Shungite cream for joints


  • 1Cream-balm "Shungit" for joints: reviews, instructions for use, composition and analogues
    • 1.1Packing and composition
    • 1.2Pharmacological action
    • 1.3Indications for use of balm
    • 1.4Contraindications for use
    • 1.5Dosage and route of administration
    • 1.6Side effects
    • 1.7Analogues and cost
    • 1.8Consumer feedback on cream-balm "Shungite"
  • 2Cream-balm Shungite for joints: instruction, price and reviews
    • 2.1The healing properties of the Shungite cream for joints
    • 2.2Description
    • 2.3Composition
    • 2.4Indications
    • 2.5Contraindications
    • 2.6Instructions for use of balm
    • 2.7Possible side effects
    • 2.8Price
    • 2.9Customer Reviews
  • 3Shungite ointment for the treatment of joints
    • 3.1Theories of the origin of schungite
    • 3.2Composition of the cream - components
    • 3.3Indications for use
    • 3.4Application features
    • 3.5Side effects
    • 3.6Storage
  • 4Shungite cream balm for the joints: instructions for use
    • 4.1The theory of the origin of schungite
    • 4.2Description of the mineral
    • 4.3Therapeutic properties of cream-balsam
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.4Cream composition - useful substances
    • 4.5Indications for the use of cream-balm
    • 4.6How correctly to use balm?
    • 4.7Storage of balm
    • 4.8Contra-indications for use
  • 5Shungite ointment for joints: instruction on the treatment with balsam
    • 5.1How does Shungite Balm Work?
    • 5.2What is the mineral Shungite
    • 5.3When the cream is shown
    • 5.4How to use balsam
  • 6Shungite cream balm
    • 6.1Cream Composition
    • 6.2Indications for use
    • 6.3Side effects
    • 6.4Mode of application
    • 6.5What is Shungite?
    • 6.6Cream Shungite - a tool from natural components for joints
    • 6.7Where to buy Shungite Cream Balm?
    • 6.8Reviews

Cream-balm "Shungit" for joints: reviews, instructions for use, composition and analogues

How should I use cream-balm "Shungit" for joints? Instruction, price, composition and indications for the use of this drug will be presented below.

Packing and composition

What contains the cream-balm "Shungit" for the joints? Experts' comments indicate that this medication includes the following ingredients: glycerol, emulsion wax, DEG stearate, cedar oil, collagen hydrolyzate, schungite, mummies, preservatives, wheat germ oil, water enriched with silver ions, and oil extracts of components such as aloe, ginseng, wormwood, St. John's wort, fragrance and Vitanol.

For sale, the topical preparation in question is supplied in tubes of 75 ml each.

Pharmacological action

What are the properties of cream-balm "Shungit" for joints? The reviews claim that this is a very effective tool of natural origin, intended for the joints and spine. Its application improves the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, and also slows down destructive processes, activates the regeneration of joint tissues and prevents the aging of joints.

It should also be noted that applying this remedy to the painful parts of the body helps to eliminate discomfort, significantly improves nutrition and blood supply of joints, and also does not allow the formation of salt sediments.

The effectiveness and mechanism of action of this drug are provided by the high bioactivity of its components, as well as their synergism.

Cream-balm "Shungite" for the joints, the reviews about which are presented below, shows pronounced antioxidant, regenerating, anti-inflammatory and spasmolytic effects.

The advantage of this preparation in comparison with others is the high penetrating properties of fullerenes, as well as their the ability to include in its structure the active ingredients of cream-balm, which freely penetrate deep into the structure affected tissues.

The multicomponent and natural composition of this remedy has a complex effect on periarticular tissues and joints.

Highly effective antioxidants contained in the preparation, start the process of natural regeneration of cartilage, and thus do not cause adverse reactions and habituation, even with prolonged use.

Indications for use of balm

What indications for use is the cream-balm "Shungite" for the joints? Experts' comments indicate that this remedy is actively used to prevent diseases of the spine and joints, especially if there are such risk factors as predisposition (hereditary), sedentary lifestyle, hypothermia, increased stress on the joints and skeleton in general, inflammatory diseases of a chronic nature and viral infection.

One can not help saying that this medication is good for:

  • hypersensitivity of the patient's joints to any weather changes;
  • age-related changes in the musculoskeletal system and diseases associated with them.

In addition, cream-balm "Shungit" can be used in the complex treatment of serious diseases of the spine and joints (as an additional medicine), as well as for the prevention of exacerbations of joint diseases, including seasonal.

Contraindications for use

In what cases, it is impossible to apply cream-balm "Shungit" in the field of joints? Experts say that there are practically no bans for this medication. This remedy can not be used only with the individual intolerance of its ingredients. In other cases, the drug in question is not contraindicated.

Dosage and route of administration

How at home should you use balm "Shungit" from the joints? The doctors' comments say that before applying this tool to problem areas, it is necessary to consult with a specialist.

For a better therapeutic effect, cream-balm should be applied to the painful parts of the body in circular motions.

Such procedures should be carried out for 3-6 minutes three times a day. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the medication is completely absorbed into the skin.

If possible, treated parts of the body should provide complete peace and warmth.

How long should I use cream-balm "Shungit" for the treatment of joints? According to the instructions, the maximum effect from the use of this medication is observed after 3-5 weeks. If required, the duration of therapy can be increased by another 5-7 days.

Side effects

Usually the treatment is well tolerated. But sometimes the use of cream-balm "Shungite" can contribute to the development of allergic reactions. When observing these, immediately stop using the medication and contact the doctor.

Analogues and cost

There are no analogues of cream-balm "Shungite" according to the active substance.

Experts say that with painful sensations in the spine or joints, you can use any anti-inflammatory and pain medications.

However, it is desirable to apply them only after reading the attached instructions and contacting a specialist. This is due to the fact that local NSAIDs often cause adverse reactions and have many contraindications.

As for the price, this means it is not very high and is about 135 rubles.

Consumer feedback on cream-balm "Shungite"

This drug is very popular among those who suffer from diseases of the spinal column and joints.

According to the opinion of the patients, cream-balm "Shungit" has proved itself well with osteochondrosis, as well as other problems of the musculoskeletal system.

After using this drug in 8 patients out of 10, not only the mobility of the spine and joints was improved, but all the painful sensations subsided.

It should also be noted that after the completion of systemic therapy, inflammation and pain in people who have used the drug for treatment do not develop for a long time.

A source: http://.ru/article/253299/krem-balzam-shungit-dlya-sustavov-otzyivyi-instruktsiya-po-primeneniyu-sostav-i-analogi

Cream-balm Shungite for joints: instruction, price and reviews

Natural preparations, if their components are selected, so that they strengthen the influence, each other can simultaneously remove the problem and be safe. An example of such a tool is a shungite cream. It can be useful to people who have problems with the spine and joints.

The healing properties of the Shungite cream for joints

The agent has a high penetrating power. The components quickly fall to their destination, thanks to the unique property of schungite to be transport for other substances.

Pharmachologic effect:

  • on-site application improves blood circulation,
  • promotes the nutrition of the tissues of the joint and nearby muscles,
  • counteracts the deposition of salts,
  • produces antioxidant effects on joint tissues and adjacent areas,
  • promotes extinguishing of inflammation,
  • reduces pain,
  • creates conditions for the renewal of joint tissues.


The main active substance -The natural mineral schungite has unusual properties due to the unique combination of molecules.They are called fullerenes. Carbon particles make up a ball, hollow inside.

Shungite is able to place a different substance inside the fullerene and deliver it to itself in the human body. Other components of the cream are chosen so that to strengthen and supplement the healing effect of the mineral.


The preparation except for schungite contains:

    • Cedar Oil- its composition is rich in vitamin E, which refers to antioxidants. Protects cells from free radicals. Promotes the renewal and rejuvenation of tissues.
    • Wormwood Extract- exerts an analgesic, wound healing and stopping inflammatory effect as a component of the external application.
    • Ginseng Extract- Anesthetizes the place of applying the ointment and promotes tissue rejuvenation, is an immunomodulator.
    • Aloe extract- possesses bactericidal properties, stimulates the metabolism of cells in tissues, promotes their recovery.
    • St. John's wort extract- a natural preservative.
    • Mumiyeh- adds cream healing, anti-inflammatory properties. Opposes the action of harmful bacteria, improves the quality of the body to adapt to new conditions of existence. The substance is known as a healer of the problems of the spine and joints. Helps in the period of bone splicing, contributes to the restoration of cartilage and bone tissue. Mummy improves blood circulation, struggles with gout. It is a remedy for pain.
    • Vitanol- restores the skin, protects it from irritation. Obtain vitanol from alfalfa. Its formula stimulates the production of collagen.
    • Collagen hydrolyzate- nourishes the joints, contributing to their recovery. Represents a protein from which the tissues of the body are built.
    • Liposomal-emulsion complex №3:
      • sodium hydroxide,
      • stearic acid,
      • propylene glycol,
      • nimesulide,
      • wax emulsion,
      • lanolin,
      • glycerol,
      • microcar IT,
      • vegetable oil,
      • antioxidant grindox.
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  1. Used in the complex program of treatment of the spine and joints.
  2. As a preventive course, maintaining the normal condition of the joints and spine in the case of:
    • viral infection,
    • hereditary predisposition to diseases of the joints and spine,
    • support of health in the elderly,
    • supercooling,
    • insufficient load on the locomotor system,
    • with a painful reaction to weather change,
    • excessive strain on the spine and joints.


Natural components of the cream have no contraindications. It is not recommended to use the drug if a person has a negative reaction to an ingredient.

Instructions for use of balm

To get the result from the use of the cream, they should be used daily up to three times a day.The course lasts five weeks.

The intention to alleviate the problem with the help of a cream should be discussed with the doctor.

The agent is applied to the resting place and within five minutes makes light circular motions before absorbing the ointment into the skin.

Possible side effects

There were no negative reactions among users on the action of the cream. In rare cases, an allergic reaction to a component of the agent is possible.


A tube with a capacity of 75 ml costs 132 rubles.

Customer Reviews

The cream has proved itself in cases of spinal osteochondrosis and joint problems.Improves the mobility of the joints and spine, the pain subsides.

Based on feedback from consumers, we can say that after the end of the systemic use of the cream, pain and inflammation take a long time.

A source:

Shungite ointment for the treatment of joints

Shungite received its name at the end of the XIX century from the professor of St. Petersburg University AA. Foreigner in honor of the village of Shunga, where it was first mined. Prior to that, he was called an aspidum, a black slate, and a Nigorsk slate, and many other names.

The composition of schungite includes substances such as carbon, and small amounts of nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur and hydrogen. One of its main components is silicon oxide. Carbon atoms are joined together by globular particles.

In the shungite are about 1% fullerenes - spherical molecules, consisting of 60 or more carbon atoms, and located in the form of honeycombs. They are considered to be the most powerful and longest acting antioxidants.

Now one of the synonyms of this mineral is fullerite.

This is a one-of-a-kind structure that does not repeat in any of the substances of solid carbon (diamond, graphite, coal).

At the moment it is not known exactly what schungites in general are and what they were formed from, because it is not clear why the hydrogen globules take this form, and not any other.

Theories of the origin of schungite

For a long time, mankind knew nothing about this useful mineral. But after it was first discovered and described, and then got its name, there was interest in the origin of this stone. There are several theories of the origin of schungite:

  1. Sapropel theory - suggests that this stone was formed from bottom sediments, which since the Precambrian period, compacted, compressed, followed by their transformation under the influence of high temperature into the shungite rock.
  2. Cosmic theory - admits that the meteorite that is the remnant of the ancient planet fell to Earth.
  3. Volcanic theory - suggests that this stone is a rock of volcanic origin.

Composition of the cream - components

The composition of the balm includes a large number of components that have mainly anti-inflammatory, analgesic, regenerative and preventive effects. Virtually all of them are of vegetable origin. Let's consider in more detail what the cream-balm for the joints of "Shungite" consists of.

The composition of the balm includes substances that provide rapid absorption through the skin, such as liposome-emulsion complex number 3.

It contains fat components - Neowax emulsion wax, glycerin, vegetable oil, anhydrous lanolin, propylene glycol; antioxidant - Grindox; anti-inflammatory substance - nimesulide; preservative MICROCARE IT; sodium hydroxide - for direct absorption acceleration:

  • Shungite is the main active substance.
  • Cedar oil is a source of huge amounts of Vitamins A, B, D, E, F, as well as trace elements (magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, copper, manganese, magnesium, iodine) and a number of amino acids. They contribute to the formation of cartilage and bone tissue, which is especially important in the treatment of metabolic diseases of the joints, such as gout, rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Extract of wormwood - has hemostatic, wound-healing properties. Also contributes to a significant relief of pain in arthritis and joint injuries.
  • Extract of St. John's wort - it is used for anesthesia with gout, rheumatism, arthritis, radiculitis.
  • Ginseng extract - has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, improves blood circulation.
  • Mumiye - has high regenerative and wound healing properties, up to the healing of fractures.
  • Collagen hydrolyzate is a protein in its pure form. He restores joints and relieves pain in them, stimulates the production of the necessary amount of synovial fluid. Also, collagen hydrolyzate can be used to prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Vitanol is a powerful antioxidant.
  • MICROCARE DMP is a preservative.
  • Perfume composition.

Indications for use

It must be remembered that the use of this cream-balm is not a panacea can not replace the treatment prescribed by the doctor. Unambiguously recommend the use of shungite can be in the following cases:

  1. complex treatment of joint diseases;
  2. pain in the joints;
  3. preventive maintenance of diseases of joints and a backbone;
  4. arthritis;
  5. arthrosis;
  6. osteocondritis of the spine;
  7. metabolic diseases of the joints.


Do not start to apply cream-balm in the event that there is or was previously an allergy to at least one of the ingredients of this drug.

Application features

To achieve maximum effectiveness, cream-balm is necessary for 3-5 weeks. It is rubbed in circular motions in the affected area 2-3 times a day until completely absorbed.

Side effects

To date, no side effects have been identified. But, given the lack of appropriate research, it is necessary to abandon the use of ointment in children under 12 years of age, pregnant and lactating mothers.


Most often, according to the requirements of the manufacturer, cream-balm can be stored both in the refrigerator (not less than 5 ° C) and at room temperature (not more than 25 ° C).

Shelf life - 24 months.

A source:

Shungite cream balm for the joints: instructions for use

Cream-balm Shungite will help the sick joints due to the healing properties of the mineral that is included in its composition.

Natural ingredients, if properly selected, can enhance each other's influence and address a particular health problem.

An example of such a tool is Shungite cream-balm for joints, which absorbed all the healing properties of the healing mineral.

The theory of the origin of schungite

For a long time, mankind knew nothing about the healing properties of this mineral. At present, there are many theories about the origin of the stone, so it is still a great mystery for scientists.

The origin of the mineral schungite (pictured) for scientists remains a mystery until now.

So, after its discovery and description, the following versions of his appearance appeared:

  1. Sapropel version.It is assumed that the mineral originated from bottom sediments, which were compacted and compressed. Under the influence of high temperatures, they turned into shungite rock.
  2. Space theory.According to her, scientists suggested that the mineral is the remnant of a meteorite that fell on the planet.
  3. Volcanic theory.According to this version, the stone is a representative of the volcanic rock.

Mineral can be used as a water purifier from impurities, and to strengthen hair. It is thanks to the outstanding properties of schungite, on its basis was created therapeutic balm for articulations.

Description of the mineral

Its name was given to the stone in the XIX century by the name of the village of Shunga, where its extraction was organized for the first time. Previously, it was called aspidum and black shale. Shungite contains: carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur and hydrogen.

Pain - a harbinger of terrible pathologies, which for a year or two can seat in a stroller and make you disabled. Bubnovsky: completely restore the joints and spine simply, most importantly ...

Mineral, has a lot of healing properties because of its composition, plus additionally there is a peculiar combination of molecules (fullerenes).

Shungite is able to place useful substances in fullerenes and deliver them to the affected joint. Therefore, the components of the balm-healer for joints were selected taking into account the enhancement of the properties of the mineral.

Therapeutic properties of cream-balsam

Balsam is a natural remedy that positively affects the treatment of joints and spine.

The drug has the capabilities, due to which it is easily absorbed into the skin during application. Ingredients of balsam quickly fall to the affected area due to the property of schungite being a transport for useful substances.

The product effectively reduces destructive processes in the musculoskeletal system and promotes its complete renewal.

When applying the gel to the skin:

  • improves blood circulation;
  • the deposition of salts decreases;
  • Improves nutrition of joints and tissues located near them;
  • inflammation is removed;
  • reduces pain syndrome;
  • with prolonged use, all joint tissues are restored.
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Cream-balm will help to get rid of pain in joints and back. Shungite balm will reduce the deposition of salts in diseased joints
The drug Shungit stops the process of destruction of bones and joints Chromium Shungite will reduce the inflammatory processes in the joints

Cream for joints Shungit with proper application, can significantly improve the condition of the joints. It is not addictive, even with prolonged use.

Cream composition - useful substances

In the cream-balm there are useful substances that ensure its effective effect on the joints.

Table "Components of cream-balm Shungit

Natural ingredients Beneficial features
Shungite The main active substance, which provides the main medicinal property of the drug. Saturates with useful substances and carries the transport of additional nutrients to the joints.
Cedar Oil It contains vitamin E, which belongs to antioxidants. Thanks to this, the tissues are protected from free radicals, their rejuvenation and renewal.
Ginseng Anesthetizes the place of application of balm and promotes the rejuvenation of tissues.
Aloe It has bactericidal qualities, promotes metabolism stimulation in articular tissues and restores them.
Sagebrush Helps reduce pain, heals wounds and stops the inflammatory process.
Nettle Promotes the formation of collagen and the restoration of connective tissue.
St. John's Wort Antiseptic and natural preservative, which prolongs the life of the balm.
Mumiyeh Promotes rapid restoration of the joint. It has healing properties, even contributes to the fusion of fractures.
Collagen hydrolyzate Its composition is pure protein. Possesses restoring and anesthetizing properties. Used to prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system
Vitanol Has the properties of the strongest antioxidant.

Balsam, thanks to the beneficial ingredients in its composition, allows you to fight with many joint diseases. The combination of components enhances the property of the drug several times.

Indications for the use of cream-balm

Shungite gel for joints is used as a complex treatment of joint and spinal diseases, and also as a preventive tool for maintaining their normal state. It is a natural remedy based on the action of a natural mineral.

Balm can be used in the following cases:

  1. a viral infection that led to inflammation of the joints;
  2. genetic predisposition, which causes diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  3. for the preservation of joint health in old age;
  4. prolonged hypothermia of the body (including joints) associated with work;
  5. complex therapy of joint diseases;
  6. stagnant phenomena in the tissues of the joints and the spine, associated with low physical activity;
  7. for the prevention of seasonal exacerbations of diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  8. painful manifestations in articulations that occur when weather changes;
  9. severe burden on the spine;
  10. osteochondrosis of the spine;
  11. arthritis and arthrosis.

Gel Shungit for joints, due to its wide capabilities, allows its use in different categories of patients.

How correctly to use balm?

When a shungite balm for joints is applied, the instructions for its correct application include several steps. in this article is presented below.

When using balm it is important to observe several rules:

  • To get a positive effect, the drug must be applied to the sore spot at least 3 times a day. The duration of the procedure is 2 to 3 minutes.
  • The duration of balm therapy is 5 weeks.
  • The agent is applied to the affected area in a circular motion for 5 minutes. It is necessary to wait for the cream to soak into the skin.
  • Be sure to insulate the affected joint and leave it in this condition for a while. It is in this position that the active ingredients of the drug can penetrate into tissues where they will have a positive effect.

The doctor before the procedure of applying the balm, must confirm the effectiveness of its use for each patient and his disease. The drug is available in pharmacies in free access, where its price ranges from 135 to 180 rubles.

Storage of balm

Storage of the drug should be carried out in a refrigerator or in a room with a temperature of no higher than 25 degrees. The shelf life of the product is 24 months.

The balsam is produced in the form of a tuba, 75 ml.

Contra-indications for use

There are practically no side effects when using the drug Shungit.

But there are a number of restrictions in the application:

  1. individual intolerance of the components;
  2. children's age (12 years);
  3. the period of breastfeeding and lactation;
  4. allergic reaction, revealed during the use of the product;
  5. damage to the skin (wounds, abrasions, etc.).

The composition of the product includes many components that have analgesic, anti-inflammatory and preventive properties.

To obtain a significant effect, it should be used according to the instructions and in conjunction with other medications, as well as other therapeutic procedures.

To appoint the right therapy in each specific case, only a qualified specialist can. Therefore, with the disease of joints without visits to the doctor and comprehensive examination - can not do!

More information about the drug Shungit and its use in diseases of joints can be found by watching the video in this article.

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Shungite ointment for joints: instruction on the treatment with balsam

Cream Shungite can be very useful for joints. Its components are selected in such a way that some enhance the action of others.

Moreover, the probability of occurrence of undesirable side effects is minimal - the remedy is made on the basis of natural ingredients.

How does Shungite Balm Work?

Shungite as a substance has a high penetrating ability, and therefore in the composition of drugs for Joints use it not only as a curative, but also as a vehicle for other active components.

Shungite cream very quickly penetrates into tissues, stimulates their regeneration, strengthens and protects from destruction.

Ointment for the joints of Shungite has such an effect:

  • Stimulates local blood circulation;
  • Normalizes nutrition of joints and periarticular tissues;
  • Prevents accumulation of salts;
  • It removes toxins and toxins from the tissues of the joints;
  • Cures the inflammatory process;
  • Reduces pain.

What is the mineral Shungite

Shungite is a natural mineral that has a unique molecular structure. Carbon particles form a sphere hollow inside.

Such compounds are called fullerenes.

Inside the fullerene, Shungite places a substance that needs to be transported deep into the tissues of the joints and transfers it directly to the inflammatory focus.

Ingredients are selected in such a way as to maximally reveal all the useful properties of Shungite.

What is the cream made from?

Balm for Shungite Joint contains the following ingredients:

  1. Cedar oil - this natural component is rich in vitamin E - a powerful antioxidant. Cells of joint tissues are reliably protected from free radicals, they are updated more quickly, which contributes to the restoration of damaged areas.
  2. Extract of wormwood - this drug is a natural antiseptic, promotes rapid healing of wounds, relieves inflammation and pain.
  3. Ginseng extract - plant immunomodulator, accelerates the renewal of cells, has a tonic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  4. Aloe extract - also promotes healing of wounds and abrasions, destroys bacteria, normalizes metabolic processes.
  5. St. John's Wort - removes inflammation and neutralizes pathogenic microorganisms.
  6. Mumiye is a unique substance extracted from the bowels of the earth. Increases the resistance of the organism to aggressive external factors, accelerates resorption with hematomas, tightens wounds, restores disturbed metabolism. This is an optimal tool for the treatment of joints: it is noted that when using the mummies the bones coalesce faster, the cartilages become more elastic, the inflammatory processes stop and the pain goes away.
  7. Vitanol is a substance derived from a medicinal plant of alfalfa. Vitanol stimulates the production of collagen and thereby restores the skin, making it less vulnerable to irritation and mechanical damage.
  8. Collagen hydrolyzate - this is the main supplier of protein in the body, necessary for the structure of cells.

In addition, the balm contains a liposome-emulsion complex number 3. this complex includes:

  • Sodium hydroxide;
  • Propylene glycol;
  • Stearic acid;
  • Nimesulide;
  • Lanolin;
  • Glycerol;
  • Liquid wax;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Antioxidant Grindox;
  • Microcar IT.

When the cream is shown

This cream is used as an auxiliary therapeutic agent in complex therapy of human musculoskeletal disorders.

In view of the fact that the balm contains only natural ingredients, it can be used for a long time time, including for preventive purposes, with a tendency to joint diseases or during the period remission.

Judging by the reviews, prolonged use does not bring any discomfort or side effects to the patients.

Use this balm is recommended for elderly people who have slowed metabolism, lowered immunity, joints worn out, as well as those who at work are often exposed to excessive physical stress, hypothermia, risk of injury joints.

If the joints react painfully to a change in climatic conditions, if a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, this unique healing cream is also recommended to him.

How to use balsam

The cream should be applied to the affected areas several times a day, lightly rubbing it. The course of treatment is up to five weeks. After the balm is completely absorbed, it is necessary to warm the joint and lie down for a while, so that the active ingredients penetrate into the tissues.

A source:

Shungite cream balm

Cream of balm Shungit. The main active ingredient is a natural schungite mineral, which has unusual properties due to a unique combination of molecules. The effect of the cream is due to the action of fullerenes.

Fullerenes are hollow molecules in the form of a sphere, which consist of dozens of C (carbon) atoms. They act even in very small doses, and the action can last for months.

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Fullerenes are powerful antioxidants that can suppress the processes of oxidation of tissues by free radicals.

Balm improves metabolic processes, circulation of blood and oxygen in tissues in the area of ​​application. Thanks to this, tissue regeneration and cell resistance to damaging factors from the outside are increased.

Auxiliary components supplement and intensify the action of shungit by deep heating of tissues, relief of pain and removal of inflammation, thereby restoring the motor functions of the joints.

Cream Composition

Cream-balm "Shungite" is a medicine of the XXI century, the composition of which is rich (in addition to shungite itself) with such natural components as:

  1. Cedar Oil- its composition is rich in vitamin E, which refers to antioxidants. Protects cells from free radicals. Promotes the renewal and rejuvenation of tissues.
  2. Wormwood Extract- exerts an analgesic, wound healing and stopping inflammatory effect as a component of the external application.
  3. Ginseng Extract- Anesthetizes the place of applying the ointment and promotes tissue rejuvenation, is an immunomodulator.
  4. Aloe extract- possesses bactericidal properties, stimulates the metabolism of cells in tissues, promotes their recovery.
  5. Herring extractI am a natural preservative.
  6. Mumiyeh- adds cream healing, anti-inflammatory properties. Opposes the action of harmful bacteria, improves the quality of the body to adapt to new conditions of existence. The substance is known as a healer of the problems of the spine and joints. Helps in the period of bone splicing, contributes to the restoration of cartilage and bone tissue. Mummy improves blood circulation, struggles with gout. It is a remedy for pain.
  7. Vitanol- restores the skin, protects it from irritation. Obtain vitanol from alfalfa. Its formula stimulates the production of collagen.
  8. Collagen hydrolyzate- nourishes the joints, contributing to their recovery. Represents a protein from which the tissues of the body are built.
  9. Liposomal-emulsion complex №3.

Indications for use

Shungit cream balm is recommended:

  • To prevent joint and spinal diseases in the presence of risk factors (sedentary lifestyle, hereditary predisposition, increased stress on joints, hypothermia, viral infections, chronic inflammatory disease).
  • With age-related changes in the musculoskeletal system.
  • With increased sensitivity of the joints to changes in the weather.
  • In the complex treatment of diseases of the joints and spine (as an auxiliary tool).
  • For prevention of seasonal exacerbations of joint diseases.

Contraindications - individual intolerance of components.

Side effects

The cream is absolutely safe and non-toxic thanks to natural ingredients. There are no allergic or irritating manifestations from the skin.

In rare cases, people with sensitive skin may experience burning sensations in the application of the cream due to the presence of red pepper in the formulation.

Mode of application

Applying Shungite cream is recommended not from time to time, but by continuous course for two weeks. Apply a thin layer of cream, after which the joint should be insulated. It is better to do the procedure at night.

The time of aging of the cream of balsam is 30 minutes. After that, it is wiped off with a napkin, the joint is warmed again and goes to bed, providing complete rest to the sick joint.

The effect of the cream lasts all night, deeply warming the sore spot. If the cream is transferred without undesirable manifestations, then the cream can not be wiped and left until the morning.

To assess whether the cream will cause an allergic reaction, just 20 minutes is enough.

What is Shungite?

Mineral with unique medicinal properties are actively used in traditional medicine.

Shungite is a carboniferous rock of the Precambrian period, formed from sapropel (bottom sediments). It has medicinal properties, is a part of various creams.

In the cream-balsam "Shungite" includes finely dispersed powder shungite, which is rich in silver ions. Since ancient times the main element of this cream - shungit was used by people for medical and cosmetic purposes.

Today, the means containing shungite are widely spread due to the provision of a beneficial effect in diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The modern therapeutic balm cream "Shungit" has a well-pronounced anti-inflammatory, analgesic and soothing effect.

Additional components of the cream strengthen the action of shungite, warm the tissues, have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, thereby restoring the motor functions of the joints.

Cream Shungite - a tool from natural components for joints

Natural preparations, if their components are selected so that they enhance the influence of each other, can simultaneously remove the problem and be safe. An example of such a tool is a shungite cream. It can be useful to people who have problems with the spine and joints.

The agent has a high penetrating power. The components quickly fall to their destination, thanks to the unique property of schungite to be transport for other substances.
The cream actively reduces destructive processes in the musculoskeletal system and significantly contributes to its recovery.

Pharmachologic effect:

  • on-site application improves blood circulation;
  • contributes to the nutrition of the tissues of the joint and nearby muscles;
  • counteracts the deposition of salts;
  • produces antioxidant effects on joint tissues and adjacent areas;
  • helps to eliminate inflammation of tissues;
  • creates conditions for the renewal of joint tissues.

Where to buy Shungite Cream Balm?

You can search it in pharmacies, but, almost certainly, it's better to visit the official website the manufacturer of a cream of a balm "Shungit" for joints as there actions are spent and it or he can be bought or purchased quite inexpensive.

Visit the official website of the manufacturer


Dasha, Moscow

Excellent cream-balm for the joints! Shungite is a natural mineral, used for various joint diseases - arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, radiculitis.

Has anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, soothing effect. It improves metabolic processes in tissues. I crunched while chewing the joint, the dentist advised Shungit.

Smeared for about three days, the crunch stopped. I also use it when exacerbating osteochondrosis - it helps a lot, unlike expensive drugs.

She applied to the sore spot three times a day, after the application it is better to cover with a warm cloth for better effect. I believe that this cream is worthy of taking a place in the home medicine cabinet.

Margarita, St. Petersburg

What kind of creams for legs I did not have. And if I can not remember their names, it's not that they were so good. Has bought or purchased the given cream.

And about the miracle, the cream was just gorgeous! After the foot bath, I put it on for the night and put on cosmetic socks. The past cream was absorbed for a very long time, and there was sensation, then some sort of mucus on the legs.

And this "stone" is very quickly absorbed. And after it there is a feeling of extraordinary comfort, and hydration.

Well, the turn came to the joints. Cream-balm for the body in the region of the joints "Shungit" - this is a bit crookedly called this drug. But let it be called whatever you want, if only it helps! And it just helps!

Anastasia, Nizhny Novgorod

Cream-balm with schungite bought half a year ago. For a long time I suffer an osteochondrosis of a cervical department. Waking up in the morning, I often suffer from a headache, my neck breaks and crunches. After applying this balm the pain subsides and it becomes easier.

Effective natural remedy in the prevention of joint diseases. For me it was a godsend. My index finger on the right hand did not unbend. In addition, the pain was disturbed. Now everything as a hand has removed.

Diseases of the joints make it necessary to constantly use ointments and creams to reduce pain and prevent the further development of diseases. Now I use the cream-balm Shungit and very satisfied with its effect.

Cream-balm "Shungite" - recently decided to try this product and it, I can say, helped me very well for pains in the chest and back. Apply this cream-balm is very simple: local rubbing into the skin in circular movements until completely absorbed.

And as usual I am in search of an effective remedy for osteochondrosis, as an addition to gymnastics. I read about natural schungite, found a lot of money on its basis, including Cream-balm "Shungite". Smell pleasant, not sharp, the cream perfectly helps to cope with my pains.

My back hurt for a long time. I did Malakhov's exercises but all was vain, the pain in my back was coming back soon. Then I went to the online store and saw this ointment. I decided to buy to check her therapeutic effect. The result was pleased - the pain was gone.

I met a cream on the basis of schungite quite accidentally: my mother called from Gorlovka (present-day DNR), I went to that the moment already lived in Russia and asked to buy this miracle drug, but it is necessary that he was a Russian production.

Cream-balm "Shungite" was useful to me in the fight against osteochondrosis of the neck. I was advised by my mother, she "discovered" it for themselves a long time ago.

Balm consists only of natural components. The pain in my neck was gone after 3 days of use.

Now I know for sure that there is really a means that helps.

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