
Treatment of the spine in specialized centers

Content 1We treat joints and a backbone in Moscow 1.1Clinic of orthopedics, traumatology of the City Clinical Hospital № 13 Moscow 1.2Clinic of orthopedics and traumatology of the first Moscow State Medical University named after IM Sechenov 1.3Spine Treatment Center in Lyubertsy 1.4Treatment of the spine and joints 1.5Medical Center "Med & amp; are » 1.6Medical Center of Dr. Bubnovsky 1.7Center for the treatment of joints and spine "Presnensky" 1.8Center for the treatment of ...

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Lumbar Section

Back pain hurts: treatment

Content 1Causes of pain in the lower back 1.1Characteristics of pain syndrome 1.2Pathogenesis of pain 1.3What is capable of squeezing a passing neural trunk? 1.4If the cause is in the spine 1.5What diseases cause pain in the lower back 1.6Pain in functional disorders 2Causes of low back pain in women 2.1Causes 2.2Increased load 2.3Osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernia 2.4Diseases of gynecology 2.5Kidney Diseases 2.6Endometriosis 2.7Monthly 2.8Breast size 2.9Footwear ...

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Ointment from the heel spur: the most effective cream and ointment

Content 1Review: the best ointment for the treatment of the heel spur. What ointments help with a calcaneal spur (comparison, reviews) 1.1How to use an ointment to treat the calcaneal spur? 1.2Effective ointment from the heel spur in the acute stage 1.31. Indomethacin 1.42. Diclofenac 1.53. Hydrocortisone or Predisylone 1.64. Vishnevsky ointment 1.75. Heel Pumpkin Stronger 1.8What ointment to treat the heel spur in the recovery period? 1.91. Dolobieni 1.102. Eye of the Tiger 1....

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Spinal Cord

Knee joint for fixing the knee joint: bandage, retainer, support

Content 1Knee joint knee patch: rules of use 1.1Varieties of knee pads 1.2Tutor 1.3Brace 1.4Support and bandage 1.5Elastic bandage 1.6Magnetic and tourmaline products 1.7Clamps for children 1.8How to choose a knee 1.9Care of the product 1.10Reviews 2Choosing a good knee joint, review 2.1When is the support of the knee joint required? 2.2The basic kinds of bandages for a knee 2.3How to choose the right knee band size 2.4Criteria for choosing a bandage for the knee joint 2...

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Exercises for back at home, recommendations for girls

Content 1Exercises to strengthen the back of the girls 1.1Strong back - the foundation of a healthy body 1.2Differences between male and female training 1.3What should be the training 1.4Pull-ups 1.5Shraga 1.6Deadlift 1.7Draft in slope 1.8Hyperextension 1.9Stretching 1.10Planck 1.11Bridge hips 1.12Impacts 1.13Denial of responsibility 2Exercises on the back muscles for women at home 2.1Why is it important for women to train their backs? 2.2Sports equipment for back home t...

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Neuritis of the brachial nerve: symptoms of treatment

Content 1Causes and treatment of neuritis of the brachial nerve 2Neuritis of the brachial nerve, symptoms and treatment of joint neuralgia 2.1Causes 2.2Symptoms 2.3Diagnostics 2.4Treatment 2.5Prophylaxis and prognosis 3Neuritis of the shoulder nerve: symptoms and treatment 3.1Causes of neuritis 3.2Symptoms of neuritis 3.3Diagnosis of neuritis 3.4Treatment of neuritis 4How to treat neuritis of the shoulder joint 4.1general characteristics 4.2Features of treatment 4.3Pain...

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How to get rid of calcaneal spurs quickly?

Content 1How to get rid of the calcaneal spur quickly and forever 1.1Causes and Symptoms 1.2How does the treatment work? 1.3Ultrasound treatment 1.4Treatment with folk methods 1.5Preventive measures 2What can I do to get rid of the spur on my heels at home? 2.1Physiotherapeutic procedures 2.2Medication 2.3Physiotherapy 2.4Surgical intervention 2.5Traditional methods of therapy 3How to get rid of spurs on your heels at home quickly and effectively 3.1Plantar fasciitis, or ...

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Arthrosis of the shoulder joint - symptoms and treatment

Arthrosis of the shoulder joint is a chronic degenerative disease, when it appears the motor capacity of the affected joint is reduced, there is a spasm of muscles and swelling of the surrounding tissues. This is due to the destruction of the cartilaginous tissue of the joint. Every movement that requires the involvement of a sick site causes pain. Content 1Causes of the disease 2Arthrosis of the shoulder joint - symptoms at different stages 2.0.11 degree 2.0.22 degree 2.0.33 degree ...

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Why does the shoulder joint hurt? Common causes

Any pain, discomfort or discomfort (light or intense) that disrupt the normal rhythm life and depriving a person of adequate rest, suggest that with the body not all order. In this case, the shoulder joint is considered. Whatever the cause of pain in the shoulder joint (PS), the best option will be an immediate call to a doctor (this will help avoid the flow of a possible disease into a chronic form). Content 1What does pain in the shoulder joint indicate? 2Osteochondrosis of the shoulde...

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Ankle And Foot

Hypoplasia of the right and left vertebral arteries: what is it?

Content 1Hypoplasia of the right or left vertebral artery - what is it and what does it threaten? 1.1general information 1.2Causes and risk factors 1.3What is the difference between right-sided hypoplasia and left-sided hypoplasia? 1.4Danger and consequences 1.5Symptoms and signs 1.6When should I see a doctor? 1.7Diagnostics 1.8Treatment 1.9Prevention 2Hypoplasia of vertebral arteries 2.1What is hypoplasia? 2.2Compensatory mechanisms that delay the manifestation of pathology...

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