Professional Ethical Code of the Social Worker of Russia

The professional and ethical code of the social worker of Russia was adopted by the Interregional Association of Social Workers on May 22, 1994.

In 2003, based on the recommendations of the International Federation of Social Workers, the Code of Ethics for the Social Worker was developed.

This Code is a document that outlines the basic, basic principles and values ​​of social work related to the implementation by professionals of the social sphere of their professional duties.

The main objective of the Code of Ethics for the Social Worker is to define and define ethical principles and moral( moral) positions of the person( client, recipient of social services), specialist( social worker) and society( various social institutions) in the process of their interaction while meeting the social needs of the client(the recipient of social services).


Society of Professional and ethical code of the social worker in the Russian Federation

behavior and appearance of a social worker


A social worker employee must maintain high moral standards of his behavior, excluding any tricks, misleading anyone, dishonest actions, clearly distinguishing the statements and actions made by him as a private person and as a representative of the profession.

1.2.Competence and professional excellence

A social worker should make every effort to become and remain an expert expert in his professional practice and in the performance of his professional duties. He has the right to work only within his competence and in the event that he intends to acquire it. The employee of the social service must bear personal responsibility for the quality of the work, which he individually leads, appoints or executes. The social worker should act in such a way as to prevent the possibility of inhumane or discriminatory behavior towards the person or group of people.


A social worker must measure his actions with the highest standards of professional honesty:

  • , a social worker should not be influenced by influences and pressures encountered in the way of his professional activity, impartially fulfilling his professional duties;
  • social worker does not have the right to use his professional relationship for personal purposes.

1.4.Study and research work

The specialist in the field of social work should strive for continuous improvement of professional knowledge, skill, join the training system and research work:

  • a social worker involved in research work should be clearly aware of the consequences this work may have for a person, a person;
  • , a social worker involved in research work should make sure that all participants are united on the basis of voluntariness and awareness, with full respect for the personal freedom and dignity of those involved;
  • the social worker involved in the experiment should protect participants from unlawful physical or mental discomfort, frustration, danger or humiliation;
  • a social worker invited to evaluate certain services( or processes) should discuss them only with a professional purpose and only with those who directly or professionally are related to them;
  • the information received about the participants of the research during its implementation should be considered confidential;
  • , a social worker should only accept a fee for the work actually done, concerning research and research, and only voluntarily offered and legally.

Ethical obligations of the social worker in relation to clients( beneficiaries of social services)

2.1.Rights and prerogatives, the priority of the client's interests

The social worker should do his best to educate and develop the client's independence. The main duties of a social worker are his duties towards the client:

  • , a social worker should not use relations with clients for his own benefit;The
  • social worker should not practice, promote or participate in any form of discrimination based on nationality, sexual relations, age, religion, family status, political orientation, mental or physical disabilities, privileges, personal characteristics;on the contrary, its purpose is to combat all such means by all means available to it;The
  • social worker should avoid ties and relationships that are detrimental to his clients;
  • social worker should not enter into sexual relations with clients under any circumstances;The
  • social worker should inform clients about the risks, rights, opportunities, responsibilities associated with them with the social service;
  • social worker should follow the advice and advice of colleagues and mentors if they, in his opinion, serve the interests of the case;
  • social worker must complete work with the client and professional relations with him when such work and relationships are not necessary and no longer serve the needs and interests of this person or family;
  • , in the event that any other person is officially appointed to speak in defense of the client, the social worker must deal with this person solely for the benefit of the client;The
  • social worker should not allow himself to be involved in any actions that desecrate or diminish the client's civil or legal rights, even if this is done at the request of the client;
  • social worker should ensure the active subjective position of the client himself, not allow humiliation of the dignity of the client's personality by the forms of charitable assistance provided to him.

2.2.Confidentiality and secrecy of the

Employee of the social service is obliged to respect the secrets of clients and not to disseminate information that has passed during professional social assistance:

  • a social worker can share confidential information that he or she has learned from clients without their consent, only in cases necessary for professional reasons;
  • social worker should fully inform clients about the limits of confidentiality in this situation, as well as the purposes for which this information can be used;The
  • social worker should, if necessary, provide clients with any official records relating to them;
  • providing clients with the necessary records, the employee of the social service must keep confidential the rest of the information stored in the records;The
  • social worker must obtain the consent of the customers before printing, making audio recordings or authorizing any third instance to monitor his work.


fees A social worker employee must ensure that the fees for various types of social assistance are fair, reasonable, tactful and commensurate with the types of social assistance provided and the ability of the client to pay. A social worker should not take valuable gifts for the work done.

Ethical standards of the social worker in relation to his colleagues

3.1.Respect, honesty, politeness

A social worker should treat his colleagues with respect, courtesy, fairness, trust, respectfulness and fairness:

  • a social worker should treat his colleagues on the basis of professional interests and beliefs;
  • social worker should respect the trust of colleagues in the course of professional relationships;
  • a social worker should create and maintain situations that facilitate colleagues ethical, professionally competent actions;
  • at work with the client to the social worker it is necessary to present in details and fairly the data on qualification, a point of view, creative finds of colleagues;use appropriate channels to assess the working methods of colleagues;
  • a social worker who replaces a colleague must act in the interests of the reputation of the person whom he replaces;
  • a social worker should not use the conflict between a colleague and a leader in their own interests and to strengthen their position;
  • social worker should seek arbitration( arbitration: 1) the resolution of disputes by arbitrators, the arbitral tribunal;2) the state body engaged in such a resolution)( arbitrator: 1) mediator in disputes, arbitrator;2) the same as the judge) or objective mediation, when professional conflicts with colleagues require immediate resolution;
  • a social worker needs to spread his respect to colleagues who are not directly related to the scope of his work;
  • a social worker who performs the functions of an expert, a leader, an inspector, a mentor in relation to colleagues, should kindly, calmly and in detail communicate to them the terms of joint work and relationships;
  • , a social worker responsible for recruiting and evaluating the performance of other social workers, must perform this duty in a calm, delicate, impartial manner, based on clearly defined criteria;The
  • social worker responsible for assessing other social workers should familiarize them with this assessment.

3.2.Relations with the clients of the

colleagues The social worker employee should treat the clients of his colleagues attentively, conduct their affairs with full professional impact: the

  • social worker should not take professional responsibility for the client of another colleague without appropriate approvals from this colleague;
  • a social worker who serves clients of colleagues during a temporary absence of the latter or an unforeseen circumstance should serve them with the same attention as their own clients.

Ethical obligations of a social worker in relation to a leader or management organization

4.1.Commitments to the governing organization

A social worker employee must adhere to his obligations, given to the management organization:

  • , a social worker should work on improving, adjusting the policy of his organization, increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of its services;
  • the social worker should act in such a way as to prevent and eliminate mistakes, shortcomings in the policy and practice of recruitment in his organization;
  • social worker should use the resources of the governing organization very scrupulously and only for those needs for which these resources are intended.

Ethical obligations of a social worker to his profession

5.1.Protection of the purity, inviolability of the profession

A social worker must support and enhance the importance, ethics, knowledge and goals of his profession:

  • a social worker must protect and enhance the dignity and purity of the profession and should be responsible and active in discussions on improving the profession;The
  • social worker must take action on appropriate channels against the unethical behavior of any of his colleagues;
  • a social worker should prevent unskilled and prohibited practices of social work;
  • social worker should not tolerate distortions when advertising their competence, qualifications, services, results that can be achieved.

5.2.Work in the microdistrict( society)

Social worker should help people in every possible way, informing and making social services accessible to the population of the microdistrict( society).

A social worker must invest his time, professional experience and knowledge in activities that contribute to a respectful attitude towards the usefulness, purity and competence of his profession.

5.3.Knowledge development

The social worker should be responsible for the development and full use of professional knowledge: the

  • social worker should base his practical activity on professional knowledge;
  • social worker should critically analyze, evaluate and be aware of new knowledge relevant to his profession;
  • social worker should contribute to the development of knowledge in the field of social services, and share practical experience and knowledge with colleagues.

Ethical obligations of the social worker to the society

6.1.Social welfare support

A social worker should promote the development of the well-being of the community:

  • , a social worker should act in such a way as to exclude injustice against any person or group based on national origin, political or religious beliefs, sexual orientation, age, marital status, mental or physicalshortcomings, and also to exclude preference, privileges to certain categories of the population;
  • a social worker should act in such a way as to expand the personal capabilities of all people, different families, paying particular attention to the flawed groups and individuals;The
  • social worker should create conditions to support respect for different cultures;The
  • social worker should promote the creation of appropriate services as the need arises in society;The
  • social worker should insist on changes in policies and legislation to improve social conditions of life and maintain social justice;
  • social worker should support public participation in the formation of social policy and the development of active activities of all social institutions.

A social worker is a representative of a special, delicate and humane profession. The mediator is the link in the interrelation between the individual, the family and society, he is called upon to work in the system of social assistance services to the population, ensuring the medical-psychological-pedagogical and legal expediency of this system, solving organically the tasks of educating adults and children, strengthening morality, physical and mentalhealth, legal and economic protection, the organization of work and leisure, the provision of timely social assistance to families and individuals particularly in need.

Source: /files/ kodeks.pdf