Ointment from the heel spur: the most effective cream and ointment


  • 1Review: the best ointment for the treatment of the heel spur. What ointments help with a calcaneal spur (comparison, reviews)
    • 1.1How to use an ointment to treat the calcaneal spur?
    • 1.2Effective ointment from the heel spur in the acute stage
    • 1.31. Indomethacin
    • 1.42. Diclofenac
    • 1.53. Hydrocortisone or Predisylone
    • 1.64. Vishnevsky ointment
    • 1.75. Heel Pumpkin Stronger
    • 1.8What ointment to treat the heel spur in the recovery period?
    • 1.91. Dolobieni
    • 1.102. Eye of the Tiger
    • 1.113. Golden mustache
    • 1.124. Turpentine ointments
    • 1.135. Ptakshashpor the Normal
  • 2Review of the best ointments in the treatment of calcaneal spurs
    • 2.1Nonsteroid preparations
    • 2.2Hormonal remedies
    • 2.3Stimulants of regenerative processes
    • 2.4Other drugs
    • 2.5Recommendations for the use of ointments
  • 3What kind of ointment from a calcaneal spur?
    • 3.1Classification of ointments against spurs
    • 3.2Popular hormonal ointments from the calcaneal spur
    • 3.3Hydrocortisone ointment
    • 3.4Prednisolone ointment
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.5Betamethasone
    • 3.6Non-hormonal ointments versus calcaneal spurs
    • 3.7Vishnevsky ointment
    • 3.8Golden mustache
    • 3.9Crock Honey
    • 3.10Stop Spur
    • 3.11Turpentine
    • 3.12Shporon
    • 3.13Eye of the Tiger
    • 3.14Indomethacin
    • 3.15Diclofenac
    • 3.16Prepare ointment from the spur of the house
    • 3.17With calendula
    • 3.18With a golden mustache
    • 3.19With egg
  • 4Ointment from the heel spur
    • 4.1Causes and symptoms of calcaneal spur
    • 4.2Classification of pharmacy ointments
    • 4.3Hormonal ointments
    • 4.4Non-hormonal ointments
    • 4.5Anesthetics
    • 4.6Folk recipes for home ointments

Review: the best ointment for the treatment of the heel spur. What ointments help with a calcaneal spur (comparison, reviews)

  • December 4, 2017 1: 5
  • 2571

Heel spur is a disease in which a spiny spine grows on the heel, causing pain and discomfort to the patient.

With a calcaneal spur, various pharmacy ointments are shown, which allow to reduce the level of inflammation and eliminate pain syndrome. A good ointment for the treatment of the calcaneal spur helps to dissolve the bone spine and has a set of useful qualities.

When choosing an ointment, it is necessary to take into account its composition, purpose, long-term use and cost.

How to use an ointment to treat the calcaneal spur?

Ointment with fasciitis is usually prescribed by a doctor, but knowing the characteristics of each remedy you can choose and buy a cream from the spur, which is especially important at the initial stage of the disease.

Pharmaceutical ointments have many advantages:

  • ready to use;
  • contain safe substances;
  • have been clinically tested.

Most of the external means from the spur, sold in pharmacies and shops, are affordable and have a minimum of drawbacks.

The composition of all ointments are divided into: hormonal (steroid) and non-steroidal. On the rendered action: anti-inflammatory, warming painkillers, resorptive. As a rule, good ointments combine several effects.

Before using the ointment from the heel spur, the name of all the products will be listed below, you need to read the following recommendations:

  1. Nonsteroid agents can be applied 2-3 times a day. The duration of the course is 1-2 months.

    Steroid drugs can be used no more than 2 times a day, and the treatment course should not last more than 2 weeks.

  2. To increase the effectiveness of any external remedy from fasciitis before applying it, you need to steam up your feet in the foot bath or make a compress.

    Excellent helps the medical bile at the heel spur in the form of a compress.

  3. After applying the cream, wait for 1-5 minutes until the product has completely absorbed. And only then you can wear socks or heated slippers and do your own thing.
  4. Cream based on herbs and natural ingredients can be used constantly. It is not only useful, but also effective prevention of recurrence of fasciitis.
  5. For best results, it is advisable to change the ointments: in the acute stage of the disease, use one external remedy, during the recovery period, another, for prevention - the third.
  6. Treatment with ointments must necessarily be combined with taking the tablets, physiotherapy and unloading the heel with insoles, shock-absorbing heels and Strutz insteps.

After applying ointments before bedtime, it is recommended to wear a Strasbourg sock. The product fixes the fascia in a longitudinally stretched position, which contributes to their regeneration. Regular use of Strasbourg sock at night speeds up the healing process and helps to get rid of morning pain caused by the thorn pressure.

Effective ointment from the heel spur in the acute stage

With exacerbation of the fasciitis, the heel becomes inflamed, the spine causes severe pain. Used in this period ointment against the calcaneal spur should have an anesthetic effect and at the same time soften the bony growth.

1. Indomethacin

Dimexide, nipagin and anesthetics are included in the composition. This product has an anti-inflammatory effect, effectively eliminates swelling and pain.

The course of treatment is 1 month, during which Indomethacin is applied three times a day. The advantages of this tool include a low price and no side effects.

Of the deficiencies, patients note the absence of a resorptive action - the drug does not reduce the bone spine.

2. Diclofenac

Very strong ointment, which has a fast analgesic effect. Doctors recommend using Diclofenac only in extreme cases, when other drugs do not help reduce pain. Duration of use - no more than 7 days. At the same time, you can apply no more than 5-8 gr. preparation.

3. Hydrocortisone or Predisylone

Hormonal drugs used to reduce inflammation and build-up. These external drugs are used as an alternative to blockade of the inflamed fascia.

Ointments have many contraindications and side effects. It is not recommended to apply them more than 5-7 days in a row.

The best analgesic effect is achieved in combination with phonophoresis.

4. Vishnevsky ointment

Everyone knows, inexpensive and affordable means. The drug well removes inflammation, which leads to a reduction in pain.

Disadvantages of the ointment are: minimal analgesic effect, a sharp specific smell, no effect on the spur.

This remedy is especially suitable in the presence of abscesses near the stagnant spine.

5. Heel Pumpkin Stronger

To date, this is the best ointment from the heel spur. It has an excellent resorption effect due to the presence in the composition of natural medical bile.

Unlike many other therapeutic ointments Reinforced Pjatkashpor can be used for a long time until the spur is completely eliminated. The cream actively moisturizes, quickly absorbed, reducing inflammation, swelling and pain.

This ointment is included in the range of creams Pjatkashpor, which were created specifically to combat fasciitis and its manifestation - bone growth. Also, during a period of exacerbation of the disease, it is very important to properly discharge the foot, reducing the pressure and shock loads on the inflamed fascia.

Having carefully studied the comparison of the top 10 best insoles with a spur, you will be able to choose the best option and use insoles during treatment, as well as preventive maintenance of plantar fasciitis.

For those who prefer to wear cushioning products under the heel, we have prepared an overview of the top 5 horseshoes with a spur that will help to make the right choice in view of anatomical features feet.

What ointment to treat the heel spur in the recovery period?

After 1-2 weeks of active treatment of the calcaneal spur, the bone growth is significantly reduced, and pain usually appears only in the morning hours.

To use strong ointments during this period is inexpedient, therefore doctors recommend to pay attention to homeopathic external means containing a minimum of pharmaceutical components.

Such drugs occupy an intermediate place between therapeutic pharmacy ointments and foot care creams. They can be used for 1-2 months until the symptoms of fasciitis disappear completely.

What ointments help with heel spur during recovery? The best results are shown by the following means:

1. Dolobieni

Cream from the calcaneal spur with anti-inflammatory action. Using Dolobene during the recovery period promotes tissue regeneration. Apply the cream 1-2 times a day. The disadvantage of this remedy is the presence of alcohol in the composition, which can negatively affect the skin condition.

2. Eye of the Tiger

The drug well-stops inflammation, restores damaged tissues and normalizes the water-fat balance of the epidermis.

The composition of the cream includes extracts of juniper and lemon, which have a deodorizing and antibacterial effect.

The only drawback of this cream is a fairly high price and a large consumption - one tube is enough for 7-10 days.

3. Golden mustache

Cream based on herbal ingredients. It has a weak resolving power, but it perfectly disinfects and warms the feet. Suitable for long-term use, but in some cases causes allergic reactions.

4. Turpentine ointments

Well warm and reduce the bone spur.

In ointments, which contain turpentine, strongly pronounced local-irritant effect, so they have many contraindications.

You can apply turpentine ointments 1-2 times a week until the thorn is completely eliminated. Apply the product in gloves, observing the precautionary measures.

5. Ptakshashpor the Normal

The cream contains natural hypoallergenic components: Emu oil, propolis, caffeine. The natural urea and apple cider vinegar contribute to the dissolution of the heel build-up. Destruction of the spur occurs gradually.

The Cleanser Regular also removes excessive dryness of the skin, reduces inflammation and helps to cope with foot fatigue.

Continuous use of the cream in combination with physiotherapy and unloading the heel helps get rid of fasciitis, without causing side effects.

Choosing what to treat a heel spur, ointment Pjatkashpor, which is worth paying attention to, have the following advantages:

  • time-proven efficacy - remove bone growth after 1-2 months;
  • improve metabolic processes in tissues;
  • eliminate corns, cracks, prevent the development of infection;
  • have a natural composition, do not contain fragrances and aggressive pharmaceuticals;
  • recommended by orthopedic doctors;
  • economically spent;
  • can be used as a daily night cream for the feet.

After getting rid of the build-up to prevent its re-emergence, it is recommended to use a preventive cream against the calcaneal spur. These creams include nutrients based on vaseline, alanine, glycerin.

The best cream to prevent a recurrence of the spur is Ptkkashpor Prophylactic, which perfectly fixes the healing effect and eliminates the risk of repeated appearance of a spike on the heel.

A source: http://ZdorovyeNogi.ru/blog/pjatochnaja-shpora/mazi-dlja-lechenija-pjatochnoj-shpory/

Review of the best ointments in the treatment of calcaneal spurs

Cream or ointment for the treatment of the heel spur should perform three therapeutic effects: anesthetize, relieve inflammation and manifest allergies.

Most often, doctors prescribe local drugs, which contain either steroidal or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances.

They are most effective in dealing with bouts of pain and inflammatory processes.

Plantar fasciitis (or heel spur) is a degenerative-inflammatory disease of the tendons, muscles and ligaments. After some time, the inflammation provokes spur outgrowth in the calcaneus region. Most often they suffer from the female sex.

Nonsteroid preparations

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are ointments from the calcaneal spur based on various nonhormonal substances:

  • ointment Indometacinovaja, Indovazinum (often used preparations at a heel spur);
  • diclofenac - Voltaren, Diklak, Naklofen, Diklobene, and others;
  • ibuprofen - Dolgit, Brufen, Ibutop gel, Nurofen gel, etc.

The above mentioned ointments have a similar principle of action. Actively used against the calcaneal spur.

Preparations containing NSAIDs, perfectly and quickly stop the pain syndrome, relieve the inflammatory process, facilitate the patient's condition.

The course of treatment with such funds is usually 2-3 weeks of continuous use of funds. During the first week, the fasciitis goes off a little, but the well-being improves.

Hormonal remedies

Creams and ointments from the calcaneal spur with steroid active components are very effective, since in a short time the pain attacks are quickly removed.

In general, they are appointed in extreme cases, when other funds no longer help.

Hormone preparations have a number of contraindications and warnings, they can often cause and several side effects, because of this, they must be used very carefully and only after the appointment doctor.

Most often, prednisolone ointment and hydrocortisone ointment are prescribed, which is considered to be the most effective.

Prohibited to use such ointments for children, nursing mothers and women in the situation. It is impossible for them with many diseases of internal organs.

With a calcaneal spur, use only dosage forms for external use and not inwardly.

Ointment consists of a synthetic glucocorticosteroid hormone. In addition to removing inflammation, these substances eliminate itching and swelling.

You can not use such drugs against the heel spur, if there is inflammation of a different nature, bacterial or fungal skin damage.

The heel spur is often treated not with hormonal ointments, but using glucocorticoids in the form of injections into the fascia itself.


The effect of such treatment is higher and lasts longer. The effect of these tools is fast, so do not get carried away by them.


Frequency of use - up to 5 times a day we put on the heels, the course - not longer than a week.

Stimulants of regenerative processes

Help in the fight against salt formations on the bones of the feet. This group includes drugs Arthrin, Mukosat, Khondroskid - all in the form of ointments and gels.

The mechanism of action of these drugs is to stop hyperplasia of connective tissue, in addition, in reducing the spur on the calcaneus.

Gradually, the elasticity of the fibers of the cartilaginous tissue and tendons is restored. Painful attacks go away.

The course of treatment with such drugs is 2-5 weeks. Treat inflammation a couple of times a day. Plantar fasciitis begins 14 days after the start of treatment.

Other drugs

Help and funds on the plant and animal basis against the calcaneal spur. They are effective at the initial stages of the development of education, as well as in combination with other means.

Balm Crock-Honey- a modern ointment for a calcaneal spur, created on the basis of plant and animal components. It is designed specifically to remove the heel spur.

Bile and the extract of the falcon enhance metabolism in the tissues of the foot, improve blood circulation, stimulate the resorption of formations, stop pain syndrome, tea tree oil has a disinfectant effect, a feeling of inconvenience in the heel passes, the process is easier walking.

Apply the ointment 2-3 times a day, first steaming the feet in saline. When undergoing treatment, it is worth:

  • to limit motor activity;
  • go to medical shoes;
  • purchase orthopedic insoles.

Cream from the calcaneal spur Bischofite- the name is known to very many. The basis of the means is the natural mineral bischofite, it is mined in the Poltava region of Ukraine.

This component consists of a large number of various minerals and magnesium salts.

Bischofite affects calcium metabolism, and thanks to this, resorption occurs (in fact, the known fact is that such an education is calcium salts).

The cream helps to relieve inflammation, anesthetize, eliminate discomfort and swelling. It is considered the best way to treat a calcaneal spur.


The general condition is greatly improved. The remedy not only eliminates the symptoms of the disease, but also the root cause of the disease.


Under the influence of bischofite, spines are destroyed. Cream:

  • heals cracks in the skin;
  • eliminates roughness;
  • cornflowers.

The skin gradually regenerates, becomes tender and velvety.

In addition to this cream, there is also a gel that is different in composition. In addition to the bischofite, it also contains seaweed, as well as other auxiliary components.

Cream Heel- 15 g of cream is packed in special jars. Ingredients: bile extract medical, essential and fatty oils, glycerin, extracts from medicinal plants. Apply this remedy 1-2 times a day on clean skin, gradually rubbing it.

Cream Ortho-Tiger's Eye- the composition contains beeswax, burdock extract, lilac, hazel, horseradish, glycerin and castor oil, lemon and juniper essential oils. The components of the cream soften the skin, promote the process of regeneration of cracks, relieve the inflammatory process, soothe, go through discomfort and pain in the feet.

Apply the cream several times a day, always carefully rubbing into the affected area. In the period of treatment you should also wear comfortable shoes with orthopedic insoles. The course of treatment lasts from 1 to 4-5 weeks.

Cream SpurNet- this drug is suitable for both treatment and prevention of spurs. In its composition there is a mummy, an extract of burdock, sweet clover, amaranth, tea tree essential oil. After use, there is inflammation, pain, itching.

Apply it 2-3 times a day on the affected area. The course of treatment - from 12 procedures.

Kontraktubeks- ointment contains in the composition of allantoin, heparin, an extract of onion Serai. All components of the drug contribute to crushing spurs, tissue regeneration. Treatment can last several months.

It is applied several times a day, actively rubbing into the area of ​​the spur. You can make a bandage with the drug at night, to do this, the area is treated with a cream, an air-tight bandage is placed on top, fixed with medical tape.

It is recommended to hold trays with the drug. To do this, pour warm water into the container 36-38ºС, then add the cream at the rate of 2 cm per 1 liter of water. Dip your feet in water and hold for 10 minutes. Then apply a medical cream.

Dimexide Gel- Excellent heal spinal cord. The active substance is dimethylsulfoxide.

It improves metabolism in tissues, removes toxins, reduces pain, has a local anesthetic effect.

It penetrates deep into the skin, which helps other medicinal substances to easily enter the foci of inflammation. Important: the drug may cause an allergy.

DolobieniIs a combined ointment from the heel spur. Dimethyl sulfoxide removes the inflammatory process, has an antiexudative effect, anesthetizes.


Heparin reduces inflammation, stimulates the repair of connective tissue, improves local blood flow. Dexpanthenol improves metabolic processes in tissues, contributes to their early recovery. The gel is applied to the diseased area and rubbed into the skin.


The procedure should be carried out 2-4 times a day on clean skin. You can use the gel as a compress.

Plantar fasciitis is also treated with preparations with extracts of a saber and a golden mustache.

Recommendations for the use of ointments

Water should be hot as possible. Thus, soft tissues will become pliable, they will be ready to take active components. Ointment is not simply spread, but carefully rubbed.

For 7 days of the course, the ointment is applied three times a day. This week is basically enough to ease the patient's situation, alleviate the symptoms.

But this does not mean that you can stop treatment. Just need to reduce the frequency of using local drugs to once a day.

The course of treatment of the calcaneal spur with topical preparations usually ranges from 10 to 14 days.

A source: https://OrtoCure.ru/kosti-i-sustavy/pyatochnaya-shpora/mazi-nazvaniya.html

What kind of ointment from a calcaneal spur?

External means for the treatment of plantar fasciitis are simply necessary. They will be an excellent addition to the complex therapy, including tablets and injections. Gels and ointments from the calcaneal spur relieve local inflammation, partially relieve pain and soften the skin of the heel.

And regular massage of the problem area helps to eliminate stagnant phenomena, which also has a beneficial effect on recovery. The case for small: choose a tool that will effectively and quickly help get rid of the disease. And not bad, if it will be inexpensive.

Classification of ointments against spurs

All external funds from the calcaneal spur can be divided into two groups:

  • hormonal (steroid);
  • nonhormonal (non-steroidal).

And than to smear spurs on the heels? Choose a doctor. Because this or that kind of ointments is appointed individually. Hormonal drugs have the main active substance synthetic glucocorticoid.

They quickly and effectively affect the problem area, relieving pain and inflammation. The lack of such ointments: a large number of side effects and contraindications. Nonsteroid ointments act gradually and may not give an immediate effect.

But they are safer, and their range is greater.

Popular hormonal ointments from the calcaneal spur

Of the entire assortment of steroidal external preparations, Hydrocortisone and Prednisolone are often prescribed.

Hydrocortisone ointment

Hydrocortisone has a pronounced effect on the metabolism of all body substances. Improves the secretion of insulin and stimulates lipogenesis. Therefore, due to prolonged use of hydrocortisone, the fat layer in the foot can increase.

Hydrocortisone ointment against spurs on the heels applied no more than 8-10 days. You need to heel the heel every day, preferably at the same time.


The effect is felt immediately: the pain subsides, the swelling decreases. It is important not to exceed the prescribed dosages in order to avoid side effects: from nausea until loss of vision.


The cost of one tube of 1% hydrocortisone ointment 10 g is 30-40 rubles.

Prednisolone ointment

Also suitable for topical application. Ointment relieves itching and fights inflammation.

Quickly absorbed and provides almost instantaneous effect. Maximum duration of use: 8 days. Some patients are assigned a shorter period.

The price of a 10-gram tube (,%): 30-40 rubles.


In the pharmacy, the drug is sold under the name Betamethasone-Darnitsa and is considered a cream based on active corticosteroids in combination with an antiseptic.

The cream has anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and anti-exudative (withdrawal of liquid and salts) action. Duration of application on the heel - no more than 2 weeks.

Cost: from 60 rubles for 15 g.

Non-hormonal ointments versus calcaneal spurs

Despite the effectiveness of hormonal drugs, non-steroid ointments are used more often, because they are much safer.

Vishnevsky ointment

This is a famous remedy with a characteristic smell. From spurs on the soles of Vishnevsky's ointment began to be used relatively recently. Initially, she acted as an antiseptic. But if you look at the composition, it becomes clear that the remedy also helps with the spur.

  • Xerog form powder is an antiseptic.
  • Birch tar - to increase the flow of blood.
  • Castor oil - improves absorption.

With a heel spur, it is very important that the active substances (in this case tar) freely penetrate deep into the skin (due to castor oil).

A xeroform additionally disinfects the heel in the presence of those cracks or corns. Elderly people who hold conservative views, are sure that this is the best ointment from the spur on the heels.

In addition, inexpensive: the average cost for 30 grams - 50 rubles.

Golden mustache

It is a specialized remedy for the treatment of plantar fasciitis. On the package it is written: ointment from the heel spur of the Golden Us.

Different companies can produce variations of this cream with the addition of additional ingredients: garlic, carnation ether, bee venom, etc. Because

this ointment is made specifically for the treatment of the heel spur, its cost is higher than those considered above. A tube weighing 75 grams will have more than 120 rubles.

Crock Honey

Another specialized ointment for the treatment of the heel spur from the company Krok Med on the basis of medical bile and with the extract of black radish. It is considered a balm and does not contain parabens.

It is declared as an agent for the treatment of spur and getting rid of heel pain. Improves the cushioning function of the foot (it becomes less painful to attack) and promotes the regeneration of tissues.

Apply the ointment from the spurs on the heels of Krok Med on the steamed feet. It costs about 110 rubles for 75 g.

Stop Spur

Means with a talking name and a multicomponent composition. On the package there is a large inscription "Shark fat and on the bottom is added "Golden mustache". And, indeed, the composition of both these components.

Extract from shark fat has a resolving effect, and the extract of a golden mustache - healing.

Additionally ointment from the calcaneal spur Stop Spur helps to improve blood flow and remove salts, which, by the way, often cause an acute plantar fasciitis. 220 rubles for 20 ml.


It has an irritating and distracting effect. When applying turpentine ointment on the heel, it begins to tingle a bit and improve the flow of blood to the legs. A few minutes later the pain from the spur ceases, and it is replaced by a pleasant sensation of poured warmth.

Apply a turpentine ointment preferably in gloves, and then carefully wash your hands. It is very corrosive! Avoid contact with mucous membranes! It costs from 30 rubles for 30 g, depending on the manufacturer.


It's also a talking name. It is used to treat and prevent plantar fasciitis. Relieves pain and relieves inflammation.

This product is based on natural ingredients: mummy, burdock root, sweet clover extract, amaranth, tea tree oil. Apply preferably on the heels, steamed in salt water.

It is enough to conduct 12-14 procedures so that the pain does not appear even in the morning. 200 rubles for 50 ml.

Eye of the Tiger

Full pharmaceutical name of the drug: ointment from the calcaneal spur Tiger's Eye Ortho.

Produced in tubes of 75 ml and is intended to reduce the feeling of discomfort in plantar fasciitis. Ointment warms up, improves blood supply to the heel, anesthetizes.

At the heart is horseradish extract and burdock oil. Apply recommended after salt baths. Cost: 80-90 rubles.


A popular non-steroidal ointment for pain relief, swelling and inflammation. Ointment Indomethacin is well used since morning, because

it removes the feeling of stiffness and allows you to disperse faster. Those who suffer heel spur, know how painful it is to step on the heel after the night of sleep.

And Indomethacin will help to cope with these pains. In the composition of the ointment: dimexide, trolamine, nipagin.

Such a remedy will not be superfluous in the medicine cabinet and in other joint diseases. Therefore, it will not hurt to buy it. Cheap and angry: 80 rubles for 40 g (10%). Such a tube is enough for a long time.


Ointment Diclofenac is also quite popular. Gives an analgesic effect immediately after application. The maximum daily dosage is 8 g. If to smear more often or more, soon the remedy will cease to help.

Diclofenac is not recommended for use in courses, but only in extreme cases. Before applying the ointment, you should wash your feet or rub them with alcohol to wash off the traces of previously applied drugs.

The cheapest tube of ointment in 30 g from the Borisov plant of medical preparations will cost only 30-40 rubles. Gel Diclofenac of the same mass will cost more: from 100 rubles.

There are other anesthetic ointments with a calcaneal spur:

  • Voltaren (based on Diclofenac). From 230 rubles.
  • Chondroxide (chondroitin sodium sulfate). From 350 rubles.
  • Nase gel (nimesulide). From 250 rubles.
  • Capsicum (with an extract of hot pepper). From 220 rubles.

Use them according to the instructions.

Prepare ointment from the spur of the house

If you can not decide which one to buy the ointment from the spurs on the heels in the pharmacy, try to prepare a home remedy.

They sometimes help not worse than the purchased ones, but they are cheaper. Also home ointments are good for allergy sufferers, because

during the cooking you can see exactly which components will be present in the finished product.

With calendula

You can buy a ready-made ointment of calendula from spurs in the foot and at home in the pharmacy, bring it to mind, adding vitamin A oil (half as much as ointments) and apple cider vinegar (1 tablespoon for every 10 g of ointment).

Stir everything and put it in a glass jar. Such a remedy will gently remove inflammation, and at the same time heal the skin of the heels, healing the cracks. You can use it regularly for a long time.

Ointment with calendula is good and for the prevention of heel spurs.

With a golden mustache

Instead of buying a golden ointment, you can cook at home a more natural remedy based on this plant. Shredded clean leaves should be mixed with baby cream or any other base (petrolatum, pork lard).

Proportion: 2 parts of leaves per 3 parts of cream. Store in the refrigerator and lubricate the heels during the day.

The heating effect will not give such ointment, but, thanks to a good absorption, the golden mustache will affect the inflammation focus, reducing its activity.

With egg

Another recipe for ointment against the calcaneal spur.

It will take:

  • 1 chicken raw egg;
  • , a glass of apple cider vinegar (you can make it yourself);
  • 100 g of butter unsalted butter.

Melt the butter, cool it and add an egg to it. The shells should be washed, crushed and added to the mixture. Then pour the vinegar.

Consistency is not very thick, but viscous. To apply such ointment it is necessary under a bandage. That is, in the form of a compress.

Keep half an hour, then rinse with warm water and put on a warm sock.

It is difficult to say which ointment is the most effective for treating the heel spur at home. Because there are no ideal drugs, otherwise the assortment would not be so wide.

To choose the optimal remedy for yourself, you need to focus not only on the price, but also on the effect of the ointment, on its composition and properties. It is better that the prescription is prescribed by the doctor, because

the specialist will be able to pick it up taking into account all the features of the course of the disease. After all, the calcaneal spur has several stages of development and types of manifestation. With severe pain, one ointment will be required, with deformation of the foot - another.


If the prescribed remedy does not give any positive changes within 5 days, you can safely abandon it and choose something else.


A source: http://kostochek.net/maz-ot-pyatochnoj-shpory.html

Ointment from the heel spur

The heel spur or plantar / plantar fasciitis is a fairly common pathology, the occurrence of which can not be predicted.

The disease is characterized by persistent pain, significantly worsening the patient's quality of life, so any ill person seeks to find a universal remedy for this disease.

Often patients prefer conservative methods of treatment, namely, ointments and creams. To choose an ointment from the heel spur, it is necessary to know its composition and the action to be performed.

Causes and symptoms of calcaneal spur

Heel spur is a disease that is usually a consequence of other pathologies and functional failures in the body. Basically plantar fasciitis develops due to prolonged physical exertion, coupled with a long pressure of great weight on the soles of the feet.

The mechanism of the development of the disease involves the occurrence of inflammation in the plantar fascia, then the transition of the process to a chronic form and the subsequent traumatization of nearby tissues with bone growths, formed at the point of attachment of the plantar fascia to the heel bones. Therefore, before smearing the spur on the heel, it is necessary to identify the stage of the development of the disease and make a choice in favor of drugs that can have an effect at this stage.

Plantar (plantar) fasciitis

In addition to the prolonged pressure exerted on the locomotor apparatus, the causes of the heel spur can be:

  • Diabetes;
  • Arthritis;
  • Disturbed metabolism;
  • Flat-footed;
  • Overweight;
  • Mechanical injuries;
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, characterized by inflammatory processes that are able to migrate between the parts of the bone system.

The disease is most often affected by women of early and subsequent menopausal periods.

The symptomatology of the pathology is expressed by pain, which becomes brighter in the morning and evening, and also after exercise.

Treating the calcaneal spur is conservative and radical.

Treating ointment spurs, physical therapy sessions and using other methods of local therapy of the disease are more preferable than surgical intervention, but there are situations in which surgery is the only way out.

Classification of pharmacy ointments

Treatment with conservative methods includes the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics and hormonal drugs.

The choice depends on the stage of the disease and the severity of the pain symptom.

In addition to the application of ointments, gels and other local preparations, additional therapy is often used, which can help: mud wrapping, physiotherapy exercises, physiotherapy procedures.

What kind of ointments help with a calcaneal spur, and which procedures should be preferred, should be indicated by the attending physician, taking into account the particular course of the disease in each particular patient.

Below is a summary of the most popular and effective ointments with a calcaneal spur. Based on these data, the patient will be able to independently choose in favor of a particular drug, based on personal preferences.

Hormonal ointments

The most common glucocorticosteroid agents (synthetic analogues of hormones synthesized by the adrenal cortex) of topical application are:

The list of ointments used at the heel spur is headed by hydrocortisone ointment. This hormonal agent, which has a number of contraindications. The action of the ointment is anti-inflammatory, but it alleviates the accompanying symptoms of the heel spur - pain, swelling, itching.

In view of the fact that the main substance of the drug (hydrocortisone) is similar in structure and action to the hormone produced adrenal glands, with prolonged use, dosing disorders, there may be side effects from the skin and endocrine system.


The main contraindications include pregnancy and lactation. The duration of therapy should not exceed 14 days, and up to 12 years of its use is possible only under the strict supervision of medical staff.


Use the drug twice a day, it is recommended to buy 1% hydrocortisone ointment for the treatment of the heel spur. The cost is on average 30 rubles.

Dermatologists recommend using this drug ointment against spurs on the heels, as it has an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergenic property. Sometimes it can cause a reaction similar to the response of the body to antibiotics - fungal diseases.

Safe duration of treatment: 8-14 days. A remedy is applied no more than 3 times a day.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding is allowed only if the benefit to the mother is significantly higher than the risk to the child.

The use of children is possible from 1 year, but it must be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician. The cost of hormonal ointment varies between 25-40 rubles.

Synthetic corticosteroid agent, similar to the previous one due to the similarity of the active substance. This ointment from the spurs on the heel and other diseases characterized by the development of the inflammatory process, effectively neutralizes the symptoms (swelling, dryness), acts quickly and directionally.

The duration of the course is set individually, but use is longer than 14 days is not recommended. Side effects include obesity and malfunction of the central nervous system. The cost of the drug is approximately 300-350 rubles.

Non-hormonal ointments

Nonsteroidal ointments are made on the basis of natural components. Their use is safer and does not need to be adjusted by the doctor. It is worth paying attention to the composition, allergic reactions are possible with individual intolerance of the components.

Golden mustache is a room medicinal plant with a wide spectrum
healing properties: anti-inflammatory, analgesic, decongestant.

In addition to using the heel spur as part of treatment, the Golden Us ointment is used to restore other organ systems: the respiratory digestive system.

The cream cream structure, application is expedient at the initial stage of development of the heel spur. The effect can be enhanced by wearing cotton socks after application.


Treatment with this non-steroid drug can be quite fruitful. Among the contraindications are such complications of the disease as cracks and fungal diseases.


The cost of the facility is within 100 rubles.

Another effective non-steroidal remedy for the heel spur is Ortho Cream Tiger Eye.

Due to its rich composition, including beeswax, extracts
lemon, lilac and horseradish, castor oil, ointment quickly and effectively fights not only with the symptoms of the disease, but also with the causes that caused it.

The drug is administered 3 times a day. Before use, doctors recommend to clean the heel with pumice and apply the cream, and then use orthopedic insoles. The cost of the cream is about 250 rubles.

This component is used in the manufacture of ointments used for resorption
cutaneous neoplasm. According to reviews, the cream from the heel spur Akulia Fat accelerates the regenerative processes and has a warming property that improves blood circulation in the area of ​​pathology formation.

Application of the cream is desirable 2 times a day: morning and evening. The drug reduces soreness and relieves inflammation in the heel, preventing further development of the disease. The cost in pharmacies starts from 50 rubles.

A completely natural remedy, is specifically for the treatment of plantar fasciitis.

The ointment from the calcaneal spur contains bile, tea tree oil, potato extract and other components that help to relieve inflammation.


In addition to anti-inflammatory, the drug has antiseptic properties and improves blood circulation in soft tissues.


Croc Honey is recommended to use 2-3 times a day, first steaming a leg.

The result becomes noticeable after a few days: the pain recedes, the discomfort decreases with walking, but to achieve the best effect it is necessary to limit the motor activity during the treatment. The cost of the facility depends on the volume and starts from 40 rubles.

Cream-balm ShporNet activates the inflow of nutrients to the damaged tissue, which facilitates the rapid removal of inflammation. Improving blood circulation is also an important function of the drug, thanks to which the treatment of the calcaneal spur occurs quickly and effectively.

To achieve the result, 2 times a day rub in the skin of the heel ointment Shporon, if the disease is in a progressive stage, then the number of applications per day can be increased to 4. It is recommended to unload the foot before use. The price of the cream is 100 rubles.

The composition of the drug includes the already described shark fat and golden mustache.

The drug has a regenerative and absorbable effect, which is indispensable, considering the mechanism of the disease.

Like the previous remedy, ointment to treat the calcaneal spur Stop Spur helps to achieve the result in a rather short time.

The duration of treatment depends on how soon the effect will appear. The cost starts from 200 rubles.

It is used to relieve pain in the joints, has a rejuvenating effect on muscles and the musculoskeletal system. The composition includes vitamins, which support the elasticity of tissues and promote the resorption of salt outgrowths. It restores calcium metabolism.

When treating the calcaneal spur, xikram is applied to the area of ​​pathology 2 times a day for 3 weeks. To smear it is necessary rubbing circular motions then to use orthopedic insoles or socks from natural fabrics. The price is 160 rubles.

The composition of the ointment includes tar, xerobes, castor oil, and the mass fraction of the latter component is 94%.


The drug is an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic property, forms local immunity.


Contraindicated in people with kidney failure and individual intolerance of components.

To get rid of spurs on the heels, it is necessary to apply ointment and apply a warming compress for several hours. May cause an allergic reaction with prolonged use. The price is 30-40 rubles.

Improves blood flow in tissues, is a local anti-inflammatory agent, has a warming effect. It is important to avoid getting on mucous membranes.

The action is based on the displacing mechanism.

After applying the heel spur for treatment, the pain comes with a slight burning sensation - the result of a thermal reaction in the tissues.

Effectively anesthetizes, helps to improve the condition after a few procedures. The cost starts from 20 rubles.

This ointment is used against joint diseases. Contraindications include the period of pregnancy and lactation, children under 6 years of age, as well as increased sensitivity to the components.

The therapeutic effect against spurs on the heels is based on the reduction of painful sensations and the reduction of puffiness. It is undesirable to use for longer than 10 days, as well as applying to injured skin areas. The cost is within 80 rubles.


With targeted treatment of the calcaneal spur, the main drugs may not have an effect on soreness, which significantly worsens the patient's condition, including mental ones. Therefore, it is recommended to use additional painkillers for topical use.

Among them are Diclofenac, Chondroxide, Ortophen, Voltaren. All these drugs combine the basic property - anesthesia. They are not applied systemically, but situationally, although systematic use is also possible in case of severe pain.

Anesthetics for external use

Folk recipes for home ointments

Non-traditional medicine is famous for the fact that all the recipes it offers are based on the use of only natural ingredients.

It must be remembered that the treatment of serious diseases can not be built solely on folk remedies, however, using home therapy in addition to traditional treatment will not hurt.

Home ointments with heel spurs are represented by the following list:

It is necessary to mix 200 g of buckwheat honey with 20 g of iodine, add salt (10 g). The resultant mass is mixed, applied once a day. To enhance the effect, you can wrap your foot with cellophane and put on a woolen socks on top. The duration of the course of treatment is 10 days.

Birch tar (150 g) mixed with baby cream (80 g), add 30 g of honey and chili pepper. This remedy has a warming effect and improves circulation in the fascia. Apply twice daily for 2 weeks.


Beat the chicken egg to a homogeneous consistency, add the powdered shell, 100 ml of apple cider vinegar and insist 3 days in a dark place. Then add butter or unsalted fat (200 g). Apply rubbing movements 2 times a day for a week.


Ingredients for the preparation of home ointments

Heel spur is a secondary disease that develops against the backdrop of other disruptions in the human body.

That is why in the treatment it is necessary to simultaneously treat both the disease-cause and the disease-consequence.

Conservative treatment of salt deposits in the feet is more acceptable than surgical intervention, therefore the used ointment from the calcaneal spur is represented by such an extensive palette.

With a timely and adequate approach to therapy, you can get rid of a painful ailment quickly and effectively. The main thing - do not engage in self-medication, and consult with your doctor and follow his recommendations.

A source: https://NogivNorme.ru/bolezni/pyatochnaya-shpora/mazi-ot-pyatochnoj-shpory.html