Coagulogram in pregnancy: do I have to give blood and for what purpose?

Pregnant women are often given various tests to find out whether the fetus is developing properly, and what possible threats can hamper its healthy growth.

One of the most important and necessary is an expanded coagulogram: what is it and what deviations does it show during pregnancy?

Contents of

  • 1 What is this analysis of
  • 2 Parameters within the limits of standard
  • 3 Possible normal deviations
  • 4 Explanation of results abnormalities and their causes
  • 5 Cardiovascular pathologies in pregnant and in fetus

What is this analysis of

Coagulogram is a blood test by means of whichit is necessary to determine the degree of its coagulation in the future mother. Due to the "interesting" situation, blood in a pregnant woman, especially in later periods, always becomes more viscous and prone to rapid clotting.

This is absolutely normal. The indicators of folding will be somewhat overstated, compared with the analysis before the onset of pregnancy.
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From the way blood circulates through blood vessels and veins, the health of mom and baby depends directly on the propensity for blood clots or clogs.

If coagulation is reduced , then there is a risk of placental abruption, premature birth, and internal bleeding.

With the increased curtailment of , there is a threat of oxygen starvation of the fetal brain, and micro strokes and thromboembolism are possible.

Blood on a coagulogram during pregnancy is dealt with every three months by , that is, once in a trimester. If the doctor has any doubts or concerns, such an analysis is prescribed more often.

Indices within the limits of the norm

The parameters defining coagulability in coagulogram include the following:

  • Activated partial thromboplastin time ( APTT).Responsible for clotting time. In pregnant, APTT is between 15 and 20 seconds.
  • Fibrinogen .Protein, which is the main component of the blood clot. The greater the value of fibrinogen, the higher the propensity of the future mother to the occurrence of blood clots. Sometimes it goes down due to toxicosis, and then grows again. The indicator should not exceed 5-6 g / l.
  • Thrombin time .Indicates the rate of coagulation at the final stage. The optimal thrombin time for a pregnant woman is from 10 to 18 seconds.
  • Platelet level .May decrease slightly, to 150-350 * 1099 per 1 liter of blood.
  • Prothrombin .Another protein responsible for the formation of clots. Its numerical value is very important, because the increase can provoke a detachment of the placenta. The normal numerical values ​​are within 80-140%.
  • D-Dimer .Normally, it grows slowly and gradually.
  • Antithrombin .Protein, responsible for liquefaction. From the norm should not deviate by more than 50%.
Also in the analysis it is necessary to determine the presence of certain antibodies. In women with a negative Rh factor, increased risks, as their antibodies cause conflict between the mother and the fetus.

Possible normal deviations

Numerical coagulation data in non-pregnant women differ from those in the position. Usually the percentage of deviations is not more than 10-15% of norm.

The fibrinogen , for example, is usually 2-4 g / l. In a pregnant woman, it gradually increases to a rate of 6 g / l. But the usual deviation from the norm can be a value slightly above 6 g / l, which will indicate the acceleration of the sedimentation in the blood of red blood cells.

The index of the APTT in a healthy woman who does not bear a child is 25-35 seconds. Due to the "interesting" position, the folding time is reduced to 15-20 seconds. A deviation in the normal range is also considered if it does not curtail faster than 12-13 seconds.

Normally, the of the D-dimer is 250 ng / ml. From the moment of pregnancy before delivery, these figures can increase by 3.5-4 times. If the increase in this indicator is not lower than 2.5-3 times, then this should not cause concern.

In general, all deviations from the norm can be considered very conditional .After all, every future mother has an anamnesis and physiological characteristics. To say which indicator is at the right level, and at what value, it is possible only in each individual case.

Interpretation of abnormalities in results and their causes

Below is a table of abnormalities in the coagulogram that are dangerous in pregnancy and their possible causes.

Indicator Numerical value within the norm Possible deviation Reasons for
APTT 15-20 seconds increase to 25-39 sec.decrease to 10-12 seconds. lack of vitamin K, von Willebrand's disease, liver disease. DIC-syndrome, inflammatory processes.
Fibrinogen 6 g / l Increase in excess of 6 g / l Infectious diseases, necrotic processes, burns and injuries, lupus, infarction, tumor
D dimer 250 ng / ml Increase, more than 4.5 times Gestosis, kidney disease, internal bruises and hemorrhages
Platelet level 150-350 * 1099 per 1 liter.blood increase;reduction. diarrhea, toxicosis, frequent vomiting, thromboembolism, dehydration, chronic bleeding, poor nutrition, impaired functioning in the immune system.
In cases of serious data changes, if there is a threat to the life of the mother or fetus, often prescribe inpatient treatment or completely interrupt pregnancy.

Cardiovascular pathologies in the pregnant and in the fetus

According to the results of the coagulogram of a pregnant woman, one can judge whether the is at risk for the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases .

So, if the blood is not sufficiently high coagulability, this may mean that the prospective mother has an risk of thinning the walls of the vessels and capillaries of the .In such conditions, the heart muscle wears out more quickly, besides, during pregnancy it takes an increased load.

If the woman had a very low level of coagulation before the fetus was born, then it is necessary to take blood coagulation preparations from the very beginning of pregnancy.

If all the data after analysis indicates an increased coagulation of , then the expectant mother probably has a propensity for thrombosis. Because of this, the heart does not receive enough oxygen and works on wear. A severed thrombus can immediately block the main cardiac artery, which will lead to a stroke, as well as the death of some of the tissues of the heart muscle, even with favorable treatment.

The health and life of a child depends on the state of the hemostasis of his or her future mother. At low folding, the risk of bleeding is high.

The fruit can suffer from excessive internal pressure, which will certainly affect the work of its body. In thrombosis, oxygen does not come in sufficient quantities to the child. This is fraught with under-disclosure of lungs, brain pathologies, up to severe forms, as well as congenital heart defects.

The more mother gives analysises, the more closely she listens to her feelings when changes in the body, the more the chance that a child will be born healthy and will actively develop.