
Sonography: what is it? uzi of the spine

Content 1Sonography: what is it, and in what areas is it used? 1.1What is the uniqueness of the method? 1.2What are the indications for ultrasound sonography? 1.3What is the importance of ultrasound for the musculoskeletal system and the brain? 2What is sonography? 2.1What is this diagnostic method? 2.2When is the sonography? 2.3Why do you need a sonography of the spine? 2.4Benefits of Sonography 2.5Do I need to prepare for the survey? 2.6Further actions 3When ultrasound is...

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Nimulide: instructions for the use of syrup, tablets and ointments in adults and children

Content 1Syringe Nimulide for children: instructions for use, prices and reviews 1.1Indications 1.2Dosage at different ages 1.3Overdose and side effects 1.4Storage and leave conditions, shelf life 1.5Reviews 2Syrup Nimulide: instructions for use for children, analogues, reviews 2.1Why do pain and heat develop? 2.2What are the features of the drug? 2.3Forms of release 2.4What is Nimulide used for? 2.5Are there side effects? 2.6Contraindications 2.7Overdose 2.8Syrup Nimulide...

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Amiksin how to take in ARVI

"Amiksin instructions for use"Amiksin" is an effective treatment and prevention of respiratory and viral diseases in children and adults. The drug has an immunomodulatory effect. Its action is aimed at direct suppression of viruses, which contributes to a rapid recovery.Properties of the preparation"Amiksin" promotes the synthesis of interferon. The drug stimulates stem cells, enhances the formation of antibodies, thus affecting the increase of immunity."Amiksin" is available in tablets with ...

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Knee Joint

Orthopedic pillow with a memory effect

Content 1Details about an orthopedic pillow with a memory effect 2Pillow with memory effect - recommendations for choice 2.1"Memory effect" - what does it mean 2.2Indications and contraindications 2.3Fillers 2.4Criterias of choice 2.5TOP-10 products 2.6Relax Visco Vegetal 2.7Brener Еmbrace 2.8Magniflex "Relief" 2.9Vefer Sky Jap-53 2.10Tempur Sonata M 2.11Vefer Sky PORTOGALLO 2.12Relax Visco Element 2.13MaterLux Technogel 2 2.14MaterLux Anna - 1 2.15Tempur Millennium S 2.1...

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Antibiotic for genyantritis adults name of drugs

What drugs are used to treat sinusitis, the most effective remedy for sinusitisSince the time of zemstvo medicine, when there was one doctor in the whole district, whose specialization was surgery, the treatment of maxillary sinusitis was reduced to the principle "where there is pus, wider open".The wall of the maxillary sinus under local anesthesia was pierced with a wide needle or trocar, after which it was drained with pumping out purulent contents.This practice existed in the eighties of ...

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Bruised knee: how to provide first aid and what should be further treatment?

Legs are part of the body most prone to injury, one of which is a bruise. Bruises are called soft tissue injuries caused by severe strokes. A bruised knee injury is one of the most common injuries among people of all ages: from children just beginning to walk to the deeper old people. The cause of household injury is most often a blow against a hard surface due to a fall or a direct blow to the knee area. Sports injuries occur with a sharp deviation of the tibia and are often combined with l...

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Runny nose and fever 38 in a child

Runny nose and temperature in the child, how to treat?At the child the runny nose is accompanied by a high temperature at inflammatory process of a mucous nose. The nasal cavity has a large number of nerve endings, they are associated with various systemic organs. When the disease can burn heavily in the nose, there is dryness, the child constantly chaa, pershit in the throat.Symptoms of a common cold with feverAt the beginning of the disease the child weakens, constantly flaccid, he is troub...

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Pinching of the nerve in the lower back, treatment of nerve impaction in the lumbar region

Content 1Pinch of the nerve in the lower back and pain: symptoms and treatment at home 1.1Causes of pinching of the nerve in the lumbar region 1.2Diagnostic Methods 1.3How to treat pinching of the nerve in the lower back 1.4Physiotherapy 1.5Manual therapy 1.6Reflexology 1.7Physiotherapy exercises and massage 1.8Surgical intervention 1.9Folk remedies 1.10: what to do if the nerve in the lower back is pinched 2Nerve impaction in the lumbar region: signs, methods of treatment of...

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Complications after the flu in children

Complications of influenza in childrenInfluenza for children is much more dangerous than a common cold. Every year, many children suffer from seasonal flu, and sometimes complications of the flu lead to death. What complications can a child have after the flu and how to reduce the risk of their occurrence?Sad Facts about Influenza in Children Children often need medical help after the flu, sometimes because of complications do not live up to 5 years. Severe complications of influenza are most...

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Joint simulator: for the development of the knee for arthrosis

Content 1Training apparatus for joints 1.1rules 1.2Types 1.3Using 1.4Features 2Exerciser for the development of joints 2.1Types of simulators 2.2Training apparatus for lower limbs 2.3Exercise machines for upper limbs 312 exercises for arthrosis of the knee joint. Instruction with photo 4How to develop a knee joint at home: effective exercises and recommendations of specialists 4.1Features of the knee joint 4.2What should I remember before I start training? 4.3Diseases of ...

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