Runny nose and fever 38 in a child

Runny nose and temperature in the child, how to treat?

At the child the runny nose is accompanied by a high temperature at inflammatory process of a mucous nose. The nasal cavity has a large number of nerve endings, they are associated with various systemic organs. When the disease can burn heavily in the nose, there is dryness, the child constantly chaa, pershit in the throat.

Symptoms of a common cold with fever

At the beginning of the disease the child weakens, constantly flaccid, he is troubled by a severe headache. After 2 days there is a large amount of discharge from the nose, they can be transparent, liquid, in severe cases become green and thick.

The temperature jumps to 38 degrees. The mucous membrane is swollen, breathing becomes difficult, there are problems with the sense of smell, taste. Sometimes lays and rumbles in the ears.

If a runny nose with fever occurs in a newborn, the mucous membrane swells and narrows, respiratory function is impaired. All this leads to the fact that the child can not fully eat a breast, breathes with his mouth. The child is constantly restless, does not sleep well, does not eat up, greatly loses weight. It is dangerous when a child begins to suffocate in a dream.

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Causes of a common cold with fever

Runny nose in a child can be contagious and non-infectious. The latter occurs when a bead enters the nasal passage. Most common cold is contagious, occurs due to ARVI, flu. Viruses disrupt the condition of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. They are permeable. A bacterial infection can join, then the temperature rises to 39 degrees.

Rhinitis is characteristic for the autumn-winter period, when the child is overcooled. Dangerous hypothermia of feet.

In some situations, a child's cold with a temperature is triggered by an allergic reaction to smoke, dust, flavors. The mucous membrane of the nose can be infected, the inflammatory process develops.

Stages of development of a cold in a child

  • The symptom begins to develop rapidly. Runny nose is observed for a maximum of 1 day. When the vessels narrow, the mucous membrane pales, the gesture in the nose, dryness is observed, the person constantly sneezes.
  • The catarrhal stage, on which the vessels dilate, reddens and swells the nasal mucosa. It's hard for a man to breathe. With viral infection, the secretions are transparent, abundant, watery. There are problems with the sense of smell, increased tearing, ears, a voice appears nasal. The mucous membrane is bright red.
  • At this stage, the discharge becomes yellow, green, and dense. The mucous membrane of the nose becomes normal, the nasal passages can expand. The disease passes a week later. If the immune system is strong, the child recovers after 2 days. When the defenses are weakened, the rhinitis is prolonged for a month, can become chronic, leading to serious complications.

Danger of rhinitis with fever for the baby

Prolonged runny nose in a child can lead to a pathological formation of the skeleton of the face, chest, oxygen exchange is disturbed. As a result, there are problems with the heart, blood vessels. The child lags behind in development, quickly gets tired, he has problems with sleep.

Also, the common cold is reflected in the memory. The child can not concentrate, constantly diffused. Chronic rhinitis is dangerous because it can lead to an allergic disease. Inflammatory process in the nose with temperature can exacerbate kidney diseases, bronchial asthma.

Diagnosis of a cold in a child

It is important in time to comprehensively examine a child, in order to prescribe a treatment. Address to an ENT-doctor. If a runny nose occurs in a newborn, it is immediately necessary to call a therapist. First, the doctor interrogates the mother, then, using a special tool, the nasal mucosa is examined. Be sure to put the child directly, so you can clearly see the middle nasal shell. The expert carefully examines the outer part of the nose, feels it.

In addition, the attending physician prescribes a general blood test, a x-ray of the maxillary sinuses, and the thorax. An allergic, immunological examination is necessary. To reduce the common cold, the child is taught to blow his nose. It is recommended to use sea water for washing - Salin, Aquamaris, Physiomer. Especially useful is the decoction of herbs of sage, chamomile, St. John's wort. Medicines will soften the crusts, improve the mucus. Also, if the child is not allergic, it is advisable to use almond, peach, olive oil.

Advise as often as possible to ventilate the room, the air should be constantly moistened in it. If the child refuses food, it is not necessary to feed him. When the newborn does not want to take the breast, express the milk and give them a child, you can do it with a spoon. Permanently remove the mucus that has accumulated in the nasal passages.

To alleviate the symptoms of a runny nose in a child of up to a year, vasoconstrictive drops will help - Vibrocil, Brizolin, Otryvin, Nazivin. Infants can drip nose with nasal drops. In the event that a bacterial infection is attached, it is necessary to use antibacterial drugs - Isofra spray, Bioparox aerosol, Bactroban ointment. Advised to use homeopathic medicines - Euforbium. In the nose is best to instill pre-warmed drops, for this they put them in warm water.

To strengthen the immune system will help point massage, it should be done twice a day. Pay attention, the temperature is below 3, degrees do not need to knock down. For preventive purposes, perform a respiratory gymnastics complex.

Older children, if there is no temperature, are advised to take foot baths using mustard powder. The feet are reflexogenic zones, they contain a large number of nerves. From the common cold will help get rid of inhalation, they are advised to use baking soda, mineral water, essential oils, herbal decoctions.

Thus, a runny nose with a child's temperature should not be started, it is necessary to treat it in time to avoid serious consequences.

Temperature, cough, runny nose in a child

Each mother meets several times a year with various manifestations of colds in her child. Most often, the temperature, cough and runny nose affect the baby at a time when significant climatic changes occur in nature, that is, in early spring and late autumn. However, often such symptoms are caused by the ingestion of a virus or infection, which should be treated immediately.

In this article, we will tell you what factors can cause temperature, cough and runny nose in a child, and how to treat this condition.

Why does the child have a temperature of 37, a runny nose and a cough?

With a slight increase in temperature, cough is most often a symptom of respiratory diseases. Coryza in this situation usually occurs, as a manifestation of a mild allergic reaction. In most cases such a malaise causes such causes as bronchial asthma, pharyngitis, tracheitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, rhinitis.

Causes of a cough, runny nose and fever 38-39 in a child

A significant increase in body temperature, accompanied by a cough and runny nose, in most cases indicates an acute respiratory infection. Viruses and bacteria, getting into the baby's respiratory tract, irritate their mucous membrane. As a consequence, an inflammatory process occurs in the child's body.

The baby swells around the mucous membrane of the nose, lays its ears, it can not breathe. When the cells of the immune system begin to fight the disease, the body temperature rises sharply. Cough usually joins a little later - on the second-third day after infection.

How to treat these symptoms?

Any ARI accompanied by high fever, especially in infants, should be treated under the supervision of a pediatrician. With the wrong tactics, it can provoke serious complications, such as bronchitis, pneumonia, otitis or sinusitis. If the body temperature of the baby only slightly exceeds the norm, you can try to cope with the disease yourself.

Approximately 5-6 times a day it is necessary to wash the nose with saline solution, after which oily drops, eg Pinosol, should be dripped into each nostril. In addition, with the help of a nebulizer it is useful to do inhalations with saline, fir oil or sage infusion.

From a strong debilitating cough, a popular folk remedy is a good help - a juice of black radish with honey. Also the child can be given such antitussive syrups as Lazolvan, Prospan or Herbion.

In any case, do not take too much into self-medication. If the general condition of the child does not improve within a few days, consult a doctor immediately.

Than to treat a cold at the child?

Most women consider themselves specialists in three areas: medicine, cooking and raising children, so writing on the topic: "How to treat a cold in a child?" - an ungrateful occupation. And yet, I will try to discuss a topic about which kilometers of text have already been written.

Colds in children in medical language is called acute respiratoryviraldisease (abbreviated ARVI). The word "viral" is allocated by me intentionally, since it is the key word in the following narrative.

Symptoms of a cold in children are as follows: sudden, most often asymptomatic rise in body temperature, after which appear liquid, transparent discharge from the nose (in Russian - runny nose). If the discharge turns into yellow or green, then this is a symptom of the bacterial infection that has joined in the nasopharynx. Cough initially dry, but over time it becomes wet. There may be perspiration and pain in the throat, as well as sneezing.

How to treat a child with a cold?

Each mother, sitting over the bed of a sick kid, asks the question: "What to give the child for a cold?". I set forth the rules that any medical student is taught in the pediatric classes:
  1. Fighting fever is paracetamol in the age-related dose.
  2. Abundant drink - prevention of dehydration caused by fever.
  3. With a dry cough - antitussives (contraindicated for children under 2 years), with a moist cough - expectorant (bromheksin, ambroksol, ATSTS, etc.) cm. a review of all expectorants for cough).
  4. After the temperature returned to normal, you can apply physiotherapy methods: foot massage, soda inhalation, etc.

How not to treat ARVI in children

World statistics speaks the following

90% of respiratory infections (upper respiratory tract infections) in children are viral. It is viral, which antibiotics do not work. Unfortunately, most mothers consider antibiotics to be medicines for fever and start feeding them a child for any cold.

Safe medicines do not exist, the use of antibacterial agents causes allergies, intestinal dysbiosis, depresses immunity and forms antibiotic resistance of bacteria.

Pediatricians, of course, know about the harm of antibiotics in ARVI, but distinguishing cold from pneumonia, and even at home with the patient, using only the hands, eyes and phonendoscope is difficult, especially with insufficient experience.

It is easier for most pediatricians to prescribe an antibiotic to a child on the first day and, as they say, "do not sweat the harm from them in the beginning is not very noticeable, pneumonia if it was, it will pass, and if it does not, there is excuse, I have correctly prescribed treatment, and my mother calm.

I sum up: antibiotics for colds for children under 12 years old do not apply the first 5 days. If you have weak nerves, then every cough or runny nose should be accompanied by a visit to the polyclinic and additional studies: blood test, lung X-ray, examination of an ENT doctor, urinalysis and etc.

Body temperature rise

Adults and children over 6 years of age should be treated with fever if it exceeds 390C. This temperature is no longer considered physiological and can harm the body. In young children (up to 6 years), antipyretic agents should be used at a temperature of 3, 0С, because of the threat of convulsive syndrome. And also in children with convulsive readiness or previously recorded febrile seizures, the temperature is reduced from 3, -38C.

Temperature is an important component of the body's struggle with infection. At a fever the vital activity of causative agents of cold is oppressed, and also mobilization of protective forces of an organism occurs. Therefore, excessive struggle with fever only prolongs recovery. In addition, absolutely all antipyretic agents can cause allergies, ulceration in the stomach or severe kidney damage, up to their failure.

In addition to tablets, there are physical methods of cooling. Of course, in adults they are not very effective, but the child can lower the temperature by a whole degree (see Fig. how to reduce the temperature without drugs):

  • If the child is red - with red hyperthermia, when the baby is pink, do not wrap the sick kid, but, on the contrary, undress it to the panties and leave to cool in the air. Cruel, but effective.
  • If the child is pale - white hyperthermia, it should be wrapped in a light blanket and give a warm liquid.
  • Rub the baby with vodka (not suitable for young children, especially up to 1 year), it is better to rub locally - pens, legs. The evaporating alcohol will quickly cool the skin. Do not use alcohol solutions higher than vodka concentration. This may affect the skin of the child, and the child may become drunk, as part of the alcohol will necessarily suck.
  • Cold on the main vessels. In the normal language it sounds like this: take a plastic bottle, pour cold water into it and apply it to the armpits or inguinal areas. Water will cool the large blood vessels passing there.
  • Do not put a hat on the child in the room, especially the patient. These people like to do grandmothers of the old school. The head is the main source of heat loss in the body, up to 80% of the heat is removed through it, so with fever, the head needs to be cooled in every possible way.

At a fever the evaporation of a liquid from a skin considerably amplifies. Therefore, the child must be drunk abundantly, in order to avoid a life-threatening dehydration. Any liquid will suit: compotes, fruit drinks, tea, juices and just pure water.

A story about how Russian pediatrics makes healthy children sick


  • Mom is an average Russian mother who thinks she knows about the cold ALL.
  • The kid is a normal, healthy five-year-old, who regularly visits the kindergarten.
  • Pediatrician - recently finished his studies and received a distribution in the average Russian polyclinic, full of knowledge about howcorrectlyto treat a cold.

So. The baby comes back from the kindergarten sluggish, snotty, coughing and with a temperature of 3, 0С. The next morning, Mom calls the clinic and calls the doctor at the house.

The Pediatrician comes, examines the child and diagnoses: ARVI. He was taught that at this age, 90% of respiratory infections are viral, which means that they are treated as described at the beginning of this article. He prescribes paracetamol, copious drink, and also ascorbic, and leaves with a calm soul.

And the disease does not pass, the temperature is held around 390C, the child cries, refuses to eat, snot and coughs. Mom knows for sure that ascorbic is not a medicine at all, and paracetamol only knocks down the temperature. She calls the polyclinic, and swears at everyone and everything, they say, that you were sent to the doctor-ignoramus.

In order not to "tease geese the Head of the Department visits the Kid. pediatric ward or deputy. chief doctor and prescribe an antibiotic. Motivation is understandable. First, that Mom did not interfere with the work of hysterical calls. Secondly, if the pneumonia nevertheless develops, and the antibiotic is not appointed, Mama will immediately submit to the court. In general, we treat "not as necessary but "how calmer".

As a result, a cold, which could pass for 7 days, flows for 3 weeks. During the fight against the disease, children's immunity is greatly weakened. The kid is taken to a kindergarten, where someone must sneeze into him and the cold will stick again.

After a week of going to the kindergarten, the baby again has fever, runny nose and cough. Mom again calls home. The pediatrician was summoned "on the carpet" last time and explained "how to work with patients". He comes to the Kid and appoints an antibiotic from the first day. Everyone is happy: Mom - the fact that the treatment is correct from her point of view, the Pediatrician - he will again not be deprived of the prize, the management of the polyclinic - there will not be a showdown with another complaint.

And again, that illness that could pass for a week, flows a month. What kind of child's immunity can this endure? Again a kindergarten, again a cold and again a month "we are treated". That's how our heroes turned a healthy youngster into an often and long-term ill (official term by the way). I hope you understand where frequent colds come from a child?

Some of the most popular questions of parents

Can I bathe a child with a cold?

This issue dates back 200 years ago, when there was no hot water in the houses, and children were washed in the trough in the corridor or in the bath, there it was possible to get sick even more. In the 21st century, you can and should bathe a chilled baby, but it is worth remembering that a hot bath at elevated body temperature is strictly contraindicated. It is enough to limit yourself to a warm shower.

How can you understand that the child has recovered?

Positive dynamics can be considered 3 days of normal temperature. Also a good indication is the conversion of dry cough to wet (assuming that the separable does not become transparent yellow or green). But if already the convalescent child has a fever again, then we can assume the attachment of a bacterial infection.

If the child is sick, should he eat better?

With fever, all the strength of the body is spent fighting infection, and digesting heavy protein foods requires a lot of energy. Therefore, at high temperature, food should be light, if possible rich in carbohydrates and vitamins, but it is good and dense to feed the recovering child to restore his strength.

If the child has a fever without a cough and a cold

Many young parents of young children experience very badly when the child has a fever without a cough and runny nose, and also without other obvious symptoms of a certain illness. Basically, the waves are groundless, but there are cases when such a state indicates that the baby is ill with something serious.

Most often, the temperature without any symptoms rises in infants and children to three years, because the thermoregulation in the body is not quite settled, which simply leads to "overheating".

What should I do if the temperature rises?

First of all, mom and dad should take a good look at the general condition of the child to find out if he has any manifestations of any disease. It is clear that if there are problems with a stool with a fever, nausea, sore throat, this is a sign of ARD or a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. In such circumstances, it is worth immediately visiting a pediatrician to consult and clarify the diagnosis. But often parents come to doctors, whose kids, in addition to high body temperature, have no more symptoms.

Diseases in which there is a high fever without a runny nose or cough:

  1. Children's infections: scarlet fever, measles, chickenpox. The heat is accompanied by rashes on the skin.
  2. Inflammation of the larynx with diphtheria, angina.
  3. Enlarged lymph nodes.
  4. Diseases of the nervous system, for example, meningitis or encephalitis.

To the doctor it is necessary to address, if the temperature lasts more than 5 days, and also if antipyretic agents do not help.

First aid is simply necessary if the child is very unwell.If you can do without a doctor, you need to take antipyretic drugs that can improve the overall condition of the child, which makes it possible for him to have a good night's rest. This is a necessary condition to restore the strength of the body and direct them to fight the disease. Therefore, it is recommended to reduce heat, which is not accompanied by a cough and runny nose. It is advisable to do this before going to bed and before eating. Antipyretic for a child should be based on paracetamol or else you can use Ibuprofen.

What are the reasons for the baby to fever?

The first cause of fever can be congenital heart disease (vice). In this case, the increase or decrease in temperature is affected by changes in climatic conditions or stressful situations. If a child has problems with the cardiovascular system, then it is worth it from infancy to temper and adapt to the environment in order to avoid many health problems. For this reason, the temperature immediately jumps upward. And then it drops to 37 degrees and remains so for a very long time. Parents should urgently contact the doctor to know how to act.

Most often, the temperature in young children is increased due to overheating in the sun. Children are very strongly dressed to avoid a cold, and they are very hot in these clothes. A lack of fluid in the body leads to a violation of metabolism and increased body temperature. Therefore, parents should know that in hot weather a child should receive a sufficient amount of water, not be warmly dressed and not be in the open sun. And if there was an overheating, the baby should be taken to a cool place and given a drink of water.

The cause of fever can be the inflammatory process in the body. For example, when the wound is affected on the skin or on internal organs. In these affected areas, pyrogen is released, which can cause heat.

Children with an unstable nervous system can respond to increased voice, other irritants and unpleasant factors feverish condition. In this case, parents should create a certain mode of life for their child, which will not overburden the psyche.

Another common cause of fever without symptoms is an allergic reaction to anything. To eliminate this problem, it is enough to find out the allergen and remove it from the child.

A natural reaction of the baby's body to some vaccines, as well as to poor-quality medicines is a fever. This condition lasts for 3 days.

Mom should always well and carefully study the instructions for the use of drugs and monitor their shelf life, so as not to poison the baby and not cause allergies.

Heat may occur after prolonged physical activity of the baby. After all, he constantly runs, jumps, sweats and does not sit still for a minute. This is the reason that the body temperature can jump no higher than 3 degrees. But he should rest, as this state passes. So this is not cause for concern.

In infants, fever can be the result of teething. Parents immediately notice that the gums are red and swollen, and the baby behaves capriciously. Do not worry, just need patience and wait for the teeth to appear.

Very often, a rise in temperature is a consequence of an experienced cold. The immunity of the child after the illness is greatly weakened, and the temperature can stay at a high mark for a long time. To help the body cope with the effects of ARVI, it is necessary to support it with a vitamin complex, which has a restorative effect on the body.

The cause of heat may be kidney disease.

The overall picture looks like this: very long the thermometer shows 37 degrees and no more, but then the temperature rises sharply to the level of 39. In this case, it is better to pass an ultrasound examination.

Is it worth it to bring down the temperature?

All doctors are categorically opposed to knocking down the temperature of the child's body, which does not exceed 3 degrees (and in adults, too). Such a fever is considered a normal reaction of the child's organism to the disease, when the immune system comes into conflict with the microbes and bacteria that cause the disease. Parents should simply create comfortable and proper conditions for the speedy recovery of the baby: give a lot of warm drinks, ventilate the room, regularly do a wet cleaning, create the optimal humidity in the rooms, give only an easy and useful food. But some pediatricians advise still to bring down the heat, which is below the mark of 3, degrees, in the case of poor health of the child.

Many parents still use old grandmother's recipes against fever. This is, as a rule, rubbing the body with water and vinegar. Medicine does not confirm, but does not disprove the efficacy of this method of treatment. It is only necessary to remember that if the temperature does not pass more than three days, then this is a sign of the disease and it is necessary to start the course of taking antibiotics.

In no case must not apply mustard, compresses with alcohol, soar your legs and carry out inhalations. This will only raise the temperature. You can not heavily dress and shelter your baby so as not to interfere with the natural process of sweating, which helps lower body temperature.

It must be remembered that the temperature in children without symptoms of cold is a fairly frequent phenomenon, which should not cause panic reactions in the parents. You can not go to the doctors, but keep a watch at home. The hospital should be sent only in rare cases, when an increase in body temperature in a child can be dangerous to health and life.


But no one will condemn caring parents who, when the temperature rises without a cough and runny nose, go to the doctor to take tests and make sure that their child is not seriously ill.

The child has a fever cough temperature: causes, treatment

The child is weakened, he has snot, cough, fever, these symptoms speak not only of the common cold, but of a viral infection. These signs can be caused by such diseases: sinusitis, laryngitis, rhinitis, bronchial asthma, pharyngitis. It is very important only there was a cough or a little fever, snot appeared, immediately begin treatment, until the disease worsened.

Cause of cough, snot, temperature

Often, such symptoms suggest that the child's body is protected from a serious illness. Cough and snot can result from hypothermia. When he is a long time on the street, his immunity weakens, the bacteria that live in the child's body begin to multiply actively. In this case, the mucous membrane in the respiratory organs is highly inflamed.

The child is disturbed at first by a dry cough, then, when mucus leaves, a large amount of sputum is released and the baby becomes lighter. You can not treat a wet cough, sputum should go out itself, you need therapy only if it does not go away for a long time and a bacterial infection joins it. Due to the fact that pathogens penetrate the nose, the throat of the child, the body temperature rises.

Causes of a physiological cold and cough

If the runny nose and cough are of a physiological nature, it can be said that the child inhaled dust, harmful substance, inhaled dirty air.

Symptoms occur when a foreign body enters the respiratory tract, also if food has entered the trachea, this is often the case with infants. At small children cough can speak that teeth are erupted, thus he disturbs till three days, no more.

In the event that the runny nose and cough last long, you should always consult a doctor physician, especially if the temperature rises above 37 degrees, it indicates an inflammatory process.

With a cold, the temperature should not be, if it rises to 40 degrees, pay attention to the throat, the heat is often provoked by the red throat.

Physiological cough and runny nose is characterized by such signs:

1. Repeats periodically.

2. Not long.

3. Symptoms are poorly expressed.

In cases when the headache is a pain in the head, it can speak to physical exertion on the body or emotional stress, it is necessary to put the child to sleep, the temperature should begin to fall.

Coryza and cough pathological character

1. First, the throat is very sore.

2. The temperature rises above 37 degrees.

3. A runny nose appears.

These symptoms characterize an acute respiratory viral infection in a child or the flu. In cases where the temperature is up to 40 without a cold, it can talk about stomatitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, as well as other infections in the child. A lot of diseases in which the throat hurts, the body temperature rises, there is a cough.

We can distinguish such stages of the disease:

1. The acute lasts up to two weeks. Associated with the ingress of a foreign body into the respiratory system, it speaks of acute respiratory infections, influenza, infection, rubella.

2. Prolonged lasts up to one month arises due to sinusitis, adenoids, whooping cough, if sour enters from the gastrointestinal tract. Infection does not play a big role.

3. Repeated to last at least two weeks, cough, runny nose with fever say that the child has a serious throat and nasopharyngeal.

4. Chronic disease is manifested by a persistent runny nose, cough, and the temperature with it is rare.

What should I do first if the child has fever, snot, cough?

1. Leave the child at home, do not let him into the kindergarten, school. So you can infect and surrounding children and the disease will worsen even more.

2. Do not self-cure in cases of fever and cough, immediately contact your doctor.

3. The first symptoms can be tried with people's safe methods.

Treatment of sophe, cough and temperature

1. Snot need to be treated with the constant washing of the nose, you can use sea salt, it is also recommended to prepare the solution with salt, soda. Flush should be up to 6 times a day. Then immediately drip into the nose drops "Pinosol".

2. If there is no temperature, inhalations can be carried out, they will help to cough up both the cough and the cold. With the help of them you can remove the inflammation, calm the irritated mucous membrane of the nose, throat. Use sage oil, fir, the procedure should be performed no less than 15 minutes. It is also advised to breathe a steamed boiled potato over the steam, the baby needs to bend over the pan, cover the head with a towel. The procedure should last at least 15 minutes.

3. Cough can help get rid of black radish with the addition of honey, you need to prepare juice from it, with the help of such a tool you can withdraw and dilute sputum, it will quickly start to go out.

4. When the temperature at the child is absent, advise to soar feet, is better to add a dry mustard, it is possible soda, sea salt.

It is very important in case of a disease to control the temperature of the child's body, if it is not above 38 degrees, antipyretic should not be drunk, if higher, it is necessary to knock down. In cases of chills, remove warm clothes from the baby, put on cotton. As much as possible give a drink - warm milk, broth of wild rose, mors with cranberries, warm tea with lemon, so quickly toxic substances are released, and the person quickly overcomes the virus.

Mineral purified water is not recommended to consume, it can remove from the body all the salt that is needed to fight the disease.

Constantly rinsing your nose, the more you do it, the sooner the child will recover.

The child should sleep on a high pillow, so the mucus will come out faster. In cases of high temperature, it is necessary to give an antipyretic agent and not to let the child run to jump, he must stay sick so that there are no complications.

When the runny nose, coughing is prolonged, while the temperature keeps, you must definitely take the medications the doctor will prescribe, you may already need antibiotics.

Thus, snot, cough and temperature can be symptoms of various diseases, it is very important to identify it and begin timely treatment.

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