Drops with genyantritis in children

Drops from sinusitis - the best cure for the common cold. The use of drops in the nose from sinusitis

If it's frivolous to treat a cold and do not start treatment, then you can get serious problems: sinusitis, sinusitis. Diseases are accompanied by headaches, shortness of breath, temperature. With genyantritis - inflammation of the maxillary sinuses - the disease is helped by drops. Only use them should be as prescribed by the doctor.

Scheme of treatment of sinusitis

Assign a medicine for sinusitis in conjunction with the stage of the disease and the reasons that caused them. The treatment includes:

  • at the initial stage - sosudosuzhivayuschie drugs Galazolin, Naftizin;
  • for the lavage of the sinuses - a nasal spray with sea salt Aquamaris;
  • in acute form - antibacterial drug Polidex;
  • for liquefaction of pus, reduction of edema - Sinuforte;
  • with purulent inflammation - a local antibiotic Neolycin;
  • for the reduction of edema, the separation of pus - hormonal remedy Avamis;
  • against inflammation is a complex medicine Dexamethasone.
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Medicinal preparations for instillation on the basis of plant ingredients promote the increase of immunity, accelerated healing. The use of such drops excludes overdrying of the mucous membrane, in contrast to vasoconstrictors. Presence in the composition of eucalyptus, menthol helps to reduce edema, while breathing is facilitated.

When the cause of the disease is bacterial or fungal, nasal drops are prescribed for treatment from the protrangular sinusitis. Their peculiarity is that a protective film is formed on the mucous membrane, which stops the development of inflammatory processes. Effectively antiviral medicine, which drips into the nose - Sinupret. It can increase the immunity of an adult and a child. The drug is able to cope with inflammation, cleans sinuses of mucus, pus. Quickly improves the condition with the disease.

It is possible to prepare in a drugstore complex drops in a nose at a genyantritis with which help complex influence occurs. Recovery comes in a short time. Preparations simultaneously contain components:

  • vasoconstrictor - relieve edema;
  • antibiotics - fight infection;
  • hormonal substances - reduce inflammation;
  • anti-allergenic components.

Vasodilating drops in nose

The first symptom of inflammatory disease - nasal congestion - eliminates vasoconstrictor drugs. With their help, the swelling of the mucous membrane decreases, normal breathing is restored. After that, drugs are prescribed to treat the cause of the disease. Vasoconstrictive drops from sinusitis are not recommended to use for more than 5 days, so as not to overdry the nasal mucosa. Among the effective drugs:

  • Xylometazoline;
  • Ximelin;
  • Tizin-xylo;
  • Otrivin;
  • Rhinostop;
  • Rinoflumacil;
  • Aftin;
  • Nazivin;
  • Fibrozil;
  • Midimax;
  • Irifrin.

Antibiotic for maxillary adenitis

The presence of purulent inflammation of the maxillary sinuses is dangerous, because complications can arise, in the form of eye diseases, blood infection, meningitis. In this case, the doctor prescribes antibiotics. You can not run the disease and, especially, treat yourself. Drops in the nose with an antibiotic are selected individually. They act locally, while there is no effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach. Prescribe these drugs and for the treatment of children. Effectively the use of drops from sinusitis with antibiotics:

  • Isophra;
  • Bioparox;
  • Polidex.

The use of drops from sinusitis with antibiotics can thin the walls of the nasal passage, cause bleeding, allergic reactions. The use of drugs has contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • Thyroid gland diseases;
  • high blood pressure;
  • kidney and liver disease;
  • lactation;
  • allergy to components.

Oil Drops

Significantly improves the condition with genyantritis use of the drug based on the plant cyclamen - Sinuforte. Oil drops in the nose contribute to the relief of breathing, relieve swelling. At the same time, the mucous membrane of the nasal passages does not dry out. The drug has an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect. If you have the opportunity to purchase cyclamen tubers, you can prepare the medicine at home. Freshly squeezed juice should be instilled in 2 drops, after which, lie down for at least 15 minutes.

No worse action of oil preparations Tizin, Pinasol. They are cheaper analogues of Sinuforte - their price is much lower. Vegetable substances in the composition help to cope with the disease in a complex way. Thanks to the use of the medicine:

  • inflammation is removed;
  • there is a moistening of the mucosa;
  • decreased swelling;
  • antiseptic treatment occurs.

How to properly dig in drops in the nose

When treating drops of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, they should be properly buried in the nose. To get the desired effect, you must first make a wash with water and sea salt. Then carry out such actions:

  • put the patient sideways;
  • lightly tilts his head;
  • 3 drops of medicine drip into the nasal passage;
  • give a minute to lie down;
  • shift to the other side;
  • repeat the procedure.

To make it easier to inject drugs into the nose, sprays are used instead of drops from sinusitis. Their use does not require that the patient go to bed: you can do the procedure standing or sitting. The bottle has a dispenser: the necessary portion of the drug is in the nose, it is only necessary to make the injection. Due to the finely dispersed structure, the preparation very quickly removes inflammation, swelling. Recovery comes in a short time.

Homeopathic drops in the nose

Modern treatment of sinusitis offers the use of homeopathy. At the heart of the preparations are natural medicinal plants in small dosages. Homeopathic remedies have virtually no contraindications. You can treat children and adults. The doctor-homoeopath prescribes medicines for sinusitis, taking into account the patient's health condition, his physiological characteristics.

Due to the low concentration of the active substance, more time is required for complete cure. Homeopathic remedies increase immunity, destroy harmful microorganisms, improve the separation of pus and mucus. High efficacy of drugs show in the chronic form of sinusitis. Popular use:

  • Composium;
  • Euphorbium;
  • Larinol.

Video: a drop from a genyantritis on the basis of a cyclamen


Eugenia, 38 years old

Treated a genyantritis with folk remedies. I did not go to the hospital until terrible headaches started, for which I was very sick from the doctor. Have appointed a complex treatment: fizioprotsedury, drops in the nose. I started using Renofloymcicil and immediately it became easier to breathe, my headaches decreased. An excellent drug, only if a doctor is appointed.

Anastasia, 28 years old

My son was diagnosed with sinusitis and prescribed antibiotics. I was very upset, I thought that I would have to put injections, and then I would also treat the intestines. It turned out that the local agent - drops with antibiotics Bioparox. Three days later the condition improved. It's good that you do not need to inject children!

Zoya, 56 years old

Many years I suffer from chronic sinusitis. I tried a bunch of drugs, only the effect of the treatment was short-lived. Once I was sent for consultation to a homeopath. He listened to me attentively, assigned me to drop homeopathic drops called Composium. After a month of treatment, I felt much better. Thank homeopathy!


What to choose drops in a nose at a genyantritis?

What kind of drops in the nose with maxillary sinusitis is best? To answer this question, you need to know the positive and negative aspects of each medicine.

Drops from sinusitis, which are usually used to combat this disease, are vasoconstrictive drugs. They reach the affected areas of the nasal sinuses in a short time, and the patient begins to feel the effectiveness of their use almost immediately after the application of the drug.

Drops against sinusitis

Since the onset and development of this ailment is due to the inflammatory process on the mucous membranes structures of maxillary sinuses, then there are edemas that do not give secreted secretion normally through nostrils. The secret begins to accumulate in the areas around the nose.

Drops from sinusitis are designed to stop such a pathology and to restore mucous membranes. They must eliminate the edema due to the presence of components in the medicine against sinusitis, narrowing the vessels and killing the microbes and viruses penetrating into the nasal cavity.

Together with this, drops with sinusitis should also contain moisturizing elements to restore normal processes to the mucous membranes of the nose. In their composition, there must be substances of an emollient type. Usually, drops are used, but aerosols and sprays can be used.In both forms of release, medicines for sinusitis are quite effective and quickly cope with their tasks.

What kind of drops can I use to cure the disease?

The patient and his relatives should know which medications can be purchased in the pharmacy network. Only in this case it will be possible to make the choice appropriate for the patient's condition for the treatment of sinusitis. Below, we will consider such types of medicines that are most popular among doctors and patients, and nobody doubts the effectiveness of their effect on the disease:

  1. Polydex acts on the disease at once on several levels. These drops remove the inflammatory process, eliminate invading microbes and viruses, produce a narrowing of the vessels. 72 hours after the beginning of the use of polidex, the patient has headaches characteristic of sinusitis, the amount of mucus coming out of the nasal sinuses drops sharply. The drug polydex is recommended for the treatment of children. Its effectiveness in acute maxillary sinusitis is great, as it contains antibiotics that kill microbes and viruses well. Along with this, the medicine strengthens the walls of the vessels and in the very shortest time allows eliminating the edema. Polydextes can cure sinusitis at the initial stage for a week.
  2. The rhinostop is a drop that makes small vessels contract in the nose that carry blood. This contributes to the elimination of edematous phenomena. In this case, the permeability of the nasal passages increases sharply, and mucus can leave the sinuses around the nose. It becomes much easier for a patient to breathe through the nostrils. The effect of the drug lasts about 10 hours, which further enhances the effectiveness of the components that make up this remedy.
  3. Nazivin is a drop that has a good vasoconstrictive effect and relieves puffiness. The drug fights the disease locally and does not penetrate into the total blood flow of the patient's body. This medication is available in several modifications designed for patients of different age groups. Nazivin can be used if there is sinusitis in infants.
  4. Tysin begins to affect the disease 50-60 seconds after taking the patient, and the effect of its use can last up to 6 hours. The drug effectively effectively narrows small vessels in the nose and quickly removes various swelling. After the patient has used tizin, it becomes much easier for him to breathe through his nose.
  5. Xylenium - drops of topical application. They have good decoding capabilities. This allows you to sharply reduce the swelling in the patient. For this medicine there is a restriction - it can not be used in a row for more than 5 days, since while the therapeutic effect is lost due to the ability of the microbes to adapt to the effects medicines. This can cause complications, which then will be difficult to heal.

The most used and popular drugs

These include the following medications:
  1. Sinuforte is very popular among doctors and patients. The composition of this medication is a cyclamen plant, the tubers of which contain such a large the number of useful components that make it possible to successfully combat even chronic forms sinusitis. On the basis of cyclamen there are recipes of folk medicine, which allow you to eliminate the disease. Almost all of them are taken into account in Cinuffort drops, which effectively suppress the inflammatory process in the sinuses around the nose. Along with this, the Sinulfite preparation can quickly eliminate swelling and allows accumulated mucus to leave the maxillary sinuses through free channels. But this tool has a limitation - it can be used only for people whose age exceeds 11 years. This is due to the fact that at the moment the manufacturer has not yet tested the impact of Sinuphorte on young children.
  2. Naphthyzine - these drops narrows the vessels in the nasal cavity and has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is recommended to use it not only for sinusitis, but also during rhinitis or conjunctivitis, which is allergic. In each nostril of the patient, two drops of the drug are instilled. If you need to stop bleeding, it is recommended to apply a 5% solution of this medication. To eliminate conjunctivitis, two drops are also injected into each nasal canal. This medication has a side effect in the form of severe pain in the head and tachycardia. Contraindications: prohibited for use by patients with arterial hypertension and pronounced atherosclerosis.
  3. Rinoflumacil has an excellent vasoconstrictive effect. It well dissolves mucus, which allows it to freely exit through the nostrils outward. Together with this, rhinoflumucil removes swelling and eliminates the inflammatory process. Since it is usually released in the form of an aerosol can, the preparation is very convenient to use. This medicine doctors recommend to use in the first days of illness. To apply for more than five days this medicine is not desirable, as microbes and viruses get used to its effects and the medicine dries out the mucous membranes. The solution is sprayed into each nostril. Adult patients should be injected 2 doses 3 times a day, and children are recommended one injection three times in 24 hours. Dosing is easy to do by pressing the valve.

Some rules for the use of drops in cases of sinusitis

Self-medication with this disease is best not to deal with, as there can be complications with which then it will be much harder to cope with.

Therefore, when the first symptoms of the disease is better to immediately seek help from a doctor. He examines the patient, writes down the necessary drops and will constantly monitor the course of the disease.

In order to quickly cure of the disease, you must correctly apply the drops during the illness. There are some limitations that every patient should know:

  1. Any medicine for sinusitis or sinusitis is not recommended for more than six days in a row. This causes the viruses and bacteria to get used to this drug, and it ceases to effectively affect microorganisms.
  2. The patient should not prescribe to himself the medicines for sinusitis - he does not know all the contraindications and limitations for the medication chosen independently. Even such a powerful tool as protorgol, can not always defeat the disease. Therefore, it is better to contact an experienced doctor who will save the patient from an illness and prevent him from moving into a chronic phase.
  3. If the genyantritis has taken a long form, then do not abandon the use of such strong drugs as antibiotics. Despite some shortcomings, this group of medicines well destroys various types of viruses and microbes and can quickly put the patient on its feet.

Treatment of maxillary sinusitis with timely access for help to a medical institution and performing all the above recommendations will quickly cope with the disease - this requires no more than seven days.


Specificity of treatment of sinusitis in children

Sinusitis is a rather unpleasant and quite dangerous disease, which, unfortunately, often affects small children. He gives them a lot of discomfort, not only hindering breathing, but also causing pain in the nasal cavity, headaches, elevated body temperature. Treatment of maxillary sinusitis in children depends primarily on the severity of the disease.

Treatment of the disease should be of a complex nature, of course, without drugs and modern drugs, at present, just can not do. But we should not exclude the people's methods of treatment, because there are many recipes that help you learn how to treat sinusitis in children.Of course, now there is no need strictly to follow only the traditional methods of treatment, but a competent symbiosis of traditional and traditional medicine can be of use in the treatment of children.

What medicines to choose?

Washing of the nose with a catheter "Yamik"

Usually parents, not to mention children, are very timid about procedures for washing the nose in a hospital when using the Cuckoo method or the Yamik catheter. This is a rather unpleasant procedure, but, nevertheless, sometimes it becomes necessary to conduct it. In more severe forms of sinusitis, when it is required to remove pus from the nasal cavity, a puncture of the maxillary sinuses is performed. Through the lateral surface of the nasal cavity, pus is removed, making a preliminary puncture, and then washed with various disinfectant solutions. With the help of special tools, pus is removed in various ways. Also the physician has regular physiotherapy sessions.

At home, doctors, otolaryngologists recommend the use of drops and sprays from sinusitis. Vasoconstrictor drops are needed in order to remove the swelling of the mucosa of the maxillary sinuses. Among the known drops are Nazivin, Naftizin, Galazolin and many others.

Supplement to vasoconstrictive drops can be oil droplets from sinusitis. They contain natural ingredients, namely extracts of medicinal herbs and very well help with dryness in the nose.

Allergic sinusitis, when the cause of sinusitis is an allergen, suggest the use of antihistamines. Rinsing the nose is also very useful, and most importantly, a simple and harmless procedure.The best way to wash your nose is to use sea water. It cleans the nasal cavity of mucus, after which various drops and sprays are more effective. Instead of sea water, you can use ordinary salted water.

If the disease does not recede after 7 days of treatment, then prescribe antibiotics. It can be antibiotics in the form of a spray, in the form of tablets for oral administration, or for intramuscular and intravenous administration. Reception of antibiotics can be prescribed only by a doctor, based on the analysis and the individual state of the child.

Traditional medicine in the treatment of disease

Treatment of sinusitis in children is more effective if you use effective folk remedies.If there are doubts about the benefits of this or that folk remedy, it is better to consult a doctor. In any case, it is important to try to choose only natural substances, so as not to harm the child.You can use these methods:

  1. Washing.The very first thing that can help a child with genyantritis at home is regular flushing of the spout. The simplest way to use sea water, but the methods of washing are much more. Herbal decoctions for washing the nasal cavity can be prepared from various medicinal herbs: chamomile, eucalyptus, mint, calendula and some others. To prepare a decoction it takes 1 tablespoon. any grass or a mixture of herbs pour a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil. After this, drain the broth and add to it as much boiled water, so that the volume is up to 1 liter. The procedure is carried out by introducing a decoction into one nostril and removing it from the other by using a syringe.
  2. Inhalations.If you are looking for a way to cure sinusitis in a child with folk remedies, then know that inhalations are not a method of treatment, they will only help to relieve some of the symptoms. Inhalation should be done on the basis of herbs that have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects: chamomile, St. John's wort, sage, eucalyptus. In 250 ml of water, brew 1 tbsp spoon of grass or a mixture of several herbs. You can add propolis tincture or eucalyptus essential oil. This will enhance the antimicrobial effect of inhalation. Allow the child to breathe over the herbs for about 10 minutes, covering it with a towel. Breathe necessarily through the nose.
  3. Folk drops in the nose.Drops in the nose, prepared from natural products and medicinal herbs and plants have a beneficial effect on the mucosa. Such effective recipes are known:
  • Useful for genyantritis natural juices of carrots and beets. Squeeze the juice of one of these vegetables and bury it in your nose 2-3 times a day. It is very important to use only fresh juice.
  • Green tea is used not only as a drop, but also for washing. If 1 tablespoon. green tea to brew for 1 cup of boiling water, and then strain it, then you can do a lavage. The same infusion is useful to drip in the nose at night 3-4 drops.
  • You can make a drop of cyclamen. To do this, squeeze the juice from the roots of the cyclamen, dilute it with vegetable oil 1: 1, drip 3 drops several times a day. This remedy causes a strong burning sensation in the nose, but after suffering, you can see a positive result.
  • At treatment of children from 5 years the honey has well proved. It is necessary to prepare an ointment from honey and Vaseline, taken in equal proportions, twist the flagellum from cotton wool and insert into the nasal passages for 30 minutes. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.
  • You can accelerate the healing process, using drops made from aloe and honey juice - 1: 1. Drip 3 drops three times a day.
  1. Warming up. As such popular method of treatment as warming up at a genyantritis use boiled eggs. They are applied from different sides to the nose until the eggs cool down. Warming up is possible only at the initial stages of the disease.If there already appeared pus in the sinuses and a strong edema - then use this method is contraindicated, because it can lead to an exacerbation of the disease.
  2. Ointments.The most harmless, available and easy to use remedy is propolis ointment. It has a powerful antibacterial effect. It is useful to apply propolis ointment as follows: cotton swabs lubricated with ointment propolis for 5 minutes inserted into the nasal passages.

For the entire period of the disease, parents should ensure that the child has the condition that he rested, took food rich in vitamins, and necessarily drank lots of liquids - mineral water, mors, tea. It is impossible, of course, not to note that the prevention of maxillary sinusitis in children should be carried out constantly. To do this, it is necessary to strengthen the immunity of children, starting from the earliest age.


Drops from sinusitis: a reliable tool in the fight against the disease

Everyone who has encountered a disease such as sinusitis, knows how many inconveniences this disease brings with difficulty in breathing.

Real salvage in this situation will be good drops of sinusitis.

Due to its active vasoconstrictive action, preparations for instillation into the nose will help reduce edema of the nasal mucosa and expand the space of the nasal passages, which will make it much easier breathe.

It is recommended to use drops from sinusitis at the very beginning of the disease for relief of various exacerbations. Use these drugs for more than 5-6 days is extremely undesirable, because the body quickly adapts to them, and can become addictive.

What kind of nasal drops to choose for sinusitis?

This disease can occur for a variety of reasons, which is why you should not start treatment for sinusitis yourself.

Before you look for drops for the nose with sinusitis, you need to seek help from an otolaryngologist, who will prescribe a treatment regimen, based on information received during the comprehensive survey patient.

The use of drops from sinusitis can only improve the patient's condition for a short time, but for In order to really cure, you need to get rid of the cause of the disease, not its external symptoms.

There are certain rules for the use of drops for the nose in sinusitis:

  • The time of application of any drops from sinusitis and sinusitis should not exceed six days, since these drugs can be addictive.
  • In no case should one do self-medication for genyantritis! The process of treatment should be under the supervision of an experienced specialist - this will help to avoid the transfer of the disease into a chronic form.
  • Do not be afraid of the treatment of genyantritis with antibiotics. As practice shows, the use of antibacterial drugs in many cases saved patients from surgical intervention.

It is important to know

If the drops prescribed by the doctor do not bring relief after the first application, you should stop taking the medication and consult with your doctor about correcting the treatment regimen.

Before applying nasal drops for sinusitis, it is recommended to carefully and gently wash the nasal cavity with a mild solution of sea or iodized salt.

If the attending physician prescribes vasoconstrictive drops in combination with antibiotics from maxillary sinusitis, first use a vasoconstrictor and then only the main drug.

Should I use the drops in the nose with genyantritis with an antibiotic?

Many people distrust the use of nasal drops in the nose with genyantritis with the antibiotic that is part of the drug, especially when it comes to treating children. However, for any fears there is no reason, since the concentration of antibiotic in such preparations is too small to have a harmful effect on the microflora of the body.

Droplets in the nose with genyantritis with antibiotic is not recommended for patients in the following cases:

  • If the patient has a weakening of blood flow due to severe swelling of the nasal mucosa. In this situation, antibiotics for sinusitis will be ineffective.
  • If the patient has developed the addiction of the body to the drops in the nose of antibacterial effects.

In these cases, potent drugs that do not contain antibiotics, such as Rhinofluucimil or Sinuphorte, are prescribed.

When are sprays prescribed for maxillary sinusitis?

Medicines for sinusitis are also available in the form of sprays.

Sprays for a nose with an antibiotic are applied at a genyantritis exclusively at complex treatment.

The main distinguishing feature of the sprains with sinusitis from medicines is that they are almost not accumulate in the blood plasma and do not affect the intestinal microflora, while at the same time effectively destroying the bacteria in a hotbed of inflammation.

As a rule, sprays at a genyantritis on the basis of antibacterial active substances appoint in a complex with preparations of group of corticosteroids, such as Phenylephrine and Polideks. These drugs can not only dilute mucus, but also eliminate edema, while suppressing inflammatory processes.

Among the most famous sprays on the basis of antibiotics can be called such drugs as Isofra and Bioparox.

The first of these drugs rather gently affects the body, while safely eliminating the causes of the disease. He has a non-aggressive effect, but successfully copes with the causes of the disease.

The second, as a rule, is used in the treatment of genyantritis caused by pathogens of bacterial or fungal breed. This drug is able to effectively eliminate foci of inflammation, even in the most inaccessible areas of the nasal cavity.

Despite of indisputable advantages, sprains at a genyantritis possess also a number of by-effects:

  • The use of sprays can lead to injury to the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, which, in turn, leads to a decrease in the protective functions of the nasal sinuses.
  • The action of the active substance can cause rapid addiction of the body.
  • Under the action of antibiotics, which are part of the sprays, the walls of the vessels of the nose are gradually thinner, time leads to periodic nasal hemorrhage arising during sharp changes pressure.

In order to avoid the various complications associated with the use of sprains during sinusitis, you should remember the basic rules for the use of these medicines:

  • Sprays are recommended to use only when the nose is completely impossible to breathe.
  • Regular change of drugs helps to reduce the likelihood of getting used to the active substance, therefore it is desirable to purchase several types of sprays at once.
  • Treatment with only sprays does not lead to a positive result - it is necessary to use complex therapy.

It should be borne in mind that properly selected medication will help to speed up the cure, while self-medication can only lead to an increase in inflammation and the development of other diseases.



Antibiotics for sinusitis in children: features of the appointment, indications and contraindications

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the inner mucous membrane of the maxillary maxillary sinuses, which are located in the cavity of the upper jaw.

At an early age, evacuation of the mucous contents from the nose occurs in insufficient volume, which causes the propagation of pathogenic bacterial microflora, therefore, to take antibiotics for sinusitis in children should be started as early as possible in order to prevent the development of complications disease.

In the study of nasal discharge, in most cases, such bacteria are found:

  • Streptococcus Streptococcus pneumoniae and S. pyogenes.
  • Hemophilus influenzae Haemophilus influenzae.
  • Staphylococcus aureus Staphylococcus aureus.
  • Moraxella catarrhalis.
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Much less often the cause of the disease is a viral or fungal infection. Antibiotics for sinusitis in children are shown only with the development of bacterial microflora.

Indications for the beginning of treatment are the following symptoms:

  • Increase in temperature to 3, - 38 °.
  • The appearance of a headache in the forehead.
  • Data of visual, endoscopic examination.
  • The result is the x-ray of the sinuses.
  • Specific changes in the clinical analysis of blood.
  • Pathogenic flora with bapsoseve from the nose (and throat in the presence of catarrhal symptoms).

Antibacterial agents of a wide spectrum of action are appointed:

  1. Penicillinsare effective at the initial stage of the pathological process. They are well tolerated, do not have toxic effects on the body, rarely cause allergic reactions. Most often appointed:
    • Ampicillin.
    • Amoxicillin.
  2. MacrolidesAre applied at an inefficiency penitsillinov. Older drugs of this group (for example, erythromycin) are now practically not prescribed because of the danger of developing superinfection. Of modern antibiotics for sinusitis in children pediatricians use:
    • Clarithromycin (Clacid).
    • Roxithromycin (Rulid).
  3. Cephalosporinsare one of the most numerous groups of antibacterial agents. Doctors prescribe these drugs in the course of a persistent disease or in the ineffectiveness of other drugs:
    • Ceftriaxone.
    • Cefuroxime.
    • Ceppodoxime (Cefodox).
  4. Fluoroquinolones. It is mainly used to treat adults. In pediatric practice (in children older than 5 years) are used to treat complications of sinusitis caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Addiction of bacteria to the drugs of this group develops slowly, superinfection occurs in very rare cases. Are appointed:
    • Ciprofloxacin (Cyphran).
    • Lomefloxacin.
About how effective is the antibiotic for sinusitis in children, they are judged two days after the start of treatment.

The temperature should normalize, the main symptoms of the disease come to light, the intensity of the headache decreases, and the general well-being improves.

To date, antibacterial drugs in different pharmacy chains are offered in various forms of release.

The final choice should be made only by the doctor on the basis of the general condition of the child and the properties of the medicine itself:

  • Sprays and dropswith an antibiotic for topical use (Isofra, Polidex). They are prescribed with prolonged sinusitis, when there is a danger of sinusitis. Apply one dose in each nasal passage three times a day. Sprays are not prescribed to babies younger than 1 year.
  • Tablets and capsules. Are applied at occurrence of the first signs of a genyantritis. Dosage and frequency of reception depends on the age of the child. Assigned to children older than 6 - 7 years. A younger child can not swallow a pill, in addition, there is a risk of developing an allergic reaction to the components of the capsules.
  • Suspensions. On the effectiveness of not inferior to tablets. This form of antibiotic for sinusitis is indicated for the treatment of young children, the drug is available in the form of vials with powder. It should be diluted with boiled water cooled to room temperature in the volume specified in the instructions for use. The required amount of medicine is calculated based on the weight of the child.
  • Injections. In the form of injections, antibiotics are administered in acute, swiftly current form of sinusitis. The active substance enters the blood, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract, and quickly has a bactericidal effect. The effect of treatment is noticeable already on the second day.
  • Inhalation. For this procedure, a compression inhaler is needed. In the treatment of rhinosinusitis and as an auxiliary therapy for uncomplicated sinusitis, Fluimucil antibiotic IT is effective. It contains thiamphenicol (a broad-spectrum antibacterial agent) and acetylcysteine ​​(has a decongestant and expectorant effect).


When injected, antibiotics for sinusitis in children can cause a serious systemic allergic reaction. Therefore, treatment is carried out only in a hospital.

The main contraindication to taking antibacterial drugs is the individual intolerance of the constituent components of the drug. Correction of dosage is necessary for patients with chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver, digestive system.

Overview of the most prescribed antibiotics: Ampicillin, Clacid and Cyphran in genyantema

Pediatricians prescribe antibacterials of a wide spectrum of action.

If no cases of the disease have previously been observed, then the treatment starts with the least toxic drugs of the penicillin series or from the macrolide group:

  • Ampicillinat a genyantritis it is used in the form of tablets (for children is more senior 6 years) and nyxes in a daily dosage of 100 mg / kg which divide into 4 - 5 receptions. In most cases, the drug does not cause complications, but with prolonged use, development of a bacterial flora resistant to it is possible. According to reviews in profile forums, its analogue - amoxicillin in combination with clavulanic acid, which strengthens its bactericidal action (Augmentin), is more effective. In addition to tablets, this drug is also available in the form of a suspension.
  • Clacidat a genyantritis it is applied in the form of tablets on 250 mg and 500 mg for treatment of adults (but the medicine is contraindicated at pregnancy), a suspension and nyxes. According to the instructions, the daily dosage for children is 15 mg / kg. It is divided into two doses with an interval of 12 hours. Of the side effects may be the appearance of heartburn, nausea, upset of the chair.

If these funds are ineffective, they switch to cephalosporins, but sometimes there is a persistent course of the disease, which requires the appointment of more serious medicines. Tsifran at a genyantritis use only as a last resort.

The drug is contraindicated for a child up to 5 years due to high toxicity. It causes complications from the nervous, digestive, bone system, changes the formula of blood. Therefore, its dosage is selected individually, and treatment is carried out only in a hospital.



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