Cabbage with honey from cough

Honey compress from cough - folk recipe

medovui kompress ot kawliaCompress with honey helps cure many diseases, stops the inflammatory process in the joints, relieves pain in varicose veins, also with this method can be cured cough. There are many recipes based on honey, everyone can individually choose for themselves suitable.

Value of a compress with natural honey

With the help of it you can withdraw phlegm, which is accompanied by a strong paroxysmal cough. To do this, you first need to rub your back and chest with honey. Polyethylene or parchment paper is applied from above, then it is necessary to put on a warm sweater or wrap around a warm blanket. Necessarily, that there was no irritation it is necessary to apply a vegetable oil on the skin, preferably olive oil.

It is recommended in compresses from cough to add grated horseradish, squeezed radish juice, so the effectiveness compresses intensify, it can also be used in the inflammatory process in the joints, for treatment osteochondrosis.

Folk recipes of compress with honey

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1. You need to boil the beets, then rub it, add honey, put everything in a bandage with gauze, put on the sternum. With the help of it, bronchitis can be cured, it is also often used to treat otitis media.

2. To rub in the back and sternum you need this self-prepared ointment, it will require 200 grams vodka, 150 honey and 60 grams of aloe juice, all mixed and put in gauze, apply to the back area, breasts. In the morning, the compress is washed off necessarily with warm water.

Compresses with honey from cough for a child

Honey can perfectly warm the bronchial system, but it is necessary to use such compresses very carefully to children. Beer products must be natural and quality. The course of therapy should last no less than 15 days. Pay attention, children often have the strongest allergic reaction. To check if she has a child, you need to apply a beek nectar on the elbow fold. Wait about an hour. If the skin is red, the child can not use this recipe.

When the child has sensitive skin, before you make a copper compress, you need to smear the affected area with olive oil.

Often apart from a child's cough, painful sensations in the throat disturb, for this it is necessary to warm up the honey and lubricate the neck area, apply polyethylene, gauze, bandage on top, wrap up the scarf, withstand up to 40 minutes. Then you need to rinse the skin thoroughly with water. The procedure will be effective if it is repeated for a whole week.

Compress from cough with honey and cabbage

You need to take a leaf of cabbage, apply honey on it, and attach it to the chest and back. This is one of the best cough remedies. Be sure to use cabbage leaves in fresh form, they should be different in their elasticity, if the leaf is fading, it will not help cure cough. Separate the leaves must be extremely cautious, they should not tear. The leaves are processed, they are dipped in boiling water, in this way they are soft, warm and obedient. After you pull them out with boiling water, you need to gently lay them on a plate, grease with warmed honey.

Apply the leaves in the chest, back, if the cough is strong and does not go away for a long time, it is forbidden to put the leaves on the heart. When a cough is small it is possible to attach a leaf to either the chest or back.

After the leaves have already been applied, you need to cover them with food film, tie a towel around them, put on something warm, make sure that the sheet does not slip, it should hold tight. During the compress you need to lie in bed, so recommend to use it before bed. So overnight he can fully heat the back, chest. In the morning you can get rid of the leaf, the skin is wiped with a tampon soaked in warm water.

If the cough is severe, it is necessary to treat this compress by day, but it is necessary to adhere to bed rest. With the help of honey and cabbage the patient is quickly restored, dry cough becomes wet, he is not so frequent, there can be a rare coughing. Honey-cabbage compresses should be carried out no less than three times, effectively to perform them during the whole week. This type of treatment can be used for adults and children.

Compresses from cough with honey and other useful ingredients

1. You can use such a compress, for it you need to take honey, a half glass of vodka, 40 grams of aloe juice, mix everything, use it as a compress. With the help of this compress, blood circulation can be improved, it has a warming effect.

2. Helps heal a honey cough with flour. For the recipe you need sunflower oil, vodka, mustard, honey, a tablespoon of flour. All warm up and attach to the chest area, insist up to 50 minutes. After a few days, you can see the effect after applying the prescription.

3. Cough, colds can be cured with a mixture of honey, mustard. Put in cheesecloth, put on the back, chest, close all gauze, food film, put on a warm sweater. The procedure should be conducted one week, less will not help.

Internal remedies with honey from cough

In addition to compresses it is very important to take decoctions, infusions and tinctures with honey inside.

Excellent helps lemon-honey syrup, to make it you need to cut the lemon, squeeze juice from it, put glycerin, pour honey. If a rare cough should be consumed one teaspoon per day, if coughing disturbs at night, it is necessary to take it at night. In cases of severe cough, it is necessary to use the medicine three times a day. When the cough decreases, you can take it less often.

Children with whooping cough are recommended to give such a medicine, for it you need to mix honey with warm oil. You can give your child no more than one teaspoon per day.

When colds are advised to use this infusion, it should take hot tea, milk, lemon juice, raspberries, this is the best cough remedy, it has a diaphoretic effect.

Thus, a compress with honey is one of the best and effective cough remedies, with the help of it you can soon get rid of it.

Cabbage from a cough

Compress from cabbage from cough

Cabbage from a coughSometimes a cabbage is called a poor's first aid kit or a doctor for the poor, because it is safe, environmentally friendly and affordable means can be used at low cost to treat all sorts of diseases. Cabbage contains antioxidants, which determine its powerful cleansing properties. It consists of minerals and vitamins, in particular vitamins A, B, C, E, as well as sulfur, calcium, iodine, magnesium, iron and phosphorus. It includes chlorophyll and mustard oil.

The main directions for using cabbage leaf are the following: anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, analgesic, antitoxic, immunostimulating, soothing. Cabbage leaves have long been successfully used as a compress for the prevention of cough. They excellently affect a certain part of the body, particularly the lungs and bronchi.

Compress from cabbage from cough is prepared as follows: the outer, green leaf is neatly separated from the matured head of cabbage. The thick stem is cut off and passed through it with a rolling pin to soften it. After that, for a few minutes, cabbage leaf should be lowered into boiling water. Then one side of the warm and soft cabbage leaf should be attached to the chest. On top of it you need to attach a film of polyethylene or a soft cloth, devoid of pile. Fixation can be made by means of a piece of cloth or a tight T-shirt. After this design will be applied for five or six nights, the cough will significantly decrease or cease altogether.

Compress from cabbage from cough has no age restrictions, as well as restrictions due to the state of health.

Compress from cabbage with honey from cough

The leaves of white cabbage must first be processed - put for a few minutes in a boil-hot water. This is necessary to soften them and give them softness and suppleness. When they take this form, it will be easier to work with them.

Then the leaves should be extracted from the water, put them on a dish and spread out. Layer of natural honey put on one side of the leaf cabbage. It is a good idea to heat the honey in a water bath - in this case it will be much easier to apply.

After the application of honey, the leaf with it should be put with one smeared side on the chest of the patient (not only on the heart area), but also on the back. Simultaneously both sheets are applied only in the event that the cough is very severe. If this is not the case, or if there is only an initial stage of a cold disease, you can put the leaf only on the chest or back.

Cabbage leaf should be covered with polyethylene film on top, in a few layers tie a wide bandage or towel and pull tight T-shirt. If you do this, the sheet will not fall off. After that, you just need to go to bed, keep the honey-cabbage compress all night long. During the night, the chest and back will warm up well. In the morning, you need to remove the cabbage leaf, thoroughly wipe the skin with a towel soaked in warm water, then put on fresh clean linen. This procedure should be repeated from three to five times, after which the cough will go to decrease or, will stop at all.

Compress from cabbage with honey from cough

Cabbage with honey from cough (decoction)

Decoction of cabbage with honey is used as a cough remedy. It is prepared as follows: one hundred grams of honey mixed with three tablespoons of grated dry cabbage leaf and poured three glasses of boiling water. During the day, insists in a dry dark place. After that you can drink three times a day, half an hour before meals. The broth has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, breaks down phlegm and eliminates hoarseness when coughing. As a result of the use of this decoction, the cough goes through completely for three days.

Cabbage leaf with honey from cough: throat cabbage treatment, reviews

Traditional medicine at all times was a worthy competition to drug treatment.

You can find an alternative to any medicine for a variety of diseases. The advantages of folk recipes in their simplicity, accessibility and harmlessness.

One such means is a honey pack, to which a cabbage leaf is often added. With the help of it, the majority of joint diseases, varicose veins and catarrhal symptoms are treated.

Healing properties of honey were always known, for the very first recipes excluded any external application. Now, honey is used in any form and in a variety of ways.

Value of a compress with natural honey

Value of a compress with natural honeyRinsing honey is one of the best ways to excrete sputum from the bronchi. Her appearance is accompanied by severe attacks of dry cough, which can exhaust the body in a short time.

Disease-causing organisms, getting into the respiratory tract, begin to multiply rapidly, thus provoking irritation of the mucous membrane. Dry cough is the most exhausting of all cold symptoms, and if you do not treat it, you can earn serious complications.

Fight with a dry cough and do not let him go to the chronic stage, you can in the following way:

  1. Take the usual floral honey, preferably liquid, and rub it on the upper part of the chest and back;
  2. Apply polyethylene or any other protective film. To enhance the effect, instead of a film, it is possible to use a cabbage leaf treated with boiling water;
  3. Wear your clothes warmly and wrap yourself in a woolen blanket;
  4. After such a compress, it is recommended to lubricate the skin with baby oil to avoid irritation.

In the honey for grinding, if desired, additives are added:

  • Grated horseradish;
  • Apple vinegar;
  • Radish and lemon juice;
  • Grated ginger;
  • Mustard.

Compress with honey excellently coughs, not allowing him to nest in the body for a long time.

In addition, exactly the same composition treat inflammation of the joints and osteochondrosis, just before the treated spot is rolled, cabbage leaf is applied. It enhances the healing effect.

Folk recipes of compress with honey

Compress with honey is used not only to treat cough and its recipes very much. Consider the most commonly used ones:

  1. Bronchitis or otitis can be cured with beets. For this, it is necessary to boil it, grate it, mix it with honey, put it in gauze. It is evenly applied to the breast and wrapped up in heat;
  2. Ointment for rubbing the chest and back for the night has the following composition: half a glass of vodka, 150 grams of honey and 60 grams of aloe juice. It is necessary to apply such a mixture with cotton wool or gauze, and in the morning it is necessary to wash off;
  3. To treat a sore throat, lubricate the neck with honey and wrap a warm scarf for about an hour. Then wash off. Repeat the procedure for a week;
  4. From the cough will help honey with flour. This is a very unusual recipe. To make it, you need to mix vodka, honey, sunflower oil, flour and mustard, and then heat it all up on fire. The resulting gruel is applied to the chest and back, to roll, leave for an hour. Do a few days;
  5. Any catarrhal disease treats honey well with mustard. Such compresses are made not less than one week.
  6. Honey and cabbage leaf is one of the best combinations for compresses. In addition, this is the easiest way. It is necessary to take a cabbage leaf, treat it with boiling water, apply honey to it and attach it to the necessary parts of the body. During such a compress it is better to observe peace and make minimum movements.
Honey and cabbage leafInterestingly, the latter method is considered the best for cough. With the help of cabbage and honey, you can get rid of even a protracted cough. The stronger and longer the symptom, the more often such compresses are put. Usually, it is applied overnight, but for the treatment of severe cough, it is recommended in the afternoon.

During treatment, the patient must comply with bed rest. It is not necessary to exhaust the already weak organism with superfluous gestures. You can not stop treatment until even rare coughs disappear, because it is not cured cough that leads to chronic bronchitis.

Before using a compress with honey, it is necessary to make sure that the patient does not have allergies to bees and the product of their vital activity. Honey quite often causes the strongest allergic reaction, but if everything is normal, such compresses with bronchitis can even be used.

In addition, it can lead to skin irritation. To avoid this, you can apply olive oil or vegetable oil before applying a honey compress. Children's oil is suitable for these purposes.

After the compress is removed, it is important to wash the areas smeared with honey, otherwise the redness of the skin will not be avoided.

Also, honey should not be used for a long time. Seven days in a row is quite enough. If the disease is not cured by honey, it is better to change the remedy.

Internal remedies with honey from cough

Internal remedies with honey from coughIn addition to compresses and rubbing, honey is used in a variety of recipes for internal use. With it make different syrups, tinctures and decoctions, it is taken in its natural form or diluted in water.

The only rule that is important to follow when preparing medicines with the use of honey - it can not be heated. The more the temperature, which he undergoes, the less useful properties he has left.

Some of the best recipes of folk medicine:

  • Squeeze the juice of one lemon, add glycerin and honey to it. Lemon-honey syrup mix and take a teaspoon per day during a cold;
  • Mixed with warm butter honey is given on a teaspoon per day in the treatment of whooping cough;
  • The cold will recede if you take the following composition: honey, milk, lemon juice, raspberries and hot tea.

Treatment with honey can be alternated with any other traditional medicine, for example, it can be scarlet and honey from a cough. The main thing is to know exactly what to treat. It is impossible to make a diagnosis by yourself: incorrect treatment can aggravate the situation. Therefore, before you start any treatment, you need to visit a doctor, and take the tests.

If folk treatment does not help, you need to introduce medication. For a better understanding of the advantages of cabbage leaf and honey when coughing, we offer video in this article.

Who knows the recipe for coughing "cabbage with honey on the chest in detail ...


Irina Vedeneeva (Burlutskaya)

Cough is a manifestation of many diseases. Cough can occur with colds, bronchitis, tracheitis, pleurisy, pneumonia and other lung diseases, can occur due to smoking. First of all, you need to treat the underlying disease, but at the same time, it can be facilitated by using cough remedies.
Traditional methods of cough treatment:
1) Fresh cabbage juice with sugar is useful as an expectorant for coughing. A decoction of cabbage with honey works well.
2) From the cough is useful to eat onions, toasted in butter and mixed with honey.
3) Mix in equal parts the purified hazelnuts and honey. Take 1 teaspoonful 5-6 times a day with warm milk.
4) Mix honey and horseradish juice in the ratio:. Take small portions throughout the day with a cup of tea. To drink for the whole day 2-3 cups of this infusion.
5) Wipe the ripe bananas through a sieve and put them in a pan with hot water at the rate of 2 bananas per 1 glass of water with sugar. Warm up and drink this mixture when coughing.
6) When coughing, cut into small cubes a black radish and put it in a saucepan, sprinkling with sugar. Bake in the oven for 2 hours. Strain and drain the liquid into a bottle. Drink 2 teaspoons 3-4 times a day and at night before going to bed.
7) When treating a cough, the healer Vanga advised to cook 1 potato, 1 onion, 1 apple in 1l. water. Cook until the water is less than half. This broth drink 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.
8) Grind 500gr. peeled onions, add 2 tablespoons of honey, 400 gr. sugar and cook over low heat in 1L. water for 3 hours. Then cool and drain. Store in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator. Take a mixture of warm 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day with a strong cough.
9) With a prolonged cough, mix 300gr. honey and 1kg. crushed aloe leaves, pour the mixture, l. water and bring to a boil. Keep on low heat for 2 hours, stirring. To cool. Keep in the refrigerator for no more than a month. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times daily before meals.
10) Juice from aloe leaves mixed in equal proportions with warm honey and butter. Take 1 teaspoon 4 times daily before meals with a strong cough.
11) Mix 3 tablespoons of severed birch buds with 100 gr. unsalted butter, put on fire, bring to a boil and simmer on very low heat for 1 hour. Strain, squeeze, kidney discard. Add 200gr. honey and mix well. Take with cough 4 times a day before meals.
12) Freshly cut nettle roots and finely chopped in sugar syrup. Take 1 tablespoon per day with a strong cough.
13) Pour 1 teaspoon of nettle grass, l. steep boiling water, insist, wrapped, 30 minutes and strain. Drink as tea for expectoration and dilution of sputum.
14) 1 tablespoon chopped plantain leaf pour 1 cup of boiling water, insist on a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool and strain. Take 1 tablespoon 5-6 times a day with a strong cough.
15) Thymus broth or liquid extract is used as an expectorant for coughing.
16) When coughing it is recommended to drink hot milk with butter: ¾ cup of milk for 50 grams. oil.
17) To weld in, l. milk 2-3 sheets of mother-and-stepmother and add to the broth on the tip of the knife fresh lard. Drink before going to bed for 3 tablespoons.
18) Infusion of a leaf of a nasturtium (it is on sale in a drugstore) is very effective at a cough. 10gr. leaf brew 1 glass of boiling water, insist 10 minutes and filter. Drink on a glass during the day.
19) Grate the chest and back for the night with the pork lard interior and wrap it with compress paper, over which to wrap a fluffy or woolen shawl.
20) After receiving the serum from 3 liters of milk, add to it 1 glass of honey and 100 gr. crushed root elecampane (sold at the pharmacy). Drink a glass three times a day before eating with a strong cough.

Tatyana Klykova

On a leaf of cabbage a thin layer of honey smears and is applied honey side to the chest area. Another recommended to tie a cotton cloth, and then either a shawl, or a scarf and into bed. Get well.

lilya miracle

Cabbage leaf a little cut (that would start the juice) and spread a little honey, put it on your chest and wrap it with film + woolen scarf and overnight, if honey is not allergic to course


it is better to raspberry rinse with tea and cabbage so -list rinse with hot water only not with boiling water and smear with the outer side with a thin layer of honey and lay on the chest or sore spot-this is for stretching, but not from colds


and it is not better to use paraffin, my mother constantly only he and cured


How long can I keep this compress on my chest?

Cabbage from cough is an effective way to quickly cure ailment

Compresses from cabbage from coughA simple, ecologically clean, absolutely safe and very cheap folk remedy for coughing is the usual white cabbage. For medicinal purposes, its leaves are used. They must be elastic and fresh. Cabbage from cough was used from time immemorial. And to this day the result exceeds all expectations of people who have turned to this folk remedy.

Compress from cabbage allows you to get rid of a cough in a few days. Such a high therapeutic effect of the vegetable is explained by the fact that vitamins and trace elements contained in germ, penetrate into the skin cells at the touch and exert on the human body a healing impact. It is quite diverse and consists in a combination:

  • Coping of inflammation.
  • Destruction of bacteria, microbes and viral infections.
  • Reducing the intensity of pain.
  • Excretion of toxins.
  • Relaxation.
  • Stimulation and activation of protective functions of the body.

Treatment of cough with cabbage leaf

The recipe for eliminating reflex spasms of the respiratory tract with the help of medicinal vegetables is quite simple. To use it you need:

  • From the head of cabbage to separate a good whole meaty leaf.
  • Dip briefly into boiling water to make it softer, but do not need to cook or keep in hot water for a long time.
  • Remove, dry with a towel or napkin.
  • On the one hand, spread it with any honey (if sugared, then warm it in a water bath) and apply it to the breast.
  • Cover the cabbage with polyethylene.
  • Tie a compress tape or scarf.
  • Wear something warm.
Recipes with cabbage from cough

In the event that the patient is disturbed by a very severe cough, then one should make lining immediately from two leaves of cabbage. In this case, the second is placed on the upper back. If the unpleasant symptom only begins, then one is enough.

It is recommended to apply cabbage leaf for cough all night. In this case, the impact will be a fairly long time, and the first result can be noticed in the morning. For a sustainable effect, it is necessary to perform 3 to 5 procedures, which are done several days in a row.

Patients suffering from cough and having allergies to beekeeping products can use only a leafless cabbage. The effectiveness of it and as an independent tool is very high.

When performing symptomatic treatment for a cough with the help of a compress made from cabbage leaves, it is worth considering that Such a method will only result if the symptom caused by cold and respiratory symptoms is eliminated diseases. Therefore, before starting treatment it is necessary to visit a doctor and establish the exact origin of reflex respiratory tract spasms.

Recipes with honey from a cough

Honey from a coughSome of the oldest and most reliable folk remedies for coughing are various bee products. They are used to treat an unpleasant phenomenon for thousands of years and perfectly help a person not to fight only with reflex spasms of the respiratory tract, but also with accompanying symptoms and even ailments, their calling. Honey from cough can be used as a pure form, and act as an ingredient in various recipes. The simplest version is the resorption of several spoons of this product at the first signs of the disease and the appearance of an unpleasant symptom. You can use honey when you cough dry and wet, weak and intense, chronic and only beginning. The main thing is to apply it correctly and expediently. That is, for successful recovery it is necessary:
  • To treat with this beekeeping product a symptom caused by colds, respiratory diseases, viral infections, as well as respiratory tract ailments.
  • Use the component in doses determined by the recipes, do not overdo or report. Proper storage of medicinal compounds.

What kind of honey cough cures?

What honey is better for coughingMedicinal prescriptions aimed at treating reflex respiratory tract spasms involve the use of a beekeeping product with the following characteristics:
  • Fresh.
  • Not diluted with sugar.

You can use honey for coughing, liquid and hard. If the product is candied, it is recommended that it be heated in a water bath.

Honey cough treatment: various recipes

In addition to using the product in its pure form, there are many options for combining it with various ingredients. Cough recipes with honey mean the use of other components that have different healing properties. Very often for these purposes, the following products come into play:

  • Treatment of cough honeyMilk.
  • Radish.
  • Turnip.
  • Bow.
  • Butter.
  • Sea buckthorn.
  • Kalina.
  • Cowberry.
  • Mustard.
  • Lemon.
  • Glycerin and others.

All products used in medicinal recipes have healing properties, and in combination with honey, the effect of the components is enhanced, which gives a much greater effect than independent use, and helps to successfully fight with reflex spasms of respiratory ways. There are recipes in which you want to grind, there are those where the resulting composition is used inside or in the form of compresses.


The amount of honey, art. l.

Number of other ingredients

How to prepare and apply a remedy

Honey cake for cough


Flour, dried mustard, vegetable oil for 1 tbsp. l.

Mustard with honey from cough is used in the form of compresses. For their preparation, the following recipe is used: mix the ingredients, slightly heat them in a microwave oven. Transfer the therapeutic mixture into a cellophane bag, give a flattened shape. Put it on your chest. Such a compress perfectly helps to regenerate dry spastic exhalations into productive spasms, contributes to sputum discharge.

Radish with honey from cough


Black radish - 1 pc.

Treatment of cough radish with honey is as follows: it is necessary to cut the upper part of the vegetable and make a knife small cavity in the pulp. Put the product of beekeeping there, cover with a cut "lid". Leave the radish for 12 hours. After this time, begin to take the resulting therapeutic juice for 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

The medicine, made with this prescription, contributes to the coughing process and helps to get rid of the symptom caused by bronchitis and colds.

Glycerin, honey, lemon-cough


Lemon - 1 pc., Glycerin - 2 tbsp. l.

Boil the lemon for 10 minutes. Cool the fruit and cut it in half. Squeeze out the juice from the lemon, mix it with the rest of the ingredients, put the ingredients for 4 hours in the refrigerator or cellar. With strong reflex spasms of the respiratory tract, it is necessary to take a lemon, glycerine, honey from a cough up to 8 times a day in a teaspoonful. If the symptom is not too intense, then the frequency can be reduced to 3-4 times.

The composition prepared according to this recipe should be stored in a dark place. However, not in the cold.

Milk, honey, soda, oil from cough


Soda h. l., butter - a small piece, milk - 1 glass.

Honey with soda from cough is prepared as follows: it is necessary to warm the milk, but do not bring it to a boil. Add soda, butter and bees nectar. Mix the medicinal composition. Drink it twice a day before eating.

The preparation prepared according to this recipe perfectly strengthens immunity, effectively relieves dry spastic exhalations, degenerating them into moist, dilutes sputum, promotes its elimination from organism.

Onion with honey from cough


Onions - 200 gr., Sugar - 80 gr., Water - 2 liters.

Bulbs clean, cut, pour water, put on a slow fire. Cook for 1 hour. Add the rest of the ingredients. After that, boil for another 2 hours. Cool the broth and drain. Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day. Keep the medication in the refrigerator. Before use, slightly warm up.

The composition made with this recipe well relieves the unpleasant symptom that accompanies catarrhal diseases, and also struggles with the underlying ailment.

Lemon, honey, ginger from cough


Grated ginger - 2 hours. l., lemon - 1 slice, red pepper - pinch, tea - to taste.

Take black or green tea, add the remaining ingredients to it, boil it with boiling water. The recipe can be slightly changed and instead of the lemon add an orange.

This drink helps a lot when getting rid of an unpleasant symptom caused by colds. You need to drink it several times a day.

Cahors, aloe with honey from cough


Leaves of aloe - 350 gr., Wine kagor - 750 gr, alcohol - 100 gr.

Cut off the bottom leaves from aloe, cut them into small pieces, fold them into a glass container. Mix with the rest of the ingredients, close the lid, let it brew for 24 hours. Use honey and aloe from cough should be 2 tablespoons before meals 3 times a day. Keep the drug mixture in a refrigerator or cellar.

A drink prepared with this recipe helps to get rid of the sharp spastic exhalations triggered by diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract.

Lingonberry, viburnum with honey from cough


Juicy cowberry - 5 tbsp. l.


berries viburnum - 5 tbsp. l.

Mix the ingredients in equal amounts. The composition with cowberry can be taken immediately, the viburnum must be insisted for a week. Take the medicine up to 4 times a day. Healing compositions made with these recipes help to thin the sputum and remove it from the body.

Horseradish with honey from cough


Horseradish juice - 4 tbsp. l.

A remedy for coughing with honey and horseradish is well established. For its preparation, it is necessary to mix the components in the ratio:. Take a medicine prepared with this recipe is recommended for reflex spasms of the respiratory tract caused by colds. Do this should be 1 table spoon in the morning and evening.

From cough honey, cocoa butter


Milk - 1 glass, cocoa butter - a small piece.

Put the rest of the ingredients in the hot milk. Drink and wrap yourself in a blanket.

This recipe for cough with honey is recommended for use in non-productive spastic exhalations, accompanied by high fever.

Cabbage with honey from cough


Cabbage leaf - 1 piece

Lubricate with bee nectar blanched cabbage leaf, attach it to the chest. Top with polyethylene and fix the overlay with ribbons or a scarf. Wear your clothes warmly, go to bed.

Compress, made with this recipe, relieves an unpleasant symptom in just a few days.

Vodka with honey from cough


Vodka - 50 g., Lemon - 1 slice, dry ginger - pinch

Mix all the ingredients. The composition is heated in a water bath, but do not bring it to the boil. Drink the medicine at a glance before going to bed, it's good to take cover.

The composition prepared according to this recipe must be taken at the initial stages of colds and only in the absence of increased body temperature.

Beer with honey from cough


Beer of any kind l.

It is good to warm beer on low fire, but do not let it boil. Put the beekeeping product in it, thoroughly stop the liquid. The remedy prepared for this prescription helps to reduce the intensity of reflex spasms of the respiratory tract caused by colds, sore throats, and flu.

Sea-buckthorn with honey from cough


Sea-buckthorn oil - 4 tbsp. l.

Connect the two components in the proportion:. Take medicine at night. The composition perfectly helps with reflex spastic exhalations caused by diseases of the nasopharynx.

Effective recipes with honey from a cough

Who can not cure honey?

Among the variety of recipes made on the basis of a medicinal product of beekeeping, any person suffering reflex spasm of the respiratory tract can find a suitable option for himself. However, despite the fact that honey - cough remedy is almost universal, it is not suitable for treating the following categories of patients:

  • Have diabetes.
  • Suffering from violations of the liver and pancreas.
  • Allergies.

All the rest can safely use honey against coughing. However, do not forget that the compounds prepared according to the recipes with this ingredient are only an auxiliary means of treating an unpleasant symptom. They help only if the fight is in parallel with the underlying ailment causing an unpleasant phenomenon.

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