clinic for a psychiatrist and narcologist. Then we need to psychologically, socially and spiritually rehabilitate ourselves in rehabilitation centers for drug addicts.