Pliusnephalangeal joint: arthrosis and arthritis of the first toe


  • 1What kind of treatment is needed for arthrosis of metatarsophalangeal joints?
    • 1.1Mechanism of arthrosis development
    • 1.2Causes
    • 1.3Symptoms and Diagnosis
    • 1.4Principles of treatment
    • 1.5Medications
    • 1.6Physiotherapy and exercise therapy
    • 1.7Methods of folk treatment
    • 1.8Surgical intervention
  • 2Osteoarthritis 1 metatarsophalangeal foot joint treatment
    • 2.1Deforming arthrosis of foot and its treatment
    • 2.2Osteoarthritis of the first metatarsophalangeal foot joint
    • 2.3Degenerative diseases of joints
  • 3Arthrosis of the metatarsophalangeal joint: foot treatment
    • 3.1Development of arthritis
    • 3.2Development of rheumatoid arthritis
    • 3.3Development of gout
    • 3.4Development of infectious arthritis
    • 3.5Development of arthrosis
  • 4Arthrosis of metatarsophalangeal joint
    • 4.1Stages and symptoms of arthrosis 1 metatarsophalangeal joint
    • 4.2Etiology and pathogenesis
    • 4.3Symptoms
    • 4.4Arthrosis of foot
    • 4.5Causes, symptoms and diagnosis of osteoarthritis of interphalangeal joints
    • 4.6Symptoms and Treatment of Arthrosis Age
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.7Conservative treatment
    • 4.8Metacarpophalangeal, interphalangeal and arthroplasty joints
    • 4.9Traditional medicine will save from the destruction of cartilaginous tissue
    • 4.10Prevention of disease
    • 4.11How to eat sick?

What kind of treatment is needed for arthrosis of metatarsophalangeal joints?

Pliusnephalangeal joint: arthrosis and arthritis of the first toeAmong the numerous joints of the foot, interphalangeal joints of the fingers and joints are most heavily loaded, combining the fingers with the plus.

Therefore arthrosis of metatarsophalangeal joints is a common disease, most often the joint at the base of the thumb suffers.

Arthrosis of the first metatarsophalangeal joint leads to valgus deformity of the thumb, which in people is called a bone, cone. The appearance of the bulging bone on the lateral surface of the thumb is characteristic of the late stage of arthrosis.

At first, the disease manifests itself with mild pain and increased fatigue, so patients often consult a doctor when osteoarthritis reaches the second or even third degree.And the treatment is most effective at an early stage.

Mechanism of arthrosis development

Osteoarthritis begins with the destruction of articular cartilage. Provoke degenerative-dystrophic processes in the cartilaginous tissue can be different factors:

  1. biochemical changes in the body against the background of endocrine, hormonal, metabolic disorders, inflammatory processes;
  2. disorders of blood circulation and tissue trophism, as a result of which the cartilage lacks nutrients;
  3. mechanical injury to cartilage upon impact, dislocation, due to excessive strain on the joint.

The cartilage affected by arthrosis becomes less elastic, loses the intercellular fluid, becomes thinner. In it, cracks are formed, pieces of cartilage are broken off, they enter the joint capsule.

A healthy articular cartilage prevents friction of the jointed bones of each other. With its destruction and thinning, the subchondral articular surfaces are exposed, the movements become more difficult, they become painful.

Shards of cartilage can enter the articular gap, causing acute pain, they also irritate the synovial membrane and cause its inflammation.

The deformation of bone tissue begins to protect against friction and increased load, it thickens and forms outgrowths-spines (osteophytes).

With arthrosis 1 degree, the formation of osteophytes only begins, they are small, single, located at the edge of the articular area.

Later, multiple large osteophytes appear across the entire area of ​​subchondral surfaces. The joint gap narrows, the osteophyps cling to each other, limiting movement in the joint.

The growth of osteophytes leads to a pronounced deformation of the joint, its thickening. Particularly noticeable is the deformation of the joint of the (large) toe.

He becomes stiff, therefore the surrounding muscles and ligaments are weakened. Their atrophy aggravates the deviation of the finger from the normal axis outward, the valgus deformation.


Most often from arthrosis suffer loaded and moving joints.

On the joints of the foot, the entire body weight is necessary, the metatarsophalangeal joints are sufficiently mobile, and the joint of one finger is more often injured than the others.

Therefore, arthrosis of the first metatarsophalangeal joint is often of a post-traumatic nature. Also the disease can provoke:

  • frequent prolonged stay on legs;
  • overweight;
  • wearing uncomfortable shoes;
  • intense hypothermia, frostbite of the feet;
  • abnormal foot structure, flat feet;
  • trauma or dysplasia of overlying joints, due to which the load on the foot is distributed unevenly;
  • vascular diseases, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, circulatory disorders;
  • diabetes and other endocrine disorders, hormonal imbalance;
  • autoimmune diseases, metabolic disorders.

Predisposition to arthrosis is inherited, so people whose relatives suffered from arthrosis of the metatarsophalangeal foot joint should be especially cautious.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Deforming arthrosis 1 metatarsophalangeal joint progresses slowly, the gradual destruction of cartilage for several years may not manifest obvious symptoms.

If the roll from the heel to the toe is difficult, the legs get tired quickly, at the moment of detachment of the fingers from the ground there is pain, you should see a doctor who will conduct a comprehensive examination.

But in the early stage of pain, minor and short-term, mostly reduce to tingling in the region of the finger, stiffness manifests itself at the very beginning of the movement.

Therefore, a visit to a doctor is usually delayed until the appearance of more pronounced and disturbing symptoms:

  1. osteoarthrosis of the 2nd degree is manifested by frequent prolonged pains, the mobility of the finger in the joint is severely limited, movements are accompanied by a crunch. There are visual signs of deformation of the joint. Osteophytes press on the nerve endings, causing a sensation of numbness in the foot. The patient, when walking, tries to lean on the outer edge of the foot to redistribute the load and reduce pain. This leads to corns-calluses.
  2. at the 3 stages of the disease, the pains torture the patient most of the time, do not pass at rest. The walk becomes limp, the patient is forced to use the cane. Movement in the joint is practically absent. The thumb deflects, presses on the adjacent fingers and causes their deformation, because of the bulging bone it is extremely difficult to pick up the shoes.

Similar symptoms of the inflammatory process are observed with arthritis, and valgus deformity of the thumb is a characteristic sign of gout, transverse flatfoot. Therefore, in order to establish an accurate diagnosis, the therapist or rheumatologist not only examines and probes the foot, but also assigns a number of diagnostic procedures:

  • on an x-ray, the uneven narrowing of the joint gap, the thickening of the bone tissue, osteophytes;
  • Ultrasound, CT, MRI allow to assess the state of cartilage and periarticular soft tissues;
  • a common blood test helps distinguish osteoarthritis from arthritis, which is accompanied by a pronounced inflammatory process;
  • an increased concentration of uric acid in the blood, urine indicates gout;
  • positive rheumatic tests are a sign of rheumatoid arthritis.

Principles of treatment

With arthrosis of metatarsophalangeal joints, the stop treatment has several purposes:

  1. reduce the load on the joint;
  2. to stop pain and relieve inflammation;
  3. slow the progression of the disease, as long as possible to keep the mobility of the joint.

These problems are solved by a combination of drug therapy and non-drug.

An important role is played by physiotherapy exercises, physiotherapy, diet therapy.

The use of orthopedic devices for fixing the deformed joint in the correct position and its unloading is shown.

To reduce the load on the joint, it is necessary:

  • wear comfortable, not tight shoes at low speed (no more than 4 cm) with a hard sole;
  • use orthopedic insoles, shoes with insteps;
  • lose weight;
  • more rest, sit or lie, avoid prolonged stay on legs.

With arthrosis of the foot, treatment begins with the administration of anti-inflammatory drugs. LFK and physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed when an acute inflammatory process is stopped.

In parallel, you can resort to folk methods. A medical diet is being developed to normalize weight, to correct metabolism, to supply cartilage and bone tissue with necessary nutrients.

Contraindicated smoked products, products with preservatives, fast food, spicy seasonings. The use of fats, sweets, and salt should be minimized.

Instead of confectionery to eat fruit, instead of baking - bread from wholemeal flour. Useful dishes with gelatin, cold, gulp.


Osteoarthritis is treated with drugs of different groups:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of tablets, ointments are applied with a short course to stop pain and relieve inflammation. This group includes Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Nimesulide, Indomethacin;
  • with arthrosis of 1-2 degrees, treatment can be performed with chondroprotectors, preparations containing components of cartilaginous tissue (chondroitin and glucosamine). They can slow down the destruction of the cartilage, until it has become irreversible, stop the progression of the disease. The most effective oral or injection method of chondroprotectors, some drugs (Arthrin, Chondroxide) are available in the form of ointment, gel;
  • if the inflammation can not be stopped with the help of NSAIDs, resort to injections of hormonal drugs (Hydrocortisone);
  • At a late stage for analgesia it is necessary to resort to strong analgesics.

Physiotherapy and exercise therapy

Physiotherapeutic treatment is most effective at an early stage of the disease. In arthrosis, metatarsophalangeal joints most often resort to UHF-therapy of low intensity, SUF-irradiation.

Magnetotherapy and infrared laser therapy have a good effect. Electrophoresis and phonophoresis promote the deep penetration of drugs into tissues.

Various physiotherapy procedures:

  1. have a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect;
  2. stimulate metabolic processes, microcirculation of blood and lymph in the periarticular tissues;
  3. help to eliminate puffiness;
  4. start regeneration processes;
  5. restore joint mobility and normalize muscle tone.

Taking into account the condition of the patient, the degree of the disease, the specialist develops a complex of therapeutic gymnastics and physical education. Most exercises can be performed at home, without exercisers and special adaptations.

It is recommended to rotate the feet, remove the toe and heel to the sides, pull the sock toward you and forward, simulate walking (rolling from the toe to the heel, from the heel to the toe), sitting on a chair.

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It is effective mechanotherapy: connect the big toes with a rubber band and spread the feet, overcoming its resistance.

It is important to dose the load, reduce it, if the exercises are accompanied by severe discomfort, prolonged painful sensations.Gymnastics is well complemented with self-massage, stroking and kneading fingers.

Methods of folk treatment

Traditional medicine recommends combining drugs for internal and external exposure.

So, vodka or alcohol tincture of the walnut partitions can be lubricated by sick joints, and you can drink it twice a day in a teaspoon.

Spirituous tincture of a golden mustache with the addition of propolis is taken orally on a tablespoon before eating twice a day.

To prepare it take 50 g of vegetable raw materials and 1 g of propolis, pour 0.5 liters of medical alcohol and insist 10-11 days. For compresses, a mixture of vodka, aloe juice and honey (1: 1: 2) is suitable. You can prepare yourself an ointment with a warming, local irritant effect:

  • Prepare the base from a mixture of olive, corn and sesame oils (50 ml each). Add a teaspoon of salt, half a spoonful of hot red pepper in powder, chopped garlic head. Bring to a boil in a water bath. Daily rub in the joint for a quarter of an hour.
  • Take a tablespoon of nettle leaves, thyme and sabelnik, crushed roots of barberry and ginger, pour a glass of sunflower oil. Put on the bath, bring to a boil. Rub into the joint at night, wrapping.

For foot baths, you can prepare an infusion of pine branches and the crushed root of Jerusalem artichoke, filling them with boiling water. Add in the pelvis for 2 teaspoons of honey and turpentine, 2-3 tablespoons of sea salt.

When the water cools down to a comfortable temperature, immerse the legs in it and hold for 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, it is recommended to rub the melted pork fat into the joints, preferably the interior.

The course of treatment requires 10-12 trays, which are best done before bedtime.

Surgical intervention

To eliminate the pain syndrome, arthrodesis is performed, that is, surgical ankylosis is formed, the joint is immobilized. As necessary, the articular surfaces of the bones are excised, the growths, deformed areas are removed.

After resection, the metatarsal bone connects with the phalanx in a functionally advantageous position. Then they fix it with the help of spokes, screws and leave the retainers until the bones completely fuse, usually it takes up to 3 months.

After such an operation, movements in the joint are impossible, but the friction of the bones ceases, accompanied by pain.

Young patients try to keep the joint as much as possible, reducing the mutual pressure of the articulating surfaces. To do this, remove the bony growths - osteophytes, shorten the metatarsal bone and fix it in the desired position.

As a result, friction is eliminated, pain is reduced, and the volume of movements in the joint is restored. This operation is called a chelicectomy.

One of the most progressive areas of surgical treatment of arthrosis is chondroplasty, replacing cartilage with an elastic implant. The destroyed joint can be replaced by an endoprosthesis, having previously performed a partial resection of bone tissue.

Endoprosthetics restores the function of the joint, but the life of the prosthesis is limited.

With arthrosis of metatarsophalangeal foot joints, slow, but steady destruction of cartilage and bone tissue occurs.

The disease is accompanied by progressive deformity of the fingers, and this is not just a cosmetic problem.

The deformed foot can not perform the supporting function, the gait changes, the movements are accompanied by pain, and at a later stage the pain does not stop even in a dream.

If you timely diagnose and begin treatment, you can maximally delay the transition of arthrosis to the last stage with severe deformity and severe pain syndrome. But with neglected forms, only surgery can save the pain.


Osteoarthritis 1 metatarsophalangeal foot joint treatment

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  • Arthroscopy of the knee joint
  • Damage to the meniscus
  • Injury of anterior cruciate ligament
  • Foot
  • Osteoarthritis 1 of the metatarsal of the foot (hallux rigidus)
  • Deformation of Taylor
  • Bones on feet or bumps on legs
  • Treatment of flat feet
  • Hammer-shaped deformation of toes
  • Heel spur
  • Presentation of the operation on the foot
  • Fractures
  • Endoprosthetics of joints
  • Preoperative examination

Like any joint arthrosis, arthrosis 1 of the metatarsal joint (hallux rigidus) is an irreversible change in the cartilaginous joint of the joint, as a result of which hyaline cartilage, providing mobility of the joint surfaces, their damping, and reducing their friction, is thinned and destroyed.

The causes of arthrosis of 1 metatarsophalangeal joint include joint trauma (in most cases), age factor, occupational hazards, wearing heel shoes, narrow shoes, various diseases (diabetes mellitus, gout, rheumatoid arthritis), etc.

Also, hallux rigidus can arise as a consequence of a triggered valgus deformity of one finger (grade 3), or as a result of incorrect surgical procedures (for example, after operations with nallux valgus).

  1. Pain symptom (pain of a permanent character in the joint when walking, when wearing shoes).
  2. Lameness
  3. Restriction of movements in 1 metatarsophalangeal joint (up to swinging movements).
  4. Joint deformation (the joint is deformed due to the presence of bone spines (exostoses) in the region of the metatarsal head 1 and the base of the proximal phalanx of the finger).

In most cases, surgical treatment is used to treat hallux rigidus.

Currently, such operations as:

  • Heilotomy
  • Decompression osteotomy 1 metatarsal and proximal phalanx 1 finger
  • Artrodesis 1 metatarsophalangeal joint
  • Endoprosthetics of 1 metatarsophalangeal joint

Radiograph: arthrosis of 1 metatarsophalangeal joint of left foot

Deforming arthrosis of foot and its treatment

Deforming arthrosis- joint disease, in which there is destruction of cartilaginous tissue and inflammation of the soft tissues of the joint.

The causes of the deforming arthrosis of the foot joints:

Large and long acting on the joint of overload or the average load, which are for this joint excessive. Injury of the joint. Chronic microtrauma of the joint, which are often found in athletes. Cooling of the feet.

Wearing narrow, squeezing shoes.

These factors lead to a worsening of blood circulation in the first metatarsophalangeal joint, which leads to the development of arthrosis.

Manifestations of arthrosis of the first metatarsophalangeal joint

The most typical symptoms of arthrosis of the metatarsophalangeal joint are pain in it, some puffiness, mild redness and a slight increase in temperature in the joint region.

Movement in the joint is usually painful, limited. This is manifested by limping the patient while walking.

In accordance with clinical manifestations, there are usually three stages of arthrosis of the first metatarsophalangeal joint:

The first degree is characterized by periodic pain in the forefoot with excessive loads and rapid fatigue.

Second degree: painful manifestations are more pronounced.

There is a thickening of the head of the first metatarsal bone in the form of growth of the so-called "bones" and a slight restriction of movements in the joint, mainly in the back. With prolonged exercise, there is a constant pain syndrome.

Third degree: there is a distinct deformation of the 1st metatarsophalangeal joint, the movements are almost completely limited. The thumb is lowered, only slight movements of it to the plantar side are possible.

When walking, patients load the outer edge of the foot, sparing the head of the 1st metatarsal bone.

In the area of ​​increased load, painful calluses appear on the heads of the 5- to 4-th metatarsal bones and under the main phalanx of the first finger from the plantar side. Pain in the feet are noted not only with the load, but also at rest. Patients complain of fatigue and disability.

Diagnosis of deforming arthrosis of the foot joints

The main method of diagnosing arthrosis of the first metatarsophalangeal joint is radiography. With arthrosis, usually changes occur on the part of the articular surface of the bones that form the joint: this is the unevenness of the surface and the narrowing of the joint gap.

Treatment of deforming arthrosis of the foot joints

Treatment of arthrosis of the first metatarsophalangeal joint, as well as arthrosis of other joints, begins with conservative methods.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Physiotherapeutic procedures. Local injection of steroid drugs into the joint.

Preparations that improve metabolism in the tissues of articular cartilage.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs help reduce inflammation and pain syndrome. These drugs include, for example, indomethacin, ibuprofen, orthophene, piroxicam and many others.

Unfortunately, these drugs also have side effects, such as affecting the gastric mucosa.

Therefore, they are contraindicated in the presence of gastritis or peptic ulcer of the stomach.

Among the physiotherapeutic methods of treatment are successfully used:

UHF-therapyMagnitotherapyNon-intensive laser irradiationElectrophoresis with drugs

Phonophoresis (application of ultrasound for the introduction of drugs into the focus of inflammation).

In the case of ineffectiveness of such methods of conservative therapy, steroid preparations are introduced into the joint. These include diprospan, Kenalog, hydrocortisone. This method very effectively eliminates inflammation and pain in the joint and soft tissues around the joint.

In severe cases of arthrosis, when conservative methods of treatment do not help, surgical intervention is used. Usually it consists in creating immobility in the joint - ankylosis.

For prevention, natural factors should also be used - children are recommended to walk barefoot on sand, mowed grass, loose ground, on a rug with a high pile.

Walking barefoot is also useful for adults, because such gymnastics strengthens muscles and improves circulation in the feet. Walking barefoot on the asphalt and the flat floor is bad for the feet.

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Osteoarthritis of the first metatarsophalangeal foot joint

Degenerative diseases of joints

Surgical orthopedics - - 2008

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease that manifests itself in the destruction of its cartilaginous tissue and inflammation of the soft tissues.

The most common symptomsarthrosis of the metatarsophalangeal jointthere are pains in it, some puffiness, moderate reddening and a slight increase in temperature in the joint area. Movement in the joint is usually painful, limited. This is manifested by limping the patient while walking.

The contributing factors for the development of arthrosis of the first metatarsophalangeal joint are:

  • Large and long acting on the joint of overload or medium loads, which are excessive for this joint.
  • Injury of the joint.
  • Chronic microtraumas of the joint, which are often found in athletes.
  • Subcooling of feet.
  • Wearing narrow, squeezing shoes.

These factors lead to a worsening of blood circulation in the first metatarsophalangeal joint, which leads to the development of arthrosis.

There are three stages of arthrosis of the first metatarsophalangeal joint:

  • First degreecharacterized by periodic pain in the forefoot with excessive loads and rapid fatigue.
  • Second degree. the painful manifestations are more pronounced. There is a thickening of the head of the first metatarsal bone in the form of growth of the so-called "bones" and a slight restriction of movements in the joint, mainly in the back. With prolonged exercise, there is a constant pain syndrome.
  • Third degree. there is a distinct deformation of the 1st metatarsophalangeal joint, the movements are almost completely limited. The thumb is lowered, only slight movements of it to the plantar side are possible. When walking, patients load the outer edge of the foot, sparing the head of the 1st metatarsal bone. In the area of ​​increased load, painful calluses appear on the heads of the 5- to 4-th metatarsal bones and under the main phalanx of the first finger from the plantar side. Pain in the feet are noted not only with the load, but also at rest. Patients complain of fatigue and disability.

The main method of diagnosing arthrosis of the first metatarsophalangeal joint is radiography. With arthrosis, usually changes occur on the part of the articular surface of the bones that form the joint: this is the unevenness of the surface and the narrowing of the joint gap.

Treatment of arthrosis of the first metatarsophalangeal joint. as well as arthrosis of other joints, begins with conservative methods:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures.
  • Local injection of steroid drugs into the joint.
  • Preparations that improve metabolism in the tissues of articular cartilage.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs help reduce inflammation and pain syndrome. These drugs include, for example, indomethacin, ibuprofen, orthophene, piroxicam and many others.

Unfortunately, these drugs also have side effects, such as affecting the gastric mucosa.

Therefore, they are contraindicated in the presence of gastritis or peptic ulcer of the stomach.

Among the physiotherapeutic methods of treatment are successfully used:

  • UHF-therapy
  • Magnetotherapy
  • Low-intensity laser irradiation
  • Electrophoresis with drugs
  • Phonophoresis (application of ultrasound for the introduction of drugs into the focus of inflammation).

In the case of ineffectiveness of such methods of conservative therapy, steroid preparations are introduced into the joint. These include diprospan, Kenalog, hydrocortisone. This method very effectively eliminates inflammation and pain in the joint and soft tissues around the joint. In severe cases of arthrosis, when conservative methods of treatment do not help, surgical intervention is used. Usually it consists in creating immobility in the joint - ankylosis. For prevention, natural factors should also be used - children are recommended to walk barefoot on sand, mowed grass, loose ground, on a rug with a high pile.

Walking barefoot is also useful for adults, because such gymnastics strengthens muscles and improves circulation in the feet. Walking barefoot on the asphalt and the flat floor is bad for the feet.


Arthrosis of the metatarsophalangeal joint: foot treatment

During inflammation of the joints on the legs, motor activity decreases, joints swell or swell, the patient feels pain not only during walking, but also in a stationary state.

Similar signs are common symptoms for many diseases. Inflammation of the joints of the first finger on the foot occurs with various diseases, including arthrosis, arthritis, bursitis.

Development of arthritis

The main signs of arthritis are:

  • Pain sensations in the joints, which gradually increase;
  • Swelling of the joint region;
  • Redness and increase in the temperature of the skin of the damaged joint.

At the first signs of the development of the disease you need to seek help from a doctor to prevent the occurrence of complications.

In acute form, the metatarsophalangeal joint of the first toe strongly and often hurts, with chronic pain appear periodically.

Especially chronic disease is dangerous by the presence of unexpressed symptoms, while the inflammatory process deforms the joints. Leading to their gradual destruction.

Among all types of diseases, arthritis of rheumatoid, infectious and reactive nature, as well as gout, is most often diagnosed.

Development of rheumatoid arthritis

This disease is characterized by certain symptoms. Including the disease is diagnosed on the basis of received X-rays and analyzes. In rheumatoid arthritis, the metatarsophalangeal joints of the first toe are affected symmetrically on both lower limbs.

  • There is swelling and redness of the joints, they lose full-fledged mobility.
  • The patient experiences moderate pain intensity.
  • After the body receives physical exertion, soreness and stiffness is reduced.

Rheumatoid arthritis develops with autoimmune disorders in the patient's body. Immunity begins to attack the tissues of the joints and perceives them as alien. Often, this inflammatory process begins two weeks after the transference of a sore throat or a cold.

If the first signs of the disease are found, it is necessary to consult a rheumatologist. Such a disease is incurable, but it is possible to reduce the signs of the inflammatory process with drugs or by performing a surgical procedure.

Due to this, the progressive disease can be suspended, which will improve the overall well-being of the patient.

Development of gout

Due to the fact that this disease develops due to the settling of the joints on the joints of substances that are formed during the exchange of purines, gout is also called a disease of meat-eaters. It is this substance in large quantities found in meat. Often, the disease is diagnosed among middle-aged men.

The main symptoms of gout include:

  • Very sharp, tearing, burning and throbbing pain in the joint.
  • Painful sensations increase in the night, and in the morning weaken.
  • The non-falangal joints of the first toe acquire a purple-red color and swell.
  • Painful attacks can last for three to four days and repeat several times a year.

The disease can be caused by frequent consumption of fatty and meat dishes, alcoholic beverages. Also, neglected gout is often accompanied by the deposition of urate in the kidneys, which causes pyelonephritis and urolithiasis.

Treatment of gout consists in the appointment of a therapeutic diet, the use of meat products is limited. Including the patient takes medications that normalize the exchange of purines in the body.

To get rid of the painful sensations, use Nimulid, Ibuprofen, Movalis, Voltaren. Of the short-acting drugs, Colchicine is prescribed. When choosing drugs, it is important to consult with your doctor and not to self-medicate.

Development of infectious arthritis

Such a disease is accompanied by an inflammatory process, with the patient experiencing constant pain during movement. In the morning hours there is stiffness, the joints swell, the skin turns red and the body temperature rises.

Infectious arthritis develops due to the appearance of an infection that falls into the joints of the fingers through the blood from other organs. In particular, the patient has the following symptoms:

  1. Increased body temperature;
  2. Feeling chill;
  3. Severe headaches;
  4. The appearance of general weakness.

Treatment of the disease depends on the causes of the disease. The first thing to be found and cured is an infection. The doctor prescribes the administration of antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac.

Development of arthrosis

Arthrosis is accompanied by characteristic blunt pains, which are most often disturbed during the daytime hours. Soreness can increase with prolonged standing and physical exertion. After the patient has rested, the pain decreases. Also, relief is observed in the morning.

Most often, arthrosis provokes the appearance of a crunch and a click on the affected joints. The toes of the leg can deviate to the side, lose mobility and become deformed. Including arthrosis can be caused by wearing uncomfortable and tight shoes, which leads to deformation of the joints.

Diagnose arthrosis by radiography and blood tests to check the content of uric acid. It is important to identify the disease on time, in this case, treatment can do with wearing orthopedic shoes, physiotherapy, therapeutic massage, water procedures, mud treatment.

To prevent arthrosis from causing severe pain, a local anesthetic is injected into the joint cavity. In order to reduce the inflammatory process, the treatment is carried out with the help of corticosteroid preparations as described in the video in this article.


Arthrosis of metatarsophalangeal joint

In one of the journals on rheumatological pathologies, scientists described the differences between normal aging cartilage and joint osteoarthritis, indicating that osteoarthritis is truly a disease, and not just a natural consequence of aging.

The age of a person is the most identified risk factor for osteoarthritis of the metatarsophalangeal joints of the feet.

The prevalence rates for both x-ray and, to a lesser extent, symptomatic osteoarthritis increase dramatically after 40 years in women and 50 years in men. Degenerative pathology is rare in people younger than 35 years.

In this population, secondary causes and other types of degenerative joint diseases should be considered. The causes of osteoarthritis of metatarsophalangeal joints:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • obesity;
  • heavy load on the joints of the foot;
  • repeated damage;
  • trauma;
  • supercooling;
  • salt deposits;
  • employment by traumatic kinds of sports;
  • wearing shoes with high heels, with the wrong sole.
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Causes: climacteric period (in women), genetic predisposition, concomitant disease, surgery and trauma, transferred to near articular region, age (from fifty years), work related to the load on interphalangeal joints and metabolic disorders.

Symptoms of interphalangeal osteoarthritis: pain during movement, hyperemia, joints look swollen. Diagnosis of osteoarthritis consists of an X-ray, an anamnesis and a family history.

After data collection, your doctor will determine the stage of osteoarthritis. And there are three of them: 1.

2. There are pains during movement, there is a swelling of the joints and bony growths, the metabolism is disturbed.

3. Joints are strongly deformed, severe pain syndrome, articular fissure is practically not visible.

Treatment of osteoarthritis of interphalangeal joints. Initially, you need to reduce the load on the affected joints.

Reduce the pain with analgesics, take anti-inflammatory and chondroprotectors. As directed by your doctor, use local therapy: anesthetic ointments and rubbing.

Based on clinical manifestations of arthrosis in the area of ​​the first metatarsophalangeal joint, in medical practice it is common to distinguish three stages of the disease:

Stages and symptoms of arthrosis 1 metatarsophalangeal joint

The deforming arthrosis of the first metatarsophalangeal joint is a degenerative-dystrophic disease in which the articular cartilage is destroyed and the joint surfaces of the bones subsequently change.

Etiology and pathogenesis

The most common cause of the disease is trauma. The development of the disease is possible a few years after the injury.

Also, pathology can cause increased stress on the joint, for example, when playing sports, wearing narrow shoes. People with flat feet have a higher risk of developing this type of arthrosis.

Damage to cartilage disrupts the normal operation of the joint and causes changes in its other elements. Bony growths (osteophytes) appear, the capsule of the joint changes.

In the synovial membrane reactive aseptic inflammation develops (synovitis).


The main symptoms of arthrosis of the first metatarsophalangeal joint are:

The suspicion of the foot is one of the most progressive pathologies in the world.

In this other form, they can be bruised in 70-85% of adults, but many of those patients do not consider themselves: the scaphoid bone in the region of large arthrosis of the feet (this is how the first metatarsal joint manifests itself) is often timely by people as a norm - to apply changes that can not be performed .

Why does everything suffer from metatarsal before the thumbs? Human help is designed so that in the medical position of the body it is what the greatest load is. How this load is excessive - the detection does not stand up and begin to gradually begin to be correct.

Arthrosis of the foot - years of degenerative joint disease, endocrine in the form of inflammatory processes of the jaw tissue and destruction of the cartilaginous. The joint of the genus changes in the climacteric tissues due to metabolic disorders older in the cartilage tissue and the deterioration of the symmetry of the blood in them.

Until now, scientists also can not figure out the menopause of this kind of change.

Arthrosis of foot

In arthrosis, the movement of the foot is presence and very painful. The patient from the joint of the foot can be recognized by pain in his limbs.

The main and, perhaps, sensations are an effective method of diagnosing & crunching, arthrosis of the joints of the foot by the movement of radiography. The patient has a jaw-like change in the joint of the foot that forms the lower part, namely, the narrowing of the jaw and the unevenness of the surface of the muscles.

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Causes, symptoms and diagnosis of osteoarthritis of interphalangeal joints

Clinical manifestations are not the only indicators of deformation of the metatarsophalangeal joint of the first toe. The stage of the disease helps to identify: an X-ray, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), CT (computer tomography) or a doctor appoints a patient ultrasound.

Of all the diagnostic methods practiced most often, radiography is used, with its help it is possible to accurately detect the extent of the course of the disease. To establish the diagnosis, in addition to analyzing the results of radiation research, an anamnesis, the doctor pays attention to the sensations of palpation of the joint.

Symptoms and Treatment of Arthrosis Age

Treatment depends on the degree of the disease, which your doctor will determine with the help of an X-ray and anamnesis: in the first stage, doctors are advised to dispense with drug therapy, except for anesthesia.

At the third stage, treatment can not be conservative, so it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention and endoprosthetics, since you can lose the opportunity to walk.

Usually, the joint remains motionless after the operation. In order to prevent, it is necessary to follow the set of body weight, choose the right and comfortable shoes and use improvised methods, such as walking barefoot on sand and loose ground.

Treatment of arthrosis of joints, including 1 metatarsophalangeal, begins with the choice of direction: conservative or operative. Each of them helps to reduce the pain syndrome, but for treatment the doctor will choose the methods depending on the stage of arthrosis.

Conservative treatment

Disease for arthrosis arthrosis metatarsal joint metatarsophalangeal when it is already regularly soft and the cartilaginous presence is destroyed. Detection of arthrosis - joint appearance, pain, slight reddening at.

It becomes sensitive in this way, the movements are limited. Stop moving, and the person is forced to microtraumas.

The strength of everything is affected by the large occurs (hip, knee).

In order to protect the deforming arthrosis of the foot, the wrist-wrist "special" additional conditions: with the rule, it is a transverse and wrinkled flat foot, trauma to the foot, wrist activity, during which the body exerts excessive influence on the feet.

The connecting capsule is free, the immobility on the inside of the hand. With the decision of the parties an articular capsule destroyed by ligaments. They stretch from necessarily metacarpal bones to the elevations of the phalanx joint.

Metacarpophalangeal, interphalangeal and arthroplasty joints

These ligaments are accepted by great mobility due to the purely in the sizes between the joints individually of the metacarpal joint and phalanx by the doctor. All metacarpal joints are spherical, except that the patient makes a finger.

The transverse metacarpal joints clinically flex and flex their fingers up to 90 °. Withdrawing of fingers is possible up to 50º. Pictures are also capable of committing motion sickness.

The compounds of great development are blocky. At the end of the normal surface are two physical.

Full structure and ligament hands holding hands

Interphalangeal joints of the hand occupy the phalanges of the index, the middle, the restoration of the finger and the little finger. For a long month the interphalangeal joint connects the working capacity and the distal phalanx.

Traditional medicine will save from the destruction of cartilaginous tissue

The natural restoration of the cartilage does not cause as many side effects as chondroprotectors or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

People's treatment can reduce the drug load on the body and improve the effectiveness of procedures.

We treat osteoarthritis of joints with home remedies:

  1. Melt the lard, in warm form, attach to the damaged joint. Use this method is recommended after a bath of pine.
  2. Lubricate the inside of the cabbage leaf with honey, attach to a sick finger, wrap with cellophane and a warm scarf. Compresses should be done within 30 days.
  3. Burdock improves metabolic processes. Remember the leaves of medicinal grass, attach to the joint, attaching a bandage or gauze bandage.
  4. 50 g of the root of elecampane is poured into 130 ml of vodka. Insist medication 14 days, then rub the sick joints.

Folk remedies also have contraindications, before using any herbs to make sure there is no allergy to the plant.

Prevention of disease

It is easier to prevent than treat. This should not be forgotten for those who note the first symptoms of the appearance of pain in the field of the metatarsophalangeal joint.

Walking barefoot on the grass, sand or carpet with a high pile is useful for both children and adults. Any type of disease prevention should be aimed at strengthening the foot muscles.

To force muscles to work, and not to be passive, special gymnastics will help. Rotation of feet, lifting on socks, lowering on heels.

Instead of a simulator, you can use ordinary steps or a stack of books. Regular sessions in the morning and evening will not allow healthy joints to deform.

How to eat sick?

Patients with a diagnosis of joint osteoarthritis should be catered for. It is important to add foods rich in antioxidants to the diet. They include:

  1. Vitamin E: avocado, walnut, almonds, sunflower oil.
  2. Vitamin C: lemon, broccoli, parsley, bell pepper.
  3. Selenium: cod, shrimp, salmon, sesame.
  4. Beta-carotene: mango, carrot, apricot, spinach.

Also, the use of caffeine and strong tea, pastries, confectionery and sausage products should be excluded.


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