The child has a backache in the lumbar region: causes


  • 1The child hurts his back
    • 1.1Causes of pain
    • 1.2Scoliosis
    • 1.3Exercise stress
    • 1.4Long sitting
    • 1.5Myositis
    • 1.6Kidney disease
    • 1.7Diagnostics
    • 1.8Treatment
    • 1.9Prevention
  • 2Back pain in children: what could be the reasons for how to treat
    • 2.1Why does my child have a backache?
    • 2.2The main causes of childhood radiculitis
    • 2.3Treatment and prevention of pediatric radiculitis
    • 2.4Back pain in children due to trauma
    • 2.5Children's scoliosis and back pain
    • 2.6Other causes of back pain in children
  • 3The child has a low back pain: causes
    • 3.1Fatigue
    • 3.2Food
    • 3.3Inflammation
    • 3.4Scoliosis
    • 3.5Other reasons
    • 3.6Rare diseases
    • 3.7Principles of treatment
  • 4Why does the child have a backache?
    • 4.1Back pain after injury
    • 4.2Pain in scoliosis and radiculitis
    • 4.3Pain on the background of inflammation of the kidneys
    • 4.4Other causes of back pain in children
  • 5Back pain in children and adolescents
  • 6Scoliosis as a cause of low back pain
    • 6.1Symptoms of lumbar pain in children
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The child hurts his back

If a child has a backache, there are a lot of pain factors: from muscle fatigue in the sports club to serious diseases of the spine, such as scoliosis or osteochondrosis.

Parents should not be frightened, it is necessary to analyze the situation, understand the nature of the pain (weak, intense, periodic or single).

If the pain is repeated or intense and does not pass, the child should be shown to the doctor. The cause of such pains are spinal injuries.

Causes of pain

Discomfort and back pain in a child can be caused by a variety of factors.

In most cases, this is the usual overstrain of muscles in a teenager with active sports games, activities or physical exertion. Often in children, the back can hurt due to poor posture.

Only in every fifth case does the child's back ache because of spine diseases or congenital pathologies.


Often, a teenager because of the uncomfortable position of the body when sitting behind the lessons, watching TV or playing the computer formed scoliosis.

First, the correct posture is broken, then the children complain of pain in the thoracic or humeral spine. Such children quickly become tired, their muscular corset is weakened.

Parents pay attention to the asymmetry of the spinal column and scapula; the child holds his head, as if turning it aside; stooped; on the back there is a hump.

With the development of scoliosis, the back aches in the lumbar region and the sacrum, blood circulation worsens, the child becomes hard to breathe.

Exercise stress

Pains also occur because of physical exertion, for example, the child "overtrained" in a sports club, pulled muscles. Pain is localized in the lumbar and sacrum. When the child does not move, the muscles do not hurt.

Long sitting

With prolonged sitting in the classroom without movement or at the table, discomfort and soreness develops. The nature of pain is aching, usually it is a mild discomfort. Duration of pain varies.

Pay attention to the organization of the workplace, the stiffness of the mattress and the height of the pillow. If the child has excess weight, then the load on the lumbar and other parts of the spine increases, which is the cause of aching pain in the back.

Soreness occurs in girls against the background of the coming menstruation or in its first days.


Inflammation of the muscles, provoking pain, arises from the hypothermia of the muscles, with infectious diseases, intoxications with influenza or ARVI, trauma.

Localized such sensations in the affected area of ​​the spine. The muscle feels painful, it is tense.

If the infection has passed to the chronic stage, then the pain in the joints is added to the discomfort in the muscles.

Kidney disease

Often the answer to the question of why a child has a backache, becomes a diagnosis of "urolithiasis" or another kidney disease. Pain is often associated with frequent urination, high fever, changes in color and smell of urine. With renal colic, the upper urinary tract is clogged.

Its causes are inflammation in pyelonephritis, a tumor or tuberculosis of the kidney. Symptoms of renal colic: pain localized near the navel; urine of red or pink color; bouts of nausea or vomiting. The clinical picture resembles a stomach ulcer, an attack of appendicitis or cholecystitis.


If the child complains that the back is constantly hurting, do not leave it without attention, you need to see a doctor.

Often the problem requires a complex solution and connection of several specialists at once: pediatrician, orthopedist, hematologist, traumatologist, etc.

Remember that the child can not perform a self-test, so parents should help him. What can parents do to make it easier for the doctor to diagnose?

  • Talk with the child about the nature of the pain and its localization;
  • Observe his condition;
  • Identify the associated symptoms.

The doctor examines the child, talking with him. After that, he sends him to the necessary studies (ultrasound, tests, X-rays, MRI).


The doctor prescribes the treatment of the child, based on the diagnosis. You can treat the symptoms only after the correct diagnosis, acting not on the symptoms of the disease, but on its root cause.

Special techniques for eliminating pain do not exist and each case is considered individually.

For example, if these are household factors, then enough consultation and proper organization of the workplace, mattress selection, etc.

If the main factor of pain is spine disease, the physician recommends a complex of exercise therapy, a course of physiotherapy, massage and other procedures.

With scoliosis, it is possible to appoint corsets and other orthopedic adaptations.

In acute inflammatory processes, the doctor prescribes a course of antibiotics, cytostatics or glucocorticoids, calculating the dosage of medications in accordance with the weight and age of the child.


Doctors recommend a set of rules that should be followed to ensure that the child's spine is healthy.

  1. Parents and teachers need to monitor the correctness of their posture;
  2. For sleep, a rigid orthopedic mattress is selected, thanks to which the spine assumes an anatomical shape during sleep;
  3. The cushion should not be large;
  4. You should buy comfortable orthopedic shoes for children;
  5. After the child has had back pain, one should quickly restore the habitual rhythm of his life;
  6. It is not necessary to smear back with anti-inflammatory creams;
  7. A back massage without pressure on the vertebral column is shown;
  8. The child should regularly do exercises or exercises from the complex LFK.

A source:

Back pain in children: what could be the reasons for how to treat

Unfortunately, diseases of the spine and back do not bypass the children, but unlike adults, the reasons for their appearance can be much more serious. The back pain in an adult, as you remember, is mainly due to the burdens of adulthood:

  • Years accumulating in the spine dystrophic processes
  • Overloading
  • Subcooling

Therefore, if your child has a backache, do not leave it unattended, in the hope of a chance occurrence of such a phenomenon. Why?

Why does my child have a backache?

Think about it:

  • A healthy child simply could not develop any dystrophic processes, unless they were present at his birth
  • Where does the overload in the life of a small man carefully guarded by us from excess weights
  • And about hypothermia - so there's nothing to say: mothers tend to wrap their babies, dressing them in order warmer than necessary

Although this can just do harm to the kid: come from a walk, sweating, he can easily get under the house draft, drink cold water and get sick.

But the children's organism is arranged so that the cold in children usually begins very actively with tonsillitis, rhinitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, and not with "senile" radiculitis, although their "child" radiculitis they too attaching.

The main causes of childhood radiculitis

Children's radiculitis often occurs as a complication after infectious diseases:

  1. chronic tonsillitis
  2. viral infection
  3. influenza

All these diseases lead to:

  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • lumbosacral radiculitis

You probably noticed that often children with ARVI after recovery suddenly start complaining that they have a back pain, knees "twists feet are aching. Pain prevents children from sleeping and walking normally. This means that a cold may have led to complications on the spine or on the joints.

Especially dangerous in childhood are frequent sore throats:

  1. As a rule, they always flow with very high temperatures
  2. In angina, in addition to "glory" because of its ability to "break" the joints and lumbosacral nerve, there are even more dangerous consequences:
    • rheumatic myocarditis
    • rheumatic heart disease
    • nephritis

Now it is clear why often ill children should be under the attention of parents and family doctors.

Clinical signs of lumbosacral radiculitis

  • The disease usually begins with a high fever
  • It hurts in the lumbar region of the back and is given in the leg: a tingling or numbness can occur in the foot
  • In a dream the child tries to turn to the side opposite to the aching leg, and when he goes, tries not to lean on it, which leads to limp
  • When examining the lumbosacral spine, its scoliotic curvature

Treatment and prevention of pediatric radiculitis

  1. First of all, this is peace and exclusion of loads during the period of exacerbation
  2. Anesthetic drugs are taken, and one should take into account that the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for children less than six years is prohibited
  3. Physiotherapeutic procedures are carried out, in particular UV (ultraviolet irradiation)
  4. It is desirable to complete the course of mud therapy in a children's sanatorium resort

Try to find the cause of frequent angina and root it out. It can be:

  • Adenoids
  • Chronic sinusitis
  • Love of ice-cold and cold "prickly" water in hot weather
  • Low immunity

That's why after the illness it's so important:

  • To increase immunity
  • Take vitamins (B, A, C and D): Immediately after the disease, you can use a multivitamin for a while, then go on to get the right vitamins through nutrition:
    • Grated carrots with sour cream, apples, citrus (consuming these products do not forget about the existence of diathesis - everything should be in moderation!)
    • A mixture of dried apricots, prunes, nuts and raisins (take all of 100 grams) twisted in a meat grinder and mix with two tablespoons of honey. Give two to three teaspoons 3 to 4 times a day
  • Purify the blood (buy chemist's blood-cleansing herbal collection)
  • Tempering a child:
    • morning wiping
    • swimming and other sports
  • Annual Climatotherapy:
    • Sea bathing and sunbathing
    • Salt lakes and caves (very helpful for children who have chronic sinusitis)

Back pain in children due to trauma

The source of back pain in children can be directly related to their age and lifestyle, for example:

For children actively moving, playing in the yard, this may be an injury

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A child's back injury, associated with a fall, can be severe if it has occurred from a height or at a speed. This is a very frequent, by the way, reason: who in childhood did not climb trees and ride a bicycle?

We must also take into account that children, knowing that their parents will scold, usually hide such things. Therefore, if your child came with a walk and suddenly began to complain of back pain:

  1. Immediately examine it from all sides for abrasions and bruises, especially on the back
  2. If the pain is severe, aggravated by movement, the child's dizziness, blurred consciousness and other symptoms - immediately call for help, even without the presence of external signs of injury

Possible injuries:

  • Fracture of vertebra
  • Offset Disc
  • Spondylolisthesis (spinal slip)

There is also another type of fracture that can occur in a child under the influence and a small load:

during football, diving, physical education, etc.

This is the so-called spondylolysis (non-vertebral arches)
The reasons for it may be:

  1. Stormy growth of the skeleton
  2. Delayed development of some part of the spine, more often lumbar

There is a spondylolysis:

  • Moderate pain
  • Uncertain movement (slow, small steps, etc.)

Children's scoliosis and back pain

For a child who has learned what a computer is and has replaced a normal childhood with a game console, the adult person's problems already arise:

  1. prolonged immobility and muscle tension
  2. abnormal posture

Scoliosis may develop - a very common cause of childhood back pain

And here his development is spurred not only by constant immobility and incorrect posture, but also... by stresses. Everyone knows how violently our children behave during a difficult or extreme game.

In fact, the reasons for the appearance of scoliosis in children, in addition to a fixed lifestyle, school and computer, are much greater. We will not repeat it again.

Other causes of back pain in children

The causes of pain in the back can be and such pathologies:

  • Kidney disease (pain in this case is projected in the back)
  • Children's rickets (in children one to two years)
  • Osteoporosis: The causes of pediatric osteoporosis are abnormal, these are: rapid growth, intrauterine malformations, malnutrition, intake of corticosteroids, etc.
  • Tuberculosis, osteomyelitis and other infectious diseases
  • Tumors and cysts
  • Congenital pathologies:
    • osteochondropathy
    • anomaly of TBS (hip joint)
    • feet of different lengths
  • Diseases of the blood:
    • leukemia
    • sickle-cell anemia, etc.

Such diseases, although rare, but almost all of them are very serious.

Signs when you need to worry

When can you suspect that your baby is not right? When back pain coincides with any of the following signs:

  • Fever and fever
  • Poor blood tests
  • Weight loss
  • Weak legs and numbness
  • Violation of gait
  • Frequent or painful urination
  • Sleep disturbance, tearfulness, bad mood

Why such phenomena are observed, only a pediatrician can answer this question.

Diagnosis of children's pain in the back

Diagnosis of childhood pain in the back is conducted by such methods

  1. Physical
  2. Instrumental
  3. Laboratory

External examination (physical method)

  • The condition of the spine is assessed (visually and with the help of feeling)
    • Its evenness
    • Vertebral deformations and their mobility

    Tests are carried out in a level position and when tilted

  • The muscle tone of the back is checked:
    • identify areas of increased tension
  • Nerves are tested:
    • straight leg raising
    • tapping of reflexes with a hammer, etc.

Instrumental diagnostics includes:

  • Radiography
  • KMT and MRI
  • Electromyography
  • Scintigraphy

Laboratory diagnostics:

  • Detailed analysis of urine and blood
  • Special samples, for example, on C-reactive protein

Do not forget that the health of your children is entirely in your hands, and if your child has a backache, this can be serious.

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The child has a low back pain: causes

Sometimes diseases affect children. It always worries parents. The pain can be caused by various factors, but why does the soreness appear in the children in the back or waist? Let's try to understand.


The mobility of children exposes them to frequent falls and sharp movements. With the activity of the child, his spine is exposed to fatigue, fatigue.

Stretching of the dorsal muscles is facilitated by carrying heavy bags and backpacks with textbooks.

This factor also has an addiction, which is why the wrong posture is formed, which is why pain appears.

The development of the curvature of the spine is facilitated by a constant sitting near the computer. Too soft mattresses can cause mild back pain. Increased stress on the spine is observed in children prone to fatness.

Intensive and prolonged physical exertion, sharp and sudden rotational movements, resulting in steel stretching of muscles, muscle spasms, to what the trauma leads during a long uncomfortable position - causes overstrain of muscles. These factors can cause pain in the lumbar region, either separately to the right or left, and from both sides. In order that the back does not hurt, you just need to exclude these factors.


Inadequate nutrition is not able to stimulate normal growth and functioning of the skeleton.

The lack of necessary vitamins and calcium can lead to osteoporosis (this disease is increasingly emerging in children in our time).

This disease can cause the child to have a backache.


If the child complains that his spine has started to hurt, then this may indicate an inflammatory process of the bone structures of the spine, intervertebral discs and muscles. In this case, the following will appear:

  • soreness of the back in the morning, but pass after gymnastics;
  • restriction of movements;
  • pains radiating to lower limbs;
  • slowing the development of muscles (thin legs);
  • change in posture while walking, lameness is an important signal.

All these reasons signal the need to consult a doctor. It is better not to delay until the changes in the gait.


Nowadays this disease is very common.

It is caused by the fact that the spine is curved, both in the sides, and forward or backward.

The reason for this is the wearing of weights, such as a backpack with textbooks. Long sitting in class and at home for lessons also affects.

Most of the children now prefer to walk in the fresh air games at the computer. And fresh air and walks contribute to the correct development, both of the whole organism of the child, and of his skeleton separately.

Saddle and back pain, it does not matter, right, left, from below provokes a sedentary lifestyle. During prolonged sitting, the head exerts pressure on the spine, which provokes its compression, squeezing of the intervertebral discs and the violation of posture.

During the movement, the same load is distributed evenly, why there are no pains.

To get rid of these problems you need:

  1. address to the physician of medical physical training;
  2. conduct exercise therapy;
  3. Do massage;
  4. apply physiotherapy;
  5. Arrange for the child an ergonomic workplace with the correct lighting.

Constant wearing of a backpack or heavy bag on one shoulder, for example, to the right, can also lead to a curvature of the spine in this direction. Why parents and it is recommended to buy for school textbooks is a backpack. A child should wear it as expected, putting on the shoulders on the wallpaper.

Other reasons

Diseases of the intestines often cause the appearance of pain in many areas of the back, for example, on the right, and the lower back. Such diseases are usually accompanied by disorders of stool, digestion and nutrition.

The inflammatory process in the kidney or bladder can cause back pain, both on the one hand, for example, on the right, and with both. Accompany usually:

  • frequent, possibly painful emptying of the bladder;
  • change of color of urine;
  • elevated temperature.

A teenage girl may experience soreness in the lower back before or during menstruation. This is usually the norm. A child with flu can also complain of pain in the back and joints. These factors will not harm the back of the child.

With simultaneous severe pain in the back and lower abdomen, especially on the right, it is better to call an ambulance. The causes of such soreness often lie in the appearance of acute appendicitis.

Painful sensations can be in the navel area, and they can be confused with stomach disease. There may be an increase in body temperature to 39 degrees.

The child becomes restless, and at strong pains screams.

Trauma of the coccyx can provoke pain in the lower back. Such trauma is rarely serious, even if there is a fracture or fracture.

Rare diseases

With rare diseases of the back, the spine suffers more often in children. Painful sensations can cause the presence of:

  1. arthritis;
  2. cyst of the spine;
  3. herniated intervertebral
  4. fractures or dislocations of the spine;
  5. infringement of nerve endings;
  6. anomalies in the development of the spine and the hip joint;
  7. blood diseases.

Tumors of the spine in children are, fortunately, quite rare. But often the presence of a spinal tumor is mistaken for scoliosis.

Rare diseases include juvenile spondylitis and osteochondropathy (Sheyermann-Mau disease).

Such diseases mostly affect the spine of boys.

Principles of treatment

At the first complaints of the child on soreness in a back or a waist on the right, at the left or in any other area, it is necessary to learn from him, this is not a consequence of trauma. Perhaps the child was bumping or falling.

Also it is worth to learn about what kind of work the child receives when doing physical education and sports (if any). Incorrectly built classes or a great physical load on the dorsal muscles without a preliminary warm-up can cause pain in the back.

And the pain can not manifest immediately, and the next day after training.

The next step is to examine the sore spot. The child can forget about a minor injury or injury.

The presence of injuries, bruises or bruises requires the application of cold.

If there are red areas, fever, tightening of the muscles under the hands during palpation, it is necessary to consult a traumatologist-orthopedist.

To the same doctor it is necessary to address at presence of pains in any areas of a back, on the right, at the left, from below, from above, not connected with internal bodies.

He should ask, examine, feel the joints, ask to bend down and move. If necessary, he will assign the necessary tests and radiography of the spine.

All this will help the doctor to identify the cause of the appearance of soreness.

All diseases associated with the back are serious enough and require proper diagnosis, which can not be done at home.

That's why if a child complains of pain, you should not try to cure him yourself. The same applies to massage, they should be done only by a specialist.

It should be remembered that the quicker you turn to the doctor, the more effective and faster the treatment will be.

And that the question: "Why does the loin hurts in the child?" - no longer bothered, you must adhere to some rules (walks, restriction of sitting at the computer and so on) and proper nutrition.

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Why does the child have a backache?

If the child hurts his back, it is necessary as soon as possible to clarify the cause of discomfort and begin treatment. Ignore even a small pain is unacceptable, because this may be the first sign of a small injury, there is a serious internal disease.

In order to competently assist the child, it is necessary to be able to determine the possible cause by the nature of pain. In some cases, independent first aid is possible, in others urgent hospitalization is necessary.

Back pain after injury

A feature of childhood is a lot of activity, often in the process of an interesting moving game, the child forgets about caution and performs actions physically impossible to him.

The result of careless falls from a swing or a bicycle can be trauma, including back. The nature of the injury depends on the degree of damage, with minor bumps, bruises, sprains and muscles can be stretched.

To ease the pain after minor injuries, it is helpful to apply a cold compress, lubricate the site of the injury with homeopathic ointments. From the second day of treatment, cold compresses should be replaced with warmers.

Naturally, for the period of restoration of damaged ligaments and muscles, it is necessary to limit activity, giving preference to calm games.

Injuries, accompanied by severe pain, dizziness and blurred consciousness, can not be treated at home. The listed symptoms are typical for severe spinal injuries, so it is urgent to call an ambulance.

If there was a fall from a great height (from a horizontal bar, tree, stairs) and there is a suspicion of a fracture of the spine, it is forbidden to move the child before the arrival of an ambulance.

Severe pain and fever can indicate the following injuries: fracture of the vertebra, disc displacement, slipping of the vertebra (spondylolisthesis).

Pain in scoliosis and radiculitis

One of the most common causes of back pain in childhood is scoliosis - the curvature of the spine in the lateral plane.Appears scoliosis due to a constant uneven tension from the right and left side of the spine.

Scoliosis hurts the back of a child in the lumbar region, the nature of pain is periodic. Also, unpleasant sensations can appear in the chest and legs. The curvature develops more often in children who abuse games with a prefix and at a computer.

In the course of an entertaining computer game, boys and girls tighten their muscles, stay in one position for a long time, slouch and experience tremendous stress, all this is not the best way to affect the health of the musculoskeletal system, including number.

Scoliosis should be treated before the child reaches puberty.

Radiculitis - an inflammation of the root of one of the spinal nerves - has long been not considered a disease exclusively for the elderly. Children's radiculitis can develop as a complication after the transferred infectious diseases:

  • influenza;
  • chronic tonsillitis;
  • virus infection.

Especially dangerous in childhood is tonsillitis, which is the root cause of many chronic diseases of the spine, kidneys and heart.

With radiculitis, the back of the child in the lumbar region hurts, gives in the leg. Often there are feelings of tingling or numbness in the legs.

Determine radiculitis can be on the following grounds:

  1. the child complains of pain in the back and legs;
  2. when walking, the child tries not to step on the aching leg, there is lameness;
  3. When examining the lumbar spine, scoliosis is observed.

Diseases of the spine require complex treatment, the program of which is determined only by a doctor. Treatment with folk methods in children's scoliosis and radiculitis is unacceptable.

Pain on the background of inflammation of the kidneys

Isolate primary and secondary pyelonephritis.

Primary develops due to complications of coccal infections (tonsillitis, influenza), against cystitis and intestinal infections.

The secondary is caused by congenital disorders in the urinary system. The following symptoms are indicative of acute inflammation of the kidneys:

  • dull pain in back, waist;
  • increased body temperature;
  • soreness or difficulty urinating;
  • urinary incontinence or retention;
  • change in color of urine (darkening);
  • nausea;
  • disturbance of the stool.

If you suspect a pyelonephritis, you should immediately seek medical help. An attempt to eliminate painful symptoms on your own can lead to serious complications.

Other causes of back pain in children

Rarer, but still common causes of back pain in children are the following pathologies:

  1. rickets (at the age of 1-2 years);
  2. tuberculosis and other infectious diseases;
  3. blood diseases (leukemia, sickle-cell anemia);
  4. abnormality of the hip joints;
  5. osteoporosis.

Regardless of the nature of the pain in children, you must carefully consider the symptoms, try to determine why there are unpleasant feelings. Even if the child hurts his back slightly, it is worthwhile to see a doctor.

Often, mild pain is the first sign of inflammation of the kidneys and serious pathologies of the spine.

After a visual examination, the doctor can prescribe a series of studies to clarify the diagnosis: X-ray, magnetic resonance imaging, electromyography, urine and blood tests.

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Back pain in children and adolescents

Where do children have back problems? Why can a child's back hurt? In fact, as in adults, in children, the back can hurt due to various reasons - from simple fatigue due to active exercises and activities during the day and ending with the presence of very dangerous and serious diseases.

Causes of pain in the back.

Reasons for pain in the back and spine can count more than a hundred.

One of the important causes of pain in the back and spine may be his injuries, stretching in the back muscles, lower back.

Often this happens with back bruises and falls on the back, with excessive or incorrectly built exercise, exercises on the muscles of the back without their preliminary warm-up and preparation.

This can be in adolescents, more often in boys.

And, it is worth remembering, complaints of pain can occur not immediately after training or trauma, and after several days or several hours, when an inflammation develops in the focus of the affected muscle. If the child complains of back pain, ask him if he fell on his back, did not hit it, did not exercise excessively.

In the adolescent period (aged 11-13 years), a number of serious changes and changes take place in the child's body, which lead to intensive growth of the entire body.

And when the body begins to grow - and bones grow, and the spine is not always ready for this and therefore problems can arise.

During the first year of intensive growth the body can grow by 10-15 cm, and this is not the limit, weight increases, hormones are thrown out, the child becomes a teenager.

In the spine, subluxations of the vertebrae may occur, the spine is bent and there are health problems, scoliosis is formed, followed by scoliosis - osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernias.

Also, to the pain in the back and stoop lead extremely heavy loads. Children are forced to wear heavy backpacks with books and school supplies, sit for a long time at lessons in a static position, and even in the evenings to pore for lessons.

School loads today are such that making lessons with children is not a matter of one hour. Equally, the global penetration of computers, tablets, televisions and other life-saving devices contributes to the development of back problems.

If earlier children from the street were not driven home, they spent whole days after school chasing bicycles, skating and sledging, today for many parents it's a problem to send children for a walk.

At home there are social networks, games on tablets and computers, movies and cartoons on TV, etc. When sitting for a long time or standing static loads on the vertebral column lead to its compression, squeezing the intervertebral discs and disturbance posture.

With such problems it is necessary to cope with the help of a neurologist, orthopedist, physician-physician, conduct exercises in physiotherapy, do massage and physiotherapy. When the load is distributed uniformly, there is no such problem.

In addition, parents need to take care of an ergonomic table and chair for the student so that the spine does not suffer.

Also, the back pain can be caused by the parents' desire for the comfort of the baby and buying him a soft mattress. It has been proven that a constant sleep on feather beds or very soft mattresses can lead to pain in the back area.

During sleep, the back should be straight, supporting all physiological curves along the spine, which helps to relax the muscles.

If the mattress is soft and pushed under the baby's body, the muscles experience a load instead of rest and tension, which leads to their spasm and stagnation of blood, it causes pain and a feeling of tension in the back.

A solution to this problem may be the purchase of the right mattress.

Another problem associated with back pain may be the defeat of the internal organs. In particular the genitourinary system of children.

If the child has regular complaints about low back pain, while they are not associated with physical stress and injuries, and when tapping in the lumbar region there is an increase in pain - this can be a sign of defeat kidney.

You must first contact the nephrologist, who will prescribe the appropriate examination and treatment.

In adolescent girls, back pain in the area of ​​the sacrum and lower back can occur as precursors of menstruation or pain arise in the early days of menstruation, and similar pain can be a sign of lesions of the genital organs, especially the appendages the uterus. In case of such complaints, an immediate request to a gynecologist and a detailed examination should be made.

It is worth remembering that the skeleton of the child consists of a firm bone base, vertebral bodies that are strong and strong due to the sufficient content of calcium in them.

If a child's nutrition is inferior, he receives a little calcium with food, or calcium is intensively consumed, blocked by the intake of any medication or toxic drugs (for example, anticonvulsant drugs), there is a condition of rickets (if it's age before 1-2 years), or a condition of osteoporosis in older age. No less important are the vitamins necessary for the assimilation of calcium, especially vitamin D and B vitamins. Take care of the proper nutrition of the child and the consumption of a sufficient number of foods with calcium.

Even more rarely in children there are viral, microbial and tubercular lesions of the spine, causing persistent and increasing in strength and severity of symptoms.

Manifestations of these diseases are combined with the presence of other clinical symptoms - fever, changes in blood tests, inflammatory phenomena of other localization.

In case of influenza, all the joints of the body, including the spine, and muscle aches may appear.

Back pain can be stressful, then the shoulders, neck and spine ache, as if "carrying a heavy load on the shoulders." As the child leaves the stress, the shoulders relax and the back pain passes. This usually arises as a protective psychological reaction, reflected in the physical state.

Back pain can be a reflected nature, as a projection of the pain of organs inside the body.

With pains of the heart there may be pain between the shoulder blades, with pain in the pancreas region parts of the lower back, under the ribs, with bowel disease, the back hurts in the area from the zone of the lower ribs to the sacrum.

What if my back aches?

First of all, look at the back for injuries, abrasions, bruises and bruises. Children sometimes get injured in the excitement of fights or games, and do not remember about them.

If there are obvious areas of trauma on the back - cold, absorbable ointment and rest are needed.

If there are areas of redness, fever, the muscles under the hands at denseness are dense, consultation of the traumatologist-orthopedist is necessary.

And also it is necessary to address to the neurologist and the orthopedist at occurrence of pains in a back, not connected with illnesses of internal organs.

Pay attention to how your child sits, as he writes, walks, complains of pain in the back or if he has curvature of the spine. And if you notice any irregularities, first examine yourself.

The doctor will ask you about the occurrence of pain and its nature, the connection with any phenomena. And then he will carefully examine his back. If necessary, various tests will be assigned and a survey performed.

This will give the doctor a picture of the structure of the spine and point to many of the pathologies. Based on the results of the examination, the doctor will diagnose and develop a treatment system.

In order to avoid consequences, it is necessary to diagnose the violations in time.

Remember, the sooner you start treatment, the more you can achieve.

A source: http://old.xn62-6kct0akqt0e.xnp1ai/naucno-popularnye/nevrologia/bol-v-spine-u-detej-i-podrostkov

Scoliosis as a cause of low back pain

Back pain can also be inextricably linked to diseases of the internal organs. Other reasons that a child hurts in the back are often associated with various problems in the development of the musculature and / or skeleton.

Other causes of pain in the back and spine may be his injuries, stretching in the back muscles, lower back.

If children have a back pain in the lower lumbar region, this may be due to kidney inflammation or inflammation in the bladder or kidney stones.

According to statistics, unpleasant sensations in the lumbar region most often disturb children of adolescence.

In 80% of cases, they are provoked by muscular overstrain, physical exertion or incorrect posture.

If the pain is caused by reasons of domestic character (uncomfortable stool, muscle strain, etc.), then an unpleasant symptom is easily removed, eliminating the provoking factor.

If the pain is acute, traumatic, it is required to immediately go with the child to a medical facility. Pain can bother the child constantly or appear from time to time.

Most often, lumbar pain in children is moderate and intensified in the evening hours. If a child complains of a malaise right after sleep, this is a symptom of a serious spine disease.

Practice shows that in most cases discomfort is caused by incorrect posture or fatigue associated with visiting sports or dance sections and circles.

You should immediately consult a doctor: the curvature of the spine at this age is rapidly progressing. Back pain may be a symptom of the spine osteomyelitis.

Thus, kidney stones, inflammation of the bladder manifest themselves.

It is connected with the fact that a person constantly has to "carry" excess body weight. Acute pain in the lumbar region is not always caused by diseases.

Sometimes it becomes the result of psychoemotional overstrain in a stressful situation. Often a child can not objectively assess his condition.

If the cause of the pain are household factors, it is enough just to exclude their negative influence and choose the orthopedic bedding for the child.

Taking medications in this case plays a secondary role. Much more important is the right selected physical therapy, manual therapy and physiotherapy.

The younger the child, the more dangerous the consequences of scoliosis may be.

This symptom may appear in the baby, and, more often, in the adolescent, especially if he is engaged in any sport.

In such cases, with a lack of movement, exercises from low back pain can help. If the pain is weak, the cause may be an excessively soft mattress or starting problems with posture.

Dislocations and subluxations with injuries and / or accidents can also trigger the appearance of spinal algias. In this case, be sure to immediately take the child to a doctor or call an ambulance.

In rare cases, when the back of a teenager hurts, the cause may be in different lengths of legs, juvenile spondylitis or Sheirmmann-Mau disease (it occurs in boys much more often than in girls).

Information on the site is provided solely for informational purposes, does not pretend to referral and medical accuracy, is not a guide to action.

In no case do not self-medicate. Complaints about back pain in children and adolescents are frequent.

But some of them do not carry much danger and can be cured, while others lead to catastrophic consequences.

Children, including, of course, schoolchildren, spend a lot of time sitting: at the student's desk, computer, TV.

Muscles of the back tighten, tenderness arises as a result of a long stay in a forced uncomfortable position.

Constant aching pain in the back - it is likely that the child has a violation of posture.

The back usually hurts in children and adolescents with obesity, their overweight exerts an additional and significant burden on the spine.

Some children complain of back pain on the background of the flu, in its lower section, teenage girls on menstruation days.

Myositis is an inflammatory process, it is usually concentrated in the striated muscles, and is caused by infection, intoxication, trauma.

Pain may be in the lumbar muscles are not as intense as with lumbago, usually they are aching. Muscles at the same time are condensed, painful when feeling and stretching.

In chronic infections, myositis of the lumbar muscles can be combined with pain in the joints.

Inflammation of nerves in myositis is almost always asymmetric: pain is stronger on one side than on the other.

Symptoms of lumbar pain in children

One of the most dangerous causes of back pain is urinary tract diseases with urolithiasis. In renal colic pain in the back is usually accompanied by symptoms such as painful or frequent urination, the temperature rises.

Urolithiasis can "settle" both in the kidney and its parts, and in the ureter, bladder, urethra. Stones can migrate down the urine stream and even go out on their own.

Often parents have a problem when their child complains of back pain. The causes of such pains are different and often have a functional character.

In terms of duration, the pain can be short-lived or persist for a long period. In this case, the child complains of pain in the back or chest.

He has fast fatigue, weakness.

Incorrect posture is also ugly. When examining the back of a child, pay attention to its symmetry. The vertebral column and the interannual fold should form one straight straight line.

If parents notice any changes in the back of their child, you need to sound an alarm.

The older the child, the longer and more difficult it will be to treat, so you need to closely monitor the posture and movements of the baby.

Injuries received during an accident, sports, etc. can also cause back pain in the child. As the child leaves the stress, the shoulders relax and the back pain passes.

A source: