Why does the shoulder joint hurt? Common causes

Any pain, discomfort or discomfort (light or intense) that disrupt the normal rhythm life and depriving a person of adequate rest, suggest that with the body not all order.

In this case, the shoulder joint is considered. Whatever the cause of pain in the shoulder joint (PS), the best option will be an immediate call to a doctor (this will help avoid the flow of a possible disease into a chronic form).


  • 1What does pain in the shoulder joint indicate?
  • 2Osteochondrosis of the shoulder joint - how to treat
  • 3Arthritis PS - methods of treatment
  • 4When the pain in the shoulder joint indicates a dislocation
  • 5Neuritis PS - Symptoms and Methods of Treatment
  • 6The shoulder hurts: other reasons

What does pain in the shoulder joint indicate?

The pain that occurs in the PS, when the patient is at rest or motion, indicates a possible pathological processes affecting the joint itself, or changes in its adjacent structures. About the disease of internal organs signal pain in the largest joint of the upper limb.

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Conditionally, the causes can be categorized into safe (without requiring physician intervention or treatment) and manifestations that indicate the need for a survey. It is almost impossible to distinguish one from another, so you need to consult a doctor anyway.

To provoke pain can heavy physical labor, increased training, viral disease, dislocation of the shoulder joint.

Acute pain is usually a symptom of osteochondrosis, arthrosis, neuritis brachial nerve, arthritis, tendo-bursitis, lesion of rotating shoulder cuff, capsulitis of PS, injuries (dislocation). The chronic form is caused by tendonitis of the tendons or biceps, bursitis.

Pain during movement signals a syndrome of "collision" or overgrowth of the shoulder ligaments, aching - about a possible intervertebral hernia, humeroscapular periarthrosis, myalgia.

A separate case, if the pain is reflected. That is, patients can have heart and liver, while pain is given to the shoulder. Usually, this manifestation is typical for tumors in the thorax (GK), myocardial infarction, pneumonia (pneumonia). In case of a heart attack, a person experiences pain in the left shoulder joint (up to the elbow), heaviness in the HA, dizziness.

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Osteochondrosis of the shoulder joint - how to treat

It is better if the therapy is comprehensive, and provides for the prevention of complications. Doctors prescribe a drug that can remove inflammation and pain (most often it's "Naise" or "Diclofenac as well as "Ibuprofen" and "Voltaren").

Additionally, "Midokalm" is recommended to relax the pathologically strained muscles, vitamins B1, B6 and B12. Often used drugs containing calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn).

The effectiveness of people's favorite dietary supplements is not clinically confirmed, so doctors consider them useless.

Alternative methods of treatment include: manual therapy, massage, special gymnastics. For prevention, experts recommend that you periodically visit an orthopedist and eat foods that do not allow you to accumulate excess weight and helping to provide the body with the necessary trace elements (seafood, legumes, sunflower seeds, peas, cheese and other dairy products).

Arthritis PS - methods of treatment

For treatment it is necessary to change a way of life as a whole, to exclude any loads and the movements causing pain.

Help warm compresses and food supplements (chondroitin, aminoglucose).

The cause of inflammation can be eliminated only by therapeutic or surgical means. At the first stage anti-inflammatory tablets of non-steroid group are appointed, therapeutic physical training. Next, physiotherapy is performed, with which you can stretch and strengthen the muscles of the PS.

Biologically active substances will slow down or completely stop the destructive process.

Self-medication is prohibited, as this can lead to complete immobility.

When the pain in the shoulder joint indicates a dislocation

Symptoms include the following symptoms:

  • motor limitation;
  • The PS is deformed, the head of the shoulder bone is extended beyond the boundaries of the articular cavity;
  • acute or muffled pain.
  • impaired sensitivity or numbness and tingling (in case of nerve damage).

If a dislocation was diagnosed, anesthesia should first be done using local anesthesia (injected into the shoulder area with an antiseptic solution: novocaine, ice medicine or promedol).

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Then the PS must be corrected. This can not be done independently. A doctor can use the method of Kocher, Dunelidze or the Hippocrates method often used.

The final stage of treatment is the immobilization of the limb (application of the Dezo bandage), which provides a complete resting state for 30 days. During rehabilitation, the specialist selects exercises designed to restore the functions of the PS.

Neuritis PS - Symptoms and Methods of Treatment

This disease has simple symptoms, but it is difficult to make a final diagnosis, because before that, any other possible causes of their occurrence should be excluded.

Usually neuralgia is indicated by aching, dull, sharp, burning pain, which occurs with attacks, simultaneously increasing the sweating, the muscles begin to twitch, the skin pale, also arise redness.

The predecessor of such pains is a muscle spasm arising from possible hypothermia, awkward movement, trauma, even a cold, from which the muscles are overstrained and reflexively contracted.

The main thing is to start treatment in time, then you can avoid the consequences in the form of complications.

For the beginning it is necessary to eliminate the pain syndrome and painful attacks, then the complex treatment with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is prescribed. The extreme measure is the Novocaine blockade.

Sometimes used warming ointments (they can improve blood circulation in the affected area, and consequently, reduce inflammation and swelling). If these methods can not be used for a long time, they resort to acupuncture, ultrasound, electrophoresis or physiotherapy exercises.

The shoulder hurts: other reasons

If the pain (sharp and acute type) in the shoulder joint captures, apart from the shoulder itself, an arm and cervical section, it is possible that the patient has a tendo-bursitis. It is a dual disease, combining the inflammation of the tendons, called tendinitis, and the affected joint bag (medical definition - bursitis).

When a person complains of unceasing pain in the shoulder joint when raising his hand, which only increases, doctors, rather In total, salt deposits suspected to promote the formation of build-up on the joint tendon between the scapula and clavicles.

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Typically, this disease is diagnosed in representatives of 30-50 years of age. Such deposits are detected with the help of radiography (not in all cases).

If the shoulder joint not only hurts, but also crunches, usually do not diagnose anything serious. Most often, the reason for this is too high motor activity with weak ligaments. In this case, all that can be done is to avoid overloading and avoid overextension of the ligaments.

When pain occurs at a certain level in the joint, movement is constrained (especially in the morning), and the crunch is strong enough, it is more likely that the patient has arthrosis.

When the shoulder hurts, be sure to contact a specialist.

Regardless of the nature of pain in the shoulder joint, in the very near future one should consult a traumatologist or orthopedist to find out the real reasons and prescribe a treatment. An accurately diagnosed diagnosis will contribute to a successful and rapid recovery.

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