Amiksin how to take in ARVI

"Amiksin instructions for use

"Amiksin" is an effective treatment and prevention of respiratory and viral diseases in children and adults. The drug has an immunomodulatory effect. Its action is aimed at direct suppression of viruses, which contributes to a rapid recovery.

Properties of the preparation

"Amiksin" promotes the synthesis of interferon. The drug stimulates stem cells, enhances the formation of antibodies, thus affecting the increase of immunity.

"Amiksin" is available in tablets with a dosage of 60 mg and 125 mg.

Indications for use

"Amiksin" is indicated for the treatment of acute respiratory infections, influenza, colds and their prophylaxis in children and adults. Also, the drug is prescribed for the treatment of viral hepatitis A, B, C, neuroviral, chlamydial and herpetic infections. In addition, "Amiksin" is used in the complex therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis.

Instructions for the application of "Amiksin"

Adults take pills with a dosage of 125 mg. Treatment scheme depends on the disease.

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For the treatment of acute respiratory infections and influenza, one dose of "Amiksin" per day is prescribed in the first two days, then one tablet every 48 hours. For the prevention of these diseases take 1 tablet 1 time per week. The course in both cases consists of 6 tablets.

For the treatment of viral hepatitis A take: the first day - 1 tablet 2 times a day, then - 1 every 48 hours with a total course of 10 tablets. For prevention, 1 tablet of the drug is prescribed once a week. Course - 6 tablets.

With hepatitis B and C in acute form take: the first 2 days - 1 tablet a day, then - 1 tablet every 48 hours (total 16 tablets). In chronic form take a course of 20 tablets: 1 and 2 day - 2 per day, then - 1 every 48 hours.

In the treatment of neuroviral, herpetic and chlamydial infections, appoint: in the first 2 days - 1 tablet a day, then - 1 tablet after 48 hours. The drug should be taken within 3-4 weeks.

In the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, a course of 20 tablets is taken: on days 1 and 2 - 2, then every 1 48 hours. If violations of interferon status and secondary immunodeficiency are prescribed for 1 tablet twice a week for 2-4 weeks. With multiple sclerosis appoint one tablet of the drug every 48 hours (just 10 tablets).

Children older than 7 years take pills with a dosage of 60 mg. For flu and ARVI children are prescribed: in the first 2 days - 1 tablet a day, then - 1 tablet on the 4th day of treatment. With the development of complications, the medicine can be taken on day 6 of the disease.

The drug is taken after a meal.


Contraindication to taking "Amiksin" is hypersensitivity to its components, pregnancy, lactation. The drug is contraindicated in children under the age of 7 years.

Side effects

When taking "Amiksin" may occur side effects from the digestive system, in particular dyspepsia. Sometimes there may be a short-term chill and allergic reactions.

Amiksin - indications for use

Medication Amiksin is prescribed for viral diseases. And this is not surprising, because the basis of Amiksin's work is an increase in the body's immune forces. In other words, the drug Amiksin acts as an immunomodulator. In addition, according to reviews and statements of medical companies, Amixin is absolutely non-toxic and completely eliminated from the body. As for the side effects, they practically do not arise, it can be a short-term chill or allergy.

Composition of Amiksin

Active substance in the composition of Amiksin is the tipon. Getting into our body, the tyronon causes a response from the liver cells, gastrointestinal tract, lymphocytes and white blood cells. In response to the action of the thyroron, the above cells begin to produce interferon, a natural human protein that constitutes our basic immune defense.

During the period of viruses, Amixin pills stop their increase and spread through the human body.

Amiksin is used to strengthen the body's own strength and withdrawal of infections when:

  • influenza and acute respiratory infections;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • herpes virus;
  • cytomegalovirus infection;
  • for complex treatment of chlamydia;
  • in the therapy of tuberculosis.

How to take Amiksin?

Amiksin IC is sold in the form of tablets for children's use of 60 mg and for adults - 125 mg. Take the drug after eating, squeezed with water.

During exacerbations of ARVI and influenza, Amixin is considered by many as an opportunity to avoid the disease. In this case, appoint one tablet once a week for six weeks.

With already diagnosed influenza or acute respiratory viral infection, Amiksin is prescribed the first two days of 1 per day, and the four others with an interval of 48 hours.

For the treatment of neuroviral infections, the dose of amixin can be increased to two tablets per day in the first two days, then all of the following - with an interval of 48 hours.

Treatment for hepatitis A and B is similar to that for ARVI and Gripp, but the course of administration includes 10-20 tablets, as directed by a doctor. With hepatitis C, 50 tablets are included in the treatment regimen.

Therapy for chlamydiosis, both urogenital and respiratory, is prescribed in the same way as influenza treatment, but consists of 10 tablets.

Application in the treatment of tuberculosis consists of 20 tablets, of which the first two days are taken on 2 tablets a day, all the rest - 48 hours after the previous one.

Amiksin can be prescribed along with antibiotics, since it does not affect their effect. The drug is contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation, as well as children under 7 years of age and with intolerance of the constituents of the medicine.

Amiksin and alcohol should not be taken together, since the latter can stop the operation of the active active substance of the drug.

Analogues of Amiksin

Cheap analogs of Amiksin are other immunomodulating drugs with a similar spectrum of action. One of the most famous and close to Amiksin is Lavomax with the same composition. It is produced in tablets of 125 mg. At a price, he is somewhat inferior to Amiksin.

If you choose Amiksin or Ingavirin, then you need to consider, for the treatment of what diagnosis is needed one or the other. At Amiksin the spectrum of work is wider, Ingavirin is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of influenza, ARVI, adenovirus. Ingavirin is available in capsules of 30 and 90 mg, the dosage is prescribed by a doctor.

Other drugs with a similar effect on the body, but with a different composition, are Anaferon, Ocilococcinum, Kagocel, and others. All of them stimulate the natural immunity of man and suppress the reproduction of viruses in the body. The final decision on the use of a particular drug will help the physician, based on the complexity, severity and type of the disease.

Amiksin for children

In the season of colds and infections, of course, any parent wants to protect his child from disease. It happens that a healthy regime, walks and taking vitamins for this is not enough, and in the cold season the child at least once, but gets sick. Fortunately, there are means to effectively stimulate the immunity of the child and prevent the disease or, if it is not possible to protect yourself, to speed up the recovery. One such remedy is the preparation amixin.

Amiksin (amixin ic) is an antiviral immunostimulating agent, an interferon alpha inducer of beta and gamma types. An increase in the level of interferons is observed 4 hours after the first administration of the drug, and the maximum production of interferons is noted in the first 24 hours of treatment. The active substance - tilorone (tilaxine) - a synthetic low-molecular compound, stimulates humoral immunity and has anti-inflammatory properties.

As possible side effects in the instructions for amixin, allergies, chills, dyspepsia are indicated.

Amiksin - indications for use

Amiksin is used in adults for the prevention and treatment of influenza, other acute respiratory viral infections, treatment of viral hepatitis A, B and C. Amiksin is effective in the treatment of herpetic and cytomegalovirus infections, encephalomyelitis of infectious-allergic and viral nature, chlamydia, pulmonary tuberculosis.

Amiksin or amixin ic for children older than 7 years can be prescribed for the treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections.

Often in the case of treatment of viral diseases, immunomodulating agents are effective only when taken during the first hours of the disease, and when delayed treatment is rendered useless. Unlike many other inducers of interferon and immunostimulating drugs, amixin has no time limits purpose, that is, it can be used both from the first hours of the disease (which, of course, enhances its effectiveness), and at belated treatment.

Amiksin is compatible with antibiotics, other antiviral drugs and preparations of symptomatic treatment of infectious diseases.

How to take Amixin?

Amiksin is available in the form of 60 mg tablets (for children) and 125 mg (adult). Amiksin is taken orally after eating. The dosage of amixin is selected depending on the age and purpose of the drug (prevention or treatment, type of disease).

Amiksin is gaining popularity as a prophylactic drug for adults, thanks to the convenience application: for the prevention of influenza and other ARI should take only 1 tablet (125 g) per week for 6 weeks.

The scheme of taking amixin for the treatment of hepatitis and other serious infectious diseases is best coordinated with a doctor. Here we describe only how to take amyxin for colds, flu and other ARVI. Adults with a beginning illness should take one tablet (125 g) in the first two days. Then one tablet every other day (on the 4th, 6th, 8th and 10th days of treatment).

According to the instructions for the use of amixin, children older than 7 years with uncomplicated influenza or other ARVI appoint 60 mg per day on the 1 st, 2 nd and 4 th days of the disease (all for the course of treatment take 3 pills). To treat complications of the flu or ARVI, you need to take 4 tablets: on the 1 st, 2 nd, 4 th and 6 th days from the start of treatment.

Assign amixin to children and for the prevention of influenza and ARVI. Preventive course for a child is 60 mg once a week in

for 6 weeks.

How often can I take amixin?

Unfortunately, as a rule, the season of epidemics lasts for more than 6 weeks (the duration of the preventive course of amixin). Therefore, wishing to not get sick at this difficult time, a natural question arises: how often can I take amyxin?

Unfortunately, nowhere is there information about how much time should pass between the courses of taking amyxin. But for prevention experts consider it permissible to use amixin from 1 to 3 times a year.

Analogues of amixin are preparations of lavomax and tyloron.

Treatment with the antiviral drug Amiksin: dosage, how to take

Antiviral drug "Amiksin" has a pronounced immunomodulating property due to the ability to induce (stimulate production) of natural interferons that adversely affect the viability of certain viruses strains. Can be used for children over the age of 7 and during pregnancy if there is evidence under the supervision of the attending physician.

Dosage depends on the disease and the type of viral microflora that causes it. The duration of therapy is determined by the schemes developed by the manufacturer and should be based on control blood tests that confirm the presence of viruses or their elimination. Next, consider the composition of the drug and its pharmacological effect on the human body. Also in the article are given some regimens of reception, daily and single doses, indications and contraindications.

Dosage, composition and pharmacological action of the drug "Amiksin"

The chemical composition of "Amiksin" includes the main active ingredient tilorone, in some cases replaced tilaxine, and auxiliary components, including those forming the enteric film film membrane. On sale there may be contour cells in cardboard boxes or cans. The manufacturer offers packaging of 6, 10 and 20 tablets. For treatment of acute viral respiratory infection, a course of treatment consisting of taking 6 doses is sufficient. For long-term use in the treatment of herpes, hepatitis and cytomegalovirus infection, it is advisable to purchase packages containing 20 tablets each.

A single dosage of "Amiksin" for an adult is 125 mg, just such an amount of active ingredient is contained in 1 tablet. A dosage of 60 mg is also issued, most often it is used in pediatric practice to treat children.

The pharmacological action of Amiksin is due to its ability to provoke an increase in the production of globulins belonging to the primary response group (alpha and gamma). After entering the small intestine, release of tyloron, stimulating the ciliated epithelium, produces primary forms of inducer interferons. Then, the active substance is actively absorbed into the bloodstream and bound to the blood cells responsible for humoral immunity. These are all forms of neutrophils, T-lymphocytes, macrophages and granulocytes. When transported to hepatocytes, tilorone does not lose the ability to provoke hepatic structures to resume the resource of the primary immune response. This makes it possible to actively use the antiviral drug Amiksin in all forms of viral hepatitis. Improvement of the patient's condition in acute forms is achieved after 4 weeks, with chronic conditions, liver transaminases begin to return to normal after 6-8 weeks of systematic treatment.

Immunomodulating pharmacological action of "Amiksin" is based on stimulation of active production of such forms of leukocytes, as suppressors and helpers, in structures of bone marrow. High efficiency of treatment is proved by clinical trials in the complex therapy of acute respiratory viral infections, hepatitis, herpes, cytomegalovirus infection, influenza.

Dosage: how to take Amixin for various diseases

Treatment of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory infections and influenza

For 1 tablet (125 mg) 1 time per day for 2 days, then the indicated dosage is given every other day for 4 days

Prevention of acute respiratory infections, ARVI and influenza

1 tablet (125 mg) 1 time every 7 days for one and a half months. Prevention should begin 3 weeks before the expected increase in the level of seasonal colds and flu epidemics

Therapy of herpes and cytomegalovirus infection

Reception of the drug is similar to the treatment of influenza, but the duration of the course is 40 days

Treatment of viral hepatitis

Depending on the strain of the virus, the course of treatment takes from 4 weeks to 3 months. Taking the drug at 125 mg every other day.

Reception of "Amiksin" in pregnancy and for children

According to the attached annotation to the use of the drug "Amiksin" during pregnancy and during breast-feeding is categorically contraindicated. However, there are situations when the threat to the health of a woman does not leave the treating doctor anything other than to take risks and use antiviral therapy. This is primarily about pregnant women at risk with high titers of the hepatitis virus and complex indications of liver tests in the biochemical blood test. An increased level of transaminases and bilirubin suggests that the liver of a future mother may not be able to cope with increased stress and a hepatic coma may occur. Therefore, the woman is placed in an infectious hospital and under the control of the parameters of the general and biochemical blood test antiviral therapy is provided.

At home, without the supervision of a doctor to take "Amiksin" during pregnancy is strictly prohibited. Especially, if it is a question of treatment of catarrhal disease.

"Amiksin" for children is used in the treatment of viral diseases only after the child reaches the age of 6 years. Contraindication may be insufficient physical development (lack of weight), lag in mental and mental development, allergic reactions. Reception "Amiksin" starts from the first day after the appearance of severe symptoms of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infection, influenza, herpes. If hepatitis is detected, therapy begins after the diagnosis is clarified and the pathogen is identified. In pediatrics, a dosage of 60 mg is used. The drug is administered in the morning after breakfast.

Treatment with "Amiksin" for herpes and other indications for use

Currently, treatment with "Amiksin" is widely used in various viral pathologies, because the drug has a wide spectrum of action and adjusts the immune system to detect and destroy various strains of this form the pathogen.

"Amiksin" with herpes does not provide complete elimination of the pathogen, but it allows to achieve a long-term remission without external manifestations and lesions of the ganglion's nerve structures. If there are appropriate indications, a course appointment for 6 weeks in the fall and in the spring is appointed. When typical symptoms appear, confirmed by laboratory tests, therapy can last up to 3 months.

Other indications for use may include:

  • prevention of cold seasonal diseases, especially in children who are not vaccinated against influenza and people whose professional activities involve numerous contacts with other people;
  • complex therapy of complications of ARVI, acute respiratory infections and influenza, such as pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis;
  • increasing the immune response in the treatment of tuberculosis, the state of depressive immunity, with candidiasis;
  • treatment of serous meningitis, tick-borne encephalitis and other types of neuroinfections (intercostal neuralgia, shingles, neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve).

Side effects and contraindications for the treatment of "Amiksin"

Side effects of "Amiksin" are very rare and usually are not an indication for canceling the therapy scheme used. It is enough to reduce the dosage in order to reduce the negative impact.

Among the side effects can be noted:

  • unpleasant sensations in the course of the small intestine (pass independently after 2 hours after administration);
  • liquid stool and decreased appetite may be present in the first 2 days when using large doses of the drug;
  • sensation of slight chills, body aches and fever to subfebrile figures in the initial stages of pharmacological effects are due to increased immune response;
  • skin allergic reactions in the form of urticaria require additional prescription of antihistamines "Suprastin "Tavegil "Claritin "Cetrin" and others.

Contraindications for the treatment of "Amiksin" include early childhood (newborn, nursery and preschool periods), small body weight of the baby after reaching age of 6 years, pregnancy (the drug is used only in the presence of serious, life-threatening woman's indications), lactation period under the condition of breast feeding. Individual individual hypersensitivity and intolerance to tylorone may also occur.

Compatibility of "Amiksin" and alcohol, antibiotics and other medicines

Compatibility of pharmacological drugs should be considered when prescribing complex therapy.

Immediately it is worth noting that "Amiksin" and alcohol with simultaneous reception can give a pronounced clinical picture of food dyspepsia.

Patients complain of abdominal cramps, multiple loose stools and copious bile flow. In addition, alcohol, even in minimal quantities, completely eliminates the therapeutic effect of this drug. In the long term, the likelihood of developing a toxic form of hepatitis and renal failure is high.

With regard to antibiotics and other medicines such indications from the manufacturer there. Combined schemes of antiviral and antibacterial effects can be used. Such a drug as "Wobenzym" significantly increases the effectiveness of such an effect.

ORVI Amiksin for preventive purposes. Your feedback. What do you think about this drug for the prevention of acute respiratory infections, influenza?


Marina Olekhnovich

A good drug.


In immune processes, it is better not to interfere with any drugs! !
Yes, the drug is good, but it's easier to swallow all these tablets, the body itself must work ...

Natalia Teslenko

Amiksin refers to immunostimulants. Accordingly, when it is received, the forces of the organism are activated. However, recently the need for such stimulation is being questioned by individual doctors (personally, I already know 3 known to me professors) who believe that in this way the "shakes" of the body exhaust immunity and by the time of the epidemics you are left unprotected. Relatively recently she watched the show about experiments on soldiers to stimulate, however, other drugs, but the effects were temporary, then - exhaustion. Of course, with amixin it's not so bad.
She took Amyxin herself - helped during the beginning of the illness during the epidemic. On repeated use, a month later, nothing was given. besides, I had a question, why I again fell ill - in fact before such was not observed. However, in any case, you choose.


and for treatment and for prevention-super


Simple prophylaxis - frequent airing of the apartment, the use of multivitamins, beekeeping products (honey, propolis, pergah, pollen), garlic, onions, lemons for food, reception BADs, frequent walks in the open air, general hardening - and you and your family will be under reliable protection, believe me - checked on my family and all my relatives and close.


Is it possible. Amiksin is referred to the group of interferon inducers. T. e. it stimulates the production of interferon, a universal antiviral protein. But I here think so: all life there is a threat to pick up ORVI. Is it really possible to take interferon inducers for life?

The drug "Amiksin analogues is cheaper. How to replace the antiviral drug Amiksin?

In the autumn-winter period, the epidemic of viral diseases is developing. Both adults and children are ill. And if one person gets sick in a family, then often all of its members become infected. Among the whole variety of antiviral drugs can often be lost. But are they all as effective as advertising says? And is it possible to replace a drug prescribed by a doctor with a more affordable analogue?

One of the often prescribed antiviral drugs is "Amiksin." Analogues can be purchased cheaper and on their own initiative or ask the attending doctor to advise a more accessible substitute.

"Amiksin testimony

The antiviral drug "Amiksin" is used for the prevention and treatment of many viral diseases, including such common ones as influenza or ARVI.

By speed and harmlessness, it significantly exceeds the cheaper counterparts. The drug is used in the complex treatment of viral hepatitis, herpes, cytomegalovirus infection in adult patients. It can be administered to children over the age of seven to treat viral diseases.

The antiviral drug "Amiksin" can act as a component of the complex treatment of tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis, chlamydia, respiratory and urogenital forms. The course of treatment depends on the type of disease and its degree of complexity.

Contraindications and side effects

Like many antiviral drugs, "Amiksin" has contraindications to the use. It is not prescribed for pregnant women, as well as children under 7 years of age. Also, the drug is not recommended during breastfeeding. Do not take "Amiksin if there is sensitivity to its components, since this can trigger a strong allergic reaction.

Perhaps the manifestation of side effects from the use of the drug on the part of the digestive system. During the application, patients noted a short-term chill and a manifestation of allergic reactions. The occurrence of side effects is not an indication for the cancellation of Amiksin, but in some cases appropriate treatment may be prescribed.

Composition of "Amiksin" and release forms

"Amiksin" - an antiviral agent, which is available in the form of round tablets, coated with an orange coating. The active substance of the drug is called tilorone. One tablet contains 60 or 125 mg of tylorone.

In addition to the active substance, "Amiksin" also includes auxiliary ingredients that are not medicinal in nature. For example, potato starch and microcrystalline glucose. Also in small doses in the preparation there are impellosis, calcium stearate and povidone. The shell of the tablet consists of titanium dioxide, hypromellose, macrogol and polysorbate.

Tablets "Amiksin" are packed in plates of 6 or 10 pieces, as well as in polymer jars of 6, 10 or 20 pieces. Packaging does not affect the concentration and effectiveness of the drug, and it is necessary to choose only on the basis of the necessary quantity tablets for the course of treatment, since for long-term use it is more advantageous to purchase the drug in large packages.

Methods of application and dosage of "Amiksin"

Take the drug is recommended after a meal. The dosage of the drug depends on the disease. For general cases, the recommended dose is 125 to 250 mg per day. Take it should be the first, second and fourth day of treatment. The maximum duration of the course is one week. For the prevention of influenza and SARS, one tablet is prescribed once a week for 4-6 weeks.

The course of treatment for hepatitis A is 2 weeks, during which take 125 mg twice a day, then 125 per day after 48 hours. For treatment of hepatitis B the drug is prescribed according to the same scheme, the course of admission is 3 weeks. The course dose of the drug depends on the severity of the disease and the body's response to treatment.

Children are prescribed "Amiksin" at 60 mg per day for the first two days of treatment, then another 60 mg after 48 hours. With complications of influenza and acute respiratory viral infection, the course dose is 4 tablets, which are taken on the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 6th days of treatment.

Interaction with other drugs

Such agents as "Amiksin analogues cheaper" Amiksin "interact well with the traditional treatment of viral infections. That is, these antiviral drugs are prescribed simultaneously with antibiotics and some other drugs used in the treatment of bacterial and viral infections. It is not recommended to combine "Amiksin" with other antiviral medicines that have the same pharmacological effect. Such measures do not increase the effectiveness of the drug, but increase the burden on the patient's body. Before using the medication, it is necessary to inform the attending physician about all medications taken, which will exclude the development of some side effects.

Analogues of "Amiksin"

With all its merits, the drug has one significant drawback - high cost. For this reason, not everyone can afford "Amiksin." Analogues can be cheaper to be less effective, but for uncomplicated infections, it is also good to cope with their task.

There are several pharmacological similar "Amiksin" drugs that can be offered as a cheaper alternative. What can replace "Amiksin"? You can find out about the analogues of the drug in any pharmacy. But it is better to consult a doctor who will recommend a more affordable and suitable antiviral drug.

The closest in terms of action to "Amiksin" are "Kagocel" Cycloferon "Ingavirin". There are many other means, but their effect can be much weaker.


This is an analogue of "Amiksin which, as an active substance, contains kagocel, which is an inducer of interferon. In addition to the active substance, the preparation also includes calcium stearate, potato starch and ludipress.

"Kagocel" has antiviral, antimicrobial and immunomodulatory therapeutic action. Can be appointed as an alternative replacement for "Amiksin" in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, herpes simplex and the prevention of viral infections.

Which drug is more effective - "Kagocel" or "Amiksin"? What works best? "Kagocel" has a softer effect, so it can be used to treat viral infections in children from three years old, unlike "Amiksin which is recommended only from the age of seven.


Another analogue of "Amiksin" is called "Tsikloferon." In the role of active substances act acridonacetic acid and N-methylglucamine. Also in the composition of tablets are methylcellulose and calcium stearate.

"Tsikloferon" is appointed as part of complex therapy in the treatment of acute forms of viral infection (ARVI, influenza), hepatitis C and B, acute intestinal infections, herpetic infection and neuroinfections (serous meningitis). Can be used as an additional drug in the clinical stages of HIV infection in adults and children over the age of four.

Tablet "Tsikloferon" is an analog of "Amiksin" in tablets, which has the same pharmacological effect. This drug can completely replace "Amiksin" in case of hypersensitivity to its components. Contraindications include pregnancy, breast-feeding, age of up to 4 years, sensitivity to the substances that make up the drug. Many people ask themselves: "Cycloferon or" Amiksin is better? ". Choose should be based on the appointment of a doctor and the complexity of the disease.


"Ingavirin" is often prescribed by a doctor in acute forms of viral infections, including various strains of influenza, adenovirus and some other diseases. The drug can be considered as an analog of "Amiksin" due to a similar mechanism of action, namely, activation of the production of interferon by the cells of the body.

Clinical trials of "Ingavirin" have not revealed immunotoxic or allergic action of the drug, therefore this antiviral agent has a high level of safety. However, the drug is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, nor can it be used in pediatrics. Side effects of "Ingavirin" include allergic reactions in mild form in patients with sensitivity to the components of the drug. "Ingavirin" can be used to prevent infection with viral infections, in particular after contact with a sick person.

It is difficult to determine what is better "Amiksin" or "Ingavirin". Despite the similar mechanism of effect of these drugs on the virus and the patient's body, "Amiksin" has a broader spectrum of action. But both methods are effective for the prevention and treatment of simple infections, and in this case it is worth choosing based on financial possibilities.

Advantages of "Amiksin" over analogues

Why is it more often that the patient is prescribed a rather expensive drug "Amiksin"? Analogues are cheaper less effective in complicated infections. The speed of the drug also plays an important role in the selection of a good antiviral agent. Many patients can not afford to spend several weeks in bed because of banal ARVI and prefer to spend money once for a really effective remedy.

The advantages of "Amiksin" include its low toxicity and safety while observing the recommended doses. The drug has a long-lasting effect, and for a long time after its reception the patient's body will be resistant to infections caused by various viruses and bacteria.

What can replace "Amiksin"? Price

Tablets-analogs of this drug, we examined. Now find out their value. Many people know that aggressively advertised funds have a higher price. Amicin also belongs to such means. Analogues are less often the less well known means. But in any pharmacy will prompt more affordable substitutes for an expensive drug. When buying cheap analogs, you should carefully read the instructions for use and compare the spectrum of action of the drugs and their indications.

The average cost of six tablets "Amiksin which is enough for a course of treatment of simple viral infections, is 600 rubles. Packing for ten tablets costs in the region of 800-900 rubles. The cost of "Kagocel" is much lower than the cost "Amiksin only 240 rubles for ten tablets. But it is worth considering that even for the treatment of influenza or SARS, the course dose of this drug is 18 tablets. This is three times more than the dosage of Amiksin. The cost of the course dose (20 tablets) of "Cycloferon" is 360 rubles, and seven capsules of "Ingavirin" can be purchased for 450 rubles.

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