
X-ray of the hip joint

Content 1Hip joint, X-ray: features of the procedure, advantages and disadvantages 1.1Advantages and disadvantages of diagnosis 1.2Indications and contraindications 1.3X-ray examination 1.4Rules of preparation for diagnosis 1.5Features of the diagnosis 1.6Explanation of X-ray images 1.7Radiography for children 2Radiography of the hip 2.1Advantages and disadvantages 2.2Indications and contraindications 2.3X-ray examination 2.4Preparation 2.5Method of conducting 2.6X-ray dif...

  • 11-Aug-2018
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X-ray of the hip joint of the baby

Content 1Hip joint dislocation in newborns: X-ray signs 1.1Congenital dislocation of the hip joint - what is it? 1.2Dislocation of the hip joint of a newborn - methods of diagnosis 1.3Why there is a dislocation of the hip joint in newborns 1.4What does X-ray show when a hip is dislocated in a newborn 2X-ray of the hip joint in the baby is harmful and useful 2.1Hip Dysplasia: Symptoms 2.2The causes of hip dysplasia in children 2.3How do X-rays to infants 3Causes, symptoms of h...

  • 26-Aug-2018
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Pliusnephalangeal joint: arthrosis and arthritis of the first toe

Content 1What kind of treatment is needed for arthrosis of metatarsophalangeal joints? 1.1Mechanism of arthrosis development 1.2Causes 1.3Symptoms and Diagnosis 1.4Principles of treatment 1.5Medications 1.6Physiotherapy and exercise therapy 1.7Methods of folk treatment 1.8Surgical intervention 2Osteoarthritis 1 metatarsophalangeal foot joint treatment 2.1Deforming arthrosis of foot and its treatment 2.2Osteoarthritis of the first metatarsophalangeal foot joint 2.3Degenerativ...

  • 18-Jun-2018
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Knee injury when falling: symptoms, treatment

Content 1How to treat a knee injury: what to do if swollen and sore 1.1The main symptoms of the disease 1.2Severe knee injury 1.3Emergency help 1.4How is knee injury treated? 2Knee Injury in Fall: Treatment and Recovery 2.1The most common injuries of the knee 2.2Knee Injuries at Excessive Exercises 2.3What knee joint damage can develop after a fall? 2.4Injury of the knee: meniscus 2.5Injury of the knee: ligaments 2.6Fracture of knee bones 2.7Treatment of various knee injurie...

  • 04-Aug-2018
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Back simulator: training of muscles and spine

Content 1Simulators for strengthening the muscles of the back 1.1Fitbol 1.2Turnstile, crossbeam 1.3Roller for back and press 1.4Disc for waist 1.5Inversion table 1.6Bench for hyperextensions 1.7Rowing machine 2The best simulators for the treatment of diseases of the back and spine at home 2.1Official statistics 2.2Recommendations of doctors 2.3Shell for traction on an inclined surface 2.4Features of treatment of the cervical spine 2.5Other types of devices 3Back simulato...

  • 13-Aug-2018
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Shungite cream for joints

Content 1Cream-balm "Shungit" for joints: reviews, instructions for use, composition and analogues 1.1Packing and composition 1.2Pharmacological action 1.3Indications for use of balm 1.4Contraindications for use 1.5Dosage and route of administration 1.6Side effects 1.7Analogues and cost 1.8Consumer feedback on cream-balm "Shungite" 2Cream-balm Shungite for joints: instruction, price and reviews 2.1The healing properties of the Shungite cream for joints 2.2Description 2.3Comp...

  • 26-Aug-2018
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Almag-02: instructions for use

Content 1"Almag-02 instructions for use, analogues and reviews: 1.1Who makes the device 1.2Package Contents: Option One 1.3Features of use 1.4Complete set of the device: second variant 1.5"Almag-02 instructions for use 1.6Contraindications 1.7What else is in the kit 1.8Principle of operation 1.9How it treats a magnetic field 1.10Does the machine help or not? 1.11"Almag-02 reviews of patients 2Device "Almag 02 operating manual, feedback 2.1Features of magnetotherapy 2.2Devi...

  • 26-Aug-2018
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Arthropathy of joints: causes in children and adults

Content 1What is arthropathy: description, treatment of joints in children and adults 1.1The main symptoms of arthropathy 1.2Causes and features of the development of arthropathy 1.3Diagnostic Methods 1.4How to treat arthropathy 2Arthropathy: Symptoms and Treatment 2.1Etiology 2.2Symptomatology 2.3Articular syndrome 2.4Urogenital syndrome 2.5Treatment 2.6Complications 3Arthropathy - what is it? Symptoms and treatment of the disease 3.1Arthropathy - what is it? 3.2Classif...

  • 24-Aug-2018
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Apparatus for the treatment of joints at home

Content 1Devices for the treatment of joints at home: we are treated at home 1.1Almag 1.2Orion 1.3Vitafon 1.4Milta 1.5Other devices for the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis and other diseases 1.6Treatment of joints with a laser 1.7Treatment of gout with laser 2What devices can be used to cure joint diseases? 2.1At what diseases? 2.2Who should I use? 2.3Kinds 2.4Recommendations 2.5Contraindications 2.6Do not let yourself be deceived 2.7«Doctor's comments about the Almag-0...

  • 03-Aug-2018
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The child has a backache in the lumbar region: causes

Content 1The child hurts his back 1.1Causes of pain 1.2Scoliosis 1.3Exercise stress 1.4Long sitting 1.5Myositis 1.6Kidney disease 1.7Diagnostics 1.8Treatment 1.9Prevention 2Back pain in children: what could be the reasons for how to treat 2.1Why does my child have a backache? 2.2The main causes of childhood radiculitis 2.3Treatment and prevention of pediatric radiculitis 2.4Back pain in children due to trauma 2.5Children's scoliosis and back pain 2.6Other causes of back ...

  • 16-Aug-2018
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